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This study has examined the influence of a controlled environment upon the nature of the compensatory hyperplasia which occurs in the rat liver after two-thirds partial hepatectomy. Rats were adapted to a reversed lighting schedule (lights off 09.30 to 21.30 h), and food was only available during the first 8 h of the dark period. Partial hepatectomies were performed at either 10.00, 16.00 or 20.00 h, and the response over the first 36 h monitored by 2-hourly measurements of the flash tritiated thymidine labelling index and the mitotic index. DNA synthesis was initiated within 16-18 h of operation, irrespective of when hepatectomies were performed, though the ensuing patterns of DNA synthesis were rather different. On the other hand, the initiation of mitotic activity was very much dependent upon the time of day that resections were carried out. Hepatectomy at 20.00 h resulted in a rise in mitotic activity some 22-24 h later, but hepatectomy at 10.00 h caused a further 6 h delay in this rise. The onset of mitotic activity appeared to be related to recent feeding, and it is proposed that in the absence of recent nutrition, DNA-synthesizing hepatocytes may have an extended tS and/or tG2.  相似文献   

Brain, muscle and liver pyruvate and L(+) lactate were determined in rats (1) control, Tre=37.2°C; (2) thermal stress Tre=40.8°C; (3) terminal thermal stress Tre=43.8°C, and (4) hypoxic death at reduced oxygen tension. A second experiment was conducted to examine venous blood acid-base parameters in heated rats at imminent death. Group 2 failed to show a significant change in brain lactate concentration, but muscle lactate decreased and liver lactate increased significantly (27 and 48%, respectively). Group 3 showed significant increases of 65 and 125% in the lactate content of brain and liver, respectively, but in this instance no significance was attributed to the 12% decrease in muscle lactate. Hypoxia in Group 4 resulted in the greatest increases in tissue lactate in brain, muscle and liver (130, 50 and 171%, respectively). The pyruvate concentrations of brain and liver in Group 2 exhibited no change, but muscle pyruvate decreased significantly (59%). Group 3 brain and muscle pyruvate decreased significantly by 57 and 74%, while liver pyruvate remained unchanged. Hypoxia (4) produced no significant differences in pyruvate levels from those observed in Group 3. The changes in venous blood properties of rats heated until respiratory movement ceased suggested acute and severe metabolic acidosis while animals exhibiting heat induced spasms and loss of coordination showed only slight decreases in blood pH and bicarbonate levels. Brain water content did not change, but muscle was dehydrated and liver tissue water content increased in rats exposed to lethal temperatures. The results indicate that hypoxia probably occurs in rat tissues at high temperatures, but not to a degree that would result in death.
Zusammenfassung Gehirn, Muskel und Leberpyruvat and 1-Laktat wurden bestimmt in Ratten (1) Kontrollen, Tre=37,2°C; (2) Hitze Tre=40,8°C; (3) tödliche Belastung Tre=43,8°C und (4) Tod durch Hypoxie bei reduziertem PO2. In einem zweiten Experiment wurde der Säure Basengehalt des venösen Blutes in erhitzten Tieren vor Eintritt des Todes bestimmt. Gruppe 2 zeigte keine signifikante Änderung in der Gehirnlaktatkonzentration, dagegen fiel das Muskellaktat (–27%) und das Leberlaktat stieg significant(+48%). Gruppe 3 zeigte einen signifikanten Anstieg des Gehirn- (+65%) und Leberlaktats (+125%), während das Muskellaktat fiel (–11%). Hypoxie in Gruppe 4 bewirkte den grössten Anstieg des Laktats im Gehirn (+130%), Muskel (+50%) und Leber (+171%). Die Pyruvatkonzentration in Gruppe 2 zeigte nur im Muskel einen Anstieg auf +59%. In Gruppe 3 fielen das Gehirn- (–57%) und Muskelpyruvat (–74%) signifikant, ohne Änderung in der Leber. Ähnliche Resultate ergaben sich bei Hypoxie in Gruppe 4. Vor dem Eintritt des Hitzetodes war im Blut hochgradige Acidose nachweisbar, während Tiere mit Hitzespasmus und Koordinationsstörungen nur gering niedrigere pH- und Bikarbonatwerte aufwiesen. Der Gehirnwassergehalt blieb unverändert, der Muskel war dehydriert und die Leber zeigte einen höheren Wassergehalt bei letal hohen Temperaturen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Hypoxia bei Hyperthermie auftritt, doch nicht in dem Ausmasse, um zum Tod zu führen.

Resume On a déterminé les pyruvates et lactates du cerveau, des muscles et du foie de rats présentant 4 particularités différentes: (1) Tre (température rectale) = 37,2°C (contrôle); (2) Tre = 40,8°C (contrainte de chaleur); (3) Tre = 43,8°C (contraite de chaleur limite) et (4) morts par hypoxie par suite de la réduction de la pression partielle de l'oxygène. Dans un second essai, on a déterminé le rapport acides/bases dans le sang veineux de rats sous contrainte de chaleur, juste avant leur trépas. Dans le groupe 2, on n'a pas trouvé de modification significative de la concentration des lactates du cerveau. Par contre, celle des muscles a diminué (–27%) et celle du foie a augmenté (+48%) et cela de façon significative. Dans le groupe 3, on constate une hausse du taux de lactates dans le cerveau (+65%) et dans le foie (+125%), alors que celui des muscles diminue (–11%). L'hypoxie du groupe 4 a provoqué une forte augmentation des lactates aussi bien dans le cerveau (+130%), les muscles (+50%) que le foie (+171%). La concentration des pyruvates ne fut sensiblement modifiée dans le groupe 2 que pour les muscles (+59%). Dans le groupe 3, on en note une diminution significative dans le cerveau (–57%) et dans les muscles (–74%) alors que le taux du foie reste inchangé. On a obtenu des résultats analogues par l'hypoxie dans le groupe 4. On a pu constater une acidose aigue du sang juste avant la mort de chaleur, alors que les animaux atteints de spasmes et de perturbations dans la coordination ne présentaient que peu de variations du pH et du taux de bicarbonate. Dans un état létal par hautes températures, la teneur en eau du cerveau est restée inchangée. Les muscles étaient par contre déshydratés et le foie contenait davantage d'eau. Ces résultats ont montré que, lorsque la température augmente, les animaux souffrent d'hypoxie, mais pas au point d'en mourir.

The effect of ethionine on hepatic gluconeogenesis in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We have previously utilized a rat animal model to demonstrate that challenge of fasted sensitized animals with antigenic food protein is associated with diarrhea and altered intestinal myoelectric and motor activities. In this paper we examine the effect of intestinal anaphylaxis on postprandial motility in the same animal model. Hooded Lister rats were sensitized (S) by intraperitoneal injection of 10 micrograms egg albumin (i.e., antigen (Ag) and compared with sham-sensitized controls (C). Seven days later, three bipolar jejunal electrodes and a jejunostomy tube, for motility recording and Ag administration, were implanted. On day 14, intestinal myoelectric and motor activities were measured in fed animals before and after intraluminal challenge with Ag (100 mg egg albumin/0.5 mL saline) or placebo (P; 0.5 mL saline). Specific immunoglobulin E serum titres were greater than or equal to 1:64 in S animals, while C animals showed no response. None of the C animals challenged with P or Ag and none of the S animals challenged with P defecated after challenge, but all the S animals challenged with Ag developed diarrhea (p less than 0.001). There was no disruption or alteration of the fed motility pattern in C animals challenged with P or Ag, or S animals challenged with P. In fed S animals challenged with Ag the fed motility pattern persisted, but there was a significant (p less than 0.05) increase in the number of high-amplitude aborally propagating clustered contractions, where the phasic contractile activity was superimposed on a sustained tonic elevation of intraluminal pressure lasting 5-10 s.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of prostacyclin on intestinal ion transport in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The actions of PGI2 and PGE2 on electrically monitored ion transport in rat jejunum and colon have been determined both in vivo and in vitro. Whilst PGE2 was shown to induce a marked change in ion transport PGI2 was relatively ineffective. The ability of the prostanoids to influence ion transport is related to their capacity to change mucosal cyclic AMP levels since in isolated small intestinal enterocytes PGE2 caused a marked stimulation in cyclic AMP levels whilst PGI2 had little effect. In colonic mucosal scrapes PGE2 was more effective than PGI2 in stimulating changes in cyclic AMP levels. It appears doubtful that PGI2 plays a direct role in the regulation of intestinal ion transport.  相似文献   

We used three putative vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) antagonists: 1) [4Cl-D-Phe6,Leu17]VIP, 2) [N-Ac-Tyr1,D-Phe2]GRF(1–29)-NH2, and 3) VIP(10–28) to assess the involvement of endogenous VIP in the regulation of thyroid hormone secretion and thyroid blood flow (BF). We measured thyroid BF in ketamine-pentobarbital-anesthetized rats using the microsphere technique. Increases in thyroid BF induced by VIP administration (30 pmol-1.5 nmol/100 g b.wt.) were not affected by any of the three compounds tested at doses 10–100 times higher than that of VIP. These compounds (3–15 nmol/100 g b.wt.) also failed to affect basal thyroid BF or hormone secretion. Increases in pancreatic and salivary gland BFs induced by VIP (30 pmol/100 g b.wt.) were also not affected by [4Cl-D-Phe6,Leu17]VIP or [N-Ac-Tyr1,D-Phe2]GRF(1–29)-NH2 (3 nmol/100 g b.wt.). These results indicate that the three compounds tested are not effective inhibitors of VIP receptors in the thyroid vasculature and, therefore, they cannot be used in the investigation of the functional significance of endogenous VIP in the regulation of thyroid BF.  相似文献   

目的研究原发性肝癌TAE后肠道菌群、内毒素含量的变化。方法45例研究对象均为原发性肝癌患者,分别于TAE前、后用培养的方法检测肠道菌群,并测定血清内毒素、转氨酶含量。结果原发性肝癌TAE后转氨酶明显升高,肠道双歧杆菌、乳酸杆菌明显减少,大肠埃希菌、肠球菌明显增加,血清内毒素水平增高。结论原发性肝癌TAE后肠道菌群发生变化,血清内毒素均有升高,兼顾治疗可能减少并发症发生。  相似文献   

The effects of sodium oleate infused into either the duodenum or the terminal ileum on bile and pancreatic secretion were examined in the conscious rat. Rats were prepared with cannulae draining pure bile and pancreatic juice separately, and with an ileal and two duodenal cannulae. A 40 mM taurocholate solution containing 7 mg/ml bovine trypsin was infused into the duodenum throughout the experiment to replace diverted bile-pancreatic juice to maintain the normal regulation of pancreatic secretion. The intraduodenal infusion of sodium oleate significantly increased pancreatic juice flow, protein, and bicarbonate outputs, whereas it did not affect bile secretion. Intravenous infusion of proglumide (300 mg/kg/hr) did not inhibit pancreatic secretion stimulated by intraduodenal infusion of sodium oleate. An intravenous infusion of atropine (100 micrograms/kg/hr) attenuated protein and fluid secretions but not that of bicarbonate in response to intraduodenal oleate. In contrast, the intraileal infusion of oleate had no effect on pancreatic secretion, whereas it decreased bile flow, bicarbonate, and bile salt outputs. In conclusion, sodium oleate introduced in the duodenum stimulates pancreatic secretion but oleate in the terminal ileum inhibits bile secretion.  相似文献   

1. Rats were fed either a normal or selenium-deficient diet for 4 weeks. The subgroup on selenium deficient diet had selenium supplementation as 3 ppm Se in the drinking water. Benzo(a)pyrene was given intraperitoneally as an inducer. 2. Se deficiency decreased glutathione peroxidase and cytochrome c-reductase activities while other activities were unchanged as compared to normal diet. 3. Selenium deficiency was a prerequisite for the induction of glutathione peroxidase, S-reductase and S-transferase enzymes. 4. Benzo(a)pyrene increased hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 content in rats on normal and selenium supplemented diet but not in the selenium deficient group. 5. The 7-ethoxyresorufin and 7-ethoxycoumarin deethylase, aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase and cytochrome c-reductase activities were increased by benzo(a)pyrene in all the dietary groups. 6. The UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activity was also increased by benzo(a)pyrene in all the experimental groups and this was true with p-nitrophenol and phenolphthalein as aglycons.  相似文献   

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