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Summary Salt-soluble proteins from the endosperms of wheat, barley, and rye have been separated by nonequilibrium electrofocusing x electrophoresis. Genes encoding 14 of the 25 components observed in wheat have been unambiguously assigned to 10 different chromosomes (1B, 3B, 3D, 4A, 4D, 5B, 6B, 6D, 7B, 7D) by analysis of the compensated nulli-tetrasomic series. Five more wheat proteins seem to be controlled by group 2 chromosomes. Analysis of wheat-barley and wheat-rye addition lines has led to the location of genes for 6 out of 20 barley proteins in 4 different chromosomes (1H, 3H, 4H, 6H; 1H is homoeologous to group 7 chromosomes of wheat) and of genes for 5 out of 20 rye proteins in two different chromosomes (2R, 4R). The relationship between the proteins reported here and previously characterized ones is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Total proteins were extracted from degermed seeds of various species of Triticum and Aegilops with solutions containing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and mercaptoethanol. The reduced, dissociated proteins were fractionated according to molecular weight (MW) by high-resolution polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in buffers containing SDS (SDS-PAGE). Stained SDS-PAGE patterns were measured by densitometric scanning over a suitable range of optical density. The data were normalized to equivalent total areas for each of the densitometric scans by means of a computer program that also permitted the construction of patterns of hypothetical amphiploids by averaging patterns of two or three diploid species. The grain proteins of most species examined had distinctive qualitative and quantitative aspects that were characteristic of the species even though nearly every accession or cultivar of a species exhibited at least minor differences in pattern from other accessions or cultivars. The main protein components (probably prolamins) of Triticum monococcum ssp. monococcum, T. monococcum ssp. boeoticum, T. urartu, and Aegilops squarrosa had MW's in the range 29–36 X 103 whereas the most important components of Ae. speltoides, Ae. longissima, and Ae. searsii had MW's in the range 37–55 × 103. Changes in the quantitative expression of particular genes, especially those coding for storage protein components, may have been associated with speciation. The strong predominance of proteins with MW's in the range 29–36 × 103 in some accessions of AB genome tetraploids, such as T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides, may indicate contributions to the B genome of these tetraploids by T. monococcum ssp. boeoticum, T. urartu, or Ae. squarrosa.  相似文献   

The genome of common wheat has evolved through allopolyploidization of three ancestral diploid genomes. A previously identified restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) marker, pTag546, has the unique feature of showing hypervariability among closely related common wheat cultivars. To understand the origin and the mode of dispersal of this hypervariable sequence in the wheat genome, the distribution and structure of the homologous sequences were studied using ancestral diploid species, tetraploid disomic substitution lines and synthetic hexaploid lines. Comparative Southern blot and PCR analyses suggested that pTag546 homologs in the tetraploid and hexaploid wheat were derived from the S genome of Aegilops speltoides. Some pTag546 homologs were found to have transposed to A and D genomes in polyploid wheat. Evidence of transposition and elimination in some synthetic hexaploid lines was also obtained by comparing their copy numbers with those in the parental lines. Southern blot analysis of a genomic clone using a contiguous subset of sequences as probes revealed a core region of hypervariability that coincided with the region containing pTag546. No obvious structural characteristics that could explain the hypervariability, however, were found around the pTag546 sequence, except for accumulation of small repetitive sequences at one border. It was concluded that pTag546 increased its copy number through yet unknown mechanism(s) of transposition to various chromosomal locations over the period of allopolyploid evolution and during the artificial genome manipulation in wheat.  相似文献   

Twenty enzyme loci were examined in the diploid species ofTriticum andAegilops for allelic variation by starch gel electrophoresis. SectionSitopsis, including the five species,Ae. speltoides, Ae. lingissima, Ae. sharonensis, Ae. bicornis andAe. searsii form a close subgroup withAe. speltoides slightly removed from the others.T. monococcum s. lat., was found to be closest to the species of theSitopsis group.Ae. comosa, Ae. umbellulata andAe. uniaristata form a second subgroup withAe. caudata most closely related to these species.Ae. squarrosa appears almost equally related to all of the species, showing no special affinity for any one species group. Nineteen out of twenty loci examined were polymorphic with a mean of 6.7 alleles per locus. Species could be, for most loci, characterized by the presence of predominant alleles. A conspicious genetic characteristic ofTriticum-Aegilops is the sharing of these predominant alleles between species. Within species variation is characterized by a diffuse distribution of secondary alleles.  相似文献   

 The present study analyzed the distribution pattern of the Ae. speltoides–derived repetitive clone pGc1R-1 in the Triticum/Aegilops complex. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis showed that clone pGc1R-1 is a S-genome-specific repetitive sequence that hybridized to the S-genome of three species in the section Sitopsis, Aegilops speltoides (S), Ae. longissima (Sl), and Ae. sharonensis (Ssh), but not to Ae. bicornis (Sb) and Ae. searsii (Ss), nor to any other diploid Aegilops species. This clone also hybridized to the very closely related G-genome of T. timopheevii subsp. armeniacum and T. timopheevii ssp. timopheevii, but not to the B-genome of T. turgidum and T. aestivum. Hybridization also was observed in the polyploid Aegilops species, Ae. kotschyi (UkSk), Ae. peregrina (UpSp), and Ae. vavilovii (XvaDvaSva). Large inter- and intraspecific variations were observed. Our results confirm that the S genome is related more to the Sl and Ssh genomes than to the Sb and Ss genomes; there is a greater affinity between the G and S genomes than between the B and S genomes. Mechanisms to account for the variation in the FISH pattern with different genomes include sequence amplification and deletion. Variation in the distribution of this genome-specific DNA sequence, pGc1R-1, on chromosomes can be used to reveal evolutionary relationships in the Triticum and Aegilops complex. Received April 10, 2002; accepted July 12, 2002 Published online: November 28, 2002 Address of the authors: Peng Zhang, Bernd Friebe (e-mail: friebe@ksu.edu), Bikram S. Gill, Wheat Genetics Resource Center, Department of Plant Pathology, 4024 Throckmorton, Plant Sciences Center, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-5502, USA.  相似文献   

Sau3AI shot gun cloning and colony hybridization with total genomic probes were used to isolate genome-specific sequences inPhleum species. The total DNA isolated from diploid speciesP. alpinum andP. bertolonii was partially digested withSau3AI and cloned using pUC19 as a vector to anE. coli strain DH5mcr. A partial genomic DNA library consisting of 3030 colonies for the genome ofP. alpinum and one consisting of 3240 colonies for the genome ofP. bertolonii were constructed. Twelve hundred and thirty colonies from the DNA library ofP. alpinum and 1320 from that ofP. bertolonii were respectively blotted to membrane filters and hybridized to the total genomic probes from these two species. Eight clones specific toP. alpinum and 13 specific toP. bertolonii were isolated through colony hybridization and further dot-blot hybridization. Most of these clones may carry highly or moderately repetitive sequences. Three sequences specific toP. alpinum and 3 specific toP. bertolonii were used as probes to hybridize theEcoRI-digested DNA samples from four species,P. alpinum,P. bertolonii,P. pratense andP. montanum, on Southern blot. The results from these hybridization experiments showed that all 3P. bertolonii-specific probes and 2 of the 3P. alpinum-specific probes hybridized to the DNA ofP. pratense, thus confirming the conclusion of the close relationships between the cultivated timothy and its two wild relatives that was drawn in our previous study using the C-banding technique.  相似文献   

Summary A new group of proteins soluble in salt solutions and organic solvents (70% ethanol and chloroform-methanol mixtures), but not in water, has been isolated from wheat and rye endosperm. The molecular weights (23–26 kDa) and amino acid compositions of the different fractions characterized suggest a high degree of homology among the major components of the fractions in wheat and rye. Compensating nulli-tetrasomic and ditelosomic lines of hexaploid wheat have been analysed by two-dimensional electrophoresis and genes for these proteins have been assigned to the short arms of chromosomes 1 A, 1 B and 1 D. A similar analysis of Triticum aestivum/Secale cereale and T. aestivum/Agropyron elongatum addition and substitution lines has shown that genes for the corresponding globulins are located in the short arms of group 1 chromosomes of these species.  相似文献   

Comparative RFLP mapping has revealed extensive conservation of marker order in different grass genomes. However, microcolinearity studies at the sequence level have shown rapid genome evolution and many exceptions to colinearity. Most of these studies have focused on a limited size of genomic fragment and the extent of microcolinearity over large distances or across entire genomes remains poorly characterized in grasses. Here, we have investigated the microcolinearity between the rice genome and a total of 1,500 kb from physical BAC contigs on wheat chromosome 1AS. Using ESTs mapped in wheat chromosome bins as an additional source of physical data, we have identified 27 conserved orthologous sequences between wheat chromosome 1AS and a region of 1,210 kb located on rice chromosome 5S. Our results extend the orthology described earlier between wheat chromosome group 1S and rice chromosome 5S. Microcolinearity was found to be frequently disrupted by rearrangements which must have occurred after the divergence of wheat and rice. At the Lr10 orthologous loci, microrearrangements were due to the insertion of mobile elements, but also originated from gene movement, amplification, deletion and inversion. These mechanisms of genome evolution are at the origin of the mosaic conservation observed between the orthologous regions. Finally, in silico mapping of wheat genes identified an intragenomic colinearity between fragments from rice chromosome 1L and 5S, suggesting an ancestral segmental duplication in rice.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at  相似文献   

Seed albumins and 2S proteins isolated from the albumin fraction of 36 accessions representing 10 Old-WorldLupinus species (5 smooth- and 5 rough-seeded) were studied using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. In addition, the globulin fraction was analyzed to determine its 2S protein content. The performed separations showed the suitability of RP-HPLC technique in the analysis of variation of the seed albumin composition in lupins. In the group of rough-seeded lupins, 3 types of RP-HPLC elution profiles of albumins were distinguished: (1)L. atlanticus, (2)L. cosentinii andL. digitatus, (3)L. palaestinus andL. pilosus. All the species of this group were found to have proteins not observed in smooth-seeded species. Smooth-seeded species exhibited more abundant protein spectra, each species distinguishing by its specific RP-HPLC elution profile. It was found that 2S proteins classified as 2S albumins were responsible for the observed variation. Depending onLupinus species, the 2S albumin class consists of two to six proteins.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic seed protein patterns of 18 samples belonging to 14 species and 4 sections of Lathyrus are treated by principle component analysis (PCA). The morphological ground and karyological structure data of these samples are also discussed in the light of sectional and groups delimitation. The species under study of section Cicercula are separated into 3 groups and L. hirsutus referred to the most primitive species within Lathyrus species. This agrees with their previous grouping delimination based on morphological characters and with chromosomal features such as karyotype structure. L. aphaca referred to the most advanced species in this genus, which agrees with the modification of this morphological characteristics and reduction in chromosome criteria. Section Nissolia hasan intermediate position between section Cicercula and section Aphaca. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Understanding the classification and biosystematics of species in Triticeae Dumort., an economically important tribe in the grass family (Poaceae), is not an easy task, particularly for some perennial species. Does genomic analysis facilitate the understanding of evolutionary relationships of these Triticeae species? We reviewed literature published after 1984 to address questions concerning: (1) genome relationships among the monogenomic diploid species; (2) progenitors of the unknown Y genome in Elymus polyploids, X genome in Thinopyrum intermedium, and Xm genome in Leymus; and (3) genome constitutions of some perennial Triticeae species that were unknown or misidentified. A majority of publications have substantiated the close affinity of the Eb and Ee genomes in Th. bessarabicumand Th. elongatum, supporting the use of a common basic genome symbol. The E genome is close to the St genome of Pseudoroegneria and ABD genomes ofTriticum/Aegilops complex, providing an explanation for transferring genes from the E to ABD genomes with relative ease. Although the solid proof is still lacking, theW, P, and especially Xp genomes are possible origins for the Y genome of polyploid Elymus. The absence of the E genome and the allopolyploidy nature of tetraploidLeymus species have been unequivocally confirmed by both cytogenetic and molecular studies. However, the donor of the Xm genomes of Leymus was only speculated to be related to the P genome of Agropyron and F genome of Eremopyrum. Intermediate wheatgrass (Th. intermedium) has been extensively studied. The presence of the St (as the previously designated X) genome in Th. intermedium is now unequivocal. Its two more closely related E1 and E2 genomes are shown to be older versions of the E genome rather than the current Eb and Ee genomes. Speciation of Th. intermedium was similar to that of Triticum aestivum, in which the Js/Es(like B) genomes had the greatest differentiation from the current J (Eb) genome owning to repetitive sequences of the V genome, whereas its St (like D) had the least differentiation from the current St genome. Species with unknown or misidentified genomes have been correctly designated, including those with the ESt, StP, StPY,StWY, EStP, HW, StYHW, and NsXm genomes. Some of those species have been transferred to and renamed in appropriate genera.  相似文献   

To evaluate the genetic diversity of some Vicia species, seed proteins of 160 accessions (30 of Vicia faba, 15 of V. narbonensis, 82 of V. sativa and 25 of V. ervilia and 8 accessions of other Vicia species) were analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The dendrogram showed that the two outcrossing species V. faba and V. villosa were the most distant among all species (average percent disagreement value PDV 0.47 and 0.45, respectively). The tree was divided into small clusters of two species each. V. narbonensis fell in one cluster with V. michausai (at PDV = 0.35) and V. lutea (var. hirta) fell in one cluster with V. serococorpes (at PDV = 0.32) whereas, V. ervilia fell in one cluster with V. sativa (at PDV = 0.27). The V. sativa subspecies, however, were closely related (PDV < 0.1). In general, this study did not prove any relationship between the studied storage proteins and the geographical distribution or ecological needs of the studied accessions.  相似文献   

We assessed the molecular genetic diversity and relationships among some Aegilops and Triticum species using 15 start codon-targeted (SCoT) polymorphism markers. A total of 166 bands amplified, of which 164 (98.79%) were polymorphic. Analysis of molecular variance and inter-population differentiation (Gst) indicated high genetic variation within the studied populations. Our analyses revealed high genetic diversity in T. boeoticum, Ae. cylindrica, T. durum and Ae. umbellulata, low diversity in Ae. crassa, Ae. caudata and Ae. speltoides, and a close relationship among Ae. tauschii, T. aestivum, T. durum, T. urartu, and T. boeoticum. Cluster analysis indicated 180 individuals divided into 8 genome homogeneous clades and 11 sub-groups. T. aestivum and T. durum accessions were grouped together, and accessions with the C and U genomes were grouped into the same clade. Our results support the hypothesis that T. urartu and Ae. tauschii are two diploid ancestors of T. aestivum, and also that Ae. caudata and Ae. umbellulata are putative donors of C and U genomes for other Aegilops species that possess these genomes. Our results also revealed that the SCoT technique is informative and can be used to assess genetic relationships among wheat germplasm.  相似文献   

C. M. Bowman 《Planta》1986,167(2):264-274
The possibility of estimating the proportion of chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) and nuclear DNA (nDNA) in nucleic-acid extracts by selective digestion with the methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme PstI, was tested using leaf extracts from Spinacia oleracea and Triticum aestivum. Values of ctDNA as percentage nDNA were estimated to be 14.58%±0.56 (SE) in S. oleracea leaves and 4.97%±0.36 (SE) in T. aestivum leaves. These estimates agree well with those already reported for the same type of leaf material. Selective digestion and quantitative dot-blot hybridisation were used to determine ctDNA as percentage nDNA in expanded leaf tissue from species of Triticum and Aegilops representing three levels of nuclear ploidy and six types of cytoplasm. No significant differences in leaf ctDNA content were detected: in the diploids the leaf ctDNA percentage ranged between 3.8% and 5.1%, and in the polyploids between 3.5% and 4.9%. Consequently, nuclear ploidy and nDNA amount were proportional to ctDNA amount (r(19)=0.935, P>0.01) and hence to ctDNA copy number in the mature mesophyll cells of these species. There was a slight increase in ctDNA copy numbers per chloroplast at higher ploidy levels. The balance between numbers of nuclear and chloroplast genomes is discussed in relation to polyploidisation and to the nuclear control of ctDNA replication.Abbreviations ctDNA chloroplast DNA - nDNA nuclear DNA - RuBPCase ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase - DAPI 4,6-diamidine-2-phenylindole  相似文献   

Summary The nature of genome change during polyploid evolution was studied by analysing selected species within the tribe Triticeae. The levels of genome changes examined included structural alterations (translocations, inversions), heterochromatinization, and nucleotide sequence change in the rDNA regions. These analyses provided data for evaluating models of genome evolution in polyploids in the genus Triticum, postulated on the basis of chromosome pairing at metaphase I in interspecies hybrids.The significance of structural chromosome alterations with respect to reduced MI chromosome pairing in interspecific hybrids was assayed by determining the incidence of heterozygosity for translocations and paracentric inversions in the A and B genomes of T. timopheevii ssp. araraticum (referred to as T. araraticum) represented by two lines, 1760 and 2541, and T. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring. Line 1760 differed from Chinese Spring by translocations in chromosomes 1A, 3A, 4A, 6A, 7A, 3B, 4B, 7B and possibly 2B. Line 2541 differed from Chinese Spring by translocations in chromosomes 3A, 6A, 6B and possibly 2B. Line 1760 also differed from Chinese Spring by paracentric inversions in arms 1AL and 4AL whereas line 2541 differed by inversions in 1BL and 4AL (not all chromosomes arms were assayed). The incidence of structural changes in the A and B genomes did not coincide with the more extensive differentiation of the B genomes relative to the A genomes as reflected by chromosome pairing studies.To assay changing degrees of heterochromatinization among species of the genus Triticum, all the diploid and polyploid species were C-banded. No general agreement was observed between the amount of heterochromatin and the ability of the respective chromosomes to pair with chromosomes of the ancestral species. Marked changes in the amount of heterochromatin were found to have occurred during the evolution of some of the polyploids.The analysis of the rDNA region provided evidence for rapid fixation of new repeated sequences at two levels, namely, among the 130 bp repeated sequences of the spacer and at the level of the repeated arrays of the 9 kb rDNA units. These occurred both within a given rDNA region and between rDNA regions on nonhomologous chromosomes. The levels of change in the rDNA regions provided good precedent for expecting extensive nucleotide sequence changes associated with differentiation of Triticum genomes and these processes are argued to be the principal cause of genome differentiation as revealed by chromosome pairing studies.  相似文献   

Summary Each of the three genomes in hexaploid wheat controls the expression of a specific lectin in the embryo. The chromosomes which control their synthesis were determined using nullisomic-tetrasomic and inter-varietal chromosome substitution lines of Chinese Spring. All three wheat lectins were shown to be controlled by the homoeologous group 1 chromosomes. Using ditelosomic lines of Chinese Spring the lectin genes could be localized on the long arms of chromosomes 1A and 1D. Inter-specific addition and substitution lines of Aegilops umbellulata chromosomes to Chinese Spring indicated that chromosome 1U, which is homoeologous to the group 1 chromosomes of wheat, controls lectin synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary The seed proteins of Chinese Spring wheat stocks which possess single chromosomes from other plant species related to wheat have been separated by gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate. Marker protein bands have been detected for both arms of barley chromosome 5, chromosome E (= 1R) and B (= 2R) of rye, chromosomes A,B (= 1Cu) and C (= 5Cu) of Aegilops umbellulata and chromosomes I and III of Agropyron elongatum. These studies, and previous findings, indicate that chromosome 5 of barley, chromosome 1R of rye, chromosome I of Ag. elongatum and possibly chromosome 1Cu of Ae. umbellulata are similar to chromosomes 1A, 1B and 1D in hexaploid wheat in that they carry genes controlling prolamins on their short arms and genes controlling high-molecular-weight (apparent molecular weight greater than 86,000) seed protein species on their long arms. These findings support the idea that all these chromosomes are derived from a common ancestral chromosome and that they have maintained their integrity since their derivation from that ancestral chromosome.  相似文献   

Salt stress causes nutritional imbalance and ion toxicity which affects wheat growth and production. A population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were developed by crossing Pasban90 (salt tolerant) and Frontana (salt suceptible) for identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for physiological traits including relative water content, membrane stability index, water potential, osmotic potential, total chlorophyll content, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and biochemical traits including proline contents, superoxide dismutase, sodium content, potassium content, chloride content and sodium/potassium ratio by tagging 202 polymorphic simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers. Linkage map of RILs comprised of 21 linkage group covering A, B and D genome for tagging and maped a total of 60 QTLs with major and minor effect. B genome contributed to the highest number of QTLs under salt stress condition. Xgwm70 and Xbarc361 mapped on chromosome 6B was linked with Total chlorophyll, water potential and sodium content. The increasing allele for all these QTLs were advanced from parent Pasban90. Current study showed that Genome B and D had more potentially active genes conferring plant tolerance against salinity stress which may be exploited for marker assisted selection to breed salinity tolerant high yielding wheat varieties.  相似文献   

The use of fossil fuel is predicted to cause an increase of the atmospheric CO2 concentration, which will affect the global pattern of temperature and precipitation. It is therefore essential to incorporate effects of temperature and water supply on carbon partitioning of plants to predict effects of elevated [CO2] on growth and yield of Triticum aestivum. Although earlier papers have emphasized that elevated [CO2] favours investment of biomass in roots relative to that in leaves, it has now become clear that these are indirect effects, due to the more rapid depletion of nutrients in the root environment as a consequence of enhanced growth. Broadly generalized, the effect of temperature on biomass allocation in the vegetative stage is that the relative investment of biomass in roots is lowest at a certain optimum temperature and increases at both higher and lower temperatures. This is found not only when the temperature of the entire plant is varied, but also when only root temperature is changed whilst shoot temperature is kept constant. Effects of temperature on the allocation pattern can be explained largely by the effect of root temperature on the roots' capacity to transport water. Effects of a shortage in water supply on carbon partitioning are unambiguous: roots receive relatively more carbon. The pattern of biomass allocation in the vegetative stage and variation in water-use efficiency are prime factors determining a plant's potential for early growth and yield in different environments. In a comparison of a range of T. aestivum cultivars, a high water-use efficiency at the plant level correlates positively with a large investment in both leaf and root biomass, a low stomatal conductance and a large investment in photosynthetic capacity. We also present evidence that a lower investment of biomass in roots is not only associated with lower respiratory costs for root growth, but also with lower specific costs for ion uptake. We suggest the combination of a number of traits in future wheat cultivars, i.e. a high investment of biomass in leaves, which have a low stomatal conductance and a high photosynthetic capacity, and a low investment of biomass in roots, which have low respiratory costs. Such cultivars are considered highly appropriate in a future world, especially in the dryer regions. Although variation for the desired traits already exists among wheat cultivars, it is much larger among wild Aegilops species, which can readily be crossed with T. aestivum. Such wild relatives may be exploited to develop new wheat cultivars well-adapted to changed climatic conditions.  相似文献   

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