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随着现代医学模式的转变、我医药卫生体制改革的深化、老龄化社会的特殊需求,我国急需大批高质量的医务社会工作者。我国医务社会工作目前处在探索阶段,不能满足医学和社会发展的要求。协和医院社会服务部是我国最早开展专业医务社会工作的部门,回顾协和医院社会服务部的工作,从历史中汲取宝贵的经验,利于推动我国的医务社会工作深入开展。  相似文献   

通过对《首届中—美医务与精神健康社会工作研讨会》分论坛“文化竞争力:精神健康社会工作的定义与实践” 会议的综述,了解到美国医务社会工作不但培植了“全人照顾”的理念,发展了细致化、多样化的实务技巧与方法,更重要的是强调以文化为基础的导向。文章概述这一内容并探讨其原因与启示。  相似文献   

??????? 目的 基于人力资源管理学的研究视角,应用结构方程模型,研究医院支持性人力资源实践、组织承诺与医务工作者敬业度的关系,找到改善与提高医务工作者敬业度的方法与途径。方法 利用Amos软件对结构方程模型路径系数及其显著性进行检验分析。结果 医院支持性人力资源实践对医务工作的敬业度不存在直接正向促进关系,而是通过组织承诺这一中介变量正向作用于敬业度。结论 对于医院管理者来说,想要通过支持性人力资源实践提高医务工作者的敬业度,必须首先提高医务工作者的组织承诺,通过组织承诺提高敬业度。  相似文献   

随着医药卫生体制改革的不断深化,发展有效协作的医疗服务供给模式成为新趋势,因而凸显了在医疗机构中致力于提供咨询和协调服务的临床社会工作者的重要性。通过对美国临床社会工作内涵及其职责范围、重要性的分析,认为我国发展临床社会工作有利于改善医患关系、保障客户利益、提高医护人员工作福利和增加医院经济效益,建议我国从转变医疗服务供给理念、培养专业的社会工作者队伍和开展临床社会工作定量研究三个方面消除我国医院发展临床社会工作的障碍。  相似文献   

目的 通过实证调查采集患者、医务工作者和志愿者对医务社工及志愿者工作的评价,解析医务社工及志愿者在医院服务管理中的作用。方法 采用问卷调查、文献查阅、深度访谈法,调研上海市三家三级甲等公立医院获取第一手资料。结果 调查结果显示,患者、医务人员及医务管理人员高度认可医务社工与志愿者在医院服务管理的作用。结论 医务社工和志愿者在医院服务管理中能发挥独特的作用,可以增进医患沟通,缓解或预防医患矛盾,给患者更多人文关怀和增值服务,一定程度上解决医患之间的诊治经费问题,提升服务品质、降低人力成本,应当得到全社会更多的重视。  相似文献   




长白山森林景观边界动态与气候变化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化对森林景观产生深远的影响,景观边界对气候变化反应尤其敏感。论文采用多元统计分析、遥感和地理信息系统相结合的方法,来定量分析长白山景观边界的变化与气候变化的关系。结果表明:可以利用长白山自然保护区经度、纬度和海拔高度对现存11个气象因子进行空间差值。1975-1997期间,苔原分布的海拔上、下限经历了一个先上升后下降的过程;岳桦(Betula ermanii)分布的海拔上限也有一个先上升后下降的过程,岳桦分布的海拔下限在降低;云杉(Picea koraiensis)冷林(Abies squamata)分布的海拔上限在上升,但其分布的海拔下限的变化没有明显的规律,苔原边界和岳桦分布的海拔上限的变化可能与1月均温和年降水量的变化有关;岳桦分布的海拔下限和云冷杉林分布的海拔上限可能与7月均温有关。  相似文献   

血管重构及其药物治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
血管重构是血管为适应内外环境变化而发生的结构和功能改变。这个过程包括血管壁细胞的增生、肥大、凋亡、细胞迁移、细胞外基质的产生及降解等细胞生物学变化。血管重构可分为肥厚性血管重构与非肥厚性血管重构,两者以一定比例共存于同一血管上。非肥厚性血管重构的主要特征是血管外径明显减少、内径明显减少,中膜横截面积不变,血管平滑肌细胞发生重排;肥厚性血管重构的主要特征是内径明显减少,中膜横截面积增加,血管平滑肌细胞增生。血管重构既是高血压和动脉粥样硬化等相关疾病恶化的重要病理基础或也是此类疾病发生发展的病因。药物治疗不仅要缓解或消除相关疾病的症状,更重要的是逆转或减轻血管重构,保护靶器官。  相似文献   

This paper posits a working or tentative model of medical pluralism, a pattern in which multiple medical sub‐systems co‐exist, or what I term the Australian dominative medical system. I argue that whereas the Australian medical system with its various medical sub‐systems was pluralistic, that is more or less on an equal footing, in the nineteenth century, by the early twentieth century it became a plural or dominative one in the sense that biomedicine came to clearly dominate other medical sub‐systems. This paper also explores the growing interest of biomedicine and the Australian Government in complementary medicine to which Australians have increasingly turned over the course of the past three decades or so.  相似文献   

Samuel Wolfe  Genevieve Teed 《CMAJ》1967,96(21):1407-1416
An exploratory study was made to demonstrate the role, the work and the relationships of a full-time medical social worker in a group medical practice. Patients were seen on referral only, and a schedule for interview was developed for purposes of categorizing areas of social dysfunction. The following areas of dysfunction were studied: accommodation, job, social activities, family problems and medical diagnosis and/or treatment. A profile emerged of the patients referred as compared to patients in the practice as a whole. The “social sickness” in patients was more likely to exist between the ages of 20 and 44 years or over 65. It occurred more frequently in females and in individuals living alone or in a family of seven or more, in people from the lower social classes and the unemployed, retired people or actual or potential social isolates, those having a psychological illness, and those with degenerative disease of the circulatory or central nervous systems. It was less frequent in patients from a farm.  相似文献   

Piezoelectric materials exhibit a response to mechanical-electrical coupling,which represents an important contribution to the electrical-mechanical interaction in bone remodeling process.Therefore,the study of the piezoelectric effect on bone remodeling has high interest in applied biomechanics.The effects of mechano-regulation and electrical stimulation on bone healing are explained.The Boundary Element Method (BEM) is used to simulate piezoelectric effects on bones when sheafing forces are applied to collagen fibers to make them slip past each other.The piezoelectric fundamental solutions are obtained by using the Radon transform.The Dual Reciprocity Method (DRM) is used to simulate the particular solutions in time-dependent problems.BEM analysis showed the strong influence of electrical stimulation on bone remodeling.The examples discussed in this work showed that,as expected,the electrically loaded bone surfaces improved the bone deposition.BEM results confirmed previous findings obtained by using the Finite Element Method (FEM).This work opens very promising doors in biomechanics research,showing that mechanical loads can be replaced,in part,by electrical charges that stimulate strengthening bone density.The obtained results herein are in good agreement with those found in literature from experimental testing and/or other simulation approaches.  相似文献   

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