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EcoRII DNA methyltransferase (M.EcoRII) recognizes the 5' em leader CC*T/AGG em leader 3' DNA sequence and catalyzes the transfer of the methyl group from S-adenosyl-l-methionine to the C5 position of the inner cytosine residue (C*). Here, we study the mechanism of inhibition of M.EcoRII by DNA containing 2-pyrimidinone, a cytosine analogue lacking an NH(2) group at the C4 position of the pyrimidine ring. Also, DNA containing 2-pyrimidinone was used for probing contacts of M.EcoRII with functional groups of pyrimidine bases of the recognition sequence. 2-Pyrimidinone was incorporated into the 5' em leader CCT/AGG em leader 3' sequence replacing the target and nontarget cytosine and central thymine residues. Study of the DNA stability using thermal denaturation of 2-pyrimidinone containing duplexes pointed to the influence of the bases adjacent to 2-pyrimidinone and to a greater destabilizing influence of 2-pyrimidinone substitution for thymine than that for cytosine. Binding of M.EcoRII to 2-pyrimidinone containing DNA and methylation of these DNA demonstrate that the amino group of the outer cytosine in the EcoRII recognition sequence is not involved in the DNA-M.EcoRII interaction. It is probable that there are contacts between the functional groups of the central thymine exposed in the major groove and M.EcoRII. 2-Pyrimidinone replacing the target cytosine in the EcoRII recognition sequence forms covalent adducts with M.EcoRII. In the absence of the cofactor S-adenosyl-l-methionine, proton transfer to the C5 position of 2-pyrimidinone occurs and in the presence of S-adenosyl-l-methionine, methyl transfer to the C5 position of 2-pyrimidinone occurs.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotides containing 1-(beta-D-2'-deoxy-threo-pentofuranosyl)cytosine (dCx) and/or 1-(beta-D-2'-deoxy-threo-pentofuranosyl)thymine (dTx) in place of dC and dT residues in the EcoRII and MvaI recognition site CC(A/T)GG were synthesized in order to investigate specific recognition of the DNA sugar-phosphate backbone by EcoRII and MvaI restriction endonucleases. In 2'-deoxyxylosyl moieties of dCx and dTx, 3'-hydroxyl groups were inverted, which perturbs the related individual phosphates. Introduction of a single 2'-deoxyxylosyl moiety into a dC x dG pair resulted in a minor destabilization of double-stranded DNA structure. In the case of a dA x dT pair the effect of a 2'-deoxyxylose incorporation was much more pronounced. Multiple dCx modifications and their combination with dTx did not enhance the destabilization effect. Hydrolysis of dCx-containing DNA duplexes by EcoRII endonuclease was blocked and binding affinity was strongly depended on the location of an altered sugar. A DNA duplex containing a dTx residue was cleaved by the enzyme, but kcat/K(M) was slightly reduced. In contrast, MvaI endonuclease efficiently cleaved both types of sugar-altered substrate analogs. However it did not cleave conformationally perturbed scissile bonds, when the corresponding unmodified bonds were perfectly hydrolyzed in the same DNA duplexes. Based on these data the possible contributions of individual phosphates in the recognition site to substrate recognition and catalysis by EcoRII were proposed. We observed strikingly non-equivalent inputs for different phosphates with respect to their effect on EcoRII-DNA complex formation.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotides containing 2-aminopurine (2-AP) in place of G or A in the recognition site of EcoRII (CCT/AGG) or SsoII (CCNGG) restriction endonucleases have been synthesized in order to investigate the specific interaction of DNA with these enzymes. Physicochemical properties (CD spectra and melting behaviour) have shown that DNA duplexes containing 2-aminopurine exist largely in a stable B-like form. 2-Aminopurine base paired with cytidine, however, essentially influences the helix structure. The presence of a 2-AP-C mismatch strongly reduces the stability of the duplexes in comparison with the natural double strand, indicated by a biphasic melting behaviour. SsoII restriction endonuclease recognizes and cleaves the modified substrate with a 2-AP-T mismatch in the centre of the recognition site, but it does not cleave the duplexes containing 2-aminopurine in place of inner and outer G, or both. EcoRII restriction endonuclease does not cleave duplexes containing 2-aminopurine at all. The two-substrate mechanism of EcoRII-DNA interaction, however, allows hydrolysis of the duplex containing 2-aminopurine in place of adenine in the presence of the canonical substrate.  相似文献   

Synthesis of various N-acylated derivatives of 2'-amino-2'-deoxyuridine is described together with their incorporation into DNA and LNA oligonucleotides using the phosphoramidite approach on an automated DNA synthesizer. The thermal stabilities of duplexes formed by these 2'-amino-DNA-modified DNA or LNA/DNA chimeric strands and complementary DNA or RNA strands have been studied. Introduction of LNA monomers around the functionalised 2'-amino-DNA modifications results in reversal of the affinity-decreasing effect of the latter. This represents a novel general approach for design and synthesis of high-affinity functionalised oligonucleotides for biotechnological or medicinal applications.  相似文献   

The optimal way of constructing a family of restriction endonuclease EcoRII substrates has been developed. The substrates are DNA-like duplexes containing regularly repeated native or modified sites of this enzyme as well as those of EcoRI and AluI. Synthesis of substrates was performed by water-soluble carbodiimide-induced polycondensation of two nonanucleotides, d(C-C-T-G-G-A-A-T-Tp) and d(C-C-A-G-G-A-G-C-Tp), as constituents of different complementary complexes. The products of reaction (degree of polymerization, 2-20) were isolated by G-200 gel-filtration. The yield of polymers was about 70%. The main products of reaction were dimers when dephosphorylated nonanucleotides (terminators of polycondensation) were used. The thermal stability of DNA-like duplexes is very high. The structure of the polymers obtained has been confirmed by UV-spectroscopy and by CD data as well as by the results of cleavage by EcoRI and AluI restriction endonucleases.  相似文献   

C D Pein  M Reuter  D Cech  D H Krüger 《FEBS letters》1989,245(1-2):141-144
Some DNA species are resistant towards the restriction endonuclease EcoRII despite the presence of unmodified recognition sites. We show that 14 base-pair oligonucleotide duplexes containing the EcoRII recognition site 5'-CC(A/T)GG are cleaved by this enzyme and are able to stimulate EcoRII cleavage of such resistant DNA molecules (e.g. DNA of bacterial virus T3). A direct correlation between the concentration of oligonucleotide duplex molecules and the degree of EcoRII digestion of the primarily resistant DNA is observed. This indicates a stoichiometric rather than a catalytic mode of enzyme activation. An excess of DNA devoid of EcoRII sites ('non-site' DNA, e.g. MvaI-digested T7 DNA) does not interfere with the activity of EcoRII.  相似文献   

The efficiency of cleavage of DNA duplexes with single EcoRII recognition sites by the EcoRII restriction endonuclease decreases with increasing substrate length. DNA duplexes of more than 215 bp are not effectively cleaved by this enzyme. Acceleration of the hydrolysis of long single-site substrates by EcoRII is observed in the presence of 11-14-bp substrates. The stimulation of hydrolysis depends on the length and concentration of the second substrate. To study the mechanism of EcoRII endonuclease stimulation, DNA duplexes with base analogs and modified internucleotide phosphate groups in the EcoRII site have been investigated as activators. These modified duplexes are cleaved by EcoRII enzyme with different efficiencies or are not cleaved at all. It has been discovered that the resistance of some of them can be overcome by incubation with a susceptible canonical substrate. The acceleration of cleavage of long single-site substrates depends on the type of modification of the activator. The modified DNA duplexes can activate EcoRII catalyzed hydrolysis if they can be cleaved by EcoRII themselves or in the presence of the second canonical substrate. It has been demonstrated that EcoRII endonuclease interacts in a cooperative way with two recognition sites in DNA. The cleavage of one of the recognition sites depends on the cleavage of the other. We suggest that the activator is not an allosteric effector but acts as a second substrate.  相似文献   

2-Methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (menadione, MQ) was linked to synthetic oligonucleotides and exposed to near-UV light to generate base radical cations in DNA. This model system of electron transfer induced alkali-labile breaks at GG doublets, similar to anthraquinone and metallointercalators systems. In sharp contrast to other systems, the photolysis of MQ–DNA duplexes gave interstrand cross-links and alkali-labile breaks at bases on the complementary strand opposite the MQ moiety. For sequences with an internal MQ, the formation of cross-links with A and C opposite the MQ moiety was 2- to 3-fold greater than that with G and T. The yield of cross-links was more than 10-fold greater than that of breaks opposite MQ, which in turn was more than 2-fold greater than breaks at GG doublets. The yield of damage at GG doublets greatly increased for a sequence with a terminal MQ. The distribution of base damage was measured by enzymatic digestion and HPLC analysis (dAdo > dThd > dGuo > dCyd). The formation of novel products in MQ–DNA duplexes was attributed to the ability of excited MQ to generate the radical cations of all four DNA bases; thus, this photochemical reaction provides an ideal model system to study the effects of ionizing radiation and one-electron oxidants.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide hybridization probes containing nucleoside analogs offer a potential strategy for binding specific DNA sequences that bear pro-mutagenic O6-G alkylation adducts. To optimize O6-Me-G-targeting probes, an understanding of how base pairs with O6-Me-G are stabilized is needed. In this study, we compared the ability of O6-Me-G and G to hydrogen bond with three pyrimidine-like nucleobases (Z, 4-thio-U, and 3-deaza-C) bearing varied hydrogen bond donor and acceptor groups. We found that duplexes containing the pyrimidine analog nucleoside:G pairs were more thermodynamically stable than those containing pyrimidine analog nucleoside:O6-alkyl-G pairs. Thus, hydrogen bonding alone was not sufficient to impart selectivity to probes that target O6-G alkylation adducts in DNA.  相似文献   

Affinity modification of EcoRII DNA methyltransferase (M x EcoRII) by DNA duplexes containing oxidized 2'-O-beta-D-ribofuranosylcytidine (Crib*) or 1-(beta-D-galactopyranosyl)thymine (Tgal*) residues was performed. Cross-linking yields do not change irrespective of whether active Crib* replaces an outer or an inner (target) deoxycytidine within the EcoRII recognition site. Chemical hydrolysis of M x EcoRII in the covalent cross-linked complex with the Tgal*-substituted DNA indicates the region Gly268-Met391 of the methylase that is likely to interact with the DNA sugar-phosphate backbone. Both specific and non-specific DNA interact with the same M x EcoRII region. Our results support the theoretically predicted DNA binding region of M x EcoRII.  相似文献   

R K Evans  B E Haley 《Biochemistry》1987,26(1):269-276
A photoactive nucleotide analogue of dUTP, 5-azido-2'-deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate (5-N3dUTP), was synthesized from dUMP in five steps. The key reaction in the synthesis of 5-N3dUTP is the nitration of dUMP in 98% yield in 5 min at 25 degrees C using an excess of nitrosonium tetrafluoroborate in anhydrous dimethylformamide. Reduction of the resulting 5-nitro compound with zinc and 20 mM HCl gave 5-aminodeoxyuridine monophosphate (5-NH2dUMP). Diazotization of 5-NH2dUMP with HNO2 followed by the addition of NaN3 to the acidic diazonium salt solution gave a photoactive nucleotide derivative in 80-90% yield. The monophosphate product was identified as 5-N3dUMP by proton NMR, UV, IR, and chromatographic analysis as well as by the mode of synthesis and its photosensitivity. After formation of 5-N3dUTP through a chemical coupling of pyrophosphate to 5-N3dUMP, the triphosphate form of the nucleotide was found to support DNA synthesis by Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I at a rate indistinguishable from that supported by dTTP. When UMP was used as the starting compound, 5-N3UTP was formed in an analogous fashion with similar yields and produced a photoactive nucleotide which is a substrate for E. coli RNA polymerase. To prepare [gamma-32P]-5-N3dUTP for use as an active-site-directed photoaffinity labeling reagent, a simple method of preparing gamma-32P-labeled pyrimidine nucleotides was developed. [gamma-32P]-5-N3dUTP is an effective photoaffinity labeling reagent for DNA polymerase I and was found to bind to the active site with a 2-fold higher affinity than dTTP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Short DNA duplexes that contain a N4C-ethyl-N4C interstrand cross-link were prepared on controlled pore glass supports using a DNA synthesizer. The C-C cross-link was introduced via a convertible nucleoside on the support or by using a protected C-C cross-link phosphoramidite. An orthogonal protection scheme allowed selective chain growth in either a 3'-->5' or 5'-->3' direction. The cross-linked duplexes were purified by HPLC and characterized by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and/or by enzymatic digestion.  相似文献   

Bifunctional DNA alkylating agents form a diverse assortment of covalent DNA interstrand cross-linked (ICL) structures that are potent cytotoxins. Because it is implausible that cells could possess distinct DNA repair systems for each individual ICL, it is believed that common structural and dynamic features of ICL damage are recognized, rather than specific structural characteristics of each cross-linking agent. Investigation of the structural and dynamic properties of ICLs that might be important for recognition has been complicated by heterogeneous incorporation of these lesions into DNA. To address this problem, we have synthesized and characterized several homogeneous ICL DNAs containing site-specific staggered N4-cytosine-ethyl-N4-cytosine cross-links. Staggered cross-links were introduced in two ways, in a manner that preserves the overall structure of B-form duplex DNA and in a manner that highly distorts the DNA structure, with the goal of understanding how structural and dynamic properties of diverse ICL duplexes might flag these sites for repair. Measurements of base pair opening dynamics in the B-form ICL duplex by (1)H NMR line width or imino proton solvent exchange showed that the guanine base opposite the cross-linked cytosine opened at least 1 order of magnitude more slowly than when in a control matched normal duplex. To a lesser degree, the B-form ICL also induced a decrease in base pair opening dynamics that extended from the site of the cross-link to adjacent base pairs. In contrast, the non-B-form ICL showed extensive conformational dynamics at the site of the cross-link, which extended over the entire DNA sequence. Because DNA duplexes containing the B-form and non-B-form ICL cross-links have both been shown to be incised when incubated in mammalian whole cell extracts, while a matched normal duplex is not, we conclude that intrinsic DNA dynamics is not a requirement for specific damage incision of these ICLs. Instead, we propose a general model in which destabilized ICL duplexes serve to energetically facilitate binding of DNA repair factors that must induce bubbles or other distortions in the duplex. However, the essential requirement for incision is an immobile Y-junction where the repair factors are stably bound at the site of the ICL, and the two DNA strands are unpaired.  相似文献   

EcoRII is unusual among type II restriction enzymes in that, while it cleaves substrates such as pBR322 and bacteriophage lambda that contain several recognition sites for the enzyme efficiently, substrates such as the genomes of bacteriophages T3 and T7 which contain a small number of recognition sites are cut poorly by it. Interestingly, pBR322, or a short DNA duplex containing a single site for the enzyme, can activate the enzyme to cleave resistant substrates. We show here that, at low concentrations, activator short duplexes are themselves cleaved poorly by the enzyme. Further, the reaction shows substrate cooperativity, and at high concentrations, the duplexes are both activators and good substrates for the enzyme. This supports the model that the activation of EcoRII involves binding of more than one DNA molecule and provides a simple system to study the mechanism of activation. Using a gel mobility shift assay, we show that the enzyme forms sequence-specific, methylation-sensitive complexes with the duplexes in the absence of activating DNA. Therefore, resistance of the short duplexes to the enzyme at low concentrations cannot be due to an inability of the enzyme to bind the duplexes. Interestingly, these complexes are stable in the presence of Mg2+, the cofactor for the enzyme, and the complexes obtained in the presence of Mg2+ do not contain DNA that is cleaved by the enzyme. The inefficient step in the action of EcoRII on resistant substrates must occur subsequent to initial substrate binding and it is this step that the activating DNA must regulate.  相似文献   

Recently thiolated oligonucleotides have attracted significant interest due to their ability to efficiently undergo stable bond formation with gold nanoparticles and surfaces to form DNA conjugates. In this respect we became interested in the synthesis of oligonucleotides that bear short thioalkyl functions located at the nucleobase. Here we present a strategy for the synthesis of DNA oligonucleotides that bear 5-(mercaptomethyl)-2'-deoxyuridine moieties. The building blocks were synthesized in a straightforward manner from thymidine. Only moderate changes of standard protocols for automated DNA synthesis are required for the generation of modified oligonucleotides containing the thiolated building blocks.  相似文献   

Derivatives of 2'-deoxyuridine in which the 5'-OH group is replaced by a 2,3,6-trifluoro-5-hydroxy-4-nitrophenoxy or a 4-carboxy-2,3,6-trifluoro-5-hydroxyphenoxy group have been prepared for evaluation as possible dUTP analogues. They showed a weak ability to displace radiolabelled dUTP from a dUTP-binding antiserum. The corresponding compounds lacking the three fluorine substituents were prepared for comparison.  相似文献   

We have developed an immunological method for isolation and identification of DNA sequences containing 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) incorporated during UV-induced excision-repair synthesis. DNA fragments containing BrdUrd incorporated during repair synthesis were incubated with goat anti-BrdUrd and rabbit anti-goat IgG, and the antibody-DNA complexes were separated from bulk DNA by nitrocellulose filter binding. With this method, 80% of DNA sequences containing BrdUrd-labeled excision-repair sites were recovered, contaminated with less than 1% of DNA fragments devoid of excision-repair sites. Recovery of DNA fragments containing repair sites was independent of size from 2 to 20 kilobases. We have used this method in conjunction with blot hybridization to demonstrate that repair synthesis occurs in human ribosomal gene sequences in cells treated with UV.  相似文献   

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