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Of the 18 trematode species that use the horn snail, Cerithidea californica, as a first intermediate host, 6 have the potential to use raccoons as a final host. The presence of raccoon latrines in Carpinteria Salt Marsh, California, allowed us to investigate associations between raccoons and trematodes in snails. Two trematode species, Probolocoryphe uca and Stictodora hancocki, occurred at higher prevalences in snails near raccoon latrines than in snails away from latrines, suggesting that raccoons may serve as final hosts for these species. Fecal remains indicated that raccoons fed on shore crabs, the second intermediate host for P. uca, and fish, the second intermediate host for S. hancocki. The increase in raccoon populations in the suburban areas surrounding west coast salt marshes could increase their importance as final hosts for trematodes in this system.  相似文献   

Three young raccoons (Procyon lotor), two from Michigan and one from Arizona, died suddenly from acute infections. Intranuclear inclusion bodies and viral particles typical of herpesvirus were seen in liver cells from all three. Inclusions also were seen in the nuclei of endothelial cells in the lung, liver, glomeruli and reticuloendothelial cells of the spleen. The source of the infection was not determined, but possible transmission from other species could not be ruled out.  相似文献   

Ichthyophthiriasis (white spot disease) is an economically important protozoosis caused by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis in freshwater fish. Medication prevention and curation are the main methods to control this disease with vaccines in laboratory, but the efficacy of drugs practically acts on the free‐living (nonparasitic) stage of I. multifiliis and can be easily impaired by a variety of environmental factors. Thus, study on the biological properties of I. multifiliis and the complicated ecological relationships between I. multifiliis and other biotic or abiotic factors that influence epidemicity of ichthyophthiriasis will contribute to integrated control of ichthyophthiriasis. In this article, some I. multifiliis biological properties, such as systematic position and life cycle of I. multifiliis, are briefly reviewed, and the seemingly abnormal phenomenon associated with in vitro cultures is specially discussed; then, the epizootiology of ichthyophthiriasis is emphasized, which involves various biotic or abiotic factors that impact the life and action of I. multifiliis. The susceptibility and stress reaction of fish to I. multifiliis infection are stated. Also, the pathogenicity and diagnosis of ichthyophthiriasis were covered, and an overall assessment is finally made on ichthyophthiriasis control.  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of demographic parameters are critical to the management of wildlife populations, including management programs focused on controlling the spread of zoonotic diseases. Rabies managers in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have applied a simple raccoon (Procyon lotor) abundance index (RAI) based on cumulative catch of unique raccoons per unit area to determine vaccine-bait distribution densities. This approach was designed to allow for both the collection of biological samples and to index raccoon abundance to determine bait densities for oral rabies programs. However, post-baiting surveillance data indicate that, on average, only 30% of raccoons sampled have vaccine induced rabies antibody titers, suggesting that bait densities may not be well calibrated to raccoon densities. We trapped raccoons using both capture-mark-recapture (CMR) and the standard RAI to evaluate the accuracy of the current index-based methodology for estimating raccoon density. We then developed a resource selection function from spatial data collected from radio-collared raccoons to standardize trap placement within the existing RAI protocol, and evaluated the performance of this modified RAI approach relative to CMR for estimating raccoon population size. Both abundance and density estimates derived using the RAI consistently underestimated raccoon population sizes compared with CMR methods. Similarly, although the use of resource selection models to inform trap placement appeared to improve the accuracy of the RAI, the effectiveness of this method was inconsistent because of an inability to account for variance in detection probabilities. Despite the logistical advantages of using indices to estimate population parameters to determine vaccine bait distribution densities, our results suggest that adjustments may be necessary to more accurately quantify raccoon abundance, which should improve the effectiveness of rabies management in the United States. In particular, estimates of detection probabilities are needed to more precisely quantify abundance estimates and ensure appropriate vaccine coverage rates. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Significant reservoirs of trichiniasis in wildlife have been demonstrated only in Iowa and Alaska. Limited findings in other states would indicate, however, that the problem exists in most of the United States. Based on present knowledge, scavenging is probably the primary mode of transmission with predation being of major importance only in the Arctic region where a significant reservoir of the disease is present in the rodent population. Both direct and indirect routes of transmission of the disease from wildlife to man are indicated with the direct route being demonstrated primarily through the ingestion by man of improperly cooked bear meat. The indirect route, wildlife to swine to man, has been demonstrated as a possibility in epidemiological studies in Iowa. An educational program must be developed to alert the hunter, trapper, and swine producer of the significance of wildlife trichiniasis. Studies on the distribution of the disease in the wildlife population of the U.S., the modes of transmission within and between wildlife populations, and means of breaking interrelationships of the wildlife and domestic cycles of the disease are essential to decreasing and eventually eradicating the disease in man and swine.  相似文献   

Prevalence of dirofilarial infection in raccoon dogs in Japan.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus) is known to acquire canine heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) infection. We surveyed the prevalence of heartworm infection in free-ranging raccoon dogs in the Nishi-Tama (Tokyo) and Kanagawa areas of Japan. A total of 75 raccoon dog carcasses, including 29 animals from the Nishi-Tama area and 46 from the Kanagawa area, were necropsied between 1992 and 1993. Eight out of 75 raccoon dogs were found to be infected (overall 10.7%). The prevalence of infection was 6 and 16% in Nishi-Tama and Kanagawa, respectively. Microfilarial production was observed in the uterus of one female adult dog.  相似文献   

Seventy-four moose, 111 elk, 20 mule deer, 8 white-tailed deer, 26 prong-horn antelope, 42 domestic sheep and 3 bighorn sheep from Montana or northwestern Wyoming were examined post-mortem for evidence of Elaeophora schneideri infection in 1973-74. Fifteen percent of the mule deer and four percent of the moose were positive for adult arterial worms. This constitutes the first report of E. schneideri in mule deer in Montana. No gross signs of blindness or other neurologic disorder were evident in the infected animals. Potential horsefly intermediate hosts collected in the enzootic area included Hybomitra rhombica osburni, H. tetrica, H. metabola, Chrysops noctifer pertinax and Atylotus incisuralis.  相似文献   

10 strains of Francisella tularensis were isolated from 4 species of gamasid mites, Laelaps muris, L. multispinosus, Hyperlaelaps amphibius and Haemolaelaps glasgowi, in natural nidi of tularemia in the Tumen district. Under experimental conditions L. muris is often infected with tularemia agent on sick animals but preserves it at an indoor temperature not more than a week and does not transmit it transovarially. Haemogamasus ambulans preserve the agent within the same period. L. muris and Hirstionyssus isabellinus do not transmit the tularemia agent to healthy animals through a bite.  相似文献   

An epizootiological survey was conducted to investigate the prevalence of hepatozoonosis in a population of 924 apparently asymptomatic dogs from different regions of Croatia. DNA was isolated from canine blood and screening PCR on the 666 bp fragment of 18S rRNA revealed that 108 (11.8%) of dogs were infected. Positive samples were confirmed by partial sequencing of the 18S rRNA gene. The consensus sequences, derived from various sequence data sets, were compared with sequences of 18S ssrRNA of Hepatozoon spp. available in GenBank. The alignments revealed 106 Hepatozoon canis and two Hepatozoon sp. sequences. Among H. canis isolates, we found a certain amount of heterogeneity, while both Hepatozoonsp. isolates were identical to the Spanish isolate (Accession No. AY600625) from Clethrionomys glareolus. On the basis of eight commonly mutated nucleotide positions in the partial 18S rRNA gene sequence, we divided the H. canis isolates into five groups. The results obtained indicate a higher prevalence and significance of hepatozoonosis in Croatia than previously believed and demonstrate that the organisms belonging to H. canis that infect European dogs are genetically very heterogeneous.  相似文献   

A computerised database containing information on over 17.8 million salmon contained within 49 separate marine populations was used to study the epidemiology of pancreas disease (PD) in Ireland. Of the 43 recorded PD outbreaks, 57% occurred in the 3 mo period August to October inclusive (17 to 32 wk post-transfer). Analysis of variance of mortality rates during PD outbreaks occurring on 6 marine sites over a 5 yr period showed that mortality rates vary significantly between sites (p < 0.001) but not between years over this time period. The mortality rate during PD outbreaks ranged from 0.1 to 63%. Mortality rates were significantly higher when PD outbreaks occurred earlier in the year (y = -1.28x + 59, SE of b 0.33). The mean length of a PD outbreak was 112 d (SE = 7.7, n = 37). There was no correlation between PD mortality rate and smolt input weight, initial stocking density and transfer mortality.  相似文献   

A survey of the sources of Clostridium botulinum type C toxin possibly utilized as food by aquatic birds in an epizootic area of avian botulism in northern Utah showed that living aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates normally found in close association with dead, decomposing birds commonly carried the toxin. Of 461 samples associated with 21 species of avian carcasses, 198 were toxin-positive. Invertebrate species not normally scavengers of vertebrate tissues were less commonly and less highly toxic, particularly when captured 30 cm or more from a carcass; six of 237 samples of such aquatic invertebrates low-level toxin. Of the species tested, blow fly larvae (Calliphoridae) were the most consistently and highly toxic, although others, particularly adult and larval stages of several species of beetles (Coleoptera), contained toxin at levels probably significant in the epizootiology of the disease. An estimated 0.05 to 0.25 g of the most toxic fly larvae or 15 g of the most toxic beetles tested carried a mediam lethal dose for an adult mallard duck. Examination of stomach contents of aquatic birds dead of botulism showed that some had consumed invertebrates.  相似文献   

A hand-reared raccoon (Procyon lotor) kit had severe diarrhea and died within 24 hr. Gross and histopathologic findings were compatible with a diagnosis of viral enteritis. The immunoperoxidase test revealed rotavirus group A antigen in the intestinal mucosa. This is the first record of rotaviral enteritis in a raccoon.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of raccoon rabies in Virginia, 1984 to 1989.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Geographical and temporal trends in reports of rabid raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Virginia were summarized for 1984 to 1989; 3,256 raccoons were submitted for rabies testing, of which 1,053 (32.3%) had rabies. Both the absolute number of rabid raccoons and the percent of rabid raccoons (number rabid divided by number submitted) were examined for seasonal and yearly trends. Geographically, the epidemic moved eastward and southward in the state. The seasonal trend showed bimodal peaks in late winter and early fall and a seasonal low in summer. The percent of rabies positive raccoons peaked 1 mo earlier than the absolute number of rabies positive raccoons. The peak in the number of rabies positive raccoons occurred in 1987, while the percent of rabies positive raccoons peaked in 1986. These trends were used to recommend timing and placement of oral vaccine as one strategy to control raccoon rabies in wildlife.  相似文献   

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