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Prion protein (PrPC), is a glycoprotein that is expressed on the cell surface. The current study examines the role of PrPC in early human embryogenesis using human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and tetracycline‐regulated lentiviral vectors that up‐regulate or suppresses PrPC expression. Here, we show that expression of PrPC in pluripotent hESCs cultured under self‐renewal conditions induced cell differentiation toward lineages of three germ layers. Silencing of PrPC in hESCs undergoing spontaneous differentiation altered the dynamics of the cell cycle and changed the balance between the lineages of the three germ layers, where differentiation toward ectodermal lineages was suppressed. Moreover, over‐expression of PrPC in hESCs undergoing spontaneous differentiation inhibited differentiation toward lineages of all three germ layers and helped to preserve high proliferation activity. These results illustrate that PrPC is involved in key activities that dictate the status of hESCs including regulation of cell cycle dynamics, controlling the switch between self‐renewal and differentiation, and determining the fate of hESCs differentiation. This study suggests that PrPC is at the crossroads of several signaling pathways that regulate the switch between preservation of or departure from the self‐renewal state, control cell proliferation activity, and define stem cell fate.  相似文献   

The main goal of the study was to identify a novel source of human multipotent cells, overcoming ethical issues involved in embryonic stem cell research and the limited availability of most adult stem cells. Amniotic fluid cells (AFCs) are routinely obtained for prenatal diagnosis and can be expanded in vitro; nevertheless current knowledge about their origin and properties is limited. Twenty samples of AFCs were exposed in culture to adipogenic, osteogenic, neurogenic and myogenic media. Differentiation was evaluated using immunocytochemistry, RT-PCR and Western blotting. Before treatments, AFCs showed heterogeneous morphologies. They were negative for MyoD, Myf-5, MRF4, Myogenin and Desmin but positive for osteocalcin, PPARgamma2, GAP43, NSE, Nestin, MAP2, GFAP and beta tubulin III by RT-PCR. The cells expressed Oct-4, Rex-1 and Runx-1, which characterize the undifferentiated stem cell state. By immunocytochemistry they expressed neural-glial proteins, mesenchymal and epithelial markers. After culture, AFCs differentiated into adipocytes and osteoblasts when the predominant cellular component was fibroblastic. Early and late neuronal antigens were still present after 2 week culture in neural specific media even if no neuronal morphologies were detectable. Our results provide evidence that human amniotic fluid contains progenitor cells with multi-lineage potential showing stem and tissue-specific gene/protein presence for several lineages.  相似文献   

Cai L  Ye Z  Zhou BY  Mali P  Zhou C  Cheng L 《Cell research》2007,17(1):62-72
We previously showed that Wnt3a could stimulate human embryonic stem (hES) cell proliferation and affect cell fate determination. In the absence of feeder cell--derived factors, hES cells cultured under a feeder-free condition survived and proliferated poorly. Adding recombinant Wnt3a in the absence of feeder cell derived-factors stimulated hES cell proliferation but also differentiation. In the present study, we further extended our analysis to other Wnt ligands such as Wntl and Wnt5a. While Wntl displayed a similar effect on hES cells as Wnt3a, Wnt5a had little effect in this system. Wnt3a and Wntl enhanced proliferation of undifferentiated hES cells when feeder-derived self-renewal factors and bFGF are also present. To explore the possibility to promote the proliferation of undifferentiated hES cells by activating the Wnt signaling, we overexpressed Wnt3a or Wntl gene in immortalized human adult fibroblast (HAFi) cells that are superior in supporting long-term growth of undifferentiated hES cells than primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. HAFi cells with or without a Wnt tmnsgene can be propagated indefinitely. Over-expression of the Wnt3a gene significantly enhanced the ability of HAFi feeder cells to support the undifferentiated growth of 3 different hES cell lines we tested. Co-expression of three commonly-used drug selection genes in Wnt3a-overpressing HAFi cells further enabled us to select rare hES clones after stable transfection or transduction. These immortalized engineered feeder cells (W3R) that co-express growth-promoting genes such as Wnt3a and three drug selection genes should empower us to efficiently make genetic modified hES cell lines for basic and translational research.  相似文献   

Foetal cells secrete more growth factors, generate less immune response, grow and proliferate better than adult cells. These characteristics make them desirable for recombinant modification and use in microencapsulated cellular gene therapeutics. We have established a system in vitro to obtain a pure population of primary human foetal myoblasts under several rounds of selection with non-collagen coated plates and identified by desmin staining. These primary myoblasts presented good proliferation ability and better differentiation characteristics in monolayer and after microencapsulation compared to murine myoblast C2C12 cells based on creatine phosphokinase (CPK), major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and multi-nucleated myotubule determination. The lifespan of primary myoblasts was 70 population doublings before entering into senescent state, with a population time of 18-24 hrs. Hence, we have developed a protocol for isolating human foetal primary myoblasts with excellent differentiation potential and robust growth and longevity. They should be useful for cell-based therapy in human clinical applications with microencapsulation technology.  相似文献   

骨髓移植是目前治疗恶性白血病以及遗传性血液病最有效的方法之一。但是HLA相匹配的骨髓捐献者严重短缺,骨髓造血干细胞(hematopoietic stem cells,HSCs)体外培养困难,在体外修复患者骨髓造血干细胞技术不成熟,这些都大大限制了骨髓移植在临床上的应用。多能性胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ESCs)具有自我更新能力,在合适的培养条件下分化形成各种血系细胞,是造血干细胞的另一来源。在过去的二十多年里,血发生的研究是干细胞生物学中最为活跃的领域之一。小鼠及人的胚胎干细胞方面的研究最近取得了重大进展。这篇综述总结了近年来从胚胎干细胞获得造血干细胞的成就,以及在安全和技术上的障碍。胚胎干细胞诱导生成可移植性血干细胞的研究能够使我们更好地了解正常和异常造血发生的机制,同时也为造血干细胞的临床应用提供理论和实验依据。  相似文献   

干细胞概述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
林戈  卢光琇 《生命科学》2006,18(4):313-317
干细胞是存在于胚胎和成体中的一类特殊细胞,它能长期地自我更新,在特定的条件下具有分化形成多种终末细胞的能力,不同来源的干细胞分化潜能各异。从早期胚胎内细胞团分离的胚胎干细胞能分化形成个体所有的细胞类型,并具有在体外无限增殖的能力,是最具有临床应用前景和研究价值的干细胞之一。在成体各种组织和器官中也存在成体干细胞,用于维持机体结构和功能的稳态。近期有关成体干细胞可塑性的研究和成体组织中多能干细胞存在的证据扩大了人们对成体干细胞分化潜能的认识。干细胞具有的多向分化潜能和自我更新能力使其成为未来再生医学的重要种子细胞,并成为研究人类早期胚层特化和器官形成、药物筛选以及基因治疗的最佳工具。  相似文献   

Neurogenic differentiation of murine and human adipose-derived stromal cells   总被引:70,自引:0,他引:70  
The identification of cells capable of neuronal differentiation has great potential for cellular therapies. We examined whether murine and human adipose-derived adult stem (ADAS) cells can be induced to undergo neuronal differentiation. We isolated ADAS cells from the adipose tissue of adult BalbC mice or from human liposuction tissue and induced neuronal differentiation with valproic acid, butylated hydroxyanisole, insulin, and hydrocortisone. As early as 1-3 h after neuronal induction, the phenotype of ADAS cells changed towards neuronal morphology. Following neuronal induction, muADAS cells displayed immunocytochemical staining for GFAP, nestin and NeuN and huADAS cells displayed staining for intermediate filament M, nestin, and NeuN. Following neuronal induction of murine and human ADAS cells, Western blot analysis confirmed GFAP, nestin, and NeuN protein expression. Pretreatment with EGF and basic FGF augmented the neuronal differentiation of huADAS cells. The neuronal differentiation of stromal cells from adipose tissue has broad biological and clinical implications.  相似文献   

It is well known that clonal cells can make different fate decisions, but it is unclear whether these decisions are determined during, or before, a cell's own lifetime. Here, we engineered an endogenous fluorescent reporter for the pluripotency factor OCT4 to study the timing of differentiation decisions in human embryonic stem cells. By tracking single‐cell OCT4 levels over multiple cell cycle generations, we found that the decision to differentiate is largely determined before the differentiation stimulus is presented and can be predicted by a cell's preexisting OCT4 signaling patterns. We further quantified how maternal OCT4 levels were transmitted to, and distributed between, daughter cells. As mother cells underwent division, newly established OCT4 levels in daughter cells rapidly became more predictive of final OCT4 expression status. These results imply that the choice between developmental cell fates can be largely predetermined at the time of cell birth through inheritance of a pluripotency factor.  相似文献   

Over the last several decades, murine embryonic stem cells (mESCs) have been used as a model for human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research. The relevance of this approach has not yet been proven. There is a great deal of evidence that is indicative of substantial differences between these two cell types. An analysis of the literature shows that the differences concern ESC proliferation, self-renewal, and differentiation. Consequently, mESC may be considered as a model object for hESC studies only for some aspects of their biology. The alternative model objects, such as primate ESC, are also discussed briefly in this review.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are promising research materials to investigate cell fate determination since they have the capability to differentiate. Stem cell differentiation has been extensively studied with various microenvironment mimicking structures to modify cellular dynamics associated with the cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions and cell-cell communications. In the current study, our aim was to determine the effect of microenvironmental proteins with different concentrations on the capacity and differentiation capability of mouse ESCs (mESCs), combining the biochemical assays, imaging techniques, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and unsupervised multivariate analysis. Based on our data, coating the surface of mESCs with Matrigel, used as an acellular matrix substrate, resulted in morphological and biochemical changes. mESCs exhibited alterations in their phenotype after growing on the Matrigel-coated surfaces, including their differentiation capacity, cell cycle phase pattern, membrane fluidity, and metabolic activities. In conclusion, mESCs can be stimulated physiologically, chemically, or mechanically to convert them a new phenotype. Thus, identification of ESCs’ behavior in the acellular microenvironment could be vital to elucidate the mechanism of diseases. It might also be promising to control the cell fate in the field of tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Availability of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) has enhanced human neural differentiation research. The derivation of neural progenitor (NP) cells from hESC facilitates the interrogation of human embryonic development through the generation of neuronal subtypes and supporting glial cells. These cells will likely lead to novel drug screening and cell therapy uses. This review will discuss the current status of derivation, maintenance and further differentiation of NP cells with special emphasis on the cellular signaling involved in these processes. The derivation process affects the yield and homogeneity of the NP cells. Then when exposed to the correct environmental signaling cues, NP cells can follow a unique and robust temporal cell differentiation process forming numerous phenotypes.  相似文献   

Suemori H 《Human cell》2006,19(2):65-70
Embryonic stem (ES) cell lines, which are derived from the inner cell mass of blastocysts, proliferate indefinitely in vitro, retaining their potency to differentiate into various cell types derived from all of the three embryonic germ layers: the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Establishment of human ES cell lines in 1998 has indicated the great potential of ES cells for applications in medical research and other purposes such as cell transplantation therapy. Careful assessment of safety and effectiveness using proper animal models is required before such therapies can be attempted on human patients. Monkey ES cell lines provide valuable models for such research.  相似文献   

钱芳 《生物学杂志》2003,20(6):8-10,7
干细胞是目前细胞工程研究最活跃的领域,通过对各种干细胞的界定,胚胎干细胞和成体干细胞的比较研究、以及干细胞的技术应用,揭示出干细胞尤其是胚胎干细胞在医学以及整个生命科学中的巨大潜势,乃至于引发医学领域的重大变革。  相似文献   

Human pluripotent stem cells can in principle be used as a source of any differentiated cell type for disease modelling, drug screening, toxicology testing or cell replacement therapy. Type I diabetes is considered a major target for stem cell applications due to the shortage of primary human beta cells. Several protocols have been reported for generating pancreatic progenitors by in vitro differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells. Here we first assessed one of these protocols on a panel of pluripotent stem cell lines for capacity to engender glucose sensitive insulin-producing cells after engraftment in immunocompromised mice. We observed variable outcomes with only one cell line showing a low level of glucose response. We, therefore, undertook a systematic comparison of different methods for inducing definitive endoderm and subsequently pancreatic differentiation. Of several protocols tested, we identified a combined approach that robustly generated pancreatic progenitors in vitro from both embryo-derived and induced pluripotent stem cells. These findings suggest that, although there are intrinsic differences in lineage specification propensity between pluripotent stem cell lines, optimal differentiation procedures may consistently direct a substantial fraction of cells into pancreatic specification.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo provide a standardized protocol for large‐scale production of proximal tubular epithelial cells (PTEC) generated from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC).MethodsThe hPSC were expanded and differentiated into PTEC on matrix‐coated alginate beads in an automated levitating fluidic platform bioLevitator. Differentiation efficacy was evaluated by immunofluorescence staining and flow cytometry, ultrastructure visualized by electron microscopy. Active reabsorption by PTEC was investigated by glucose, albumin, organic anions and cations uptake assays. Finally, the response to cisplatin‐treatment was assessed to check the potential use of PTEC to model drug‐induced nephrotoxicity.ResultshPSC expansion and PTEC differentiation could be performed directly on matrix‐coated alginate beads in suspension bioreactors. Renal precursors arose 4 days post hPSC differentiation and PTEC after 8 days with 80% efficiency, with a 10‐fold expansion from hPSC in 24 days. PTEC on beads, exhibited microvilli and clear apico‐basal localization of markers. Functionality of PTECs was confirmed by uptake of glucose, albumin, organic anions and cations and expression of KIM‐1 after Cisplatin treatment.ConclusionWe demonstrate the efficient expansion of hPSC, controlled differentiation to renal progenitors and further specification to polarized tubular epithelial cells. This is the first report employing biolevitation and matrix‐coated beads in a completely defined medium for the scalable and potentially automatable production of functional human PTEC.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) not only hold great promise for the treatment of degenerative diseases but also provide a valuable tool for developmental studies. However, the clinical applications of hESC are at present limited by xeno-contamination during the in vitro derivation and propagation of these cells. In this review, we summarize the current methodologies for the derivation and the propagation of hESC in conditions that will eventually enable the generation of clinical-grade cells for future therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Skeletal myogenesis by human embryonic stem cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have examined the myogenic potential of human embryonic stem (hES) cells in a xeno-transplantation animal model. Here we show that precursors differentiated from hES cells can undergo myogenesis in an adult environment and give rise to a range of cell types in the myogenic lineage. This study provides direct evidences that hES cells can regenerate both muscle and satellite cells in vivo and are another promising cell type for treating muscle degenerative disorders in addition to other myogenic cell types.  相似文献   

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