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The dependence of DNA synthesis on protein synthesis in HeLa S3 cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The rate of DNA synthesis in HeLa S3 cells, as measured by incorporation of C14-labeled thymidine, is strongly dependent on protein synthesis at all times during the S phase. The relation between the rate of DNA synthesis and the rate of protein synthesis is linear when measured two or three hours after reducing the rate of protein synthesis with either puromycin or cycloheximide. The effect is manifested rapidly, is found in both random and synchronized cultures, and is independent of the method of synchronization.  相似文献   

Interaction of hyperthermia and pentamidine in HeLa S-3 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pentamidine is similar to rhodamine-123 in chemical structure and state of electron charge, and rhodamine-123 was previously shown to be a hyperthermic sensitizer under appropriate cell culture conditions. The present experiments were carried out to determine whether pentamidine would potentiate hyperthermic cell killing and, if so, under what cultural conditions. Exposure of HeLa cells to pentamidine (80 microM) up to 4 h was not cytotoxic in culture medium in the presence or absence of glucose at 37 degrees C and pH 7.4. Cells in the glucose-deprived medium became progressively sensitive to killing as temperature and drug concentration were increased. On the other hand, there was a moderate level of enhanced cell killing in the glucose-fed medium at 42 degrees C. The enhanced effects of heat by the drug were most pronounced under alkaline pH of the culture medium. The cell kill under acidic pH was far less than that observed at neutral or alkaline pH; these effects may be a result of decreased cellular uptake of pentamidine. Together with our previous results on rhodamine-123 and glycolytic inhibitors, the present data with pentamidine are consistent with the concept that deprivation of cellular energy increases sensitivity to cell killing by heat.  相似文献   

By using a new mild procedure for detecting DNA crosslinks it has been shown that adriamycin and daunomycin are able to form interstrand DNA crosslinks in HeLa cells. This effect seems to be preceded by transformation of the parent antibiotics in the cell to active forms. In addition, interstrand DNA crosslinks formed by adriamycin and daunomycin were found to be temperature- and alkali-labile.  相似文献   

The cervical carcinoma cell line, HeLa S3, was exposed to oestradiol and progesterone separately and combined in ratios similar to those of the luteal and follicular phases of the menstrual cycle. After 48 h of exposure, membrane proteins were extracted from the plasma membrane and analyzed. The lipid composition of the cells and lectin binding patterns to the cells were also assessed. The hormones had a profound effect on the HeLa S3 membrane protein profiles. Progesterone inhibited the synthesis of a wide variety of proteins while oestradiol negated this effect. Less variation between lipid profiles was noted although progesterone reduced the amount of cholesterol present. Differences in lectin binding profiles between the various treatments were noted, indicating an hormonal effect on glycosylation. Such hormonal effects on membrane composition may have implications in cervical susceptible to microbial infections.  相似文献   

HeLa cells in the logarithmic phase of growth were heated up to 42-43 degrees C in the SHF field for 10 min. Then, after 30, 60 and 120 min pH of lysosomes was determined by neutral red. In 30 min, pH of lysosomes of heated cells decreased down to 5.51 +/- 0.1 against 5.87 +/- 0.07 in intact cells; in 120 min it reached the initial level.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation in permeable HeLa S3 cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ADP-ribosylation in permeabilized metaphase and interphase cells using [32P]NAD at pH 8.0 have been compared. Incorporation into trichloroacetic acid insoluble material was 4-5-times greater in metaphase cells. 17-22% was in the soluble fraction which contained material released from the cells, 16-22% in the 0.2 M HCl extract (histones) of the cell ghosts and the remaining activity in the residual fraction. Fractions were analyzed using dodecylsulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 6.0. The soluble fractions from metaphase and interphase cells exhibited three common unidentified ADP-ribosylated proteins corresponding to 78 000, 54 000 and 36 000 Da. In addition metaphase cells contained several other ADP-ribosylated proteins not present in interphase cells. The 0.2 M HCl extracts gave from metaphase cells radioactivity in the 32 000-39 000-Da region suggesting ADP-ribosylation of histone H1 with up to 10 residues of ADP-ribose and in the 17 000-20 000-Da region indicating ADP-ribosylation of core histones. The pattern of ADP-ribosylation of core histone in metaphase and interphase cells was qualitatively similar whereas the number of ADP-ribose residues per H1 molecule was higher in metaphase cells. The residual fraction contained free poly(ADP-ribose) and oligo(ADP-ribose). The results do not lend support to a special function of ADP-ribosylated histones in the mitotic event while certain ADP-ribosylated non-histone proteins may be specific for metaphase cells.  相似文献   

4CMB, 4HMB and BC were assayed for their ability to induce unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) in HeLa S3 cells. 4CMB elicited a positive response in the presence and absence of S9; 4HMB and BC produced no significant increase in UDS.  相似文献   

Anticapsin, the terminal epoxyaminoacid moiety of tetaine, inhibits irreversibly growth of HeLa S3 cells. The antibiotic decreases to a similar extent incorporation of 3H-labelled precursors into nucleic acids and protein in intact cells: inhibition of protein synthesis prevails on prolonged incubation. Also incorporation of [3H]dTTP and [3H]UTP is inhibited in the presence of anticapsin into permeabilized cells. These effects, however, are not due to the interference with DNA or RNA polymerases since anticapsin only slightly suppresses RNA polymerase activity and has no effect on DNA polymerase in the cell-free systems. The results indicate that the mechanism of antiproliferative action of anticapsin in HeLa S3 cells differs from that of tetaine and imply that inhibition of protein synthesis might be the primary effect of anticapsin.  相似文献   

An endonuclease that can act on calf thymus DNA and circular doublestranded phage PM2 DNA has been isolated from HeLa S3 cell chromatin. Approximately 200-fold purification was achieved by a sequence of subcellular fractionation, differential NaCl solubility and chromatography on CM-Sephadex, DEAE-cellulose and hydroxyapatite, and isoelectric point is pH 5.1 +/- 0.2. Divalent cations are necessary for its activity and the enzyme is heat inactivated at 60 degrees C. The enzyme activity is sensitive to caffeine and sulfhydryl reacting compounds. The molecular weight, determined by gel filtration and SDS gel electrophoresis, is approx. 22 000.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of an orthorhombic form of 2′-0-methyl cytidine was determined from three dimensional X-ray diffraction data. The two molecules in each asymmetric unit have C2-endo C3-exo puckered furanose rings. This differs from the C3-endo puckering observed for cytidine (1) and it may have some relevance to the kinks that appear at the two 2′-0-methylated nucleotides in the anticodon phosphate ester backbone of the phe tRNA structure (2). This work and other studies (3,4) show that the presence of a 2′-0-methyl group does not prevent the furanose moiety from adopting its most commonly observed configurations. 2′-0-methyl nucleotides make up a small percentage of the residues in HnRNA, rRNA, tRNA and mRNA and therefore their conformational nuances are of interest.  相似文献   

We have reinvestigated the association of DNA primase activity with the nuclear matrix prepared from exponentially growing HeLa S3 cells. We have found that 25–30 per cent of the nuclear primase activity resists extraction with 2 M NaCl and digestion with Dnase I. Unlike previous investigations, done with the same cell line, the results showed that nuclear matrix-bound DNA primase activity represented less than 10 per cent of the total cell activity. Association of high levels of primase activity with the nuclear matrix was strictly dependent on a 37°C incubation of isolated nuclei prior to subfractionation. Evidence was obtained that the method used for preparing nuclei can have a dramatic effect on the amount of primase activity which is recovered both in the postnuclear supernatant and in isolated nuclei, thus seriously affecting the interpretation of the results about the quantity of DNA primase activity bound to the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

Effect of n-butyrate on DNA synthesis in chick fibroblasts and HeLa cells   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
n-Butyrate in low concentrations stops reversibly the proliferation of chick embryonic fibroblasts and of HeLa cells, shutting off DNA synthesis. Extensive acetylation of histones is seen at the same time as inhibition of DNA synthesis. Nuclei from n-butyrate-treated HeLa cells remain inactive in control cytosol; control nuclei are strongly inhibited by cytosol from treated cells.  相似文献   

HMG 17 in metaphase-arrested and interphase HeLa S3 cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Invasiveness of Salmonella typhi strains in HeLa S3 monolayer cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The internalization and intracellular multiplication, i.e., the invasiveness, of Salmonella typhi strains recently isolated from typhoid fever patients were confirmed in HeLa cell monolayers. When stained with Giemsa solution, intracellular bacteria were 0.6 X 1.2 micron in size and stained purple, whereas extracellular bacteria associated or not with the HeLa cell surface were 1.0 X 3.0 micron and stained deep blue. Strain GIFU 10007 was internalized into 23% of the HeLa cells within 10 min after inoculation. About 90% of the HeLa cells were infected after 24 hr incubation in kanamycin (KM)-containing medium. Intracellular multiplication of the challenge organism was verified by a large number of intracellular bacteria after 24 hr incubation in KM-containing medium by both light-microscopy of the Giemsa stained preparation and viable counts of intracellular bacteria. The viable counts of strain 10007 showed an increase of more than 40-fold within 24 hr after inoculation, whereas in the four other less or non-infective strains, recovery of viable bacteria was poor or nil. Strains which were highly invasive usually failed to show strong adhesion. The contribution of Vi antigen to the internalization of challenge organisms was not proved. Infective strains, when killed by formalin were still adhesive, but were not internalized. The same strains, when killed by boiling, were neither adhesive nor internalized. From these findings it was concluded that the internalization and multiplication of infective S. typhi strains in cultured HeLa cells should be regarded as an invasion rather than phagocytosis by host cells, and such invasiveness could be an indicator to estimate the virulence of S. typhi strains.  相似文献   

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