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The mammalian major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a tightly linked cluster of immune genes, and is often thought of as inherited as a unit. This has led to the hope that studying a single MHC gene will reveal patterns of evolution representative of the MHC as a whole. In this study we analyse a 1000-km transect of MHC variation traversing the European house mouse hybrid zone to compare signals of selection and patterns of diversification at two closely linked MHC class II genes, H-2Aa and H-2Eb. We show that although they are 0.01 cM apart (that is, recombination is expected only once in 10 000 meioses), disparate evolutionary patterns were detected. H-2Aa shows higher allelic polymorphism, faster allelic turnover due to higher mutation rates, stronger positive selection at antigen-binding sites and higher population structuring than H-2Eb. H-2Eb alleles are maintained in the gene pool for longer, including over separation of the subspecies, some H-2Eb alleles are positively and others negatively selected and some of the alleles are not expressed. We conclude that studies on MHC genes in wild-living vertebrates can give substantially different results depending on the MHC gene examined and that the level of polymorphism in a related species is a poor criterion for gene choice.  相似文献   

Analysis of a single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) using capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a novel method to study polymorphism of DNA sequences in large scale population studies. We optimized CE‐SSCP analysis to study the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II alpha gene (DQA) polymorphism. Short‐chain linear polyacrylamide (6%) as sieving matrix, TrisCl (pH 8.5) as buffer for sample dilution, and 27 °C, 9 kV as electrophoresis parameters were suitable for sufficient resolution of all alleles. We found that almost 25% of clones contained a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) artefact and strict criteria have to be applied when using cloning and sequencing to analyse the allelic diversity of MHC genes.  相似文献   

Brown trout populations in the Hardanger Fjord, Norway, have declined drastically due to increased exposure to salmon lice from salmonid aquaculture. We studied contemporary samples from seven populations and historical samples (1972 and 1983) from the two largest populations, one of which has declined drastically whereas the other remains stable. We analysed 11 microsatellite loci, including one tightly linked to the UBA gene of the major histocompatibility class I complex (MHC) and another locus linked to the TAP2A gene, also associated with MHC. The results revealed asymmetric gene flow from the two largest populations to the other, smaller populations. This has important conservation implications, and we predict that possible future population recoveries will be mediated primarily by the remaining large population. Tests for selection suggested diversifying selection at UBA, whereas evidence was inconclusive for TAP2A. There was no evidence for temporally fluctuating selection. We assessed the distribution of adaptive divergence among populations. The results showed the most pronounced footprints of selection between the two largest populations subject to the least immigration. We suggest that asymmetric gene flow has an important influence on adaptive divergence and constrains local adaptive responses in the smaller populations. Even though UBA alleles may not affect salmon louse resistance, the results bear evidence of adaptive divergence among populations at immune system genes. This suggests that similar genetic differences could exist at salmon louse resistance loci, thus rendering it a realistic scenario that differential population declines could reflect differences in adaptive variation.  相似文献   

Class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) beta genes were isolated from 12 species of rockfish (genus Sebastes ). Multiple sequences were found in each of the species. The majority of sequences displayed the characteristics of functional MHC genes, with a small group of sequences that were possibly pseudogenes.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that the impact of gene flow on the genetic structure of populations in patchy habitats depends on its scale and the demographic attributes of demes (e.g. local colony sizes and timing of reproduction), but empirical evidence is scarce. We inferred the impact of gene flow on genetic structure among populations of water voles Arvicola terrestris that differed in average colony sizes, population turnover and degree of patchiness. Colonies typically consisted of few reproducing adults and several juveniles. Twelve polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci were examined. Levels of individual genetic variability in all areas were high ( H O= 0.69–0.78). Assignments of juveniles to parents revealed frequent dispersal over long distances. The populations showed negative F IS values among juveniles, F IS values around zero among adults, high F ST values among colonies for juveniles, and moderate, often insignificant, F ST values for parents. We inferred that excess heterozygosity within colonies reflected the few individuals dispersing from a large area to form discrete breeding colonies. Thus pre-breeding dispersal followed by rapid reproduction results in a seasonal increase in differentiation due to local family groups. Genetic variation was as high in low-density populations in patchy habitats as in populations in continuous habitats used for comparison. In contrast to most theoretical predictions, we found that populations living in patchy habitats can maintain high levels of genetic variability when only a few adults contribute to breeding in each colony, when the variance of reproductive success among colonies is likely to be low, and when dispersal between colonies exceeds nearest-neighbour distances.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) harbours some of the most polymorphic loci in vertebrate genomes. MHC genes are thought to be subject to some form of balancing selection, most likely pathogen‐mediated selection. Hence, MHC genes are excellent candidates for exploring adaptive processes. In this study, we investigated the genetic variation at exon 2 of the DRB class II MHC locus in 191 alpine chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) from 10 populations in the eastern Alps of Italy. In particular, we were interested in distinguishing and estimating the relative impact of selective and demographic factors, while taking into account the confounding effect of recombination. The extremely high dn/ds ratio and the presence of trans‐species polymorphisms suggest that a strong long‐term balancing selection effect has been operating at this locus throughout the evolutionary history of this species. We analysed patterns of genetic variation within and between populations, and the mitochondrial D‐loop polymorphism patterns were analysed to provide a baseline indicator of the effects of demographic processes. These analyses showed that (i) the chamois experienced a demographic decline in the last 5000–30 000 years, most likely related to the postglacial elevation in temperature; (ii) this demographic process can explain the results of neutrality tests applied to MHC variation within populations, but cannot justify the much weaker divergence between populations implied by MHC as opposed to mitochondrial DNA; (iii) similar sets of divergent alleles are probably maintained with similar frequencies by balancing selection in different populations, and this mechanism is also operating in small isolated populations, which are strongly affected by drift.  相似文献   

Although crucial for the understanding of adaptive evolution, genetically resolved examples of local adaptation are rare. To maximize survival and reproduction in their local environment, hosts should resist their local parasites and pathogens. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) with its key function in parasite resistance represents an ideal candidate to investigate parasite-mediated local adaptation. Using replicated field mesocosms, stocked with second-generation lab-bred three-spined stickleback hybrids of a lake and a river population, we show local adaptation of MHC genotypes to population-specific parasites, independently of the genetic background. Increased allele divergence of lake MHC genotypes allows lake fish to fight the broad range of lake parasites, whereas more specific river genotypes confer selective advantages against the less diverse river parasites. Hybrids with local MHC genotype gained more body weight and thus higher fitness than those with foreign MHC in either habitat, suggesting the evolutionary significance of locally adapted MHC genotypes.  相似文献   

Miller HC  Lambert DM 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(12):3709-3721
The Chatham Island black robin, Petroica traversi, is a highly inbred, endangered passerine with extremely low levels of variation at hypervariable neutral DNA markers. In this study we investigated variation in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II genes in both the black robin and its nonendangered relative, the South Island robin Petroica australis australis. Previous studies have shown that Petroica have at least four expressed class II B MHC genes. In this study, the sequences of introns flanking exon 2 of these loci were characterized to design primers for peptide-binding region (PBR) sequence analysis. Intron sequences were comprised of varying numbers of repeated units, with highly conserved regions immediately flanking exon 2. Polymerase chain reaction primers designed to this region amplified three or four sequences per black robin individual, and eight to 14 sequences per South Island robin individual. MHC genes are fitness-related genes thought to be under balancing selection, so they may be more likely to retain variation in bottlenecked populations. To test this, we compared MHC variation in the black robin with artificially bottlenecked populations of South Island robin, and with their respective source populations, using restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses and DNA sequencing of the PBR. Our results indicate that the black robin is monomorphic at class II B MHC loci, while both source and bottlenecked populations of South Island robin have retained moderate levels of variation. Comparison of MHC variation with minisatellite DNA variation indicates that genetic drift outweighs balancing selection in determining MHC diversity in the bottlenecked populations. However, balancing selection appears to influence MHC diversity over evolutionary timescales, and the effects of gene conversion are evident.  相似文献   

In age-structured populations, viability and fecundity selection of varying strength may occur in different age classes. On the basis of an original idea by Fisher of weighting individuals by their reproductive value, we show that the combined effect of selection on traits at different ages acts through the individual reproductive value defined as the stochastic contribution of an individual to the total reproductive value of the population the following year. The selection differential is a weighted sum of age-specific differentials that are the covariances between the phenotype and the age-specific relative fitness defined by the individual reproductive value. This enables estimation of weak selection on a multivariate quantitative character in populations with no density regulation by combinations of age-specific linear regressions of individual reproductive values on the traits. Demographic stochasticity produces random variation in fitness components in finite samples of individuals and affects the statistical inference of the temporal average directional selection as well as the magnitude of fluctuating selection. Uncertainties in parameter estimates and test power depend strongly on the demographic stochasticity. Large demographic variance results in large uncertainties in yearly estimates of selection that complicates detection of significant fluctuating selection. The method is illustrated by an analysis of age-specific selection in house sparrows on a fitness-related two-dimensional morphological trait, tarsus length and body mass of fledglings.  相似文献   

Parasite mediated selection may result in arms races between host defence and parasite virulence. In particular, simultaneous infections from multiple parasite species should cause diversification (i.e. balancing selection) in resistance genes both at the population and the individual level. Here, we tested these ideas in highly polymorphic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes from three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.). In eight natural populations, parasite diversity (15 different species), and MHC class IIB diversity varied strongly between habitat types (lakes vs. rivers vs. estuaries) with lowest values in rivers. Partial correlation analysis revealed an influence of parasite diversity on MHC class IIB variation whereas general genetic diversity assessed at seven microsatellite loci was not significantly correlated with parasite diversity. Within individual fish, intermediate, rather than maximal allele numbers were associated with minimal parasite load, supporting theoretical models of self-reactive T-cell elimination. The optimal individual diversity matched those values female fish try to achieve in their offspring by mate choice. We thus present correlative evidence supporting the 'allele counting' strategy for optimizing the immunocompetence in stickleback offspring.  相似文献   

Variation in the vertebrate major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes is crucial for fighting pathogen assault. Because new alleles confer a selective advantage, MHC should readily introgress between species, even under limited hybridization. Using replicated transects through two hybrid zones between strongly reproductively isolated European newts, Lissotriton montandoni and L. vulgaris, we demonstrated recent and ongoing MHC class I and II introgression in the Carpathian region. The extent of introgression correlated with the age of contact. In the older zone, MHC similarity between species within transects exceeded similarity between transects within species, implying pervasive introgression ‐ a massive exchange of MHC genes, not limited to specific variants. In simulations, the observed pattern emerged under the combined action of balancing selection and hybridization, but not when these processes acted separately. Thus, massive introgression at advanced stages of divergence can introduce novel and restore previously lost MHC variation, boosting the adaptive potential of hybridizing taxa. In consequence, MHC genes may be the last to stop introgressing between incipient species.  相似文献   

Patterns of spatio-temporal genetic variation at a class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) locus and multiple microsatellite loci were analysed within and between three water vole metapopulations in Scotland, UK. Comparisons of MHC and microsatellite spatial genetic differentiation, based on standardised tests between two demographically asynchronous zones within a metapopulation, suggested that spatial MHC variation was affected by balancing selection, directional selection and random genetic drift, but that the relative effects of these microevolutionary forces vary temporally. At the metapopulation level, between-year differentiation for MHC loci was significantly correlated with that of microsatellites, signifying that neutral factors such as migration and drift were primarily responsible for overall temporal genetic change at the metapopulation scale. Between metapopulations, patterns of genetic differentiation implied that, at large spatial scales, MHC variation was primarily affected by directional selection and drift. Levels of MHC heterozygosity in excess of Hardy–Weinberg expectations were consistent with overdominant balancing selection operating on MHC variation within metapopulations. However, this effect was not constant among all samples, indicating temporal variation in the strength of selection relative to other factors. The results highlight the benefit of contrasting variation at MHC with neutral markers to separate the effects of stochastic and deterministic microevolutionary forces, and add to a growing body of evidence showing that the mode and relative strength of selection acting on MHC diversity varies both spatially and temporally.  相似文献   

The native Hawaiian honeycreepers represent a classic example of adaptive radiation and speciation, but currently face one the highest extinction rates in the world. Although multiple factors have likely influenced the fate of Hawaiian birds, the relatively recent introduction of avian malaria is thought to be a major factor limiting honeycreeper distribution and abundance. We have initiated genetic analyses of class II beta chain Mhc genes in four species of honeycreepers using methods that eliminate the possibility of sequencing mosaic variants formed by cloning heteroduplexed polymerase chain reaction products. Phylogenetic analyses group the honeycreeper Mhc sequences into two distinct clusters. Variation within one cluster is high, with dN > dS and levels of diversity similar to other studies of Mhc (B system) genes in birds. The second cluster is nearly invariant and includes sequences from honeycreepers (Fringillidae), a sparrow (Emberizidae) and a blackbird (Emberizidae). This highly conserved cluster appears reminiscent of the independently segregating Rfp-Y system of genes defined in chickens. The notion that balancing selection operates at the Mhc in the honeycreepers is supported by transpecies polymorphism and strikingly high dN/dS ratios at codons putatively involved in peptide interaction. Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences were invariant in the i'iwi, but were highly variable in the 'amakihi. By contrast, levels of variability of class II beta chain Mhc sequence codons that are hypothesized to be directly involved in peptide interactions appear comparable between i'iwi and 'amakihi. In the i'iwi, natural selection may have maintained variation within the Mhc, even in the face of what appears to a genetic bottleneck.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) presents a group of genes with highly polymorphic loci involved in specific immune responses. The factors maintaining extensive MHC polymorphism have been questioned, considering three possible hypotheses of parasite‐mediated selection driving an extensive MHC diversity (i.e. heterozygote advantage, rare‐allele advantage, and favouring optimal MHC diversity). The patterns of MHC diversity of class IIB genes were investigated following two noncontradicting hypotheses, parasite‐driven selection and MHC‐based mating preferences, using males of common bream collected in the spawning period. Two allelic groups DAB1 and DAB3 were recognized from the phylogenetic analyses. Individuals expressed one or two alleles of the same or different allelic groups. Several individuals shared identical alleles; however, the presence of parasite species was not associated with the occurrence of a particular allele. The presence of different allelic groups (only DAB1, only DAB3, or both DAB1 and DAB3) in individuals was not associated with parasite presence or diversity. The expression of two DAB1 alleles was associated with higher endoparasite abundance. Moreover, nucleotide diversity in individuals expressing a single type of alleles (DAB1 or DAB3) increased with the abundance of ectoparasitic Dactylogyrus spp. (Monogenea) and Ergasilus sp. (Crustacea). This suggests that the expression of two alleles of a single allelic type is related to high metazoan parasite infection whereas no significant influence of parasitism on the combined allelic form (the presence of both DAB1 and DAB3 alleles) was found. Moreover, the expression of two alleles of a single allelic type was related to decreased immunocompetence measured by spleen size. The condition factor was higher in fish expressing the combined allelic type. Thus, the presence of alleles of different lineages in individuals appears to be advantageous for individual male fitness. The expression of a single allelic type was related to higher sexual ornamentation, which could support the role of MHC in the hypothesis of the sexual selection of ‘good genes’. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 90 , 525–538.  相似文献   

Evidence of selection acting on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes has been illustrated with the analysis of their nucleotide sequences and allele frequency distribution. Comparing the patterns of population differentiation at neutral markers and MHC genes in the wild may provide further insights about the relative role of selection and neutrality in shaping their diversity. In this study, we combine both methods to assess the role of selection on a MHC gene in Atlantic salmon. We compare variation at a MHC class II B locus and microsatellites among 14 samples from seven different rivers and seven subpopulations within a single river system covering a variety of habitats and different geographical scales. We show that diversifying selection is acting on the sites involved in antigen presentation and that balancing selection maintains a high level of polymorphism within populations. Despite important differences in habitat type, the comparison of the population structure at MHC and microsatellites on large geographical scales reveals a correlation between patterns of differentiation, indicating that drift and migration have been more important than selection in shaping population differentiation at the MHC locus. In contrast, strong discrepancies between patterns of population differentiation at the two types of markers provides support for the role of selection in shaping population structure within rivers. Together, these results confirm that natural selection is influencing MHC gene diversity in wild Atlantic salmon although neutral forces may also be important in their evolution.  相似文献   

Class II major histocompatibility complex genes of the sheep   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The class II genes of the sheep major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have been cloned from two unrelated heterozygous sheep into cosmid vectors. By restriction mapping and hybridization with a number of class II probes of human and mouse origin, the cloned genetic material has been assigned to seven distinct alpha genes, 10 distinct beta genes and 14 beta-related sequences. It was difficult to identify homologues of specific HLA class II genes because of a tendency for the ovine genes to cross-hybridize between HLA probes representing different loci. Such cross-hybridization was especially marked among the beta genes. While DQ and DR homologues have been tentatively identified by several criteria, no genes corresponding to DP have been identified. Cosmids containing class II alpha and beta genes have been transfected into mouse LTK- cells, and surface expression of a sheep class II molecule has been obtained.  相似文献   

The genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) code for proteins involved in antigen recognition and triggering of the adaptive immune response, and are therefore likely to be under selection from parasites. These selection regimes may vary in space and time. Here we report a strong geographical structure in MHC class II B genes of a migrating bird, the great snipe (Gallinago media). Genetic differentiation in the MHC between two ecologically distinct distributional regions (Scandinavian mountain populations vs. East European lowland populations) was still present after statistically controlling for the effect of selectively neutral variation (microsatellites) using partial Mantel tests. This suggests a role for selection in generating this spatial structure and that it represents local adaptation to different environments. Differentiation between populations within the two regions was negligible. Overall, we found a high number of MHC alleles (50, from 175 individuals). This, together with a tendency for a higher rate of nonsynonymous than synonymous substitutions in the peptide binding sites, and high Tajima's D in certain regions of the gene, suggests a history of balancing selection. MHC variation is often thought to be maintained by some form of balancing selection, but the nature of this selection remains unclear. Our results support the hypothesis that spatial variation in selection regimes contributes to the high polymorphism.  相似文献   

The genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are a key component of the adaptive immune system and among the most variable loci in the vertebrate genome. Pathogen-mediated natural selection and MHC-based disassortative mating are both thought to structure MHC polymorphism, but their effects have proven difficult to discriminate in natural systems. Using the first model of MHC dynamics incorporating both survival and reproduction, we demonstrate that natural and sexual selection produce distinctive signatures of MHC allelic diversity with critical implications for understanding host–pathogen dynamics. While natural selection produces the Red Queen dynamics characteristic of host–parasite interactions, disassortative mating stabilizes allele frequencies, damping major fluctuations in dominant alleles and protecting functional variants against drift. This subtle difference generates a complex interaction between MHC allelic diversity and population size. In small populations, the stabilizing effects of sexual selection moderate the effects of drift, whereas pathogen-mediated selection accelerates the loss of functionally important genetic diversity. Natural selection enhances MHC allelic variation in larger populations, with the highest levels of diversity generated by the combined action of pathogen-mediated selection and disassortative mating. MHC-based sexual selection may help to explain how functionally important genetic variation can be maintained in populations of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Loss of genetic variation in small, isolated populations is commonly observed at neutral or nearly neutral loci. In this study, the loss of genetic variation was assessed in island populations for a locus of major histocompatibility complex (Mhc), a locus shown to be under the influence of balancing selection. A total of 36 alleles was found at the second exon of RT1.Ba in 14 island and two mainland populations of Rattus fuscipes greyii. Despite this high overall diversity, a substantial lack of variation was observed in the small island populations, with 13 islands supporting only one to two alleles. Two populations, Waldegrave and Williams Islands, showed moderately high levels of heterozygosity (52-56%) which were greater than expected under neutrality, suggesting the action of balancing selection. However, congruence between the level of variation at this Mhc locus and in previous allozyme electrophoresis and mitochondrial DNA studies highlights the dominant influence of genetic drift and population factors, such as bottlenecks and structuring in the founding population, in the loss of genetic variation in these small, isolated populations.  相似文献   

Depletion of polymorphism at major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes has been hypothesized to limit the ability of populations to respond to emerging pathogens, thus putting their survival at risk. As pathogens contribute substantially to the global amphibian decline, assessing patterns of MHC variation is important in devising conservation strategies. Here, we directly compare levels of MHC class II and neutral variation between multiple populations of the great crested newt ( Triturus cristatus ) from refugial (REF: Romania) and postglacial expansion (PGE: Germany, Poland and UK) areas. REF populations harboured high levels of adaptive variation (24 expressed alleles), exhibiting clear signatures of historical positive selection, which points to the overall importance of MHC class II variation in this species. On the other hand, PGE populations were extremely depauperate (two alleles) but nevertheless have survived for c . 10 000 years, since the postglacial expansion. Variation in putative MHC class II pseudogenes, microsatellites and allozymes also showed a significant southern richness–northern purity pattern. The populations in the postglacial expansion area thus provide the clearest example to date of the long-term survival of populations in which MHC variation, historically under positive selection, has been depleted.  相似文献   

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