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Peptidoglycan from Deinococcus radiodurans was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. The monomeric subunit was: N-acetylglucosamine–N-acetylmuramic acid–l-Ala–d-Glu-(γ)–l-Orn-[(δ)Gly-Gly]–d-Ala–d-Ala. Cross-linkage was mediated by (Gly)2 bridges, and glycan strands were terminated in (1→6)anhydro-muramic acid residues. Structural relations with the phylogenetically close Thermus thermophilus are discussed.The gram-positive bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans is remarkable because of its extreme resistance to ionizing radiation (14). Phylogenetically the closest relatives of Deinococcus are the extreme thermophiles of the genus Thermus (4, 11). In 16S rRNA phylogenetic trees, the genera Thermus and Deinococcus group together as one of the older branches in bacterial evolution (11). Both microorganisms have complex cell envelopes with outer membranes, S-layers, and ornithine-Gly-containing mureins (7, 12, 19, 20, 22, 23). However, Deinococcus and Thermus differ in their response to the Gram reaction, having positive and negative reactions, respectively (4, 14). The murein structure for Thermus thermophilus HB8 has been recently elucidated (19). Here we report the murein structure of Deinococcus radiodurans with similar detail.D. radiodurans Sark (23) was used in the present study. Cultures were grown in Luria-Bertani medium (13) at 30°C with aeration. Murein was purified and subjected to amino acid and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses as previously described (6, 9, 10, 19). For further analysis muropeptides were purified, lyophilized, and desalted as reported elsewhere (6, 19). Purified muropeptides were subjected to plasma desorption linear time-of-flight mass spectrometry (PDMS) as described previously (1, 5, 16, 19). Positive and negative ion mass spectra were obtained on a short linear 252californium time-of-flight instrument (BioIon AB, Uppsala, Sweden). The acceleration voltage was between 17 and 19 kV, and spectra were accumulated for 1 to 10 million fission events. Calibration of the mass spectra was done in the positive ion mode with H+ and Na+ ions and in the negative ion mode with H and CN ions. Calculated m/z values are based on average masses.Amino acid analysis of muramidase (Cellosyl; Hoechst, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)-digested sacculi (50 μg) revealed Glu, Orn, Ala, and Gly as the only amino acids in the muramidase-solubilized material. Less than 3% of the total Orn remained in the muramidase-insoluble fraction, indicating an essentially complete solubilization of murein.Muramidase-digested murein samples (200 μg) were analyzed by HPLC as described in reference 19. The muropeptide pattern (Fig. (Fig.1)1) was relatively simple, with five dominating components (DR5 and DR10 to DR13 [Fig. 1]). The muropeptides resolved by HPLC were collected, desalted, and subjected to PDMS. The results are presented in Table Table11 compared with the m/z values calculated for best-matching muropeptides made up of N-acetylglucosamine (GlucNAc), N-acetylmuramic acid (MurNAc), and the amino acids detected in the murein. The more likely structures are shown in Fig. Fig.1.1. According to the m/z values, muropeptides DR1 to DR7 and DR9 were monomers; DR8, DR10, and DR11 were dimers; and DR12 and DR13 were trimers. The best-fitting structures for DR3 to DR8, DR11, and DR13 coincided with muropeptides previously characterized in T. thermophilus HB8 (19) and had identical retention times in comparative HPLC runs. The minor muropeptide DR7 (Fig. (Fig.1)1) was the only one detected with a d-Ala–d-Ala dipeptide and most likely represents the basic monomeric subunit. The composition of the major cross-linked species DR11 and DR13 confirmed that cross-linking is mediated by (Gly)2 bridges, as proposed previously (20). Open in a separate windowFIG. 1HPLC muropeptide elution patterns of murein purified from D. radiodurans. Muramidase-digested murein samples were subjected to HPLC analysis, and the A204 of the eluate was recorded. The most likely structures for each muroeptide as deduced by PDMS are shown. The position of residues in brackets is the most likely one as deduced from the structures of other muropeptides but could not be formally demonstrated. R = GlucNac–MurNac–l-Ala–d-Glu-(γ)→.


Calculated and measured m/z values for the molecular ions of the major muropeptides from D. radiodurans
ΔmbError (%)cMuropeptide composition
Muropeptide abundance (mol%)
Open in a separate windowaDR5 and DR10 to DR13 were analyzed in both the positive and negative ion modes. Muropeptides DR1 to DR4 and DR6 to DR9 were analyzed in the positive mode only due to the small amounts of sample available. bMass difference between measured and calculated quasimolecular ion values. c[(Measured mass−calculated mass)/calculated mass] × 100. dN-Acetylglucosamine. eN-Acetylmuramitol. f(1→6)Anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid. Structural assignments of muropeptides DR1, DR2, DR8 to DR10, and DR12 deserve special comments. The low m/z value measured for DR1 (700.1) fitted very well with the value calculated for GlucNAc–MurNAc–l-Ala–d-Glu (699.69). Even smaller was the mass deduced for DR9 from the m/z value of the molecular ion of the sodium adduct (702.1) (Fig. (Fig.2).2). The mass difference between DR1 and DR9 (19.9 mass units) was very close indeed to the calculated difference between N-acetylmuramitol and the (1→6)anhydro form of MurNAc (20.04 mass units). Therefore, DR9 was identified as GlucNAc–(1→6)anhydro-MurNAc–l-Ala–d-Glu (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Muropeptides with (1→6)anhydro muramic acid have been identified in mureins from diverse origins (10, 15, 17, 19), indicating that it might be a common feature among peptidoglycan-containing microorganisms. Open in a separate windowFIG. 2Positive-ion linear PDMS of muropeptide DR9. Muropeptide DR9 was purified, desalted by HPLC, and subjected to PDMS to determine the molecular mass. The masses for the dominant molecular ions are indicated.The measured m/z value for the [M+Na]+ ion of DR8 was 1,521.6, very close to the mass calculated for a cross-linked dimer without one disaccharide moiety (1,520.53) (Fig. (Fig.1;1; Table Table1).1). Such muropeptides, also identified in T. thermophilus HB8 and other bacteria (18, 19), are most likely generated by the enzymatic clevage of MurNAc–l-Ala amide bonds in murein by an N-acetylmuramyl–l-alanine amidase (21). In particular, DR8 could derive from DR11. The difference between measured m/z values for DR8 and DR11 was 478.7, which fits with the mass contribution of a disaccharide moiety (480.5) within the mass accuracy of the instrument.The m/z values for muropeptides DR2, DR10, and DR12 supported the argument for structures in which the two d-Ala residues from the d-Ala–d-Ala C-terminal dipeptide were lost, leaving Orn as the C-terminal amino acid.The position of one Gly residue in muropeptides DR2, DR8, and DR10 to DR13 could not be formally demonstrated. One of the Gly residues could be at either the N- or the C-terminal positions. However, the N-terminal position seems more likely. The structure of the basic muropeptide (DR7), with a (Gly)2 acylating the δ-NH2 group of Orn, suggests that major muropeptides should present a (Gly)2 dipeptide. The scarcity of DR3 and DR6, which unambiguously have Gly as the C-terminal amino acid (Fig. (Fig.1),1), supports our assumption.Molar proportions for each muropeptide were calculated as proposed by Glauner et al. (10) and are shown in Table Table1.1. For calculations the structures of DR10 to DR13 were assumed to be those shown in Fig. Fig.1.1. The degree of cross-linkage calculated was 47.2%. Trimeric muropeptides were rather abundant (8 mol%) and made a substantial contribution to total cross-linkage. However, higher-order oligomers were not detected, in contrast with other gram-positive bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, which is rich in such oligomers (8). The proportion of muropeptides with (1→6)anhydro-muramic acid (5 mol%) corresponded to a mean glycan strand length of 20 disaccharide units, which is in the range of values published for other bacteria (10, 17).The results of our study indicate that mureins from D. radiodurans and T. thermophilus HB8 (19) are certainly related in their basic structures but have distinct muropeptide compositions. In accordance with the phylogenetic proximity of Thermus and Deinococcus (11), both mureins are built up from the same basic monomeric subunit (DR7 in Fig. Fig.1),1), are cross-linked by (Gly)2 bridges, and have (1→6)anhydro-muramic acid at the termini of glycan strands. Most interestingly, Deinococcus and Thermus are the only microorganisms identified at present with the murein chemotype A3β as defined by Schleifer and Kandler (20). Nevertheless, the differences in muropeptide composition were substantial. Murein from D. radiodurans was poor in d-Ala–d-Ala- and d-Ala–Gly-terminated muropeptides (2.2 and 2.4 mol%, respectively) but abundant in Orn-terminated muropeptides (23.8 mol%) and in muropeptides with a peptide chain reduced to the dipeptide l-Ala–d-Glu (18 mol%). In contrast, neither Orn- nor Glu-terminated muropeptides have been detected in T. thermophilus HB8 murein, which is highly enriched in muropeptides with d-Ala–d-Ala and d-Ala–Gly (19). Furthermore, no traces of phenyl acetate-containing muropeptides, a landmark for T. thermophilus HB8 murein (19), were found in D. radiodurans. Cross-linkage was definitely higher in D. radiodurans than in T. thermophilus HB8 (47.4 and 27%, respectively), largely due to the higher proportion of trimers in the former.The similarity in murein basic structure suggests that the difference between D. radiodurans and T. thermophilus HB8 with respect to the Gram reaction may simply be a consequence of the difference in the thickness of cell walls (2, 3, 23). Interestingly, D. radiodurans murein turned out to be relatively simple for a gram-positive organism, possibly reflecting the primitive nature of this genus as deduced from phylogenetic trees (11). Our results illustrate the phylogenetic proximity between Deinococcus and Thermus at the cell wall level but also point out the structural divergences originated by the evolutionary history of each genus.  相似文献   

耐辐射异常球菌DNA损伤与修复相关基因的比较基因组研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
耐辐射球菌 (Deinococcusradiodurans,DR)是Anderson等[1] 在 1 95 6年从灭菌处理的肉类中发现的一种非病原性红色球菌 ,该球菌对电离辐射 (存活最高剂量约 1 5kGy,即普通真核生物的 1 0 0 0倍 )、紫外线、干燥、强氧化剂和一些化学诱变剂显示惊人的抗性[2~5] 。实验证实 ,由辐射引起的损伤DNA在几十小时内能够完全修复[4 ,5] 。这种超强DNA修复能力吸引人们去研究其潜在修复机制以及寻找与修复有关的特殊基因或酶 ,以便能应用基因工程的技术对放射性、重金属污染物进行生物修复 ,为癌症治疗尤其…  相似文献   

抗辐射菌中DNA损伤修复主要基因群的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施美星  屠振力 《激光生物学报》2007,16(3):374-378,F0003
抗辐射红色球菌对电离辐射具有很高的放射线抵抗性,该菌具有惊人的DNA的二条链切断的修复能力,由辐射等引起的切断损伤DNA在几至十几小时内能高效正确地进行完全修复。在对切断的双链DNA进行修复时,除了大肠杆菌等生物在切断的双链DNA修复时出现的蛋白质以外,还有该菌所特有的修复蛋白质也参与修复。本文对该菌所特有的DNA二条链的切断损伤修复的主要基因及其相互作用进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

Deinococcus radiodurans - the consummate survivor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Relatively little is known about the biochemical basis of the capacity of Deinococcus radiodurans to endure the genetic insult that results from exposure to ionizing radiation and can include hundreds of DNA double-strand breaks. However, recent reports indicate that this species compensates for extensive DNA damage through adaptations that allow cells to avoid the potentially detrimental effects of DNA strand breaks. It seems that D. radiodurans uses mechanisms that limit DNA degradation and that restrict the diffusion of DNA fragments that are produced following irradiation, to preserve genetic integrity. These mechanisms also increase the efficiency of the DNA-repair proteins.  相似文献   

Extremophiles - Deinococcus radiodurans is highly resistant to ionizing radiation and UV radiation, and oxidative stress caused by such radiations. NADP(H) seems to be important for this resistance...  相似文献   

Gene expression in Deinococcus radiodurans.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We previously reported that the Escherichia coli drug-resistance determinants aphA (kanamycin-resistance) and cat (chloramphenicol-resistance) could be introduced to Deinococcus radiodurans by transformation methods that produce duplication insertion. However, both determinants appeared to require dramatic chromosomal amplification for expression of resistance. Additional studies described here, confirming this requirement for extensive amplification, led us to the use of promoter-probe plasmids in which the E. coli promoter has been deleted, leaving only coding sequences for the marker gene. We find that the insertion of D. radiodurans sequences immediately upstream from the promoterless drug-resistance determinant produces drug-resistant transformants without significant chromosomal amplification. Furthermore, a series of stable E. coli-D. radiodurans shuttle plasmids was devised by inserting fragments of D. radiodurans plasmid pUE10 in an E. coli plasmid directly upstream from a promoterless cat gene. These constructions replicated in D. radiodurans by virtue of the pUE10 replicon and expressed the cat determinant because of D. radiodurans promoter sequences in the pUE10 fragment. Of three such constructions, none expressed the cat gene in E. coli. Similar results were obtained using a promoterless tet gene. Translational fusions were made between D. radiodurans genes and E. coli 5'-truncated lacZ. Three fusions that produced high levels of beta Gal in D. radiodurans were introduced into E. coli, but beta Gal was produced in only one. The results demonstrate that the E. coli genes cat, tet and lacZ can be efficiently expressed in D. radiodurans if a D. radiodurans promoter is provided, and that D. radiodurans promoters often do not function as promoters in E. coli.  相似文献   

Summary: Deinococcus radiodurans is a robust bacterium best known for its capacity to repair massive DNA damage efficiently and accurately. It is extremely resistant to many DNA-damaging agents, including ionizing radiation and UV radiation (100 to 295 nm), desiccation, and mitomycin C, which induce oxidative damage not only to DNA but also to all cellular macromolecules via the production of reactive oxygen species. The extreme resilience of D. radiodurans to oxidative stress is imparted synergistically by an efficient protection of proteins against oxidative stress and an efficient DNA repair mechanism, enhanced by functional redundancies in both systems. D. radiodurans assets for the prevention of and recovery from oxidative stress are extensively reviewed here. Radiation- and desiccation-resistant bacteria such as D. radiodurans have substantially lower protein oxidation levels than do sensitive bacteria but have similar yields of DNA double-strand breaks. These findings challenge the concept of DNA as the primary target of radiation toxicity while advancing protein damage, and the protection of proteins against oxidative damage, as a new paradigm of radiation toxicity and survival. The protection of DNA repair and other proteins against oxidative damage is imparted by enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidant defense systems dominated by divalent manganese complexes. Given that oxidative stress caused by the accumulation of reactive oxygen species is associated with aging and cancer, a comprehensive outlook on D. radiodurans strategies of combating oxidative stress may open new avenues for antiaging and anticancer treatments. The study of the antioxidation protection in D. radiodurans is therefore of considerable potential interest for medicine and public health.  相似文献   

Deinococcus radiodurans, a radiation-resistant aerobe, synthesized a 43,000 Mr dimeric superoxide dismutase. The holoenzyme, sp act 3300 U/mg, contained 1.5 g-atoms Mn, 0.6 g-atom Fe, and 0.1 g-atom Zn per mole dimer. Apoprotein, prepared by dialysis of the holoenzyme in denaturant plus chelator and then renatured in chelex-treated Tris chloride buffer, rapidly regained superoxide dismuting activity upon incubation in 1 mM MnCl2. Reconstitution was dependent on Mn concentration and pH. The Mn-reconstituted protein, sp act 3560 U/mg, contained 1.7 g-atoms Mn per mole dimer. The holoenzyme and Mn-reconstituted apoprotein migrated with the same patterns in 10% acrylamide gels and focused to the same pattern upon isoelectric focusing. Fluorescence emission maxima of the holoenzyme, Mn-reconstituted apoprotein, and the renaturated apoprotein were 329 +/- 1 nm but differed from the denatured apoprotein (352 nm). Apoprotein bound 1.7 g-atoms Zn and from 3-7 g-atoms Fe per mole dimer on incubation with 1 mM ZnSO4 and Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2, respectively. Although neither Zn nor Fe restored superoxide dismuting activity, the ferrous and the zinc salt inhibited reconstitution of the apoprotein with manganese. Metal addition to renatured aposuperoxide dismutase offers a novel approach to reconstitution of procaryote superoxide dismutases.  相似文献   

The regular surface layers (S-layers) of two Deinococcus radiodurans strains R1 and Sark, undergo limited proteolysis during preparation. This is due to cellular proteases that create strain-specific polypeptide patterns in SDS-PAGE. Proteolytic activity was detected in both vesicles of the outer membrane, as well as in the culture supernatant from both strains. The protease of the strain R1 was purified to homogeneity and characterized; it has been classified as a serine protease. The enzyme of strain Sark proved to be almost identical to the R1-protease with respect to both the molecular and the catalytic properties. Treatment of the regular surface layer proteins from both strains with the purified R1-protease revealed the strain-specific SDS-polypeptide patterns, indicating differences in the primary structure of the two proteins.  相似文献   

Analysis of the complete genome indicates that insertion sequences (ISs) are abundant in the radio-resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans. By developing a forward mutagenesis assay to detect any inactivation events in D. radiodurans, we found that in the presence of an active mismatch repair system 75% of the mutations to trimethoprim-resistance (Tmp(R)) resulted from an IS insertion into the thyA coding region. Analysis of their distribution among the spontaneous Tmp(R) mutants indicated that five different ISs were transpositionally active. A type II Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Element (MITE), related to one of the deinococcal ISs, was also discovered as an insertion into thyA. Seven additional genomic copies of this MITE element were identified by BLASTN. Gamma-ray irradiation of D. radiodurans led to an increase of up to 10-fold in the frequency of Tmp(R) mutants. Analysis of the induced mutations in cells exposed to 10 kGy indicated that gamma-irradiation induced transposition of ISDra2 approximately 100-fold. A 50-fold induction of ISDra2 transposition was also observed in cells exposed to 600 J m(-2) UV-irradiation. Point mutations to rifampicin resistance (Rif(R)) were also induced by gamma-irradiation to reach a plateau at 2 kGy. The plateau value represented a 16-fold increase in the mutant frequency over the background. Although error-free repair strategies predominate in D. radiodurans, an upregulation of transposition, as well as induction of point mutations in cells recovering from DNA damage, provide a genetic variability that may have long-term evolutionary consequences on the fitness of this organism in its habitat.  相似文献   

Expression of recA in Deinococcus radiodurans.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Deinococcus (formerly Micrococcus) radiodurans is remarkable for its extraordinary resistance to ionizing and UV irradiation and many other agents that damage DNA. This organism can repair > 100 double-strand breaks per chromosome induced by ionizing radiation without lethality or mutagenesis. We have previously observed that expression of D. radiodurans recA in Escherichia coli appears lethal. We now find that the RecA protein of D. radiodurans is ot detectable in D. radiodurans except in the setting of DNA damage and that termination of its synthesis is associated with the onset of deinococcal growth. The synthesis of Shigella flexneri RecA (protein sequence identical to that of E. coli RecA) in recA-defective D. radiodurans is described. Despite a large accumulation of the S. flexneri RecA in D. radiodurans, there is no complementation of any D. radiodurans recA phenotype, including DNA damage sensitivity, inhibition of natural transformation, or inability to support a plasmid that requires RecA for replication. To ensure that the cloned S. flexneri recA gene was not inactivated, it was rescued from D. radiodurans and was shown to function normally in E. coli. We conclude that neither D. radiodurans nor S. flexneri RecA is functional in the other species, nor are the kinetics of induction and suppression similar to each other, indicating a difference between these two proteins in their modes of action.  相似文献   

Deinococcus radiodurans has an unusual capacity to recover from intense doses of ionizing radiation. The DNA repair proteins of this organism play an important role in repairing the heavily damaged DNA by employing a novel mechanism of DNA double-strand break repair. An earlier report stated that genes of many of these repair proteins are under positive selection implying that these genes have a tendency to mutate, which in turn provides selective advantage to this bacterium. Several “hypothetical proteins” are also present during the recovery phase and some of them have also been shown for their roles in radiation resistance. Therefore, we tested the selection pressure on the genes encoding these poorly characterized proteins. Our results show that a number of “hypothetical proteins” present during the repair phase have structural adaptations compared to their orthologs and the genes encoding them as well as those for the DNA repair proteins present during this phase are under purifying selection. Evidence of purifying selection in these hypothetical proteins suggests that certain novel characteristics among these proteins are conserved and seem to be under functional constraints to perform important functions during recovery process after gamma radiation damage.  相似文献   

Deinococcus radiodurans is a highly radiation-resistant bacterium that is classed in a major subbranch of the bacterial domain. Since very little is known about gene expression in this bacterium, an initial study of promoters was undertaken. In order to isolate promoters and study promoter function, a series of integrative vectors for stable chromosomal insertion in D. radiodurans were developed. These vectors are based on Escherichia coli replicons that are unable to replicate autonomously in D. radiodurans and carry homologous sequences for replacement recombination in the D. radiodurans chromosome. The resulting integration vectors were used to study expression of reporter genes fused to a number of putative promoters that were amplified from the D. radiodurans R1 genome. Further analysis of these and other putative promoters was performed by Northern hybridization and primer extension experiments. In contrast to previous reports, the -10 and -35 regions of these promoters resembled the sigma(70) consensus sequence of E. coli.  相似文献   

Processes favoring the exceptional resistance to genotoxic stress of Deinococcus radiodurans are not yet completely characterized. It was postulated that its nucleoid and chromosome(s) organization could participate in the DNA double strand break repair process. Here, we investigated the organization of chromosome 1 by localization of three chromosomal loci including oriC, Ter and a locus located in its left arm. For this purpose, we used a ParB‐parS system to visualize the position of the loci before and after exposure to γ‐rays. By comparing the number of fluorescent foci with the number of copies of the studied loci present in the cells measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), we demonstrated that the 4–10 copies of chromosome 1 per cell are dispersed within the nucleoid before irradiation, indicating that the chromosome copies are not prealigned. Chromosome segregation is progressive but not co‐ordinated, allowing each locus to be paired with its sister during part of the cell cycle. After irradiation, the nucleoid organization is modified, involving a transient alignment of the loci in the late stage of DNA repair and a delay of segregation of the Ter locus. We discuss how these events can influence DNA double strand break repair.  相似文献   

The Nudix hydrolases of Deinococcus radiodurans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
All 21 of the Nudix hydrolase genes from the radiation-resistant organism Deinococcus radiodurans have been cloned into vectors under the control of T7 promoters and expressed as soluble proteins in Escherichia coli. Their sizes range from 9.8 kDa (91 amino acids) to 59 kDa (548 amino acids). Two novel proteins were identified, each with two Nudix boxes in its primary structure, unique among all other known Nudix hydrolases. Extracts of each of the expressed proteins were assayed by a generalized procedure that measures the hydrolysis of nucleoside diphosphate derivatives, and several enzymatic activities were tentatively identified. In addition to representatives of known Nudix hydrolase subfamilies active on ADP-ribose, NADH, dinucleoside polyphosphates or (deoxy)nucleoside triphosphates, two new enzymes, a UDP-glucose pyrophosphatase and a CoA pyrophosphatase, were identified.  相似文献   

A simplified technique permitting the pipetting of raw puréed meats for quantitative bacteriological study is described for use in determining survival of these non-sporing bacteria, which are exceptionally resistant to radiation. Survival curves, using gamma radiation as the sterilizing agent, were determined in raw beef with four strains of Micrococcus radiodurans. Survival curves of the R1 strain in other meat substrates showed that survival was significantly greater in raw beef and raw chicken than in raw fish or in cooked beef. Resistance was lowest in the buffer. Cells grown in broth (an artificial growth medium) and resuspended in beef did not differ in resistance from cells that had been grown and irradiated in beef. Survival rate was statistically independent of the initial cell concentration, even though there appeared to be a correlation between lower death rate and lower initial cell concentrations. The initial viable count of this culture of the domesticated R1 strain in beef was reduced by a factor of about 10-5 by 3.0 megarad, and 4.0 megarad reduced the initial count by a factor of more than 10-9. Data suggest that M. radiodurans R1 is more resistant to radiation than spore-forming spoilage bacteria for which inactivation rates have been published.  相似文献   

The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans is one of the most radioresistant organisms known. It is able to reconstruct a functional genome from hundreds of radiation-induced chromosomal fragments. Our work aims to highlight the genes involved in recombination between 438 bp direct repeats separated by intervening sequences of various lengths ranging from 1,479 bp to 10,500 bp to restore a functional tetA gene in the presence or absence of radiation-induced DNA double strand breaks. The frequency of spontaneous deletion events between the chromosomal direct repeats were the same in recA+ and in ΔrecA, ΔrecF, and ΔrecO bacteria, whereas recombination between chromosomal and plasmid DNA was shown to be strictly dependent on the RecA and RecF proteins. The presence of mutations in one of the repeated sequence reduced, in a MutS-dependent manner, the frequency of the deletion events. The distance between the repeats did not influence the frequencies of deletion events in recA + as well in ΔrecA bacteria. The absence of the UvrD protein stimulated the recombination between the direct repeats whereas the absence of the DdrB protein, previously shown to be involved in DNA double strand break repair through a single strand annealing (SSA) pathway, strongly reduces the frequency of RecA- (and RecO-) independent deletions events. The absence of the DdrB protein also increased the lethal sectoring of cells devoid of RecA or RecO protein. γ-irradiation of recA + cells increased about 10-fold the frequencies of the deletion events, but at a lesser extend in cells devoid of the DdrB protein. Altogether, our results suggest a major role of single strand annealing in DNA repeat deletion events in bacteria devoid of the RecA protein, and also in recA + bacteria exposed to ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

Salt-mediated multicell formation in Deinococcus radiodurans.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The highly radiation-resistant tetracoccal bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans exhibited a reversible multi-cell-form transition which depended on the NaCl concentration in the medium. In response to 0.8% NaCl addition into the medium, the pair/tetrad (designated 2/4) cells in a young culture grew and divided but did not separate and became 8-, 16-, and 32-cell units successively. In exponential growth phase, the cells divided in a 16/32 pattern. Potassium ions were equally effective as Na+ in mediating this multicell-formation effect; Mg2+, Li+, and Ca2+ also worked but produced less multiplicity. This effect appears to be species specific. This-section micrographs revealed that in a 16/32-cell unit, eight 2/4 cells were encased in an orderly manner within a large peripheral wall, showing five cycles of septation. Our results suggest the presence of a salt-sensitive mechanism for controlling cell separation in D. radiodurans.  相似文献   

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