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张昊 《生物学通报》2011,46(10):60-62
近年来,人类基因组计划、人造生命等里程碑式科学成就的取得,都与一位名叫克雷格·文特尔的科学家息息相关,他有着戏剧性的成长、学习历程.其创造性的工作生活富有争议。他通过对基因测序技术的不断改进,促使人类基因组计划完成时间几度提前:他主研的首例“人造生命”的成功,给人类解决资源、能源、环境等危机带来了新的希望,也带来了伦理、安全等方面的忧虑;他是生命科学的领跑者,也将是诺贝尔奖金获得者的热门人选。  相似文献   

人工方法合成基因可通过DNA化学合成,这也是基因获取的手段之一,是密码子优化、蛋白质工程、代谢工程及基因组工程等方面不可缺少的技术。本文从寡核苷酸的合成开始,对短片段DNA的合成、基因长度的DNA合成、基因组长度的DNA合成、长片段及基因组水平的DNA组装、基因组DNA的移植等方面的技术和问题进行了阐述。  相似文献   

从DNA双螺旋到人类基因组朱立煌中国科学院遗传研究所1953年Watson和Crick提出DNA结构的双螺旋模型,阐明了遗传物质的复制机制,从而开创了用生物大分子的结构和功能来解释生命现象的新时期。DNA双螺旋宛如一支光芒四射的火炬指引着人们去揭示生物的各种奥密。四十年来分子生物学,遗传学和生物化学的成就接踵而至,新发现层出不穷,新思想和新技术不断涌现,几乎囊括了诺贝尔生理学医学奖的大半而且常常名列诺贝尔化学奖的榜首。  相似文献   

国际人类基因组计划被誉为生物学的曼哈顿原子弹计划和阿波罗登月计划,在2000年,其绘制的人类基因组草图也正式发表。国际顶尖的两大科学杂志《自然》和《科学》同日发表了多国基因组学家联合发表  相似文献   

“国际人类基因组计划”被誉为生物学的“曼哈顿原子弹计划”和“阿波罗登月计划”,在2000年,其绘制的人类基因组草图也正式发表。国际顶尖的两大科学杂志《自然》和《科学》同日发表了多国基因组学家联合发表的学术论文,  相似文献   

In this paper I claim that the goal of mapping and sequencing the human genome is not wholly new, but rather is an extension of an older project to map genes, a central aim of genetics since its birth. Thus, the discussion about the value of the HGP should not be posed in global terms of acceptance or rejection, but in terms of how it should be developed. The first section of this paper presents a brief history of the project. The second section distinguishes among four kinds of issues relevant to an evaluation of the HGP: those economic and organizational issues related to the feasibility of the project; the ethical questions arising in the development of the project and the application of the data gathered; the empirical issues relevant to the scientific value of the project; and conceptual issues like reductionism and determinism relevant to understand the nature and scope of the project. In a third section, I analyze in detail whether the HGP and, more generally, molecular biology is reductionistic.  相似文献   

基因组研究与生命科学工业的崛起   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
人类基因组的全序列测定预计可提前两年于2003年完成,特别是基因组内的蛋白质编码序列将更早测定。私人财团斥巨资进入这个领域,并望抢得先手,这意味着基因组研究可创造巨大财富。在过去几年里,国际上一批知名的大型制药集团和化学工业公司已在基因组研究领域内投入大量资金,并形成了一个新的产业部门,即生命科学工业。制药工业是生命科学工业的主要支柱之一,与基因组研究的关系特别密切。药物基因组学研究表明,药物的疗效与患者的基因型相关,因此,今后的药物生产要考虑到药物投放地区人群中有关的等位基因的频率,医疗处方也将因人而异而趋向个人化。比较基因组学研究则有助于从模式生物的资料指出与疾病可能相关的基因,可以此作为靶标来设计药物。  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the scientific value of the human genome project. To what extent is the data obtained by sequencing the entire human genome useful in the gene dicovery process? Responding to Alex Rosenberg' skepticism about the value of such data, we maintain that brute sequence data is much more useful than he suggests.  相似文献   

I discuss the moral significance of artificial life within synthetic biology via a discussion of Douglas, Powell and Savulescu's paper 'Is the creation of artificial life morally significant’. I argue that the definitions of 'artificial life’ and of 'moral significance’ are too narrow. Douglas, Powell and Savulescu's definition of artificial life does not capture all core projects of synthetic biology or the ethical concerns that have been voiced, and their definition of moral significance fails to take into account the possibility that creating artificial life is conditionally acceptable. Finally, I show how several important objections to synthetic biology are plausibly understood as arguing that creating artificial life in a wide sense is only conditionally acceptable.  相似文献   

The ambition of systems biology to understand complex biological systems at the molecular level implies that we need to have a concrete and correct understanding of each molecular entity and its function. However, even for the best-studied organism, Escherichia coli, a large number of proteins have never been identified and characterised from wild-type cells, and/or await unravelling of their biological role. Instead, the ORF models for these proteins have been predicted by suitable algorithms and/or through comparison with known, homologous proteins from other organisms, approaches which may be prone to error. In the present study, we used a combination of 2-DE, MALDI-TOF-MS and PMF to identify 1151 different proteins in E. coli K12 JM109. Comparison of the experimental with the theoretical Mr and pI values (4000 experimental values each) allowed the identification of numerous proteins with incorrect or incomplete ORF annotations in the current E. coli genome databases. Several inconsistencies in genome annotation were verified experimentally, and up to 55 candidates await further investigation. Our findings demonstrate how an up-to-date 2-D gel-based proteomics approach can be used for improving the annotation of prokaryotic genomes. They also highlight the need for harmonization among the different E. coli genome databases.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology employs rational engineering principles to build biological systems from the libraries of standard, well characterized biological parts. Biological systems designed and built by synthetic biologists fulfill a plethora of useful purposes, ranging from better healthcare and energy production to biomanufacturing. Recent advancements in the synthesis, assembly and “booting-up” of synthetic genomes and in low and high-throughput genome engineering have paved the way for engineering on the genome-wide scale. One of the key goals of genome engineering is the construction of minimal genomes consisting solely of essential genes (genes indispensable for survival of living organisms). Besides serving as a toolbox to understand the universal principles of life, the cell encoded by minimal genome could be used to build a stringently controlled “cell factory” with a desired phenotype. This review provides an update on recent advances in the genome-scale engineering with particular emphasis on the engineering of minimal genomes. Furthermore, it presents an ongoing discussion to the scientific community for better suitability of minimal or robust cells for industrial applications.  相似文献   

The form that rat spermatozoa assume when swelling in hyposmotic media depends on the position of the cytoplasmic droplet, previous exposure to hypertonic media, and the stiffness of the flagellum. Bending at the end of the midpiece occurs when the swelling droplet is situated at this site; this occurs in midcaput cells, but sperm from more proximal sites do not bend in this fashion. Stiffening of caput sperm stored in vitro reduces the incidence of such midpiece bending but looping at the tip of the tail still occurs, and previous exposure of caput spermatozoa to hypertonic media also prevents hairpin bend formation. Mature sperm from the cauda are too stiff to form hairpin loops when placed in hypotonic media unless first treated with a penetrating disulphydryl-reducing agent, after which swollen spherical vesicles can result from very flexible flagella confined within an intact membrane. Long-chain acylcarnitines are more potent lytic agents than acylcholines, but, for both, chain lengths of 16 carbon atoms is optimal for preventing the swelling of rat caput sperm.  相似文献   

Despite different geological features the Nordic countries are generally selenium-poor areas. In each country various factors such as food importation and life-style determine the selenium (Se) intake. Due to an extremely low Se intake in the 1970s in Finland, 0.025 mg/day, an official decision was made in 1984 to supplement multinutrient fertilizers with Se in the chemical form of sodium selenate. Almost all fertilizers used in Finland since 1985 have contained Se. Currently all crop fertilizers contain 15 mg Se/kg. Finland is still the only country to take this country-wide measure.In a national monitoring programme, sampling of cereals, basic foodstuffs, feeds, fertilizers, soils, and human tissues has been carried out annually since 1985 by four governmental research organizations. Sampling of foods has been done four times per year and human blood has been obtained annually from the same (n = 60) adults. The accuracy of analyses has been verified by annual interlaboratory quality control. During this programme the selenium concentration of spring cereals has increased on average 15-fold compared with the level before the Se fertilization. The mean increase in the Se concentration in beef, pork and milk was 6-, 2- and 3-fold. In terms of Se, organically grown foods of plant origin are generally comparable to products produced before the Se supplementation of fertilizers. Milk from organically fed cows is 50% lower in Se than the usual milk. The average dietary human intake increased from 0.04 mg Se/day/10 MJ in 1985 to a present plateau of 0.08 mg Se/day/10 MJ, which is well above the current nutrition recommendations. Foods of animal origin contribute over 70% of the total daily Se intake. The mean human plasma Se concentration increased from 0.89 μmol/L to a general level of 1.40 μmol/L that can be considered to be an optimal status. The absence of Se deficiency diseases and a reference population have made conclusions on the impact on human health difficult. However, the rates of cardiovascular diseases and cancers have remained similar during the pre- and post-supplementation indicating medical and life-style factors to be much stronger determinants than Se. The nationwide supplementation of fertilizers with sodium selenate is shown to be effective and safe in increasing the Se intake of the whole population. Also, the health of animals has improved.  相似文献   

This report reviews the 7th Siena Meeting 'From Genome to Proteome: Back to the Future' which took place in Italy from 3-7 September, 2006. There was a significant rise in the number of delegates attending compared with previous Siena meetings. A diversity of speakers and presentations addressed the theme of the meeting in moving proteomics forward to integrate with biology as a whole entity rather than in isolated fractions. In addition, technological advancements in sample preparation and separation as well as identification were discussed.  相似文献   

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