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The single-stranded DNA-binding protein of Escherichia coli.   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
The single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) of Escherichia coli is involved in all aspects of DNA metabolism: replication, repair, and recombination. In solution, the protein exists as a homotetramer of 18,843-kilodalton subunits. As it binds tightly and cooperatively to single-stranded DNA, it has become a prototypic model protein for studying protein-nucleic acid interactions. The sequences of the gene and protein are known, and the functional domains of subunit interaction, DNA binding, and protein-protein interactions have been probed by structure-function analyses of various mutations. The ssb gene has three promoters, one of which is inducible because it lies only two nucleotides from the LexA-binding site of the adjacent uvrA gene. Induction of the SOS response, however, does not lead to significant increases in SSB levels. The binding protein has several functions in DNA replication, including enhancement of helix destabilization by DNA helicases, prevention of reannealing of the single strands and protection from nuclease digestion, organization and stabilization of replication origins, primosome assembly, priming specificity, enhancement of replication fidelity, enhancement of polymerase processivity, and promotion of polymerase binding to the template. E. coli SSB is required for methyl-directed mismatch repair, induction of the SOS response, and recombinational repair. During recombination, SSB interacts with the RecBCD enzyme to find Chi sites, promotes binding of RecA protein, and promotes strand uptake.  相似文献   

Our laboratory has reported data suggesting a role for T4 phage gene 32 single-stranded DNA-binding protein in organizing a complex of deoxyribonucleotide-synthesizing enzymes at the replication fork. In this article we examined the effects of gene 32 ablation on the association of these enzymes with DNA-protein complexes. These experiments showed several deoxyribonucleotide-synthesizing enzymes to be present in DNA-protein complexes, with some of these associations being dependent on gene 32 protein. To further understand the role of gp32, we created amber mutations at codons 24 and 204 of gene 32, which encodes a 301-residue protein. We used the newly created mutants along with several experimental approaches--DNA-cellulose chromatography, immunoprecipitation, optical biosensor analysis and glutathione-S-transferase pulldowns--to identify relevant protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions. These experiments identified several proteins whose interactions with DNA depend on the presence of intact gp32, notably thymidylate synthase, dihydrofolate (DHF) reductase, ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) and Escherichia coli nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase, and they also demonstrated direct associations between gp32 and RNR and NDP kinase, but not dCMP hydroxymethylase, deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate kinase, or DHF reductase. Taken together, the results support the hypothesis that the gene 32 protein helps to recruit enzymes of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates synthesis to DNA replication sites.  相似文献   

RecA- mutants of Escherichia coli extensively degrade their DNA following UV irradiation. Most of this degradation is due to the recBC DNase, which suggests that the recA gene is involved in the control of recBC DNase in vivo. We have shown that purified recA protein inhibits the endonuclease and exonuclease activities of recBC DNase on single-stranded DNA. The extent of inhibition is dependent on the relative concentration of recA protein, recBC DNase, and the DNA substrate; inhibition is greatest when the concentrations of DNA and recBC DNase are low and the concentrations of recA protein is high. At fixed concentrations of recA protein and recBC DNase, inhibition is eliminated at high concentrations of DNA. In the presence of adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate), an ATP analog which stabilizes the binding of recA protein to both single- and double-stranded DNA, recA protein is a more potent inhibitor of the nuclease activities on single-stranded DNA and is a weak inhibitor of the exonuclease activity on double-stranded DNA. Inhibition of the latter is enhanced by oligodeoxynucleotides, which stimulate the binding of recA protein to double-stranded DNA. In the presence of adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate), recA protein also inhibits the action of exonuclease I on single-stranded DNA and of lambda exonuclease on double-stranded DNA. These observations are most consistent with the idea that recA protein protects DNA from recBC DNase by binding to DNA. RecA protein also blocks the endonucleolytic cleavage of gapped circular DNA by recBC DNase. Since both recA protein and recBC DNase have the ability under certain conditions to unwind duplex DNA and to displace strands, we looked for evidence that their combined action would enlarge gaps but found no extensive enlargement. D-loops, a putative intermediate in genetic recombination, are effectively protected against the action of recBC DNase by the E. coli single strand binding protein and by recA protein in the presence of adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate).  相似文献   

The interaction of recA protein with single-stranded (ss) phi X174 DNA has been examined by means of a nuclease protection assay. The stoichiometry of protection was found to be 1 recA monomer/approximately 4 nucleotides of ssDNA both in the absence of a nucleotide cofactor and in the presence of ATP. In contrast, in the presence of adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) (ATP gamma S) the stoichiometry was 1 recA monomer/approximately 8 nucleotides. No protection was seen with ADP. In the absence of a nucleotide cofactor, the binding of recA protein to ssDNA was quite stable as judged by equilibration with a challenge DNA (t1/2 approximately 30 min). Addition of ATP stimulated this transfer (t1/2 approximately 3 min) as did ADP (t1/2 approximately 0.2 min). ATP gamma S greatly reduced the rate of equilibration (t1/2 greater than 12 h). Direct visualization of recA X ssDNA complexes at subsaturating recA protein concentrations using electron microscopy revealed individual ssDNA molecules partially covered with recA protein which were converted to highly condensed networks upon addition of ATP gamma S. These results have led to a general model for the interaction of recA protein with ssDNA.  相似文献   

Extracts from lexC113 cells could not support phage G4 DNA-dependent replication unless supplemented with single-stranded DNA-binding protein. Purified lexC113 binding protein supported synthesis in a reconstituted replication assay, using purified proteins at 30 but not at 42 degrees C, indicating that the product of the lexC113 gene is an altered single-stranded DNA-binding protein.  相似文献   

S W Morrical  M M Cox 《Biochemistry》1990,29(3):837-843
In vitro recombination reactions promoted by the recA protein of Escherichia coli are enhanced by the single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB). SSB affects the assembly of the filamentous complexes between recA protein and ssDNA that are the active form of the recA protein. Here, we present evidence that SSB plays a complex role in maintaining the stability and activity of recA-ssDNA filaments. Results of ATPase, nuclease protection, and DNA strand exchange assays suggest that the continuous presence of SSB is required to maintain the stability of recA-ssDNA complexes under reaction conditions that support their recombination activity. We also report data that indicate that there is a functional distinction between the species of SSB present at 10 mM magnesium chloride, which enhances recA-ssDNA binding, and a species present at 1 mM magnesium chloride, which displaces recA protein from ssDNA. These results are discussed in the context of current models of SSB conformation and of SSB action in recombination activities of the recA protein.  相似文献   

Rutberg, Blanka (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden), and Lars Rutberg. Role of superinfecting phage in lysis inhibition with phage T4 in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 90:891-894. 1965.-The ability of bacteriophage T4 to induce lysis inhibition upon superinfection was investigated after various treatments of the phage. This ability was found not to be a property of the external protein part of the phage, nor was it dependent on the functional and possibly structural integrity of the phage genetic material.  相似文献   

S W Morrical  J Lee  M M Cox 《Biochemistry》1986,25(7):1482-1494
The single-stranded DNA binding protein of Escherichia coli (SSB) stimulates recA protein promoted DNA strand exchange reactions by promoting and stabilizing the interaction between recA protein and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Utilizing the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of SSB, an ATP-dependent interaction has been detected between SSB and recA-ssDNA complexes. This interaction is continuous for periods exceeding 1 h under conditions that are optimal for DNA strand exchange. Our data suggest that this interaction does not involve significant displacement of recA protein in the complex by SSB when ATP is present. The properties of this interaction are consistent with the properties of SSB-stabilized recA-ssDNA complexes determined by other methods. The data are incompatible with models in which SSB is displaced after functioning transiently in the formation of recA-ssDNA complexes. A continuous association of SSB with recA-ssDNA complexes may therefore be an important feature of the mechanism by which SSB stimulates recA protein promoted reactions.  相似文献   

利用基因工程手段表达了分子量约为24 kDa的重组大肠杆菌单链结合蛋白 (r-SSBP),通过凝胶阻滞电泳与DNA熔解温度 (Tm) 影响实验表征了r-SSBP与单链DNA (ssDNA) 结合的特性,结果表明,r-SSBP可以与ssDNA结合,并且能够降低DNA的Tm值,同时还能增大含有单个错配碱基的DNA与完全匹配的DNA的Tm值差异,这一特性在提高单核苷酸多态性检测的特异性方面具有潜在的应用价值。此外,将r-SSBP应用于本课题组开发的高灵敏度焦磷酸测序体系中测定已知序列ssDNA模板,结果表明,r  相似文献   

The ssb-1 gene encoding a mutant Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA-binding protein has been cloned into plasmid pACYC184. The amount of overproduction of the cloned ssb-1 gene is dependent upon its orientation in the plasmid. In the less efficient orientation, 25-fold more mutant protein is produced than in strains carrying only one (chromosomal) copy of the gene: the other orientation results in more than 60-fold overproduction of this protein. Analysis of the effects of overproduction of the ssb-1 encoded protein has shown that most of the deficiencies associated with the ssb-1 mutation when present in single gene copy, including temperature-sensitive conditional lethality and deficiencies in amplified synthesis of RecA protein and ultraviolet light-promoted induction of prophage λ+, are reversed by increased production of ssb-1 mutant protein. These results provide evidence in vivo that SSB protein plays an active role in recA-dependent processes. Homogenotization of a nearby genetic locus (uvrA) was identified in the cloning of the ssb-1 mutant gene. This observation has implications in the analysis of uvrA? mutant strains and will provide a means of transferring ssb? mutations from plasmids to the chromosome. On a broader scale, the observation may provide the basis of a general strategy to transfer mutations between plasmids and chromosomes.  相似文献   

UV-induced mutagenesis was investigated in the uvrB strain and its isogenic counterpart overproducing the single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB). It was demonstrated that overproduction of SSB significantly increases the frequency of mutation. Our results indicate that such an increase might be due to certain abnormalities in induction of the SOS response (untimely and prolonged activation of the RecA protein).  相似文献   

Restriction enzyme digestions of large scale DNA preparations often do not go to completion. This is due to product inhibition by the newly generated ends of the digested DNA. The addition of exogenous proteins that bind tightly to the free ends of DNA or to single-stranded DNA will relieve this inhibition. We show that a considerable savings on restriction nucleases can be attained by the addition of RNA polymerase or T4 gene 32 protein in stoichiometric amounts to the newly produced DNA ends.  相似文献   

The pairing of single- and double-stranded DNA molecules at homologous sequences promoted by recA and single-stranded DNA-binding proteins of Escherichia coli follows apparent first-order kinetics. The initial rate and first-order rate constant for the reaction are maximal at approximately 1 recA protein/3 and 1 single-stranded DNA-binding protein/8 nucleotides of single-stranded DNA. The initial rate increases with the concentration of duplex DNA; however, the rate constant is independent of duplex DNA concentration. Both the rate constant and extent of reaction increase linearly with increasing length of duplex DNA over the range 366 to 8623 base pairs. In contrast, the rate constant is independent of the size of the circular single-stranded DNA between 6,400 and 10,100 nucleotides. No significant effect on reaction rate is observed when a single-stranded DNA is paired with 477 base pairs of homologous duplex DNA joined to increasing lengths of heterologous DNA (627-2,367 base pairs). Similarly, heterologous T7 DNA has no effect on the rate of pairing. These findings support a mechanism in which a recA protein-single-stranded DNA complex interacts with the duplex DNA to produce an intermediate in which the two DNA molecules are aligned at homologous sequences. Conversion of the intermediate to a paranemic joint then occurs in a rate-determining unimolecular process.  相似文献   

The single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding protein replication protein A (RPA) is essential for both DNA replication and recombination. Chromatin immunoprecipitation techniques were used to visualize the kinetics and extent of RPA binding following induction of a double-strand break (DSB) and during its repair by homologous recombination in yeast. RPA assembles at the HO endonuclease-cut MAT locus simultaneously with the appearance of the DSB, and binding spreads away from the DSB as 5′ to 3′ exonuclease activity creates more ssDNA. RPA binding precedes binding of the Rad51 recombination protein. The extent of RPA binding is greater when Rad51 is absent, supporting the idea that Rad51 displaces RPA from ssDNA. RPA plays an important role during RAD51-mediated strand invasion of the MAT ssDNA into the donor sequence HML. The replication-proficient but recombination-defective rfa1-t11 (K45E) mutation in the large subunit of RPA is normal in facilitating Rad51 filament formation on ssDNA, but is unable to achieve synapsis between MAT and HML. Thus, RPA appears to play a role in strand invasion as well as in facilitating Rad51 binding to ssDNA, possibly by stabilizing the displaced ssDNA.  相似文献   

The properties of the high-affinity single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding state of Escherichia coli recA protein have been studied. We find that all of the nucleoside triphosphates that are hydrolyzed by recA protein induce a high-affinity ssDNA binding state. The effect of ATP binding to recA protein was partially separated from the ATP hydrolytic event by substituting calcium chloride for magnesium chloride in the binding buffer. Under these conditions, the rate of ATP hydrolysis is greatly inhibited. ATP increases the affinity of recA protein for ssDNA in a concentration-dependent manner in the presence of both calcium and magnesium chloride with apparent Kd values of 375 and 500 microM ATP, respectively. Under nonhydrolytic conditions, the molar ratio of ATP to ADP has an effect on the recA protein ssDNA binding affinity. Over an ATP/ADP molar ratio of 2-3, the affinity of recA protein for ssDNA shifts cooperatively from a low-to a high-affinity state.  相似文献   

A short single-stranded tail on one end of an otherwise duplex DNA molecule enables recA protein, in the presence of ATP and MgCl2, to form a complex with the DNA which extends into the duplex portion of the molecule. Nuclease protection studies at a concentration of MgCl2 which permits homologous pairing showed that cleavage by restriction endonucleases at sites throughout the duplex region was inhibited, whereas digestion by DNase I was not affected. These results indicate that recA protein binds to the duplex portion of tailed DNA allowing access by DNase I to a random sample of the many sites at which it cleaves, but providing limited protection of the relatively rare restriction sites. Electron microscopy revealed that the recA nucleoprotein complex with duplex DNA is indeed a segmented or interrupted filament that, with time, extends further from the single-stranded tail into the duplex region. recA protein binding extended into the duplex region more rapidly for duplexes with 5' tails than for those with 3' tails. These observations show that recA protein translocates from a single-stranded region into duplex DNA in the form of a segmented filament by a mechanism that is not strongly polarized.  相似文献   

Duplex DNA with a contiguous single-stranded tail was nearly as effective as single-stranded DNA in acting as a cofactor for the ATPase activity of recA protein at neutral pH and concentrations of MgCl2 that support homologous pairing. The ATP hydrolysis reached a steady state rate that was proportional to the length of the duplex DNA attached to a short 5' single-stranded tail after a lag. Separation of the single-stranded tail from most of the duplex portion of the molecule by restriction enzyme cleavage led to a gradual decline in ATP hydrolysis. Measurement of the rate of hydrolysis as a function of DNA concentration for both tailed duplex DNA and single-stranded DNA cofactors indicated that the binding site size of recA protein on a duplex DNA lattice, about 4 base pairs, is similar to that on a single-stranded DNA lattice, about four nucleotides. The length of the lag phase preceding steady state hydrolysis depended on the DNA concentration, length of the duplex region, and the polarity of the single-stranded tail, but was comparatively independent of tail length for tails over 70 nucleotides in length. The lag was 5-10 times longer for 3' than for 5' single-stranded tailed duplex DNA molecules, whereas the steady state rates of hydrolysis were lower. These observations show that, after nucleation of a recA protein complex on the single-stranded tail, the protein samples the entire duplex region via an interaction that is labile and not strongly polarized.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli (E. coli) single-stranded binding protein (SSB) is a valuable protein for various biotechnical applications, such as PCR and DNA sequencing. Here we describe an efficient expression and purification scheme where the tendency of SSB to aggregate at low salt concentration and high protein concentration is avoided. The method contains fewer steps of purification and results in high protein yield, compared to previous published protocols. In our protocol, cells are harvested after cultivation overnight and SSB is isolated by ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by anion-exchange chromatography. The yield from a 2-liter fed-batch fermentor is 2 g protein, which is higher than all production methods for SSB earlier reported. Moreover, the two classical isolation steps combined in the purification scheme are robust, cost-efficient, and suitable for scaling up. The resulting SSB is pure and a correctly folded tetramer with an apparent binding to single-stranded DNA with a K(D) of 10(-8) M, as determined by surface plasmon resonance.  相似文献   

The binding of denatured DNA to the protein coded by gene 32 of phage T 4 is accompanied by a quenching of the fluorescence of the protein tryptophyl residues. Gene 32 protein also binds to UV-irradiated DNA and photosensitizes the splitting of thymine dimers. Thymine bases are regenerated by this photosensitized reaction both in double stranded and in heat denatured DNA. No photosensitized splitting of thymine dimers is observed when the complex formed by gene 32 protein with UV-irradiated DNA is dissociated at high ionic strength. These results are discussed with respect to the possible stacking interaction of tryptophyl residues of gene 32 protein with bases in single stranded DNA.  相似文献   

A single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) affinity column was prepared by optimizing the coupling of Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA-binding protein to Affi-Gel 10. The bound SSB retained its ability to specifically bind single-stranded DNA. When nuclease-treated cell extracts were incubated with the SSB beads overnight at 4 degrees C, a major protein of Mr = 25,000 was bound. At shorter incubation times, two additional proteins of Mr = 32,000 and 36,000 were also detected. In the absence of nuclease treatment, eight additional proteins ranging from Mr = 14,000 to 160,000 also bound to the affinity column. The major Mr = 25,000 protein has been shown to be a folded chromosome-associated protein. Its binding to SSB is strongly enhanced by the addition of DNA polymerase III or DNA polymerase III holoenzyme.  相似文献   

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