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In the current study, we scrutinized the effect of sevoflurane and halothane on cognitive and immune function in young rats. The rats were divided into following groups: sevoflurane, halothane and sevoflurane + halothane groups, respectively. The rats were regularly treated with the pre-determined treatment. We also scrutinized the serum proinflammatory cytokines including IL-10, IL-4 and IL-2; brain level IL-1β; hippocampal neuronal apoptosis concentration were estimated. The water maze test was performed in rats for the estimation of cognitive ability. During the water maze test, on the 1st day the sevoflurane group showed the latency; sevoflurane and sevoflurane + halothane group demonstrated the declined latency gradually as compared to the control group rats after the 3 days. The latency of the control, halothane, sevoflurane + halothane group rats showed the reduced latency and also showed the reduced crossing circle times. The hippocampal neuron apoptosis was significantly increased in halothane and sevoflurane + halothane group as compared to control group rats, respectively. Control group rats demonstrated the increased neuron apoptosis. The proinflammatory cytokines including IL-10 and IL-4 was significantly higher in sevoflurane, halothane and sevoflurane + halothane group rats after anesthesia and the whole brain IL-1β was significantly decrease in the sevoflurane, halothane and sevoflurane + halothane as compared to control group. Sevoflurane can inhibit the anesthesia effect of halothane on the immune and cognitive function of rats.  相似文献   

Halothane (1%) was administered to twenty-two gram female Swiss-Albino mice which were sacrificed at times of 15 seconds, 45 seconds, 79 seconds and 5 minutes. Additional animals were exposed for 5 minutes and sacrificed 10 minutes after removal from halothane (recovery). Selected energy metabolites were measured in 100–500 nanogram samples from the inferior colliculus and the ascending reticular activating system.Results from this study showed an increase in glucose levels at 79 seconds, when the animals first lost their righting response. The glucose increase was similar in the inferior colliculus and reticular formation. ATP and phosphocreatine were increased at 45 seconds, and during the sleep period in the ascending reticular activiting system, and returned to normal during the recovery period. In the inferior colliculus, ATP was similarly increased from 45 seconds throughout the time course, whereas phosphocreatine was elevated at 79 seconds, and during recovery only. These data suggest a decrease in utilization of energy metabolities during halothane anesthesia, both in cells of the inferior colliculus and ascending reticular activating system.  相似文献   

In six spontaneously breathing anesthetized subjects [halothane approximately 1 maximum anesthetic concentration (MAC), 70% N2O-30% O2], we measured flow (V), volume (V), and tracheal pressure (Ptr). With airway occluded at end-inspiration tidal volume (VT), we measured Ptr when the subjects relaxed the respiratory muscles. Dividing relaxed Ptr by VT, total respiratory system elastance (Ers) was obtained. With the subject still relaxed, the occlusion was released to obtain the V-V relationship during the ensuing relaxed expiration. Under these conditions, the expiratory driving pressure is V X Ers, and thus the pressure-flow relationship of the system can be obtained. By subtracting the flow resistance of equipment, the intrinsic respiratory flow resistance (Rrs) is obtained. Similar measurements were repeated during anesthesia-paralysis (succinylcholine). Ers averaged 23.9 +/- 4 (+/- SD) during anesthesia and 21 +/- 1.8 cmH2O X 1(-1) during anesthesia-paralysis. The corresponding values of intrinsic Rrs were 1.6 +/- 0.7 and 1.9 +/- 0.9 cmH2O X 1(-1) X s, respectively. These results indicate that Ers increases substantially during anesthesia, whereas Rrs remains within the normal limits. Muscle paralysis has no significant effect on Ers and Rrs. We also provide the first measurements of inspiratory muscle activity and related negative work during spontaneous expiration in anesthetized humans. These show that 36-74% of the elastic energy stored during inspiration is wasted in terms of negative inspiratory muscle work.  相似文献   

Arterial blood gas tensions and acid-base status of spontaneously-breathing, unanesthetized Wister rats were compared with values obtained during 4 hr of thiopental and 6 hr of halothane (1%) anesthesia. During thiopental anesthesia, marked respiratory depression occurred (PaCO-2:57.0 plus or minus 10.0 MM Hg, PaO-2:70.4 plus or minus 11.2 MM Hg). Thirty-six percent of the rats died. During inhalation of room air and 1% halothane, PaO-2 decreased also, whereas PaO-2 did not change. Twenty-seven percent of the original number of rats died. Lowered arterial oxygen tension may have caused death; no rats died during inhalation of oxygen and 1% halothane. This technic insured sufficient analgesia for surgical procedures without marked alterations of the acid base status and is recommended for long-term anesthesia of small laboratory animals like rats.  相似文献   

Weber T  Schönig K  Tews B  Bartsch D 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e28283
The serotonergic (5-HT) system has been implicated in various physiological processes and neuropsychiatric disorders, but in many aspects its role in normal and pathologic brain function is still unclear. One reason for this might be the lack of appropriate animal models which can address the complexity of physiological and pathophysiological 5-HT functioning. In this respect, rats offer many advantages over mice as they have been the animal of choice for sophisticated neurophysiological and behavioral studies. However, only recently technologies for the targeted and tissue specific modification of rat genes - a prerequisite for a detailed study of the 5-HT system - have been successfully developed. Here, we describe a rat transgenic system for inducible gene manipulations in 5-HT neurons. We generated a Cre driver line consisting of a tamoxifen-inducible CreERT2 recombinase under the control of mouse Tph2 regulatory sequences. Tissue-specific serotonergic Cre recombinase expression was detected in four transgenic TPH2-CreERT2 rat founder lines. For functional analysis of Cre-mediated recombination, we used a rat Cre reporter line (CAG-loxP.EGFP), in which EGFP is expressed after Cre-mediated removal of a loxP-flanked lacZ STOP cassette. We show an in-depth characterisation of this rat Cre reporter line and demonstrate its applicability for monitoring Cre-mediated recombination in all major neuronal subpopulations of the rat brain. Upon tamoxifen induction, double transgenic TPH2-CreERT2/CAG-loxP.EGFP rats show selective and efficient EGFP expression in 5-HT neurons. Without tamoxifen administration, EGFP is only expressed in few 5-HT neurons which confirms minimal background recombination. This 5-HT neuron specific CreERT2 line allows Cre-mediated, inducible gene deletion or gene overexpression in transgenic rats which provides new opportunities to decipher the complex functions of the mammalian serotonergic system.  相似文献   

Mean arterial pressure, cardiac output and heart rate were determined in eight male New Zealand white rabbits while conscious and after being anesthetized with halothane plus nitrous oxide for 15 minutes. Delivery of the anesthetic agent was stopped and the measurement repeated at 15, 30, 60 and 210 minutes. In a separate experiment blood samples were obtained for plasma renin activity in six rabbits before anesthesia, after 15 minutes of halothane plus nitrous oxide administration, and again 210 minutes after cessation of the anesthesia. Later, this experiment was repeated with the same rabbits except that they were allowed to breathe room air instead of the anesthesia. The halothane anesthesia resulted in decreased mean arterial pressure and cardiac output, but these returned to the preanesthetic levels by 15 minutes after stopping the anesthesia. Heart rate increased during halothane administration, and although it tended to return toward control levels after cessation of the halothane, heart rate was still elevated 210 minutes later. Halothane plus nitrous oxide produced an increase in plasma renin activity, which then subsided to normal by 210 minutes following anesthesia; breathing room air did not result in increases in plasma renin activity. These studies revealed that although short-term anesthesia with halothane plus nitrous oxide resulted in cardiovascular changes in rabbits, after cessation of the anesthetic agent the cardiovascular system quickly returned to normal.  相似文献   

Massive coral bleaching events associated with high sea surface temperatures are forecast to become more frequent and severe in the future due to climate change. Monitoring colony recovery from bleaching disturbances over multiyear time frames is important for improving predictions of future coral community changes. However, there are currently few multiyear studies describing long‐term outcomes for coral colonies following acute bleaching events. We recorded colony pigmentation and size for bleached and unbleached groups of co‐located conspecifics of three major reef‐building scleractinian corals (Orbicella franksi, Siderastrea siderea, and Stephanocoenia michelini; n = 198 total) in Bocas del Toro, Panama, during the major 2005 bleaching event and then monitored pigmentation status and changes live tissue colony size for 8 years (2005–2013). Corals that were bleached in 2005 demonstrated markedly different response trajectories compared to unbleached colony groups, with extensive live tissue loss for bleached corals of all species following bleaching, with mean live tissue losses per colony 9 months postbleaching of 26.2% (±5.4 SE) for O. franksi, 35.7% (±4.7 SE) for S. michelini, and 11.2% (±3.9 SE) for S. siderea. Two species, O. franksi and S. michelini, later recovered to net positive growth, which continued until a second thermal stress event in 2010. Following this event, all species again lost tissue, with previously unbleached colony species groups experiencing greater declines than conspecific sample groups, which were previously bleached, indicating a possible positive acclimative response. However, despite this beneficial effect for previously bleached corals, all groups experienced substantial net tissue loss between 2005 and 2013, indicating that many important Caribbean reef‐building corals will likely suffer continued tissue loss and may be unable to maintain current benthic coverage when faced with future thermal stress forecast for the region, even with potential benefits from bleaching‐related acclimation.  相似文献   

Submergence limits plants' access to oxygen and light, causing massive changes in metabolism; after submergence, plants experience additional stresses, including reoxygenation, dehydration, photoinhibition and accelerated senescence. Plant responses to waterlogging and partial or complete submergence have been well studied, but our understanding of plant responses during post-submergence recovery remains limited. During post-submergence recovery, whether a plant can repair the damage caused by submergence and reoxygenation and re-activate key processes to continue to grow, determines whether the plant survives. Here, we summarize the challenges plants face when recovering from submergence, primarily focusing on studies of Arabidopsis thaliana and rice (Oryza sativa). We also highlight recent progress in elucidating the interplay among various regulatory pathways, compare post-hypoxia reoxygenation between plants and animals and provide new perspectives for future studies.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins of the E-type (PGE's) were found to react or combine with a urinary metabolite of Halothane yielding products which left unrecovered during the purification procedure preceeding specific radioimmunoassay of PGE2. The products were retained on sephadex LH-20 columns, and showed on thin layer silica gel plates (TLC) Rf values lower than those of the parent PGE-compounds. The product formation is supposed to involve the β-hydroxyketone system of PGE, since PG's of the F and A type were unaffected. The product formation could be avoided by inducing anaesthesia with Hexobarbitone and maintaining the anaesthesia with Halothane-nitrous oxide or it could be reveresed by adding barbiturates to urine samples obtained from animals anaesthetized with Halothane- nitroux oxide alone. The barbiturates effectively competed with PGE for the metabolite leaving PGE to behave normally on sephadex LH-20 and TLC, thus enabling us to evaluate correctly the PGE2 content by RIA.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of halothane and isoflurane on diaphragmatic microcirculation in pentobarbital-anesthetized rats by in vivo video microscopy. After a baseline period, rats were randomly allocated into three groups according to administration of 0.5, 0.75, and 1 minimal alveolar concentration (MAC) of either halothane (group Hal, n = 16), isoflurane (group Iso, n = 14), or no halogenated agent (group C, n = 20) in three succeeding steps of 15 min. Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), arteriolar diameters, and functional capillary density were analyzed in the last 3 min of each step. MAP remained unchanged in group C but decreased in a dose-dependent manner in both halogenated receiving groups. MAP was significantly lower in rats breathing Hal compared with those breathing Iso. Arterioles were classified in second (A2, n = 39), third (A3, n = 24), and fourth (A4, n = 30) order according to their relative location in the network. No changes in A2 and A3 diameters were noted in either group. A4 diameters remained unchanged in groups C and Iso, whereas a significant reduction was found in group Hal at 0.75 and 1 MAC exposure (P < 0.05 compared with baseline and with groups C and Iso, respectively). During Iso exposure, functional capillary density was not significantly different when compared with baseline and group C, whereas in group Hal it decreased significantly at 0.5, 0.75, and 1 MAC, amounting to 61.1 +/- 9, 30.7 +/- 10.3, and 22.8 +/- 6.3%, respectively, of baseline (P < 0.01 vs. baseline and P < 0.05 vs. groups Iso and C for 0.75 and 1 MAC).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Different effects of halothane on diaphragm and hindlimb muscle in rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of halothane administration on diaphragm and tibialis anterior (TA) muscle were investigated in 30 anesthetized mechanically ventilated rats. Diaphragmatic strength was assessed in 17 rats by measuring the abdominal pressure (Pab) generated during supramaximal stimulation of the intramuscular phrenic nerve endings at frequencies of 0.5, 30, and 100 Hz. Halothane was administered during 30 min at a constant minimum alveolar concentration (MAC): 0.5, 1, and 1.5 MAC in three groups of five rats. For each MAC, Pab was significantly reduced for all frequencies of stimulation except at 100 Hz during 0.5 MAC halothane exposure. The effects of halothane (0.5, 1, and 1.5 MAC) on diaphragmatic neuromuscular transmission were assessed in five other rats by measuring the integrated electrical activity of the diaphragm (Edi) during electrical stimulation of the phrenic nerve. No change in Edi was observed during halothane exposure. In five other rats TA contraction was studied by measuring the strength of isometric contraction of the muscle during electrical stimulation of its nerve supply at different frequencies (0.5, 30, and 100 Hz). Muscle function was unchanged during administration of halothane in a cumulative fashion from 0.5 to 1.5 MAC. These results demonstrate that halothane does not affect hindlimb muscle function, whereas it had a direct negative inotropic effect on rat diaphragmatic muscle.  相似文献   

Substrate changes in peripheral nerve recovering from anoxia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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