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Atrophy or hypofunction of the salivary gland because of aging or disease causes hyposalivation and has an effect on the quality of life of patients, for example not only dry mouth but deterioration in mastication/deglutition disorder and the status of oral hygiene. Currently conducted therapies for atrophy or hypofunction of the salivary gland in clinical practice are only symptomatic treatments with drugs and artificial saliva, and therefore it is preferable to establish a radical therapy. At this time, as a fundamental investigation, by co-culturing mouse early ES (mEES-6) cells with human salivary gland-derived fibroblasts (hSG-fibro), differentiation of mEES-6 cells to salivary gland cells has been attempted. Also, the possibility of cell engraftment was examined. After identifying the cells which were co-cultured with GFP-transfected mEES-6 cells and hSG-fibro, the cells were transplanted into the submandibular gland of SCID mice, and the degree of differentiation into tissues was examined. The possibility of tissue functional reconstitution from co-cultured cells in a three-dimensional culture system was examined. Our results confirmed that the co-cultured cells expressed salivary gland-related markers and had an ability to generate neo-tissues by transplantation in vivo. Moreover, the cells could reconstitute gland structures in a three-dimensional culture system. By co-culture with hSG-fibro, mEES-6 cells were successfully differentiated into salivary gland cells which were transplantable and have tissue neogenetic ability.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) performs multiple physiological roles as a biological signaling molecule. The role of NO and cGMP signaling in embryonic stem (ES) cell-derived cardiomyocytes (CM) has been investigated but many questions remain. In this study, we examined the expression of the NO signaling pathway components nitric oxide synthase (NOS-1, 2, 3), soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGCalpha(1) and beta(1)) and protein kinase G (PKG) genes and sGC activity in murine ES cells subjected to differentiation by embryoid body (EB) formation. We found that in undifferentiated ES cells, NOS-1, NOS-3, and sGCbeta(1) were detected while NOS-2, sGCalpha(1), and PKG were very low or undetectable. When ES cells were subjected to differentiation, NOS-1 abruptly decreased within one day, NOS-2 mRNA became detectable after several days, and NOS-3 increased after 7-10 days. Levels of sGCalpha(1), sGCbeta(1), and PKG all increased gradually over a several day time course of differentiation in EB outgrowths. Analysis of sGC activity in cell lysates derived from undifferentiated ES cells revealed that NO could not stimulate cGMP. However, lysates from differentiated EB outgrowths produced abundant cGMP levels after NO stimulation. Purification of ES-cell derived CM revealed that mRNA expression of all the NOS isoforms was very low to absent while sGCalpha(1) and beta(1) subunit mRNAs were abundant and sGC-mediated cGMP production was apparent in this population of cells. These data suggest that cGMP-mediated NO signaling may play a minor role, if any, in undifferentiated ES cells but could be involved in the early differentiation events or physiological processes of ES cells or ES cell-derived lineages.  相似文献   

Hepatic differentiation of mouse ES cells into BE cells in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Cardiomyocytes are known to differentiate spontaneously from embryonic stem (ES) cells when they formed aggregates, so called "embryoid bodies", in the presence of serum. In this study, we explored the induction of cardiomyocytes from mouse ES cells in chemically defined serum-free medium by using a mesoderm-inducing factor, BMP4. Comparing the different inductive methods, we found a candidate cell surface marker, N-cadherin, for cardiomyocyte progenitors from ES cells. N-cadherin-positive cells highly expressed cardiogenic markers, Nkx2.5, Tbx5, and Isl1, and showed a high differentiation rate into cardiomyocyte lineage. These results indicate that N-cadherin can be a useful cell surface marker for the progenitors of cardiomyocyte differentiated from ES cells in the serum-free culture.  相似文献   

In vitro osteogenic differentiation of human ES cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since their isolation in 1998, human embryonic stem (hES) cells have been shown to be capable of adopting various cell fates in vitro. Here, we present in vitro data demonstrating the directed commitment of human embryonic stem cells to the osteogenic lineage. Human ES cells are shown to respond to factors that promote osteogenesis, leading to activation of the osteogenic markers osteocalcin, parathyroid hormone receptor, bone sialoprotein, osteopontin, cbfa1, and collagen 1. Moreover, the mineralized nodules obtained are composed of hydroxyapatite, further establishing the similarity of osteoblasts in culture to bone. These results show that osteoblasts can be derived from human ES cultures in vitro and provide the basis for comparison of adult and embryonic-derived osteogenesis, and for an investigation of potential applications for hES cells in orthopaedic tissue repair.  相似文献   

Murine embryonic stem (ES) cells are cell lines established from blastocyst which can contribute to all adult tissues, including the germ-cell lineage, after reincorporation into the normal embryo. ES cell pluripotentiality is preserved in culture in the presence of LIF. LIF withdrawal induces ES cell differentiation to nervous, myocardial, endothelial and hematopoietic tissues. The model of murine ES cell hematopoietic differentiation is of major interest because ES cells are non transformed cell lines and the consequences of genomic manipulations of these cells are directly measurable on a hierarchy of synchronized in vitro ES cell-derived hematopoietic cell populations. These include the putative hemangioblast (which represents the emergence of both hematopoietic and endothelial tissues during development), myeloid progenitors and mature stages of myeloid lineages. Human ES cell lines have been recently derived from human blastocyst in the USA. Their manipulation in vitro should be authorized in France in a near future with the possibility of developing a model of human hematopoietic differentiation. This allows to envisage in the future the use of ES cells as a source of human hematopoietic cells.  相似文献   

目的探讨不同浓度全反式维甲酸(all-trans retinoic acid,atRA)诱导P19细胞向心肌分化的效力。方法细胞分成P19细胞组,2nm/L atRA诱导组,5nm/L atRA诱导组,8nm/L atRA诱导组。各组细胞经过诱导、聚集培养、聚集体贴壁培养10天后,RT-PCR检测GATA-4,α-肌球蛋白重链(α-myosin heavychain,α-MHC)的mRNA表达,免疫荧光双标检测α-sarcomeric actin和cTnT蛋白共表达,Western blot检测cTnT的蛋白表达。结果 atRA可诱导聚集P19细胞表达GA-TA-4、a-MHC mRNA;α-sarcomeric actin和cTnT的表达和共表达增加;5nm/L atRA组,8nm/L atRA组GATA-4、a-MHCmRNA的表达量显著高于P19细胞组;5nm/L atRA组,8nm/L atRA组两种蛋白的表达和共表达量显著高于P19细胞组,以5nm/L atRA组最高,显著高于其它组。结论 atRA可诱导聚集P19细胞向心肌分化,其中5nm/L atRA组效果最好。  相似文献   

Using an embryoid body (EB) culture system, we developed a functional organ-like cluster, a “gut”, from mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells (ES gut). Each ES gut exhibited various types of spontaneous movements. In these spontaneously contracting ES guts, dense distributions of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) (c-kit, a transmembrane receptor that has tyrosine kinase activity, positive cells; gut pacemaker cells) and smooth muscle cells were discernibly identified, but enteric neural networks were not identified. In the present study, we succeeded in forming dense enteric neural networks by a 5-HT4-receptor (SR4) agonist, mosapride citrate (1–10 μM) added only during EB formation. Addition of an SR4-antagonist, GR113808 (10 μM) abolished the SR4-agonist-induced formation of enteric neural networks. The SR4-agonist (1 μM) up-regulated the expression of mRNA of SR4 and the SR4-antagonist abolished this upregulation. 5-HT per se exerted similar effects to those of SR4-agonist, though less potent. These results suggest SR4-agonist differentiated enteric neural networks, mediated via activation of SR4 in the ES gut.  相似文献   

Functional characterization of ES cell-derived cardiomyocytes is important for differentiation control and application to the cell therapy. One of the crucial functions of cardiomyocytes is a production of atrial and brain natriuretic peptides (ANP and BNP, respectively), which have important endocrine, autocrine, and paracrine functions. In this study, we focused on the functional aspect of the cardiomyocytes differentiated from monkey ES cells in vitro and investigated the expression of ANP and BNP. Spontaneously contracting cells showed nodal-like action potentials, and expression of ANP and BNP by RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry. Interestingly, ANP and BNP expressions were detected as immunoreactive granules in the perinuclear area and these signals appeared to co-localize with trans-Golgi network. These findings suggest that monkey ES cells were able to differentiate into cardiomyocytes with functional characteristics in vitro and therefore can be used as a useful model to study mechanisms and functions in early cardiogenesis.  相似文献   

Introduction of nonselectable mutations into the genome of embryonic stem cells by homologous recombination allows to investigate the function of genes at the molecular level and has been achieved, however, at very low efficiencies by the Hit and Run, Tag and Exchange, and Double Replacement strategies. Comparing those strategies at a single locus with vectors derived from a single fragment of the desmin gene led to the improvement of two strategies by employing a new selection cassette and modified selection procedures. Modified strategies resulted in the introduction of nonselectable point-mutations in 53% of the Hit and Run derived embryonic stem cell clones and in 0.7% of the Tag and Exchange clones. Efficiency of intrachromosomal recombination at Hit alleles outscored replacement-type recombination at the tagged alleles making the modified Hit and Run strategy the method of choice for the efficient introduction of nonselectable point mutations into the genome of embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

In order to produce insulin-secreting cells with a high value of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) from mouse embryonic stem cells, we have developed an optimized 5-stage protocol by referring to culture conditions so far reported elsewhere. This protocol is characterized by 4 points: (1) use of an activin-free medium in the first stage, (2) use of gelatin/fibronectin coated culture dishes in 1–4 stages throughout, (3) removal of undifferentiated cells by cell sorter at the end of 4th stage, and (4) sedimental culture in the 5th stage. GSIS value of the produced cells reached 2.4, that was at a higher rank of those so far reported. The produced cells were transplanted in diabetes model mice but no remedy effect was observed. Then transplantation was conducted in pre-diabetes model mice, in which GSIS was impaired without affecting insulin producing function. The transplantation of 5 × 106 cells resulted in a marked improvement of glucose tolerance within 20 days. This effect decreased but was still observed at 120 days post-transplantation. This demonstrates the feasibility of the novel optimized protocol.  相似文献   

Jin S 《Human cell》2007,20(4):111-118
Cardiomyocytes were differentiated from embryonic stem cells (ES cells) derived from spontaneous dwarf rats (SDR) in vitro. The two-cell stage embryos were cultured in alpha-MEM supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum and embryotrophic factors (ETF). ETF were isolated from the conditioned medium of the SKG-II-SF cell line derived from a human uterine cervical epidermoid carcinoma. When two-cell stage rat embryos developed into tri-laminal germ disc embryos (flat type), colonies composed of small round cells were isolated by the colonial isolation method and used to establish an ES cell line. The ES cells were cultured in DMEM/F12 medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum and 1 ng/mL of leukemia inhibitory factor. Embryoid bodies were made by the hanging-drop method using 1 x 10(7) ES cells/mL. The embryoid bodies differentiated and grew to form an embryonic monster in ETF-supplemented medium using Rose's circumfusion apparatus for about 1 month. The anlages of beating hearts in embryonic monsters were collected using a glass capillary. The anlages were cut into small pieces using razor blades and dissociated with trypsin-EDTA/PBS(-) solution. The resultant single cells were cultured in growth medium and used to establish a myocardial cell line. The cell line was subcultured for more than 25 passages and confirmed as showing the morphological and ultrastructural characteristics of cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate how our lab begins a HuES human embryonic stem cell line culture from a frozen stock. First, a one to two day old ten cm plate of approximately one (to two) million irradiated mouse embryonic fibroblast feeder cells is rinsed with HuES media to remove residual serum and cell debris, and then HuES media added and left to equilibrate in the cell culture incubator. A frozen vial of cells from long term liquid nitrogen storage or a -80 C freezer is sourced and quickly submerged in a 37 C water bath for quick thawing. Cells in freezing media are then removed from the vial and placed in a large volume of HuES media. The large volume of HuES media facilitates removal of excess serum and DMSO, which can cause HuES human embryonic stem cells to differentiate. Cells are gently spun out of suspension, and then re-suspended in a small volume of fresh HuES media that is then used to seed the MEF plate. It is considered important to seed the MEF plate by gently adding the HuES cells in a drop wise fashion to evenly disperse them throughout the plate. The newly established HuES culture plate is returned to the incubator for 48 hrs before media is replaced, then is fed every 24 hours thereafter.  相似文献   

Previous studies in several laboratories have demonstrated inadvertent chromosomal abnormalities in long-term cultured human embryonic stem cells (HESC). Here, using a two-step selection process we report a functional adaptation of a HESC line, HS181, towards a decreased dependence of extra cellular matrix (ECM) for in vitro survival, that is for growth directly onto a plastic surface. Successful adaptation was paralleled with a karyotype change in 100% of the cells to 47,XX,del(7)(q11.2),+i(12)(p10). The resulting adapted population showed increased survival and growth on plastic and also maintained expression of HESC markers, but showed a decreased pluripotency, as demonstrated by results from embryoid body (EB) formation in vitro. The finding of reduced pluripotency may not be totally unexpected since the variant cells were selected for self-renewal and proliferation, not differentiation during the adaptation to growth on plastic. In the light of recent models of a germ cell origin of HESC it is of particular interest that similar to many of the reported spontaneous HESC mutants, one of the identified specific chromosome abnormalities, i(12p), has also been strongly implicated for human germ cell cancer. However, the mutated HESC variant carrying this mutation failed to grow as a xeno-graft in a mouse model in vivo. This is surprising and needs a further mechanistic analysis for its explanation. Increased knowledge of genetic integrity of HESC may have significance on the understanding of mechanisms for tumor progression and thus strategy for treatments, particularly for tumors occurring in early life.  相似文献   

Embryonic Stem (ES) cells have the potential to form every cell of the body and thus are of great promise for tissue transplantation. One of the rising techniques that allows studying the differentiation state of ES cells is quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR). When relative quantification by qRT-PCR is applied, accurate normalization is necessary, since differentiated embryonic stem cells and developing embryos contain heterogeneous cell populations. Corrections for variations in the qRT-PCR reaction are needed to allow comparisons between different samples. We applied the normalization tools geNorm and Normfinder to ten reference genes identifying the most stable ones for relative quantification of gene expression during differentiation of human ES cells, as well as in differentiated mouse ES cells and in the developing mouse embryo. For relative quantification by qRT-PCR in these systems, we advise to use normalization factors based on multiple stable reference genes. However, when the use of several reference genes would be unpractical, a single reference gene in each experimental setup could be sufficient. When looking for single stable reference genes, beta-actin works best in both mouse embryo and ES cell experiments and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase can be applied in both mouse and human ES cell experiments.  相似文献   

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