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When more pollen is present on stigmas than needed to fertilize all ovules, selection among pollen grains may occur due to effects of both pollen donors and maternal plants. We asked whether increasing plant age and flower age, two changes in maternal condition, altered the pattern of seed paternity after mixed pollination. We also asked whether changes in seed paternity affected offspring success in an experimental garden. While flower age did not affect seed paternity, there was a dramatic shift in pollen donor performance as plants aged. These differences were seen in the offspring as well, where the offspring of one pollen donor, which sired more seeds on young plants, flowered earlier in the season, and the offspring of another pollen donor, which sired more seeds on old plants, flowered later in the season. Thus, change in maternal condition resulted in altered seed paternity, perhaps because the environment for pollen tube growth was different. The pattern of seed paternity and offspring performance suggests that pollen donors may show temporal specialization.  相似文献   

Babin  Courtney H.  Howard  Jerome J. 《Plant Ecology》2019,220(4-5):529-539
Plant Ecology - Early seed production by non-native plants may be important to their successful establishment and spread. Understanding the mechanisms underlying age- or size-biased seed production...  相似文献   

Belowground tree growth attributes determine whether associations will be complementary or competitive in an agroforestry context. A study on fine root (d?≤?2?mm) distribution patterns of Dacryodes edulis based on root density (RD), root length density (RLD) and root weight density (RWD) was conducted to evaluate the effect of propagation methods on rooting distribution. Results showed that D. edulis trees of seed origin had greater RD (P?≤?0.001) than trees of vegetative origin (cuttings and marcots) in the upper soil stratum (0–30?cm). Similarly, in the uppermost soil stratum (0–10?cm), RLD and RWDs varied significantly (P?<?0.01). Trees of seed origin had an exponential distribution pattern for fine RD, RLD and RWD with depth to 80?cm. In contrast, the distribution pattern of fine roots of trees of vegetative origin (cuttings and marcots) were quadratic for the same variables which increased in the 20–30?cm soil depth stratum before declining steadily to a depth of 80?cm. The findings of this study suggest that D. edulis trees of vegetative origin (cuttings and marots) are likely to be less competitive than trees of seed origin when intercropped with shallow-rooted annual plants in an agroforestry system for belowground resources.  相似文献   

Animals use a range of sensory cues for finding food, avoiding predators and choosing mates. In this regard, the aquatic environment is particularly suitable for the use of olfactory and other chemical cues. Nevertheless, mate choice research, even on aquatic organisms, has focused on visual signals, while chemical cues relevant in sexual selection have been assumed to be ‘intrinsic’ excretions of mate candidates. Here, using the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus, a small fish with paternal egg care, we investigated the possibility that ‘extrinsic’ chemical cues in the males’ nests could also have a significant contribution to mating success. We found that females strongly avoided laying eggs into nests subject to the odour of Saprolegnia water moulds (an egg infection) and that this effect was independent of the females’ initial, visually based preference for males. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to show that chemical cues related to parental failure can play a large role in sexual selection.  相似文献   

The breakdown of species integrity was studied in three sympatricSatyrium (Orchidaceae) species at a site in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Hybrids with intermediate morphology were identified using multivariate analysis.Satyrium erectum ×S. bicorne andS. erectum ×S. coriifolium hybrids were common, while only oneS. bicorne ×S. coriifolium hybrid was found (a new record). Reciprocal artificial crossing experiments confirmed that genetic compatibility exists between all three species. However, the species have different pollinators: moths inS. bicorne, bees inS. erectum and sunbirds inS. coriifolium. Pollinators, rather than genetic factors, therefore, appear to be responsible for reproductive isolation between these species. Breakdown in pollinator specificity results in interspecific pollen transfer and the formation of hybrids. Overlap in floral signals, including nocturnal scent in bothS. erectum andS. bicorne, and bright coloration in bothS. erectum andS. coriifolium, facilitates the formation of hybrids between these species pairs. The brown, scented flowers ofS. bicorne, on the other hand, share no obvious floral signals with the bright orange, unscented flowers ofS. coriifolium, accounting for the rarity of hybrids between this species pair. Differences in floral morphology also result in mechanical isolation between these two species. Since the three species are sympatric in a very small part of their geographic ranges, it is unlikely that avoidance of hybridization has been an important selective factor in the evolution of specialized pollination systems.  相似文献   

Studying shifts in species diversity through time and space is an essential component of many aspects of biogeography and ecology. In this study, we predict the potential distribution of 61 species of African estrildid finches in order to assess current and past diversity patterns. Models were projected onto two climatic scenarios (Community Climate System Model, CCSM, and Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate, MIROC) representing past climate conditions, as might be expected during the Last Glacial Maximum 21 000 years BP. Subsequent overlays of the resulting potential distributions were conducted under different dispersal assumptions and compared with expert maps. Our results suggest highly similar current distribution patterns obtained by both methods. Projections onto Pleistocene scenarios showed similar patterns, with only small differences under limited and unlimited dispersal assumptions. Looking separately at diversity patterns predicted for forest and savannah species, diversity hot spots of forest species under MIROC conditions were consistent with suggested forest refugia, but were inconsistent under CCSM conditions. According to our models, savannah species were more widely distributed during the cooler and drier conditions of the Pleistocene. By using ecological niche models we show that current diversity patterns of a whole species group may have changed only slightly since the Pleistocene, suggesting a pattern of general spatial stability. However, we emphasize the importance of using different climatic scenarios as well as including the supposed dispersal of organisms in the modelling, as these factors influence results on a broad scale. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 455–470.  相似文献   

The present set of experiments evaluated the possibility that the hormonal changes that appear at the onset of puberty might influence the strategies used by female rats to solve a spatial navigation task. In each experiment, rats were trained in a triangular shaped pool to find a hidden platform which maintained a constant relationship with two sources of information, one individual landmark and one corner of the pool with a distinctive geometry. Then, three test trials were conducted without the platform in counterbalanced order. In one, both the geometry and the landmark were simultaneously presented, although in different spatial positions, in order to measure the rats' preferences. In the remaining test trials what the rats had learned about the two sources of information was measured by presenting them individually. Experiment 1, with 60-day old rats, revealed a clear sex difference, thus replicating a previous finding (Rodríguez et al., 2010): females spent more time in an area of the pool that corresponded to the landmark, whereas males spent more time in the distinctive corner of the pool even though the remaining tests revealed that both sexes had learned about the two sources of information. In Experiment 2, 30-day old female rats, unlike adults, preferred to solve the task using the geometry information rather than the landmark (although juvenile males behaved in exactly the same way as adults). Experiment 3 directly compared the performance of 90- and 30-day old females and found that while the adult females preferred to solve the task using the landmark, the reverse was true in juvenile females. Experiment 4 compared ovariectomized and sham operated females and found that while sham operated females preferred to solve the task using the landmark, the reverse was true in ovariectomized females. Finally, Experiment 5 directly compared adult males and females, juvenile males and females, and ovariectomized females and found that adult males, juvenile males and females, and ovariectomized females did not differ among them in their preferred cue, but they all differed from adult females.  相似文献   

Studies of the weedy annual Raphanus sativus have demonstrated that nonrandom mating, a prerequisite for sexual selection, can occur in greenhouse plants. To determine whether this nonrandom mating pattern can occur under a wide range of conditions, including conditions that might occur in the field, we considered variation in both maternal condition and pollen load size. Maternal condition was varied by altering the watering regime. Pollen load size was varied from approximately 26 to 343 pollen grains per stigma. At the smallest pollen load size, patterns of seed paternity were altered in two of the three pollen donor pairs; seed paternity became more equal among donors. For one of three pollen donor pairs, seed paternity was more divergent among donors on stressed maternal plants. Finally, for one pollen donor pair, rank order of pollen donor performance changed from the medium to the small pollen loads on stressed vs. control maternal plants. Thus, some field conditions may alter patterns of nonrandom mating in wild radish.  相似文献   

Previous work on the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) shows substantial inbreeding depression in both of our two study regions, Finland and southern France. The influence of inbreeding depression on population dynamics should depend on the strength of inbreeding avoidance. We conducted mate choice experiments to ascertain whether and to what extent butterflies avoid mating with their sibs. Experiments with similar design were done in the laboratory with Finnish butterflies and in the field with French butterflies. Each female was given a choice of mates with equal opportunity to mate with a sib or with a non-sib. In neither experiment was there a trend towards avoidance of sib mating. 95% confidence intervals for the proportion of non-sib matings were 12–62% in the laboratory experiment and 28–69% in the field experiment. Any preference for non-sibs must be slight, and can provisionally be ignored in modelling the dynamics of M. cinxia populations. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We studied the chromosomal distribution of telomere repeats (TTAGGG)(n) in 8 species of Sigmodon (cotton rats) using chromosome paints fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) from Sigmodon hispidus. In 2 species with the proposed primitive karyotype for the genus, telomere repeats were restricted to telomeric sites. But in the other 6 species that include 3 with proposed primitive karyotypes and 3 with highly rearranged karyotypes, telomere repeats were found on both telomeric sites and within interstitial telomeric sites (ITSs). To explain the distribution of ITS in Sigmodon, we gather data from C-bands, silver nitrate staining, G-bands, and chromosomal paint data from previous published studies. We did find some correlation with ITS and heterochromatin, euchromatic chromosomal rearrangements, and nucleolar organizing regions. No one type of chromosomal structure explains all ITS in Sigmodon. Multiple explanations and mechanisms for movement of intragenomic sequences are required to explain ITS in this genus. We rejected the hypothesis that age of a lineage correlates with the presence of ITS using divergence time estimate analyses. This multigene phylogeny places species with ITS (S. arizonae, S. fulviventer, S. hispidus, S. mascotensis, S. ochrognathus, and S. toltecus) in the clade with a species without ITS (S. hirsutus). Lineages with ITS (S. arizonae and S. mascotensis) arose independently from a lineage absent of ITS (S. hirsutus) around 0.67 to 0.83 Ma. The rearranged karyotypes of S. mascotensis and S. arizonae appear to be an independently derived autapomorphic characters, supporting a fast rate of chromosomal changes that vary among species.  相似文献   

In species with a promiscuous mating system, the functions of male-infant caretaking remain unclear in the absence of genetic paternity tests. We tested paternal investment and hypotheses concerning reproductive tactics in wild groups of Barbary macaques, including results of genetic paternity tests. Our study revealed that male-infant caretaking was not related to the probability of paternity. In principle, males could use access to females to estimate paternity. However, we found that mating success was not related to paternity, so males could invest in infants that they had not sired, and caretaking of non-offspring was actually observed. Accordingly, males might be 'deceived' with respect to their paternal investment. In that case, one would expect a positive relation between mating success and the subsequent rate of male caretaking of infants. Such a relation is also lacking, leading to comprehensive rejection of the paternal investment hypothesis in Barbary macaques. By contrast, there was evidence that males showing infant care achieved higher mating frequencies than other males with the mothers of the relevant infants. Thus, male Barbary macaques do not show a 'mate-then-care' pattern, but they do exhibit a 'care-then-mate' pattern.  相似文献   

Summary The quantitative plant species composition of the rumen contents of a large number of individuals from eight East African herbivores was determined by direct visual analysis. All plant species were classified as either C3 or C4, and an estimated 13C for the rumen sample was calculated. This estimated value was compared to a measured value determined directly from rumen subsample. The two methods of determining quantitative C3 and C4 composition differed by less than 1%, and the isotopic analysis has the advantage of being rapid and totally objective.The isotopic analysis allowed us to differentiate between grazers and browsers and to determine the quantitative dependence of each animal on C3 and C4 photosynthetic types. Kongoni, wildebeest, cattle, and sheep were nearly pure grazers on the Athi Kapiti Plains; and the Grant's gazelle were predominantly browsers. Thompson's gazelle, goast and impala were intermediate. The species most dependent upon browse showed a marked and rapid shift to grass within a few days following rain. This isotopic method may have general utility in the study of East African ecology.  相似文献   

Mating success is often determined by multiple traits, but why this occurs is largely unknown. Much attention has been paid to female preferences for multiple traits, but surprisingly few researchers have addressed the possibility that multiple traits are important because they serve different functions in female choice and male-male competition. Differential trait function could result from a conflict of interest between the sexes or from constraints forcing the sexes to pay attention to different traits. I show that traits determined at distinct life-history stages differ in their importance in female choice and male-male competition in a water boatman Sigara falleni. Juvenile conditions determined body and foreleg pala size and were the main determinants of mating success under female choice, whereas adult conditions determined body mass and influenced mating success when male competition was included. This differential use of condition-dependent traits under the two selection regimes appeared to arise partly from a conflict between the sexes, since the two selection forces (female choice and male competition) conflict for selection on pala size, and partly from constraints, as females appeared unable to assess adult condition.  相似文献   

Although only the first mating is effective for females in Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae), it remains unclear whether this is also true for closely related species, such as T. kanzawai. To address this question, I analyzed paternity in the progeny of T. kanzawai females that had been observed to copulate with two males by using a microsatellite DNA marker. In this study, mating was allowed to take place without experimental interruption. The results show that progenies were sired by both males in only 1 of 14 families, whereas progeny were sired only by the first males in the other families. This result suggests that only the first mating would be, by and large, effective in T. kanzawai.  相似文献   

Gel-to-liquid crystalline transition temperatures (Tm) of phospholipids of five desiccation tolerant pollen species in vivo were compared at various levels of dehydration. In an attempt to explain chemically the differences in Tm between these species, phospholipids and soluble carbohydrate contents were examined. We observed a negative correlation between the number of double bonds per phospholipid and Tm values for the intact pollen. This negative correlation also applied to Tm and the relative amount of linolenic acid. For the purpose of comparing Tm values of pollen and of unsaturated PCs (from the literature), the relative amounts and degree of unsaturation of pollen PCs were determined. A discrepancy between Tm values of individual PCs and intact pollen is discussed. Sucrose is the major soluble carbohydrate in 15 pollen species tested, generally making up a considerable part of the dry weight. A positive correlation between sucrose content (either as a percentage of the dry weight or as grams sucrose per grams phospholipid) and Tm was established. This unexpected result was explained in terms of alternative adaptive strategies. We suggest that, for desiccation tolerance, pollen either has to contain sucrose for the protection of its phospholipids, or have a high degree of fatty acid unsaturation in its phospholipids. The advantages and disadvantages of the two options are discussed.  相似文献   

African mole‐rats of the family Bathyergidae are subterranean hystricomorph rodents found throughout sub‐Saharan Africa, where the distributional ranges of the most speciose taxa are divided by the African Rift Valley. In particular, mole‐rats of the genera Heliophobius and Fukomys are distributed widely, and their adaptive radiation appears to have been strongly influenced by the geological process of rifting. As a result, virtually all members of the genus Fukomys occur in locations west of the Rift Valley. However, a small number of isolated populations occur east of the Rift Valley in Tanzania, where Heliophobius is widespread and is the predominant bathyergid rodent. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences of previously unstudied Tanzanian mole‐rats (genus Fukomys) and geographically adjacent populations strongly suggests that vicariance in the Western Rift Valley has subdivided populations of mole‐rats and, together with climatic changes, played a role in the isolation of extralimital populations of Fukomys in Tanzania. Together with molecular clock‐based estimates of divergence times, these results offer strong support for the hypothesis that the observed patterns of cladogenesis are consistent with tectonic activity in the ‘Mbeya triple junction’ and Rungwe volcanic province between Lakes Rukwa and Nyasa. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 337–352.  相似文献   

Rabbit pups are only nursed for about 3 min once a day. They depend on a pheromone on the mother's ventrum to locate nipples and on tactile stimulation of the muzzle to grasp them. In a continuing study of the sensory input guiding suckling behavior we investigated the whisker array in newborn pups and the possible contribution of the whiskers to suckling. Rabbits are born with approximately 76 whiskers arranged in seven to nine rows and increasing in length from rostral to caudal. No significant difference was found between pups with whiskers cut and intact controls in latency to perform the stereotyped nipple-search behavior, latency to attach to nipples, time spent on nipples, milk ingested, or in the strength of conditioning to a novel odor paired with suckling. Thus, the whiskers do not seem important for suckling in newborn rabbits.


Tragen die Schnurrhaare bei neugeborenen Kaninchen (Oryctolgus cuniculus) zum Zitzensuch- und Saugverhalten bei?Jungkaninchen werden nur einmal am Tag für etwa drei Minuten gesäugt. Für das Auffinden der Zitzen sind sie auf ein Pheromon auf der Bauchhaut der Mutter angewiesen, und für deren Ergreifen auf periorale taktile Reize. In Fortsetzung unserer Untersuchungen zur sensorischen Kontrolle dieses Verhaltens beschreiben wir die Anordnung der Schnurrhaare bei neugeborenen Kaninchen und untersuchen ihren möglichen Beitrag zum Säugeverhalten. Bei der Geburt besitzen Jungkaninchen etwa 76, in 7–9 Reihen angeordnete Schnurrhaare, deren Länge von rostral nach caudal zunimmt. Nach Abschneiden der Schnurrhaare wurden keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen Jungen mit und ohne Schnurrhaare beobachtet, sowohl in der Latenz des Zitzensuchens, des Zitzenfassens, wie in der Besaugungsdauer, der erhaltenen Milchmenge oder dem Grad der Konditionierung auf einen neuen Geruchsstoff. Demnach spielen bei neugeborenen Kaninchen die Schnurrhaare keine wesentliche Rolle für das Auffinden und Besaugen von Zitzen.  相似文献   

Tuna (Thunnus spp.) has been characterized by long distance migrations, highly predatory behavior and longevity, all of which in turn, enable infections with a wide spectrum of different parasitic groups, reflecting in a remarkable diversity of tuna parasite communities. Since 2003, we have been monitoring parasite communities of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) that are caught from the wild and transferred into cages during spring-summer months, as well as assemblages in fish that exit rearing cycle during the winter harvest period after 1.5 years. Interestingly in reared tuna, parasitic populations exhibit a significant decreasing trend at the end of the rearing cycle, rarely observed in other intensive productions that represent a suitable environment for the emergence, establishment and transmission of pathogens. In order to assess epizootiological behavior of tuna parasites assemblages at the beginning (B group) and at the end (A group) of 1.5 year rearing cycle, we examined data on parasite prevalence and abundance over 4 years. The aim was to evaluate parasite diversity indices and emerging differences between newly caught and harvested fish, as well as community compositions and their nestedness in respect to the event in the rearing cycle (capture or harvest time). In order to be able to predict classification of tuna in two categories (newly caught or heavily infected and harvested or less infected fish), based on empirical didymozoids abundances and year of sampling, we built a decision tree model. Results suggest that specificities of parasite assemblages and their dynamics in tuna before and after farming have no similar precedents in aquaculture. A trend of parasitic pauperization repeating in each rearing cycle over four-years time, in once diverse and species rich parasite communities is observed, however, structures of both B and A group rearing assemblages remain nested, with the same species being core parasites (Didymosulcus katsuwonicola and Koellikerioides intestinalis). The B group exhibited significantly higher total parasite richness and mean parasites abundance, as well as the heteroxenous species richness and abundance in comparison to A group, where monoxenous species were not recorded at all. Eleven parasite species out of 26 taxa were selected as important in discriminating between B and A groups' parasites assemblages, while significantly the most abundant in B group were D. katsuwonicola, Platocystis alalongae, K. intestinalis, Koellikerioides internogastricus, Didymocystis abdominalis and Anisakis sp. It is hard to postulate the combination of factors affecting these parasite populations, but environmental, anthropogenic or host intrinsic influence has to be taken into account for further investigation.  相似文献   

Background and AimsTheory predicts that outcrossing should be more prevalent among perennials than annuals, a pattern confirmed by comparative evidence from diverse angiosperm families. However, intraspecific comparisons between annual and perennial populations are few because such variation is uncommon among flowering plants. Here, we test the hypothesis that perennial populations outcross more than annual populations by investigating Incarvillea sinensis, a wide-ranging insect-pollinated herb native to China. The occurrence of both allopatric and sympatric populations allows us to examine the stability of mating system differences between life histories under varying ecological conditions.MethodsWe estimated outcrossing rates and biparental inbreeding in 16 allopatric and five sympatric populations in which both life histories coexisted using 20 microsatellite loci. In each population we measured height, branch number, corolla size, tube length and herkogamy for ~30 individuals. In a sympatric population, we recorded daily flower number, pollinator visitation and the fruit and seed set of annual and perennial plants.Key ResultsAs predicted, outcrossing rates (t) were considerably higher in perennial (mean = 0.76) than annual (mean = 0.09) populations. This difference in mating system was also maintained at sympatric sites where plants grew intermixed. In both allopatric and sympatric populations the degree of herkogamy was consistently larger in outcrossing than selfing plants. Perennials were more branched, with more and larger flowers than in annuals. In a sympatric population, annuals had a significantly higher fruit and seed set than perennials.ConclusionsGenetically based differences in herkogamy between annuals and perennials appear to play a key role in governing outcrossing rates in populations, regardless of variation in local ecological conditions. The maintenance of mating system and life history trait differentiation between perennial and annual populations of I. sinensis probably results from correlated evolution in response to local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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