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Antibodies were raised against purified germination-specific cortex-lytic enzyme (GSLE) from spores of Bacillus megaterium KM which neutralized the ability of GSLE to germinate permeabilized spores. Western blotting of dormant spore and vegetative cell fractions separated by SDS-PAGE demonstrated that GSLE is spore-specific and that greater than 90% of the GSLE is associated with the dormant spore cortex peptidoglycan as a phosphorylated 63kD pro-form, which could only be visualized after lysozyme digestion of the peptidoglycan. During germination, the 63kD pro-form of GSLE is processed to release the active enzyme, which had an apparent molecular weight of 30kD. Inhibitor studies demonstrated that GSLE activation occurs as part of the commitment reaction and thus represents the first-identified enzymatic event to occur during germination triggering. Proteins that cross-react with anti-GSLE sera are present in spore fractions of other species.  相似文献   

Zinc release is the first quantitatively significant event detected during the triggering of Bacillus megaterium KM spore germination. Of the total spore Zn2+ pool 25% is released from non-heat-activated spores within 4 min of triggering germination. During this period only 10% of the spore population becomes irreversibly committed to germinate. The investigation of a putative role for Zn2+ in the germination trigger mechanism has established a relationship between the rate and extent of Zn2+ release and the stimulation of spore germination by heat activation. Furthermore, a correlation can be demonstrated between the extent of zinc release from spore populations and the time required to obtain 50% commitment of these populations to germinate over a wide temperature range. These findings have been used to expand a recently published model for the triggering of bacterial spore germination.  相似文献   

AIMS: The effect of spore density on the germination (time-to-germination, percent germination) of Bacillus megaterium spores on tryptic soy agar was determined using direct microscopic observation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Inoculum size varied from approximately 10(3) to 10(8) cfu ml(-1) in a medium where pH=7 and the sodium chloride concentration was 0.5% w/v. Inoculum size was measured by global inoculum size (the concentration of spores on a microscope slide) and local inoculum size (the number of spores observed in a given microscope field of observation). Both global and local inoculum sizes had a significant effect on time-to-germination (TTG), but only the global inoculum size influenced the percentage germination of the observed spores. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that higher concentrations of Bacillus megaterium spores encourage more rapid germination and more spores to germinate, indicating that low spore populations do not behave similarly to high spore populations. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A likely explanation for the inoculum size-dependency of germination would be chemical signalling or quorum sensing between Bacillus spores.  相似文献   

The sequence of events that characterize initiation of Bacillus megaterium QM B1551 spore germination can be interrupted by the presence of 1 mM HgCl2. Whereas these was a complete loss in spore dipicolinic acid, only partial losses in absorbance, refractility, density and resistance to staining occurred. This simple technique allows one to determine the necessity of certain reactions for initiation of germination.  相似文献   

Triggering of germination in Bacillus megaterium QM B1551 spores with D-glucose was studied. First, the interaction of glucose with spores for less than 1 min resulted in triggering almost 90% of the spores after the glucose was removed by dilution. Therefore only a brief time is needed for glucose to trigger germination, and then the continuous presence of glucose is not necessary. Detectable uptake of glucose began 2 to 3 min after absorbance loss started, and a non-metabolizable glucose analog, methyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside, triggered germination in the absence of detectable uptake. Several inhibitors that reduced or eliminated glucose uptake did not block triggering of germination. Therefore, glucose uptake may be a relatively late event and not a prerequisite for triggering of germination.  相似文献   

Bacillus megaterium mutants JV-9 and JV-10 are temperature sensitive for initiation of spore germination. At 46 C, they did not lose heat resistance, dipicolinic acid, or absorbance, indicating that the temperature-sensitive blocks are very early in the sequence of initiation reactions. Strain JV-9 was temperature sensitive for initiation by glucose alone, and strain JV-10 was temperature sensitive for initiation by glucose, L-leucine, L-proline, KBr, or calcium dipicolinate. The kinetics of initiation were followed after two kinds of temperature change (shift-up and shift-down) experiments. Mutant spores incubated for different times at 46 C and then shifted down to 30 C showed no significant differences in the rates of absorbance decrease, i.e., no stimulation or inhibition. Conversely, when mutant spores were incubated for different times at 30 C, a fraction of the population initiated germination, and after shift-up to 46 C an additional fraction continued initiation while a third fraction stopped. This latter fraction did initiate germination when the temperature was lowered to 30 C. The kinetics of initiation after shift-up and shift-down in temperature suggest that the early events in initiation reagents, whereas the other four initiated sensitivity for all of the above initiation reagents, whereas the other four initiated very poorly. It was suggested that the lesion in strain JV-10 may result in the formation of one temperature-sensitive protein. Revertants of strain JV-9 could not be isolated.  相似文献   

The spores of six strains of Bacillus megaterium were divided into two distinct groups on the basis of germination. Three of the strains germinated in a mixture of l-alanine and inosine (AL type spores), and three strains germinated in a mixture of glucose and potassium nitrate (GN type spores); recriprocal germination in the respective solutions did not occur. The AL spores and the GN spores were morphologically distinct. Other differences between the two spore groups included germination inhibition characteristics, dipicolinic acid content, hexosamine content, phosphorus and magnesium content, spore coat features, ion exchange properties, and heat resistance. A correlation appears to exist between spore morphology and certain other spore properties in strains of B. megaterium.  相似文献   

Dormant spores of Bacillus megaterium were activated for germination on glucose by heating them in aqueous suspension (but not if heated dry), by treating them with aqueous ethyl alcohol at 30 C, or by exposing them to water vapor at room temperature. The degree of water vapor activation depended upon the relative humidity, the time, and the temperature of exposure. Activation increased the extent and rate of glucose-induced germination and decreased the average microlag. Extended water vapor treatment also activated spores for germination induced by KI and by l-alanine. Spores activated by any of the three treatments were deactivated by treatment at 66 C, either for 18 hr in 100% ethyl alcohol or for 40 hr over P(2)O(5). Deactivated spores were reactivated by heat, by 5 m ethyl alcohol, or by water vapor. It is postulated that heating and ethyl alcohol may change the structure of liquid water, so that it is more like water vapor and can more readily penetrate to and hydrate a critical (enzymatic?) spore site, leading to activation.  相似文献   

The protease that initiates rapid proteolysis during germination of Bacillus megaterium spores is synthesized during sporulation as a 46,000-molecular-weight polypeptide (P46) and is processed later in sporulation to a 41,000-molecular-weight polypeptide (P41), which is converted to a 40,000-molecular-weight polypeptide (P40) early in spore germination. P40 is known to be both tetrameric and enzymatically active. In this work, we show that P46 and P41 are both tetrameric, but that only P41 is enzymatically active. The identification of a zymogen form (P46) of this protease explains in part the regulation of the activity of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Aims:  To determine roles of cortex lytic enzymes (CLEs) in Bacillus megaterium spore germination.
Methods and Results:  Genes for B. megaterium CLEs CwlJ and SleB were inactivated and effects of loss of one or both on germination were assessed. Loss of CwlJ or SleB did not prevent completion of germination with agents that activate the spore's germinant receptors, but loss of CwlJ slowed the release of dipicolinic acid (DPA). Loss of both CLEs also did not prevent release of DPA and glutamate during germination with KBr. However, cwlJ sleB spores had decreased viability, and could not complete germination. Loss of CwlJ eliminated spore germination with Ca2+ chelated to DPA (Ca-DPA), but loss of CwlJ and SleB did not affect DPA release in dodecylamine germination.
Conclusions:  CwlJ and SleB play redundant roles in cortex degradation during B. megaterium spore germination, and CwlJ accelerates DPA release and is essential for Ca-DPA germination. The roles of these CLEs are similar in germination of B. megaterium and Bacillus subtilis spores.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  These results indicate that redundant roles of CwlJ and SleB in cortex degradation during germination are similar in spores of Bacillus species; consequently, inhibition of these enzymes will prevent germination of Bacillus spores.  相似文献   

When heat-activated spores of Bacillus megaterium germinated in glucose-containing medium, 10 to 30% of the glucose was found to be oxidized to gluconate.  相似文献   

Dormant Bacillus subtilis spores germinate in the presence of particular nutrients called germinants. The spores are thought to recognize germinants through receptor proteins encoded by the gerA family of operons, which includes gerA, gerB, and gerK. We sought to substantiate this putative function of the GerA family proteins by characterizing spore germination in a mutant strain that contained deletions at all known gerA-like loci. As expected, the mutant spores germinated very poorly in a variety of rich media. In contrast, they germinated like wild-type spores in a chemical germinant, a 1-1 chelate of Ca(2+) and dipicolinic acid (DPA). These observations showed that proteins encoded by gerA family members are required for nutrient-induced germination but not for chemical-triggered germination, supporting the hypothesis that the GerA family encodes receptors for nutrient germinants. Further characterization of Ca(2+)-DPA-induced germination showed that the effect of Ca(2+)-DPA on spore germination was saturated at 60 mM and had a K(m) of 30 mM. We also found that decoating spores abolished their ability to germinate in Ca(2+)-DPA but not in nutrient germinants, indicating that Ca(2+)-DPA and nutrient germinants probably act through parallel arms of the germination pathway.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which L-proline triggers germination in Bacillus megaterium QM B1551 spores was investigated. First, brief exposure of spores to L-proline, followed by dilution, was sufficient to trigger germination. Once germination was triggered, the spores continued initiation of germination and did not require high concentrations of L-proline. Triggering of germination was pH and temperature dependent. Second, enzymes for L-proline catabolism were absent in spores, and several non-metabolizable analogs of L-proline were effective trigger compounds. Third, triggering of germination occurred in the presence of inhibitors of proton motive force production, oxygen uptake, and metabolism. Fourth, uptake of L-proline occurred after the triggering of germination. These results argue that neither uptake nor metabolism of L-proline was necessary to trigger germination. Instead, L-proline probably causes a biophysical alteration in the spores that triggers the biochemical changes in germination.  相似文献   

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