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Genotypic variation in response of barley to boron deficiency   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Responses of a range of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes to boron (B) deficiency were studied in two experiments carried out in sand culture and in the field at Chiang Mai, Thailand. In experiment 1, two barley genotypes, Stirling (two-row) and BRB 2 (six-row) and one wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotype, SW 41, were evaluated in sand culture with three levels of applied B (0, 0.1 and 1.0 μM B) to the nutrient solution. It was found that B deficiency depressed flag leaf B concentration at booting, grain number and grain yield of all genotypes. In barley Stirling, B deficiency also depressed number of spikes plant-1, spikelets spike-1 and straw yield. However, no significant difference between genotypes in flag leaf B concentration was found under low B treatments. Flag leaf B concentration below 4 mg kg-1 was associated with grain set reduction and could, therefore, be used as a general indicator for B status in barley. In experiment 2, nine barley and two wheat genotypes were evaluated in the field on a low B soil with three levels of B. Boron levels were varied by applying either 2 t of lime ha-1 (BL), no B (B0) or 10 kg Borax ha-1 (B+) to the soil prior to sowing. Genotypes differed in their B response for grain spike-1, grain spikelet-1 and grain set index (GSI). The GSI of the B efficient wheat, Fang 60, exceeded 90% in all B treatments. The B inefficient wheat SW 41 and most of the barley genotypes set grain normally (GSI >80%) only at the B+. In B0 GSI of the barley genotypes ranged from 23% to 84%, and in BL from 19% to 65%. Three of the barley with severely depressed GSI in B0 and BL also had a decreased number of spikelets spike-1. In experiment 3, 21 advanced barley lines from the Barley Thailand Yield Nursery 1997/98 (BTYN 1997/98) were screened for B response in sand culture with no added B. Grain Set Index of the Fang 60 and SW 41 checks were 98 and 65%, respectively, and GSI of barley lines ranged between 5 and 90%. One advanced line was identified as B efficient and two as moderately B efficient. The remaining lines ranked between moderately inefficient to inefficient. These experiments have established that there is a range of responses to B in barley genotypes. This variation in the B response was observed in vegetative as well as reproductive growth. Boron efficiency should be considered in breeding and selection of barley in low B soils. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This study investigated aerenchyma formation and function in adventitious roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) when only a part of the root system was exposed to O2 deficiency. Two experimental systems were used: (1) plants in soil waterlogged at 200 mm below the surface; or (2) a nutrient solution system with only the apical region of a single root exposed to deoxygenated stagnant agar solution with the remainder of the root system in aerated nutrient solution. Porosity increased two‐ to three‐fold along the entire length of the adventitious roots that grew into the water‐saturated zone 200 mm below the soil surface, and also increased in roots that grew in the aerobic soil above the water‐saturated zone. Likewise, adventitious roots with only the tips growing into deoxygenated stagnant agar solution developed aerenchyma along the entire main axis. Measurements of radial O2 loss (ROL), taken using root‐sleeving O2 electrodes, showed this aerenchyma was functional in conducting O2. The ROL measured near tips of intact roots in deoxygenated stagnant agar solution, while the basal part of the root remained in aerated solution, was sustained when the atmosphere around the shoot was replaced by N2. This illustrates the importance of O2 diffusion into the basal regions of roots within an aerobic zone, and the subsequent longitudinal movement of O2 within the aerenchyma, to supply O2 to the tip growing in an O2 deficient zone.  相似文献   

Xylem sap was collected from wheat and barley growing in a drying soil, and the effect of the sap on transpiration was detected by a bioassay with detached wheat leaves. The inhibitory activity of fresh sap was small, and could be largely accounted for by the abscisic acid content (about 2×10-5mol m-3). When fresh sap was stored at -20°C for several days, the activity increased. Maximum activity developed after a week. This increase in activity was due to a compound that increased in size with storage at -20°C. When fresh sap was fractionated with filters of different molecular size exclusion characteristics, and the separated fractions stored at -20°C for a week, activity developed only in the fraction containing compounds smaller than 0·3 kDa. However, when sap already stored at -20°C was fractionated, activity was only in fractions containing compounds larger than 0·3 kDa. The increase in activity and in size did not occur with storage in liquid nitrogen (-196°C) or at -80°C. These results suggest that storage at -20°C causes the aggregation or polymerization of a small compound with low activity to form a large compound with high activity. This change is not catalysed by an enzyme because it can occur in a fraction from which molecules larger than 0·3 kDa are removed. It is probably promoted by high solute concentrations when ice crystals form. Sap collected from plants in soils of high water potential had little or no activity after storage at -20°C.  相似文献   

Movement of fluorescein into isolated caryopses of wheat and barley   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. The movement of fluorescein, a symplastic fluorescent tracer, into isolated caryopses of wheat and barley is described. The dye followed the pathway to the endosperm which has been proposed previously from anatomical studies, namely a movement from the phloem, through cells of the pigment strand and nucellar projection, followed by a radial spread of the dye from the endosperm cavity into the starchy endosperm. By contrast, the fluorochromes calcofluor white M2R and ANS remained confined to the apoplast and failed to cross the 'xylem discontinuity' at the base of the caryopses.  相似文献   

Malate exudation through wheat (Triticum aestivum L) aluminium-activated malate transporter 1 (TaALMT1) confers Al3+ tolerance at low pH, but is also activated by alkaline pH, and is regulated by and facilitates significant transport of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA, a zwitterionic buffer). Therefore, TaALMT1 may facilitate acidification of an alkaline rhizosphere by promoting exudation of both malate and GABA. Here, the performance of wheat near isogenic lines ET8 (Al+3-tolerant, high TaALMT1 expression) and ES8 (Al+3-sensitive, low TaALMT1 expression) are compared. Root growth (at 5 weeks) was higher for ET8 than ES8 at pH 9. ET8 roots exuded more malate and GABA at high pH and acidified the rhizosphere more rapidly. GABA and malate exudation was enhanced at high pH by the addition of aluminate in both ET8 and transgenic barley expressing TaALMT1. Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing TaALMT1 acidified an alkaline media more rapidly than controls corresponding to higher GABA efflux. TaALMT1 expression did not change under alkaline conditions but key genes involved in GABA turnover changed in accordance with a high rate of GABA synthesis. We propose that TaALMT1 plays a role in alkaline tolerance by exuding malate and GABA, possibly coupled to proton efflux.  相似文献   

The development of cereal cyst nematode (CCN; Heterodera avenae ) induced syncytia in the host roots of infected resistant bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum cv. AUS10894), diploid wheat ( Aegilops tauschii ), barley ( Hordeum vulgare cv. Chebec and cv. Galleon) and in the susceptible wheat cv. Meering and barley cv. Clipper were studied over a period of 13 d. The resistance to CCN in these cereal plants is conferred by the resistance genes Cre1 in the wheat cv. AUS10894, Cre3 in A. tauschii , Ha2 in barley cv. Chebec and Ha4 in barley cv. Galleon. Anatomical observations were made on the development of the syncytia in CCN-infected wheat and barley roots, which carry each of these four sources of resistance genes. Accelerated development of the syncytia in resistant plants, especially in the barley cultivars, was observed. The sites of syncytia development in susceptible wheat and barley were also closely associated with the vascular tissues in the stele, but less so in the resistant plants. The syncytia in the infected susceptible wheat and barley were also metabolically active at day 13. By contrast, the syncytia of resistant wheat plants carrying the Cre1 or Cre3 genes remained extensively vacuolated and less metabolically active. In barley plants with the Ha2 or Ha4 genes, the syncytia appeared non-functional and in early stages of degeneration by day 13 after inoculation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Immature cereal embryo development can be controlled by in vitro culture on media containing ABA, or by media of low osmotic potential. To assess the possible in vivo roles of these factors, endogenous ABA levels and water relations of embryos and grains of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) and barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) were determined during development. ABA concentrations remained consistent with those required to inhibit precocious germination in vitro of early stage embryos but not of more mature embryos. With increasing maturity, a difference in water potential developed between grain and embryo, suggestive of an in vivo role for water status in controlling the development of the embryo.  相似文献   

Direct genomic DNA amplification with the primers recognizing the NBS–kinase sequence of the wheat gene Cre3(Genbank accession AF052641) was used to obtain partial homologs of this gene in perennial and annual rye, wheat, and tall wheatgrass. The nucleotide sequences of the cloned fragments and their deduced amino acid sequences were compared to the already-known Cre3homologs in other wheat, aegilops, and barley genotypes. Within the tribe Triticeae, the extent of homology ranged from 86 to 94% for nucleotide sequences and from 74 to 96% for the deduced amino acid sequences, with the most variable region between Kin3 and PR3 conserved motifs.  相似文献   

Abstract Two models describing the relationship between net photosynthesis of leaves of C3 plants, light intensity and CO2 concentration in the substomatal cavities are described and fitted to data obtained in a constant environment cabinet and in the field. The first model, based on a resistance analogue for gaseous diffusion and Michaelis-Menten biochemistry, gave the best fit to the data. For the field data, four parameters were required–quantum yield, mesophyll resistance, ‘dayrsquo; respiration and a photorespiration constant. For the cabinet data, a parameter representing the limiting photosynthesis rate was required. The second model, based on a recent more rigorous biochemical analysis of photosynthesis, contains five parameters–quantum yield, maximum carboxylation rate, ‘day’ respiration, a photorespiration constant and a maximum electron transport rate. It fitted the data less well.  相似文献   

The gradients in photosynthetic and carbohydrate metabolism which persist within the fully expanded second leaf of barley ( Hordeum vulgare ) were examined. Although all regions of the leaf blade were green and photosynthetically active, the basal 5 cm, representing approximately 20% of the leaf area, retained some characteristics of sink tissue. The leaf blade distal from the leaf sheath exhibited characteristics typical of source tissue; the activities of sucrolytic enzymes (invertase and sucrose synthase) were relatively low, whilst that of sucrose phosphate synthase was high. These regions of the leaf accumulated sucrose throughout the photoperiod and starch only in the second half of the photoperiod whilst hexose sugars remained low. By contrast the leaf blade proximal to the leaf sheath retained relatively high activities of sucrolytic enzymes (especially soluble, acid invertase) whilst sucrose phosphate synthase activity was low. Glucose, as well as sucrose, accumulated throughout the photoperiod. Although starch accumulated in the second half of the photoperiod, a basal level of starch was present throughout the photoperiod, by contrast with the rest of the leaf. The 14CO2 feeding experiments indicated that a constant amount of photosynthate was partitioned towards starch in this region of the leaf irrespective of irradiance. These findings are interpreted as the base of the leaf blade acting as a localized sink for carbohydrate as a result of sucrose hydrolysis by acid invertase.  相似文献   

The responses of photosynthesis, Rubisco activity, Rubisco protein, leaf carbohydrates and total soluble protein to three carbon dioxide treatments were studied in winter wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.)] and barley [Hordeum vulgare (L.)]. Barley and wheat plants were grown in small field plots during 1995 and 1996 in clear, acrylic chambers (1.2–2.4 m2) and were provided with continuous carbon dioxide fertilization at concentrations of 350, 525 and 700 mol mol–1. Photosynthetic rates of barley penultimate leaves and wheat flag leaves measured at growth carbon dioxide concentrations decreased with leaf age in all three CO2 treatments during 1995 and 1996. Photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 was observed on seven of eight measurement dates for barley and ten of eleven measurement dates for wheat over both years. Initial Rubisco activity, total soluble protein and Rubisco protein in barley penultimate leaves and wheat flag leaves also decreased with leaf age. Total Rubisco activity was not used because of enzyme degradation. There was a significant CO2 treatment effect on initial Rubisco activity, total soluble protein and Rubisco protein for wheat in 1995 and 1996 and for barley in 1995. Responses of barley penultimate leaf Rubisco activity and leaf protein concentrations to elevated carbon dioxide were nonsignificant in 1996. A significant CO2 treatment effect also was detected when means of Rubisco activity, soluble protein and Rubisco protein for wheat flag leaves were combined over harvests and years. These three flag leaf parameters were not significantly different in the 350 and 525 mol mol–1 CO2 treatments but were decreased during growth in 700 mol mol–1 CO2 relative to the other two CO2 treatments. Ratios of photosynthesis at 700 and 350 mol mol–1 were compared to ratios of Rubisco activity at 700 and 350 mol mol–1 using wheat flag leaf data from 1995 and 1996. Regression analysis of these data were linear [y = 0.586 + 1.103t x (r2 = 0.432)] and were significant at P 0.05. This result indicated that photosynthetic acclimation was positively correlated with changes of initial Rubisco activity in wheat flag leaves in response to CO2 enrichment. Effects of elevated CO2 on wheat leaf proteins during 1995 and 1996 and on barley during 1995 were consistent with an acceleration of senescence.  相似文献   

Light enhanced the abscisic acid‐induced accumulation of proline in barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Georgie) and wheat ( Triticum durum L. cv. Valnova). In wheat ABA is ineffective in the dark. In both barley and wheat, the accumulation of proline in the light showed the same characteristics as those of the process that occurs in barley in the dark, namely a synergistic interaction between the hormone and K(Na)Cl, an enhancing effect of Cl anion in excess over K+ cation in the incubation medium, and an inhibiting effect of D ‐mannose and monensine. In wheat, furthermore, light is needed during treatment with ABA if proline is to accumulate. Light was effective in both wheat and barley during the second or accumulation phase of the hormonal process, whereas the events occurring in the first (or lag) phase did not require light. The results suggest that in wheat light induces a putative factor(s) involved in the proline accumulation pathway that is lost in the dark, whereas in barley it is present in the dark.  相似文献   

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