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Specific nitrogenase activity inAzospirillum brasilense ATCC 29145 in surface cultures under air is enhanced from about 50 nmol C2H4·mg protein-1·h-1 to 400 nmol C2H4 by the addition of 1 mM phenol. 0.5 and 2 mM phenol added increase the rate 5-fold and 4-fold. This enhancement effect is observed only between 2 and 3 days after inoculation, with only a small reduction of the growth of the cells by the phenol added. In surface cultures under 1% O2, nitrogenase activity is slightly reduced by the addition of 1–0.01 mM phenol. Utilization of succinate is enhanced during the period of maximum enhancement of nitrogenase activity by 60% by addition of 1 mM phenol. The cells did not produce14CO2 from [U-14C] phenol, neither in surface cultures nor in liquid cultures and less than 0.1% of the phenol was incorporated into the cells. A smaller but significant enhancement of nitrogenase activity by about 100% in surface cultures under air was found withKlebsiella pneumoniae K 11 after addition of 1 mM phenol. However, inRhizobium japonicum 61-A-101 all phenol concentrations above 0.01 mM reduced nitrogenase activity. With 1 mM phenol added activity was reduced to less than 10% with no effect on the growth in the same cultivation system. With thisRhizobium japonicum strain significant quantities of phenol (25 mol in 24 h by 2·1012 cells) were metabolized to14CO2, with phenol as sole carbon source. WithAzospirillum brasilense in liquid culture under 1% and 2% O2 in the gas phase, no enhancement of nitrogenase activity by phenol was noticed.  相似文献   

Long lasting batch cultures of Azospirillum brasilense SP 7 ATCC 29145 grown in liquid malate medium for 8–14 days without any fixed nitrogen source exhibited a biphasic nitrogenase activity, when incubated under gas atmospheres of 99.0% N2 and 1.0% O2 or 99.5% N2 and 0.5% O2 respectively. Maximum specific nitrogenase activity was 1100 nmol C2H4·mg protein-1·h-1. Poly-3-hydroxybutanoic acid (PHBA) synthesis and growth of the cells also showed two phases. Maxima and minima of glutamine synthetase activity developed synchronously with nitrogenase activity, whereas those of glutamate dehydrogenase and alanine aminotransferase were reverse. During a 192 h period of growth protein increased 3–4-fold and PHBA 25 fold. At maximum accumulation of the polymer the PHBA-nitrogen ratio was 6:1 or 8:1. Azospirillum brasilense was also able to fix nitrogen on agar surfaces exposed to air, but nitrogen fixation was monophasic under these conditions during a 14 d period. Specific nitrogenase activity was dependent on the type and concentration of the source of fixed nitrogen (leucine, ammonia) in solidified media. With 1 mM leucine maximum specific nitrogenase activity was 110 nmol C2H4·mg protein-1·h-1.Non-Standard Abbreviations PHBA poly-3-hydroxybutanoic acid - TAPS tris(hydroxymethyl)methylaminopropane sulfonic acid - TES N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethane sulfonic acid - TRICINE N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methylglycine - TRIS tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   

Acetylene reduction, deuterium uptake and hydrogen evolution were followed in in-vivo cultures of Azospirillum brasilense, strain Sp 7, by a direct mass-spectrometric kinetic method. Although oxygen was needed for nitrogenase functioning, the enzyme was inactivated by a fairly low oxygen concentration in the culture and an equilibrium had to be found between the rate of oxygen diffusion and bacterial respiration. A nitrogenase-mediated hydrogen evolution was observed only in the presence of carbon monoxide inhibiting the uptake hydrogenase activity which normally recycles all the hydrogen produced. However, under anaerobic conditions and in the presence of deuterium, a bidirectional hydrogenase activity was observed, consisting in D2 uptake and in H2 and HD evolution. In contrast to the nitrogenase-mediated H2 production, this anaerobic H2 and HD evolution was insensitive to the presence of acetylene and was partly inhibited by carbon monoxide. It was moreover relatively unaffected by the deuterium partial pressure. These results suggest that the anaerobic H2 and HD evolution can be ascribed to a reverse hydrogenase activity under conditions where D2 is saturating the uptake process and scavenging the electron acceptors. Although the activities of both nitrogenase and hydrogenase were thus clearly differentiated, a close relationship was found between their respective functioning conditions.  相似文献   

Rhizobium japonicum 61-A-101 grew and fixed nitrogen more effectively on media containing an organic acid and a pentose sugar than on media containing only one of these carbon sources. Peak specific activities in the range 10–15 nmol C2H4 · h-1 · mg protein-1 were found for these organisms in a spot of growth about 1 cm diameter on agar surfaces exposed to air. Increasing concentrations of the organic acids (succinate or malonate) in a medium containing arabinose resulted in longer lasting activity. The inclusion of a third carbon source, glycerol, gave activity which remained at the maximum from about the 8 to the 18 day after inoculation although no growth of the bacteria occurs during the last 8 or 10 days. At low concentration of organic acid l-arabinose was a much better carbon source for supporting nitrogenase activity of these organisms that the d-form. Both organic acids affected the morphology of the bacteria. Higher concentrations, especially of malonate, gave swollen and distorted cells. When bacteria growing on organic acid-containing agar plates were suspended and plated after appropriate dilution on yeast extract — mannitolglycerol agar there was heterogeneity of colony form, with up to 90% microcolonies after growth on high malonate concentrations. The effects of malonate may be correlated with characteristics of the bacteroid form inside the nodule which contains relatively high concentrations of organic acids, especially malonate.  相似文献   

Summary Azospirillum brasilense andArthrobacter giacomelloi were grown in single and mixed succinate-limited continuous cultures at a partial oxygen pressure of 0.01atm. Growth, viability and survival during nutrient starvation were examined at various dilution rates. At D=0.05 h–1, Ks values for succinate consumed were calculated.Arthrobacter giacomelloi viability was inversely related to dilution rate whereasAzo. brasilense was directly related. Slightly lower values of viability were obtained in mixed culture, but the ratio between the microorganisms was constant. The survival ofArth. giacomelloi in single culture decreased with increasing growth rate while survival ofAzo. brasilense was directly related to dilution rate. Acetylene reduction activity was generally very low in both single and mixed cultures. Respiration rate was also determined and the mixed culture showed an oxygen uptake rate higher than that of single cultures.Research work supported by CNR, Italy. Special grant I.P.R.A. Sub-project 1. Paper N. 317.  相似文献   

Azospirillum brasilense and Arthrobacter giacomelloi were grown together in batch culture under different oxygen pressures. The response to oxygen of growth, nitrogenase activity and respiration rate was determined. The two microorganisms were found to be able to coexist all over the range of partial oxygen pressures examined, that is from 0.004–0.20 bar. Nitrogenase activity by mixed culture of A. brasilense and A. giacomelloi always appeared higher than that of A. brasilense pure culture. Low respiratory activity at partial oxygen pressures higher than 0.02 bar by both pure and mixed cultures seemed not to account for the high nitrogenase activity and improved oxygen tolerance of the mixed culture.Abbreviations pO2 partial oxygen pressure  相似文献   

Saubidet  María I.  Fatta  Nora  Barneix  Atilio J. 《Plant and Soil》2002,245(2):215-222
Azospirillium brasilense is a rhizosphere bacteria that has been reported to improve yield when inoculated on wheat plants. However, the mechanisms through which this effect is induced is still unclear. In the present work, we have studied the effects of inoculating a highly efficient A. brasilense strain on wheat plant grown in 5 kg pots with soil in a greenhouse, under three N regimes (0, 3 or 16 mM NO3 , 50 ml/pot once or twice-a -week), and in disinfected or non-disinfected soil. At the booting stage, the inoculated roots in both soils showed a similar colonization by Azospirillum sp. that was not affected by N addition. The plants grown in the disinfected soil showed a higher biomass, N content and N concentration than those in the non-disinfected soil, and in both soils the inoculation stimulated plant growth, N accumulation, and N and NO3 concentration in the tissues.At maturity, the inoculated plants showed a higher biomass, grain yield and N content than the uninoculated ones in both soils, and a higher grain protein concentration than the uninoculated. It is concluded that in the present experiments, A. brasilenseincreased plant growth by stimulating nitrogen uptake by the roots.  相似文献   

Petrova  L. P.  Matora  L. Yu.  Burygin  G. L.  Borisov  I. V.  Katsy  E. I. 《Microbiology》2005,74(2):188-193
We studied closely related Azospirillum brasilense strains Sp7 and Cd. For probing of their genomes, the fragments of 85 MDa (p85) and 120 MDa (p120) from A. brasilense Sp245 plasmids were hybridized with 115-MDa (p115) and 90-MDa (p90) plasmids of strain Sp7, respectively. Strain Cd was found to lose the 115-MDa plasmid and one of the two EcoRI restriction fragments of the total DNA (localized within p115 and the chromosome) that was homologous to an EcoRI-generated p85 fragment of 2.4 kb. On the contrary, in the total DNA of strain Sp7-S, in spite of the previously established disappearance of the 115-MDa replicon, two fragments homologous to p85 were revealed, as with strain Sp7. It is suggested that the Sp7-S genome contains the total p115 DNA or at least a certain part of it. Strains Sp7 and Cd were found to differ in size and morphology of colonies on solid and semisolid media, in the levels of resistance to the cation surfactant cetavlon, and in the antigen structure of lipopolysaccharides.__________Translated from Mikrobiologiya, Vol. 74, No. 2, 2005, pp. 224–230.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Petrova, Matora, Burygin, Borisov, Katsy.  相似文献   

Growth and nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) of Azotobacter vinelandii in chemically defined N-free media were studied in the presence of p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic, p-coumaric, and ferulic acids at concentrations from 0.01 to 1% (w/v). Growth and nitrogenase activity were only detected when the microorganism was cultured on p-hydroxybenzoic acid either as sole carbon source or mixed with other phenolic acids, suggesting that p-hydroxybenzoic acid could be utilized as a carbon source by A. vinelandii for growing under certain environmental conditions.  相似文献   

R. Rai 《Plant and Soil》1991,137(1):55-59
Three salt-tolerantAzospirillum brasilense strains were isolated from the roots of finger millet grown in saline calcareous soil and characterized. The effect of various salts on growth and N2ase activity of these strains was tested and strain STR1 was found more tolerant at higher concentrations of Cl-, SO4 2 and HCO3 -. Bicarbonate was found to be the most toxic. The content and concentrations of root exudates of finger millet genotypes were different and chemotaxis to sugars, amino acids, organic acids and root exudates was strain specific. Under salt stress, significant interactions between strains and genotypes of finger millet resulted in different responses of N2ase activity, endo- and exorhizospheric population, dry weight of root, shoot and grain yield.  相似文献   

H(2) production by Petrotoga miotherma, Thermosipho africanus, Thermotoga elfii, Fervidobacterium pennavorans, and Thermotoga neapolitana was compared under microaerobic conditions. Contrary to these previously reported strains being strict anaerobes, all tested strains grew and produced H(2) in the presence of micromolar levels of O(2). T. neapolitana showed the highest H(2) production under these conditions. Microscopic counting techniques were used to determine growth curves and doubling times, which were subsequently correlated with optical density measurements. The Biolog anaerobic microtiter plate system was used to analyze the carbon source utilization spectrum of T. neapolitana and to select non-metabolized or poorly metabolized carbohydrates as physiological buffers. Itaconic acid was successfully used as a buffer to overcome pH-induced limitations of cell growth and to facilitate enhanced production of CO-free H(2).  相似文献   

Plants ofAlnus incana (L.) Moench in symbiosis with a local source ofFrankia were exposed to prolonged darkness under controlled climate conditions.Frankia vesicle clusters were prepared from the root nodules, and the condition ofFrankia was measured as respiratory capacity by supplying the preparation with saturating amounts of four different substrates. During darkness, nitrogenase (EC activity decreased in intact plants and in the vesicle-cluster preparations. The respiratory capacity ofFrankia also decreased. After 4 d in darkness most respiration was lost, though all nitrogenase activity was already lost after 3 d. When the dark treatment was ended after 2 d and normal light/dark conditions restored, nitrogenase activity immediately started to recover. The respiratory capacity continued to decrease and no recovery was observed until the third day after the end of the dark treatment. Whole-plant nitrogenase activity slowly increased at a rate similar to the rate of increase observed in untreated plants. Transmission electron micrographs of the root nodules showed that the cytoplasm of infected host cells and the cells ofFrankia were structurally degraded in response to dark treatment, while young vesicles were frequent during recovery. Growth and differentiation ofFrankia cells were apparently important for recovery of the enzyme activities studied.  相似文献   

Root colonization studies, employing immunofluorescence and using locally isolated strains, showed thatEnterbacter sp. QH7 andEnterobacter agglomerans AX12 attached more readily to the roots of most plants compared withAzospirillum brasilense JM82. Heat treatment of either root or inoculum significantly decreased the adsorption of bacteria to the root surface. Kallar grass and rice root exudates sustained the growth ofA. brasilense JM82,Enterobacter sp. QH7 andE. agglomerans AX12 in Hoagland and Fahraeus medium. All the strains colonized kallar grass and rice roots in an axenic culture system. However, in studies involving mixed cultures,A. brasilense JM82 was inhibited byEnterobacter sp. QH7 in kallar grass rhizosphere and the simultaneous presence ofEnterobacter sp. QH7 andE. agglomerans AX12 suppressed the growth ofA. brasilense JM82 in rice rhizosphere. The bacterial colonization pattern changed from dispersed to aggregated within 3 days of inoculation. The colonization sites corresponded mainly to the areas where root mucigel was present. The area around the point of emergence of lateral roots usually showed maximum colonization.  相似文献   

Summary A practical fibreglass cylinder-plastic bag system has been designed for making acetylene reduction assays in the field. Thein situ assay was used to determine seasonal patterns of nitrogenase activity for the perennial forage legumesGalega orientalis, Trifolium pratense andMedicago sativa grown under stadard management in southern Filand (60° north). Nitrogenase activity was still detected in the field plots in November, when soil temperature was 1.5°C and air temperature 0.5°C. The acetylene reduction data from weekly measurements were analyzed for correlation with plant growth rate and short-term fluctuations of environmental factors. Generally, there was a good correlation between nitrogenase activity and plant growth rate. Residual fluctuations in activity were only correlated with environmental factors in one case. The nitrogenase activity ofM. sativa was dependent on air temperature in addition to growth rate. Thus, the nitrogen fixing systems in these forage legumes seem to be an integrated part of the plants, being fairly insensitive to short-term environmental changes.Dedicated to Prof. Helge Gyllenberg on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

Diazotrophy of Rhodopseudomonas acidophila and Rhodopseudomonas capsulata was not obligatorily linked to photosynthesis. In the dark R. acidophila grew with dinitrogen as sole nitrogen source at a dissolved oxygen tension of 15 Torr (= 2.0 kPa); the doubling time was 8 h. Acetylene reduction by whole cells was more sensitive to oxygen in the light than in the dark. 16.5 mg N2 were fixed per g lactic acid consumed. R. capsulata synthesized nitrogenase and fixed dinitrogen in the dark at a dissolved oxygen tension of less than one Torr (= 0.13 kPa). The doubling time of this bacterium was 16 h and 10.5 mg N2 were fixed per g lactic acid consumed.Abbreviation kPa kilopascal  相似文献   

Rhodobacter capsulatus was grown chemotrophically in the dark in oxygen-regulated chemostat culture and in the presence of limiting amounts of fixed N. When the oxygen partial pressure was varied, in situ nitrogen fixation occurred only at 1% of air saturation of the medium. By contrast, nitrogenase proteins and their activity measured in the absence of oxygen could be detected up to 30% of air saturation. This revealed that expression of nitrogenase is much less sensitive toward oxygen than the in situ function of the enzyme. At oxygen partial pressures > 1% of air saturation, the degree of modification of the Fe protein of nitrogenase was increased. Light was of no stimulatory effect on both the activity and the expression of nitrogenase. This holds true for growth at 1% or 5% of air saturation. At 5% of air saturation, however, high illumination enhanced the inhibitory effect of oxygen on nitrogenase formation.  相似文献   

Leuconostoc oenos ST8, isolated from an Argentinian red wine, utilized glucose, fructose and malic acid and produced acetic acid. Fructose was preferred to glucose as a source of carbohydrate. Malic acid was almost completely degraded in 3 days at 25°C. Acetic acid formation correlated with fructose utilization.  相似文献   

G. Pizelle 《Plant and Soil》1984,78(1-2):181-188
Summary The seasonal variations of the growth of sexual reproductive organs and of the nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) of root nodules are surveyed in mature field alders (Alnus glutinosa). The growth of female catkins—pollinated in February-early March—takes place chiefly from June to August and the growth of immature male catkins from July to September. The nitrogenase activity steadily shows two periods of high rate—the first from late April to early June, the second in September–October-and a summer period of low rate when the female catkins and the seeds achieve the most part of their growth.The seasonal fluctuations of thein vitro/in vivo nitrogenase activity ratio showing the supply of metabolic factors in the root nodules as a likely cause of the variations of thein vivo nitrogenase activity, the possible competition for photosynthate allocation between the production of sexual organs and the nitrogen-fixing capacity in mature field alders is discussed.  相似文献   

Pesticides (Brominal, Cuprosan and Fenvalerate) at 10 and 50 ppm suppressed growth, respiration and nitrogenase activity ofAzotobacter chroococcum, Azospirillum brasilense andAzospirillum lipoferum. The inhibitory effect on respiration ofAsm. lipoferum was most pronounced after 3 and 4 days.  相似文献   

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