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The cytoplasmic pH and the vacuolar pH in root-tip cells ofintact mung bean seedlings under high-NaCl stress were measuredby in vivo 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance (31P-NMR) spectroscopy.When roots were incubated with high levels (100 mM) of NaClat the control external concentration (0.5 mM) of Ca2+ ions,the vacuolar pH increased rapidly from 5.6 to 6.2 within 3 h,while the cytoplasmic pH only decreased by a mere 0.1 pH uniteven after a 24-h incubation under high-NaCl conditions. Theincrease in vacuolar pH induced by the high-NaCl stress wasdiminished by an increase in the external concentration of Ca2+ions from 0.5 mM to 5 mM. The intracellular concentration ofNa+ ions in the root-tip cells increased dramatically upon perfusionof the root cells with 100 mM NaCl, and high external levelsof Ca2+ ions also suppressed the in flow of Na+ ions into thecells. The vacuolar alkalization observed in salt-stressed rootsmay be related to the inhibition of an H+-translocating pyrophosphatasein the tonoplast, caused by the increase in the cytoplasmicconcentration of Na+ ions. It is suggested that, although thevacuolar pH increased markedly under salt stress, the cytoplasmicpH was tightly regulated by some unidentified mechanisms, suchas stimulation of the H+-translocating ATPase of the plasmalemma,in roots of mung bean under salt stress. (Received April 18, 1992; Accepted July 6, 1992)  相似文献   

The effects of Ca2+ in the external medium on intact mung beanroots under high NaCl stress were investigated. With increasingexternal concentrations of NaCl, mung bean roots showed suppressionof elongation and a decrease in the intracellular concentrationof K+. Addition of Ca2+ to the external medium alleviated theinhibition of root elongation under the high NaCl stress andmaintained a high intracellular concentration of K+ in the elongatingregion of the roots. This counter effect of Ca2+ against theNaCl stress on roots was correlated with the ratio of [Ca2+]/[Na+]2in the external medium. A value above 5.0 ? 10–4 mM–1resulted in almost complete recovery of root elongation undervarious high concentrations of NaCl. Root elongation for 24h under NaCl stress was correlated with the extent to whichthe intracellular concentration of K+ was in excess of 10 mM.Maintenance of an adequate concentration of K+ in root cellsis essential for root elongation under salt stress. These findingsindicate that Ca2+ prevents the leakage of intracellular K+and thereby supports the elongation of roots under salt stress. (Received November 13, 1989; Accepted June 5, 1990)  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of the extracellular potential andthe K+(86Rb) efflux, and of the intracellular and extracellularpotentials of the cortical cells were used to study the effectsof external Ca2+ on the plasma membrane K+(86Rb) permeabilityin two-day-old mung bean (Vigna mungo L. Hepper, ‘Blackmatpe’) roots under high KCl stress. The K+ efflux wasenhanced by a high KCl solution (>7.5 mM), and addition of0.5 mM Ca2+ could suppress this efflux. The removal of membrane-associatedCa+ from the root surface with EDTA led to a recovery of theK+ efflux along with a marked decrease in the extracellularpotential. (Received November 19, 1986; Accepted March 6, 1987)  相似文献   

用50~200 mmol/L NaCl处理2 d后,大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)品种"滩引2号"(耐盐性强)根的液泡膜H+-ATPase活性增强,600 mmol/L NaCl处理下酶活性下降;"科品7号"(耐盐性弱)在50~100 mmol/L NaCl处理2 d后根的液泡膜H+-ATPase活性增强,200~600 mmol/L NaCl处理下酶活性随盐浓度增加而降低.50~200 mmol/L NaCl处理下"滩引2号"根的液泡膜流动性下降,600 mmol/L NaCl处理下膜流动性明显增大;盐胁迫下液泡膜膜脂脂肪酸不饱和度下降时,膜流动性下降,反之则膜流动性上升.由此推断高盐胁迫下液泡膜膜脂脂肪酸不饱和度上升而引起膜流动性上升可能是引起H+-ATPase活性下降的原因之一.  相似文献   

The mechanism responsible for the decrease in the activity of vacuolar H+ -ATPase during chilling was investigated in seedlings of mung bean (Vigna radiata). After chilling at 0°C for 3 d, the activity of vacuolar H+ -ATPase, calculated on the basis of membrane protein, decreased to 47% of the original value. Of the nine subunits of the ATPase, the specific contents of at least six subunits, of 68, 57, 44, 38, 37, and 32 kD, decreased in vacuolar membranes after chilling, as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These subunits were released by treatment with chaotropic anions such as thiocyanate. The level of the 16-kD subunit did not change. Immunoblot analyses showed the decrease in the levels of the subunits of 68, 57, and 32 kD. Furthermore, the specific activity of the ATPase purified from chilled hypocotyls was two-thirds of that of the enzyme from nonchilled seedlings, and the enzyme from chilled tissue retained only a small amount of the 32-kD subunit. These results suggest that a selective release of the peripheral subunits of the ATPase from the membrane and a partial degradation of the ATPase complex may occur in vivo during chilling.  相似文献   

To study the function and adaptive mechanism of tonoplast H+ATPase under salt stress, pea ( Pisum sativum L.) seedlings were treated with different concentrations of salt (100-250 mmol/L NaCl) and with 100 mmol/L NaCl for different days (1-3 d). The ATP hydrolytic activity and the proton transport activity and the changes of the amount of tonoplast H+ ATPase (subunit A) were measured. ATP hydrolytic activity of H+ATPase prepared from plants treated with 250 mmol/L NaCl was reduced by about 25% compared to that of control plants, but that of stressed plants treated with 100 mmol/L and 200 mmol/L NaCl was unchanged. The activity from plants treated with 100 mmol/L NaCl for up to 3 d was lower than that of control plants by 20%. But the proton transport activity was increased under the same salt stresses as above. These results showed that the changes of the hydrolytic activity and the proton transport activity were not in proportion and salt stress may cause the change of the coupling ratio of H+ transport activity to ATP hydrolysis. The protein amount kept unchanged and reduced a little only when pea was treated with 100 mmol/L NaCl for 3 d. These results indicated that salinity stimulated the increase of the pump efficiency of the V-ATPase from pea roots, which was due to the change of the coupling ratio, but not due to the increase of ATP hydrolysis and the amount of V-ATPase.  相似文献   

Reconstituted proteoliposomes of tonoplast ATPase are formedon solubilization of tonoplast membranes from mung bean (Vignaradiata L.) with deoxycholate (DOC) in the presence of a mixtureof soybean phospholipids (asolectin), after removal of DOC bypassage through a PD-10 column (Pharmacia). This method is idealbecause of its simplicity and rapidity. Selective insertionof sets of tonoplast H+-ATPase polypeptides (68 kDa, 60 kDa,16 kDa and several minor polypeptides) into liposomes usingthis method was confirmed by SDS-PAGE and immuno-blotting withantibodies raised against 68-kDa and 60-kDa polypeptides. Pumping of protons across the membranes of the proteoliposomeswas demonstrated by quinacrine-fluorescence quenching in thepresence of ATP-Mg2+. ATP-Mg2+ was shown to be the preferredsubstrate in both reconstituted and native tonoplast vesicles,and its optimum concentration was 0.75 to 3.0 mM. Quenchingwas completely abolished by a channel-forming ionophore, gramicidinD, and an inhibitor of tonoplast H+-ATPase, KNO3. Antibodiesto 68-kDa and 60-kDa peptides partially inhibited the pumpingof protons. The rate of pumping of protons increased with thenumber of proteoliposomes, the maximal concentration of whichwas equivalent to 250 µg of protein per reaction mixture.The optimum pH for pumping was 6.5 when inside of proteoliposomeswere loaded pH at 7.2. The rate of pumping of protons was reducedwhen proteoliposomes were made using asolectin and cholesterolat 3 : 1 (w/w), as compared with those made with asolectin alone. The ATPase activity in reconstituted proteoliposomes was inhibitedby KNO3, with half-maximal inhibition at approximately 7 mM.The enzyme actively hydrolyzed ATP in preference to GTP, CTP,UTP, and ADP, but it did not hydrolyze pNPP or AMP. Antibodiesagainst the 60-kDa polypeptide strongly inhibited ATPase activityas compared to antibodies against the 68-kDa polypeptide. Theresults obtained in this study demonstrate directly that functionaltonoplast H+-ATPase can be inserted selectively into liposomes. (Received August 31, 1990; Accepted April 18, 1991)  相似文献   

H+-ATPase was solubilized from the tonoplast of mung bean (Vignaradiata L.) hypocotyls and purified by fast protein liquid chromatographyon a Mono Q ion-exchange column. The purified ATPase hardlycontained any phospholipid, but it did contain 10 to 15 moleculesof sterol and 25 to 30 molecules of glycolipid per ATPase molecule,and it had little activity without exogenously added phospholipids.Each individual polar head group, acylglyceride and fatty acidthat constituted a phospholipid was incapable by itself of activatingthe ATPase. Sterols and cerebroside had little activating effect.Maximal activation of ATPase was noted with asolectin or variousmolecular species of phosphatidylcholine (PC) at 0.005% to 0.01%(w/v). The activation by the various molecular species of PCwas dependent on the length and degree of unsaturation of fattyacyl chains. PC with two saturated and long fatty acyl chainsof more than 18 carbon atoms failed entirely to activate theATPase. PC, PS and PG with 1-palmitoyl (16:0)-2-oleoyl(18:1)fatty acyl chains all activated ATPase to nearly the same extentas asolectin, but the activation by PE and PA with the samefatty acyl composition was 52% and 15% of that by asolectin,respectively. The molecular species of PC with phase-transitiontemperatures below 50C activated ATPase, as determined at 38C.The dependence on temperature of the activation by the molecularspecies of PC indicated that the activation of the ATPase beganclose to the temperature of the phase transition of the PC added.These data indicate that phospholipids in the liquid-crystallinephase are essential for the catalytic activity of the ATPase. (Received June 4, 1992; Accepted January 18, 1993)  相似文献   

选用两个耐盐性强弱不同的大麦(Hordeumvulgare L.)品种,研究了NaCl胁迫下其幼苗根中ATP和焦磷酸(PPi)含量的变化以及PPi对液泡膜H -ATP酶活性的影响.结果表明:在含NaCl 200mmol/L的1/2 Hoagland溶液中处理2 d,耐盐品种(滩引2号)根中液泡膜H -ATP酶活性增加,然后逐渐下降,而H -PPi酶活性在NaCl处理9 d中'直下降.盐敏感品种(科品7号)在NaCl胁迫下根中H -ATP酶和H -PPi酶活性都下降(图1).与对照相比较,NaCl胁迫下耐盐品种根中ATP含量2 d时增加,4 d后下降;盐敏感品种根中ATP积累受NaCl胁迫的抑制(图2).NaCl胁迫下,两品种的PPi含量皆略有增加(图3).PPi对液泡膜H -ATP酶活性有竞争性抑制作用(图4).结果表明:ATP积累是NaCl胁迫下液泡膜H -ATP酶活性增加的原因之一,NaCl胁迫下大麦品种根中ATP含量下降和PPi对液泡膜H -ATP酶的抑制使该酶活性下降.  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫2 d,耐盐大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.cv) ("滩引2号")根系液泡膜H+-ATPase活性增强,H+-PPase活性下降.以质膜Ca2+通道抑制剂La3+ (1 mmol/L)或Ca2+螯合剂EGTA (5 mmol/L)处理大麦幼苗,抑制了NaCl诱导的液泡膜H+-ATPase活性的增强,但提高了H+-PPase活性;用CaM拮抗剂三氟拉嗪(TFP,20 μmol/L)处理,也抑制了液泡膜H+-ATPase活性的增强.NaCl胁迫下,外加La3+,TFP或La3++TFP处理,使Na+吸收增加,K+和Ca2+吸收降低.结果表明,NaCl胁迫下,液泡膜H+-ATPase活性提高和离子吸收的变化可能与Ca-CaM系统有关.  相似文献   

磷饥饿下番茄幼苗根系液泡膜H+-ATPase活性的适应性变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以‘世纪星’番茄为材料。研究了磷饥饿下番茄幼苗的生长状况及其根部液泡膜H^+-ATPase活性的适应性变化。结果表明:磷饥饿下番茄幼苗的平均高度均低于对照苗,而主根长度均显著长于对照。磷饥饿提高了番茄幼苗根部液泡膜H^+-ATPase的水解活性,随着磷胁迫时间的延长,该酶的活性逐渐增大,在磷饥饿7d时达到最大,后又略有降低;而对照番茄幼苗根部该酶的活性变化很小。动力学分析表明:磷饥饿使番茄幼苗根部液泡膜H^+-ATPase的Km值明显降低,但对该酶的Kmax影响不大。这说明磷饥饿提高了该酶对其底物的亲和力。此外,磷饥饿并不改变液泡膜H^+-ATPase酶的最适pH值(仍为7.5)。  相似文献   

以宁夏枸杞为材料,研究NaCl胁迫下枸杞幼苗组织含水量、干物质重量、无机离子分布、质膜透性、丙二醛 (MDA)含量及幼根质膜、液泡膜H -ATPase活性和耐盐性之间的关系。结果表明,在0.3%NaCl胁迫下,干物质重量、质膜透性、MDA含量略有增加,组织含水量略有下降;随着NaCl胁迫强度的增加,Na 、Cl-含量逐渐增加, K 含量则呈现下降的趋势;质膜透性增大与MDA含量升高呈显著正相关;质膜和液泡膜H -ATPase活性逐渐增加,且液泡膜H -ATPase活性显著高于质膜H -ATPase活性,表明枸杞具有较强的抗盐性。  相似文献   

以两相法提取纯化绿豆下胚轴质膜微囊,材料与两相体系重量之比为32∶8时,一次洗膜就可以得到纯度较高的质膜微囊。提取缓冲液中牛血清白蛋白的浓度对质膜H+-ATPase的潜在活性有影响。质膜H+-ATPase水解活性依赖于Mg2+,Ca2+对酶活性有明显的促进作用。壳梭孢素(fusicoccin, FC)对酶有明显的刺激作用,活体条件最大刺激达到72%,而离体条件下刺激为30%。  相似文献   

绿豆下胚轴质膜微囊的提取和H+-ATPase活性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以两相法提取纯化绿豆下胚轴质膜微囊,材料与两相体系重量之比为32:8时,一次洗膜就可以得到纯度较高的质膜微囊.提取缓冲液中牛血清白蛋白的浓度对质膜H -ATPase的潜在活性有影响.质膜H -ATPase水解活性依赖于Mg2 ,Ca2 对酶活性有明显的促进作用.壳梭孢素(fusicoccin,FC)对酶有明显的刺激作用,活体条件最大刺激达到72%,而离体条件下刺激为30%.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对豌豆根液泡膜H^+—ATPase活性及含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了阐明液泡膜H^ -ATPase在盐胁迫下的作用和适应性调节机制,对豌豆(Pisum sativum L.)植株进行不同盐浓度和不同盐胁迫时间(1-3d)的处理后,分别测定液泡膜H^ -ATPase的H^ 转运活性、水解性和蛋白含量(A亚基)的变化。结果表明,100mmol/L和200mmol/L NaCl 处理1dH^ -ATPase的水解活性没有变化,而250mmol/L NaCl处理1d引起水解活性降低约25%。100mmol/L NaCl处理2d内水解活性没有变化,而第3天活性下降约20%。但是上述盐胁迫均能提高液泡膜H^ -ATPase的质子转运活性,说明盐胁迫后H^ -ATPase的水解活性和质子转运活性的变化不成比例,盐胁迫可能导致偶联比率的改变。Western blot研究发现,上述盐胁迫对液泡膜H^ -ATPase(A亚基)的含量基本无影响,仅100mmol/L NaCl处理3d后A亚基的量略有下降,这些结果证明,盐胁迫能刺激提高豌豆根液泡膜H^ -ATPase的H^ 泵效率,且泵效率的提高是源于偶联比率的改变,而不是由于ATP水解活性的提高和蛋白含量的增加。  相似文献   

For an examination of the effects of cholesterol and cerebrosideon the rate and extent of proton-pumping across the membranesof proteoliposomes prepared with tonoplast H+-ATPase, the tonoplastH+-ATPase of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) was purified by fastprotein liquid chromatography (FPLC) and incorporated into liposomesprepared from asolectin and cholesterol or cerebroside. Proteoliposomeswere formed after the removal of Triton X-100 from a mixtureof Triton X-100, asolectin and purified tonoplast H+-ATPaseby passage through an Ampure DT column. Proteoliposomes preparedfrom cholesterol and asolectin at a ratio of 45 : 55 (w/w) andat a ratio of lipid to protein of 200 : 1 (w/w) gave the largestpH gradient, as determined by the ATP-generated quenching ofquinacrine fluorescence. In the presence of cholesterol, thepH gradient formed across the membranes of proteoliposomes andthe average diameter of proteoliposomes increased about two-fold.The initial rate of proton-pumping decreased to 20% of thatobserved with proteoliposomes prepared from asolectin alone.The addition of cerebroside to asolectin at a ratio of 5 : 95(w/w) caused a 1.6-fold increase in the maximum pH gradientwithout any significant change in the initial rate of proton-pumpingor the diameter of proteoliposomes, but the maximum pH gradientdecreased greatly at ratios above 20 : 80 (w/w). The maximumpH gradient was transient and decreased spontaneously when onlyasolectin was used to prepare proteoliposomes, or when cerebrosideand asolectin were used together. Disappearance of the protongradient once it had formed and/or leakage of protons were suppressedby cholesterol at ratios above 30 : 70 (w/w). It was clear,therefore, that cholesterol and asolectin at ratios 30 : 70(w/w) to 45 : 55 (w/w) formed larger and more stable proteoliposomesthan did asolectin alone. 1Present address: Laboratory of Climatic Stress Control, TohokuNational Agricultural Experiment Station, 4 Shimokuriyagawa,Morioka, Iwate, 020-01 Japan  相似文献   

Tonoplast vesicles were isolated from leaf mesophyll tissue of the inducible Crassulacean acid metabolism plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum to investigate the mechanism of vacuolar Na+ accumulation in this halophilic species. In 8-week-old plants exposed to 200 mM NaCl for 2 weeks, tonoplast H+-ATPase activity was approximately doubled compared with control plants of the same age, as determined by rates of both ATP hydrolysis and ATP-dependent H+ transport. Evidence was also obtained for the presence of an electroneutral Na+/H+ antiporter at the tonoplast that is constitutively expressed, since extravesicular Na+ was able to dissipate a pre-existing transmembrane pH gradient. Initial rates of H+ efflux showed saturation kinetics with respect to extravesicular Na+ concentration and were 2.1-fold higher from vesicles of salt-treated plants compared with the controls. Na+-dependent H+ efflux also showed a high selectivity for Na+ over K+, was insensitive to the transmembrane electrical potential difference, and was more than 50% inhibited by 200 [mu]M N-amidino-3,5-diamino-6-chloropyrazinecarboxamide hydrochloride. The close correlation between increased Na+/H+ antiport and H+-ATPase activities in response to salt treatment suggests that accumulation of the very high concentrations of vacuolar Na+ found in M. crystallinum is energized by the H+ electrochemical gradient across the tonoplast.  相似文献   

Intracellular pH and levels of ATP in intact root-tip cellsof mung bean (Vigna mungo [L.] Hepper) under low-temperaturestress were investigated in vivo by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance(31P-NMR) spectroscopy. Root-tips of 3 mm in length were excisedfrom seedlings of mung bean that had been chilled at 0°Cafter grown at 30°C. Chilling for longer than 12 h causedchanges in the intracellular pH and decreased levels of ATPin the seedlings. The level of ATP recovered within 30 min butlittle change in pH was observed when samples were rewarmedto 20° C after chilling at 5°C. However, after chillingfor longer than 48 h, neither the intracellular pH nor the levelof ATP was restored. These results suggest that a decline in the activity of tonoplastH+-ATPase, induced by chillings, might be a significant earlyevent in cold-induced injury that leads to cell damage. (Received October 27, 1994; Accepted May 10, 1995)  相似文献   

Tonoplast-enriched vesicles were prepared from suspension-cultured Populus euphratica Oliv. cells by differential centrifugation and discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The properties of the proton pumping activity of H+-ATPases in tonoplast vesicles were studied by acridine orange fluorescent quenching measured at 22 ℃. The proton pumping activity of ATPase was ATP-dependent with apparent Michaelis-Menten Constant (Km) for ATP about 0.65 mmol/L. The optimal pH for H+-ATPases activity was 7.5. The proton pumping activity of H+-ATPase could be initiated by some divalent cations, Mg2+ being highly efficient, much more than Fe2+; and Ca2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ were inefficient under the experimental condition. The proton translocation could be stimulated by halide anions, with potencies decreasing in the order Cl-> Br->I->F-. The proton pumping activity was greatly inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), NO-3 and Bafilomycin A1, but not by orthovanadate and azide. These results demonstrated that the H+-ATPase in the tonoplast of Populus euphratica belonged to vacuolar type ATPase. This work was the first time that tonoplast-enriched vesicles were isolated from Populus euphratica cells.  相似文献   

采用营养液水培方式,研究了根际低氧胁迫下外源多胺对黄瓜幼苗植株根系生长,内源多胺含量与质膜H -ATP酶、液泡膜H -ATP酶和焦磷酸酶活性的影响.结果表明,根际低氧胁迫显著抑制黄瓜幼苗根系的生长,外源Put(腐胺)和Spd(亚精胺)可缓解低氧胁迫对根系的生长抑制,多胺主要以Spd的形式发挥促进性的生理作用,Put通过转化为Spd发挥作用;低氧胁迫下黄瓜根系内源多胺含量略有提高,外源多胺处理可增加内源多胺的含量;低氧胁迫下外源Put和Spd处理后质膜H -ATP酶活性显著提高,外源多胺对黄瓜根系液胞膜H -ATP酶和H -焦磷酸酶活性没有明显影响,说明低氧胁迫下外源多胺主要通过提高质膜H -ATP酶活性而发挥生理作用.  相似文献   

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