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The serpin endopin 2A inhibits the cysteine protease papain in cross-class inhibition. This study demonstrates the novel finding that both the non-RSL NH(2)-domain and the RSL domain with P1-P1' residues participate in endopin 2A inhibition. Production of a chimeric mutant of endopin 2A with replacement of its NH(2)-domain with that of endopin 1 resulted in less effective inhibition of papain, indicated by its lower k(ass) association rate constant compared to wild-type endopin 2A. This chimeric mutant formed complexes with papain, but at lower levels compared to that with wild-type endopin 2A. Papain degradation of a portion of the chimeric mutant suggested a role for the NH(2)-domain in regulating relative amounts of endopin 2A that enter the substrate pathway compared to the serpin inhibitory pathway. Furthermore, site-directed mutagenesis demonstrated that the RSL domain with intact P1-P1' residues was necessary for inhibition. These findings indicate that the NH(2)-domain and the RSL region both participate in endopin 2A inhibition of papain.  相似文献   

Hwang SR  Stoka V  Turk V  Hook VY 《Biochemistry》2005,44(21):7757-7767
Molecular cloning revealed the unique serpin endopin 2C that demonstrates selective inhibition of cathepsin L compared to papain or elastase. Endopin 2C, thus, functions as a serpin with the property of cross-class inhibition. Endopin 2C possesses homology in primary sequence to endopin 2A and other isoforms of endopins related to alpha1-antichymotrypsin, yet endopin 2C differs in its target protease specificity. Recombinant endopin 2C showed effective inhibition of cathepsin L with a stoichiometry of inhibition (SI) of 1/1 (molar ratio of inhibitor/protease), with the second-order rate constant, k(ass), of 7.2 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1). Less effective endopin 2C inhibition of papain and elastase occurred with k(ass) association rate constants of approximately 1 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1) with high SI values. Endopin 2C formed SDS-stable complexes with cathepsin L, papain, and elastase that are typical of serpins. These results are among the first to demonstrate stable serpin complexes with target cysteine proteases. Interactions of endopin 2C with cathepsin L and elastase were indicated by protease cleavage of the RSL region between P1-P1' residues of Thr-Ser. The hydrophobic Phe residue in the P2 position of the RSL region is consistent with the specificity of cathepsin L for hydrophobic residues in the P2 position of its substrate cleavage site. The NH2-terminal signal sequence of endopin 2C, like that of cathepsin L, predicts their colocalization to subcellular organelles. These findings demonstrate endopin 2C as a novel serpin that possesses cross-class inhibition with selectivity for inhibition of cathepsin L.  相似文献   

Hwang SR  Steineckert B  Hook VY 《Biochemistry》2000,39(30):8944-8952
The primary sequence of the serpin endopin 2 predicts a reactive site loop (RSL) region that possesses high homology to bovine elastase inhibitor, suggesting inhibition of elastase. Moreover, endopin 2 possesses two cysteine residues that implicate roles for reduced Cys residue(s) for inhibitory activity. To test these predicted properties, mutagenesis and chemical modification of recombinant endopin 2 were performed to examine the influence of dithiothreitol (DTT), a reducing agent, on endopin 2 activity. Endopin 2 inhibited elastase in a DTT-dependent manner, with enhanced inhibition in the presence of DTT. The stoichiometry of inhibition in the presence of DTT occurred at a molar ratio of endopin 2 to elastase of 8/1, resulting in complete inhibition of elastase. However, a higher molar ratio (25/1) was required in the absence of DTT. DTT enhanced the formation of SDS-stable complexes of endopin 2 and elastase, a characteristic property of serpins. Site-directed mutagenesis of endopin 2, with substitution of Ala for Cys-232 or Cys-374, demonstrated that Cys-374 (but not Cys-232) was required for the DTT-sensitive nature of endopin 2. Chemical modification of Cys-374 by bis(maleimido)ethane also reduced inhibitory activity. Modified electrophoretic mobilities of mutant endopin 2 suggested the presence of intramolecular disulfide bonds; in addition, chemical modification suggested that Cys-374 influences the electrophoretic and conformational properties of endopin 2. Moreover, the reducing agent glutathione enhanced endopin 2 activity, suggesting that glutathione can function as an endogenous reducing agent for endopin 2 in vivo. These findings demonstrate the importance of Cys-374 for DTT-sensitive inhibition of elastase by endopin 2.  相似文献   

Serpins represent a diverse class of endogenous protease inhibitors that regulate important biological functions. In consideration of the importance of regulated proteolysis within secretory vesicles for the production of peptide hormones and neurotransmitters, this study revealed the molecular identity of a novel serpin, endopin 1, that is localized to neurosecretory vesicles of neuropeptide-containing chromaffin cells (chromaffin granules). Endopin 1 of 68-70 kDa was present within isolated chromaffin granules. Stimulated cosecretion of endopin 1 with chromaffin granule components, [Met]enkephalin and a cysteine protease known as "prohormone thiol protease," demonstrated localization of endopin 1 to functional secretory vesicles. Punctate, discrete immunofluorescence cellular localization of endopin 1 in chromaffin cells was consistent with its secretory vesicle localization. Endopin 1 contains a unique reactive site loop with Arg as the predicted P1 residue, suggesting inhibition of basic residue-cleaving proteases; indeed, trypsin was potently inhibited (K(i(app)) of 5 nM), and plasmin was moderately inhibited. Although endopin 1 possesses homology with alpha(1)-antichymotrypsin, chymotrypsin was not inhibited. Moreover, endopin 1 inhibited the chromaffin granule prohormone thiol protease (involved in proenkephalin processing). These results suggest a role for the novel serpin, endopin 1, in regulating basic residue-cleaving proteases within neurosecretory vesicles of chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

A key factor in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the beta-secretase activity that is required for the production of beta-amyloid (Abeta) peptide from its amyloid precursor protein (APP) precursor. In this study, the majority of Abeta secretion from neuronal chromaffin cells was found to occur via the regulated secretory pathway, compared with the constitutive secretory pathway; therefore, beta-secretase activity in the regulated secretory pathway was examined for the production and secretion of Abeta in chromaffin cells obtained from in vivo adrenal medullary tissue. The presence of Abeta(1-40) in APP-containing chromaffin vesicles, which represent regulated secretory vesicles, was demonstrated by radioimmunoassay (RIA) and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. These vesicles also contain Abeta(1-42), measured by RIA. Significantly, regulated secretion of Abeta(1-40) from chromaffin cells represented the majority of secreted Abeta (> 95% of total secreted Abeta), compared with low levels of constitutively secreted Abeta(1-40). These results indicate the importance of Abeta production and secretion in the regulated secretory pathway as a major source of extracellular Abeta. Beta-secretase activity in isolated chromaffin vesicles was detected with the substrate Z-Val-Lys-Met-/MCA (methylcoumarinamide) that contains the beta-secretase cleavage site. Optimum beta-secretase activity in these vesicles required reducing conditions and acidic pH (pH 5-6), consistent with the in vivo intravesicular environment. Evidence for cysteine protease activity was shown by E64c inhibition of Z-Val-Lys-Met-MCA-cleaving activity, and E64c inhibition of Abeta(1-40) production in isolated chromaffin vesicles. Chromatography resolved the beta-secretase activity into two distinct proteolytic pathways consisting of: (i) direct cleavage of the beta-secretase site at Met-/Asp by two cysteine proteolytic activities represented by peaks Il-A and Il-B, and (ii) an aminopeptidase-dependent pathway represented by peak I cysteine protease activity that cleaves between Lys-/Met, followed by Met-aminopeptidase that would generate the beta-secretase cleavage site. Treatment of chromaffin cells in primary culture with the cysteine protease inhibitor E64d reduced the production of the beta-secretase product, a 12-14 kDa C-terminal APP fragment. In addition, BACE 1 and BACE 2 were detected in chromaffin vesicles; BACE 1 represented a small fraction of total beta-secretase activity in these vesicles. These results illustrate that multiple cysteine proteases, in combination with BACE 1, contribute to beta-secretase activity in the regulated secretory pathway. These results complement earlier findings for BACE 1 as beta3-secretase for Abeta production in the constitutive secretory pathway that provides basal secretion of Abeta into conditioned media. These findings suggest that drug inhibition of several proteases may be required for reducing Abeta levels as a potential therapeutic approach for AD.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates unique differences in the conformational nature of cathepsin L compared to elastase when complexed with the serpin endopin 2C, assessed by susceptibilities of protease/endopin 2C complexes to proteolysis by trypsin. Complexed and uncomplexed cathepsin L were resistant to degradation by trypsin, which indicated that trypsin cleavage sites within cathepsin L remain inaccessible when this cysteine protease is complexed with the endopin 2C serpin. In contrast, elastase in complexes with endopin 2C was degraded by trypsin, but uncomplexed elastase was not degraded. These results demonstrate a change in the conformational properties of trypsin cleavage sites within elastase when it is complexed with endopin 2C, compared to uncomplexed elastase. Cathepsin L complexes with endopin 2C were short-lived, but elastase complexes were stable. Furthermore, cathepsin L dissociated from complexes demonstrated recovery of cathepsin L activity, and reducing conditions provided optimum recovery of cathepsin L activity. These findings suggest that cathepsin L, when complexed with endopin 2C, maintains its general conformation in a manner that allows recovery of cathepsin L activity upon dissociation from endopin 2C. These results demonstrate differences in the relative conformational properties of the cysteine protease cathepsin L, compared to the serine protease elastase, in complexes with the serpin endopin 2C.  相似文献   

Summary Chromaffin granules from bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells have been found to contain small vesicular structures bounded by unit membranes. Detection of these intragranular vesicles within intact cells requires the use of quick-freezing methods. The intragranular vesicles are labile to fixation by aldehydes which explains why they have not been described in intact cells until now. They are found in approximately 60% of the dense-core chromaffin granules in cells and 85% of isolated granules. They are usually clustered in groups of one to as many as five between the core and the inner surface of the granule membrane. The intragranular vesicles are independent vesicles in that they do not appear as simple invaginations of the granule membrane in either serial thin-section or freeze-etch views. Furthermore, they are released from the cell along with granule contents during nicotine-induced secretion of catecholamines. The structural heterogeneity provided by the intragranular vesicles may be related to the functional heterogeneity of granule contents observed in many recent biochemical studies.  相似文献   

In this review we start with a historical perspective beginning with the early morphological work done almost 50 years ago. The importance of these pioneering studies is underscored by our brief summary of the key questions addressed by subsequent research into the mechanism of secretion. We then highlight important advances in our understanding of the formation and maturation of neuroendocrine secretory granules, first using in vitro reconstitution systems, then most recently biochemical approaches, and finally genetic manipulations in vitro and in vivo. This work was supported by Fondation pour la Reserche Medicale (FRM 20051105487) and Cancer Research UK.  相似文献   

The regulated secretory pathway of neurons is the major source of extracellular A beta that accumulates in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Extracellular A beta secreted from that pathway is generated by beta-secretase processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP). Previously, cysteine protease activity was demonstrated as the major beta-secretase activity in regulated secretory vesicles of neuronal chromaffin cells. In this study, the representative cysteine protease activity in these secretory vesicles was purified and identified as cathepsin B by peptide sequencing. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated colocalization of cathepsin B with A beta in these vesicles. The selective cathepsin B inhibitor, CA074, blocked the conversion of endogenous APP to A beta in isolated regulated secretory vesicles. In chromaffin cells, CA074Me (a cell permeable form of CA074) reduced by about 50% the extracellular A beta released by the regulated secretory pathway, but CA074Me had no effect on A beta released by the constitutive pathway. Furthermore, CA074Me inhibited processing of APP into the COOH-terminal beta-secretase-like cleavage product. These results provide evidence for cathepsin B as a candidate beta-secretase in regulated secretory vesicles of neuronal chromaffin cells. These findings implicate cathepsin B as beta-secretase in the regulated secretory pathway of brain neurons, suggesting that inhibitors of cathepsin B may be considered as therapeutic agents to reduce A beta in AD.  相似文献   

In neuroendocrine cells, such as adrenal chromaffin cells, the exocytosis of hormone-filled vesicles is triggered by a localized Ca(2+) increase that develops after the activation of voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels. To reach the fusion competent state, vesicles have to go through a series of maturation steps that involve the detachment from cytoskeletal proteins, docking and priming. However, the fusion readiness of vesicles will also depend on their proximity to the calcium source. The immediately releasable pool is a small group of ready-to-fuse vesicles, whose fusion is tightly coupled to Ca(2+) entry through channels. Recent work indicates that such coupling is not produced by a random distribution between vesicles and channels, but would be the result of a specific interaction of immediately releasable vesicles with particular Ca(2+) channel subtypes. The immediately releasable pool is able to sustain, with high efficiency, the secretion triggered by the small and localized Ca(2+) gradients produced by brief depolarizations at low frequencies, like action potentials at basal conditions in adrenal chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

Secretogranin II (SgII) belongs to the granin family of prohormones widely distributed in dense-core secretory granules (DCGs) of endocrine, neuroendocrine, and neuronal cells, including sympathoadrenal chromaffin cells. The mechanisms by which secretory proteins, and granins in particular, are sorted into the regulated secretory pathway are unsettled. We designed a strategy based on novel chimeric forms of human SgII fused to fluorescent (green fluorescent protein) or chemiluminescent (embryonic alkaline phosphatase) reporters to identify trafficking determinants mediating DCG targeting of SgII in sympathoadrenal cells. Three-dimensional deconvolution fluorescence microscopy and secretagogue-stimulated release studies demonstrate that SgII chimeras are correctly targeted to DCGs and released by exocytosis in PC12 and primary chromaffin cells. Results from a Golgi-retained mutant form of SgII suggest that sorting of SgII into DCGs depends on a saturable sorting machinery at the trans-Golgi/trans-Golgi network. Truncation analyses reveal the presence of DCG-targeting signals within both the N- and C-terminal regions of SgII, with the putative alpha-helix-containing SgII-(25-41) and SgII-(334-348) acting as sufficient, independent sorting domains. This study defines sequence features of SgII mediating vesicular targeting in sympathoadrenal cells and suggests a mechanism by which discrete domains of the molecule function in sorting, perhaps by virtue of a particular arrangement in tertiary structure and/or interaction with a specific component of the DCG membrane.  相似文献   

To study the role of mitochondrial Ca(2+) clearance in stimulated cells, changes in free Ca(2+) concentration in the cytosol, [Ca(2+)](c) and that in mitochondria, [Ca(2+)](m) along with secretory responses were observed using chromaffin cells co-loaded with Fura-2 and Rhod-2 in the perfused rat adrenal medulla. When the cells were stimulated with 40 mM K(+) in the perfusate, the duration of [Ca(2+)](m) response markedly increased with prolongation of the stimulation period, exhibiting a mean half-decay time of 21 min with 30s stimulation, whereas its amplitude was not altered with stimulations of 10-30s. A computer simulation analysis showed that such a mode of [Ca(2+)](m) response can be produced if excess Ca(2+) taken up by mitochondria precipitates as calcium phosphate (Pi) salt. In the presence of 5 microM rotenone plus 10 microM oligomycin, a decrease in the duration of [Ca(2+)](m) response and a slight but significant increase (24%) in the secretory response to 30s stimulation with 40 mM K(+) were observed. Simulation analyses suggested that this effect of rotenone may be due to reduction in mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake induced by rotenone-elicited partial depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane potential. In chromaffin cells transsynaptically stimulated through the splanchnic nerve, the intensity of NAD(P)H autofluorescence changed with time courses similar to those of [Ca(2+)](m) responses. The temporal profiles of those two responses were prolonged in a similar manner by application of an inhibitor of mitochondrial Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, CGP37157. Thus, due to the unique Ca(2+) buffering mechanism, [Ca(2+)](m) responses associated with massive mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake may occur within a limited concentration range in which Ca(2+)-sensitive dehydrogenases are activated to control the mitochondrial redox state in stimulated chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

Organelles are not uniformly distributed throughout the cytoplasm but have preferred locations that vary between tissues and during development. To investigate organelle targeting to cytoplasmic domains we have taken advantage of the mouse pituitary cell line, AtT-20, which, when induced to extend long processes, accumulates dense core secretory granules at the tips of the processes. During mitosis, these secretory granules accumulate along the plane of division. Protein synthesis is not mandatory for such redistribution of secretory granules. To explore the specificity of the redistribution we have used transfected AtT-20 cells that express the immunoglobulin kappa light chain. While the endogenous hormone ACTH is found in secretory granules, the kappa chain is a marker for organelles involved in constitutive secretion. By immunofluorescence, kappa also accumulates at the tips of growing processes, and along the midline of dividing cells, suggesting that the redistribution of vesicles is not specific for dense-core secretory granules. Since there is evidence for selective organelle transport along processes in neuronal cells, the rat pheochromocytoma cell PC-12 was transfected with DNA encoding markers for regulated and constitutive secretory vesicles. Again regulated and constitutive vesicles co-distribute, even in cells grown in the presence of nerve growth factor. We suggest that at least in the cells studied here, cytoskeletal elements normally carry exocytotic organelles to the surface; when the cytoskeletal elements coalesce in an extending process, exocytotic organelles of both the constitutive and regulated pathway are transported nonselectively to the tips of the cytoskeletal elements where they accumulate.  相似文献   

Drosophila slitis a secreted protein involved in midline patterning. Three vertebrateorthologs of the fly slit gene, Slit1, 2, and3, have been isolated. Each displays overlapping, butdistinct, patterns of expression in the developing vertebrate centralnervous system, implying conservation of function. However,vertebrate Slit genes are also expressed in nonneuronaltissues where their cellular locations and functions areunknown. In this study, we characterized the cellular distribution andprocessing of mammalian Slit3 gene product, theleast evolutionarily conserved of the vertebrate Slit genes,in kidney epithelial cells, using both cellular fractionation andimmunolabeling. Slit3, but not Slit2, was predominantly localizedwithin the mitochondria. This localization was confirmed usingimmunoelectron microscopy in cell lines and in mouse kidney proximaltubule cells. In confluent epithelial monolayers, Slit3 was alsotransported to the cell surface. However, we found no evidence of Slit3proteolytic processing similar to that seen for Slit2. We demonstratedthat Slit3 contains an NH2-terminal mitochondriallocalization signal that can direct a reporter green fluorescentprotein to the mitochondria. The equivalent region from Slit1 cannotelicit mitochondrial targeting. We conclude that Slit3 protein istargeted to and localized at two distinct sites within epithelialcells: the mitochondria, and then, in more confluent cells, the cellsurface. Targeting to both locations is driven by specificNH2-terminal sequences. This is the first examination ofSlit protein localization in nonneuronal cells, and this study impliesthat Slit3 has potentially unique functions not shared by other Slit proteins.


IMR-32 human neuroblastoma cells are unable to release [3H]dopamine in response to secretagogues. However, they express a normal complement of membrane receptors and ion channels which are efficiently coupled to second messenger production. In the present study we took advantage of the ability of this cell line to differentiate in vitro in the presence of either dibutyrryl-cAMP or 5-bromodeoxyuridine, to analyze any developmentally regulated changes in its secretory properties. Uptake, storage, and release of [3H]dopamine were studied biochemically and by autoradiography. The calcium ionophore ionomycin, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and the presynaptic acting neurotoxin alpha-latrotoxin were used in both control and differentiated cells as secretagogue agents. The presence of secretory organelles was investigated by electron microscopy; the expression of secretory organelle markers, such as chromogranin/secretogranin proteins (secretory proteins) and synaptophysin (membrane protein), was detected by Western blotting and immunofluorescence. The results obtained indicate that IMR-32 cells acquire regulated secretory properties after in vitro drug-induced differentiation: (a) they assemble "de novo" secretory organelles, as revealed by electron microscopy and detection of secretory organelle markers, and (b) they are able to store [3H]dopamine and to release the neurotransmitter in response to secretagogue stimuli. Furthermore, secretagogue sensitivity was found to be different, depending on the differentiating agent. In fact, dibutyrryl-cAMP treated cells release [3H]dopamine in response to alpha-latrotoxin, but not in response to ionomycin, whereas 5-bromodeoxyuridine treated cells release the neurotransmitter in response to both secretagogues. All together these results suggest that IMR-32 cells represent an adequate model for studying the development of the secretory apparatus in cultured human neurons.  相似文献   

We have developed a method of video rate bioluminescence imaging to investigate protein secretion from a single mammalian cell and analyzed the localization, secretory frequency, and quantification of secreted protein. By detecting the luminescence signals from the Gaussia luciferase (GLase) reaction using a high-speed electron-multiplying charge-coupled device (EM-CCD) camera, video rate imaging was performed with a time resolution within 500 ms/image over 30 min in living cells. As a model study, we applied the method to visualize the glucose-stimulated insulin secretion from clustered pancreatic MIN6 β cells using the fused protein of GLase with preproinsulin. High-quality video images clearly showed that the glucose-stimulated insulin secretion from the clustered MIN6 β cells oscillated within a period of a few minutes over 10 min. In addition, the glibenclamide-induced insulin secretion from the clustered MIN6 β cells was visualized, suggesting that bioluminescence video rate imaging is a useful method for validating drug action in living cells.  相似文献   

Summary Synexin (annexin VII) is a Ca2+- and phospholid-binding protein which has been proposed to play a role in Ca2+-dependent membrane fusion processes. Using a monoclonal antibody against synexin, Mab 10E7, and immunogold, we carried out a semiquantitative localization study of synexin in bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin granules, and in resting and nicotine-stimulated adrenal chromaffin cells. Isolated chromaffin granules contained very little synexin, whereas chromaffin granules aggregated with synexin (24 g/mg) and Ca2+ (1 mM) clearly showed synexin-associated immunogold particles in the vicinity of the granule membrane (1.88 gold particles per granule profile). In isolated, cultured adrenal chromaffin cells, synexin was present in the nucleus (5.5 particles/m2) and in the cytosol (5.3 particles/m2), but mainly around the granule membrane in the granular cell area (11.7 particles/m2). During the active phase of cholinergically stimulated catecholamine secretion, the amount of synexin label was reduced by 33% in the nucleus, by 23% in the cytosol, and by 51% in the granule area. The plasma membrane contained a small amount of synexin, which did not significantly change upon stimulation of the cells. We conclude that synexin is involved in the secretory process in chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

In addition to their antibiotic potency, β-lactams have recently been investigated as inhibitors of serine proteinase such as leukocyte elastase (LE), released by inflammatory cells. We describe the synthesis of a series of 4-alkylidene-β-lactams, and investigate how substitutions on C-3, C-4, and N-1 of the β-lactam ring affect the activity of human LE and gelatinases MMP-2 and MMP-9. LE activity was measured using a chromogenic substrate, while gelatin-zymography assay was used to evaluate gelatinase activity. We demonstrate that C-4 unsaturation on the β-lactam ring determines the degree of biological activity, with a selectivity over LE by 3-[1-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)-ethyl] derivatives (lowest IC50 was 4 μM), and over gelatinase MMP-2 by C-3-unsubstituted 4-[1-ethoxycarbonyl]-ethylidene-β-lactams (lowest IC50 was 60 μM). (3S)-3-[(1R)-1-hydroxyethyl]-4-(1-ethoxycarbonyl)-ethylidene-azetidin-2-one inhibits gelatinase MMP-9. The compounds tested showed no cytotoxicity against NIH-3T3 murine fibroblasts. This is the first example of beta-lactams inhibiting metallo-proteinases instrumental in cancer invasion and angiogenesis. These molecules are good candidates for prototype drugs showing selective antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-invasion properties.  相似文献   

Stimulus-induced secretion of bioactive polypeptides is a fundamental aspect of the immune system. Secretory proteins are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum and are transported through the Golgi apparatus to the trans-Golgi network, where they are sorted into transport vesicles that bud off and fuse into condensing vacuoles, which subsequently undergo an editing and concentration process to become mature secretory vesicles. In this study, we report that the PTP-MEG2 protein tyrosine phosphatase is located on these vesicles in mast cells. Expression of PTP-MEG2 caused a striking enlargement of these vesicles in both rat basophilic leukemia mast cells and Jurkat T leukemia cells into giant vesicles with diameters of up to several micrometers. The fused vesicles did not acquire markers for other compartments and were adjacent to the trans-Golgi network, contained carboxypeptidase E, chromogranin C, and IL-2, and had an electron-dense core typical of secretory vesicles. Expression of PTP-MEG2 also caused a reduction in the secretion of IL-2 from stimulated Jurkat cells. The effects of PTP-MEG2 on secretory vesicles required the catalytic activity of PTP-MEG2 and was rapidly reversed by pervanadate. We propose that PTP-MEG2 represents a novel connection between tyrosine dephosphorylation and the regulation of secretory vesicles in hematopoietic cells.  相似文献   

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