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Horton NJ  Laird NM 《Biometrics》2001,57(1):34-42
This article presents a new method for maximum likelihood estimation of logistic regression models with incomplete covariate data where auxiliary information is available. This auxiliary information is extraneous to the regression model of interest but predictive of the covariate with missing data. Ibrahim (1990, Journal of the American Statistical Association 85, 765-769) provides a general method for estimating generalized linear regression models with missing covariates using the EM algorithm that is easily implemented when there is no auxiliary data. Vach (1997, Statistics in Medicine 16, 57-72) describes how the method can be extended when the outcome and auxiliary data are conditionally independent given the covariates in the model. The method allows the incorporation of auxiliary data without making the conditional independence assumption. We suggest tests of conditional independence and compare the performance of several estimators in an example concerning mental health service utilization in children. Using an artificial dataset, we compare the performance of several estimators when auxiliary data are available.  相似文献   

We consider longitudinal studies in which the outcome observed over time is binary and the covariates of interest are categorical. With no missing responses or covariates, one specifies a multinomial model for the responses given the covariates and uses maximum likelihood to estimate the parameters. Unfortunately, incomplete data in the responses and covariates are a common occurrence in longitudinal studies. Here we assume the missing data are missing at random (Rubin, 1976, Biometrika 63, 581-592). Since all of the missing data (responses and covariates) are categorical, a useful technique for obtaining maximum likelihood parameter estimates is the EM algorithm by the method of weights proposed in Ibrahim (1990, Journal of the American Statistical Association 85, 765-769). In using the EM algorithm with missing responses and covariates, one specifies the joint distribution of the responses and covariates. Here we consider the parameters of the covariate distribution as a nuisance. In data sets where the percentage of missing data is high, the estimates of the nuisance parameters can lead to highly unstable estimates of the parameters of interest. We propose a conditional model for the covariate distribution that has several modeling advantages for the EM algorithm and provides a reduction in the number of nuisance parameters, thus providing more stable estimates in finite samples.  相似文献   

Ibrahim JG  Chen MH  Lipsitz SR 《Biometrics》1999,55(2):591-596
We propose a method for estimating parameters for general parametric regression models with an arbitrary number of missing covariates. We allow any pattern of missing data and assume that the missing data mechanism is ignorable throughout. When the missing covariates are categorical, a useful technique for obtaining parameter estimates is the EM algorithm by the method of weights proposed in Ibrahim (1990, Journal of the American Statistical Association 85, 765-769). We extend this method to continuous or mixed categorical and continuous covariates, and for arbitrary parametric regression models, by adapting a Monte Carlo version of the EM algorithm as discussed by Wei and Tanner (1990, Journal of the American Statistical Association 85, 699-704). In addition, we discuss the Gibbs sampler for sampling from the conditional distribution of the missing covariates given the observed data and show that the appropriate complete conditionals are log-concave. The log-concavity property of the conditional distributions will facilitate a straightforward implementation of the Gibbs sampler via the adaptive rejection algorithm of Gilks and Wild (1992, Applied Statistics 41, 337-348). We assume the model for the response given the covariates is an arbitrary parametric regression model, such as a generalized linear model, a parametric survival model, or a nonlinear model. We model the marginal distribution of the covariates as a product of one-dimensional conditional distributions. This allows us a great deal of flexibility in modeling the distribution of the covariates and reduces the number of nuisance parameters that are introduced in the E-step. We present examples involving both simulated and real data.  相似文献   

Stubbendick AL  Ibrahim JG 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):1140-1150
This article analyzes quality of life (QOL) data from an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) melanoma trial that compared treatment with ganglioside vaccination to treatment with high-dose interferon. The analysis of this data set is challenging due to several difficulties, namely, nonignorable missing longitudinal responses and baseline covariates. Hence, we propose a selection model for estimating parameters in the normal random effects model with nonignorable missing responses and covariates. Parameters are estimated via maximum likelihood using the Gibbs sampler and a Monte Carlo expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. Standard errors are calculated using the bootstrap. The method allows for nonmonotone patterns of missing data in both the response variable and the covariates. We model the missing data mechanism and the missing covariate distribution via a sequence of one-dimensional conditional distributions, allowing the missing covariates to be either categorical or continuous, as well as time-varying. We apply the proposed approach to the ECOG quality-of-life data and conduct a small simulation study evaluating the performance of the maximum likelihood estimates. Our results indicate that a patient treated with the vaccine has a higher QOL score on average at a given time point than a patient treated with high-dose interferon.  相似文献   

Incomplete covariate data are a common occurrence in studies in which the outcome is survival time. Further, studies in the health sciences often give rise to correlated, possibly censored, survival data. With no missing covariate data, if the marginal distributions of the correlated survival times follow a given parametric model, then the estimates using the maximum likelihood estimating equations, naively treating the correlated survival times as independent, give consistent estimates of the relative risk parameters Lipsitz et al. 1994 50, 842-846. Now, suppose that some observations within a cluster have some missing covariates. We show in this paper that if one naively treats observations within a cluster as independent, that one can still use the maximum likelihood estimating equations to obtain consistent estimates of the relative risk parameters. This method requires the estimation of the parameters of the distribution of the covariates. We present results from a clinical trial Lipsitz and Ibrahim (1996b) 2, 5-14 with five covariates, four of which have some missing values. In the trial, the clusters are the hospitals in which the patients were treated.  相似文献   

Huang L  Chen MH  Ibrahim JG 《Biometrics》2005,61(3):767-780
We propose Bayesian methods for estimating parameters in generalized linear models (GLMs) with nonignorably missing covariate data. We show that when improper uniform priors are used for the regression coefficients, phi, of the multinomial selection model for the missing data mechanism, the resulting joint posterior will always be improper if (i) all missing covariates are discrete and an intercept is included in the selection model for the missing data mechanism, or (ii) at least one of the covariates is continuous and unbounded. This impropriety will result regardless of whether proper or improper priors are specified for the regression parameters, beta, of the GLM or the parameters, alpha, of the covariate distribution. To overcome this problem, we propose a novel class of proper priors for the regression coefficients, phi, in the selection model for the missing data mechanism. These priors are robust and computationally attractive in the sense that inferences about beta are not sensitive to the choice of the hyperparameters of the prior for phi and they facilitate a Gibbs sampling scheme that leads to accelerated convergence. In addition, we extend the model assessment criterion of Chen, Dey, and Ibrahim (2004a, Biometrika 91, 45-63), called the weighted L measure, to GLMs and missing data problems as well as extend the deviance information criterion (DIC) of Spiegelhalter et al. (2002, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B 64, 583-639) for assessing whether the missing data mechanism is ignorable or nonignorable. A novel Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm is also developed for carrying out posterior computation. Several simulations are given to investigate the performance of the proposed Bayesian criteria as well as the sensitivity of the prior specification. Real datasets from a melanoma cancer clinical trial and a liver cancer study are presented to further illustrate the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Chen Q  Ibrahim JG 《Biometrics》2006,62(1):177-184
We consider a class of semiparametric models for the covariate distribution and missing data mechanism for missing covariate and/or response data for general classes of regression models including generalized linear models and generalized linear mixed models. Ignorable and nonignorable missing covariate and/or response data are considered. The proposed semiparametric model can be viewed as a sensitivity analysis for model misspecification of the missing covariate distribution and/or missing data mechanism. The semiparametric model consists of a generalized additive model (GAM) for the covariate distribution and/or missing data mechanism. Penalized regression splines are used to express the GAMs as a generalized linear mixed effects model, in which the variance of the corresponding random effects provides an intuitive index for choosing between the semiparametric and parametric model. Maximum likelihood estimates are then obtained via the EM algorithm. Simulations are given to demonstrate the methodology, and a real data set from a melanoma cancer clinical trial is analyzed using the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Summary .  In this article, we study the estimation of mean response and regression coefficient in semiparametric regression problems when response variable is subject to nonrandom missingness. When the missingness is independent of the response conditional on high-dimensional auxiliary information, the parametric approach may misspecify the relationship between covariates and response while the nonparametric approach is infeasible because of the curse of dimensionality. To overcome this, we study a model-based approach to condense the auxiliary information and estimate the parameters of interest nonparametrically on the condensed covariate space. Our estimators possess the double robustness property, i.e., they are consistent whenever the model for the response given auxiliary covariates or the model for the missingness given auxiliary covariate is correct. We conduct a number of simulations to compare the numerical performance between our estimators and other existing estimators in the current missing data literature, including the propensity score approach and the inverse probability weighted estimating equation. A set of real data is used to illustrate our approach.  相似文献   

Clustered interval‐censored data commonly arise in many studies of biomedical research where the failure time of interest is subject to interval‐censoring and subjects are correlated for being in the same cluster. A new semiparametric frailty probit regression model is proposed to study covariate effects on the failure time by accounting for the intracluster dependence. Under the proposed normal frailty probit model, the marginal distribution of the failure time is a semiparametric probit model, the regression parameters can be interpreted as both the conditional covariate effects given frailty and the marginal covariate effects up to a multiplicative constant, and the intracluster association can be summarized by two nonparametric measures in simple and explicit form. A fully Bayesian estimation approach is developed based on the use of monotone splines for the unknown nondecreasing function and a data augmentation using normal latent variables. The proposed Gibbs sampler is straightforward to implement since all unknowns have standard form in their full conditional distributions. The proposed method performs very well in estimating the regression parameters as well as the intracluster association, and the method is robust to frailty distribution misspecifications as shown in our simulation studies. Two real‐life data sets are analyzed for illustration.  相似文献   

Yip PS  Lin HZ  Xi L 《Biometrics》2005,61(4):1085-1092
A semiparametric estimation procedure is proposed to model capture-recapture data with the aim of estimating the population size for a closed population. Individuals' covariates are possibly time dependent and missing at noncaptured times and may be measured with error. A set of estimating equations (EEs) based on covariate process and capture-recapture data is constructed to estimate the relevant parameters and the population size. These EEs can be solved by an algorithm similar to an EM algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed procedures work better than the naive estimate. In some cases they are even better than "ideal" estimates, for which the true values of covariates are available for all captured subjects over the entire experimental period. We apply the method to a capture-recapture experiment on the bird species Prinia flaviventris in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Wang YG 《Biometrics》1999,55(3):984-989
Troxel, Lipsitz, and Brennan (1997, Biometrics 53, 857-869) considered parameter estimation from survey data with nonignorable nonresponse and proposed weighted estimating equations to remove the biases in the complete-case analysis that ignores missing observations. This paper suggests two alternative modifications for unbiased estimation of regression parameters when a binary outcome is potentially observed at successive time points. The weighting approach of Robins, Rotnitzky, and Zhao (1995, Journal of the American Statistical Association 90, 106-121) is also modified to obtain unbiased estimating functions. The suggested estimating functions are unbiased only when the missingness probability is correctly specified, and misspecification of the missingness model will result in biases in the estimates. Simulation studies are carried out to assess the performance of different methods when the covariate is binary or normal. For the simulation models used, the relative efficiency of the two new methods to the weighting methods is about 3.0 for the slope parameter and about 2.0 for the intercept parameter when the covariate is continuous and the missingness probability is correctly specified. All methods produce substantial biases in the estimates when the missingness model is misspecified or underspecified. Analysis of data from a medical survey illustrates the use and possible differences of these estimating functions.  相似文献   

给出协变量带有不可忽略缺失数据的非线性再生散度模型的Bayes方法,缺失数据机制由Logistic回归模型来确定.Gibbs抽样技术和Metropolis-Hastings算法(简称MH算法)用来得到模型参数、缺失数据机制中回归系数的联合Bayes估计,并用实例加以说明.  相似文献   

Maps depicting cancer incidence rates have become useful tools in public health research, giving valuable information about the spatial variation in rates of disease. Typically, these maps are generated using count data aggregated over areas such as counties or census blocks. However, with the proliferation of geographic information systems and related databases, it is becoming easier to obtain exact spatial locations for the cancer cases and suitable control subjects. The use of such point data allows us to adjust for individual-level covariates, such as age and smoking status, when estimating the spatial variation in disease risk. Unfortunately, such covariate information is often subject to missingness. We propose a method for mapping cancer risk when covariates are not completely observed. We model these data using a logistic generalized additive model. Estimates of the linear and non-linear effects are obtained using a mixed effects model representation. We develop an EM algorithm to account for missing data and the random effects. Since the expectation step involves an intractable integral, we estimate the E-step with a Laplace approximation. This framework provides a general method for handling missing covariate values when fitting generalized additive models. We illustrate our method through an analysis of cancer incidence data from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. These analyses demonstrate that standard complete-case methods can yield biased estimates of the spatial variation of cancer risk.  相似文献   

Deletion diagnostics are introduced for the regression analysis of clustered binary outcomes estimated with alternating logistic regressions, an implementation of generalized estimating equations (GEE) that estimates regression coefficients in a marginal mean model and in a model for the intracluster association given by the log odds ratio. The diagnostics are developed within an estimating equations framework that recasts the estimating functions for association parameters based upon conditional residuals into equivalent functions based upon marginal residuals. Extensions of earlier work on GEE diagnostics follow directly, including computational formulae for one‐step deletion diagnostics that measure the influence of a cluster of observations on the estimated regression parameters and on the overall marginal mean or association model fit. The diagnostic formulae are evaluated with simulations studies and with an application concerning an assessment of factors associated with health maintenance visits in primary care medical practices. The application and the simulations demonstrate that the proposed cluster‐deletion diagnostics for alternating logistic regressions are good approximations of their exact fully iterated counterparts.  相似文献   

Multiple imputation (MI) is increasingly popular for handling multivariate missing data. Two general approaches are available in standard computer packages: MI based on the posterior distribution of incomplete variables under a multivariate (joint) model, and fully conditional specification (FCS), which imputes missing values using univariate conditional distributions for each incomplete variable given all the others, cycling iteratively through the univariate imputation models. In the context of longitudinal or clustered data, it is not clear whether these approaches result in consistent estimates of regression coefficient and variance component parameters when the analysis model of interest is a linear mixed effects model (LMM) that includes both random intercepts and slopes with either covariates or both covariates and outcome contain missing information. In the current paper, we compared the performance of seven different MI methods for handling missing values in longitudinal and clustered data in the context of fitting LMMs with both random intercepts and slopes. We study the theoretical compatibility between specific imputation models fitted under each of these approaches and the LMM, and also conduct simulation studies in both the longitudinal and clustered data settings. Simulations were motivated by analyses of the association between body mass index (BMI) and quality of life (QoL) in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC). Our findings showed that the relative performance of MI methods vary according to whether the incomplete covariate has fixed or random effects and whether there is missingnesss in the outcome variable. We showed that compatible imputation and analysis models resulted in consistent estimation of both regression parameters and variance components via simulation. We illustrate our findings with the analysis of LSAC data.  相似文献   

Cho Paik M 《Biometrics》2004,60(2):306-314
Matched case-control data analysis is often challenged by a missing covariate problem, the mishandling of which could cause bias or inefficiency. Satten and Carroll (2000, Biometrics56, 384-388) and other authors have proposed methods to handle missing covariates when the probability of missingness depends on the observed data, i.e., when data are missing at random. In this article, we propose a conditional likelihood method to handle the case when the probability of missingness depends on the unobserved covariate, i.e., when data are nonignorably missing. When the missing covariate is binary, the proposed method can be implemented using standard software. Using the Northern Manhattan Stroke Study data, we illustrate the method and discuss how sensitivity analysis can be conducted.  相似文献   

Data with missing covariate values but fully observed binary outcomes are an important subset of the missing data challenge. Common approaches are complete case analysis (CCA) and multiple imputation (MI). While CCA relies on missing completely at random (MCAR), MI usually relies on a missing at random (MAR) assumption to produce unbiased results. For MI involving logistic regression models, it is also important to consider several missing not at random (MNAR) conditions under which CCA is asymptotically unbiased and, as we show, MI is also valid in some cases. We use a data application and simulation study to compare the performance of several machine learning and parametric MI methods under a fully conditional specification framework (MI-FCS). Our simulation includes five scenarios involving MCAR, MAR, and MNAR under predictable and nonpredictable conditions, where “predictable” indicates missingness is not associated with the outcome. We build on previous results in the literature to show MI and CCA can both produce unbiased results under more conditions than some analysts may realize. When both approaches were valid, we found that MI-FCS was at least as good as CCA in terms of estimated bias and coverage, and was superior when missingness involved a categorical covariate. We also demonstrate how MNAR sensitivity analysis can build confidence that unbiased results were obtained, including under MNAR-predictable, when CCA and MI are both valid. Since the missingness mechanism cannot be identified from observed data, investigators should compare results from MI and CCA when both are plausibly valid, followed by MNAR sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

Summary In individually matched case–control studies, when some covariates are incomplete, an analysis based on the complete data may result in a large loss of information both in the missing and completely observed variables. This usually results in a bias and loss of efficiency. In this article, we propose a new method for handling the problem of missing covariate data based on a missing‐data‐induced intensity approach when the missingness mechanism does not depend on case–control status and show that this leads to a generalization of the missing indicator method. We derive the asymptotic properties of the estimates from the proposed method and, using an extensive simulation study, assess the finite sample performance in terms of bias, efficiency, and 95% confidence coverage under several missing data scenarios. We also make comparisons with complete‐case analysis (CCA) and some missing data methods that have been proposed previously. Our results indicate that, under the assumption of predictable missingness, the suggested method provides valid estimation of parameters, is more efficient than CCA, and is competitive with other, more complex methods of analysis. A case–control study of multiple myeloma risk and a polymorphism in the receptor Inter‐Leukin‐6 (IL‐6‐α) is used to illustrate our findings.  相似文献   

GEE with Gaussian estimation of the correlations when data are incomplete   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper considers a modification of generalized estimating equations (GEE) for handling missing binary response data. The proposed method uses Gaussian estimation of the correlation parameters, i.e., the estimating function that yields an estimate of the correlation parameters is obtained from the multivariate normal likelihood. The proposed method yields consistent estimates of the regression parameters when data are missing completely at random (MCAR). However, when data are missing at random (MAR), consistency may not hold. In a simulation study with repeated binary outcomes that are missing at random, the magnitude of the potential bias that can arise is examined. The results of the simulation study indicate that, when the working correlation matrix is correctly specified, the bias is almost negligible for the modified GEE. In the simulation study, the proposed modification of GEE is also compared to the standard GEE, multiple imputation, and weighted estimating equations approaches. Finally, the proposed method is illustrated using data from a longitudinal clinical trial comparing two therapeutic treatments, zidovudine (AZT) and didanosine (ddI), in patients with HIV.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a Cox proportional hazards regression model, where some covariates of interest are randomly right‐censored. While methods for censored outcomes have become ubiquitous in the literature, methods for censored covariates have thus far received little attention and, for the most part, dealt with the issue of limit‐of‐detection. For randomly censored covariates, an often‐used method is the inefficient complete‐case analysis (CCA) which consists in deleting censored observations in the data analysis. When censoring is not completely independent, the CCA leads to biased and spurious results. Methods for missing covariate data, including type I and type II covariate censoring as well as limit‐of‐detection do not readily apply due to the fundamentally different nature of randomly censored covariates. We develop a novel method for censored covariates using a conditional mean imputation based on either Kaplan–Meier estimates or a Cox proportional hazards model to estimate the effects of these covariates on a time‐to‐event outcome. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method through simulation studies and show that it provides good bias reduction and statistical efficiency. Finally, we illustrate the method using data from the Framingham Heart Study to assess the relationship between offspring and parental age of onset of cardiovascular events.  相似文献   

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