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Littoraria filosa (Sowerby) is a member of the L. scabra group, found amongst the foliage of mangrove trees in northern Australia. The colour of the shell is polymorphic, showing two discrete ground colours, either yellow or orange-pink, with a variable degree of superimposed brown patterning. At a site on Magnetic Island, northern Queensland, colour frequencies of small snails were similar on different backgrounds. Amongst larger shells yellows were more frequent on Avicennia trees with abundant foliage, and browns on relatively bare trees, suggesting that visual selection for crypsis occurred. There was no evidence of substrate selection by the morphs. Yellow shells were cooler than brown shells, but differences in colour frequencies on sunny and shaded trees, and at different seasons, did not suggest climatic selection. By manipulating the colour frequencies of subpopulations of small snails isolated on individual trees, it was shown that the disappearance of yellow and brown shells was frequency-dependent. This result is consistent with hypotheses of mimicry of background elements by the morphs and of apostatic selection by unknown predators. Only the latter can account for the persistence of the highly conspicuous pink morph at a low frequency.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the population density of ambrosia beetles at the stand level influences the spatial distribution of infested trees. We evaluated the spatial distribution of the ambrosia beetle, Platypus koryoensis (Murayama) in three oak forest stands that varied in beetle population density using a multi-year trapping survey. We used these data to inform a clustering analysis based on aggregation indices using the SADIE software. Four important findings emerged: (1) the spatial distribution pattern of P. koryoensis at the stand level changed as the population density of the beetle varied; (2) at low population densities, beetle distribution was contagious at the stand level; (3) as beetle population densities increased, the spatial distribution of infested trees became random, potentially due to beetle avoidance of mass attacked trees; and (4) at high beetle population densities, the spatial distribution of infested trees became contagious, possibly due to temporal changes in location of the attack epicenter within the stand. Our results support the hypothesis that beetle population density has consequences for the spatial distribution of infested trees at the within-stand scale. We conclude that the spatial distribution of infested trees is flexible in response to beetle population density, suggesting that beetle attack behaviors are mediated by one or more density-dependent effects.  相似文献   

Differentiation of flower colour is thought to be one of the most important factors promoting plant speciation. We describe the intraspecific variation of flower colour and its distribution in Limonium wrightii. We conducted a survey on 36 islands in the northwestern Pacific and discriminated six morphs of flower colour variation. Two flower colour morphs, pink and yellow, were most frequently observed, and their geographical distributions were basically allopatric. These two morphs were in contact in a narrow zone on Okinoerabu Island, located in the middle region of the Ryukyu Archipelago. In addition, orange, white, and ivory flower morphs were also found in this zone. The geographical distribution of pink and yellow morphs showed a “leapfrog” pattern; the distribution of pink flowers was divided into two areas, intercalated by the distribution of the yellow flower morph. The orange morph may have resulted from hybridization between the pink and yellow flower morphs.  相似文献   

Shell selection behaviour and spatial distribution of three hermit crab species, Diogenes avarus, D. karwarensis, and Areopaguristes perspicax, were studied at six sites along the intertidal zones of Hormuz Island in the Persian Gulf. 1025 specimens were collected occupying altogether 31 shell species (D. avarus 28 species, A. perspicax 22 species, and D. karwarensis 8 species). Diogenes avarus was found to be by far the most abundant of these three crab species, and Cerithidea cingulata the dominant shell occupied by these hermit crabs. The distribution of the hermit crabs significantly varied (p<0.05) among the sites. The number and the wide diversity of shells occupied in different sites show that the main factor in shell selection for these hermit crabs is the abundance and distribution of shell species in the field.  相似文献   

We describe a new genus and species of blood-dwelling apostome ciliate, Lynnia grapsolytica n. gen., n. sp. (Apostomatida: Colliniidae). A distinct kinety “hook” pattern on the tomite’s posterior ventral face, coupled with its marine habitat and use of a decapod host, readily distinguishes this ciliate from all known colliniids. We detected the parasite in ~12% of Pachygrapsus crassipes (Brachyura: Grapsidae) crabs in a California estuary and confirmed its presence at a Baja California rocky intertidal site. As existing methods failed to adequately stain this ciliate, we developed a new miniaturized silver carbonate impregnation staining method that produced excellent somatic and nuclear stains in all five observed cell types. A possibly unique trait is the active invagination of the tropho-tomont’s anterior to form a temporary “pseudocytopharynx,” likely used for feeding. Histological examination revealed that the ciliate invaded and damaged skeletal muscle, the heart, connective tissues, and gonads. Survivorship analysis indicated that infected crabs experienced 2.6 times greater daily mortality than uninfected crabs. Laboratory and field experimental infection attempts failed, suggesting a complex life cycle with outside-host development. Phylogenetic analysis at the 18S and COI loci confirmed the ciliate's placement in the Colliniidae. We emend the diagnosis of Family Colliniidae.  相似文献   


A new population of terrestrial Leiopel‐matid frog was discovered in the Whareorino Forest, northern King Country, New Zealand, in 1991. Searches were carried out from June 1991 to December 1993 to determine the species present and to document variation in external morphology, habitat, and local distribution. These confirmed that a terrestrial frog resembling L. archeyi is present in the area, as well as Hochstetter's frog Leiopelma hochstetteri and the introduced Australian hylid frog Litoria aurea.

In Whareorino Forest, the terrestrial Leiopelma was mostly above 500 m altitude and L. hochstetteri above 350 m. The terrestrial Leiopelma occupies sites under rocks and logs in forest. It also occurs in vegetation, such as crown fern Blechnum discolor, tree fern Cyathea smithii, hook grass Uncinia uncinata, and rice grass Microlaena avenacea. Egg clusters of this frog were found in crown fern and tree fern, as well as under stones.

The terrestrial Leiopelma is susceptible to predation by Litoria aurea and rats. This is the first documented evidence of predation on Leiopelma on the New Zealand mainland. The future of this small remnant Leiopelma population is uncertain, and further investigation of the impact of anuran and mammalian predators is needed.  相似文献   

Abstract A series of studies were undertaken examining the factors that impact on the spatial distribution of greyback canegrub infestations in sugarcane in the Burdekin region of Queensland. Historic records of damage by greyback canegrub showed that sugarcane blocks planted or harvested earlier than surrounding blocks were more likely to be damaged than blocks planted or harvested later. The derived hypothesis that sugarcane height may be the primary determinant of where damage occurs was confirmed in field studies. The tallest sugarcane blocks at the time of oviposition consistently had the highest grub populations. There was no difference in the distribution of damage between the cultivars Q96 and Q117 and the age of these crops also had no impact. The finding that sugarcane height is the primary determinant of where damage occurs on Burdekin farms opens the possibility of using it as a tool to manipulate where canegrubs oviposit and the development of a range of associated cultural control strategies.  相似文献   

Van der Velde  G.  Hüsken  F.  Van Welie  L. 《Hydrobiologia》1986,132(1):279-286
The tolerance of adult specimens of Dugesia lugubris and D. polychroa for 13 different chlorinities ranging from 15.0–3.8 and for two temperatures, viz. 4 and 23 °C, was tested.At chlorinities of 7.5 and lower, the survival time of both species was considerably longer than at higher chlorinities (a few hours at 7.5, one to several days at 6.6 and lower concentrations). It is assumed that this is determined by the osmoregulatory capacity of the planarians.It was found that at low chlorinities combined with a high temperature D. polychroa survived longer than D. lugubris, while at the same chlorinities the opposite was true for a low temperature. The effect of temperature on survival at low chlorinities was more drastic for D. lugubris than for D. polychroa.The results correlate with data on the distribution of both species in The Netherlands. Outside areas with an average chlorinity below 2 the two species were rarely found.  相似文献   

[目的]外来入侵物种作为猎物可能影响本土广谱捕食者的搜寻和捕食行为.本研究旨在揭示异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis对与本土豌豆修尾蚜Megoura japonica混合发生的外来入侵扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis的搜寻和捕食行为.[方法]试验前对异色瓢虫设两个饲喂猎物种类处理:用扶桑绵...  相似文献   

Two forms showing different male-to-male aggressiveness, different male morphologies and different diapause attributes are known in Stigmaeopsis miscanthi (Saito), a social spider mite infesting Chinese silver grass (Miscanthus sinensis Anderss). Reproductive isolation exists between the forms, although it is not always complete, and the details of their distributional patterns are unknown, but expected to be parapatric. We searched for the contact zone at Mt. Unzen (Nagasaki Pref., Japan) where both forms are known to occur at different altitudes. We found the two forms together in several M. sinensis stands, suggesting there is frequent contact between the forms in their boundary area. We discuss the mechanism(s) that maintain the parapatry related to their frequent contact and the pattern of reproductive isolation between them.  相似文献   

Korovchinsky  N. M. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,441(1):73-92
The poorly known D. dubium Manuilova is redescribed on extensive material from more than 80 populations from the Russian Far East, Central Asia, Mongolia, China, Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. Its morphological variability and geographical distribution are analysed and supplemented by notes on biology. The conspecificity of morphologically different distant populations is discussed. In the northern part of its range, D. dubium was long confused with D. brachyurum or D. leuchtenbergianum, and in the south with D. modigliani. It seems that the recent appearance of D. dubium in fish ponds of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan was an introduction, together with Far Eastern fish. D. pseudodubium sp.nov., close to but markedly different, is described from two lakes in the lower Amur river system. D. dubium, D. pseudodubium, D. tropicum and D. modigliani s. str. form a group of related species, widely distributed in Eastern and Southern Asia.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in abundance and distribution pattern of soil micro-arthropods were studied in connection with a few environmental factors in a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantation. The soil arthropods were sampled from three different depths at intervals of two months for two years. Of the collected animals (total 51000–155000 m−2), Collembola (20000–76000 m−2), oribatid mites (19000–55000 m−2) and carnivorous mites (6200–21000 m−2) were the numerically dominant animal groups. Low seasonal variations in abundance indicated their seasonal stability in population levels. The trends in seasonal fluctuation were similar among these groups and between the two years, showing bimodal pattern with little peaks in early summer and winter. The pattern of seasonal fluctuation in abundance of carnivorous mites (P d) was significantly synchronized with that in the total abundance of Collembola and oribatid mites (P τ). Thus, the number-ratios (P d/P τ) were fairly constant, ranging from 0.10 to 0.25. Seasonal changes in vertical distribution of the three animal groups showed a similar pattern for both years. The downward migrations were shown to be more affected by low temperatures in winter accompanied by snow coverage rather than by the desiccation of the surface soil in summer. All the three groups demonstrated as a whole slightly aggregated patterns of horizontal distribution throughout the two years. Temporal increases in the patchiness indices were observed from summer to autumn when the moisture content of the surface soil was low.  相似文献   

The segregation of rat esterases controlled by loci residing in linkage group V (LGV) has been studied in two backcross series, (LEW/Han × BN/Han)F1 × LEW/Han and (LEW/Han × LE/Han)F1 × LEW/Han. Es-14 (formerly Es-Si) was shown to be closely linked to Es-1. A new esterase locus, Es-15, was described which codes for a liver isozyme. The distribution pattern of three alleles at the Es-15 locus is presented for 52 independent inbred strains. Close linkage of Es-15 to Es-14 and to Es-1 was established, proposing the following gene order: [Es-2, Es-10]—[ES-1, ES-14, ES-15]. The esterase loci on LGV are thus separated into two gene clusters, cluster 1 and cluster 2. These conclusions are supported by the strain distribution patterns of the two RI strain series, LXB and DXE.Otto von Deimling was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (De 315/2-1, communication No. 56).  相似文献   

Understanding the pattern of abundance of vector populations is important to control the potential of transmission of associated pathogens. The pattern of abundance of Stomoxys Geoffroy, an ubiquitous blood‐sucking fly, is poorly known in tropical Africa. In this study, we investigated the spatio‐temporal pattern of abundance of the Stomoxys genus along a gradient of man‐made disturbance in north‐eastern Gabon. Three sites (one in primary forest, one in secondary forest and one in a man‐made environment) were monitored during 13 months using Vavoua traps. Seven species and subspecies were found to live in sympatry, but with distinct patterns of abundance with respect to space and time. The most abundant species was Stomoxys transvittatus Villeneuve, whereas the rarest species was S. xanthomelas Roubaud. Stomoxys calcitrans Linné was preferentially found in man‐made environments, whereas S. xanthomelas was preferentially found in primary forest. Stomoxys abundance was the greatest in secondary forest, then in man‐made environments and finally in primary forest. A seasonal variation in Stomoxys abundance was also found. In conclusion, forest degradation and deforestation are likely both to favour the concentration of populations of Stomoxys, and to change the specific composition of the Stomoxys community.  相似文献   

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