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When females of the screw-worm fly, Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve, were given a choice of solutions of protein, sucrose and water, their protein intake was substantial only on days 2, 3 and 4 after emergence, and during the 3 days following the first oviposition. Protein consumption by males remained consistently low for 10 days following emergence.Protein ingestion by laboratory-bred autogenous and anautogenous females, autogenous wild females of C. bezziana, and females of the anautogenous blowly species, Chrysomya megacephala (F), was compared. During the first ovarian cycle (days 1–6), protein solution accounted for 9.5% and 9.4% of the total liquid intake of laboratory-bred and wild anautogenous females of C. bezziana. Protein ingestion by C. megacephala females during the first ovarian cycle represented 23% of the total liquids. During the second ovarian cycle in C. bezziana, protein ingestion represented 21% of total liquids.The presence of dry sucrose or sucrose solution of high concentration depressed protein intake during the first ovarian cycle in C. bezziana.Most feeding by females occurred during the photophase with early morning and late evening peaks in carbohydrate ingestion and a late afternoon peak in protein ingestion.The ecological implications of the results are discussed.
Résumé Quand les femelles de Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve ont le choix entre des solutions de protéine, de sucrose et d'eau, la consommation de protéines n'est importante que lesond, troisième et quatrième jours après l'émergence, et pendant les 3 jours suivant la première ponte. La consommation de protéines par les mâles reste faible pendant les 10 jours qui suivent l'émergence.Les consommations de protéines par des femmelles de Chrysomya bezziana (sauvages autogènes, elevées en laboratoire autogènes et anautogènes) et par des femelles de l'espèce anautogène Chrysomya megacephala F. ont été comparées. Pendant le premier cycle ovarien (jours 1 à 6) les solutions de protéine ingérées par les femelles autogènes (issues du laboratoire et sauvages de Chrysomya bezziana) correspondent respectivement à 9,5% et 9,4% du liquide total absorbé. Pendant le premier cycle ovarien la quantité de protéine ingérée par les femelles de Chrysomya megacephala représente 23% du liquide absorbé total. Pendant le second cycle ovarien de Chrysomya bezziana, les protéines ingérées représentent 21% de l'absorption totale de liquide.La présence de sucrose sec ou en liquide à concentration élevée réduit la consommation de protéines pendant le premier cycle ovarien de Chrysomya bezziana.L'essentiel de l'alimentation des femelles en carbohydrates a lieu pendant la photophase avec des pics tôt le matin et tard le soir, et avec un pic en find d'après midi pour les protéines.Les conséquences écologiques de ces résultats sont discutées.

The majority of wild and laboratory-reared Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve (Diptera: Calliphoridae) are autogenous, maturing their ovaries during the first ovarian cycle in the absence of external sources of protein. Very few females mature all their oocytes however, resorption occurring in approximately 30% of oocytes if protein is not available and 10% when protein is ingested. Protein-fed flies produce larger eggs than protein-deprived ones. Females which are underfed as larvae are small and anautogenous, requiring external sources of protein to mature their ovaries. Protein-fed autogenous and anautogenous females mature a similar proportion of oocytes. During the second and subsequent ovarian cycles C. bezziana females are physiologically anautogenous although ad lib. protein feeding during the first ovarian cycle results in most females reaching an early stage of vitellogenesis in the second ovarian cycle. Protein-deprived females cease second cycle development in a previtellogenic stage. When females are given access ad lib. to protein, approximately 16% fewer oocytes are matured in the second and subsequent ovarian cycles than in the first cycle. Oosorption occurs during the early stages of vitellogenesis (stages IV–VI) and follows a similar temporal pattern in successive ovarian cycles.
Résumé La plupart des femelles de C. bezziana provenant de populations naturelles ou d'élevages au laboratoire sont autogènes, leurs ovocytes murissent sans apport externe de protéines au premier cycle ovarien. Chez très peu de femelles tous les ovocytes murissent; environ 30% d'entre eux sont résorbés sans, et 10% avec ingestion de protéines. Les mouches nourries de protéines ont des oeufs légèrement plus grands (1,31 à 1,33 mm de long) que celles privées de protéines (1,29 mm). Les femelles issues de larves sousalimentées sont de taille réduite, non-autogènes, et leurs ovocytes exigent un apport externe de protéines pour mûrir. 88% à 90% des ovocytes des femelles autogènes ou non nourries de protéines parviennent à maturité. A partir du second cycle ovarien, aucune femelle n'est autogène; 56% de celles qui ont disposé de protéines à discrétion pendant le premier cycle ovarien atteignent un stade précoce de vitellogenèse au second. Les femelles privées de protéines ne dépassent pas un stade de prévitellogenèse au second cycle ovarien. Le nombre d'ovocytes parvenant à maturité au cours du cycle second et des suivants n'est diminué que d'environ 16% par rapport au premier cycle si les femelles ont libre accès aux protéines. Quel que soit le cycle ovarien, la résopption a lieu à un stade précoce de vitellogenèse (stade IV à VI) et se déroule de manière comparable dans tous les cycles.

Females of Lucilia cuprina from field populations and from normally maintained laboratory cultures are anautogenous. Normal anautogenous females were compared with females from a laboratory selected autogenous strain especially as regards protein storage and ovarian protein content. The following differences were found: (1) autogenous females at emergence from the puparium contain about 1 mg (20%) more protein than anautogenous females of equal fresh weight, (2) about 70% of this additional protein is accounted for by increased protein content of the abdominal larval fat body, (3) the larval fat body of autogenous females has greater volume and greater protein content per unit volume than that of anautogenous females, (4) the greater volume of larval fat body in autogenous females is the result of increased cell size rather than cell number, (5) the protein content of the ovaries of mature non-protein-fed autogenous females is about 1 mg. That of non-protein-fed anautogenous females of similar age is negligible, (6) the larval fat body of non-protein-fed anautogenous females disappears more rapidly after emergence than does that of autogenous females.  相似文献   

A series of symmetrical trisubstituted phosphorus compounds was tested as synergists for malathion and certain other organophosphorus insecticides against resistant and normal strains of Chrysomya putoria and Musca domestica. All the compounds synergised the insecticides more effectively against resistant than normal strains. This was especially true with malathion, notably with the C. putoria strain the resistance of which is highly specific for malathion. A 5:1 mixture of the best synergists virtually abolished its resistance. Among the synergists tested, the two best were common to the C. putoria and the two different resistant strains of M. domestica; these two synergists were also outstanding against Culex tarsalis larvae, as reported by other authors.In addition to the synergistic action on malathion, the better compounds were also effective in reducing resistance to other phosphorus insecticides (Dicapthon, parathion, coumaphos) though not quite so effectively. It is concluded that their action is not entirely specific for suppressing carboxyesterase detoxication.
Synergismus von organophosphaten bei Musca domestica und tChrysomya putoria
Zusammenfassung Eine Reihe symmetrisch dreifach substituierter Phosphorverbindungen wurde als Synergisten für Malathion und gewisse andere Organophosphat-Insektizide gegenüber resistenten und normalen Stämmen von Chrysomya putoria und Musca domestica geprüft. Alle diese Verbindungen verstärkten die Insektizide gegen resistente Stämme wirkungsvoller als gegen normale. Das galt besonders für Malathion, vor allem bei dem C. putoria-Stamm, dessen Resistenz gegenüber Malathion hoch spezifisch ist. Ein 5:1-Gemisch der besten Synergisten hob seine Resistenz praktisch auf. Unter den geprüften Synergisten waren die zwei besten C. putoria und den beiden verschiedenen resistenten Stämmen von M. domestica gemeinsam; diese beiden Synergisten wirkten auch gegenüber Culex tarsalis-Larven ausgezeichnet, wie andere Autoren berichteten.Neben der synergistischen Wirksamkeit für Malathion reduzierten die besseren Verbindungen auch die Resistenz anderer Phosphor-Insektizide (Dicapthon, Parathion, Coumaphos), wenn auch nicht ganz so vollkommen. Es wird geschlossen, daß ihre Wirkungsweise für die Unterdrückung der Carboxyesterase-Entgiftung nicht ganz spezifisch ist.

Changes in essential dietary components alter global gene expression patterns in animals. We reported on a proteomics study designed to identify molecular markers of deficiencies in culture media developed for the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis. In that study, we found significant changes in expression of 70 proteins in adults of larvae reared on media lacking wheat germ oil (WGO), compared to media supplemented with WGO. Of these, a gene encoding an insect chitin-binding protein was expressed at about 120-fold higher levels in adult males reared on media supplemented with WGO. We inferred it may be feasible to develop the gene as a molecular marker of dietary lipid deficiency. The work was focused, however, on analysis of 11 day old adults. We have no information on expression of the chitin-binding protein, nor on any other proteins at other adult ages. In this paper we address the idea that the whole animal proteome changes dynamically with age. We reared separate groups of fruit fly larvae on media with and without WGO supplementation and analyzed protein expression in adult males and females age 0, 4, 8 and 12 days old using 2D electrophoresis. Gel densitometry revealed significant increases (by >2-fold) and decreases (by >50%) in expression levels of 29 proteins in females and 10 in males. We identified these proteins by mass spectrometry on MALDI TOF/TOF and bioinformatic analyses of the protein sequences. Two proteins, peroxiredoxin (26-fold increase) and vitellogenin 1 (15-fold increase) increased in expression in day 8 females. The key finding is that most changes in protein expression occurred in day 8 females. We infer that the fruit fly proteome changes with adult age. The natural changes in proteome with adult age is a crucial aspect of developing these and other proteins into molecular markers of lipid deficiency in fruit flies and possibly other insect species.  相似文献   

The alighting response of two species of blowfly, Chrysomya chloropyga (Weidemann) and Lucilia sericata(Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), were considered in relation to the orientation and illumination of a flat, oblong visual object. A strong response to orientation was displayed by L. sericata with the greatest number alighting on the vertical object; there was no significant effect of orientation on the number of C. chloropyga which alighted. Both species alighted preferentially on the more strongly illuminated side of a vertical object. With the object horizontal and more strongly illuminated from below, C. chloropygaagain landed on the most brightly illuminated side. In contrast, reducing the brightness on the upper surface of the horizontally-suspended object reduced the number of L. sericataalighting on the upper surface but also reduced the overall catch, suggesting that for L. sericata the response to the illumination of a surface does not outweigh its response to its orientation. The implications of these results for the development of trapping technology for the monitoring or control of these economically important pest species is discussed.  相似文献   

The zona pellucida is the unique extracellular glycoprotein matrix which is assembled during growth of the mammalian oocyte. The present studies were carried out to examine the formation of this structure in relation to the differentiation of ovarian cell types during follicular development. Specific antibodies were developed against total rabbit ZP proteins as well as against ZP proteins electrophoretically purified by high-resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide electrophoresis gels (2D-PAGE). Antibodies were characterized by (a) immunoelectrophoresis, (b) a Staphylococcus aureus protein A binding assay, and (c) immunoblotting following 2D-PAGE separation of ZP proteins. Immunoperoxidase localization with these antibodies was used to determine the stage of ovarian follicular development at which ZP antigens first appear as well as to evaluate the cellular and extracellular distribution of these proteins throughout folliculogenesis. The ZP proteins were first observed in the cytoplasm and at the periphery of the oocytes surrounded by a thin squamous follicular cell layer. No staining was observed in the cytoplasm of follicle cells during early folliculogenesis. As the ZP matrix was assembled extracellularly, the intensity of staining of the outer and inner regions could be distinguished. This differentiation of the matrix coincided with the differentiation of the follicular cells into a multilayer cell complex. At this stage, specific ZP proteins are localized within the cytoplasm of the inner layers of these follicular cells. The staining is then diminished in cells of preantral follicles. These studies demonstrate that the formation of the ZP is an excellent model system to study the early stages of follicular development and cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The female silkworm, Bombyx mori, rapidly accumulates two storage proteins, that are synthesized by the fat body, in the haemolymph during the feeding stage of the last-larval instar, and then sequesters them from the haemolymph into fat body during the larval-pupal transformation.The rapid synthesis and uptake of storage proteins by the fat body are shown to be induced by allatectomy in the early-penultimate larval instar. A juvenile hormone analogue, methoprene, is highly effective in inhibiting the allatectomy-induced synthesis, and, in a higher dosage, further blocks the uptake. Allatectomy in the late-penultimate larval instar shortly before moulting does not enhance the storage protein synthesis, but causes the uptake to occur two days earlier in the last-larval instar. Injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone is not stimulatory for synthesis of the proteins, but is effective to induce their uptake. Starvation during the early last-larval instar completely blocks the synthesis.From these results, it is suggested that storage protein synthesis is induced in the absence of juvenile hormone by some supplementary stimulus, possibly the supply of nutrient after feeding, and uptake is induced by ecdysteroids after a decline in the juvenile hormone level.  相似文献   

Nitrogen availability from dietary protein can have profound effects on the physiology and evolutionary ecology of insect herbivores. While many studies consider the effects of nutrition on consumption and gross body composition of protein and other important nutrients, few consider partitioning to storage for future use. I used chemically defined artificial diets to quantitatively manipulate the amount of dietary carbohydrates and proteins available to growing larvae of the grasshopper Schistocerca americana to determine how larval nutrient availability affects growth and all three classes of stored nutrients (proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates) carried over from larval feeding into adulthood. Larvae on poor diets increased consumption, but could not compensate for diet quality, eclosing small and containing no significant nutrient stores at adulthood. Individuals fed intermediate to high nutrient content diets as larvae were significantly larger and contained a significantly greater proportion of lipid stores at adult eclosion, but not protein or carbohydrate stores than individuals fed low nutrient content diets. This suggests that larvally derived lipid stores may be more important to adult fitness than carbohydrate or protein stores. This result is contrary to previous studies performed on the role of larval nutrition and allocation to protein stores, and this difference is likely due to variation in the relative availability of protein in adult diets across species.  相似文献   

Summary The mutant fs(1) 1163 of Drosophila melanogaster, which was isolated by Gans et al. (1975) is a recessive homozygous female sterile at 18°C and a dominant female — sterile at 29°C. We reported previously that there are reduced quantities of the largest of the three yolk polypeptides in Drosophila melanogaster in the haemolymph and eggs of this mutant at 29°C (Bownes and Hames 1978 a). In this paper we show that the yolk protein defect maps within approximately 2.5 recombination units of the female sterility at 21±2.5 map units on the X-chromosome. The temperature-sensitive period of the yolk protein defect is after emergence. In vitro labelling of fs(1) 1163 ovaries and fat bodies showed that they were able to synthesise yolk polypeptide 1. Interestingly, studies on the proteins present in the various tissues indicate that the fat body tends to accumulate all three yolk polypeptides in the mutant. This phenotype is partially co-dominant in that an effect is seen in heterozygotes as well as homozygotes and is enhanced by increased temperature. This mutant could therefore have a defect (a) in the structural gene for yolk polypeptide 1, (b) in the processing and secretion enzyme systems; (c) in the fat body or all tissues leading to altered secretion properties.Mutants like fs(1) 1163 which alter specific steps in vitellogenesis should be of value for analysing the genetic and biochemical control of the synthesis, transport and sequestering of the yolk polypeptides during oogenesis.  相似文献   

Discula betulina is a foliar pathogen on birch (Betula) and Gnomonia intermedia is found on overwintered birch leaves. Perithecia of G. intermedia developed in vitro on colonies of D. betulina isolated from birch tissues in late summer, and single ascospores of G. intermedia consistently developed into colonies similar to D. betulina, producing typical D. betulina conidia. Isolates of D. betulina could be grouped into two mating types, which produced fertile perithecia of G. intermedia when mated with each other. Mycelia from single-ascospore and single-conidial isolates were inoculated onto shoots of downy birch, causing lesions and die-back from which D. betulina was consistently isolated. ITS region ribosomal DNA sequence analysis confirmed the results of the morphological and mating studies, and found that the closest known relatives of G. intermedia/D. betulina are Gnomoniella nana and Sirococcus clavigignenti-juglandacearum. The conclusion from these studies is that D. betulina is the anamorph of G. intermedia.  相似文献   

Implantation of corpora allata early in the fifth instar of female larvae of Locusta migratoria results in a faster development both during the last instar and the adult somatic growth period. The adult locusts attain a significantly higher maximum wet weight. The increase in dry weight, however, is smaller than in control insects. So the high titer of corpus allatum hormone results in a considerably higher water content.In CA-implanted locusts the growth of the indirect dorsal longitudinal flight muscles is inhibited and the protein content is lower as compared with control specimens. Especially the differentiation of these muscles is strongly inhibited. A hypothesis for a regulation of the indirect flight muscle development by the changing titer of the corpus allatum hormone is proposed.During the second part of the adult period investigated the high titer of the corpus allatum hormone strongly diminishes the growth of the fat body, but the protein content is not altered in comparison with the normal developing fat body. The data reveal that the influence of an induced high titer of corpus allatum hormone on protein metabolism in the flight muscles is different from that in the fat body.
Die wirkung von corpora allata-implantation auf die entwicklung der flugmuskeln und des fettkörpers bei Locusta migratoria
Zusammenfassung Nach Corpora allata-Implantation am Anfang des L5 von weiblichen Larven von Locusta migratoria folgt eine schnellere Entwicklung sowohl im letzten Larvenstadium als auch in der adulten somatischen Wachstumsperiode. Die adulten Heuschrecken erreichen ein signifikant höheres Frischgewicht-Maximum. Die Zunahme des Trockengewichts ist jedoch geringer als bei Kontrollen. Der hohe Titer an Corpus allatum-Hormon resultiert also in einem beträchtlich höheren Wassergehalt.Der Zuwachs der indirekten dorsalen Flugmuskeln ist in mit Corpora allata implantierten Heuschrecken gehemmt und der Eiweißgehalt ist niedriger als bei Kontrollen. Besonders die Differenzierungsphase der Muskeln ist stark gehemmt. Es wird eine Hypothese über die Regulation der Entwicklung indirekter Flugmuskeln durch den sich ändernden Titer des Corpus allatum-Hormons aufgestellt.Während des zweiten Teils der untersuchten adulten Periode nimmt das Wachstum des Fettkörpers unter dem Einfluss des hohen Hormontiters ab, aber der Proteingehalt dieses Gewebes ändert sich im Vergleich zu dem sich normal entwickelnden Fettkörper nicht.Diese Daten zeigen, daß der Einfluss eines induzierten hohen Titers an Corpus allatum-Hormon beim Proteinstoffwechsel in den Flugmuskeln anders ist als im Fettkörper.

Abbreviations CA corpus allatum - CAH corpus allatum hormone - LFM indirect dorsal longitudinal flight muscle - Tris tris (hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   

Diapausing larvae of the blow fly, Calliphora vicina, from three geographical strains exposed, as adults, to short days, were maintained under identical conditions (darkness, 11-12 degrees C) and examined for changes in wet weight, dry weight, water and fat content during diapause development to the emergence of post-diapause adults. Larvae produced by flies originating from northern Finland (Nallikari, 65 degrees N) showed a longer, more intense, diapause than those from localities further south (Edinburgh, Scotland, 55 degrees N and Barga, Italy, 44 degrees N), but all three strains showed similar rates of loss of the parameters measured. This was also the case for post-diapause adults, flies of the Barga strain with its relatively short diapause emerging with greater residual fat reserves than flies from the Edinburgh or Nallikari strains with their more protracted diapause. It was concluded that the rates of water and fat loss were functions of the conditions used for diapause larval maintenance (probably temperature) rather than the maternally programmed degree of diapause incidence, or of its 'depth' or 'intensity'.  相似文献   

Previous work showed that 20-hydroxyecdysone activates the fat body of Sarcophaga peregrina larvae to incorporate storage protein selectively from the hemolymph. In this study, storage protein receptors of the fat body membrane which were induced on pupation or on treatment of larval fat body with 20-hydroxyecdysone in vitro were identified. The binding of storage protein to its receptor required divalent cations, especially Ca2+, and the binding was very sensitive to pH. The storage protein receptor was inactivated when the fat body membrane was treated with trypsin. The storage protein receptor is probably a protein and it may be synthesized de novo or a cryptic form may be converted to the active form when the concentration of 20-hydroxyecdysone in the hemolymph reaches a physiological level.  相似文献   

Summary Glycogen phosphorylase of pupal fat body of the silkmoth,Hyalophora cecropia, and its activation by different stimuli have been studied. Spectrophotometric assay in the direction of glycogenolysis, used in most of the experiments, indicated higher amounts of phosphorylasea than assay by release of Pi from glucose-1-phosphate; both assays, however, estimated changes in proportion of phosphorylasea equally. TheK ms for Pi were estimated as 5 mM for phosphorylasea in the absence of AMP and 18 mM for phosphorylaseb with 2 mM AMP.When diapausing pupae were held at 4°C, fat body phosphorylase was quickly activated by conversion to thea form up to about 50% of the total, and then declined again after 30 days, when glycerol had accumulated in the hemolymph. Cold activation in vivo was quickly reversed at 25°C. Removal of the brain did not prevent cold activation. After storage at 15°C, sensitivity to cold activation was diminished. Locusts and crickets also showed activation of phosphorylase after chilling.Exposure of fat body to air, transfer to Ringer solution, or physical agitation, caused activation of phosphorylase which is classed as shock activation. After about 1 h incubation in Ringer at 25°C, this effect reversed spontaneously. Activation also occurred in fat body in vitro after transfer to 0°C (cold activation), and was reversed at 25°C. The previously reported inhibition of activation by glycerol, however, could not be consistently reproduced.In fat body homogenates, phosphorylaseb was converted to phosphorylasea by incubation with ATP and Mg2+, which indicates activity of phosphorylase kinase. In preparations treated with Sephadex G-25 and then incubated, the reverse conversion took place, which was inhibited by fluoride, and indicates activity of phosphorylase phosphatase.Cyclic AMP added to fat body in vitro, or theophylline either in vivo or in vitro, stimulated the activation of phosphorylase. In fat body in vitro, shock activation was paralleled by elevation of tissue cyclic AMP, whereas cold activation was not. Cyclic GMP did not stimulate activation, and showed no significant changes in tissue levels.It is concluded that the conversion of silkmoth pupal fat body phosphorylaseb to phosphorylasea can be stimulated by a shock-initiated mechanism involving cyclic AMP and a distinct cold-initiated mechanism independent of cyclic AMP.Abbreviations DTT dithiothreitol - cyclic AMP 3,5-cyclic adenosine monophosphate - cyclic GMP 3,5-cyclic guanosine monophosphate - P i inorganic phosphate This investigation was begun in the Department of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA  相似文献   

Summary Sex determination in the monogenic blowfly Chrysomya rufifacies is controlled by a dominant or epistatic female sex realizer (F) having sex predetermining properties (F/f=female-producing female; f/f=male-producing female or male, respectively). To determine (1) the cell type in which the maternal effect gene F is expressed. and (2) the autonomous or nonautonomous sexual differentiation of the germ cells germ-line mosaics were constructed in C. rufifacies by pole-cell transplantations. The production of bisexual progeny by germ-line mosaics generated by transplanting pole cells between both types of female embryos shows that the F gene product is synthesized by germ-line cells themselves, not by maternal (intra- or extraovarian) somatic cells. Pole cell transplantations between male and female embryos yielded completely fertile heterosexual germ-line mosaics thus demonstrating phenotypic sex reversal of donor germ cells in a host of the opposite sex. Consequently, the sexual differentiation of a germ cell in C. rufifacies is not determined by its own genotypic constitution but is induced by the surrounding somatic cells.The male sex of F/f individuals generated by fertilization with F-bearing sperm from a heterosexual germ-line mosaic indicates that the F gene is either not expressed during spermatogenesis and early embryogenesis or is expressed too late or in not sufficient amounts to direct differentiation into the female sex. This finding is consistent with the assumption that progamic expression of F is found exclusively during oogenesis in F/f females.  相似文献   



Insects have an efficient self-defense system that is based on innate immunity. Recent findings have disclosed many parallels between human and insect innate immunity, and simultaneously fine differences in the processes between various species have been revealed. Studies on the immune systems of various insect species may uncover the differences in their host defense strategies.  相似文献   

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