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Gravatt  D.A. 《Photosynthetica》2003,41(3):449-452
In Sedum wrightii grown in a growth chamber, detached leaves could survive for at least 120 d with a high rate of success for propagule formation. The pattern of gas exchange, associated with CAM, may be important in extending the period during which the detached leaf remains physiologically active. The added benefit for the developing propagule, still attached to the parent leaf, is an additional source of water and saccharide reserves over an extended period necessary for rooting. Drought survival of propagules may be determined by the amount of water-storing tissue in the detached leaf.  相似文献   

Most asexual species of fungi have either lost sexuality recently, or they experience recombination by cryptic sexual reproduction. Verticillium dahliae is a plant-pathogenic, ascomycete fungus with no known sexual stage, even though related genera have well-described sexual reproduction. V. dahliae reproduces mitotically and its population structure is highly clonal. However, previously described discrepancies in phylogenetic relationships among clonal lineages may be explained more parsimoniously by recombination than mutation; therefore, we looked for evidence of recombination within and between clonal lineages. Genotyping by sequencing was performed on 141 V. dahliae isolates from diverse geographic and host origins, resulting in 26,748 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We found a strongly clonal population structure with the same lineages as described previously by vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) and molecular markers. We detected 443 recombination events, evenly distributed throughout the genome. Most recombination events detected were between clonal lineages, with relatively few recombinant haplotypes detected within lineages. The only three isolates with mating type MAT1-1 had recombinant SNP haplotypes; all other isolates had mating type MAT1-2. We found homologs of eight meiosis-specific genes in the V. dahliae genome, all with conserved or partially conserved protein domains. The extent of recombination and molecular signs of sex in (mating-type and meiosis-specific genes) suggest that V. dahliae clonal lineages arose by recombination, even though the current population structure is markedly clonal. Moreover, the detection of new lineages may be evidence that sexual reproduction has occurred recently and may potentially occur under some circumstances. We speculate that the current clonal population structure, despite the sexual origin of lineages, has arisen, in part, as a consequence of agriculture and selection for adaptation to agricultural cropping systems.  相似文献   

The developing Drosophila brain is a well-studied model system for neurogenesis and stem cell biology. In the Drosophila central brain, around 200 neural stem cells called neuroblasts undergo repeated rounds of asymmetric cell division. These divisions typically generate a larger self-renewing neuroblast and a smaller ganglion mother cell that undergoes one terminal division to create two differentiating neurons. Although single mitotic divisions of neuroblasts can easily be imaged in real time, the lack of long term imaging procedures has limited the use of neuroblast live imaging for lineage analysis. Here we describe a method that allows live imaging of cultured Drosophila neuroblasts over multiple cell cycles for up to 24 hours. We describe a 4D image analysis protocol that can be used to extract cell cycle times and growth rates from the resulting movies in an automated manner. We use it to perform lineage analysis in type II neuroblasts where clonal analysis has indicated the presence of a transit-amplifying population that potentiates the number of neurons. Indeed, our experiments verify type II lineages and provide quantitative parameters for all cell types in those lineages. As defects in type II neuroblast lineages can result in brain tumor formation, our lineage analysis method will allow more detailed and quantitative analysis of tumorigenesis and asymmetric cell division in the Drosophila brain.  相似文献   

Populations of Thrips tabaci are known to have two sympatric but genetically isolated reproductive modes, arrhenotoky (sexual reproduction) and thelytoky (asexual reproduction). Herein, we report behavioral, ecological and genetic studies to determine whether there is gene flow between arrhenotokous and thelytokous T. tabaci. We did not detect significant preference by arrhenotokous males to mate with females of a particular reproductive mode, nor did we detect significant behavioral differences between arrhenotokous males mated with arrhenotokous or thelytokous females in their pre-copulation, copulation duration and mating frequency. Productive gene transfer resulting from the mating between the two modes was experimentally confirmed. Gene transfer from arrhenotokous T. tabaci to thelytokous T. tabaci was further validated by confirmation of the passage of the arrhenotokous male-originated nuclear gene (histone H3 gene) allele to the F2 generation. These behavioral, ecological and genetic studies confirmed gene transfer from the sexual arrhenotokous mode to the asexual thelytokous mode of T. tabaci in the laboratory. These results demonstrate that asexual T. tabaci populations may acquire genetic variability from sexual populations, which could offset the long-term disadvantage of asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Given the hybrid genomic constitutions and increased ploidy of many asexual animals, the identification of processes governing the origin and maintenance of clonal diversity provides useful information about the evolutionary consequences of interspecific hybridization, asexuality and polyploidy. In order to understand the processes driving observed diversity of biotypes and clones in the Cobitis taenia hybrid complex, we performed fine-scale genetic analysis of Central European hybrid zone between two sexual species using microsatellite genotyping and mtDNA sequencing. We found that the hybrid zone is populated by an assemblage of clonally (gynogenetically) reproducing di-, tri- and tetraploid hybrid lineages and that successful clones, which are able of spatial expansion, recruit from two ploidy levels, i.e. diploid and triploid. We further compared the distribution of observed estimates of clonal ages to theoretical distributions simulated under various assumptions and showed that new clones are most likely continuously recruited from ancestral populations. This suggests that the clonal diversity is maintained by dynamic equilibrium between origination and extinction of clonal lineages. On the other hand, an interclonal selection is implied by nonrandom spatial distribution of individual clones with respect to the coexisting sexual species. Importantly, there was no evidence for sexually reproducing hybrids or clonally reproducing non-hybrid forms. Together with previous successful laboratory synthesis of clonal Cobitis hybrids, our data thus provide the most compelling evidence that 1) the origin of asexuality is causally linked to interspecific hybridization; 2) successful establishment of clones is not restricted to one specific ploidy level and 3) the initiation of clonality and polyploidy may be dynamic and continuous in asexual complexes.  相似文献   

Problems of ninety-eight patients with myelodysplasia, ages 13 to 72, were reviewed. They were grouped as follows: Those having thoracic and high lumbar level (L2↑) lesions and confined to wheel chairs, those with intermediate paralysis (L3-5 nerve roots) as walking with aids and those with less paralysis (S1↓) as fully ambulatory. Fifty-two percent of the L2↑ and only 15 percent of of the less severely paralyzed patients were retarded below an IQ level 70 (P<0.01). Thirty-six patients (62 percent) were fully and 26 partially, but appropriately, self-sufficient. Thirty-six patients were found in some form of dependent care. Two of the 71 more paralyzed patients (L3-5 and L2↑) and five of the 28 S1↓ patients were “naturally continent” but reported stress incontinence of urine. Thirteen of 23 female and five of 28 male patients between ages 16 and 72 years reported sexual activity and accounted for 17 normal offspring. All 23 retarded patients were in some form of custodial care. Dependency among the normal intellect patients could be attributed to neglect of physically deforming complications and emotional disorders, primarily low self-esteem centering around social and sexual identity problems associated with excrement soiling.  相似文献   

Resident populations of Canada geese (Branta canadensis) are of particular management interest throughout the eastern United States given increased human-wildlife conflicts due to regional increases in the Atlantic Flyway Resident Population. Within Virginia, USA, growth rates of resident goose populations have been reduced through extended harvest seasons and increased bag limits. Our objective was to investigate spatiotemporal patterns in survival rates and harvest rates of resident geese in Virginia over the past 25 years. We estimated annual survival, recovery, and harvest rates using mark-recapture data from 1990–2015 for individuals that were banded as resident birds during summer throughout the state. We tested for differences in annual survival probability and harvest rates of resident geese banded and recovered in 3 distinct goose hunt zones: the Atlantic, Southern James Bay, and Western hunt zones, each of which had different hunting regulations. We also tested for differences in survival and harvest rates between individuals banded in rural or urban sampling locations, and between age classes (i.e., after hatch-year or hatch-year). In general, survival rates of resident geese over the past 25 years in Virginia are declining. Differences in survival among the 3 goose hunt zones also suggests that current harvest management strategies have reduced survival rates of resident geese. Upon closer examination, we found differences in survival among zones, with resident geese in the Atlantic and Southern James Bay hunt zones showing more negative declines compared to resident geese in the Western zone. Resident geese banded in rural areas had higher survival than urban-banded geese. We also investigated the effects of sampling effort on survival estimates and found no difference in survival estimates among groups when using 75%, 50%, 25%, or 5% of the data randomly sampled from the full data set, suggesting that banding efforts of resident geese could be reduced and continue to inform adaptive management strategies for these populations throughout Virginia. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs (AAPs) as being photoheterotrophs require organic substrates for growth and use light as a supplementary energy source under oxic conditions. We hypothesized that AAPs benefit from light particularly under carbon and electron donor limitation. The effect of light was determined in long-term starvation experiments with Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL 12T in both complex marine broth and defined minimal medium with succinate as the sole carbon source. The cells were starved over six months under three conditions: continuous darkness (DD), continuous light (LL), and light/dark cycle (LD, 12 h/12 h, 12 µmol photons m−2 s−1). LD starvation at low light intensity resulted in 10-fold higher total cell and viable counts, and higher bacteriochlorophyll a and polyhydroxyalkanoate contents. This coincided with better physiological fitness as determined by respiration rates, proton translocation and ATP concentrations. In contrast, LD starvation at high light intensity (>22 µmol photons m−2 s−1, LD conditions) resulted in decreasing cell survival rates but increasing carotenoid concentrations, indicating a photo-protective response. Cells grown in complex medium survived longer starvation (more than 20 weeks) than those grown in minimal medium. Our experiments show that D. shibae benefits from the light and dark cycle, particularly during starvation.  相似文献   

Almost all of the investigated samples of the Arctic and Antarctic permafrost sediments of different genesis with ages from 5–10 thousand to 2–3 million years were found to contain viable micromycete and bacterial cells. The maximum amounts of viable cells of fungi (up to 104CFU/g air-dried sample) and bacteria (up to 107–109CFU/g air-dried sample) were present in fine peaty sediment samples taken from different depths. The identified micromycetes belonged to more than 20 genera of the divisions Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, and Zygomycota, and some represented mitosporic fungi. Thawing the samples at 35 and 52°C allowed the number of detected fungal genera to be increased by more than 30%. Aerobic heterotrophic prokaryotes were dominated by coryneform, nocardioform, and spore-forming microorganisms of the order Actinomycetales.Analysis of the isolated fungi and actinomycetes showed that most of them originated from the microbial communities of ancient terrestrial biocenoses.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks are ubiquitous and are found in organisms ranging from bacteria to mammals. This ubiquity of occurrence implies adaptive significance, but to date there has been no rigorous empirical evidence to support this. It is believed that an organism possessing circadian clocks gains fitness advantage in two ways: (i) by synchronizing its behavioral and physiological processes to cyclic environmental factors (extrinsic adaptive value); (ii) by coordinating its internal metabolic processes (intrinsic adaptive value). There is preliminary circumstantial evidence to support both. Several studies using organisms living in constant environments have shown that these organisms possess functional circadian clocks, suggesting that circadian clocks may have some intrinsic adaptive value. Studies to assess the adaptive value of circadian clocks in periodic environments suggest that organisms may have a fitness advantage in those periodic environments, which closely match their own intrinsic periodicity. Furthermore, evidence from organisms living in the wild, selection studies, and studies on latitudinal clines suggest that circadian clocks may have an extrinsic adaptive value as well. In this paper, I have presented several hypotheses for the emergence of circadian clocks and have reviewed some major empirical studies suggesting adaptive significance of circadian clocks.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive adult primary brain cancer, with <10% of patients surviving for more than 3 years. Demographic and clinical factors (e.g. age) and individual molecular biomarkers have been associated with prolonged survival in GBM patients. However, comprehensive systems-level analyses of molecular profiles associated with long-term survival (LTS) in GBM patients are still lacking. We present an integrative study of molecular data and clinical variables in these long-term survivors (LTSs, patients surviving >3 years) to identify biomarkers associated with prolonged survival, and to assess the possible similarity of molecular characteristics between LGG and LTS GBM. We analyzed the relationship between multivariable molecular data and LTS in GBM patients from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), including germline and somatic point mutation, gene expression, DNA methylation, copy number variation (CNV) and microRNA (miRNA) expression using logistic regression models. The molecular relationship between GBM LTS and LGG tumors was examined through cluster analysis. We identified 13, 94, 43, 29, and 1 significant predictors of LTS using Lasso logistic regression from the somatic point mutation, gene expression, DNA methylation, CNV, and miRNA expression data sets, respectively. Individually, DNA methylation provided the best prediction performance (AUC = 0.84). Combining multiple classes of molecular data into joint regression models did not improve prediction accuracy, but did identify additional genes that were not significantly predictive in individual models. PCA and clustering analyses showed that GBM LTS typically had gene expression profiles similar to non-LTS GBM. Furthermore, cluster analysis did not identify a close affinity between LTS GBM and LGG, nor did we find a significant association between LTS and secondary GBM. The absence of unique LTS profiles and the lack of similarity between LTS GBM and LGG, indicates that there are multiple genetic and epigenetic pathways to LTS in GBM patients.  相似文献   

Since Darwin observed the reconfiguration of pollinia in orchards and referred to it as a function to reduce self-pollination, diverse floral movements have been investigated and various hypotheses have been proposed to explain their adaptive significance. However, adaptive significance of floral movement in some species has yet to be fully explained. Increasing evidence suggests that some floral movements, which have previously been considered as a mechanism to avoid self-pollination, may act as a mechanism to reduce intrafloral male-female interference. In this review, we first explore insect-induced floral movement—such as secondary pollen presentation—that enhances the efficiency and accuracy of pollination. Secondly, we outline the active movements of different floral structures of pistil (style), stamen (filament, anther, pollen), and corolla, such as flexistyly, pollen sliding and catapulting, and anther rotation. Thirdly, we introduce movement herkogamy, which makes herkogamy decrease or increase via the movements of floral structures, especially decreased approach herkogamy via style curvature in the Malvaceae with a monadelphous column. Fourthly, we highlight the different adaptive significances in floral movements for understanding their evolution, including reduction in intrafloral male–female interference, promotion of outcrossing and/or avoidance of self-pollination, delayed autonomous selfing, and tolerance to harsh environments. In particular, we explore the possibility of three functions of one floral movement in one species, which differs from the generally recognized and conventional notion of one floral movement in one species with only one or two functional mechanisms. Finally, we provide perspectives on the challenges and opportunities for using demographic and molecular genetic approaches to (i) study the relative importance and evolutionary mechanism of different adaptive significances in one floral movement; and (ii) simultaneously investigate the floral movement and correlative traits of broader species in related or unrelated families to test how they evolved and the evolutionary relationship between their functions.  相似文献   

Spherical and rod-shaped cells of Arthrobacter crystallopoietes, harvested during exponential growth, were subjected to total starvation for periods of time as long as 80 days. Viability measurements were made by plate count and slide culture procedures. Both cell forms remained 100% viable for 30 days. Thereafter, viability of rods and spheres decreased equally at a slow rate. After 60 days of starvation, more than 65% of both cell forms were viable. No significant cell lysis occurred as evidenced by microscopic examination, the small amount of 260-nm absorbing material found in the starvation buffer, and stability of radioactively labeled deoxyribonucleic acid in the cells. Endogenous respiration decreased 80-fold during the first 2 days of starvation, accompanied by a 30% decrease in dry weight of the cells. Thereafter, cellular carbon was oxidized to CO(2) at the constant level of 0.03%/hr over the remaining 78-day starvation period.  相似文献   



Little is known on long-term survival and causes of death among individuals born small or large for gestational age. This study investigates birth weight in relation to survival and causes of death over time.


A national cohort of 1.7 million live-born singletons in Denmark was followed during 1979–2011, using the Danish Civil Registration System, the Medical Birth Registry and the Cause of Death Registry. Cox proportional hazards were estimated for the impact of small (SGA) and large (LGA) gestation weight and mortality overall, by age group and birth cohort.


Compared to normal weight children, SGA children were associated with increased risk of dying over time. Though most of the deaths occurred during the first year of life, the cumulative mortality risk was increased until 30 years of age. The hazard ratios [HR] for dying among SGA children ages <2 years were: 3.47 (95% CI, 3.30–3.64) and 1.06 (95% CI, 0.60–1.87) in 30 years and older. HR for dying among SGA adults (20–29 years) were: 1.20 (95% CI, 0.99–1.46) in years 1979–1982 and 1.61 (95% CI, 1.04–2.51) in years 1989–1994. The SGA born had increased risk of dying from infection, heart disease, respiratory disease, digestive disease, congenital malformation, perinatal conditions, and accidents, suicide, and homicide. Individuals born LGA were associated with decreased mortality risk, but with increased risk of dying from malignant neoplasm.


Survival has improved independently of birth weight the past 30 years. However, children born SGA remain at significantly increased risk of dying up till they turn 30 years of age. Individuals born LGA have lower mortality risk but only in the first two years of life.  相似文献   

Ant-300, a psychrophilic marine vibrio isolated from the surface water of the Antarctic convergence, was starved for periods of more than 1 year. During the first week of starvation, cell numbers increased from 100 to 800% of the initial number of cells. Fifty percent of the starved cells remained viable for 6 to 7 weeks while a portion of the population remained viable for more than 1 year. During the first 2 days of starvation, the endogenous respiration of the cells decreased over 80%. After 7 days, respiration had been reduced to 0.0071% total carbon respired per hour and remained constant thereafter. After 6 weeks of starvation, 46% of the cellular deoxyribonucleic acid had been degraded. Observation of the cellular deoxyribonucleic acid with Feulgen staining before starvation showed the average number of nuclear bodies per cell varied from 1.44 to 4.02 depending on the age of the culture. A linear relationship was found between the number of nuclear bodies per cell and the increase in cell numbers upon starvation. Our data suggest that Ant-300 is capable of surviving long periods of time with little or no nutrients and is therefore well adapted for the sparse nutrient conditions of the colder portions of the open ocean.  相似文献   

For economic, agricultural, and environmental reasons, composting is frequently used for organic waste recycling. One approach to limiting the potential risk from bacterial food-borne illnesses is to ensure that soil amendments and organic fertilizers are disinfected. However, more knowledge concerning the microbiological safety of composted substrates other than sludge and manure is necessary. Experimental in-vessel biowaste composts were used to study the survival of seeded Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype Enteritidis, and Escherichia coli. Four organic waste mixtures, containing various proportions of paper and cardboard, fruits and vegetables, and green waste, were composted in laboratory reactors with forced aeration. The physicochemical and microbiological parameters were monitored for 12 weeks during composting. The survival of bacteria over a 3-month period at 25°C was assessed with samples collected after different experimental composting times. Strain survival was also monitored in mature sterilized composts. Nonsterile composts did not support pathogen growth, but survival of seeded pathogens was observed. Salmonella serovar Enteritidis survived in all composts, and longer survival (3 months) was observed in mature composts (8 and 12 weeks of composting). Mature biowaste composts may support long-term survival of Salmonella serovar Enteritidis during storage at room temperature. E. coli and L. monocytogenes survival was observed only in 4-week-old composts and never in older composts. Proper composting may prevent long-term survival of E. coli and L. monocytogenes. These results suggest that like composted sewage sludge or manure, domestic waste composts may support pathogen survival. Survival was not related to the physicochemical characteristics of the composts.  相似文献   

Three experiments were performed to test information carried by mobbing of European blackbirds (Turdus merula). They showed that mobbing alerts conspecifics as well as the mobber itself, supporting the “alerting others” hypothesis. Mobbing gives directional information about the predator's location. Mobbing is enhanced by the predator's movement in agreement with the “perception advertisement” hypothesis. Several other aspects of relations between the mobber and conspecifics were studied and discussed.  相似文献   

A distinction is made between fitness-enhancing aspects of a trait and selective force(s) that result in its optimization. Any functional explanation conceived to account for the occurrence of mobbing behaviour must explain both the benefits for the initiator and for the birds joining it. Nine teleonomic hypotheses are proposed that permit predictions about the behaviour of the prey and/or the predator in terms of mobbing or its subsequent effects on the behaviour of both parties. Predictions of different hypotheses refer to different aspects of mobbing when prey and predator are considered concurrently. Only two hypotheses lead to contrasting predictions, i. e. to “strong inference tests”. The weakness of the teleonomic method is that it does not enable us to determine when the list of possible functions of a behaviour is exhausted.  相似文献   

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