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Specific recognition of Hyaloperonospora parasitica isolate Cala2 by Arabidopsis thaliana Ws-0 is mediated by the resistance gene RPP1A. Transient expression of different truncations of RPP1A in tobacco leaves revealed that its TIR-NB-ARC portion is sufficient to induce an elicitor-independent cell death. In stable transgenic lines of Arabidopsis, overexpression of the RPP1A TIR-NB-ARC domains (E12) using the 35S promoter leads to broad-spectrum resistance to virulent strains of H. parasitica and Pseudomonas syringae DC3000. The TIR-NB-ARC-mediated constitutive immunity is due to activation of the salicylic acid-dependent resistance pathway and is relieved by either a mutation in EDS1 or the presence of the salicylate hydroxylase gene, NahG. Growth of 35S::E12 plants is reduced, a phenotype observed in many constitutively resistant mutants. RPP1A carries a hydrophobic peptide at its N-terminus that directs the RPP1A protein into membranes, though it may not be the sole determinant mediating membrane association of RPP1A. Two-phase partitioning and sucrose density gradient sedimentation established that RPP1A resides in the endoplasmic reticulum and/or Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

ABCG11/WBC11, an ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter from Arabidopsis thaliana, is a key component of the export pathway for cuticular lipids. Arabidopsis wbc11 T-DNA insertional knock-out mutants exhibited lipidic inclusions inside epidermal cells similar to the previously characterized wax transporter mutant cer5, with a similar strong reduction in the alkanes of surface waxes. Moreover, the wbc11 knock-out mutants also showed defects not present in cer5, including post-genital organ fusions, stunted growth and a reduction in cutin load on the plant surface. A mutant line previously isolated in a forward genetics screen, called permeable leaves 1 (pel1), was identified as an allele of ABCG11/WBC11. The double knock-out wbc11 cer5 exhibited the same morphological and biochemical phenotypes as the wbc11 knock-out. A YFP-WBC11 fusion protein rescued a T-DNA knock-out mutant and was localized to the plasma membrane. These results show that WBC11 functions in secretion of surface waxes, possibly by interacting with CER5. However, unlike ABCG12/CER5, ABCG11/WBC11 is important to the normal process of cutin formation.  相似文献   

Pectin is synthesized in a highly methylesterified form in the Golgi cisternae and partially de-methylesterified in muro by pectin methylesterases (PMEs). Arabidopsis thaliana produces a local and strong induction of PME activity during the infection of the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea. AtPME17 is a putative A. thaliana PME highly induced in response to B. cinerea. Here, a fine tuning of AtPME17 expression by different defence hormones was identified. Our genetic evidence demonstrates that AtPME17 strongly contributes to the pathogen-induced PME activity and resistance against B. cinerea by triggering jasmonic acid–ethylene-dependent PDF1.2 expression. AtPME17 belongs to group 2 isoforms of PMEs characterized by a PME domain preceded by an N-terminal PRO region. However, the biochemical evidence for AtPME17 as a functional PME is still lacking and the role played by its PRO region is not known. Using the Pichia pastoris expression system, we demonstrate that AtPME17 is a functional PME with activity favoured by an increase in pH. AtPME17 performs a blockwise pattern of pectin de-methylesterification that favours the formation of egg-box structures between homogalacturonans. Recombinant AtPME17 expression in Escherichia coli reveals that the PRO region acts as an intramolecular inhibitor of AtPME17 activity.  相似文献   

A mutant called defective glycosylation1-1 (dgl1-1) was identified in Arabidopsis based on a growth defect of the dark-grown hypocotyl and an abnormal composition of the non-cellulosic cell wall polysaccharides. dgl1-1 is altered in a protein ortholog of human OST48 or yeast WBP1, an essential protein subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) complex, which is responsible for the transfer in the ER of the N-linked glycan precursor onto Asn residues of candidate proteins. Consistent with the known function of the OST complex in eukaryotes, the dgl1-1 mutation led to a reduced N-linked glycosylation of the ER-resident protein disulfide isomerase. A second more severe mutant (dgl1-2) was embryo-lethal. Microscopic analysis of dgl1-1 revealed developmental defects including reduced cell elongation and the collapse and differentiation defects of cells in the central cylinder. These defects were accompanied by changes in the non-cellulosic polysaccharide composition, including the accumulation of ectopic callose. Interestingly, in contrast to other dwarf mutants that are altered in early steps of the N-glycan processing, dgl1-1 did not exhibit a cellulose deficiency. Together, these results confirm the role of DGL1 in N-linked glycosylation, cell growth and differentiation in plants.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that affects a wide range of plants and reduces crop yield worldwide. As obligate biotrophs, powdery mildew fungi manipulate living host cells to suppress defence responses and to obtain nutrients. Members of the plant order Brassicales produce indole glucosinolates that effectively protect them from attack by non-adapted fungi. Indol-3-ylmethyl glucosinolate is constitutively produced in the phloem and transported to epidermal cells for storage. Upon attack, indol-3-ylmethyl glucosinolate is activated by CYP81F2 to provide broad-spectrum defence against fungi. How de novo biosynthesis and transport contribute to defence of powdery mildew-attacked epidermal cells is unknown. Bioassays and glucosinolate analysis demonstrate that GTR glucosinolate transporters are not involved in antifungal defence. Using quantitative live-cell imaging of fluorophore-tagged markers, we show that accumulation of the glucosinolate biosynthetic enzymes CYP83B1 and SUR1 is induced in epidermal cells attacked by the non-adapted barley powdery mildew Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei. By contrast, glucosinolate biosynthesis is attenuated during interaction with the virulent powdery mildew Golovinomyces orontii. Interestingly, SUR1 induction is delayed during the Golovinomyces orontii interaction. We conclude that epidermal de novo synthesis of indol-3-ylmethyl glucosinolate contributes to CYP81F2-mediated broad-spectrum antifungal resistance and that adapted powdery mildews may target this process.  相似文献   

Stromules are dynamic membrane-bound tubular structures that emanate from plastids. Stromule formation is triggered in response to various stresses and during plant development, suggesting that stromules may have physiological and developmental roles in these processes. Despite the possible biological importance of stromules and their prevalence in green plants, their exact roles and formation mechanisms remain unclear. To explore these issues, we obtained Arabidopsis thaliana mutants with excess stromule formation in the leaf epidermis by microscopy-based screening. Here, we characterized one of these mutants, stromule biogenesis altered 1 (suba1). suba1 forms plastids with severely altered morphology in a variety of non-mesophyll tissues, such as leaf epidermis, hypocotyl epidermis, floral tissues, and pollen grains, but apparently normal leaf mesophyll chloroplasts. The suba1 mutation causes impaired chloroplast pigmentation and altered chloroplast ultrastructure in stomatal guard cells, as well as the aberrant accumulation of lipid droplets and their autophagic engulfment by the vacuole. The causal defective gene in suba1 is TRIGALACTOSYLDIACYLGLYCEROL5 (TGD5), which encodes a protein putatively involved in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-plastid lipid trafficking required for the ER pathway of thylakoid lipid assembly. These findings suggest that a non-mesophyll-specific mechanism maintains plastid morphology. The distinct mechanisms maintaining plastid morphology in mesophyll versus non-mesophyll plastids might be attributable, at least in part, to the differential contributions of the plastidial and ER pathways of lipid metabolism between mesophyll and non-mesophyll plastids.  相似文献   

During cytokinesis a new crosswall is rapidly laid down. This process involves the formation at the cell equator of a tubulo‐vesicular membrane network (TVN). This TVN evolves into a tubular network (TN) and a planar fenestrated sheet, which extends at its periphery before fusing to the mother cell wall. The role of cell wall polymers in cell plate assembly is poorly understood. We used specific stains and GFP‐labelled cellulose synthases (CESAs) to show that cellulose, as well as three distinct CESAs, accumulated in the cell plate already at the TVN stage. This early presence suggests that cellulose is extruded into the tubular membrane structures of the TVN. Co‐localisation studies using GFP–CESAs suggest the delivery of cellulose synthase complexes (CSCs) to the cell plate via phragmoplast‐associated vesicles. In the more mature TN part of the cell plate, we observed delivery of GFP–CESA from doughnut‐shaped organelles, presumably Golgi bodies. During the conversion of the TN into a planar fenestrated sheet, the GFP–CESA density diminished, whereas GFP–CESA levels remained high in the TVN zone at the periphery of the expanding cell plate. We observed retrieval of GFP–CESA in clathrin‐containing structures from the central zone of the cell plate and from the plasma membrane of the mother cell, which may contribute to the recycling of CESAs to the peripheral growth zone of the cell plate. These observations, together with mutant phenotypes of cellulose‐deficient mutants and pharmacological experiments, suggest a key role for cellulose synthesis already at early stages of cell plate assembly.  相似文献   

He  Zheng-Hui  Cheeseman  Iain  He  Deze  Kohorn  Bruce D. 《Plant molecular biology》1999,39(6):1189-1196
WAK1 (wall-associated kinase 1) is a cytoplasmic serine/threonine kinase that spans the plasma membrane and extends into the extracellular region to bind tightly to the cell wall. The Wak1 gene was mapped and found to lie in a tight cluster of five highly similar genes (Wak1–5) within a 30 kb region. All of the Wak genes encode a cytoplasmic serine/threonine protein kinase, a transmembrane domain, and an extracytoplasmic region with several epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeats. The extracellular regions also contain limited amino acid identities to the tenascin superfamily, collagen, or the neurexins. RNA blot analysis with gene-specific probes revealed that Wak1, Wak3 and Wak5 are expressed primarily in leaves and stems of Arabidopsis. Wak4 mRNA is only detected in siliques, while Wak2 mRNA is found in high levels in leaves and stems, and in lower levels in flowers and siliques. A trace amount of Wak2 can also be detected in roots. Wak1 is induced by pathogen infection and salicylic acid or its analogue INA and is involved in the plant's response, and Wak2, Wak3 and Wak5 also can be greatly induced by salicylic acid or INA. The WAK proteins have the potential to serve as both linkers of the cell wall to the plasma membrane and as signaling molecules, and since Wak expression is organ-specific and the isoforms vary significantly in the cell wall associated domain this family of proteins may be involved in cell wall-plasma membrane interactions that direct fundamental processes in angiosperms.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis leaf chloroplasts typically contain five to seven semicrystalline starch granules. It is not understood how the synthesis of each granule is initiated or how starch granule number is determined within each chloroplast. An Arabidopsis mutant lacking the glucosyl-transferase, STARCH SYNTHASE 4 (SS4) is impaired in its ability to initiate starch granules; its chloroplasts rarely contain more than one large granule, and the plants have a pale appearance and reduced growth. Here we report that the chloroplastic α-amylase AMY3, a starch-degrading enzyme, interferes with granule initiation in the ss4 mutant background. The amy3 single mutant is similar in phenotype to the wild type under normal growth conditions, with comparable numbers of starch granules per chloroplast. Interestingly, the ss4 mutant displays a pleiotropic reduction in the activity of AMY3. Remarkably, complete abolition of AMY3 (in the amy3 ss4 double mutant) increases the number of starch granules produced in each chloroplast, suppresses the pale phenotype of ss4, and nearly restores normal growth. The amy3 mutation also restores starch synthesis in the ss3 ss4 double mutant, which lacks STARCH SYNTHASE 3 (SS3) in addition to SS4. The ss3 ss4 line is unable to initiate any starch granules and is thus starchless. We suggest that SS4 plays a key role in granule initiation, allowing it to proceed in a way that avoids premature degradation of primers by starch hydrolases, such as AMY3.  相似文献   

Teng N  Wang J  Chen T  Wu X  Wang Y  Lin J 《The New phytologist》2006,172(1):92-103
Leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana grown under elevated or ambient CO2 (700 or 370 micromol mol(-1), respectively) were examined for physiological, biochemical and structural changes. Stomatal characters, carbohydrate and mineral nutrient concentrations, leaf ultrastructure and plant hormone content were investigated using atomic absorption spectrophotometry, transmission electron microscopy and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Elevated CO2 reduced the stomatal density and stomatal index of leaves, and also reduced stomatal conductance and transpiration rate. Elevated CO2 increased chloroplast number, width and profile area, and starch grain size and number, but reduced the number of grana thylakoid membranes. Under elevated CO2, the concentrations of carbohydrates and plant hormones, with the exception of abscisic acid, increased whereas mineral nutrient concentrations declined. These results suggest that the changes in chloroplast ultrastructure may primarily be a consequence of increased starch accumulation. Accelerated A. thaliana growth and development in elevated CO2 could in part be attributed to increased foliar concentrations of plant hormones. The reductions in mineral nutrient concentrations may be a result of dilution by increased concentrations of carbohydrates and also of decreases in stomatal conductance and transpiration rate.  相似文献   

The phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) plays a vital role in plant growth and development as a regulator of numerous biological processes. Its biosynthetic pathways have been studied for decades. Recent genetic and in vitro labeling evidence indicates that IAA in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants is primarily synthesized from a precursor that is an intermediate in the tryptophan (Trp) biosynthetic pathway. To determine which intermediate(s) acts as the possible branchpoint for the Trp-independent IAA biosynthesis in plants, we took an in vivo approach by generating antisense indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase (IGS) RNA transgenic plants and using available Arabidopsis Trp biosynthetic pathway mutants trp2-1 and trp3-1. Antisense transgenic plants display some auxin deficient-like phenotypes including small rosettes and reduced fertility. Protein gel blot analysis indicated that IGS expression was greatly reduced in the antisense lines. Quantitative analyses of IAA and Trp content in antisense IGS transgenic plants and Trp biosynthetic mutants revealed striking differences. Compared with wild-type plants, the Trp content in all the transgenic and mutant plants decreased significantly. However, total IAA levels were significantly decreased in antisense IGS transgenic plants, but remarkably increased in trp3-1 and trp2-1 plants. These results suggest that indole-3-glycerol phosphate (IGP) in the Arabidopsis Trp biosynthetic pathway serves as a branchpoint compound in the Trp-independent IAA de novo biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Extensins, hydroxyproline‐rich repetitive glycoproteins with Ser–Hyp4 motifs, are structural proteins in plant cell walls. The leucine‐rich repeat extensin 1 (LRX1) of Arabidopsis thaliana is an extracellular protein with both a leucine‐rich repeat and an extensin domain, and has been demonstrated to be important for cell‐wall formation in root hairs. lrx1 mutants develop defective cell walls, resulting in a strong root hair phenotype. The extensin domain is essential for protein function and is thought to confer insolubilization of LRX1 in the cell wall. Here, in vivo characterization of the LRX1 extensin domain is described. First, a series of LRX1 extensin deletion constructs was produced that led to identification of a much shorter, functional extensin domain. Tyr residues can induce intra‐ and inter‐molecular cross‐links in extensins, and substitution of Tyr in the extensin domain by Phe led to reduced activity of the corresponding LRX1 protein. An additional function of Tyr (or Phe) is provided by the aromatic nature of the side chain. This suggests that these residues might be involved in hydrophobic stacking, possibly as a mechanism of protein assembly. Finally, modified LRX1 proteins lacking Tyr in the extensin domain are still insolubilized in the cell wall, indicating strong interactions of extensins within the cell wall in addition to the well‐described Tyr cross‐links.  相似文献   

We investigated the individual effect of null mutations of each of the four sucrose‐phosphate synthase (SPS) genes in Arabidopsis (SPSA1, SPSA2, SPSB and SPSC) on photosynthesis and carbon partitioning. Null mutants spsa1 and spsc led to decreases in maximum SPS activity in leaves by 80 and 13%, respectively, whereas null mutants spsa2 and spsb had no significant effect. Consistently, isoform‐specific antibodies detected only the SPSA1 and SPSC proteins in leaf extracts. Leaf photosynthesis at ambient [CO2] was not different among the genotypes but was 20% lower in spsa1 mutants when measured under saturating [CO2] levels. Carbon partitioning at ambient [CO2] was altered only in the spsa1 null mutant. Cold treatment of plants (4 °C for 96 h) increased leaf soluble sugars and starch and increased the leaf content of SPSA1 and SPSC proteins twofold to threefold, and of the four null mutants, only spsa1 reduced leaf non‐structural carbohydrate accumulation in response to cold treatment. It is concluded that SPSA1 plays a major role in photosynthetic sucrose synthesis in Arabidopsis leaves, and decreases in leaf SPS activity lead to increased starch synthesis and starch turnover and decreased Ribulose 1,5‐bisphosphate regeneration‐limited photosynthesis but not ribulose 1·5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco)‐limited photosynthesis, indicating a limitation of triose‐phosphate utilization (TPU).  相似文献   

Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G‐protein complex modulates pathogen‐associated molecular pattern‐triggered immunity (PTI) and disease resistance responses to different types of pathogens. It also plays a role in plant cell wall integrity as mutants impaired in the Gβ‐ (agb1‐2) or Gγ‐subunits have an altered wall composition compared with wild‐type plants. Here we performed a mutant screen to identify suppressors of agb1‐2 (sgb) that restore susceptibility to pathogens to wild‐type levels. Out of the four sgb mutants (sgb10–sgb13) identified, sgb11 is a new mutant allele of ESKIMO1 (ESK1), which encodes a plant‐specific polysaccharide O‐acetyltransferase involved in xylan acetylation. Null alleles (sgb11/esk1‐7) of ESK1 restore to wild‐type levels the enhanced susceptibility of agb1‐2 to the necrotrophic fungus Plectosphaerella cucumerina BMM (PcBMM), but not to the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 or to the oomycete Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis. The enhanced resistance to PcBMM of the agb1‐2 esk1‐7 double mutant was not the result of the re‐activation of deficient PTI responses in agb1‐2. Alteration of cell wall xylan acetylation caused by ESK1 impairment was accompanied by an enhanced accumulation of abscisic acid, the constitutive expression of genes encoding antibiotic peptides and enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of tryptophan‐derived metabolites, and the accumulation of disease resistance‐related secondary metabolites and different osmolites. These esk1‐mediated responses counterbalance the defective PTI and PcBMM susceptibility of agb1‐2 plants, and explain the enhanced drought resistance of esk1 plants. These results suggest that a deficient PTI‐mediated resistance is partially compensated by the activation of specific cell‐wall‐triggered immune responses.  相似文献   

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