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Although the behavioral repertoire of crustaceans is largely guided by visual information their visual nervous system has been little explored. In search for central mechanisms of visual integration, this study was aimed at identifying and characterizing brain neurons in the crab involved in binocular visual processing. The study was performed in the intact animal, by recording intracellularly the response to visual stimuli of neurons from one of the two optic lobes. Identified neurons recorded from the medulla (second optic neuropil), which include sustaining neurons, dimming neurons, depolarizing and hyperpolarizing tonic neurons and on-off neurons, all presented exclusively monocular (ipsilateral) responses. In contrast, all wide field movement detector neurons recorded from the lobula (third optic neuropil) responded to moving stimuli presented to the ipsilateral and to the contralateral eye. In these cells, the responses evoked by ipsilateral or contralateral stimulation were almost identical, as revealed by analysing the number and amplitude of the elicited postsynaptic potentials and spikes, and the ability to habituate upon repeated visual stimulation. The results demonstrate that in crustaceans important binocular processing takes place at the level of the lobula.  相似文献   

Research on diverse models of memory in vertebrates demonstrates that behavioral, autonomic and endocrine responses occur together during fear conditioning. With invertebrates, no similar studies have been performed despite the extensive study of fear memory paradigms, as the context signal memory (CSM) of the crab Chasmagnathus granulatus, usually assessed by a behavioral parameter. Here, we study the crab’s CSM, considering both the behavioral response and the concomitant neuroautonomic adjustments resulting in a heart rate alteration. Results show that upon the first presentation of the visual danger stimulus, a heart arrest followed by bradycardia is triggered together with a conspicuous escape response. The latter declines throughout training, while heart arrests become sporadic and bradycardia tends to deepen along the session. At test, 24 h after training, the outcome clearly contrasts with that shown at training, namely, stimulus presentation in the same context induces lower escape, no heart arrests and quick suppression of bradycardia. These results support the view that the same memory process brings about the changes in both responses. High escape, heart arrest and bradycardia are considered three parameters of the unconditioned response while minor escape, no heart arrests and bradycardia attenuation are three parameters of the learned response.  相似文献   

Locusts possess visual neurons that can be uniquely identified in each locust and that respond selectively to looming stimuli, giving the animal a warning of impending collision. It has been suggested that one such neuron, the lobula giant movement detector (LGMD), issues this warning by generating a peak in its response that occurs ca. 25 ms after a looming object reaches a subtense of 17 degrees on the eye. This peak is proposed to be a trigger for escape behaviour. We use both modelling and electrophysiological techniques to show that this early peak in LGMD response is not the 'essential functional variable' used naturally by the locust to trigger escape, but rather results from the unnaturally large stimulus used in the previous experimental work. The natural predators of Locusta in Africa, where the locust evolved, are small birds such as the fiscal shrike Lanius collaris humeralis and the carmine bee-eater Merops nubicus, with pectoral diameters of 40-45 mm (measurements from museum specimens). Locusta in flight are less than 100 mm wing tip to wing tip. When a locust views small approaching objects, the response of the LGMD continues to increase throughout the object's approach and the locust is able to trigger escape behaviours without the LGMD response peaking prior to collision.  相似文献   

1. Encoding of temporal stimulus parameters by inferior collicular (IC) neurons of Eptesicus fuscus was studied by recording their responses to a wide range of repetition rates (RRs) and durations at several stimulus intensities under free field stimulus conditions. 2. The response properties of 424 IC neurons recorded were similar to those reported in previous studies of this species. 3. IC neurons were classified as low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass according to their preference for RRs and/or durations characteristic of, respectively, search, approach, or terminal phases of echolocation. These neurons selectively process stimuli characteristic of the various phases of hunting. 4. Best RRs and best durations were not correlated with either the BFs or recording depths This suggests that each isofrequency lamina is capable of processing RRs and durations of all hunting phases. 5. Responses of one half of IC neurons studied were correlated with the stimulus duty cycle. These neurons may preferentially process terminal phase information when the bat's pulse emission duty cycle increases. 6. While the stimulus RR affected the dynamic range and overall profile of the intensity rate function, only little effect was observed with different stimulus durations.  相似文献   

The copepod Acartia tonsa exhibits a vigorous escape jump in response to rapid decreases in light intensity, such as those produced by the shadow of an object passing above it. In the laboratory, decreases in light intensity were produced using a fiber optic lamp and an electronic shutter to abruptly either nearly eliminate visible light or reduce light intensity to a constant proportion of its original intensity. The escape responses of A. tonsa to these rapid decreases in visible light were recorded on high-speed video using infrared illumination. The speed, acceleration, and direction of movement of the escape response were quantified from videotape by using automated motion analysis techniques. A. tonsa typically responds to decreases in light intensity with an escape jump comprising an initial reorientation followed by multiple power strokes of the swimming legs. These escape jumps can result in maximum speeds of over 800 mm s(-1) and maximum accelerations of over 200 m s(-2). In A. tonsa, photically stimulated escape responses differ from hydrodynamically stimulated responses mainly in the longer latencies of photically stimulated responses and in the increased number of power strokes, even when the stimulus is near threshold; these factors result in longer escape jumps covering greater distances. The latency of responses of A. tonsa to this photic stimulus ranged from a minimum of about 30 ms to a maximum of more than 150 ms, compared to about 4 ms for hydrodynamically stimulated escape jumps. Average response latency decreased with increasing light intensity or increasing proportion of light eliminated. Little change was observed in the vigor of the escape response to rapid decreases in visible light over a wide range of adaptation intensities.  相似文献   

The stimulation of a single neuron in the rat somatosensory cortex can elicit a behavioral response. The probability of a behavioral response does not depend appreciably on the duration or intensity of a constant stimulation, whereas the response probability increases significantly upon injection of an irregular current. Biological mechanisms that can potentially suppress a constant input signal are present in the dynamics of both neurons and synapses and seem ideal candidates to explain these experimental findings. Here, we study a large network of integrate-and-fire neurons with several salient features of neuronal populations in the rat barrel cortex. The model includes cellular spike-frequency adaptation, experimentally constrained numbers and types of chemical synapses endowed with short-term plasticity, and gap junctions. Numerical simulations of this model indicate that cellular and synaptic adaptation mechanisms alone may not suffice to account for the experimental results if the local network activity is read out by an integrator. However, a circuit that approximates a differentiator can detect the single-cell stimulation with a reliability that barely depends on the length or intensity of the stimulus, but that increases when an irregular signal is used. This finding is in accordance with the experimental results obtained for the stimulation of a regularly-spiking excitatory cell.  相似文献   

Behavioral responses to a sensory stimulus are often guided by associative memories. These associations remain intact even when other factors determine behavior. The substrates of associative memory should therefore be identifiable by neuronal responses that are independent of behavioral choices. We tested this hypothesis using a paired-associates task in which monkeys learned arbitrary associations between pairs of visual stimuli. We examined the activity of neurons in inferior temporal cortex as the animals prepared to choose a remembered stimulus from a visual display. The activity of some neurons (22%) depended on the monkey's behavioral choice; but for a novel class of neurons (54%), activity reflected the stimulus that the monkey was instructed to choose, regardless of the behavioral response. These neurons appear to represent memorized stimulus associations that are stable across variations in behavioral performance. In addition, many neurons (74%) were modulated by the spatial arrangement of the stimuli in the display.  相似文献   

Crayfish escapes from threatening stimuli to the abdomen by tailflipping upwards and forwards. This lateral giant (LG)-mediated escape reaction habituates readily upon repetitive sensory stimulation. Using an isolated abdominal nerve cord preparation, we have analyzed the change in LG activity by applying additional sensory stimulation after different periods following habituation to characterize the retention of LG habituation. Results show that the LG mediated response habituates more quickly, but the retention time is shorter, as repetitive sensory stimulation is applied at progressively shorter inter-stimulus time intervals. The spike response of LG recovers quickly, within several minutes after habituation, but they fail to spike when an additional stimulus is applied after specific long periods following habituation. The critical period of the delay for this decrease in excitability of LG is dependent on the inter-stimulus time interval of the initial repetitive stimulus. As the inter-stimulus interval became longer, the delay needed for decrease in excitability became shorter. Furthermore, the local injection of 10–6 mol l–1 octopamine into the neuropil just following habituation promotes the achievement of decrease in excitability. No effects were observed when 10–6 mol l–1 serotonin and tyramine were injected. These results suggested octopamine promotes decrease in excitability of LG following habituation.  相似文献   

In response to an air puff stimulus, intact crickets, Gryllus bimaculatus, make an escape almost 180 degrees opposite to the stimulus source. In order to verify our previous hypothesis that a self-stimulation of the wind-sensory system is necessary for a compensational recovery of the escape direction (behavioral compensation) in unilaterally cercus-ablated crickets, we investigated the relationship between the conditions of rearing after a unilateral cercal ablation and the degree of behavioral compensation. A unilaterally cercus-ablated cricket reared in a large cage to permit free locomotion showed a significantly higher degree of recovery of escape direction compared with those reared under restrained conditions in a small glass vial. However, the degree of behavioral compensation in a cricket reared alone in a large cage was smaller than that of crickets reared in a cage of the same size with 5-6 other cercus-ablated crickets. Mutual stimulation possibly increased the extent of locomotion of crickets reared in a group and improved the degree of compensational recovery of the escape direction. To ascertain this, the distance a cricket moved during the recovery period was associated with the degree of compensational change of the escape direction. The result suggests that the degree of compensation of the escape direction clearly depended on the distance walked by the crickets. The compensation seemed not to be caused by other factors such as chemical ones in the case of group rearing because forced locomotion induced by touch stimulation on the body surface was solely effective in improving the escape direction.  相似文献   

The use of shelters has had a predominant adaptive value in many species throughout evolution. Shelters provide protection and reduce the risk of predation during the search for food and mates. However, they imply the additional danger of having the refuge appropriated by an intruder because of intraspecific competition, especially in densely populated communities. In this work we studied the burrow-centred strategies of exploration and the burrow-oriented escape responses of the crab Chasmagnathus granulatus during surface activity outside their burrows. Exploratory excursions were described through diverse characteristics that enabled their functional analysis and categorization. Results showed that surface exploration is mainly accomplished by slow and near-the-burrow excursions that could be composed of two or three stages. Exploratory behaviour is drastically replaced by a conspicuous burrow-oriented escape response when crabs are faced with an aerial stimulus or the approach of a conspecific neighbour. We describe and compare this escape run with regard to whether individual survival or burrow resource is at risk. This study provides evidence of the effect of the crabs’ shelter on surface activity and social interactions in the natural habitat of C. granulatus and supplies valuable tools for field and laboratory studies using this crab as an animal model.  相似文献   

1.  The effects of the biogenic amines serotonin and octopamine on motion-sensitive neurons in the lobula of the honey bee were analysed electrophysiologically. Single cell activity was recorded intracellularly during application of amines. Field potentials in the lobula were recorded to measure the effects on populations of motion-sensitive neurons.
2.  Serotonin and octopamine modulate the response properties of motion-sensitive neurons in the lobula in a functionally antagonistic way.
3.  The application of serotonin, in most cases, reduces background activity as well as responses to moving stripe patterns by motion-sensitive lobula neurons. The direction specificity can also decrease after serotonin application. In accordance with the single cell recordings, the amplitudes of lobula field potentials evoked by moving stripe patterns are also reduced by application of serotonin.
4.  Octopamine leads to an increase in the amplitude and the initial slope of field potentials evoked by moving stripe patterns. However, there were no uniform effects at the single cell level after octopamine application.
5.  The modulatory effects of serotonin and octopamine on motion-sensitive neurons correlate well with some behavioral modifications elicited by these substances (Erber et al. 1991; Erber and Kloppenburg, companion paper).

Yono O  Shimozawa T 《Bio Systems》2008,93(3):218-225
One prominent stimulus to evoke an escape response in crickets is the detection of air movement, such as would result from an attacking predator. Wind is detected by the cercal sensory system that consists of hundreds of sensory cells at the base of filiform hairs. These sensory cells relay information to about a dozen cercal giant and non-giant interneurons. The response of cercal sensory cells depends both, on the intensity and the direction of the wind. Spike trains of cercal giant interneurons then convey the information about wind direction and intensity to the central nervous system. Extracellular recording of multiple cercal giant interneurons shows that certain interneuron pairs fire synchronously if a wind comes from a particular direction. We demonstrate here that directional tuning curves of synchronously firing pairs of interneurons are sharper than those of single interneurons. Moreover, the sum total of all synchronously firing pairs eventually covers all wind directions. The sharpness of the tuning curves in synchronously firing pairs results from excitatory and inhibitory input from the cercal sensory neurons. Our results suggest, that synchronous firing of specific pairs of cercal giant interneurons encodes the wind direction. This was further supported by behavioral analyses.  相似文献   

We investigated the sublethal effects of a predatory crab, Cancer productus (Randall), on the behavior and growth of its snail prey, Littorina sitkana, by setting up controlled rearing and prey-size selection experiments. L. sitkana were collected from three sites on San Juan Island, WA, USA. These sites varied in snail size, abundance, and vertical distribution, and in the abundance of the crab predator C. productus. Snails from all three populations were raised for 34 days under the following treatments: no-crab control, a non-feeding C. productus encased in mesh box, and an encased C. productus feeding on L. sitkana. The non-feeding crab treatment did not affect snail foraging behavior or growth rate in comparison with the no-crab control. In contrast, the presence of a feeding crab elicited escape behavior in the snails, halted grazing, and consequently reduced growth rates. A population difference in escape behavior was observed: upward migration in snails from rocky shores and hiding in crevices in snails from a mud flat. It thus appears that chemicals leaching from crushed conspecific snails, rather than the presence of the crab predator, act as the “alarm substance” to which L. sitkana react. The magnitude of the growth depression in the presence of feeding crabs was 85%, with no difference among the three populations. Once the feeding crab stimulus was removed, snails in all populations resumed normal growth, suggesting that this response to feeding predators is reversible with changing environmental conditions. Laboratory experiments were set up to determine if all size classes of L. sitkana are equally susceptible to C. productus predation. C. productus consistently selected the largest of three size classes of L. sitkana. These results suggest that slow growth rate and small size in L. sitkana may actually be an adaptation for coexisting with high C. productus abundance, rather than simply a cost of escape behavior.  相似文献   

Acquisition of two components of conditioned active avoidance behavior by rats was studied. First presentations of electroshock evoked a number of different behavioral reactions. However, after five trials many rats learned to escape punishment running away to another part of a shuttle-box. The efficiency of the avoidance reaction conditioning significantly depended on the ability of an animal to learn the correct escape reaction to the unconditioned stimulus. However, some animals were incapable for acquisition of the conditioned reaction despite their high level of successful escapes. Increase in the number of negative reactions to the conditioned stimulus (light) at the next stage of learning suggests that the conditioned stimulus becomes the signal of forthcoming punishment. The ability of an animal to identify the conditioned stimulus as a signal significantly affected the efficiency of conditioned avoidance acquisition.  相似文献   

For many animals, the visual detection of looming stimuli is crucial at any stage of their lives. For example, human babies of only 6 days old display evasive responses to looming stimuli (Bower et al. [1971]: Percept Psychophys 9: 193–196). This means the neuronal pathways involved in looming detection should mature early in life. Locusts have been used extensively to examine the neural circuits and mechanisms involved in sensing looming stimuli and triggering visually evoked evasive actions, making them ideal subjects in which to investigate the development of looming sensitivity. Two lobula giant movement detectors (LGMD) neurons have been identified in the lobula region of the locust visual system: the LGMD1 neuron responds selectively to looming stimuli and provides information that contributes to evasive responses such as jumping and emergency glides. The LGMD2 responds to looming stimuli and shares many response properties with the LGMD1. Both neurons have only been described in the adult. In this study, we describe a practical method combining classical staining techniques and 3D neuronal reconstructions that can be used, even in small insects, to reveal detailed anatomy of individual neurons. We have used it to analyze the anatomy of the fan‐shaped dendritic tree of the LGMD1 and the LGMD2 neurons in all stages of the post‐embryonic development of Locusta migratoria. We also analyze changes seen during the ontogeny of escape behaviors triggered by looming stimuli, specially the hiding response. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 1078–1095, 2014  相似文献   

In this article, we demonstrate assays to study thermal nociception in Drosophila larvae. One assay involves spatially-restricted (local) stimulation of thermal nociceptors while the second involves a wholesale (global) activation of most or all such neurons. Together, these techniques allow visualization and quantification of the behavioral functions of Drosophila nociceptive sensory neurons. The Drosophila larva is an established model system to study thermal nociception, a sensory response to potentially harmful temperatures that is evolutionarily conserved across species. The advantages of Drosophila for such studies are the relative simplicity of its nervous system and the sophistication of the genetic techniques that can be used to dissect the molecular basis of the underlying biology In Drosophila, as in all metazoans, the response to noxious thermal stimuli generally involves a "nocifensive" aversive withdrawal to the presented stimulus. Such stimuli are detected through free nerve endings or nociceptors and the amplitude of the organismal response depends on the number of nociceptors receiving the noxious stimulus. In Drosophila, it is the class IV dendritic arborization sensory neurons that detect noxious thermal and mechanical stimuli in addition to their recently discovered role as photoreceptors. These neurons, which have been very well studied at the developmental level, arborize over the barrier epidermal sheet and make contacts with nearly all epidermal cells. The single axon of each class IV neuron projects into the ventral nerve cord of the central nervous system where they may connect to second-order neurons that project to the brain. Under baseline conditions, nociceptive sensory neurons will not fire until a relatively high threshold is reached. The assays described here allow the investigator to quantify baseline behavioral responses or, presumably, the sensitization that ensues following tissue damage. Each assay provokes distinct but related locomotory behavioral responses to noxious thermal stimuli and permits the researcher to visualize and quantify various aspects of thermal nociception in Drosophila larvae. The assays can be applied to larvae of desired genotypes or to larvae raised under different environmental conditions that might impact nociception. Since thermal nociception is conserved across species, the findings gleaned from genetic dissection in Drosophila will likely inform our understanding of thermal nociception in other species, including vertebrates.  相似文献   

There are nine “giant vertical” neurons in the lobula plate of the fly optic lobe. Intracellular recordings were obtained from the three most peripheral of these cells. These cells respond to a light flash with graded changes in the membrane potential. The response consists of an “on” transient, a sustained depolarization, an increase in membrane potential fluctuations, and an “off” transient. Signal averaging showed that only the “on” and “off” transients are correlated to the stimulus. A pattern of horizontally oriented stripes moving in the vertical direction evokes a response larger than the response to a stationary pattern. The response is most sensitive to vertical movement; motion in the downward direction evokes a net membrane potential depolarization, and upward motion results in a net hyperpolarization. We conclude that the giant vertical cells function primarily as vertical motion detectors and that the direction of the motion is encoded in the polarity of the shift in the membrane potential.  相似文献   

1. Medulla interneurons of the optic lobe of P. americana were studied to determine their spectral properties. These neurons exhibited tonic firing which changed with monochromatic broadfield illumination of the ipsilateral eye. The response patterns of these neurons were analyzed by inferring their relation to the ultraviolet (UV) and green (G) photoreceptor groups of the eye. Their anatomy was described after injection of Lucifer yellow. 2. Broadband neurons received either excitatory or inhibitory input from both UV and G receptors. These neurons were not strictly sensitive to luminosity levels and had large cell bodies in the central rind of the medulla and wide dendritic arbors in the medulla neuropil. 3. Narrow band neurons received input from predominantly one receptor type. Their spectral sensitivity curves were more finely tuned than those of the primary receptors presumably due to neural interactions within the optic lobe. 4. Color opponent neurons were inhibited by UV and excited by G inputs in their sustained response. Under certain conditions, some of these neurons also showed G inhibition. These neurons suggested the presence of a subsystem involved in color vision. 5. Broadband, narrow band and color opponent properties were seen in some single neurons when tested over a 5-6 log unit range of intensity. The responses of some of these neurons changed when stimulus duration was increased. These findings indicated that functional classification for these neurons was dependent on stimulus intensity and duration. 6. Polarizational sensitivity was tested in preliminary experiments. Two neurons responded to the movement and direction of polarized light.  相似文献   

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