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The nonallelic sweetclover (Melilotus alba Desr.) mutants U371 (ch10/ch10 genotype) and U372 (ch11/ch11 genotype) are derived from the U389 (+/+ genotype) parental strain. Growth of the U389 strain at a temperature of 17 or 26[deg]C results in plants normally green in appearance. The U371 and U372 mutant plants grown at 26[deg]C are slightly to moderately chlorophyll (Chl) deficient and have decreased Chl b/a ratios. Growth of the mutants at 17[deg]C results in plants severely deficient in Chl a, with markedly reduced levels of carotenoids except for violaxanthin, and with negligible amounts of Chl b or apoproteins for the light-harvesting complex of photosystem II. If mutant plants grown at 17[deg]C are transferred to 26[deg]C, during the next 20 d the amount of Chl per fresh weight will increase 5-fold and both the Chl b/a ratio and the expression of the light-harvesting complex apoproteins will progressively increase. Studies of the U371 mutant during the temperature-induced greening demonstrate progressive changes in chloroplast ultra-structure and leaf carbon isotope fractionation that parallel the increases in Chl. Changes observed in the leaf carbon isotope fractionation in the mutant suggest that, in addition to the already known effects of various abiotic factors, structural and metabolic internal factors can also influence whether the limitation in CO2 fixation is at the level of diffusion or carboxylation. Such temperature-initiated progressive greening in these and similar mutants may make them useful tools to elucidate not only the biosynthesis and assembly of the photosynthetic apparatus, but also physiological phenomena such as the influence of light-driven energy production on the overall carbon isotope fractionation during photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Mutants of sweetclover (Melilotus alba) with defects in the nuclear ch5 locus were examined. Using thin-layer chromatography and absorption spectroscopy, three of these mutants were found to lack chlorophyll (Chl) b. One of these three mutants, U374, possessed thylakoid membranes lacking the three Chl b-containing pigment-protein complexes (AB-1, AB-2, and AB-3) while still containing A-1 and A-2, Chl a complexes derived from photosystems I and II, respectively. Complete solubilization and denaturation of the thylakoid proteins from this mutant revealed very little apoprotein from the Chl b-containing light-harvesting complexes, the major thylakoid proteins in normal plants. The normal and mutant sweetclover plants had active thylakoid protein kinase activities and numerous polypeptides were labeled following incubation with [γ-32P]ATP. With the U374 mutant, however, there was very little detectable label co-migrating with the light-harvesting complex apoproteins on polyacrylamide gels. The Chl b-deficient chlorina-f2 mutant of barley (Hordeum vulgare) also had an active protein kinase activity capable of phosphorylating numerous polypeptides, including ones migrating with the same mobility as the light-harvesting complex apoproteins. These results indicate that the sweetclover mutants may be useful systems for studies on the function and organization of Chl b in thylakoid membranes of higher plants.  相似文献   

The ch4 mutant of sweetclover (Melilotus alba) has previously been demonstrated to be temperature- and photoperiod-sensitive for the accumulation of chlorophyll. Pigment content of ch4 mutant leaves was examined as a function of trifoliolate mass, an index of leaf development. Inhibition of chlorophyll accumulation caused by increased growth temperature or decreased photoperiod can be attenuated during the earliest leaf development stages but is almost complete after the trifoliolates have reached 10 milligrams in size. Once this size is reached, the total amount of chlorophyll per trifoliolate remains constant, and the amount of chlorophyll per gram of leaf decreases as the leaf expands. We have evidence for several other sweetclover mutants with this general phenotype, all with alterations previously determined to be located in different genes as evidenced by complementation following genetic crosses. This mutant phenotype may represent lesions in the chlorophyll biosynthetic pathway or the assembly of the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   

The light-sensitive chlorophyll b (Chl b)-deficient oil yellow-yellow green (OY-YG) mutant of maize (Zea mays) grown under conditions of high light exhibits differential reductions in the accumulation of the three major Chl b-containing antenna complexes and characteristic changes in thylakoid architecture. When observed by freeze-fracture electron microscopy, the most notable changes in the OY-YG thylakoid structure are: (a) a major reduction in the number of 8 nanometer particles of the protoplasmic fracture face of stacked membrane regions (PFs) paralleled by a 60% reduction in the chlorophyll-proteins (CP) associated with the peripheral light harvesting complex (LHCII) for photosystem II (PSII) and which give rise to the LHCII oligomer/monomer (CPII*/CPII) bands on mildly dissociated green gels; (b) a sizable decrease in the proportion of 11 to 13 nanometer particles of the protoplasmic fracture face of unstacked membrane regions (PFu) that parallels the loss of light harvesting complex I (LHCI) antennae from photosystem I (PSI) centers and a 40% reduction of the band containing CP1 and LHCI (CPI*) on mildly dissociating green gels; (c) an unchanged or slightly increased average size of particles of the exoplasmic fracture face of stacked (or appressed) membrane regions (EFs) along with a relative increase in CP29, the postulated bound LHC of PSII, and of CP47 and CP43, PSII core antenna complexes. This latter result sets the OY-YG mutant apart from all other Chl b-deficient mutants studied to date, all of which possess EFs particles that are substantially reduced in size. Based on these findings, we postulate that the bound LHCII associated with EFs particles consists mostly of CP29 chlorophyll proteins and very little, if any, CPII*/CPII chlorophyll proteins. Indeed, the CPII*/CPII chlorophyll proteins may be exclusively associated with the `peripheral' LHCII units that give rise to 8 nanometer PF particles. The differential effect of the Chl b deficiency on the accumulation of the three main antenna complexes (CPII*/CPII>CPI*>CP29) suggests, furthermore, that there is a hierarchy among Chl b-binding proteins, and that this hierarchy might be an integral part of long-term photoregulation mediating Chl b partitioning in the chloroplast.  相似文献   

The nitrogen-fixing symbiosis between Rhizobiaceae and legumes is one of the best-studied interactions established between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The plant develops root nodules in which the bacteria are housed, and atmospheric nitrogen is fixed into ammonia by the rhizobia and made available to the plant in exchange for carbon compounds. It has been hypothesized that this symbiosis evolved from the more ancient arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis, in which the fungus associates with roots and aids the plant in the absorption of mineral nutrients, particularly phosphate. Support comes from several fronts: 1) legume mutants where Nod(-) and Myc(-) co-segregate, and 2) the fact that various early nodulin (ENOD) genes are expressed in legume AM. Both strongly argue for the idea that the signal transduction pathways between the two symbioses are conserved. We have analyzed the responses of four classes of non-nodulating Melilotus alba (white sweetclover) mutants to Glomus intraradices (the mycorrhizal symbiont) to investigate how Nod(-) mutations affect the establishment of this symbiosis. We also re-examined the root hair responses of the non-nodulating mutants to Sinorhizobium meliloti (the nitrogen-fixing symbiont). Of the four classes, several sweetclover sym mutants are both Nod(-) and Myc(-). In an attempt to decipher the relationship between nodulation and mycorrhiza formation, we also performed co-inoculation experiments with mutant rhizobia and Glomus intraradices on Medicago sativa, a close relative of M. alba. Even though sulfated Nod factor was supplied by some of the bacterial mutants, the fungus did not complement symbiotically defective rhizobia for nodulation.  相似文献   

Characterization of the functional organization of the photochemical apparatus in the light sensitive chlorophyll b-deficient oil yellow-yellow green (OY-YG) mutant of maize (Zea mays) is presented. Spectrophotometric and kinetic analysis revealed substantially lower amounts of the light harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHCII-peripheral) in high light-grown OY-YG thylakoids. However, accumulation of a tightly bound LHCII appears unaffected by the lesion. Changes in photosystem (PS) stoichiometry include lower amounts of PSII with characteristic fast kinetics (PSIIα) and a substantial accumulation of PSII centers with characteristic slow kinetics (PSIIβ) in the thylakoid membrane of the OY-YG mutant. Thus, PSIIβ is the dominant photosystem in the mutant chloroplasts. In contrast to wild type, roughly 80% of the mutant PSIIβ centers are functionally coupled to the plastoquinone pool and are probably localized in the appressed regions of the thylakoid membrane. These centers, designated PSIIβ-QB-reducing (QB being the secondary electron quinone acceptor of PSII), are clearly distinct from the typical PSIIβ-QB-nonreducing centers found in the stroma lamellae of wild-type chloroplasts. It is concluded that the observed changes in the stoichiometry of electron-transport complexes reflect the existence of a regulatory mechanism for the adjustment of photosystem stoichiometry in chloroplasts designed to correct any imbalance in light absorption by the two photosystems.  相似文献   

We describe specific primers that amplify nine microsatellite DNA loci from Melilotus alba and Melilotus officinalis, both invasive plant species (Fabaceae) throughout North America. Allelic diversity was slightly lower for M. alba than for M. officinalis, as was expected heterozygosity. For both species, heterozygote deficit was observed at several loci. Genotypic diversity was very high for both species; the 29 plant samples of each species all had different multilocus genotypes. These markers will be used to determine the origins of the sweetclover invasion in Alaska and to compare patterns of diversity between subarctic and lower latitude populations.  相似文献   

Proteases from mesophyll protoplasts of Melilotus alba were identified by standard proteolytic assays and separated using different chromatographic techniques. Their characterization also included their subcellular location. Besides the evidence for the multiplicity of the proteolytic enzymes, two protease sets were distinguished endopeptidases, which are exclusively vacuolar, and aminopeptidases, which are widely distributed throughout the cell. Cytosol-located enzymes were tested as substrates of the two sets of proteases, by studying comparatively the time-course changes of enzyme activities during incubation in total protoplast extracts, or in cytosol fractions devoid of vacuolar proteases. The degradation of phosphoenolpyruvate-carboxylase protein, a typical cytosolic enzyme, in the presence of purified amino-and endopeptidases, was also estimated by immunoprecipitation studies. Only the vacuolar endopeptidases are effective in the degradation of cytosolic enzymes. Hydrolytic enzyme activities mostly of vacuolar origin were very stable during incubation in total protoplast extracts. These proteins therefore appear to be particularly resistant to proteolytic attack. The results indicate that, in plants, the effective proteolytic system acting on cytosolic enzymes seems to be vacuole-located, and that the selectivity in protein degradation may be imposed by the susceptibility of the protein being degraded and by its transfer into the vacuoles.Abbreviations Leu-pNA leucine-p-nitroanilide - lys-p-NA lysine-p-nitroanilide - pCMB p-chloromercuribenzoic acid - PEPCase phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

《Plant science》1988,58(2):177-182
Treatment of Pisum sativum (L.) cv. ‘Sparkle’ with ethylmethane sulfonic acid or γ or neutron radiation induced stable mutants which do not form nodules, or form few nodules. Six mutants were at the previously described sym 5 locus. Non-nodulating mutants of Melilotus alba annua (Desr.) cv. U389 were obtained by treatment with ethylmethane sulfonic acid (EMS) or neutron radiation, but not by γ radiation or azide.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive respiration-deficient mutant of yeast lacks hemoproteins and accumulates coproporphyrin III when cultivated at elevated temperatures. Cells grown at 20 C respired normally and contained cytochromes a, b, and c. Cells grown at 35 C showed respiration-deficient mutant characters; they did not respire, lacked cytochromes, and accumulated coproporphyrin III. Addition of protoporphyrin IX or protohemin IX to the culture medium restored the respiratory activity of this mutant during growth at 35 C. The activities of various enzymes, including succinate-2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP), reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH(2))-DCPIP, succinate-cytochrome c, and NADH(2)-cytochrome c oxidoreductase, and cytochrome oxidase, and the cytochrome c content of cells cultured in various conditions were determined. Changes in the number and structure of mitochondria were associated with changes in respiratory activity.  相似文献   

Flavonol aglycones are required for pollen germination in petunia (Petunia hybrida L.). Mutant plants lacking chalcone synthase (CHS), which catalyzes the first committed step in flavonoid synthesis, do not accumulate flavonols and are self-sterile. The mutant pollen can be induced to germinate by supplementing it with kaempferol, a flavonol aglycone, either at the time of pollination or by addition to an in vitro germination system. Biochemical complementation occurs naturally when the mutant, flavonol-deficient pollen is crossed to wild-type, flavonoid-producing stigmas. We found that successful pollination depends on stigma maturity, indicating that flavonol aglycone accumulation may be developmentally regulated. Quantitative immunoblotting, in vitro and in vivo pollen germination, and high-performance liquid chromatographic analyses of stigma and anther extracts were used to determine the relationship between CHS levels and flavonol aglycone accumulation in developing petunia flowers. Although substantial levels of CHS were measured, we detected no flavonol aglycones in wild-type stigma or anther extracts. Instead, the occurrence of a conjugated form (flavonol glycoside) suggests that a mechanism may operate to convert glycosides to the active aglycone form.  相似文献   

McCoy JW 《Genetics》1973,74(1):107-114
After treatment with nitrosoguanidine a mutation to temperature sensitivity was obtained in Tetrahymena pyriformis, syngen 1. The trait is controlled by a recessive allele, ts, at a locus linked to serotype locus T. ts is completely recessive, unlike any other allele studied in this organism, and the heterozygotes do not show vegetative assortment. The cross which revealed the linkage of ts and T failed to show evidence of the linkage of mt (mating type) and E-1 (esterase-1) which has been demonstrated in other crosses (Allen 1964; Doerder 1972), but revealed a third case of linkage, involving mt and TO (tetrazolium oxidase). Taken together, these results are presumptive evidence for large interstrain differences in recombination properties within syngen 1.  相似文献   

Methods for the preparation of protoplasts and vacuoles from mesophyll tissues of sweet clover (Melilotus alba Desr.) are described. Vacuoles are obtained using a new procedure which involves lysis of the plasmalemma during a brief centrifugation of protoplasts through a diethylaminoethyl dextran layer. This method combines the release of vacuoles and their purification in one step. The contamination of vacuole preparations was found to be low, as judged by enzymic markers and microscopic inspection. The method described is rapid and gives a good yield of vacuoles without causing changes in osmotic pressure. Several hydrolases were found to be located in vacuoles from sweet clover, which were also examined for their amino acid content.  相似文献   

The hemagglutinating ability of a temperature-sensitive mutant virion was reversibly lost when the temperature of hemagglutination was increased from 27 to 37 C.  相似文献   

A collection of chlorophyll (Chl)-deficient mutants of sweetclover (Melilotus alba) with defects in eight nuclear loci were grown at 17 or 26° C. Plants grown at either temperature were examined for Chl content, Chla/b ratio, expression of the light-harvesting complex II (LHC-II) apoproteins, and protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) biosynthetic capacity. Except for thech4 mutant, the parental strain and all mutants accumulate more Chl when grown at 26° C than at 17° C. Thech5 mutants, lacking Chl b under any growth condition, and thech12 mutant showed little temperature-dependent phenotypic plasticity, whereas this was a marked phenomenon in the other mutants. Thech10 andch11 mutants demonstrated extreme temperature sensitivity with regard to the production of Chlb and the Chlb-binding LHC-II apoproteins. When excised trifoliolates were supplemented with exogenously supplied -aminolevulinic acid, only thech4 mutant was markedly impaired in the ability to produce Pchlide. These data indicate that temperature-sensitive phenotypic plasticity is a common phenomenon of chlorophyll-deficient mutants and substantiate that only a minority of Chl-deficient mutants is impaired in the biosynthesis of Chl.This research was supported by Grants GM84-CRCR-1-1479 (J.C.O.) and 89-00641 (J.M.) of the United States Department of Agriculture and by National Science Foundation Grant DMB87-03100 (J.M.). This is paper No. 8971, Nebraska Agricultural Research Division.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll-protein complexes of the wild type and 16 strainsof chlorina mutants of rice were investigated by gel electrophoresis.An antenna chlorophyll a/b-protein of photosystem II (LHC-II)was present in reduced amounts in Type II chlorina mutants whichhave the chlorophyll a/b ratios of 10–15, and was totallyabsent from Type I chlorina mutants which lack chlorophyll b.Another antenna chlorophyll-protein of photosystem I (LHC-I)containing two polypeptides of 20 and 21 kDa was also presentin the Type II mutants but not in the Type I mutants. The polypeptideprofiles of the thylakoid membranes indicate that Type I mutantslack both the 20 and 21 kDa polypeptides, whereas the abundanceof the two polypeptides relative to the CPI apoprotein in theType II mutants is comparable with that in the wild type. Itis concluded that the 20 and 21 kDa polypeptides are both relatedto LHC-I and are normally synthesized and accumulated in theType II mutants. (Received June 6, 1985; Accepted August 6, 1985)  相似文献   

白花草木犀(Melilotus alba Medic.ex Desr.)又名白香草木犀、白甜车轴草、辟汗草,原产欧亚温带地区,世界各国均有栽培,在中国西北、华北和东北均有悠久的栽培历史。白花草木犀普遍用作牧草[1],适合在湿润和半干燥气候地区生长,适宜种植于偏碱性土壤上,耐瘠薄、耐盐碱、抗寒和抗旱能力均较强,可作为绿肥及用于盐碱地、瘠薄地的改良[1-2]。白花草木犀药用价值较高,具有清热解毒、利湿、敛阴止汗的功效,用于  相似文献   

Absorption spectra and their fourth derivatives of chloroplastsisolated from 16 different rice chlorina mutants were determinedat liquid nitrogen temperature. The results suggest that Chlb is absent from 10 mutants labelled chlorina-1 to -10, while6 mutants named chlorina-11 to -16 contain low levels of Chlb. Low temperature fluorescence emission spectra indicate thata light-harvesting Chl a/b protein of photosystem I is presentin chlorina-11 to -16 but not in chlorina-1 to -10. Reinvestigationof Chl a/b ratios by a sensitive fluorescence method shows thatthe 16 mutants are divided into three groups different in thedegree of Chl b-deficiency; chlorina-1 to -10 totally lack Chlb (Type I), chlorina-11 to -13 have Chl a/b ratio of about 10(Type II-A) and chlorina-14 to -16 have the ratio of about 15(Type II-B). (Received June 6, 1985; Accepted August 6, 1985)  相似文献   

Mutant of Bacillus subtilis with a Temperature-Sensitive Autolytic Amidase   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
A procedure incorporating a petri plate assay for autolysins has been developed for the systematic isolation of mutants with a temperature-sensitive autolytic amidase. We suggest maa as the name for the gene for this enzyme. One such mutant has been characterized as having a heat-sensitive amidase in a variety of studies with both crude autolysin preparations and purified amidase solutions.  相似文献   

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