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The standard model of evolutionary change of form, deriving from Darwin’s theory via the Modern Synthesis, assumes a gradualistic reshaping of anatomical structures, with major changes only occurring by many cycles of natural selection for marginal adaptive advantage. This model, with its assertion that a single mechanism underlies both micro- and macroevolutionary change, contains an implicit notion of development which is only applicable in some cases. Here we compare the embryological processes that shape the vertebrate limb bud, the mammalian tooth and the avian beak. The implied notion of development in the standard evolutionary picture is met only in the case of the vertebrate limb, a single-primordium organ with morphostatic shaping, in which cells rearrange in response to signalling centres which are essentially unchanged by cell movement. In the case of the tooth, a single-primordium organ with morphodynamic shaping in which the strengths and relationships between signalling centres is influenced by the cell and tissue movements they induce, and the beak, in which the final form is influenced by the collision and rearrangement of multiple tissue primordia, abrupt appearance of qualitatively different forms (i.e. morphological novelties) can occur with small changes in system parameters induced by a genetic change, or by an environmental factor whose effects can be subsequently canalized genetically. Bringing developmental mechanisms and, specifically, the material properties of tissues as excitable media into the evolutionary picture, demonstrates that gradualistic change for incremental adaptive advantage is only one of the possible modes of morphological evolution.  相似文献   

Analyses of evolution and maintenance of quantitative genetic variation depend on the mutation models assumed. Currently two polygenic mutation models have been used in theoretical analyses. One is the random walk mutation model and the other is the house-of-cards mutation model. Although in the short term the two models give similar results for the evolution of neutral genetic variation within and between populations, the predictions of the changes of the variation are qualitatively different in the long term. In this paper a more general mutation model, called the regression mutation model, is proposed to bridge the gap of the two models. The model regards the regression coefficient, γ, of the effect of an allele after mutation on the effect of the allele before mutation as a parameter. When γ = 1 or 0, the model becomes the random walk model or the house-of-cards model, respectively. The additive genetic variances within and between populations are formulated for this mutation model, and some insights are gained by looking at the changes of the genetic variances as γ changes. The effects of γ on the statistical test of selection for quantitative characters during macroevolution are also discussed. The results suggest that the random walk mutation model should not be interpreted as a null hypothesis of neutrality for testing against alternative hypotheses of selection during macroevolution because it can potentially allocate too much variation for the change of population means under neutrality.  相似文献   

We have developed a methodology for extracting characteristic properties of a fitness landscape of interest by analyzing fitness data on an in vitro molecular evolution. The in vitro evolution is required to be conducted as the following "adaptive walk": a single parent sequence generates N mutant sequences as its offsprings, and the fittest individual among the N offsprings will become a new parent in the next generation. N is the library size of mutants to be screened in a single generation. Our theory of the adaptive walk on the "NK landscape" suggests the following: the adaptive walker starting from a random sequence climbs the landscape easily in an early stage, and then reaches a stationary phase in which the mutation-selection-random drift balance sets in. The stationary fitness value is nearly proportional to square root of ln N. Our analysis is performed from the following points: (1) stationary fitness values, (2) time series of fitness in the transitional state, (3) mutant's fitness distribution, and (4) the strength of selection pressure. Applying our methodology, we analyzed experimental data on the in vitro evolution of a random polypeptide (139 amino acids) toward acquiring infectivity (= ability to infect) of fd phage. As a result, we estimated that k is about 27 in this system, indicating that an arbitrary residue in a sequence is affected from other 23% residues. In this article, we demonstrated that the experimental data is consistent with our theoretical equations quantitatively, and that our methodology for extracting characteristic properties of a fitness landscape may be effective.  相似文献   

Phenotypic evolutionary rates were measured for 27 craniometric characters in 12 extant OTUs from the bat genus Myotis (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae). Squared Mahalanobis distance was used as a multivariate measure for amount of divergence, and squared Mahalanobis distance weighted by time was used as a measure for the rate of divergence. Estimates for the rates of divergence were found to be consistent with random walk hypothesis. Thus, the divergence in Myotis could be guided by random drift and mutations. The high dispersion in rate estimates suggests also a possible input of randomly fluctuating selection. The highest rates were recorded for divergence between M. myotisM. blythii species group and the other OTUs. Rates of divergence between the subspecies of M. blythii occur to be lesser than rates of divergence between the earlier diverged species, their divergence could probably be slowed down by stabilizing selection. Size-adjusted data appeared to be lesser then the initial data, and it can be concluded that both size and shape were involved in divergence of Myotis species. The skeletal characters in bats are known to be extremely conservative during long-term evolution, however, the possibility for random walk at short time interval implies that bat evolution is constrained rather ecologically and biomechanically than genetically or developmentally.  相似文献   

The transition from a basically quadrupedal to an upright stance must have been a critical stage in the early hominids before the appearance of Australopithecus and after a Ramaor Dryopithecine time. Two hypotheses have been postulated as to how the change occurred: 1. a gradualistic evolution from the horizontal to a more and more vertical body posture; and 2. an "either--or" position, in which our early ancestor assumed either a horizontal or a vertical posture. It is calculated that, in a static equilibrium, a semi-erect posture would be disadvantageous from the point of view of muscle forces as well as from energetic constraints. These stresses make it probable that an upright posture and carrying of objects in the hands were jointly favored by natural selection and that an intermediate stage would be short and inconclusive. The postural change would thus have occurred in a "punctuated equilibrium" manner of evolution.  相似文献   

Abstract: Buchiid bivalves are geographically widespread in Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous strata of the Northern Hemisphere. They are often abundant and their short stratigraphic ranges make them ideal biostratigraphic index fossils; these characteristics also render them useful for study of evolutionary patterns. We used multivariate methods to determine if we could discriminate between species of Buchia and examine how morphological characters change through time within the genus. Using ten morphological characters to describe shell shape and size, we tested for taxonomic differences and morphologic change in populations of buchiids collected from a single stratigraphic section on Grassy Island, located along the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Morphometric analysis utilized traditional morphological metrics and techniques, including linear and angular measurements as well as Fourier (outline shape) analyses. Phenetic discrimination revealed considerable overlap among the recognized species in the morphospace, as well as a fairly low discriminatory power between species when compared as a group using a step‐wise canonical variate analysis. Step‐wise discriminant analyses between species pairs gave rise to much higher classification rates, suggesting that different characters are important for distinguishing between different species pairs. Our results also indicate that single individuals and small sample sizes of Buchia specimens are insufficient for biostratigraphic discrimination (unless other rarely preserved features such as the hinge and bysuss ear are available) and that a number of previously described species variants may not be taxonomically valid. A biolog using the multivariate axis that best discriminates between species (CV1) and a random walk‐based test using a Hurst estimate analysis indicate a gradualistic evolutionary mode for the Buchia species of Grassy Island. Shell shape and size of buchiids do not appear to be closely tied to lithofacies changes over the c. 10 myr time interval, suggesting that ecophenotypic variation (as it relates to substrate changes) probably had minimal influence on morphology.  相似文献   

In this paper Lewontin's notion of "quasi-independence" of characters is formalized as the assumption that a region of the phenotype space can be represented by a product space of orthogonal factors. In this picture each character corresponds to a factor of a region of the phenotype space. We consider any region of the phenotype space that has a given factorization as a "type", i.e. as a set of phenotypes that share the same set of phenotypic characters. Using the notion of local factorizations we develop a theory of character identity based on the continuation of common factors among different regions of the phenotype space. We also consider the topological constraints on evolutionary transitions among regions with different regional factorizations, i.e. for the evolution of new types or body plans. It is shown that direct transition between different "types" is only possible if the transitional forms have all the characters that the ancestral and the derived types have and are thus compatible with the factorization of both types. Transitional forms thus have to go over a "complexity hump" where they have more quasi-independent characters than either the ancestral as well as the derived type. The only logical, but biologically unlikely, alternative is a "hopeful monster" that transforms in a single step from the ancestral type to the derived type. Topological considerations also suggest a new factor that may contribute to the evolutionary stability of "types". It is shown that if the type is decomposable into factors which are vertex irregular (i.e. have states that are more or less preferred in a random walk), the region of phenotypes representing the type contains islands of strongly preferred states. In other words types have a statistical tendency of retaining evolutionary trajectories within their interior and thus add to the evolutionary persistence of types.  相似文献   

Effects of the B chromosome polymorphism of the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans were analyzed in two natural populations. Postmating sexual selection, female fertility, and survival were studied. The B chromosome lacks drive and has no detectable effects on fitness. A neutral B cannot invade a population and establish a polymorphism, but the confidence limits on our estimates cannot exclude the possibility that the polymorphism is maintained by a balance between weak drive and weak selection against individuals with two and three B's. However, other lines of evidence favor the following model of the dynamics of the B in E. plorans. In a newly invaded population, the B has substantial drive, but the evolution of drive suppressor genes in the A chromosomes neutralizes the B drive so that it becomes near-neutral and begins a random walk toward extinction by stochastic loss. Because the B is common by the time drive disappears, the random walk is likely to continue for a long time. If in the course of the random walk a variant B with greater drive appears, then it will displace the original variant, and a new cycle of drive suppression and drift to extinction occurs. A simulation model of this process suggested that the mean time to extinction is proportional to the two-thirds power of the population size; it is much less affected by subpopulation size or the number of populations in a subdivided population.  相似文献   

The zero‐force evolutionary law (ZFEL) states that in evolutionary systems, in the absence of forces or constraints, diversity and complexity tend to increase. The reason is that diversity and complexity are both variance measures, and variances tend to increase spontaneously as random events accumulate. Here, we use random‐walk models to quantify the ZFEL expectation, producing equations that give the probabilities of diversity or complexity increasing as a function of time, and that give the expected magnitude of the increase. We produce two sets of equations, one for the case in which variation occurs in discrete steps, the other for the case in which variation is continuous. The equations provide a way to decompose actual trajectories of diversity or complexity into two components, the portion due to the ZFEL and a remainder due to selection and constraint. Application of the equations is demonstrated using real and hypothetical data.  相似文献   

How many processes are responsible for phenotypic evolution?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY In addressing phenotypic evolution, this article reconsiders natural selection, random drift, developmental constraints, and internal selection in the new extended context of evolutionary developmental biology. The change of perspective from the "evolution of phenotypes" toward an "evolution of ontogenies" (evo-devo perspective) affects the reciprocal relationships among these different processes. Random drift and natural selection are sibling processes: two forms of post-productional sorting among alternative developmental trajectories, the former random, the latter nonrandom. Developmental constraint is a compound concept; it contains even some forms of natural ("external" and "internal") selection. A narrower definition ("reproductive constraints") is proposed. Internal selection is not a selection caused by an internal agent. It is a form of environment-independent selection depending on the level of the organism's internal developmental or functional coordination. Selection and constraints are the main deterministic processes in phenotypic evolution but they are not opposing forces. Indeed, they are continuously interacting processes of evolutionary change, but with different roles that should not be confused.  相似文献   

Patterns of variation and covariation within populations can influence how characters respond to natural selection and random genetic drift and so constrain the ability of natural selection to modify the phenotype. We examined several potential developmental and functional explanations of character covariation throughout ontogeny using known-age samples of the cotton rat (Sigmodon fulviventer) to identify the causes of covariation and to assess the variability of patterns of covariation throughout postnatal growth. Competing developmental and functional models were fit to samples of orofacial and neurocranial measures by confirmatory factor analysis and evaluated for their ability to reconstruct observed variance-covariance matrices. Samples of successive ages were simultaneously fit to a common model to test the hypothesis that the patterns of developmental and functional integration were invariant between ages. Orofacial characters derived from the same branchial-arch primordium covary early in ontogeny. Subsequently, there is a repatterning of integration that may reflect a transition from developmental to functional sources of integration. Neurocranial characters exhibit even more variation in patterns of covariation: initially, characters appear to comprise a single integrated unit; before puberty, they appear to respond to localized bone growth; after puberty, they form separate calvarial and basicranial components. This ontogenetic variation in patterns of covariation suggests that developmental constraints are transient and flexible and that the consequences of selection may depend upon the age at which it acts.  相似文献   

We here propose a procedure to treat characters which are susceptible to parallel evolution (in this case, troglomorphisms) as a replacement for the two procedures used so far: to either completely consider or completely disregard these characters. These procedures may lead to one of two opposite errors, respectively, (1) to consider them as true synapomorphies when they are not or (2) to disregard them as true synapomorphies when they are. We suggest herein to recode the characters by splitting each troglomorphic character into as many as the number of taxa which show the given troglomorphic state. For each split character each taxon will have the derived state, while the others will be coded as missing data. We provide three real examples to test our procedure and conclude that it may give results different from those of the other two procedures. This means that our procedure does not repeat the two above "errors." In addition, we believe that the procedure filters the possible biases, resulting in trees in which the troglomorphisms do have phylogenetic signals.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The evolution of multicellular organisms involved the evolution of specialized cell types performing distinct functions; and specialized cell types presumably arose from more generalized ancestral cell types as a result of mutational event, such as gene duplication and changes in gene expression. We used characters based on gene expression data to reconstruct evolutionary relationships among 11 types of lymphocytes by the maximum parsimony method. The resulting phylogenetic tree showed expected patterns including separation of the lymphoid and myeloid lineages; clustering together of granulocyte types; and pairing of phenotypically similar cell types such as T-helper cells type 1 and T-helper cells type 2 (Th1 and Th2). We used phylogenetic analyses of sequence data to determine the time of origin of genes showing significant expression difference between Th1 and Th2 cells. Many such genes, particularly those involved in the regulation of gene expression or activation of proteins, were of ancient origin, having arisen by gene duplication before the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of tetrapods and teleosts. However, certain other genes with significant expression difference between Th1 and Th2 arose after the tetrapod–teleost MRCA, and some of the latter were specific to eutherian (placental) mammals. This evolutionary pattern is consistent with previous evidence that, while bony fishes possess Th1 and Th2 cells, the latter differ phenotypically in important respects from the corresponding cells of mammals. Our results support a gradualistic model of the evolution of distinctive cellular phenotypes whereby the unique characteristics of a given cell type arise as a result of numerous independent mutational changes over hundreds of millions of years.  相似文献   

We describe two new methods to partition phylogenetic data sets of discrete characters based on pairwise compatibility. The partitioning methods make no assumptions regarding the phylogeny, model of evolution, or characteristics of the data. The methods first build a compatibility graph, in which each node represents a character in the data set. Edges in the compatibility graph may represent strict compatibility of characters or they may be weighted based on a fractional compatibility scoring procedure that measures how close the characters are to being compatible. Given the desired number of partitions, the partitioning methods then seek to cluster the characters with the highest average pairwise compatibility, so that characters in each cluster are more compatible with each other than they are with characters in the other cluster(s). Partitioning according to these criteria is computationally intractable (NP-hard); however, spectral methods can quickly provide high-quality solutions. We demonstrate that the spectral partitioning effectively identifies characters with different evolutionary histories in simulated data sets, and it is better at highlighting phylogenetic conflict within empirical data sets than previously used partitioning methods.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: A mixture of outcrossing and selfing is often observed in plant populations. Although mixed mating is ubiquitous, it has several potential evolutionary explanations. Mixed mating may be actively maintained by selection, passively determined by the pollination environment, or a transitional stage during the evolution of self-fertilization. ? Methods: We studied patterns of self-compatibility and selfing rates in a population of Leavenworthia alabamica that recently lost self-incompatibility. We also experimentally tested whether natural selection against selfing at the pre- or postzygotic stage is sufficient to explain mixed mating in this population. ? Key results: Visualizing pollen tube growth following self-pollination, we found that nearly all plants were fully self-compatible. Progeny array analysis revealed that the average selfing rate of the population was s = 0.523. The inbreeding coefficient in the parents (F = 0.539) exceeded the amount expected if the selfing rate (s) were constant [F(eq) = s/(2 - s)], indicating either population subdivision or higher selfing rates in the past. Inference of family-level selfing rates revealed substantial variation. Experiments found that self and outcross pollen fertilized nearly equal numbers of ovules in competition. Comparison of seed production following self- or cross-pollination failed to implicate early acting inbreeding depression as a factor maintaining mixed mating. ? Conclusions: The results of our experiments suggest that mixed mating is not maintained by selection against self-pollen or zygotes in this population. Mixed mating is most likely a byproduct of the pollination process but may also be a transitional stage during the evolution of higher selfing rates.  相似文献   

Rapid colour change is a remarkable natural phenomenon that has evolved in several vertebrate and invertebrate lineages. The two principal explanations for the evolution of this adaptive strategy are (1) natural selection for crypsis (camouflage) against a range of different backgrounds and (2) selection for conspicuous social signals that maximise detectability to conspecifics, yet minimise exposure to predators because they are only briefly displayed. Here we show that evolutionary shifts in capacity for colour change in southern African dwarf chameleons (Bradypodion spp.) are associated with increasingly conspicuous signals used in male contests and courtship. To the chameleon visual system, species showing the most dramatic colour change display social signals that contrast most against the environmental background and amongst adjacent body regions. We found no evidence for the crypsis hypothesis, a finding reinforced by visual models of how both chameleons and their avian predators perceive chameleon colour variation. Instead, our results suggest that selection for conspicuous social signals drives the evolution of colour change in this system, supporting the view that transitory display traits should be under strong selection for signal detectability.  相似文献   

Fisherian and Wrightian theories of speciation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R Lande 《Génome》1989,31(1):221-227
Fisher's theory of sexual selection, Wright's shifting-balance theory, and recent models based on them are reviewed as mechanisms of animal speciation. The joint evolution of mating preferences and secondary sexual characters can cause rapid nonadaptive phenotypic divergence and premating isolation between geographically separated populations, or along a cline. Extensive comparative data on Drosophila species support the suggestion of R. A. Fisher and T. Dobzhansky that the evolution of mating preferences can reinforce partial postmating isolation between sympatric populations. The interaction of natural selection and random genetic drift in local populations with a small effective size can produce a rapid transition between relatively stable phenotypes separated by an adaptive valley, or between chromosomal rearrangements with a heterozygote disadvantage. Large demographic fluctuations, such as frequent random local extinction and colonization, are required for the rapid spread of new adaptations (or karyotypes) when intermediate phenotypes (or rearrangement heterozygotes) are selected against.  相似文献   

We analyze the stochastic components of the Robertson–Price equation for the evolution of quantitative characters that enables decomposition of the selection differential into components due to demographic and environmental stochasticity. We show how these two types of stochasticity affect the evolution of multivariate quantitative characters by defining demographic and environmental variances as components of individual fitness. The exact covariance formula for selection is decomposed into three components, the deterministic mean value, as well as stochastic demographic and environmental components. We show that demographic and environmental stochasticity generate random genetic drift and fluctuating selection, respectively. This provides a common theoretical framework for linking ecological and evolutionary processes. Demographic stochasticity can cause random variation in selection differentials independent of fluctuating selection caused by environmental variation. We use this model of selection to illustrate that the effect on the expected selection differential of random variation in individual fitness is dependent on population size, and that the strength of fluctuating selection is affected by how environmental variation affects the covariance in Malthusian fitness between individuals with different phenotypes. Thus, our approach enables us to partition out the effects of fluctuating selection from the effects of selection due to random variation in individual fitness caused by demographic stochasticity.  相似文献   

Sheets  H. David  Mitchell  Charles E. 《Genetica》2001,(1):105-125
A number of statistical tests have been developed to determine what type of dynamics underlie observed changes in morphology in evolutionary time series, based on the pattern of change within the time series. The theory of the scaled maximum, the log-rate-interval (LRI) method, and the Hurst exponent all operate on the same principle of comparing the maximum change, or rate of change, in the observed dataset to the maximum change expected of a random walk. Less change in a dataset than expected of a random walk has been interpreted as indicating stabilizing selection, while more change implies directional selection. The runs test in contrast, operates on the sequencing of steps, rather than on excursion. Applications of these tests to computer generated, simulated time series of known dynamical form and various levels of additive noise indicate that there is a fundamental asymmetry in the rate of type II errors of the tests based on excursion: they are all highly sensitive to noise in models of directional selection that result in a linear trend within a time series, but are largely noise immune in the case of a simple model of stabilizing selection. Additionally, the LRI method has a lower sensitivity than originally claimed, due to the large range of LRI rates produced by random walks. Examination of the published results of these tests show that they have seldom produced a conclusion that an observed evolutionary time series was due to directional selection, a result which needs closer examination in light of the asymmetric response of these tests.  相似文献   

The structured linear model (SLM) is generalized to treat selection on multiple, correlated characters. Four different causes of phenotypic correlations are distinguished by the SLM: environmental covariance, identity disequilibrium, pleiotropy, and linkage disequilibrium. Each is characterized by distinct variables because they have different implications for character evolution. Correlations due to identity disequilibrium and linkage disequilibrium depend on both the mating system and the selection regime. As a consequence, they will evolve rapidly under selection. Correlations due to pleiotropy or environmental factors will evolve more slowly and are characterized by parameters that can be estimated from comparisons among relatives. These parameters include several novel “inbreeding covariance components” that emerge from the interaction of inbreeding and genetic dominance. Although data are limited, current estimates suggest that the expression of these components may substantially alter the pattern of multitrait evolution in self-fertilizing populations.  相似文献   

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