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Leghemoglobin was localized by immunogold techniques in nodules of Lupinus albus cv Multolupa inoculated with Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lupinus) strain ISLU 16. The protein localization was performed in nodules embedded in Spurr's and Araldite epoxy resins and Lowycryl K4M. A very good preservation of both the ultrastructure and antigenicity was obtained with the tissues embedded in Araldite following glutaraldehyde fixation and unpostfixed in osmium tetroxide. Lupin leghemoglobin is a stable and abundant protein which allows a conventional method to be safely used for localization of leghemoglobin. Labeling of leghemoglobin was specifically confined to the cytosol matrix and nuclei. Gold particles were never observed in the peribacteroidal spaces nor in the cytoplasmic organelles of the infected cells. Decrease of leghemoglobin was observed when the plants were grown with 10.7 micromolar and 21.4 micromolar of nitrate.  相似文献   

植物ABA受体及其介导的信号转导通路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
易文凯  王佳  杨辉  田云  卢向阳 《植物学报》2012,47(5):515-524
ABA是调控植物体生长发育和响应外界应激的重要植物激素之一。近年来, ABA受体的筛选和鉴定取得了突破性进展, 为植物中ABA信号转导通路的阐明奠定了重要基础。该文主要综述了ABA-binding protein/H subunit of Mgchelatase (ABAR/CHLH)、G protein-coupled receptor 2 (GCR2)、GPCR-type G protein 1/2 (GTG1/2)和pyrabactin resistant/PYR-like/regulatory component of ABA (PYR/PYL/RCAR)被报道为ABA受体的研究历程, 重点介绍了以ABAR/CHLH PYR/PYL/RCAR为受体的ABA信号转导通路模型的构建, 旨在为ABA受体及其信号转导通路的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) is a plant hormone involved in the response to environmental stress. Recently, ABA has been shown to be present and active also in mammals, where it stimulates the functional activity of innate immune cells, of mesenchymal and hemopoietic stem cells, and insulin-releasing pancreatic β-cells. LANCL2, the ABA receptor in mammalian cells, is a peripheral membrane protein that localizes at the intracellular side of the plasma membrane. Here we investigated the mechanism enabling ABA transport across the plasmamembrane of human red blood cells (RBC). Both influx and efflux of [3H]ABA occur across intact RBC, as detected by radiometric and chromatographic methods. ABA binds specifically to Band 3 (the RBC anion transporter), as determined by labeling of RBC membranes with biotinylated ABA. Proteoliposomes reconstituted with human purified Band 3 transport [3H]ABA and [35S]sulfate, and ABA transport is sensitive to the specific Band 3 inhibitor 4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid. Once inside RBC, ABA stimulates ATP release through the LANCL2-mediated activation of adenylate cyclase. As ATP released from RBC is known to exert a vasodilator response, these results suggest a role for plasma ABA in the regulation of vascular tone.  相似文献   

When abscisic acid-2-C-14 (AbA-2-C-14), 1 μg in 5 μl 40% ethanol, is applied to the apical bud of light-grown pea seedlings, C-14 is translocated downwards only in very small amounts and does not enter the root. In contrast to this, C-14 from indoleacetic acid-C-14 (IAA-2-C-14) applied in the same manner is translocated to the root where it accumulates. When AbA-2-C-14 is injected to the stem tissue at the apical bud, more labelled material is transported downwards than after application to the surface. Application of AbA-2-C-14 to an expanded leaf results in considerable accumulation of C-14 in the growing apical parts and in the lateral roots.  相似文献   

The role of abscisic acid in the control of flower abscission in Lupinus luteus L. was examined. Using a modified extraction and purification technique, endogenous abscisic acid levels in the upper flowers of an inflorescence were found to increase markedly some days before abscission could be detected. When abscisic acid was injected into flower-bearing nodes or fed via the roots, no increase in the abscission rate was obtained at any position in the flowerhead. Application of abscisic acid to only the leaves resulted in a marked increase in flower abscission. The role of abscisic acid per se as a primary controlling factor of flower abscission in yellow lupin is questioned.  相似文献   

The Indole-3-Acetic Acid Oxidase of Lupinus albus L   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Cytokinin activity in Lupinus albus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution and metabolism of {8-14C}zeatin incorporated into the transpiration stream of fruiting white lupin plants ( Lupinus albus L.) has been studied. The distribution pattern of 14C in the different aerial organs suggests that the amount of cytokinin being incorporated into any one organ may have been a function of its transpiration rate. Once in these organs, particularly the leaves, zeatin was rapidly metabolised and or utilised. This resulted in the formation of a number of labelled compounds that did not give a response with the soybean callus bioassay. Substances co-eluting with zeatin glucoside and ribosylzeatin appeared to be the principal biologically active metabolites. From the present evidence it can be concluded that the leaf and side shoots received a major proportion of the applied labelled cytokinin. However, the presence of a small amount of radioactivity co-eluting with zeatin and ribosylzeatin in the fruits indicates that the high levels of cytokinins normally associated with these organs need not necessarily all have been synthesised in situ.  相似文献   

Cytokinin Activity in Lupinus albus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cytokinin content of the root exudate and leaves of fruiting white lupin plants (Lupinus albus L.) was investigated at 2 weekly intervals after anthesis of the lowest flower on the primary inflorescence. Up to 8 weeks after anthesis the level of cytokinins in the root exudate increased. However, at 10 weeks after anthesis insufficient sap was produced for analysis. Cytokinins co-eluting with zeatin and zeatin riboside were detected in the root exudate after fractionation on Sephadex LH-20. The cytokinin levels in the mature leaves steadily increased up to 8 weeks after anthesis and thereafter remained relatively constant. Three peaks of activity, co-eluting with zeatin, zeatin riboside and the glucoside cytokinins were recorded in the leaf extracts. The level of glucoside cytokinins in the leaves was high at 8 and 10 weeks after anthesis. Paper chromatography of extracts of fruits collected at 2 weeks after anthesis indicated that as fruit development proceeded there was a build up of cytokinin in this region of the plant. It is suggested that, in the white lupin, the cytokinins translocated to the shoot are accumulated in the leaves and in the fruits and that it is only later when there is a considerable decrease in sap (10 weeks after anthesis) production that a decreasing supply of cytokinins leads to shoot senescence.  相似文献   

Several experiments have been performed to analyse the ABA effects on the basipetal transport of IAA-2-14C, using sections of epicotyls prepared from etiolated Lens seedlings. The sections were incubated in an ABA solution or ABA was applied in the donor blocks containing IAA. For each type of assay, the uptake (analyses of the donor blocks) and the movement of IAA-C14 (analyses of the receiver blocks) were inhibited by ABA. The distribution of continuous decrease of the radioactivity, along the sections' axis, showed a 14C level from the apical towards the basal segments. ABA caused a decrease in the 14C concentration for the total sections, but a relative increase for the basal segment. When ABA was applied simultaneously with IAA in the donor blocks, the transport velocity of IAA, through the sections, was not changed significantly, while an ABA pretreatment caused a significant decrease.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) is a stress hormone that confers resistance to abiotic stressors, including drought, salt, cold, and heat. In general, antioxidant capacity and heat shock proteins (HSPs) mainly mediate ABA to enhance thermal acclimation in plants, but sugar metabolism and signaling also play critical roles in this response in the presence of ABA. Indeed, ABA accelerates sugar metabolism and transports more carbohydrates to spikelets under heat stress, which is beneficial to plants surviving under stressful conditions. Few studies have summarized the interactions among sucrose metabolism, signaling, and hormones in plants during heat stress, but this topic will likely attract more attention in the future. This article reviews the antioxidant capacity, HSPs, sugar metabolism, hormone crosstalk, and their interactions involved in ABA-induced heat tolerance in plants. Clarifying the underlying mechanisms will be invaluable for breeding heat-resistant cultivars and for developing new tissue culture techniques that reduce heat damage in plants.  相似文献   

Thompson NP 《Plant physiology》1966,41(7):1106-1112
Excision of all leaves and buds of Coleus blumei Benth. plants reduced xylem cell and sieve tube regeneration a highly significant amount around a wound in internode number 5 when compared with regeneration in intact (wounded) plants. Application of indoleacetic acid (IAA-14C) to the cut surface of internode number 2 restores regenerative activity around the wound in internode number 5. Radioactivity applied as IAA-14C reaches the wound area when applied at the cut surface of inter-node number 2 showing a logarithmic decrease with distance from the point of application. Chromatography showed that radioactivity was located close to the RF of IAA as well as near the solvent front.  相似文献   

Use of Lanthanum to Trace Apoplastic Solute Transport in Intact Plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This electron microscopic study revealed that solutes enterthe apoplasm of root mcristems and move from there to the steleof the root and to the shoots of intact plants. Lanthanum wasused as a plasma membrane-impermeable electron-dense markerof apoplastic solute flux in Hordeum vulgare L., Saiicorniavirgimca L., Spartina alternflora Loisel. and Zea mays L. Thepresence of lanthanum in EM specimens was confirmed by X-raymicroanalysis. Lanthanum that entered the root apoplasm wasalso localized in membrane-bound compartments within cells ofeach plant Lanthanum was localized in vesicles, ER, and vacuolesof root and leaf cells. Following root application, lanthanumwas evident in the leaves of the three grass species studied.Lanthanum was rarely observed in S. virginica leaves. Only plantsexposed to 23 mol m–3 lanthanum for 24 h or more showedlanthanum in root cell cytosol and this was concluded to bea toxic response. Key words: Apoplast, halophyte, lanthanum, root meristem, transport  相似文献   

高等植物脱落酸的生物合成及其调控   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
介绍了近年来高等植物体内ABA的合成部位,ABA生物合成缺陷型突变体,ABA生物合成途径及其调控的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

Guttation was used as a non-destructive way to study the flowof water and mineral ions from the roots and compared with parallelmeasurements of root exudation. Guttation of the leaves of barley seedlings depends on age andon the culture solution. Best rates of guttation were obtainedwith the primary leaves of 6- to 7-day-old seedlings grown onfull mineral nutrient solution. The growing leaf tissue becomessaturated with K+ below 1.5 mM K+ in the medium, whereas K+concentration in the guttated fluid still increases furtheras K+ concentration in the medium is raised. At 3 mM K+ averagevalues of guttation were 1.4–2.4 mm3 h–1 per plantwith a K+ concentration of 10–20 mM; for exuding plantsthe flow was 4.2–7.6 mm3 h–1 per plant and K+ concentration35–55 mM. Abscisic acid (ABA) at 10–6 to 10–4 M 0–2h after addition to the root medium increased volume flow ofguttation and exudation and the amount of K+ exported. Threeh after addition of ABA both volume and amount of K+ were reduced.There was an ABA-dependent increase in water permeability (Lp)of exuding roots shortly after ABA addition. Later Lp was decreasedby 35 per cent and salt export by 60 per cent suggesting aneffect of ABA on salt transport to the xylem apart from itseffect on Lp. Benzyladenine (5 x 10–8 to 10–5 M)and kinetin (5 x 10–6 M) progressively reduced volumeflow and K+ export in guttation and exudation and reduced Lp. Guttation showed a qualitatively similar response to phytohormonesas found here and elsewhere using exuding roots. Hordeum vulgare L., barley, guttation, abscisic acid, cytokinins, benzyl adenine, kinetin  相似文献   

The characteristics of ABA-induced changes in the fluxes ofCO2 and water vapour from whole leaves of spring wheat (Triticumaestivum cv. Wembley) were examined. Aqueous solutions of ABAwere supplied via the transpiration stream to intact leavesof different ages mounted within a gas exchange cuvette. ABA caused a reduction in stomatal conductance (g) that wasproportional to the concentration in the solution fed to theleaf. For the maintenance of a reduction in g there was a requirementfor a continual supply of ABA. At concentrations greater than10–2 mol m–3 ABA reduced g by at least 50% of thecontrol value, while 1.0 mol m–3 closed stomata within2 h. Concentrations as low as 10–3 mol m–3 produceda 20% reduction in g. As leaves aged they became less responsiveto applied ABA. The possibility that the stomatal response may change aftera leaf has previously experienced a pulse of ABA was exploredby repeating the exposure of a leaf to 10–2 mol m–3ABA. The first pulse of ABA produced a greater reduction ing than a subsequent exposure the following day. This declinein response of g to ABA on repeated exposure was maintainedwith leaves of different ages. The characteristics of the stomatal response to ABA are discussedin the context of what is known about the location of receptorsfor the hormone. It seems likely that a failure to respond toABA that has previously accumulated in the guard cells shouldbe viewed by means of maximizing the sensitivity to the currentsupply of ABA. It is suggested that the smaller response ofthe stomata of older leaves to ABA makes them more susceptibleto water stress, so that they can act as sensors for decliningwater potentials to give early protection to younger, metabolicallyactive leaves. Key words: Abscisic acid, leaf age, stomatal conductance, Triticum aestivum  相似文献   

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