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Three-dimensional characteristics of the epithelial cell layer and connective tissue interface of the tongue were studied using scanning electron microscopy. In this study, the fragments of tongue were fixed in modified Karnovsky's fixative solution. Subsequently, the specimens were treated with 10% NaOH solution for 4-7 days at room temperature and postfixed in 1% OsO4 in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) for 2 hours at 4 degrees C. They were dehydrated through a graded ethanol series, and critical-point dried with CO2. The specimens were coated with gold and observed in a scanning electron microscope, JEOL JSM-6100. The results showed numerous papillae on the dorsal surface of the tongue divided into four groups (filiform, fungiform, foliate and vallate papillae). Filiform papillae are conically shaped; fungiform papillae have an irregular round surface; foliate papillae are oval in shape and have some parallel projections; and vallate papillae are located in the posterior part of the tongue and have a depression around the center. After the treatment with 10% NaOH solution, the original arrangements of connective papillae could be seen. This characteristic three-dimensional distribution of the collagen fiber bundles is typical for each superficial papillae depending on whether it is filiform, fungiform, foliate or vallate.  相似文献   

Many aspects of the blood vascular network of the lymph node are unknown, and others need confirmation. We have studied the blood vasculature of rat peripheral lymph nodes by means of carbon perfusion and vascular cast corrosion techniques. At the hilus of the node, an artery gives off arterioles running in medullary cords towards the cortex. Some reach the peripheral cortex directly, branching there into slender cortical vessels. Other arterioles enter the periphery of the deep cortex units, and then head towards the peripheral cortex. Upon reaching it, they curve part way above the center of the deep cortex units and provide slender branches to the overlying peripheral cortex. Dense plexuses of capillaries arise from arterioles in the medullary cords, in the periphery of the deep cortex units, and in the outermost stratum of the extrafollicular zone of the peripheral cortex. In the cortex, the draining high endothelial venules are restricted to the extrafollicular zone and to the periphery of the deep cortex units. At the cortico-medullary junction, these peculiar venules transform into regular medullary venules which form the hilar veins. In contrast, the folliculo-nodules and center of the deep cortex units are little vascularized by a loose capillary network, while no vessels occur in the subsinus layer. These features of the node vascular network are of interest in relation to the node architecture.  相似文献   

Mucosa from the hard and soft palates, molar gingiva, cheek and dorsal surface of the tongue of the rat was examined in the light microscope, following Mallory's triple connective tissue stain, and in the scanning and transmission electron microscopes. The epithelium covering the hard palate, gingiva, the smooth band of mucosa at the junction of the hard and soft palates, intermediate zones of the soft palate, fungiform papilla-like structures in the central zone of the soft palate, the fungiform papillae, and the more superficial part and posterior surfaces of the filiform papillae of the tongue all exhibited complete orthokeratinization. The oral surfaces of the epithelial cells in all these areas had a honeycomb pattern of interconnecting ridges surrounding depressions. Imprints of the overlying cells that had been desquamated were apparent, and the lateral boundaries between the cells were formed by two raised ridges separated by a gap. The epithelium covering the cheek, central zone of the soft palate apart from the fungiform papilla-like structures, lateral zones of the soft palate, gingival crevice, and the mucosa between the fungiform and filiform papillae of the tongue all exhibited incomplete orthokeratinization. The oral surfaces of the epithelial cells in all these areas were relatively smooth and did not exhibit a honeycomb pattern of interconnecting ridges. Imprints of the overlying cells that had been desquamated and the lateral boundaries between the cells were only very occasionally found. In the transmission electron microscope the outlines of the cells were compatible with the surface patterns seen in the scanning electron microscope. The possible relationships between the degree of orthokeratinization and ultrastructure of the various epithelia are discussed.  相似文献   

Because the architectural and biochemical properties of skeletal muscle dictate its force, velocity, and displacement properties, the major extensors (triceps brachii) and flexors (biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis) of the elbow in a primate (cynomolgus, monkey) were studied. Functional cross-sectional areas (CSA) were calculated from muscle mass, mean fiber length (normalized to a 2.20 microns sarcomere length), and angle of fiber pinnation measurements from each muscle. Fiber-type distributions were determined and used as a gross index of the biochemical capacities of the muscle. The extensor group had a shorter mean fiber length (31 vs. 47 mm), a larger CSA (13 vs. 8 cm2), and a higher overall percentage of slow-twitch fibers (47 vs. 26%). Consequently, the elbow extensors had a relatively greater potential for force production and force maintenance than the flexors. In contrast, the flexors were designed to optimize their length-velocity potentials; i.e., they had relatively long fibers and a higher fast-twitch fiber composition than the extensors. These morphologic differences between antagonistic muscle groups should be considered when evaluating the motor control mechanisms regulating reciprocal movements about the elbow.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional (2D) crystal of streptavidin has been obtained by a nonspecific binding method. The protein molecules were bound and formed a dense packing on the film of poly(1-benzyl-L-histidine) spread at the surface of protein solution. The surface film was moderately heated to stimulate crystallization of bound streptavidin. A potential of this method for obtaining 2D crystals of soluble proteins is demonstrated. The present 2D crystal structure of streptavidin resembles that previously obtained by specific binding to biotinylated lipid. We show in addition that the 2D array of protein with usual size approximately 50 A can be imaged using a high resolution scanning electron microscope (HR-SEM) and subject to structural analysis at low resolution. Various limitations in HR-SEM degrade considerably the image quality. However, the usability of a bulk plate as specimen support would make HR-SEM a convenient tool, when such a substrate must be considered in application of protein arrays, and if an intrinsic low resolution is acceptable.  相似文献   

Zinc deficient rat embryos were obtained on the 11th day of pregnancy and examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy revealed an increase in the number of deformed embryos, as well as embryonic growth retardation. In addition, the epithelium of zinc deficient embryos displayed a marked increase in surface microvilli, as well as the presence of blebbing. Transmission electron microscopy indicated extensive cell death in the neural epithelium which was apparently more severely damaged by zinc deficiency than were mesenchymal cells. Mitochondrial cristae were affected to a greater degree than any other membrane of the cell and cristael disintigration appeared to represent the principal cellular lesion preceding necrosis of neural cells and neural tube teratology.  相似文献   

Rat molar enamel has been studied by sectioning the enamel along various planes, and observing the etched surfaces in the SEM. It was found that the prism pattern was much more variable than in rat incisor enamel. Regions without prism decussation seemed to dominate in the occlusal half of the molars. Where present, prism decussation was of the uniserial lamellar type, but it varied considerably in distribution, extent, and distinctness. Prism decussation seemed to have a predilection for the cervical enamel, and was almost absent in the enamel on the occlusal surface. The interprismatic substance showed a characteristic configuration: In the inner enamel it appeared in the form of radially oriented sheets, which tended to delimit radially directed, single lines of prisms. In regions with prism decussation these single lines of prisms encompassed prisms belonging to different prism lamellae. In the outer part of the enamel the interprismatic substance exhibited a honeycomb appearance. The similarities and differences between the prism patterns of rat incisor and molar enamel may be of importance for understanding the mechanisms of amelogenesis, especially for the recognition of factors controlling the movement of ameloblasts.  相似文献   

The histology of the digestive tract of the amberjack ( Seriola dumerili , Risso) was studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. The anterior oesophagus mucosa displays primary and secondary folds lined with a stratified squamous epithelium with fingerprint-like microridges which is substituted, on the top of the oesogaster folds, by a simple columnar epithelium with short microvilli. Only primary folds are present in the stomach. The anterior portion is rich in simple tubular glands, whereas the oesogaster and the pyloric region are devoid of them. Pyloric caeca and anterior and middle intestine mucosa display the same pattern of folding. The dominant cell type is the enterocyte, which exhibits larger and thinner microvilli in the caeca than in the intestine. The columnar epithelium of the rectum is replaced, in the anal sphincter, by a stratified flattened epithelium. Goblet cells are numerous throughout the whole length of the tract with the exception of the initial part of the oesophagus, the oesogaster, the stomach and the anal sphincter. Mucosubstances have been shown to vary in the different regions of the gut: acid mucines are found in the oesophagus, pyloric stomach, caeca, intestine and rectum, whereas neutral mucosubstances dominate in the anterior portion of the stomach. The muscularis is well developed throughout the length of the tract: two layers of striated muscle at the oesophageal level; two layers of smooth muscle in the stomach wall and three at the intestinal level.  相似文献   

J V Dacie 《Blood cells》1984,10(2-3):503-504
Although the mechanism of schizocyte formation has been amply documented in animal experiments and in in-vitro models, the fragmentation encounter between flowing red cells and fibrin strands has not previously been successfully demonstrated in human, microangiopathic disease. If blood flow is restored briefly in vitro immediately prior to tissue fixation, the instant of red cell fragmentation can be captured. Examination of tissue specimens fixed in this manner shows a pathophysiologic process that amplifies the findings previously described in other studies. In the patient under study, the microangiopathic process was widespread in all specimens of pulmonary and renal tissue that had been fixed after brief restoration of blood flow. Small arteries as well as the true microcirculation of both organs were involved. The microangiopathic process in the small arteries and arterioles presented as a partially occlusive thrombus of characteristic histology. The pulmonary capillaries contained linear fibrin microclots festooned with distorted and partially fragmented red cells. The microcirculation of the kidney showed the same findings as well as amorphous, sludged, occlusive red cell masses, particularly in the renal medulla.  相似文献   

The spleen of the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) was studied histologically. The alligator spleen is a bean-shaped organ covered by a thick capsule. The concave side of the spleen faces the pancreas. Many venous vessels are present in the capsule. The stem segment of a large intestinal artery, the lieno-intestinal artery, enters the organ from its upper pole, runs within the organ at the axial center (axial artery) and leaves it from the lower pole. Many peripheral branches originate from the axial artery towards the capsule, but the artery has no associated collateral veins. The capsule/trabecula and white and red pulp may be distinguished. The capsular veins appear to be continuous with venous vessels that sheathe the axial artery and its peripheral branches. Surrounding the axial artery are trabeculae containing leiomyocytes and nerves. The white pulp consists of lymphoid tissue and occurs around terminal arterioles and sheathed capillaries. The materials examined do not show germinal centers. The large red pulp is composed of venous vessels and splenic cords rich in reticular fibers. Two venous routes, hilar and capsular, are present. The structural characteristics of the alligator spleen are similar to spleens of other reptiles; however, its vascular architecture is primitive, suggesting that the alligator spleen may be a portal spleen. J Morphol 233:43–52, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The wear sustained by the teeth of the highly mineralized radula of Patella vulgata and the unmineralized radula of Agriolomax reticulatus has been studied with the scanning electron microscope. The unworn teeth of P. vulgata have tall pointed cusps and wear is first seen as a chipping of the tips then as abrasion. There is a well defined abraded surface giving the worn teeth a chisel shape. In cleaved teeth fibres ˜ 800 Å in diameter are observed parallel to the axis of the tooth. Evidence is presented for chemical etching and for the existence of a surface coat on the tooth. A. reticulatus teeth show wear over their whole surface. With the aid of the grooves in the jaw caused by the teeth the role of the jaw in flattening the radula and protracting and retracting the odontophore is confirmed. From the arrangement of the abraded surfaces on the teeth of P. vulgata it was deduced that the teeth rows are abraded one at a time while on a convex surface at or near the bending plane.  相似文献   

J. B. Rattner 《Chromosoma》1987,95(3):175-181
Summary A procedure has been developed for scanning electron microscopy that enables the visualization of kinetochores along the surface of isolated chromosomes of the Indian muntjac. Indirect immunofluorescence and thin section analysis of the kinetochores of those isolated chromosomes verified that these structures retained in vivo composition and morphology during the isolation procedure. In scanning electron micrographs the outer surface of the outer kinetochore plate can be visualized as a series of fibers 25–30 nm in diameter that are arranged across the plate. These images are comparable to those obtained by whole mount transmission electron microscopic procedures (Rattner 1986) and are compatible with a model of the kinetochore in which chromatin fiber from the body of the chromosome extend to the outer kinetochore plate.  相似文献   

We describe the microstructure of the alimentary canal of the juvenile lungfish Protopterus annectens. Following the oesophagus, the gut is formed by a long segment that extends down to the pyloric valve. This segment, classically named stomach, is lined by a transitional epithelium but lacks all characteristics of the vertebrate stomach. It has been defined here as the intestinal vestibule. The spiral valve is divided into a first large chamber, which contains mucosal ridges, and a second smooth portion. The entire spiral valve is lined with a pseudostratified columnar epithelium that contains approximately six cell types: enterocytes, goblet cells, ciliated cells, leukocytes, dark pigment cells, and vascular cells. Enterocytes and goblet cells show a high number of cytoplasmic vacuoles. The number and size of the vacuoles, and the number of ciliated cells, decreases from the anterior toward the posterior end, suggesting that most of the digestive processes take place in the anterior part of the spiral valve. The epithelium overlies a lamina propria in the first large chamber and a vascular plexus in the smooth portion. The cloaca has a thick muscular wall covered by a transitional epithelium. An extensive lymphatic system formed by capillaries and lymphatic micropumps is present along the entire wall of the alimentary canal. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The cephalopod funnel (or siphon) is formed from two bilateral masses of tissue which meet at the midline and undergo fusion to form a single median tubular structure. At the exact site of future fusion, two rows of cells put up a discontinuous line of thin cytoplasmic protrusions here called ruffles. These thin elongate ruffles arise at the border of two adjacent cells; contain a dense granular cytoplasm, bundles of microfilaments, and a few vesicles; and lack all other organelles. Between the ruffles, there are relatively smooth cellular surfaces which are here called “interruffle spaces.” When the two masses of tissue approach, the first contact between them is made by the ruffles which interdigitate with each other, attach to each other, and then apparently contract to pull the two masses of tissue together. In so doing, they become again incorporated into the body of the cell. The opposite “interruffle spaces” thereby contact each other and specialized junctions are established in these regions. Similar junctions do not appear when the ruffles first come into contact. The area of cellular contact then broadens considerably and eventually the zone of contact becomes several cells thick. The problems of positional information, growth of the tissue mass, contact and contraction of the ruffles, adhesion of the interruffle areas, and eventual complete tissue integration are discussed and compared with organogenesis in other developmental systems.  相似文献   

Most of the studies dealing with cellular shape, surface configuration, and motility are carried out in vitro on plane substrata. During the past years, the direct transfer of results obtained under these conditions to the cellular behavior displayed in the living organism, has been increasingly challenged. For this reason we have investigated the above mentioned functions of different cell classes localized on glass and in the loose connective tissue. The cells utilized were: fibroblasts and macrophages from normal rat and rabbit mesenteries, V2 rabbit carcinoma cells and L5222 rat leukemia cells. The combination of time-lapse cinematography and scanning electron microscopy revealed that motility and surface features are the same, irrespective of the immediate surrounding. Cellular shape and attachment, on the other hand, are dependent on the substrate. Fibroblasts, macrophages and cells of epithelial origin, including carcinoma cells, flatten on glass, but have a rounded configuration in the tissue. The flat leading lamellae displayed during locomotion on glass, are not evident in cells migrating through tissues. What regards attachment devices, extensively studied on glass, their formation and position within a tissue are, at present, a matter of speculation. Although it can be assumed that a similar process is operable in vivo and in vitro, clarification rests upon the use of ultrahistochemical techniques.  相似文献   

Summary An immunohistochemical study has been performed to analyse the distribution of gastrin cells in the gastrointestinal tract of the dog. This study revealed that G-cells immunoreactive for gastrin were almost exclusively present in the pyloric antral mucosa, mainly in the middle third of the pyloric mucosa. The calculated number of G-cells per surface unit area was 8.5×103–1.2×104 cells cm–2. Some gastrin-immunopositive cells were found in the first 10 mm of the proximal duodenum, mainly in the villous region. The fundic area of the dog stomach, the oesophagus, small intestine, caecum, colon, rectum, salivary glands, liver and pancreas were all immunonegative for gastrin. At the ultrastructural level, three different types of granules (150–400 nm) were evident in G-cells: electron-dense, electron-lucent and intermediate forms. Most of them were located in the subnuclear region of the cell. The effect of fixation of the antral mucosa at different pH levels was studied. In samples fixed with acid solutions, most of the G-cell granules were of the electron-dense type and were stronly immunopositive for gastrin. Fixation of samples at a basic pH resulted in most of the gastrin granules losing their contents into the cytoplasm, and the positive reaction to gastrin was then located in the cytoplasm and at the periphery of the electron-lucent granules.  相似文献   

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