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From unfractionated embryonic mice liver cells, appreciable amount of spherical bodies containing nestin-positive cells were generated in the presence of neuronal growth factors. Following cultivation on poly-d-lysine/laminin-coated slips, approximately 70% of the cells expressed neuronal markers, and 16% had long processes. Functional analysis of these long-process-bearing cells with the whole-cell patch clamp method showed an inward current in response to glutamate, GABA, and serotonin as the neuronal characteristics. Furthermore, regenerating liver in adult mice also contained nestin-positive cells to the same extent as fetal liver. Regenerating liver could have potential as a source of neural cells for autologous transplantation.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitters are potential regulators of proliferation and differentiation of neural progenitor cells (NPC). To gain insight into the dynamics of neurotransmitter responsiveness, neurospheres were prepared from the lateral ventricles of postnatal day 6/7 mice. Individual NPCs migrating out from spheres were simultaneously monitored using Ca2+ imaging, during the initial 8 days of differentiation, at an area between the inner edge of the sphere and outer periphery of the area of migration. At the first day of differentiation most cells showed metabotropic responses (Ca2+ discharge from stores) to glutamate (pharmacologically identified as metabotropic glutamate receptor 5, mGluR 5), norepinephrine (NE), acetylcholine (Ach) and ATP, and a smaller proportion of cells also responded to substance P (SP). When outside the neurosphere, many of mGluR5 responding cells gained immunostaining for markers of neuronal lineage (Tuj-1 and NeuN). The number of cells responding through mGluR5 (and responses to Ach, NE and SP) showed during subsequent days of differentiation (day 2–3 onwards) a decline with time and progressively disappeared at the outer periphery of the area of migration. Conversely the number ionotropic glutamate responses as well as responses to depolarization increased in this area. After 5–8 days of differentiation mGluR5 responses could only be observed at the very inner edge of the neurosphere. At 8 days the migrated cells showed very robust ionotropic responses to glutamate, NMDA and depolarization comparable to mature neurons. Taken together, the data presented here suggest that differentiation of NPCs is a dynamic process triggered by cell migration, which leads to a loss of regulatory influences imposed by the inner milieu of the neurosphere. The subsequent switch or loss of metabotropic responses to glutamate, SP, NE, Ach and ATP with the gain of excitable characteristics such as ionotropic responses appears to be a key event in the final differentiation process.  相似文献   

Different fates of neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) and their progeny are determined by the gene regulatory network, where a chromatin-remodeling complex affects synergy with other regulators. Here, we review recent research progress indicating that the BRG1/BRM-associated factor (BAF) complex plays an important role in NSPCs during neural development and neural developmental disorders. Several studies based on animal models have shown that mutations in the BAF complex may cause abnormal neural differentiation, which can also lead to various diseases in humans. We discussed BAF complex subunits and their main characteristics in NSPCs. With advances in studies of human pluripotent stem cells and the feasibility of driving their differentiation into NSPCs, we can now investigate the role of the BAF complex in regulating the balance between self-renewal and differentiation of NSPCs. Considering recent progress in these research areas, we suggest that three approaches should be used in investigations in the near future. Sequencing of whole human exome and genome-wide association studies suggest that mutations in the subunits of the BAF complex are related to neurodevelopmental disorders. More insight into the mechanism of BAF complex regulation in NSPCs during neural cell fate decisions and neurodevelopment may help in exploiting new methods for clinical applications.  相似文献   

GDNF plays an important role in the survival and differentiation of primary dopaminergic neurons, but it requires multiple factors for its entire range of activities. This study investigated the effects of GDNF and its cofactors on the development of bFGF-responsive neural progenitor cells (NPCs), mesencephalic and cortical progenitor cells (MP and CP). Various factors were found to have significant inductive effects on the survival and maintenance of these cells in late developmental stages. MP had greater potential than CP to differentiate into dopaminergic neurons. Treatment of NPCs with GDNF and its cofactors enhanced MAP-2 and TH expression, particularly the latter. These findings suggest that NPCs, particularly MP, could develop into more specific neurons if the appropriate factors were applied during the final cell fate specification. They might thus become beneficial sources of donor cells in the treatment of neurological disorders.  相似文献   

Rab22 and Rab31 belong to the Rab5 subfamily of GTPases that regulates endocytic traffic and endosomal sorting. Rab22 and Rab31 (a.k.a. Rab22b) are closely related and share 87% amino acid sequence similarity, but they show distinct intracellular localization and function in the cell. Rab22 is localized to early endosomes and regulates early endosomal recycling, while Rab31 is mostly localized to the Golgi complex with only a small fraction in the endosomes at steady state. The specific determinants that affect this differential localization, however, are unclear. In this study, we identify a novel membrane targeting domain (MTD) consisting of the C-terminal hypervariable domain (HVD), interswitch loop (ISL), and N-terminal domain as a major determinant of endosomal localization for Rab22 and Rab31, as well as Rab5. Rab22 and Rab31 share the same N-terminal domain, but we find Rab22 chimeras with Rab31 HVD exhibit phenotypic Rab31 localization to the Golgi complex, while Rab31 chimeras with the Rab22 HVD localize to early endosomes, similar to wildtype Rab22. We also find that the Rab22 HVD favors interaction with the early endosomal effector protein Rabenosyn-5, which may stabilize the Rab localization to the endosomes. The importance of effector interaction in endosomal localization is further demonstrated by the disruption of Rab22 endosomal localization in Rabenosyn-5 knockout cells and by the shift of Rab31 to the endosomes in Rabenosyn-5-overexpressing cells. Taken together, we have identified a novel MTD that mediates localization of Rab5 subfamily members to early endosomes via interaction with an effector such as Rabenosyn-5.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling regulates cell differentiation and proliferation during brain development. However, the role of Shh in neurogenesis during late gestation (embryonic day 13.5–18.5) remains unclear. Herein, we used a genetic approach and in utero electroporation to investigate the role of mouse Shh and patched homolog 1 (Ptch1), the putative receptor for Shh. Proliferating cortical intermediate (basal) progenitor cells (IPCs) were severely reduced in Shh mutant mice, suggesting that endogenous Shh signaling could play an essential role in cortical IPC development. During cortical neurogenesis, strong upregulation of Shh signaling enhanced the transition from ventricular zone (VZ) progenitors to ventralized IPCs, while low levels of signaling enhanced the generation and proliferation of cortical IPCs in the subventricular zone. The effects of Shh upregulation in this study were consistent with a phenotype of conditional loss of function of Ptch1, and the phenotype of a hypomorphic allele of Ptch1, respectively. These data indicated that endogenous Ptch1 mediates the broad effects of Shh on the transition from VZ progenitors to IPCs and activation of proliferation of the IPCs in the cortex during late gestational stages.  相似文献   

Retinal progenitor cells are believed to display altered proliferation and differentiation during retinal development, suggesting that retinal progenitor cell populations are not homogeneous. However, the composition of progenitor cell populations is not known, due in part to the lack of known surface markers identifying distinct stages of retinal progenitor cells. We found a dramatic change in the expression profile of the cell surface antigens c-kit and stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1) in retinal progenitor cells during development. While SSEA-1 was expressed early in development, c-kit expression peaked in late stage progenitor cells. The identification of these developmental markers enabled us to characterize distinct sub-populations of retinal progenitor cells. Progenitor cell subpopulations expressing either SSEA-1, c-kit, or both showed different proliferation and differentiation abilities. Although SSEA-1-positive cells were augmented by beta-catenin signaling, c-kit-positive cells were positively regulated by Notch signaling. Taken together, our data suggest that c-kit and SSEA-1 can be used to spatiotemporally differentiate retinal progenitor populations that have intrinsically distinct characteristics. Prolonged expression of c-kit by a retrovirus resulted in the promotion of proliferation and the appearance of nestin-positive cells in the presence of the c-kit ligand, stem cell factor (SCF). This suggests a role for c-kit, Notch, and the beta-catenin signaling network in retinal development.  相似文献   

Human dental stem or precursor cells can differentiate into multiple cell types like adipocytes, osteoblasts or chondrocytes. Recently, a number of different human dental stem cell lines were differentiated into neurons. This makes dental stem cells interesting as possible cell-based therapeutics for neural degenerative diseases. To test this hypothesis, we have investigated the neural differentiation potential of murine dental follicle precursor cells (mDFPCs). The mDFPC cell line was newly established without cell immortalization. After differentiation, neural cell marker expression in mDFPCs was checked and compared with that of murine retinal progenitor cells (mRPCs). Differentiated mDFPCs became neuron-like cells with small cell bodies and long/branching neurites, similar to differentiated mRPCs. However, mRPCs showed more complete neural differentiation. Furthermore, 5% of the differentiated mDFPCs and 37% of the differentiated mRPCs were positive for the glia cell marker GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein). The data presents new evidence of neural differentiation of mDFPCs, but only a small percentage of mDFPCs differentiated into glia cells, unlike mRPCs.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that determine whether neural stem cells remain in a proliferative state or differentiate into neurons or glia are largely unknown. Here we establish a pivotal role for gap junction-mediated intercellular communication in determining the proliferation and survival of mouse neural progenitor cells (NPCs). When cultured in the presence of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), NPCs express the gap junction protein connexin 43 and are dye-coupled. Upon withdrawal of bFGF, levels of connexin 43 and dye coupling decrease, and the cells cease proliferating and differentiate into neurons; the induction of gap junctions by bFGF is mediated by p42/p44 mitogen-activated protein kinases. Inhibition of gap junctions abolishes the ability of bFGF to maintain NPCs in a proliferative state resulting in cell differentiation or cell death, while overexpression of connexin 43 promotes NPC self-renewal in the absence of bFGF. In addition to promoting their proliferation, gap junctions are required for the survival of NPCs. Gap junctional communication is therefore both necessary and sufficient to maintain NPCs in a self-renewing state.  相似文献   

Neural progenitor cell (NPC) fate is influenced by a variety of biological cues elicited from the surrounding microenvironment and recent studies suggest their possible role in pediatric glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) development. Since a few GBM cells also display NPC characteristics, it is not clear whether NPCs transform to tumor cell phenotype leading to the onset of GBM formation, or NPCs migrate to developing tumor sites in response to paracrine signaling from GBM cells. Elucidating the paracrine interactions between GBM cells and NPCs in vivo is challenging due to the inherent complexity of the CNS. Here, we investigated the interactions between human NPCs (ReNcell) and human pediatric GBM-derived cells (SJ-GBM2) using a Transwell® coculture setup to assess the effects of GBM cells on ReNcells (cytokine and chemokine release, viability, phenotype, differentiation, migration). Standalone ReNcell or GBM cultures served as controls. Qualitative and quantitative results from ELISA®, Live/Dead® and BrdU assays, immunofluorescence labeling, western blot analysis, and scratch test suggests that although ReNcell viability remained unaffected in the presence of pediatric GBM cells, their morphology, phenotype, differentiation patterns, neurite outgrowth, migration patterns (average speed, distance, number of cells) and GSK-3β expression were significantly influenced. The cumulative distance migrated by the cells in each condition was fit to Furth's formula, derived formally from Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. ReNcell differentiation into neural lineage was compromised and astrogenesis promoted within cocultures. Such coculture platform could be extended to identify the specific molecules contributing to the observed phenomena, to investigate whether NPCs could be transplanted to replace lesions of excised tumor sites, and to elucidate the underlying molecular pathways involved in GBM-NPC interactions within the tumor microenvironment.  相似文献   

The Rab11 family of small GTPases is composed of three members, Rab11a, Rab11b, and Rab25. While recent work on Rab11a and Rab25 has yielded some insights into their function, Rab11b has received little attention. Therefore, we sought to examine the distribution of endogenous Rab11b in epithelial cells. In rabbit gastric parietal cells, unlike Rab11a, Rab11b did not colocalize or coisolate with H(+)/K(+)-ATPase. In MDCK cells, endogenous Rab11b localized to an apical pericentrisomal region distinct from Rab11a. The microtubule agents nocodazole and taxol dramatically alter Rab11a's localization in the cell, while effects on Rab11b's distribution were less apparent. These results indicate that in contrast to Rab11a, the Rab11b compartment in the apical region is not as dependent upon microtubules. While Rab11a is known to regulate transferrin trafficking in nonpolarized cells and IgA trafficking in polarized cells, Rab11b exhibited little colocalization with either of these cargoes. Thus, while Rab11a and Rab11b share high sequence homology, they appear to reside within distinct vesicle compartments.  相似文献   

Das S  Basu A 《Journal of neurochemistry》2008,106(4):1624-1636
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), a common cause of encephalitis in humans, especially in children, leads to substantial neuronal injury. The survivors of JEV infection have severe cognitive impairment, motor and behavioral disorders. We hypothesize that depletion of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) by the virus culminates in neurological sequelae in survivors of Japanese encephalitis (JE). We utilized both in vivo model of JEV infection and in vitro neurosphere cultures to study progressive JEV infection. Cellular infection and cell death was determined by flow cytometry. BrdU administration in animals and in neurospheres was used to determine the proliferative ability of NPCs. JEV leads to massive loss of actively proliferating NPC population from the subventricular zone (SVZ). The ability of JEV infected subventricular zone cells to form neurospheres is severely compromised. This can be attributed to JEV infection in NPCs, which however do not result in robust death of the resilient NPC cells. Instead, JEV suppresses the cycling ability of these cells, preventing their proliferation. JEV primarily targets at a critical postnatal age and severely diminishes the NPC pool in SVZ, thus impairing the process of recovery after the insult. This arrested growth and proliferation of NPCs might have an effect on the neurological consequences in JE survivors.  相似文献   

Umbilical cord blood (UCB) is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells, with practical and ethical advantages. To date, the presence of other stem cells in UCB remains to be established. We investigated whether other stem cells are present in cryopreserved UCB. Seeded mononuclear cells formed adherent colonized cells in optimized culture conditions. Over a 4- to 6-week culture period, colonized cells gradually developed into adherent mono-layer cells, which exhibited homogeneous fibroblast-like morphology and immunophenotypes, and were highly proliferative. Isolated cells were designated 'multipotent progenitor cells (MPCs)'. Under appropriate conditions for 2 weeks, MPCs differentiated into neural tissue-specific cell types, including neuron, astrocyte, and oligodendrocyte. Differentiated cells presented their respective markers, specifically, NF-L and NSE for neurons, GFAP for astrocytes, and myelin/oligodendrocyte for oligodendrocytes. In this study, we successfully isolated MPCs from cryopreserved UCB, which differentiated into the neural tissue-specific cell types. These findings suggest that cryopreserved human UCB is a useful alternative source of neural progenitor cells, such as MPCs, for experimental and therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Persistent infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) is the main risk factor for cervical cancer. Our mass spectrometry data showed that the Ras-associated binding protein Rab31 was upregulated by HPV; however, little is known regarding the role of Rab31 in the metastasis of cervical cancer cells. In this study, we showed that Rab31 was highly expressed in cervical cancer tissues and cells, and both HPV E6 and E7 promoted the expression of Rab31. Rab31 knockdown inhibited while Rab31 overexpression promoted the migration and invasion capabilities of cervical cancer cells. Additionally, Rab31 knockdown inhibited the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and cytoskeletal rearrangement in cervical cancer cells. Furthermore, Rab31 interacted with mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 (MAPK6), and Rab31 knockdown inhibited the expression of MAPK6, which was mainly localized in the cytoplasm. More importantly, Rab31 knockdown promoted and Rab31 overexpression inhibited MAPK6 degradation. Accordingly, MAPK6 overexpression restored the decreased migration potential caused by Rab31 knockdown. Finally, a xenograft mouse model showed that Rab31 knockdown in cervical cancer cells led to reduced tumor growth and impaired lung and liver metastasis in vivo. In conclusion, Rab31 plays a crucial role in cervical cancer metastasis by inhibiting MAPK6 degradation. Thus, Rab31 may serve as a novel therapeutic target to manage cervical cancer.  相似文献   

Nestin-expressing neural progenitor cells (NPCs) have been isolated from hippocampus of brains and propagated with epidermal growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). However, the underlying signaling mechanisms regulating NPC proliferation remain elusive. Here we showed that neuregulinbeta1 (NRG), like bFGF, effectively promoted the proliferation of hippocampus-derived NPCs and maintained the progenitor states of NPCs. Activation of protein kinase C (PKC), a downstream effector of phospholipase C (PLC), with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) mimicked the NRG-induced proliferation of NPCs. The synergic effect of TPA plus NRG on neurosphere growth further prompted us to find that NRG induced NPC propagation through PLC/PKC signaling pathway. ErbB4, an important functional receptor of NRG, had an interaction with PLCgamma1 protein. In addition, inactivation of PLC pathway led to severe proliferative suppression of NPCs. Our study suggests that activation of PLC/PKC pathway plays an essential role in the NRG-induced proliferation of hippocampus-derived NPCs.  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based technologies offer an unprecedented opportunity to perform high-throughput screening of novel drugs for neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. Such screenings require a robust and scalable method for generating large numbers of mature, differentiated neuronal cells. Currently available methods based on differentiation of embryoid bodies (EBs) or directed differentiation of adherent culture systems are either expensive or are not scalable. We developed a protocol for large-scale generation of neuronal stem cells (NSCs)/early neural progenitor cells (eNPCs) and their differentiation into neurons. Our scalable protocol allows robust and cost-effective generation of NSCs/eNPCs from iPSCs. Following culture in neurobasal medium supplemented with B27 and BDNF, NSCs/eNPCs differentiate predominantly into vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1) positive neurons. Targeted mass spectrometry analysis demonstrates that iPSC-derived neurons express ligand-gated channels and other synaptic proteins and whole-cell patch-clamp experiments indicate that these channels are functional. The robust and cost-effective differentiation protocol described here for large-scale generation of NSCs/eNPCs and their differentiation into neurons paves the way for automated high-throughput screening of drugs for neurological and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

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