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Investigation of spontaneous activity (mean amplitude of spikes 200–300 µV, frequency from 0.07 to 2.9 Hz) in the rabbit superior cervical sympathetic ganglion by the sucrose gap method showed that this activity was completely blocked by D-tubocurarine and hexamethonium; its frequency was increased in hypertonic solution, by an increase in the external potassium concentration, and by the addition of theophylline and ethanol. These observations suggest that the activity observed is due to spontaneous liberation of acetylcholine mediator from preganglionic nerve endings. However, addition of tetrodotoxin and an increase in the external calcium concentration to 10 mM block spontaneous activity in the ganglion. This suggests that the observed spontaneous activity consists of action potentials.  相似文献   

Individual nerves of the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion were stimulated in acute experiments on cats, and action potentials (AP) were recorded from other nerves of the ganglion in order to clarify whether or not there is transmission of excitation through the ganglion from one nerve to another and to establish whether this transmission is continuous or synaptic. The method of intracellular recording from neurons of the ganglion was also used. It is established that stimulation of the cervical sympathetic nerve evokes AP in all of the peripheral nerves of the ganglion, a circumstance that is the result of synaptic transmission of excitation. There is no transmission of excitation in the reverse direction or between any of the 12 peripheral nerves of the ganglion (including the four branches of the internal carotid nerve). Orthodromic excitation is recorded intracellularly from neurons of the ganglion during stimulation of the cervical sympathetic nerve, and antidromic excitation is recorded during stimulation of a peripheral nerve (the internal carotid nerve). It follows that the pathways through the ganglion which conduct excitation from the cervical sympathetic nerve into all of the remaining nerves of the ganglion are synaptic. Analysis of EPSP latent periods indicated that preganglionic fibers that differ sharply with respect to threshold and conduction rate (groups S2 and S4) converge on one and the same neurons of the ganglion.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 216–224, March–April, 1970.  相似文献   

Brain Cell Biology - The effects of the venom of the spider Latrodectus mactans hasselti on the superior cervical ganglion were studied in the guinea pig. Under anaesthesia the ganglion was bathed...  相似文献   

Electron microscopy was used to study the process of ingrowth of nerve terminals in the primordia of sympathetic ganglia and the formation of specialized contacts. Nerve terminals appeared first in 12 day old embryos. In the forming ganglia of 13 day old embryos there are many preganglionic nerve terminals and processes of principal neuroblasts. The growth cones of nerve endings are usually distended and with transparent cytoplasm. The plasmalemmas of growth cones are lacking often the trilaminar structure. Synapses were observed first in 16 day old fetuses. They are axo-dendritic and axo-somatic ones. The number of synaptic contacts does not increase much during prenatal period. Presumptive afferent nerve terminals were found in the late fetuses.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis has been made of the interaction of the auditory cortex units in alert cats with chronically implanted electrodes. Three neurones with an amplitude ratio of 4:2:1 were singled out from the multineuronal activity. The dependence between the firing of two neurones was determined by the cross interval histograms. The relationships between 78 pairs of units were studied in 26 three units microsystems. About a third of the studied pairs functioned independently. The number of pairs with one-way and two-way connections was about equal (26 and 30 respectively). The neurones which generated spikes of high and medium amplitude, had the largest number of two-way connections. One-way connections were equally represented in all the three neurones, though with regard to direction they depended on the amplitude characteristics of the spikes. In neurones with large and medium spikes, output connections predominated, while in neurones with small spikes input connections predominated considerably. The connection could be of inhibitory, excitatory or mixed type. The inhibitory type of connections was the most frequent occurrence (57 out of 86). At prolonged recording (6 to 16 min) of spike activity, most of the functional connections persisted.  相似文献   

Low energetic laser radiation produces stimulating influence on posttraumatic regeneration of interneuronal connections of the sympathetic trunk. Local effect of the low energetic laser with exposition of 25 sec., power of the incident ray 16 mVt/cm2 increases the cause of reparative regeneration of sympathetic preganglionic fibers. Restoration of the cranial cervical ganglion (CCG) connections with the spinal cord takes place 5-6 days earlier comparing with the control. Localization and structural organization of the spinal initial neurons is stated, their processes reach the CCG.  相似文献   

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