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The interactions of the substrate analogues, GlcNAc, beta-methyl GlcNAc, (GlcNAc)2, and (GlcNAc)3, with turkey egg-white lysozyme [ED], in which the Asp 101 of hen lysozyme is replaced by Gly, were studied at various pH values by measuring changes in the circular dichroic (CD) band at 295 nm. Results were compared with those for hen egg-white lysozyme. The modes of binding of these substrate analogues to turkey lysozyme were very similar to those hen lysozyme except for the participation of Asp 101 in hen lysozyme. The ionization constants of the catalytic carboxyls, Glu 35 and Asp 52, in the turkey lysozyme-(GlcNAc)3 complex were determined by measuring the pH dependence of the CD band at 304 nm, which originates from Trp 108 near the catalytic carboxyls. The ionization behavior of the catalytic carboxyls of turkey lysozyme in the presence and absence of (GlcNAc)3 was essentially the same as that for hen lysozyme. The pH dependence of the binding constant of (GlcNAc)3 to hen lysozyme was compared with that to turkey lysozyme between pH 2 and 8. The pH dependence of the binding constant for (GlcNAc)3 to turkey lysozyme could be interpreted entirely in terms of perturbation of catalytic carboxyls. In the case of hen lysozyme, it was interpreted in terms of perturbation of the catalytic carboxyls and Asp 101 in the substrate-binding site. The pK values of Asp 101 in hen lysozyme and the hen lysozyme-(GLcNAc)3 complex were 4.5 and 3.4, respectively. The binding constants of (GlcNAc)3 to lysozyme molecules with different microscopic protonation forms, with respect to the catalytic carboxyls, were estimated. The binding constant of lysozyme, in which Asp 52 and Glu 35 are deprotonated, to (GlcNAc)3 was the smallest. The other three species had similar binding constant to (GlcNAc)3.  相似文献   

High-sensitivity scanning calorimetry has been employed to study the reversible thermal unfolding of the lysozyme of T4 bacteriophage and of its mutant form Arg 96----His in the pH range 1.80-2.84. The values for t1/2, the temperature of half-denaturation, in degrees Celsius and for the enthalpy of unfolding in kilocalories per mole are given by (standard deviations in parentheses) wild type t1/2 = 9.63 + 14.41 pH (+/- 0.58) delta Hcal = 5.97 + 2.33t (+/- 4.20) mutant form t1/2 = -19.84 + 21.31 pH (+/- 0.51) delta Hcal = -8.58 + 2.66t (+/- 4.48) At any temperature within the range -20 to 60 degrees C, the free energy of unfolding of the mutant form is more negative than that of the wild type by 3-5 kcal mol-1, indicating an apparent destabilization resulting from the arginine to histidine replacement. The ratio of the van't Hoff enthalpy to the calorimetric enthalpy deviates from unity, the value expected for a simple two-state process, by +/- 0.2 depending on the pH. It thus appears that the nature of the unfolding of T4 lysozyme varies with pH in unknown manner. This complication does not invalidate the values reported here for the temperature of half-completion of unfolding, the calorimetric enthalpy, the heat capacity change, or the free energy of unfolding.  相似文献   

A double-headed chymotrypsin inhibitor, WCI, from winged bean seeds was cloned for structural and biochemical studies. The inhibitor was subjected to two point mutations at a conserved position, Asn14. This residue, known to have a pivotal role in stabilizing the first reactive-site loop (Gln63-Phe68) of the inhibitor, is highly conserved in the sequences of the other members of Kunitz (STI) family as well as in the sequences of Kazal family of serine protease inhibitors. The mutants, N14K and N14D, were subjected to biochemical assay and their characteristics were compared with those of the recombinant inhibitor (rWCI). Crystallographic studies of the recombinant and the mutant proteins are discussed. These studies were primarily aimed at understanding the importance of the protein scaffolding towards the conformational rigidity of the reactive-site loop. Our analysis reveals that, as the Lys14 side chain takes an unusual fold in N14K and the Asp14 side chain in N14D interacts with the loop residues by water-mediated hydrogen bonds, the canonical conformation of the loop has remained effectively intact in both the mutant structures. However, minor alterations such as a 2-fold increase in the inhibitory affinity towards the cognate enzyme were observed.  相似文献   

The analysis of the intrinsic fluorescence parameters of T4 phage lysozyme in free state and in complex with inhibitor--disaccharide-tetrapeptide from the E. coli cell wall has been carried out. A comparison of the fluorescence changes with the results obtained by difference spectrophotometry and with the data of Elwell and Schellman on the intrinsic fluorescence of wild type WT and mutant eRI T4 phage lysozymes and a consideration of the three dimensional structure of the protein allows to represent the protein fluorescence parameters as a sum of contributions of the individual tryptophan residues. According to the proposed scheme Trp-126 does not emit neither in the free protein nor in the complex; the fluorescence parameters of Trp-158 (lambda m 332 nm, q = 0.27) are not affected by binding of the inhibitor, but all the fluorescence changes are due to the rise of the quantum yield (from 0.135 to 0.315) and the blue shift (from 332 to 328 nm) of the fluorescence of Trp-138.  相似文献   

A new fast-moving alpha-chain Hb variant with an Asn leads to Asp substitution at position alpha-78 was found in a French-Acadian family living in Eastern Canada. The identical substitution was reported in Hb J-Singapore, which also had an additional Ala leads to Gly substitution at position alpha-79. The new variant, which did not result in any clinical symptoms, was named accordingly, Hb J-Singa.  相似文献   

Solvent-binding sites were compared in 10 different crystal forms of phage T4 lysozyme that were refined using data from 2.6 A to 1.7 A resolution. The sample included 18 crystallographically independent lysozyme molecules. Despite different crystallization conditions, variable crystal contacts, changes due to mutation, and varying attention to solvent during crystallographic refinement, 62% of the 20 most frequently occupied sites were conserved. Allowing for potential steric interference from neighboring molecules in the crystal lattice, this fraction increased to 79% of the sites. There was, however, no solvent-binding site that was occupied in all 18 lysozyme molecules. A buried double site was occupied in 17 instances and 2 other internal sites were occupied 15 times. Apart from these buried sites, the most frequently occupied sites were often at the amino-termini of alpha-helices. Solvent molecules at the most conserved sites tended to have crystallographic thermal factors lower than average, but atoms with low B-factors were not restricted to these sites. Although superficial inspection may suggest that only 50-60% (or less) of solvent-binding sites are conserved in different crystal forms of a protein, it appears that many sites appear to be empty either because of steric interference or because the apparent occupancy of a given site can vary from crystal to crystal. The X-ray method of identifying sites is somewhat subjective and tends to result in specification only of those solvent molecules that are well ordered and bound with high occupancy, even though there is clear evidence for solvent bound at many additional sites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) plays an important role in the Guanosine monophosphate (GMP) biosynthesis pathway. As hIMPDH-II is involved in CML-Cancer, it is thought to be an active target for leukemic drug design. The importance of conserved water molecules in the salt-bridge-mediated interdomain recognition and loop-flap recognition of hIMPDH has already been indicated in some simulation studies (Bairagya et al., 2009, 2011a, 2011b, 2012; Mishra et al., 2012). In this work, the role of conserved water molecules in the recognition of Inosine monophosphate (IMP) and NAD+ (co-factor) to active site residues of both the isoforms has been investigated by all atoms MD-Simulation studies. During 25-ns dynamics of the solvated hIMPDH-II and I (1B3O and 1JCN PDB structures), the involvement of conserved water molecular triad (W M, W L and W C) in the recognition of active site residues (Asp 274, Asn 303, Arg 322, and Asp 364), IMP and NAD+ has been observed (Figure 1). The H-bonding co-ordination of all three conserved water molecular centers is within 4–7 and their occupation frequency is 1.0. The H-bonding geometry and the electronic consequences of the water molecular interaction at the different residues (and also IMP and NAD+) may put forward some rational clues on antileukemic agent design.  相似文献   

J E Ladbury  C Q Hu  J M Sturtevant 《Biochemistry》1992,31(44):10699-10702
In continuation of our earlier work on the effects of amino acid replacements on the thermodynamics of the thermal unfolding of T4 lysozyme [Kitamura, S., & Sturtevant, J. M. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 3788-3792; Connelly, P., Ghosaini, L., Hu, C.-Q., Kitamura, S., Tanaka, A., & Sturtevant, J. M. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 1887-1891; Hu, C.-Q., Kitamura, S., Tanaka, A., & Sturtevant, J. M. (1992) Biochemistry 31, 1643-1647], we report here a study by differential scanning calorimetry of the effects of five replacements at Ile3. Four of these replacements, those with Glu, Phe, Pro, and Thr, caused apparent destabilizations, while the replacement by Leu led to a small apparent stabilization. The largest observed destabilization (Ile3Pro) amounted to -3.0 kcal mol-1 in free energy at pH 2.00 and 38.8 degrees C (the denaturational temperature of the wild-type protein at this pH), and the largest stabilization amounted to +1.2 kcal mol-1 at pH 3.00 and 53.6 degrees C.  相似文献   

It was previously shown that the two replacements Gly 77-->Ala (G77A) and Ala 82-->Pro (A82P) increase the thermostability of phage T4 lysozyme at pH 6.5. Such replacements are presumed to restrict the degrees of freedom of the unfolded protein and so decrease the entropy of unfolding [B. W. Matthews, H. Nicholson, and W. J. Becktel (1987) Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA Vol. 84, pp. 6663-6667]. To further test this approach, three additional replacements--G113A, K60P and A93P--have been constructed. On the basis of model building, each of these three replacements was judged to be less than optimal because it would tend to introduce unfavorable van der Waals contacts with neighboring parts of the protein. The presence of such contacts was verified for G113A and K60P by conformational adjustments seen in the crystal structures of these mutant proteins. In the case of G113A there are backbone conformational changes of 0.5-1.0 A in the short alpha-helix, 108-113, that includes the site of substitution. In the case of K60P the pyrrolidine ring shows evidence of strain. The thermal stability of each of the three variants at both pH 2.0 and pH 6.5 was found to be very close to that of wild-type lysozyme. The results suggest that the procedure used to predict sites for both Xaa-->Pro and Gly-->Ala is, in principle, correct. At the same time, the increase in stability expected from substitutions of this type is modest, and can easily be offset by strain associated with introduction of the alanine or proline. This means that the criteria used to select substitutions that will increase thermostability have to be stringent at least. In the case of T4 lysozyme this severely limits the number of sites. The analysis reveals a significant discrepancy between the conformational energy surface predicted for the residue preceding a proline and the conformations observed in crystal structures.  相似文献   

K L Graves  M M Butler  L W Hardy 《Biochemistry》1992,31(42):10315-10321
The proposed roles of Cys148 and Asp179 in deoxycytidylate (dCMP) hydroxymethylase (CH) have been tested using site-directed mutagenesis. CH catalyzes the formation of 5-(hydroxymethyl)-dCMP, essential for DNA synthesis in phage T4, from dCMP and methylenetetrahydrofolate. CH resembles thymidylate synthase (TS), an enzyme of known three-dimensional structure, in both amino acid sequence and the reaction catalyzed. Conversion of Cys148 to Asp, Gly, or Ser decreases CH activity at least 10(5)-fold, consistent with a nucleophilic role for Cys148 (analogous to the catalytic Cys residue in TS). In crystalline TS, hydrogen bonds connect O4 and N3 of the substrate dUMP to the side-chain amide of an Asn; the corresponding residue in CH is Asp179. Conversion of Asp179 to Asn reduces the value of kcat/KM for dCMP by (1.5 x 10(4))-fold and increases the value of kcat/KM for dUMP by 60-fold; as a result, CH(D179N) has a slight preference for dUMP. Wild-type CH and CH(D179N) are covalently inactivated by 5-fluoro-dUMP, a mechanism-based inactivator of TS. Asp179 is proposed to stabilize covalent catalytic intermediates, by protonating N3 of the pyrimidine-CH adduct.  相似文献   

A group of inherited neurological disorders are the X-chromosome linked dysmyelinoses, in which myelin membranes of the CNS are missing or perturbed due to a strongly reduced number of differentiated oligodendrocytes. In animal dysmyelinoses (jimpy mouse, msd-mouse, md rat, shaking pup) mutations of the main integral myelin membrane protein, proteolipid protein, have been identified. Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD) or sudanophilic leucodystrophy is an X-linked dysmyelinosis in humans. We report here on the molecular basis of the defect of affected males of a PMD kindred. Rearrangements of the PLP gene were excluded by Southern blot hybridisation analysis and PCR amplification of overlapping domains of the PLP gene. Sequence analysis revealed one single C----T transition in exon IV, which leads to a threonine----isoleucine substitution within a hydrophobic intramembrane domain. The impact of this amino-acid exchange on the structure of PLP in the affected cis membrane domain is discussed. A space filling model of this domain suggests a tight packing of the alpha-helices of the loop which is perturbed by the amino-acid substitution in this PMD exon IV mutant. The C----T transition in exon IV abolishes a Hph I restriction site. This mutation at the recognition site for Hph I (RFLP) and allele-specific primers have been used for mutation screening the PMD kindred.  相似文献   

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