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The structural organization of mouse metaphase chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The binding of highly purified anti-nucleoside antibodies to mouse (Mus musculus) metaphase chromosomes was studied by an immunofluorescence technique. The chromosomal DNA was denatured by one of two selective denaturation procedures because these antibodies reacted with single stranded but not native DNA. After ultraviolet irradiation (UV), which produced single stranded regions primarily in AT rich DNA, the binding of antiadenosine (anti-A) produced a pattern of fluorescent bands similar to that produced by quinacrine (Q-bands). Additional foci of bright fluorescence were observed at the centrometric (C-band) regions, which are known to contain AT rich satellite DNA. After photooxidation, which produced single stranded regions in GC rich DNA, the binding of anti-A produced a fluorescent banding pattern similar to the R-banding pattern seen after thermal denaturation and staining with coriphosphine O. After photooxidation, R-band patterns were also obtained with anti-cytidine (anti-C) and anti-5-methylcytidine (anti-M). After either UV irradiation or photooxidation, anti-M, but not anti-C, showed intense binding to the C-band regions of mouse chromosomes. — These findings led to the following conclusions: (1) Antibody banding patterns reflect the presence of a class of AT rich, GC poor DNA in chromosome regions which show bright quinacrine fluorescence and in the regions that contain the AT rich satellite DNA. (2) The alternate, quinacrine dull regions contain a relatively GC rich class of DNA which appears to be more highly methylated than the AT rich DNA in the Q-bright bands, but not the AT rich satellite DNA in the Q-dull C-bands. (3) 5-Methylcytosine residues occur in a sequence of mouse satellite DNA that contains both adjacent pyrimidines and guanine residues. The basic repeating unit of mouse satellite DNA is known to contain the sequence 5-GAAAAATGA-3 (Biro et al., 1975). Therefore, assuming the antibodies used could detect single bases in denatured DNA, the methylated sequence in mouse satellite DNA   相似文献   

Human metaphase chromosomes were treated with HaeIII, HindIII, EcoRI, and AluI restriction endonucleases and subsequently stained with either Giemsa or ethidium bromide. The results obtained seemed to suggest that the structural organization of specific chromosome regions can play a primary role in determining the cytological effect after digestion with specific restriction endonucleases.  相似文献   

Summary The association pattern was studied in 2715 mitoses of 90 meningiomas with different numbers of acrocentric chromosomes. In cells with monosomy 22, a significant increase of mitoses with associations was observed in comparison to cells with a normal karyotype. The number of associating acrocentric chromosomes was highly significantly increased. This surplus was not only caused by a highly significant increase of associating G chromosomes but also of D chromosomes. The loss of further acrocentric chromosomes had no significant influence on the number of mitoses with associations or the number of associating chromosomes. Based on the well-known correlations between the nucleolus organization and the association pattern, the results seem to indicate a compensation mechanism among the nucleoles organizing regions (NOR's) which keeps the supply of nucleolar material constant and simultaneously causes a higher association tendency between the remaining acrocentric chromosomes. The increase of associations in the 22 monosomic cells was interpreted as a overcompensation after the loss of only one NOR.  相似文献   

Summary The association pattern was studied in 1182 mitoses of 21 patients with trisomy 13 and in a control group. In addition, 173 trisomic mitoses were compared with the same number of diploid mitoses in a case of mosaicism.The number of mitoses with associations was no higher in the trisomic cells than in cells with normal karyotypes. Some differences were observed in the frequency of associations per cell and of the types of associations in the patient group and in the trisomic cells of the mosaic case. The number of associations in which more than two acrocentric chromosomes were involved was unexpectedly low in the cells with a supernumerary chromosome 13.The result are interpreted as suggesting the existence of a compensatory mechanism activated by the additional acrocentric chromosome.Parts of this work are included in the doctoral (MD) thesis of DM  相似文献   

Summary The spatial relationships between the homologous pairs of chromosomes in the normal human colcemid-treated metaphase plate were tested by two different mathematical approaches: (a) determination of the distances between the centromeres of the homologous chromosomes compared to the mean distance of all centromeres of the mitosis in question; (b) measuring the distances of the different chromosomes from the center of the mitosis.The following results were obtained: (1) The arrangement of human metaphase chromosomes does not follow a normal distribution; the distribution is narrower and taller, probably due to an impairment of free chromosome spreading by the cell membrane. We believe that only in membraneless mitotic cells should the chromosome-spread correspond to a normal distribution under the same preparation conditions. (2) There is a positive correlation between decreasing chromosome size and decreasing mean distance between homologous chromosomes. (3) A close positive correlation exists between increasing chromosome size and increasing distance to the barycenter of the mitosis. (4) There is also a close positive correlation between the distance of homologous chromosome pairs and their distance from the center of the mitosis, i.e., with increasing distance from the center of the mitosis, the distance between the homologous partners increases. (5) The following statistically significant deviations from these rules could be established: (a) The large acrocentric chromosomes are closer associated, as one would expect from their size, probably due to their participation in the nucleolus organization; (b) in the female cell one of the two X chromosomes has an extremely peripheral localization; the X chromosomes are furthest apart of all pairs of homologous chromosomes; (c) the chromosome pairs 6 and 8 are relatively close together in spite of their peripheral position, suggesting a truc close association of the homologus partners; (d) the chromosome pair 18 has a more peripheral position than expected, and a relatively large mean distance between the homologous partners; (e) the chromosome pair 1 has a much more central position and a closer association than is expected from its size.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of association of acrocentric chromosomes was examined in ten and five carriers of a 15/21 and a 13/14 Robertsonian translocation, respectively, and was compared with that of the same numbers of relatives with normal karyotypes. In the carriers of 15/21 translocation, the number of large associations (involving more than two acrocentrics) and the association frequencies for individual acrocentric chromosomes, were significantly higher than in the control group. The mean number of associations of the single homologs of the translocation chromosomes was much higher than that of the other acrocentrics. In the carriers of 13/14 translocations, only the association frequency for chromosome 13 was higher than in the normal relatives. The uninvolved chromosomes homologous to those involved in translocations showed an insignificant increase in associations in comparison with the other acrocentrics. These results suggest that some mechanism within the cells compensates for the effect of missing acrocentrics or of acrocentrics lacking NORs on the number of associations. The possible relations of this phenomenon to the activity of the nucleolus organizing regions are discussed.  相似文献   

We have used neutron diffraction to study chromatin structure in interphase nuclei and metaphase chromosomes as a function of decreasing ion concentration. Aliquots of a suspension of rat liver nuclei prepared in a polyamine-free buffer were washed in buffers of 1/3, 1/6 and 1/12 if the original concentration of monovalent and divalent cations (40 mM KCl; 20 mM NaCl; 1.2 mM MgCl2). After the first dilution step (1/1 to 1/3), only small changes occurred in the diffraction pattern. They can be interpreted by a loosening of the original structure, i.e. by the formation of isolated buffer-filled spaces with an overall size of the order of 35-45 nm. Drastic changes in the diffraction pattern were observed, however, when the nuclei were washed in the more diluted buffers (1/6 and 1/12). The profiles of the distances distribution functions indicate the formation of supranucleosomal particles with an overall diameter of 40-50 nm. The compact chromatin structure disassembled directly into these fundamental structural units. Structural transformations in the Chinese hamster ovary metaphase chromosomes were induced by diminishing the Ca2+ ion concentration of the buffer from originally 3.0 mM to 0.3 mM and/or by increasing the pH value of the buffer from originally 7.0 up to 8.0. The neutron diffraction patterns remained essentially unchanged during these treatments, i.e. the decondensation of the chromosomes as observed in the light microscope is not accompanied by disassembly at the ultrastructural level between 2 nm and 150 nm.  相似文献   

The chromatin ultrastructure was studied in the centromeric region of mitotic chromosomes and in interphase nuclei of mouse cells after differential staining on C-band. A new method is suggested to study centromeric region of chromosomes treated by the Giemsa banding technique. Fibers of chromosomes appeared to be packed denser in the centromeric regions of mitotic chromosomes than in arms. The disposition of chromatin fibers in the centromeric chromocentres of interphase nuclei is the same as in the centromeric regions of mitotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

Diffraction of x-rays from living cells, isolated nuclei, and metaphase chromosomes gives rise to several major low angle reflections characteristic of a highly conserved pattern of nucleosome packing within the chromatin fibers. We answer three questions about the x-ray data: Which reflections are characteristic of chromosomes in vivo? How can these reflections be preserved in vitro? What chromosome structures give rise to the reflections? Our consistent observation of diffraction peaks at 11.0, 6.0, 3.8, 2.7 and 2.1 nm from a variety of living cells, isolated nuclei, and metaphase chromosomes establishes these periodicities as characteristic of eukaryotic chromosomes in vivo. In addition, a 30-40- nm peak is observed from all somatic cells that have substantial amounts of condensed chromatin, and a weak 18-nm reflection is observed from nucleated erythrocytes. These observations provide a standard for judging the structural integrity of isolated nuclei, chromosomes, and chromatin, and thus resolve long standing controversy about the “tru” nature of chromosome diffraction. All of the reflection seen in vivo can be preserved in vitro provided that the proper ionic conditions are maintained. Our results show clearly that the 30-40-nm maximum is a packing reflection. The packing we observe in vivo is directly correlated to the side-by-side arrangement of 20- 30-nm fibers observed in thin sections of fixed and dehydrated cells and isolated chromosomes. This confirms that such packing is present in living cells and is not merely an artifact of electron microscopy. As expected, the packing reflection is shifted to longer spacings when the fibers are spread apart by reducing the concentration of divalent cations in vitro. Because the 18-, 11.0-, 6.0-, 3.8-, 2.7-, and 2.1-nm reflections are not affected by the decondensation caused by removal of divalent cations, these periodicities must reflect the internal structure of the chromaticn fibers.  相似文献   

Structural organization of chromosomes in interphase nuclei   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The in situ molecular hybridization method has been applied to the detection, at the electron microscope level, of SV40 viral DNA in permissively infected monkey kidney cell cultures. The observations suggest an important role of the host cell nucleolus during the lytic infection with SV40.  相似文献   

Cytochemical studies of metaphase chromosomes by flow cytometry   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The cytochemical properties of metaphase chromosomes from Chinese hamster and human cells were studied by flow cytometry. This technique allows precise quantitation of the fluorescence properties of individual stained chromosome types. Chromosomes were stained with the following fluorescent DNA stains: Hoechst 33258, DAPI, chromomycin A3, ethidium bromide, and propidium iodide. The relative fluorescence of individual chromosome types varied depending on the stain used, demonstrating that individual chromosome types differ in chemical properties. Flow measurements were performed as a function of stain and chromosome concentration to characterize the number and distribution of stain binding sites. Flow analysis of double stained chromosomes show that bound stains interact by energy transfer with little or no binding competition. For most hamster chromosomes, there is a strong correlation between relative fluorescence and stain base preference suggesting that staining differences may be determined primarily by differences in average base composition. A few hamster chromosome types exhibit anomalous staining which suggests that some other property, such as repetitive DNA sequences, also may be an important determinant of chromosomal staining.  相似文献   

Detection of sugar-binding proteins in membrane-depleted nuclei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nuclear sugar-binding proteins were detected in membrane-depleted nuclei isolated from hamster BHK cells and mouse L 1210 leukemia cells by means of fluorescein-labelled neoglycoproteins. In fluorescence microscopy, the fluorescence was seen throughout the nucleus but was generally brighter over the nucleoli than over the rest of the nucleus. Flow cytofluorometry analysis demonstrated the presence of nuclear sugar-binding proteins for synthetic glycoproteins associated with different sugar residues. Among the nine neoglycoproteins used, four neoglycoproteins (namely alpha-rhamnosylated, alpha-glucosylated, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminylated and alpha-mannosylated-6P-serum albumin) strongly labelled nuclei. Various controls strongly argue for the specificity of the nuclear labelling. The possibility that some of the sugar-binding proteins might correspond to endogenous nuclear lectins is considered.  相似文献   

Isolation and structural organization of human mitotic chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
New methods are presented for the bulk isolation of metaphase chromosomes from HeLa cells, and an electron microscopic study of thin sections of these chromosomes is presented. The techniques for chromosome isolation were developed to utilize solution conditions that are as mild as possible, so that further biochemical and structural studies can be directly related to the in situ state of chromosomes. — Electron micrographs of thin sections of isolated HeLa metaphase chromosomes reveal the general organization of the nucleosome-containing fibers. Chromosomes in isolation buffer show a dense, relatively uniform distribution of material across the chromatids. Swollen chromosomes reveal the primary mode of organization of the fibers to be a radial distribution from the central axes of the chromatids. A significant proportion of the fibers could also be oriented longitudinally.  相似文献   

The data from earlier cytochemical studies, in which the metachromatic fluorochrome acridine orange (AO) was used to differentially stain single vs double-stranded DNA, suggested that DNA in situ in intact metaphase chromosomes or in condensed chromatin of G0 cells is more sensitive to denaturation, induced by heat or acid, than DNA in decondensed chromatin of interphase nuclei. Present studies show that, indeed, DNA in permeabilized metaphase cells, in contrast to cells in interphase, when exposed to buffers of low pH (1.5-2.8) becomes digestible with the single-strand-specific S1 or mung bean nucleases. A variety of extraction procedures and enzymatic treatments provided evidence that the presence of histones, HMG proteins, and S-S bonds in chromatin, as well as phosphorylation or poly(ADP)ribosylation of chromatin proteins, can be excluded as a factor responsible for the differential sensitivity of metaphase vs interphase DNA to denaturation. Cell treatment with NaCl at a concentration of 1.2 N and above abolished the difference between interphase and mitotic cells, rendering DNA in mitotic cells less sensitive to denaturation; such treatment also resulted in decondensation of chromatin visible by microscopy. The present data indicate that structural proteins extractable with greater than or equal to 1.2 N NaCl may be involved in anchoring DNA to the nuclear matrix or chromosome scaffold and may be responsible for maintaining a high degree of chromatin compaction in situ, such as that observed in metaphase chromosomes or in G0 cells. Following dissociation of histones, the high spatial density of the charged DNA polymer may induce topological strain on the double helix, thus decreasing its local stability; this can be detected by metachromatic staining of DNA with AO or digestion with single-strand-specific nucleases.  相似文献   

We have studied the chromosome condensation activity of mouse oocytes that have been inseminated during meiotic maturation. These oocytes remain unactivated, and in those penetrated by up to three or four sperm, each sperm nucleus is transformed, without prior development of a pronucleus, into metaphase chromosomes. However, those penetrated by more than four sperm never transform any of the nuclei into metaphase chromosomes (Clarke, H. J., and Y. Masui, 1986, J. Cell Biol. 102:1039-1046). We report here that, when the cytoplasmic volume of oocytes was doubled or tripled by cell fusion, up to five or eight sperm nuclei, respectively, could be transformed into metaphase chromosomes. Conversely, when the cytoplasmic volume was reduced by bisection of oocytes after the germinal vesicle (GV) had broken down, no more than two sperm could be transformed into metaphase chromosomes. Thus, the capacity of the oocyte cytoplasm to transform sperm nuclei to metaphase chromosomes was proportional to its volume. The contribution of the nucleoplasm of the GV and the cytoplasm outside the GV to the chromosome condensation activity was investigated by bisecting oocytes that contained a GV and then inseminating the nucleate and anucleate fragments. The anucleate fragments never induced sperm chromosome formation, indicating that GV nucleoplasm is required for this activity. In the nucleate fragments, the capacity to induce sperm chromosome formation was reduced as compared with whole oocytes, in spite of the fact that the fragments contained the entire GV nucleoplasm. This implies that non-GV cytoplasmic material also was required for chromosome condensation activity. When inseminated oocytes were incubated in the presence of puromycin, the sperm nuclei were transformed into interphase-like nuclei, but no metaphase chromosomes developed. However, when protein synthesis resumed, the interphase nuclei were transformed to metaphase chromosomes. These results suggest that the transformation of sperm nuclei to metaphase chromosomes in the cytoplasm of mouse oocytes requires both the nucleoplasm of the GV and non-GV cytoplasmic substances, including proteins synthesized during maturation.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster metaphase chromosomes were investigated under different conditions of isolation. Light microscopic study demonstrated different forms of stretched chromosomes, from those in which merely a small region is stretched to rope-like structures 20-25 microns long with diameter of about 0.4 micron. The ratio between the number of stretched and of compact chromosomes is dependent on the concentration of bivalent cations, on the pH and temperature of the isolation buffer. A study of the submicroscopic organization of stretched chromosomes revealed lengthwise fibrils that disappeared after the treatment with 0.6 NaCl and staphylococcal nuclease. Distinct aggregates were seen, whose array is maintaining the stretched chromosome structure. It is suggested that stretched chromosomes appear due to the existing in vivo lability of bonds between the main chromosome components involved in organization of chromatin fiber packing. It is proposed that the structure obtains rigidity in the course of isolation with bivalent cations.  相似文献   

Summary A method for the preparation of ultrathin sections of metaphase chromosomes is described. This method was applied to human metaphase chromosomes, which were immunocytochemically stained with anti-DNA and anti-ribonucleoprotein antibodies, derived from patients with auto-immune disease. Conventionally prepared metaphase spreads as well as cytocentrifuge preparations of chromosome suspensions were studied. The results indicate that the ultrastructure of chromosomes and the immunoreactivity of chromosomal constituents are influenced by the applied preparation methods. In comparison with whole mount preparations, ultrathin sections of immunostained chromosomes allow higher resolution and more precise localization of immunoreactive sites within the chromosomal structure.  相似文献   

A method for the preparation of ultrathin sections of metaphase chromosomes is described. This method was applied to human metaphase chromosomes, which were immunocytochemically stained with anti-DNA and anti-ribonucleoprotein antibodies, derived from patients with auto-immune disease. Conventionally prepared metaphase spreads as well as cytocentrifuge preparations of chromosome suspensions were studied. The results indicate that the ultrastructure of chromosomes and the immunoreactivity of chromosomal constituents are influenced by the applied preparation methods. In comparison with whole mount preparations, ultrathin sections of immunostained chromosomes allow higher resolution and more precise localization of immunoreactive sites within the chromosomal structure.  相似文献   

45S rDNA和5S rDNA在南瓜、丝瓜和冬瓜染色体上的比较定位   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
徐延浩  杨飞  程有林  马璐  王建波  李立家 《遗传》2007,29(5):614-620
首次利用荧光原位杂交和双色荧光原位杂交技术对45S和5S rDNA在南瓜(Cucurbita moschata Duch)、丝瓜(Luffa cylindrical Roem)、冬瓜(Benincasa hispida Cogn)的有丝分裂中期染色体上进行了物理定位分析。南瓜有5对45S rDNA位点, 2对5S rDNA位点; 丝瓜具有5对45S rDNA位点, 1对5S rDNA位点; 冬瓜具有2对45S rDNA位点, 1对5S rDNA位点, 5S rDNA位点与其中一对45S rDNA位点都位于7号染色体短臂上, 并在物理位置上紧密相邻。45S rDNA在这3种作物染色体上数目变化较大, 但在染色体上都倾向分布在短臂末端, 其分布模式较为一致。5S rDNA在这3种作物染色体上数目相对保守, 但在染色体上分布的位置变化较大。文中讨论了45S rDNA和5S rDNA在植物基因组中不同的进化趋势。  相似文献   

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