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An empirical method for the prediction of T-cell epitopes   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Identification of T-cell epitopes from foreign proteins is the current focus of much research. Methods using simple two or three position motifs have proved useful in epitope prediction for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I, but to date not for MHC class II molecules. We utilized data from pool sequence analysis of peptides eluted from two HLA-DR13 alleles to construct a computer algorithm for predicting the probability that a given sequence will be naturally processed and presented on these alleles. We assessed the ability of this method to predict know self-peptides from these DR-13 alleles, DRB1 *1301 and *1302, as well as an immunodominant T-cell epitope. We also compared the predictions of this scoring procedure with the measured binding affinities of a panel of overlapping peptides from hepatitis B virus surface antigen. We concluded that this method may have wide application for the prediction of T-cell epitopes for both MHC class I and class II molecules.  相似文献   

Thirty-five Iak-specific monoclonal alloantibodies, derived from hybridomas constructed by fusion between mouse myeloma and spleen cells from A.TH alloimmune mice (I S anti-I k ), have been used to estimate the allotypic polyporphism of the Ik-gene products. Cross-blocking studies using 17 mAb specific for the I-A molecule indicated that six determinants, which were associated with the conventional specificities Ia.2 and Ia.19, were organized in at least three distinct polymorphic areas of the I-Ak molecules. Similarly, another group of six determinants, which did not correspond to previously described conventional Ia specificities, were found to be topologically heterogeneous. By contrast, the five epitopes associated with the Ia. 1 specificity were clustered into a single region of this molecule. In addition the potentiation of binding observed between mAb specific for topologically distinct epitope regions of the I-Ak molecule, suggested that the latter may undergo conformational changes after binding of a given mAb. A similar analysis of 17 mAb specific for the I-Ek molecule indicated that specificity Ia. 7 of the E chain (as defined in this series by eight mAb) was composed of three topologically distinct polymorphic areas, one of which is also spatially related to a complex cluster of eight new determinants of the I-Ek molecule. Finally, one mAb identified a so far undescribed shared determinant of the I-Ak and I-Ek molecules. The present results, which provide a new estimate of the allotypic polymorphism of the Iak antigens, are discussed with regard to their functional, biochemical, and evolutionary implications.Abbreviations used in this paper mAb monoclonal antibodies - FCS Fetal calf serum - Con A concanavalin A - H-2 mouse major histocompatibility complex - NMS normal mouse serum - SaCI Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I strain - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/METHODS: To characterize the repertoire of T-cell epitopes on the hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein, we studied major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I binding of 75 decapeptides on 20 human B-cell lines and murine spleen cells using a flow cytometric assay. The results were compared with MHC class I stabilization on T2 cells, the SYFPEITHI algorithm, and known T-cell epitopes from the literature. RESULTS: Binding of peptides proved to be specific for MHC class I molecules. We observed peak fluorescence signals at positions amino acids (aa) 35-44, aa 87-96, aa 131-140, and aa 167-176 in virtually all HLA-A2-positive cell lines. These sites corresponded to T-cell epitopes predicted by SYFPEITHI and the positions of known T-cell epitopes, whereas T2 stabilization was at variance for two peptides. The assay was applied to HLA-A2-negative cells and murine spleen cells without further modification, and identified additional peptides, corresponding to known T-cell epitopes. CONCLUSIONS: Peptide binding to different MHC class I alleles can be mapped rapidly by a flow cytometric assay and enables a first orientation on the sites of possible T-cell epitopes. Application of this assay to HCV core suggests a rather limited repertoire of epitopes in the Caucasoid population.  相似文献   

Little is known about the nature and specificity of T-cell-mediated responses to picornaviruses in humans. In this study, the nature of the T-cell response to seven picornaviruses, including polioviruses, coxsackieviruses B3 and B4, human rhinovirus 14, and encephalomyocarditis virus, was determined. Twenty-nine individuals responded to poliovirus type 3, coxsackievirus B3, and encephalomyocarditis virus by proliferation of T cells, and from such cultures, 130 virus-specific T-cell lines were established. T-cell lines generated in response to encephalomyocarditis virus were exclusively strain specific. However, the majority of T-cell lines established in response to viruses, other than encephalomyocarditis virus, were cross-reactive to each other. Their cross-reactivity was confirmed in 2 of the 30 picornavirus-specific clonally derived T-cell lines from two subjects, but the majority of these lines were serotype specific. T-cell epitopes adjacent to each of the B-cell antigenic sites in VP1 of poliovirus type 3 were identified. The response to the region adjacent to B-cell antigenic site 1 (residues 97 to 114) was dominant between individuals. The localization of this major CD4 T-cell epitope may permit the construction of chimeric viruses utilizing the natural picornavirus T-cell response to augment production of antibody specific for inserted sequences.  相似文献   

The excluded protecting group (EPG) method has been used for the solution synthesis of several peptides including Merrifield's Model Tetrapeptide, linear antamanide and an analogue of magainin-1, [Ala(19), Asn(22)]magainin-1. In the approach reported, the C-terminal amino acid is esterified to the 2-position of cholestane as the [2s,3s]iodohydrin ester and the penultimate amino acid added to the aminoacyl-steroid as the Fmoc-pentafluorophenyl-ester. The Fmoc group is removed with Et(2)NH/DMF ( approximately 15% v/v) and, after evaporation to approximately 10 mL, the solution chromatographed on Sephadex LH-20 in DMF. The dipeptidyl-steroid elutes as the free amine well separated from other reaction mixture components. Fractions containing the dipeptide, as determined by counting and TLC, are pooled and reacted with the next Fmoc-amino acid-pentafluorophenyl ester in the sequence. Repetition of the deprotection/purification/reaction cycle yields the fully protected peptide.On completion of the synthesis, the cholestane iodohydrin ester is selectively removed by treatment with Zn degrees /AcOH to yield the peptide with intact alpha-amino and side chain protecting groups. Global deprotection is achieved with HF. All intermediates from the syntheses reported were characterized. The magainin analogue was shown to have full biologic activity. The Fmoc iodohydrin esters of 16 of the 20 proteogenic amino acids have been prepared and characterized for use as the C-terminal amino acids in other EPG syntheses.  相似文献   

The NANP repeating sequence of the circumsporozoite protein of Plasmodium falciparum was displayed on the surface of fd filamentous bacteriophage as a 12-residue insert (NANP)(3) in the N-terminal region of the major coat protein (pVIII). The structure of the epitope determined by multidimensional solution NMR spectroscopy of the modified pVIII protein in lipid micelles was shown to be a twofold repeat of an extended and non-hydrogen-bonded loop based on the sequence NPNA, demonstrating that the repeating sequence is NPNA, not NANP. Further, high resolution solid-state NMR spectra of intact hybrid virions containing the modified pVIII proteins demonstrate that the peptides displayed on the surface of the virion adopt a single, stable conformation; this is consistent with their pronounced immunogenicity as well as their ability to mimic the antigenicity of their native parent proteins.  相似文献   

The immunogenicity of HLA-A*0201-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) peptide in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) nuclear capsid (N) and spike (S) proteins was determined by testing the proteins' ability to elicit a specific cellular immune response after immunization of HLA-A2.1 transgenic mice and in vitro vaccination of HLA-A2.1 positive human peripheral blood mononuclearcytes (PBMCs). First, we screened SARS N and S amino acid sequences for allele-specific motif matching those in human HLA-A2.1 MHC-I molecules. From HLA peptide binding predictions (http://thr.cit.nih.gov/molbio/hla_bind/), ten each potential N- and S-specific HLA-A2.1-binding peptides were synthesized. The high affinity HLA-A2.1 peptides were validated by T2-cell stabilization assays, with immunogenicity assays revealing peptides N223-231, N227-235, and N317-325 to be the first identified HLA-A*0201-restricted CTL epitopes of SARS-CoV N protein. In addition, previous reports identified three HLA-A*0201-restricted CTL epitopes of S protein (S978-986, S1203-1211, and S1167-1175), here we found two novel peptides S787-795 and S1042-1050 as S-specific CTL epitopes. Moreover, our identified N317-325 and S1042-1050 CTL epitopes could induce recall responses when IFN-gamma stimulation of blood CD8+ T-cells revealed significant difference between normal healthy donors and SARS-recovered patients after those PBMCs were in vitro vaccinated with their cognate antigen. Our results would provide a new insight into the development of therapeutic vaccine in SARS.  相似文献   

PNA type I monomer backbone with a reduced peptide bond was synthesized on a Merrifield resin in Mitsunobu reaction of Boc-aminoethanol with resin-bound o-nitrobenzenesulfonylglycine. The pseudodipeptide secondary amine group was deprotected by thiolysis and acylated with thymin-1-ylacetic acid. The monomer was released as a methyl ester. The procedure seems to be of general applicability and allows various modifications of PNA structure by using diverse alcohols and amino acid esters.  相似文献   

Multiple myeloma is incurable with standard therapies but is susceptible to a T-cell-mediated graft versus myeloma effect after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. We sought to identify myeloma-specific antigens that might be used for T-cell immunotherapy of myeloma. MAGE-C1 (CT-7) is a cancer-testis antigen that is expressed by tumor cells in >70% of myeloma patients and elicits a humoral response in up to 93% of patients with CT-7+ myeloma. No CD8+ T-cell epitopes have been described for CT-7, so we used a combination of reverse immunology and immunization of HLA-A2 transgenic mice with a novel cell-based vaccine to identify three immunogenic epitopes of CT-7 that are recognized by human CD8+ T-cells. CT-7-specific T-cells recognizing two of these peptides are able to recognize myeloma cells as well as CT-7 gene-transduced tumor cells, demonstrating that these epitopes are naturally processed and presented by tumor cells. This is the first report of the identification of immunogenic CD8+ T-cell epitopes of MAGE-C1 (CT-7), which is the most commonly expressed cancer-testis antigen found in myeloma, and these epitopes may be promising candidate targets for vaccination or T-cell therapy of myeloma or other CT-7+ malignancies.  相似文献   

A 36-residue peptide amide corresponding to the entire amino acid sequence of porcine peptide YY (PYY) was synthesized by assembling eight peptide fragments of established purity, followed by hard acid deprotection with 1M trimethylsilyl trifluoromethanesulfonate in trifluoroacetic acid. beta-Cycloheptylaspartate, Asp(OChp), was employed to minimize the base-catalyzed succinimide formation. When administered to dogs, synthetic PYY was active as natural peptide in its effects on exocrine pancreatic secretion and pancreatic tissue blood flow.  相似文献   

Antibodies that bind to protein surfaces of interest can be used to report the three-dimensional structure of the protein as follows: Proteins are composed of linear polypeptide chains that fold together in complex spatial patterns to create the native protein structure. These folded structures form binding sites for antibodies. Antibody binding sites are typically "assembled" on the protein surface from segments that are far apart in the primary amino acid sequence of the target proteins. Short amino acid probe sequences that bind to the active region of each antibody can be used as witnesses to the antibody epitope surface and these probes can be efficiently selected from random sequence peptide libraries. This paper presents a new method to align these antibody epitopes to discontinuous regions of the one-dimensional amino acid sequence of a target protein. Such alignments of the epitopes indicate how segments of the protein sequence must be folded together in space and thus provide long-range constraints for solving the 3-D protein structure. This new antibody-based approach is applicable to the large fraction of proteins that are refractory to current approaches for structure determination and has the additional advantage of requiring very small amounts of the target protein. The binding site of an antibody is a surface, not just a continuous linear sequence, so the epitope mapping alignment problem is outside the scope of classical string alignment algorithms, such as Smith-Waterman. We formalize the alignment problem that is at the heart of this new approach, prove that the epitope mapping alignment problem is NP-complete, and give some initial results using a branch-and-bound algorithm to map two real-life cases. Initial results for two validation cases are presented for a graph-based protein surface neighbor mapping procedure that promises to provide additional spatial proximity information for the amino acid residues on the protein surface.  相似文献   

Summary The solid-phase synthesis of peptides is limited by the ability to separate the target sequence from chromatographically similar deletion and truncated impurities. Earlier we have reported the development of a one-step purification procedure for Boc- and Fmoc-synthesised peptides, which involves the incorporation of a base-labile probe with enhanced chromatographic properties at the N-terminal residue of the peptidyl-resin. To prevent the coderivatisation of deletion peptides, an efficient capping procedure is required at each step of chain assembly to terminate unreacted amino groups. N-(2-Chlorobenzyloxycarbonyloxy)-succinimide (Z(2-Cl)-OSu) was found to be a highly effective capping agent for automated SPPS, because it is (i) a solid which can be dissolved when required to limit possible degradation; (ii) stable to the reagents commonly used for Boc/Fmoc chemistries; and (iii) sufficiently reactive so as not to significantly extend cycle times. We demonstrate the effectiveness of a 5 min capping cycle, using Z(2-Cl)-OSu, by synthesising several peptides ranging from 12 to 101 residues in length, by both the Fmoc and Boc chemical strategies.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the synthesis of oligonucleotide-cationic peptide conjugates in solution phase by disulfide bond formation. Precipitation was avoided by the easily removable triethylammonium trifluoroacetate (TEATFAc) salt which served at the same time as a buffer of the reaction mixture. The fast and high yielding disulfide bond formation was due to the Npys thio protecting and activating group of Cys. A solution of the free 5-thiol modified oligonucleotide obtained from Poly-Pak purification was used for conjugation.  相似文献   

We have mapped the epitopes for nine monoclonal antibodies raised against the nucleolar protein fibrillarin of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. This has been done using a combination of specific chemical and enzymatic cleavage, Western blotting and partial sequencing of fragments. Cleavage with cyanogen bromide reveals four prominent methionine cleavage sites within the protein. Western blotting shows that none of the monoclonal antibody epitopes are dependent on long range interactions. Eight highly-conserved epitopes are clustered in the carboxy terminal half of the protein, while a single less-conserved epitope (for monoclonal antibody P1G12) is located at the amino terminus and appears to lie within the Gly/DMA/Phe domain.  相似文献   

Despite impressive advances in theories, methods and technologies, crystallization still remains a serious bottleneck in structural determination of macromolecules. Here we present a novel solid-liquid interface method (SLIM) for protein crystallization, based on the pre-adding and drying of a crystallization reagent, and thereafter the dispensing of a protein solution to the dried media to initiate crystallization from the solid-liquid interface. Not only quick and easy to perform, the method also allows for a less concentrated protein solution for setting up crystallization trials.  相似文献   

The role of polyketide and non‐ribosomal proteins from the class of small molecule metabolism of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is well documented in envelope organization, virulence, and pathogenesis. Consequently, the identification of T cell epitopes from these proteins could serve to define potential antigens for the development of vaccines. Fourty‐one proteins from polyketide and non‐ribosomal peptide synthesis of small molecule metabolism proteins of M tuberculosis H37Rv were analyzed computationally for the presence of HLA class I binding nanomeric peptides. All possible overlapping nanomeric peptide sequences from 41 small molecule metabolic proteins were generated through in silico and analyzed for their ability to bind to 33 alleles belonging to A, B, and C loci of HLA class I molecule. Polyketide and non‐ribosomal protein analyses revealed that 20% of generated peptides were predicted to bind HLA with halftime of dissociation T1/2 ≥ 100 minutes, and 77% of them were mono‐allelic in their binding. The structural bases for recognition of nanomers by different HLA molecules were studied by structural modeling of HLA class I‐peptide complexes. Pathogen peptides that could mimic as self‐peptides or partially self‐peptides in the host were excluded using a comparative study with the human proteome; thus, subunit or DNA vaccines will have more chance of success.  相似文献   

Levin Y  Hradetzky E  Bahn S 《Proteomics》2011,11(16):3273-3287
A MS‐based method for the quantification of proteins termed data‐independent analysis (or MSE) has been introduced recently. Although this method has been applied to the analysis of various types of biological samples, a thorough evaluation to assess the performance of this approach has yet to be conducted. Presented here is the first systematic and comprehensive study investigating the MSE approach for quantitative analysis of low‐, medium‐, and high‐complexity samples. We demonstrate that this method has a linear dynamic range spanning three orders of magnitude with a limit of quantification of 61 amol/uL in low‐complexity samples and 488 amol/uL in high‐complexity samples. In addition, comprehensive sequence coverage was obtained and accurate quantification achieved for expression ratios ranging from 1:1.5 to 1:6. However, underestimation of ratios was detected independent of sample type, consistent with other quantitative proteomic methods. The present study provides validation of the MSE approach for accurate quantitative proteomic analysis of biological samples while, at the same time, proving high sequence coverage of target proteins.  相似文献   

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