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The dominant purple sulfur bacterium of laminated sediment ecosystems in temperate environments, Thiocapsa roseopersicina, was cultivated in sulfide-limited continuous cultures (D=0.03 h-1) subjected to various combined diel regimen of aeration and illumination in order to simulate environmental conditions in microbial mats. For comparison, cultures were grown under similar illumination regimens but continuously anoxic conditions.Bacteriochlorophyll a (BChla) and carotenoid synthesis was restricted to anoxic-dark periods and did not occur during oxic-light periods. An increase in the length of the oxic-light periods resulted in decreased pigment contents. However, phototrophic growth remained possible even at 20 h oxic-light/4 h anoxic-dark regimens. When anoxic conditions were maintained throughtout, BChla synthesis occurred both during light and dark periods.Glycogen was synthesized in the light and degraded in the dark. Calculations showed that degradation of 1/4–1/5 of the glycogen is sufficient to account for the BChla and carotenoid synthesis in the dark.The data showed that T. roseopersicina is very well adapted to cope with the combined oxygen and light regimes as they occur in microbial mats, which may explain the dominance of this bacterium in the purple layer of these sediment ecosystems.Non-standard abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - specific growth rate - D dilution rate - SR concentration of limiting substrate in reservoir bottle  相似文献   

The localization of hydrogenase protein in Desulfovibrio gigas cells grown either in lactate-sulfate or hydrogen-sulfate media, has been investigated by subcellular fractionation with immunoblotting and by electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. Subcellular fractionation experiments suggest that no integral membrane-bound hydrogenase is present in D. gigas. About 40% of the hydrogenase activity could be extracted by treatment of D. gigas cells with Tris-EDTA buffer. The rest of the soluble hydrogenase activity (50%) was found in the soluble fraction which was obtained after disruption of Tris-EDTA extracted cells and high speed centrifugation. Both soluble hydrogenase fractions purified to homogeneity showed identical molecular properties including the N-terminal aminoacid sequences of their large and small subunits. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the proteins of the subcellular fractions revealed a single band of hydrogenase activity exhibiting the same mobility as purified D. gigas hydrogenase. Western blotting carried out on these subcellular fractions revealed crossreactivity with the antibodies raised against (NiFe) hydrogenase. The lack of crossreactivity with antibodies against (FE) or (NiFeSe) hydrogenases, indicated that only (NiFe) type hydrogenase is present in D. gigas.Immunocytolocalization in ultrathin frozen sections of D. gigas cells grown either in lactate-sulfate, pyruvate-sulfate or hydrogen-sulfate media showed only a (NiFe) hydrogenase located in the periplasmic space. The bioenergetics of D. gigas are discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

Abstract It was shown that glutamine synthetase of purple sulfur bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina is regulated by covalent modification. This conclusion is made on the basis of results showing that: (i) incubation of cells under conditions of nitrogen deprivation in the light lead to an increase of glutamine synthetase activity; (ii) addition of ammonium to nitrogen-starved cell suspensions caused a rapid decrease of glutamine synthetase activity; (iii) inhibition of glutamine synthetase by feedback modifiers was higher in ammonium-treated cells than in those starved for a nitrogen source; (iv) treatment of purified glutamine synthetase and cell-free extracts with phosphodiesterase was accompanied by an increase of glutamine synthetase activity, indicating the cleavage of modifying residues covalently bound to glutamine synthetase molecules.  相似文献   

A new phototrophic sulfur bacterium has been isolated from a red layer in a laminated mat occurring underneath a gypsum crust in the mediterranean salterns of Salin-de-Giraud (Camargue, France). Single cells were coccus-shaped, non motile, without gas vacuoles and contained sulfur globules. Bacteriochlorophyll a and okenone were present as major photosynthetic pigments. These properties and the G+C content of DNA (65.9–66.6 mol% G+C) are typical characteristics of the genus Thiocapsa. However, the new isolate differs from known species in the genus, particularly in NaCl requirement (optimum, 7% NaCl; range, 3–20% NaCl) and some physiological characteristics. Therefore, a new species is proposed, Thiocapsa halophila, sp. nov.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Norbert Pfennig in occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

The effects of some metal ions on the activity and activation of Thiocapsa roseopersicina hydrogenase have been studied. Inhibitory effects of Ni2+ and Cd2+ on the catalytic activity of the enzyme were reversible and competitive with respect to methyl viologen (MV) in the reaction of hydrogen oxidation. The affinity of these metal ions to the enzyme increased significantly with increasing pH, suggesting that their interactions are determined by electrostatic forces. Cu2+ and Hg2+ irreversibly inhibited the hydrogenase activity. A decrease in absorption of hydrogenase at 400 nm in the presence of these metal ions is indicative of the destruction of the FeS cluster in the enzyme.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic cell membrane is impermeable to the oxidized redox dyes Methyl Viologen and Benzyl Viologen, whereas the reduced forms easily penetrate into the cells. By exploiting this permeability difference, the orientation of the membrane-bound hydrogenase has been determined.  相似文献   

Purple sulfur bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina strain BBS requiring vitamin B12 may grow in the dark in media containing no other organic compounds. Under such conditions the cells oxidize sulfide and thiosulfate with the use of O2 and assimilate carbon dioxide. After 10–30 s assimilation of NaH14CO3 about 60% of radioactivity is found in phosphorylated compounds characteristic for the reductive pentose phosphate cycle. The possibility of the function of this cycle in the dark in the presence of O2 is confirmed by the capacity of cells grown under such conditions to synthesize ribulose-1,5-diphosphate carboxylase. All this evidence suggests the ability of T. roseopersicina to change from phototrophy to aerobic chemolithoautotrophy.  相似文献   

When Ectothiorhodospira shaposhnikovii VKM B-1525 was used for desuphurization of biogas in the laboratory and in a pilot plant, there was complete oxidation of H2S, the main product being elemental sulphur. The advatage of this culture over green bacteria is discussed.M.B. Vainshtein, G.I. Gogotova and N.-J. Heinritz are with the Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Region, 142292 Russia  相似文献   

Cell death and mutagenesis in bleomycin-treated cells of Thiocapsa roseopersicina (a purple sulfur bacterium) was studied by cultivation in a semisolid medium (agar-shake technique). This technique has also proven useful in assessing the frequency of antibiotic mutations by detecting and counting individual colonies of Thiocapsa roseopersicina. The frequencies of spontaneous mutants resistant to ampicillin, rifampicin, cloramphenicol, tetracycline, kanamycin, streptomycin, and neomycin were also studied: they ranged between 2×10-9 and 9×10-8. Bleomycin (4 g/ml) sharply increased the frequency of ampicillin-resistant mutants, from 10-8 (spontaneous) to 4×10-4 (induced), in 17 h. An inducible, error-prone mechanisms of DNA synthesis seems to be responsible for this enhancement of the mutagenic effect. This is the first report on the sensitivity to several antibiotics, and capacity of lethality and mutagenesis by bleomycin has been studied in a purple sulfur bacterium.  相似文献   

An alkaliphilic purple sulfur bacterium, strain SC5, was isolated from Soap Lake, a soda lake located in east central Washington state (USA). Cells of strain SC5 were gram-negative, non-motile, and non-gas vesiculate cocci, often observed in pairs or tetrads. In the presence of sulfide, elemental sulfur was deposited internally. Liquid cultures were pink to rose red in color. Cells contained bacteriochlorophyll a and spirilloxanthin as major photosynthetic pigments. Internal photosynthetic membranes were of the vesicular type. Optimal growth of strain SC5 occurred in the absence of NaCl (range 0–4%), pH 8.5 (range pH 7.5–9.5), and 32°C. Photoheterotrophic growth occurred in the presence of sulfide or thiosulfate with only a limited number of organic carbon sources. Growth factors were not required, and cells could fix N2. Dark, microaerobic growth occurred in the presence of both an organic carbon source and thiosulfate. Sulfide and thiosulfate served as electron donors for photoautotrophy, which required elevated levels of CO2. Phylogenetic analysis placed strain SC5 basal to the clade of the genus Thiocapsa in the family Chromatiaceae with a 96.7% sequence similarity to its closest relative, Thiocapsa roseopersicina strain 1711T (DSM217T). The unique assemblage of physiological and phylogenetic properties of strain SC5 defines it as a new species of the genus Thiocapsa, and we describe strain SC5 herein as Tca. imhoffii, sp. nov.  相似文献   

Abstract The anoxygenic phototrophic purple sulfur bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina was grown in illuminated continuous cultures with thiosulfate as growth limiting substrate. Aeration resulted in completely colorless cells growing chemotrophically, whereafter the conditions were changed to a 23 h oxic/1 h anoxic regime. After 11 volume changes at a dilution rate of 0.031 h−1 (35% of μmax) a time dependent equilibrium was established. During the 23 h oxic periods bacteriochlorophyll a synthesis (BChl a ) was not observed, whereas during the 1 h anoxic periods synthesis was maximal (i.e. 1.1 μg (mg protein)−1 h−1). As a result the BChl a concentration gradually increased from zero to an average value over 24 h of 1.9 μg (mg protein)−1. Concomitantly, the protein concentration increased from 13.9 mg 1−1 during continuous oxic conditions to 28.8 mg 1−1. For comparison, the protein concentration during fully phototrophic growth at an identical thiosulfate concentration in the inflowing medium was 53.7 mg 1−1. The specific respiration rate was 8 μmol O2 (mg protein)−1 h−1 during full chemotrophic growth and gradually decreased to 3.5 μmol O2 (mg protein)−1 h−1 after 11 volume changes at the regime employed. These data show that T. rosepersicina is able to simultaneously utilize light and aerobic respiration of thiosulfate as sources of energy. The ecological relevance of the data is discussed.  相似文献   

This study systematically investigated the different types of LH2 produced by Allochromatium (Alc.) vinosum, a photosynthetic purple sulphur bacterium, in response to variations in growth conditions. Three different spectral forms of LH2 were isolated and purified, the B800-820, B800-840 and B800-850 LH2 types, all of which exhibit an unusual split 800 peak in their low temperature absorption spectra. However, it is likely that more forms are also present. Relatively more B800-820 and B800-840 are produced under low light conditions, while relatively more B800-850 is produced under high light conditions. Polypeptide compositions of the three different LH2 types were determined by a combination of HPLC and TOF/MS. The B800-820, B800-840 and B800-850 LH2 types all have a heterogeneous polypeptide composition, containing multiple types of both α and β polypeptides, and differ in their precise polypeptide composition. They all have a mixed carotenoid composition, containing carotenoids of the spirilloxanthin series. In all cases the most abundant carotenoid is rhodopin; however, there is a shift towards carotenoids with a higher conjugation number in LH2 complexes produced under low light conditions. CD spectroscopy, together with the polypeptide analysis, demonstrates that these Alc. vinosum LH2 complexes are more closely related to the LH2 complex from Phs. molischianum than they are to the LH2 complexes from Rps. acidophila.  相似文献   

Abstract: The purple sulfur bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina was examined for photo-autotrophic growth on dimethyl sulfide (DMS). The maximum specific growth rate μ max (0.068 h−1), saturation constant K s (38 μm l−1), and yield (5.24 mg protein mmol−1 DMS) were determined in chemostat experiments. Dimethyl sulfoxide was the only product of DMS oxidation. Batch experiments revealed the simultaneous oxidation of DMS and hydrogen sulfide.  相似文献   

This is the first report describing the complete oxidation of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) to sulfate by an anoxygenic, phototrophic purple sulfur bacterium. Complete DMS oxidation was observed in cultures of Thiocapsa roseopersicina M11 incubated under oxic/light conditions, resulting in a yield of 30.1 mg protein mmol–1. No oxidation of DMS occurred under anoxic/light conditions. Chloroform, methyl butyl ether, and 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole, which are specific inhibitors of aerobic DMS oxidation in thiobacilli and hyphomicrobia, did not affect DMS oxidation in strain M11. This could be due to limited transport of the inhibitors through the cell membrane. The growth yield on sulfide as sole electron donor was 22.2 mg protein mmol–1 under anoxic/light conditions. Since aerobic respiration of sulfide would have resulted in yields lower than 22 mg protein mmol–1, the higher yield on DMS under oxic/light conditions suggests that the methyl groups of DMS have served as an additional carbon source or as an electron donor in addition to the sulfide moiety. The kinetic parameters V max and K m for DMS oxidation under oxic/light conditions were 12.4 ± 1.3 nmol (mg protein)–1 min–1 and 2 μM, respectively. T. roseopersicina M11 also produced DMS by cleavage of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP). Specific DMSP cleavage rates increased with increasing initial substrate concentrations, suggesting that DMSP lyase was only partly induced at lower initial DMSP concentrations. A comparison of T. roseopersicina strains revealed that only strain M11 was able to oxidize DMS and cleave DMSP. Both strain M11 and strain 5811 accumulated DMSP intracellularly during growth, while strain 1711 showed neither of these characteristics. Phylogenetic comparison based on 16S rRNA gene sequence revealed a similarity of 99.0% between strain M11 and strain 5811, and 97.6% between strain M11 and strain 1711. DMS and DMSP utilization thus appear to be strain-specific. Received: 26 March 1999 / Accepted: 18 June 1999  相似文献   

The effect of polypeptides having different charge on the activity of Thiocapsa roseopersicina HydSL hydrogenase was studied. Strong inhibition was shown for poly-L-lysine bearing positive charge. The inhibition was reversible and competitive to methyl viologen, an electron acceptor, in the reaction of hydrogen oxidation catalyzed by the hydrogenase. Peptides carrying less positive charge had weaker inhibiting effect, while neutral and negatively charged peptides did not inhibit the hydrogenase. Molecular docking of poly-L-lysine to T. roseopersicina hydrogenase showed strong affinity of this polypeptide to the acceptor-binding site of the enzyme. The calculated binding constant is close to the experimentally measured value (K i = 2.1 μM).  相似文献   

Immunogold localization of hydrogenase in free-living Frankia CpI1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The free-living Frankia strain CpI1 cultured under nitrogen-fixing and non-nitrogen-fixing conditions was investigated for occurrence of hydrogenase protein by Western blots. Transmission electron microscopy and immunocytological labelling were used to study the distribution of hydrogenase in the Frankia strain.
Western immunoblots revealed that a 72-kDa protein in the Frankia strain CpI1 was immunologically related to the large subunit of a dimeric hydrogenase purified from Alcaligenes latus . Immunolocalization showed that the hydrogenase protein is located both in vesicles and hyphae in Frankia strain CpI1 grown in a nitrogen-free medium. Earlier reports that nitrogenase is localized in the vesicles [1,2], together with this finding, point out a possible role for hydrogenase in increasing relative efficiency of nitrogen fixation. In CpI1 grown in media containing nitrogen (lacking vesicles), the enzyme was evenly distributed in the hyphae. The impact of this result has to be further analysed.  相似文献   

The purple sulfur bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina, being the dominant anoxygenic phototroph in microbial mats, was tested for growth on polysulfide as the electron donor for carbon dioxide fixation. Data collected in continuous cultures revealed max to be 0.065 h-1 and the saturation affinity constant K s to be 6.7 M. The value of the inhibition constant K i was estimated in batch cultures and was found to be approximately 1100 M. When grown on monosulfide, the organism was capable of trisulfide utilization without lag. Monosulfide-limited growth was established to have a max of 0.091 h-1 and K s of 8.0 M. Field observations revealed polysulfide, present at supra-optimal concentrations, as a major pool of reduced sulfur in a laminated marine sediment ecosystem.Non-standard abbreviations DLP Direct Linear Plot - TS Total Sugar - SS Structural Sugar - P Protein - R R concentration of growth limiting nutrient in reservoir vessel - S nutrient residual concentration of growth-limiting nutrient in the culture vessel - S sulfur compound concentration of sulfur in the corresponding compound - D dilution rate - max maximum specific growth rate - K s saturation constant - K i inhibition constant Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Norbert Pfennig on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Abstract Mass developments of the purple sulfur bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina in the surface layers of sandy beaches on the Orkney Islands were examined with respect to microcolony formation on sand grains, vertical distribution of viable cells and the ability to colonize beach surfaces. It was observed that microcolonies of the non-motile phototrophic bacterium cemented individual sand grains to each other and that the resulting aggregates could withstand severe wave action and may play a decisive role in the stabilization of these sandy beaches.
After removal of the top layer similar population densities of T. roseopersicina were recorded within seven days. It was calculated that the net specific growth rate initially was 0.53 day−1 (0.022 h−1).
Laboratory studies strongly suggest that the populations of T. roseopersicina on sheltered beaches on the Orkney Islands were growing phototrophically in the light even when the microenvironment was oxic. Bacteriochlorophyll a synthesis was repressed by oxygen and occurred during periods with low light intensities when the microenvironment was anoxic and contained sulfide.  相似文献   

Physico-chemical properties of homogeneous preparations of soluble and membrane-bound hydrogenases from the purple sulfur bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina BBS and membrane-bound hydrogenase of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata, strain B10 have been studied. Compared to the enzymes from other sources, the hydrogenase of Thiocapsa roseopersicina is more stable to O2 and products of its reduction (O 2 - , H2O2), temperature and a number of other factors of the medium. A natural electron donor for T. roseopersicina hydrogenase is a low-potential cytochrome C3, while the natural electron acceptors for hydrogenases of R. capsulata, T. roseopersicina, Ectothiorhodospira shaposhnikovii and Anabaena cylindrica are cytochromes of groups c and b.In different phototrophs, synthesis of hydrogenase can be inhibited by the presence of high concentrations of O2. In some microorganisms (e.g. Rhodopseudomonas capsulata, strain B10) the repressing effect on hydrogenase formation is also exhibited by organic compounds. H2 may not necessarily be present for hydrogenase synthesis by purple bacteria, but its presence may considerable increase the level of the enzyme.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - Hipip high-potential iron — sulfur protein - R Rhodopseudomonas - T Thiocapsa - Rh Rhodospirillum - C Chromatium This paper is dedicated to Professor Dr. H.G. Schlegel in honour of his sixtieth birthday and in recognition of his great contribution in the field of physiology and biochemistry of microorganisms capable of using H2. Professor H.G. Schlegel had a profound and most fuitful influence on the progress in the research of the laboratory headed by the author  相似文献   

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