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Grass frogs, Rana pipiens, will detour around a barrier to reach prey on the other side. However, if the distance between prey and barrier is short, frogs attempt to push through the barrier and reach the prey directly. The relationship between the probability of detouring and the distance between prey and barrier is the same whether the frog's starting position is 4 cm or 8 cm from the barrier. This suggests that frogs measure the absolute separation between the two objects. To discover whether the retinal elevation of the bottom of the barrier contributes to measuring this distance, the relationship between the frequency of detouring and barrier-prey distance was examined in several experiments in which the retinal position of the bottom of the barrier was manipulated. No evidence was obtained that the barrier's retinal elevation helps in gauging distance.On the other hand, retinal elevation influences strongly how far a frog lunges to reach its prey. It is suggested that different cues to distance are applied to the two classes of object because, under natural circumstances, it is difficult to judge where a barrier emerges from the ground. A barrier may be hard to detect below the horizon because of the low contrast between it and the ground, or because vegetation and ground litter mask where the barrier meets the ground. In contrast, the prey's movements make it easily detectable against a stationary background and the prey's short height means that partial occlusion will have little effect on its apparent vertical position in the visual field.  相似文献   

Reared in tubular aquaria containing different depths of water (2.5, 5.0, 15.5, 31.0 and 40.0 cm), the obligatory air-breathing fish Ophiocephalus striatus (760 mg; 4.5 cm L) was forced to swim vertically a longer or shorter distance per surfacing. Interaction of temperature (17, 22, 27, 32 and 37°C) and aquarium depth reveals that surfacing frequency of the fish, fed ad libitum on Tilapia muscle, increased with increasing aquarium depth, but the increase was significant only at 27 and 32°C; in the starving series, the frequency was not depth-dependent at any temperature. Owing to the sustained surfacing activity and the consequent fatigue, the test individuals ‘hung’ to the surface for a definite period. Hanging frequency was temperature-dependent, but not a depth-dependent activity either in the starving or feeding series. At any temperature and aquarium depth, the feeding series hung more frequently than the starving series. Hanging duration increased from about 1 hr/day in either series at 17°C to 6 and 18 hr/day in the feeding and starving series at 37°C. At any tested temperature, distance swum by the feeding and starving series was a depth-dependent activity. The feeding series at 32°C exhibited the maximum swimming speed of 2 L/sec for 4.8 hr/day in the 40 cm depth. With increasing temperature and depth, feeding rate increased (from 24 to 225 g cal/g live fish/day); between 17 and 27°C, it was more a temperature-dependent activity. The highest rate (47 g cal / g/day) and efficiency (27%) of conversion were observed at 32°C; whereas the efficiency was depth-dependent, the rate was not. Oxygen uptake was a temperature-dependent activity; aquarium depth played a secondary role. Briefly, O. striatus in deeper aquaria consumed significantly more food and converted lesser, as it surfaced more frequently and swam longer distance, dissipating more energy on metabolism and swimming activity. Hence, culturing O. striatus in shallow waters at the optimum temperature of 32°C will be advantageous. This work was supported by the University Grants Commission's (New Delhi) grant to Dr. T. J. Pandian: Grant No. F. 23-210/75 (Sr II) for which appreciation is expressed.  相似文献   

Understanding the drift dynamics of pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) early life intervals is critical to evaluating damming effects on sturgeons. However, studying dispersal behavior is difficult in rivers. In stream tanks, we studied the effect of velocity on dispersal and holding ability, estimated swimming height, and used the data to estimate drift distance of pallid sturgeon. Dispersal was by days 0–10 embryos until fish developed into larvae on day 11 after 200 CTU (daily cumulative temperature units). Embryos in tanks with a mean channel velocity of 30.1 cm s−1 and a side eddy could not hold position in the eddy, so current controlled dispersal. Late embryos (days 6–10 fish) dispersed more passes per hour than early embryos (days 0–5 fish) and held position in side eddies when channel velocities were 17.3 cm s−1 or 21.1 cm s−1. Day and night swim‐up and drift by embryos is an effective adaptation to disperse fish in channel flow and return fish from side eddies to the channel. Early embryos swam <0.50 cm above the bottom and late embryos swam higher (mean, 90 cm). A passive drift model using a near bottom velocity of 32 cm s−1 predicted that embryos dispersing for 11 days in channel flow would travel 304 km. Embryos spawned at Fort Peck Dam, Missouri River, must stop dispersal in <330 km or enter Lake Sakakawea, where survival is likely poor. The model suggests there may be a mismatch between embryo dispersal distance and location of suitable rearing habitat. This situation may be common for pallid sturgeon in dammed rivers.  相似文献   

Summary Reared in tubular aquaria containing 20, 40 and 60 cm depth 0f water, Heteropneustes fossilis (20 g; 17 cm body length), an air-breathing catfish, swam 40, 80 and 120 cm/surfacing to exchange atmospheric air. With decreasing Po2, the starving groups reduced the surfacing, whereas, the decrease in the Po2 beyond 70 mm Hg induced the feeding groups to surface more frequently. Feeding groups exposed to 20 and 40 cm depth surfaced 353 and 423 times, travelling distances of 141 and 338 m/day, at the energy cost of 8.5 and 9.7 mg dry fish substance/g live fish/day, respectively. The corresponding starving groups surfaced only 163 times/ day and swam 65 and 130 m/day at the expense of 1.2 and 1.6 mg/g/day. Feeding and starving groups reduced the number of surfacing, when the distance they have to swim exceeded 0.8 m/day and increased the proportion of O2 taken up branchially; the starving and feeding groups exposed to 60 cm depth surfaced only 70 and 271 times, swimming 84 and 325 m/day, at the energy cost of 2.9 and 17.6 mg/g/day. Feeding and conversion rates steadily increased from 16.9 mg dry liver/g live fish/day and 6.7 mg dry fish substance/g live fish/day in those exposed to the shallowest aquarium to 27.4 mg/g/day and 7.0 mg/g/day in those exposed t0 the maximum depth, respectively; conversion efficiency was 44% in the former and 28% in the latter; hence culturing H. fossilis in the shallow waters is profitable.  相似文献   

To determine whether perching dragonflies visually assess the distance to potential prey items, we presented artificial prey, glass beads suspended from fine wires, to perching dragonflies in the field. We videotaped the responses of freely foraging dragonflies (Libellula luctuosa and Sympetrum vicinum—Odonata, suborder Anisoptera) to beads ranging from 0.5 mm to 8 mm in diameter, recording whether or not the dragonflies took off after the beads, and if so, at what distance. Our results indicated that dragonflies were highly selective for bead size. Furthermore, the smaller Sympetrum preferred beads of smaller size and the larger Libellula preferred larger beads. Each species rejected beads as large or larger than their heads, even when the beads subtended the same visual angles as the smaller, attractive beads. Since bead size cannot be determined without reference to distance, we conclude that dragonflies are able to estimate the distance to potential prey items. The range over which they estimate distance is about 1 m for the larger Libellula and 70 cm for the smaller Sympetrum. The mechanism of distance estimation is unknown, but it probably includes both stereopsis and the motion parallax produced by head movements.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Field experiments were performed in the day and night at six modal water velocities (range 10–52cm s−1), using: (i) newly- emerged fry without neutral buoyancy; (ii) older fry in poor condition (weight well below that expected for resident fry); (iii) older fry in good condition (weight similar to that of resident fry); (iv) dead fry.
2. An exponential model described the return rate of fry to the stream bottom; the mean distance travelled downstream varied considerably between the four fry categories, but always increased linearly with increasing water velocity.
3. Results were similar for dead fry and newly-emerged fry released at night; 50% of the fry returned to the bottom in 10–11 s and nearly all returned in c . 70s, the maximum distance travelled ranging from c . 7 m at 10 cm s−1 to c . 37m at 52cm s−1, Newly-emerged fry released in the day returned slightly faster (54s for 99% return to bottom).
4. Older fry in poor condition returned to the bottom slightly faster in the day than at night, but took about 2 min and travelled about twice the distance covered by dead fry. Older fry in good condition returned to the bottom at the fastest rate (3–6s for 50% and c . 30s for the rest), and travelled only about half (at night) or a third (in day) of the distance covered by dead fry.
5. The implications of this investigation are discussed and it is concluded that, apart from water velocity, the age and condition of the fry were the two most important factors affecting their downstream movement.  相似文献   

The exploitation of food resources by the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.) (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) was investigated experimentally in relation to distance from shelters and depletion of neighbouring food patches. In addition, the dynamics of exploitation of a patch were analysed. Observations were made after dark in a public swimming baths building and each one lasted 3 h. Food patches were placed in rows, at different distances from the shelters. The number of cockroaches in food dishes, in a 20 cm diameter circle round each food dish and in a 60 cm diameter circle round this first circle were recorded.Food items nearest the shelters were exploited first. Exploitation of row 2 and of row 3 food items started later, after row 1 food patches had been depleted. Under these conditions, the moment a food patch was exploited was related to its distance from shelter. Exploitation of food patches occurred in a step-by-step manner, one patch attracting animals when a nearby patch had been depleted, and not following a model of ideal free distribution.Although our experimental food patches were exploited in relation to their distance from shelter, we were able to demonstrate that distance did not influence the dynamics of exploitation of a food item. The mean number of cockroaches on a food patch, whatever its spatial position, increased regularly, reached a maximum at t=–10 min, and then decreased rapidly after all the food had been completely consumed, at t=0 min. The mean number of animals in the 20 cm diameter circle round a food source peaked at t=0 min, then decreased rapidly. This area appeared to be a transit area. The mean number of animals in a 60 cm diameter circle round the food source peaked later, and then decreased slowly. Animals remained in this area longer than in the area closer to the food dish, but their presence there was concomitant with the depletion of the food box.  相似文献   

M. Satou    M. Kubota    K. Nishi 《Journal of Phytopathology》2006,154(10):592-597
Two model systems were constructed to measure horizontal and vertical movement of bacteria in soil. These systems were applied to measuring movement of Ralstonia solanacearum (race 1, biovar 3), a causal agent of bacterial wilt of tomato, in andosol and sand at 28°C. The first system was used to measure horizontal movement of the bacteria in soil packed in a narrow horizontal frame. Suspension of the pathogen was applied to soil at one end of the frame, and bacterial number per gram of soil was measured over distance from the inoculation point after 4 days. Horizontal movement of R. solanacearum in supersaturated soil, but without flow, was possibly due to diffusion and the front advanced at 2.2 cm/day in andosol, and at 8.1 cm/day in sand. Using the same experimental system, but applying water inflow to one end of the frame only, the bacterium was detected at the front of water in andosol and sand. The front of the distribution advanced at 20.4 cm/h in andosol and 66.3 cm/h in sand. In the second experimental system, a cylinder of soil packed in a short tube was soaked with water, and soil at the top of the tube was inoculated with bacterial suspension. Immediately, soil cylinders were turned upward, and the bacterial number per gram of soil was measured along vertical distance from the inoculation point after 7 days. Using the system with andosol, the capillary water front rose to 32.5 cm over 7 days after inoculation, and R. solanacearum reached to 18.8 cm height. In sand, capillary water rose to 20.0 cm and the bacteria reached to 16.3 cm height.  相似文献   

The seasonal daily travel of a group of snub-nosed monkey (Pygathrix roxellana) was investigated using the group’s straight-line distance method. The group was followed from dawn to dusk for 30 consecutive days during each season to encompass all aspects of daily travel patterns. The results showed that in Summer and Autumn, the mean daily travel distance (m) was significantly longer than in Winter and Spring. There was no significant difference in the mean daily travel distance between Summer and Autumn or between Winter and Autumn. The mean travel distance (m/hr) during daytime was significantly higher in Summer and Autumn than in Spring, and in Autumn than in Winter. The travel of the group in all seasons had similar patterns. Traveling showed morning and afternoon peaks, with a rest period at the noon in a day. Seasonal food availability, length of daytime, and mean travel distance (m/hr) during daytime might have contributed to the different daily travel distances in different seasons.  相似文献   

Sustained swimming abilities of fed and starved larval largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides L.) were compared in the first week after swimming initiation. Fed larvae improved to a sustained velocity of 4·0 cm/sec while starved larvae attained a velocity of only 1·5 cm/sec. Swimming behaviour for fed and starved larvae was quantified for number of moves, average distance/move, and total distance for all moves in 1 min intervals. Fed larvae were always more active than starved larvae, although real differences did not appear until the 4th day after swimming initiation.  相似文献   

Haploid embryo-like structures (ELS) of triticale were obtained by in vitro androgenesis. These structures were bombarded with gold microparticles 1 µm in diameter coated with the plasmid pAHGUS, using the Dupont PDS He/1000 apparatus. Analysis was made of the influence of genotype, duration of ELS pre-culture, helium pressure and shooting distance on the transfer and expression of the gene uidA. No significant differences were seen between genotypes or duration of pre-culture; differences were found, however, with respect to helium pressure and shooting distance. The combination of 1100 psi helium and a 6 cm shooting distance led to the greatest mean number of uidA expression foci in the ELS (1.63), and the greatest mean number of ELS showing at least one focus (0.38). With a pressure of 1800 psi and a 9 cm distance, only 0.35 foci were obtained per ELS, and only 0.18 ELS had one or more foci. These results are being used as references in a program for obtaining double haploid and transgenic triticale plants.  相似文献   

The swimming performance of longnose dace Rhinichthys cataractae, the most widely distributed minnow (Cyprinidae) in North America, was assessed in relation to potential passage barriers. The study estimated passage success, maximum ascent distances and maximum sprint speed in an open‐channel flume over a range of water velocities and temperatures (10·7, 15·3 and 19·3° C). Rhinichthys cataractae had high passage success (95%) in a 9·2 m flume section at mean test velocities of 39 and 64 cm s–1, but success rate dropped to 66% at 78 cm s–1. Only 20% of fish were able to ascend a 2·7 m section with a mean velocity of 122 cm s–1. Rhinichthys cataractae actively selected low‐velocity pathways located along the bottom and corners of the flume at all test velocities and adopted position‐holding behaviour at higher water velocities. Mean volitional sprint speed was 174 cm s–1 when fish volitionally sprinted in areas of high water velocities. Swimming performance generally increased with water temperature and fish length. Based on these results, fishways with mean velocities <64 cm s–1 should allow passage of most R. cataractae. Water velocities >100 cm s–1 within structures should be limited to short distance (<1 m) and structures with velocities ≥158 cm s–1 would probably represent movement barriers. Study results highlighted the advantages of evaluating a multitude of swimming performance metrics in an open‐channel flume, which can simulate the hydraulic features of fishways and allow for behavioural observations that can facilitate the design of effective passage structures.  相似文献   

As an emerging biotechnology capable of removing contaminants and producing electricity, microbial fuel cells (MFCs) hold a promising future in wastewater treatment. However, several main problems, including the high internal resistance (Rin), low power output, expensive material, and complicated configuration have severely hindered the large-scale application of MFCs. The study targeted these challenges by developing a novel MFC system, granular activated carbon single-chamber MFC, termed as GAC-SCMFC. The batch tests showed that GAC was a good substitute for carbon cloth and GAC-SCMFCs generated high and stable power outputs compared with the traditional two-chamber MFCs (2CMFCs). Critical operational parameters (i.e. wastewater substrate concentrations, GAC amount, electrode distance) affecting the performance of GAC-SCMFCs were examined at different levels. The results showed that the Rin gradually decreased from 60 Ω to 45 Ω and the power output increased from 0.2 W/m3 to 1.2 W/m3 when the substrate concentrations increased from 100 mg/L to 850 mg/L. However, at high concentrations of 1000–1500 mg/L, the power output leveled off. The Rin of MFCs decreased 50% when the electrode distance was reduced from 7.5 cm to 1 cm. The highest power was achieved at the electrode distance of 2 cm. The power generation increased with more GAC being added in MFCs due to the higher amount of biomass attached. Finally, the multi-anode GAC-SCMFCs were developed to effectively collect the electrons generated in the GAC bed. The results showed that the current was split among the multiple anodes, and the cathode was the limiting factor in the power production of GAC-SCMFCs.  相似文献   

The effect of wind speed and distance from the source on the male response of the aphid parasitoid, Aphidius ervi (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), to a pheromone source was studied in a wind tunnel. The number of males taking flight, entering the plume and successfully reaching the source, decreased at wind speeds >50 cm/s. Furthermore, the proportion of those attempting upwind flight that fell to the ground increased with increasing wind speed. In contrast, distance from the source had no significant effect on any of the parameters examined. While male flight behavior was significantly reduced at 70 cm/s, some males walked to the source when there was a bridge connecting the pheromone source and the release platform. This suggests that ambulatory behavior could be a significant component of male mate searching in A. ervi when wind conditions are too strong for upwind flight. The possible effects of variation in atmospheric pressure on male flight behavior to the long distance pheromone, as well as to the short distance one, were also investigated. No significant effects of atmospheric pressure were observed. These findings differ significantly from those previously reported for another aphid parasitoid, A. nigripes, and the reasons for such differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Viola is one of the diplochorous plant genera that disperse their seeds in two ways, ballistic and ant dispersal. We compared the seed dispersal of two major Viola species of northern Japan, V. selkirkii and V. verecunda. The mean weight of seed was less in V. verecunda (0.42 ± SD 0.03 mg) than in V. selkirkii (0.61 ± 0.12 mg). The elaiosome of V. selkirkii (0.02 ± 0.004 mg) was larger than in of V. verecunda (0.006 ± 0.0004 mg), whereas the lipid component of elaiosome was not remarkably different between the two species. In ballistic dispersal, the mean dispersal distance was 56.0 ± 17.5 cm in V. verecunda but only 38.3 ± 5.1 cm in V. selkirkii. In ant dispersal, the mean dispersal distance was 28.1 ± 24.9 cm in V. selkirkii and 36.1 ± 33.7 cm in V. verecunda; however, the seed removal frequency of V. selkirkii (15.5%) was much higher than that of V. verecunda (3.0%). These results suggest that V. selkirkii is more dependent on ant dispersal while V. verecunda is more dependent on ballistic dispersal. The effect of seed predation was very serious in both species. In the quadrat census, 99.0% of V. selkirkii seeds and 99.1% of V. verecunda seeds were damaged by ground beetles, spiders, ticks, and others which frequently devoured diaspores. An experiment with V. verecunda seeds demonstrated that the overdispersion of seeds on the forest floor enhanced the frequency of removal by ants and reduced seed damage by predators.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for territorial behavior in a burrowing wolf spider, Geolycosa xera archboldi McCrone (Araneae, Lycosidae). These spiders live in burrows in the scrub habitats of central Florida, USA. Mean nearest-neighbor distances repeatedly approximate 30 cm. The constancy of this mean indicates that social spacing may be occurring. A test for perceptual range showed that G. xera can respond to potential prey at distances greater than 30 cm, indicating that the 30-cm nearest-neighbor distance does not represent a distance within which larger neighboring burrow-holders treat smaller neighboring conspecifics as food. Dyadic encounters in field enclosures showed that the distance at which neighbors would not be tolerated was within the observed mean nearest-neighbor distance. In these experimental tests for territorial behavior, smaller dyad members lost burrows significantly more often than larger dyad members.  相似文献   

A whole-lake acoustic telemetry array was utilized to monitor the three-dimensional position of 20 largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Code division multiple access (CDMA) technology enabled the simultaneous monitoring of the 20 transmitters (equipped with pressure and temperature sensors) at 15 s intervals with sub-meter accuracy. Fish were monitored between November 2003 and April 2004 to evaluate the behaviour of fish across different temporal and spatial scales. The distance moved by largemouth bass, assessed both on a daily and hourly basis, varied by season and was positively correlated with water temperature. For example, daily movement rates were 2.69 ± 1.45 km/day in mid November (average daily water temperature 5.9°C), 2.24 ± 0.73 km/day in early January (5.1°C), and 7.28 ± 2.62 km/day in mid April (7.7°C). Interestingly, daily movement rates varied by as much as 25 fold among individual fish. Visualization of fish swimming paths revealed that whereas some fish occupied discrete areas and made only localized movements, other individuals made lengthier journeys covering much of the lake in periods of as little as one day. Analysis of fish behaviour at a finer temporal scale revealed that during the winter, fish spend more than 95% of their time swimming at speeds less than 0.1 m/s (0.07 ± 0.24 m/s). During late fall, and especially in spring, swimming speeds were higher with mean swimming speeds of 0.11 ± 0.27 m/s and 0.19 ± 0.29 m/s, respectively. When the telemetry dataset was queried to simulate 24 h manual tracking intervals, it was clear that manual tracking data would not have been representative of actual daily movement rates, underestimating daily movement and swimming speeds by at least 75 fold. This study identifies the importance of evaluating fish activity at multiple spatial (whole lake to sub-meter position) and temporal (seasonal to seconds) scales and illustrates the potential of CDMA telemetry to yield such data.  相似文献   

宋佳  王骏  叶茂 《生态学报》2020,40(15):5433-5440
茉莉酸甲酯(Methyl jasmonate, MeJA)与植物间的防御通讯密切相关,其挥发性强,可以在空气中传播而诱导邻近植物产生防御反应,为探明MeJA诱导邻近植株抗虫性的浓度和距离效应,本研究在大棚(长4 m×宽1 m×高1 m)进口处喷以不同浓度MeJA,检测离气味源60 cm、120 cm、180 cm、240 cm和300 cm远的番茄植株叶片多酚氧化酶(Polyphenol oxidase, PPO),过氧化物酶(Peroxidase, POD)和脂氧合酶(Lipoxygenase, LOX)的活性以及斜纹夜蛾幼虫取食不同处理番茄植株叶片后的体重增长率,研究结果表明1 mmol/L和10 mmol/L MeJA挥发物可以显著诱导增强邻近番茄植株叶片PPO,POD和LOX酶的活性,以离10 mmol/L MeJA气味源60 cm处植株叶片的酶活性最高,并随着距离的增加而呈降低的趋势;取食60 cm和300 cm对照组植株叶片的斜纹夜蛾幼虫其体重增长率没有显著差异,然而1 mmol/L和10 mmol/L MeJA处理下,取食300 cm处植株叶片的斜纹夜蛾幼虫其体重增长率显著高于取食60 cm处的,相同时间下以取食10 mmol/L MeJA处理组60 cm处植株叶片的幼虫体重增长率最低,以上研究结果表明MeJA对邻近番茄植株抗虫性的诱导有明显的浓度和距离效应。  相似文献   

Summary The population are of flowering shoots of the perennial herb, Saxifraga hirculus, reaches a max. of 134 m2 and an overall density of flowers/m2 of 11.4. The flower is mainly visited by a syrphid sp., Eurimyia lineata, and to a lesser extent by another syrphid Neoscia tenur, a moth, Zygaena trifolii, and a fungus gnat, Asindulum nigrum. The distribution of the interfloral flight distance is leptokurtic. The mean flight distance of the visitors is 101 cm. 10% of the flights are much longer (2–8 m: cross-flower patch, and about 20 m: cross-population flights). If they are not included, the mean of flights (<1.7 m) becomes 28 cm. These flights become shorter with increasing flower density. The visitors do not have a nearest-neighbour foraging pattern. They visit on average the 8th nearest neighbour. The distribution of flight directions is uniform. Seed dispersal distances have a leptokurtic distribution and a mean dispersal distance of 13 cm. The ecological neighbourhood area is 66.4 m2 and 64.9 m2 assuming normality and allowing for leptokurtosis. Z. trifolii with its large proportion of long flights increases the size of the neighbourhood area considerably. The mean flight distance (<1.7 m) is correlated with neighbourhood area. The evolutionary impact of moths and butterflies to plant population structure is stressed.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of various life stages of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), a pest of stored wheat, Triticum aestivum L., to flameless catalytic infrared radiation in the 3-7-microm range was evaluated in the laboratory. Immature stages were collected from flour infested with T. castaneum adults only for 1 d. Stages collected after 1 d represented eggs (collected on day 0); those collected after 7, 14, and 21 d from day 0 represented larvae in different developmental stages, whereas those collected after 24 d represented pupae. Adults (2 wk old) were collected after 42 d. Each of these stages was exposed for 45 or 60 s in 113.5 or 227.0 g of wheat at a distance of 8.0 or 12.7 cm from a bench top infrared emitter. The mean temperatures attained during exposures were measured continuously using a noncontact infrared thermometer connected to a computer. The mean grain temperatures attained increased with an increase in exposure time and were inversely related to distance from the emitter. Grain quantity least influenced mean temperatures attained. Pupae were the least susceptible stage and larvae collected after 7 d were the most susceptible stage. Variation in probability of death of various life stages decreased with an increase in mean grain temperatures attained. All life stages were killed after a 60-s exposure at a distance of 8.0 cm from the emitter in 113.5 g of wheat, where the mean +/- SE temperatures attained ranged from 107.6 +/- 1.2 to 111.4 +/- 0.5 degrees C. Our laboratory results using small grain quantities and short exposure times showed that flameless catalytic infrared radiation can be a valuable tool for managing insects in stored organic and nonorganic wheat.  相似文献   

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