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Substrate (futile) cycling involving carbohydrate turnover has been widely reported in plant tissues, although its extent, mechanisms, and functions are not well known. In this study, two complementary approaches, short and steady-state labeling experiments, were used to analyze glucose metabolism in maize (Zea mays) root tips. Unidirectional rates of synthesis for storage compounds (starch, Suc, and cell wall polysaccharides) were determined by short labeling experiments using [U-14C]glucose and compared with net synthesis fluxes to determine the rate of glucose production from these storage compounds. Steady-state labeling with [1-(13)C]glucose and [U-13C]glucose showed that the redistribution of label between carbon C-1 and C-6 in glucose is close to that in cytosolic hexose-P. These results indicate a high resynthesis flux of glucose from hexose-P that is not accounted for by glucose recycling from storage compounds, thus suggesting the occurrence of a direct glucose-P-to-glucose conversion. An enzyme assay confirmed the presence of substantial glucose-6-phosphatase activity in maize root tips. This new glucose-P-to-glucose cycle was shown to consume around 40% of the ATP generated in the cell, whereas Suc cycling consumes at most 3% to 6% of the ATP produced. The rate of glucose-P cycling differs by a factor of 3 between a maize W22 line and the hybrid maize cv Dea, and is significantly decreased by a carbohydrate starvation pretreatment.  相似文献   

The incorporation of [14C]glutamic acid into EDTA-soluble and -insoluble calvaria protein in vitro and [14C]proline into EDTA-insoluble femur protein in vivo was determined in chicks fed inadequate and adequate levels of nonspecific nitrogen (glutamic acid). In each instance, the amount of amino acid incorporated into bone protein was reduced by the low level of nonspecific nitrogen. It was concluded that the high incidence of leg abnormalities observed in chicks fed purified diets containing adequate levels of indispensable amino acids but lacking in total nitrogen might be associated with an inability to form bone matrix protein.  相似文献   

In contrast with the prevailing view, we report the inability of non-human primate platelets or arterial tissue to complete the biosynthesis of [14C]cholesterol from [14C]mevalonic acid in vitro or in vivo, or from performed [14C]lanosterol in vivo. The latter observation suggests that these tissues lack one or more components of the methyl sterol demethylase system.  相似文献   

1. The utilization of specifically labelled d-glucose in the biosynthesis of plum-leaf polysaccharides has been studied. After these precursors had been metabolized in plum leaves, the polysaccharides were isolated from the leaves, and their monosaccharide constituents isolated and purified. 2. Both the specific activities and the distribution of 14C along the carbon chains of the monosaccharides were determined. Significant 14C activity was found in units of d-galactose, d-glucose, d-xylose and l-arabinose, but their specific activities varied widely. The labelling patterns suggest that in the leaves the other monosaccharides all arise directly from d-glucose without any skeletal change in the carbon chain, other than the loss of a terminal carbon atom in the synthesis of pentoses. 3. The results indicated that within the leaf there are various precursor pools for polysaccharide synthesis and that these pools are not in equilibrium with one another.  相似文献   

The rate of [2-14C]glucose uptake has been used as an indication of the status of energy consumption by the rat brain, but the cost of this radiolabel can be prohibitive and the surgical manipulation involved in published methods is extensive. A method for measuring glucose utilization in vivo in mouse brain with [U-14C]glucose is described in this article. Glucose consumption in whole mouse brain obtained with [U-14C]glucose or [2-14C]glucose was 0.650±0.022 and 0.716±0.36 nmol/mg/min, respectively. In all instances the rate obtained with the uniformly labeled isotope was somewhat lower than that found with [2-14C]glucose. The rate of glucose utilization measured with either isotope was significantly depressed in sodium pentobarbital anesthetized mice. The method described here is advantageous because [U-14C]glucose is substantially less expensive than [2-14C]glucose and surgical intervention is avoided.  相似文献   

The effects of alpha-linolenic acid (9-12-15 octadecadienoic) upon the conversion in vivo of [1-14C] linoleic acid and of [1-14C] gamma-linolenic acid into arachidonate have been studied in adult rats. The two tracers have been administered by stomach tubing and the amounts of [14C]-radioactivity incorporated into arachidonate in the liver, kidneys and whole rat have been measured 48 h later. Three experiments have been carried out on rats fed on alpha-linolenic acid containing diets prior to the radioactive tubing. In these diets, alpha-linolenic acid was brought either as ethyl ester or in the form of Primor oil (erucic acid free rapeseed oil). In all of them, the ratio alpha-linolenic acid: linoleic acid did not exceed 0.45. Control animals were fed, in the same conditions, ethyl oleate or peanut oil respectively. Comparing the alpha-linolenic acid fed-rats to the control animals, we were able to observe the following results: (1) The exogenous supplies of alpha-linolenic acid used in the diets have not brought about any significant alteration in the amounts (weights) of arachidonic acid present in the liver, kidneys and whole animal. (2) Using [1-14C] linoleic acid as a precursor, the amounts of [14C]-radioactivity incorporated into arachidonate in the same organs as well as in the whole rat have been significantly lowered by dietary alpha-linolenate. (3) alpha-Linolenate, on the contrary, had no significant effect upon the amounts of radioactivity incorporated into hepatic, renal and whole body arachidonate following the administration of [1-14C] gamma-linolenic acid. These results lead to the conclusion that alpha-linolenic acid, when present in the diet of rats at a limited, phyisological level, partly inhibits the desaturation of linoleic acid in vivo but does not affect the subsequent reactions in the biosynthesis of arachidonic acid.  相似文献   

1. Lipogenesis was studied in mice re-fed for up to 21 days after starvation. At appropriate times [U-(14)]glucose was given by stomach tube and incorporation of (14)C into various lipid fractions measured. 2. In mice starved for 48hr. and then re-fed for 4 days with a diet containing 1% of corn oil, incorporation of (14)C from [U-(14)C]glucose into liver fatty acids and cholesterol was respectively threefold and eightfold higher than in controls fed ad libitum. The percentages by weight of fatty acids and cholesterol in the liver also increased and reached peaks after 7 days. Both the radioactivity and weights of the fractions returned to control values after 10-14 days' re-feeding. These changes could be diminished by re-feeding the mice with a diet containing 20% of corn oil. Incorporation of (14)C from [U-(14)C]glucose into extrahepatic fatty acids (excluding those of the epididymal fat pads) was not elevated during re-feeding with a diet containing either 1% or 20% of corn oil. However, incorporation of (14)C from [U-(14)C]glucose into the fatty acids of the epididymal fat pads was increased in mice re-fed with either diet, as compared with non-starved controls. 3. Lipogenesis was also studied in mice alternately fed and starved. Mice given a diet containing 1% of corn oil for 6hr./day for 4 weeks lost weight initially and never attained the weight or carcass fat content of controls fed ad libitum. Incorporation of (14)C from dietary [U-(14)C]-glucose into the fatty acids of the epididymal fat pads was elevated threefold in the mice allowed limited access to food, although the incorporation into the remainder of the extrahepatic fatty acids was not different from that found for controls. Mice given a diet containing 20% of corn oil for 6hr./day adapted to the limited feeding regimen quicker and in 4 weeks did attain the weight and carcass fat content of controls. Incorporation of (14)C from [U-(14)C]glucose into the fatty acids of the epididymal fat pads and the remainder of the extrahepatic fatty acids was respectively fivefold and threefold higher than in controls fed ad libitum. 4. The elevation in liver lipogenesis during re-feeding was greatest on a diet containing 1% of corn oil, whereas in extrahepatic tissues the increase in lipogenesis was greater when the mice were re-fed or were allowed limited access to a diet containing 20% of corn oil. These results suggest that the causes of the increased rate of incorporation of (14)C from [U-(14)C]glucose into fatty acids during re-feeding may be different in liver from that in extrahepatic tissues.  相似文献   

1. The incorporation of [U-(14)C]glucose into several lipid components of lung and liver slices, and the activities of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (EC, ;malic' enzyme (EC and NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase (EC of the cell cytosol were examined in normal, starved and re-fed rats. 2. Lipogenesis and the activities of these enzymes in liver were decreased markedly in rats starved for 72h. Re-feeding starved rats on a fat-free diet for 72h resulted in the well documented hyperlipogenic response in liver, particularly in its ability to convert glucose into neutral lipid, and increased activities of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, ;malic' enzyme and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase to values approx. 700, 470 and 250% of controls respectively. 3. Approx. 70% of the total label in lung lipids was present in the phospholipid fraction. Hydrolysis of lung phospholipids revealed that lipogenesis from glucose was considerable, with approx. 40% of the total phospholipid radioactivity present in the fatty acid fraction. 4. Incorporation of glucose into total lung lipids was decreased by approx. 40% in lung slices of starved rats and was returned to control values on re-feeding. Although phospholipid synthesis from glucose was decreased in lung slices of starved rats, the decrease proportionally was greater for the fatty acid fraction (approx. 50%) as compared with the glycerol fraction (approx. 25%). 5. The activities of lung glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase were not affected by the dietary alterations. ;Malic' enzyme activity was not detected in lung cytosol preparations. 6. The results are discussed in relation to the surface-active lining layer (surfactant) of the lung.  相似文献   

Cultures of Fusarium roseium 'Gibbosum' on rice were treated with [14C]zearalenone, alpha[14C]zearalenol, or beta-[14C]zearalenol to determine whether a precursor-product relationship exists among these closely related fungal metabolites. Culture extracts were purified by silica gel column chromatography and fractionated by high-pressure liquid chromatography, and the level of radioactivity was determined. Within 7 days, the beta-[14C]zearalenol was converted to zearalenone, and no residual beta-[14C]zearalenol was detectable. Most of the alpha-[14C]zearalenol added was also converted into zearalenone with 14 days. In cultures treated with [14C]zearalenone, no radioactivity was noted in any other components.  相似文献   

The radioactively labelled constituents present in bone matrix were compared 12 days after injection of either [(14)C]glucosamine or plasma [(14)C]glycoprotein. Both precursors are utilized in the synthesis of organic matrix by bone tissue. Cortical bone from animals injected with [(14)C]glucosamine contains radioactivity derived from glucosamine and plasma glycoproteins and all glycoprotein fractions are labelled. Plasma [(14)C]glycoprotein labels the less acidic glycoproteins to a greater extent than the more acidic components. An antibody has been raised against the less-acidic-glycoprotein fraction of bone. The latter contains a glycoprotein of alpha-mobility that appears to be concentrated specifically in bone tissue and which is present also in plasma. This alpha-glycoprotein accounts for a large proportion of the components labelled and retained in bone matrix after [(14)C]glucosamine injection.  相似文献   

1. [14C]Acetylcholine synthesis and 14CO2 production from [U-14C]glucose has been measured in tissue prism preparations from human neocortex. 2. Electron micrographs of prisms from human and rat neocortex show that both contain intact synaptic endings with evenly-distributed vesicles and normal-appearing mitochondria, but only poorly preserved cell body structure. 3. Synthesis of [14C]acetylcholine in prisms from rat neocortex is similar to estimates for turnover in vivo. Synthesis in prisms from human neocortex is 18% of that in rat tissue and 64% of that in tissue from baboon neocortex for incubations performed in 31 mM-K+. 4. Investigations of prisms prepared from rat brains stored at 37 degrees C after death revealed that synthesis of [14C]acetylcholine in the presence of 31 mM-K+ was greatly decreased within 30 min of post-mortem incubation, whereas synthesis at 5 mM-K+ and production of 14CO2 at both K+ concentrations were only significantly affected after longer periods. Changes were similar in neocortex and striatum. Thus human autopsy material is unlikely to be suitable for use with this system. 5. Investigations using animal models suggest that [14C]acetylcholine synthesis and 14CO2 production are not affected by surgical or anaesthetic procedures. 6. Neither [14C]acetylcholine synthesis nor 14CO2 production in human prisms was significantly changed with age between 15 and 68 years. 7. Samples from patients with the dementing condition Alzheimer's disease showed a significant decrease in [14C]acetylcholine synthesis to 47% of normal samples and a significant increase of 39% in production of 14CO2.  相似文献   

Female rats were injected i.v. with comparable trace amounts of [U-14C] glycerol, [2-3H] glycerol, [U-14C] glucose, or [1-14C] palmitate, and killed 30 min afterwards. The radioactivity remaining in plasma at that time was maximal in animals receiving [U-14C] glucose while the appearance of radioactive lipids was higher in the [U-14C] glycerol animals than in other groups receiving hydrosoluble substrates. The carcass, more than the liver, was the tissue where the greatest proportion of radioactivity was recovered, while the greatest percentage of radioactivity appeared in the liver in the form of lipids. The values of total radioactivity found in different tissues were very similar when using either labelled glucose or glycerol but the amount recovered as lipids was much greater in the latter. The maximal proportion of radioactive lipids appeared in the fatty-acid form in the liver, carcass, and lumbar fat pads when using [U-14C] glycerol as a hydrosoluble substrate, and the highest lipidic fraction appeared in adipose tissue as labelled, esterified fatty acids. In the spleen, heart, and kidney, most of the lipidic radioactivity from any of the hydrosoluble substrates appeared as glyceride glycerol. The highest proportion of radioactivity from [1-14C] palmitate appeared in the esterified fatty acid in adipose tissue, being followed in decreasing proportion by the heart, carcass, liver, kidney, and spleen. Thus at least in part, both labelled glucose and glycerol are used throughout different routes for their conversion in vivo to lipids. A certain proportion of glycerol is directly utilized by adipose tissue. The fatty acids esterification ability differs among the tissues and does not correspond directly with the reported activities of glycerokinase, suggesting that the alpha-glycerophosphate for esterification comes mainly from glucose and not from glycerol.  相似文献   

1. Studies in vivo have been carried out on hepatic and extrahepatic cholesterol synthesis and also on the effects of starvation and re-feeding on both cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis. 2. In rats and mice fed on a stock diet, extrahepatic tissues accounted for about 4 times as much newly synthesized cholesterol as did the liver. The liver appeared to be somewhat more important in the rat than the mouse. Feeding with cholesterol greatly decreased and cholestyramine greatly increased hepatic cholesterol synthesis without much effect on extrahepatic synthesis. 3. Mice starved for up to 7hr. did not lose any of the ability to convert a [U-(14)C]glucose meal into fat, whereas 18hr. of starvation resulted in an 80% loss of fatty acid synthesis in liver and carcass, an 80% loss in liver cholesterol synthesis and a 65% decrease in carcass cholesterol synthesis; 18hr. of food deprivation also decreased the proportion of counts in epididymal fat pads present as fat and increased the proportion present as glyceride glycerol. 4. Re-feeding for up to 7hr. restored fatty acid synthesis from a [U-(14)C]glucose meal to about 50% of the values for non-starved mice but had no effect on hepatic cholesterol synthesis. The altered distribution of counts in the epididymal fat pads caused by starvation was restored to normal after feeding for 1hr.  相似文献   

1. The incorporation of [(35)S]sulphate in vivo into the acid-soluble intermediates extracted from young rat skin showed three sulphated hexosamine-containing components. 2. The rates of synthesis of these components were determined in vivo by measuring the incorporation of radioactivity from [U-(14)C]glucose into their isolated hexosamine moieties. 3. The incorporation of radioactivity from [U-(14)C]glucose into the isolated hexosamine and uronic acid moieties of the acid glycosaminoglycans was also measured. These results, combined with those obtained on the intermediary pathways of hexosamine and uronic acid biosynthesis previously determined in this tissue, indicated that the acid-soluble sulphated hexosamine-containing components were not precursors of the sulphated hexosamine found in the acid glycosaminoglycans. 4. The rates of synthesis of the acid glycosaminoglycan fractions were calculated from the incorporation of radioactivity from [U-(14)C]glucose into the hexosamine moiety. The sulphated components containing principally dermatan sulphate, chondroitin 6-sulphate and in smaller amounts, chondroitin 4-sulphate, heparan sulphate and heparin appeared to be turning over about twice as rapidly as hyaluronic acid and about four times as rapidly as the small keratan sulphate fraction. The relative rates of synthesis of the sulphated glycosaminoglycans were calculated from the incorporation of [(35)S]sulphate and were in agreement with those from (14)C-labelling studies.  相似文献   

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