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Summary Reserpine and guanethidine produce a highly significant reduction in electron density of the synaptic bars in the sensory cells of the bullfrog labyrinth. When amphetamine is administered simultaneously with guanethidine, the density of the synaptic bars is similar to those of untreated frogs. p-Chloramphetamine has no significant effect upon the electron density of synaptic bars. These observations are discussed in the light of what is known of the biological effects of these drugs, and are taken to indicate that the synaptic bars could be intracellular storage sites for a monoamine that mediates the synaptic contacts between the sensory cells and afferent nerve fibres. It is suggested that the monoamine involved is a catecholamine.Both of us thank Mrs. J. Birch and Miss J. Sutcliffe for their technical assistence. One of us (M. P. O.) was supported by a U.S. National Research Council Senior Research Associateship (1967–1968) during the earlier phase of this work, and we are both indebted to the Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche for a grant (No. 69.01697.119.3) which financed the latter stages of this study.  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic ribbons (SR), functionally enigmatic structures of mammalian pinealocytes, were studied electron microscopically with regard to number, intracellular localization and topographical relationships, both under normal and experimental conditions. Pineal glands of guinea-pigs serving as controls contained 1.75 ribbon fields/unit area in the males and 2.58 in the females. In animals subjected to continuous illumination for 64 days the number of ribbon fields increased 20-fold in the males and 9-fold in the females. Continuous darkness (26 to 70 days) had varying effects; in some animals SR increased either strongly or moderately, in others they appeared unchanged. Under continuous illumination a higher percentage of ribbon fields bordered the cell membrane than in the controls. Moreover, paired ribbon fields occurred. The topographical analysis revealed that 98 % of the ribbon fields bordering the cell membrane lay opposite another pinealocyte and the remainder opposite nerve fibres, blood vessels and collagenous fibres. It is suggested that SR of mammalian pinealocytes do not represent non-functioning phylogenetic relics but true organelles possibly involved in coupling adjacent pinealocytes functionally.This study was supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn.  相似文献   

Summary The posterior rhombencephalic tela choroidea of the bullfrog was examined by electron microscopy. This membrane, the pia-ependymal roof of the caudal hindbrain, contains a large central region characterized by cuboidal ependymal cells which surround sizable microscopic apertures — the interependymal pores.Ultrastructurally ependymal cells of this area are characterized by infrequent apical microvilli and cilia. They contain irregularly shaped nuclei and few cytoplasmic organelles that are largely apical in position. The most striking feature is an abundance of cytoplasmic filaments forming an extensive cytoskeleton. Laterally these cells are joined by numerous elaborate desmosomes. The majority of the ependymal cells have a basal lamina consisting of single, double, or triple laminae lying parallel to the basal plasma membrane.Several unusual specializations are seen at the margins of the interependymal pores. The ependymal cells have lateral cytoplasmic processes that form the actual border of each pore. These processes originate from the apical surface of the cell and partially enclose an elaborate network of basal lamina associated with the interependymal pores.These findings demonstrate microscopic apertures in the roof of the fourth ventricle in the bullfrog that are associated with an unusual form of supportive ependyma.  相似文献   

Indirect double immunofluorescence labelling for eight neuropeptides in the pancreas of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, demonstrated the occurrence, distribution, and coexistence of certain neuropeptides in the exocrine and endocrine pancreas. Immunoreactivity of substance P (SP), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), neuropeptide Y (NPY), FMRFamide (FMRF), and galanin (GAL) was localized in nerve fibers distributed between the acini and around the duct system and vasculature of the exocrine pancreas. In these regions, CGRP-immunoreactive fibers were more numerous than those containing the other five peptides. Almost all SP fibers showed coexistence of SP with CGRP, and about one third of fibers also showed coexistence of SP with VIP, NPY, FMRF, and GAL. In the endocrine pancreas, SP, CGRP, VIP, and GAL were recognized in the nerve fibers around and within the islets of Langerhans, and VIP and GAL fibers were more numerous than SP and CGRP fibers. All CGRP fibers, and about half of the VIP and GAL fibers were immunoreactive for SP. NPY- and FMRF-immunoreactive cells were found at the periphery of the islets. These findings suggest that the exocrine and endocrine pancreatic functions of the bullfrog are under the control of peptidergic innervation.  相似文献   

The anuran epiphyseal cartilage shows a lateral expansion that covers the external surface of the bone, besides other features that distinguish it from the corresponding avian and mammalian structures. The fibrous structure that attaches the lateral cartilage to the bone was characterized in this work. It was designated osteochondral ligament (OCL) and presented two main areas. There was an inner area that was closer to the periosteal bone and contained a layer of osteoblasts and elongated cells aligned to and interspersed with thin collagen fibers. The thin processes of the cells in this area showed strong alkaline phosphatase activity. The outer area, which was closer to the cartilage, was rich in blood vessels and contained a few cells amongst thick collagen fibers. TRITC-phaloidin staining showed the cells of the inner area to be rich in F-actin, and were observed to form a net around the cell nucleus and to fill the cell processes which extended between the collagen fibers. Cells of the outer area were poor in actin cytoskeleton, while those associated with the blood vessels showed intense staining. Tubulin-staining was weak, regardless of the OCL region. The main fibers of the extracellular matrix in the OCL extended obliquely upwards from the cartilage to the bone. The collagen fibers inserted into the bone matrix as Sharpey's fibers and became progressively thicker as they made their way through the outer area to the cartilage. Immunocytochemistry showed the presence of type I and type III collagen. Microfibrils were found around the cells and amongst the collagen fibrils. These microfibrils were composed of either type VI collagen or fibrilin, as shown by immunocytochemistry. The results presented in this paper show that the osteochondral ligament of Rana catesbeiana is a complex and specialized fibrous attachment which guarantees a strong and flexible anchorage of the lateral articular cartilage to the periosteal bone shaft, besides playing a role in bone growth.  相似文献   

Summary Vascular adrenergic sensitivity to exogenous catecholamines was examined in tadpoles of the American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana), ranging from stage III to XIV. Central arterial blood pressure was measured in decerebrate bullfrog tadpoles to determine a reasonable initial infusion pressure. Solutions of epinephrine and phenylephrine were infused into the vasculature of pithed tadpoles, and the resulting changes in vascular resistance (R v) were used to construct log dose-response relationships. Epinephrine infusion produced a dose-dependent increase in R v (EC50=5.3·10-7 M), which could be reversed by sodium nitroprusside (a smooth muscle relaxant) and blocked by phenoxybenzamine (an -adrenergic antagonist). Larval R v also increased with infusion of the -agonist phenylephrine (EC50=7.4·108 M). Infusion of 10-6 M isoproterenol (a -agonist) largely reversed the phenylephrine-induced increase in R v. These results indicate that the capacity exists for both -mediated vasoconstriction and -mediated vasodilation early in bullfrog ontogeny. Neither initial R v nor the responses to infused epinephrine or phenylephrine were significantly correlated to development over the range of larval stages used in this study.Abbreviations ECG electrocardiogram - EPI epinephrine - ISO isoproterenol - PHE phenylephrine - POB phenoxybenzamine - R v vascular resistance - SNP sodium nitroprusside  相似文献   

Summary Actin-containing cytoplasmic fibers were visualized in the mesenteric mesothelial cells of the large intestine of bullfrog tadpoles by rhodamine-phalloidin staining of en face preparations of mesothelial cells. These fibers were concurrently stained by immunofluorescence using antibodies to myosin or -actinin. Electron microscopy showed the presence of bundles of microfilaments in the basal cytoplasm of the cells. Such fibers in the mesothelial cells may be comparable to the stress fibers present in cultured cells. The mesothelial cells initially formed axially oriented stress fibers when they changed from a rhombic to a slender spindle-like shape. On the other hand, stress fibers disappeared as cells transformed from elongated to polygonal shapes during the period of metamorphic climax. Expression of stress fibers in these cells appears to be related to the degree of tension loaded on the mesentery, which may be generated by mesenteric winding. These stress fibers in the mesothelial cells may serve to regulate cellular transformation. They may also help to maintain cellular integrity by strengthening the cellular attachment to subepithelial tissue against tensile stress exerted on the mesentery.  相似文献   

Wei CW  Hu CC  Tang CH  Lee MC  Wang JJ 《FEBS letters》2002,531(3):421-426
Rana catesbeiana ribonuclease (RC-RNase) exerted strong anti-tumor activity and its cytotoxicity was shown to correlate with differentiation stages of three different hepatoma cell lines. In this study, we demonstrate different RC-RNase cytotoxicity in undifferentiated HL-60 cells and in those that had been induced to differentiate by retinoic acid or dimethylsulfoxide. RC-RNase showed cytotoxicity in undifferentiated HL-60 cells, but not in HL-60 cells undergoing terminal differentiation. Furthermore, the caspase-9/caspase-3 pathway was activated when RC-RNase induced death in undifferentiated HL-60 cells and induction of differentiation led to a reversal of the caspase activation pathway.  相似文献   

Synaptic ribbons are trilaminated plate-shaped presynaptic densities of certain types of receptor cells and neurons. In cone photoreceptors, these structures dissassemble and reassemble in response to light and to a variety of other stimuli. We used the lithium-ionenhanced disassembly and reassembly of synaptic ribbons to characterize structural intermediates in these cyclic changes. A few minutes after exposure of isolated retinas from the crucian carp (Carassius carassius) to lithium, ribbons fragmented into 50-nm-sized dense globular structures. These small spheres were concentrically surrounded by synaptic vesicles attached to them by stalk-like fine bridging filaments. Disassembly always started at the free cytoplasmic edges of the ribbons and proceeded toward the membrane-associated edges. As the disassembly process never started at the membraneanchored site, synaptic ribbons appeared to be polarized structures with functionally different ends. Spheres were subjected to further depolymerization. They disintegrated into clusters of small granular material and disappeared after ca. 45 min of lithium treatment. Spheres were not observed during the reassembly of synaptic ribbons, indicating that the assembly of synaptic ribbons proceeds via smaller subunits.  相似文献   

Indirect double immunofluorescence labelling for demonstrating nine neuropeptides in the kidney of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, revealed for the first time the occurrence, distribution, and coexistence of certain neuropeptides in the kidney of the submammalian vertebrates. Substance P, neuropeptide Y, and calcitonin generelated peptide were localized in nerve fibers distributed along the afferent arterioles connected with the glomeruli, and along the capillary network between uriniferous tubules. Neuropeptide Y and calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactive fibers were more numerous than substance P immunoreactive fibers. In these two regions, about one half of the neuropeptide Y or calcitonin in gene-related peptide fibers contained substance P. No immunoreactivity of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, somatostatin, FMRFamide, or leucine- and methionine-enkephalins was detected in the bullfrog kidney.  相似文献   

The contribution of brush border cytoskeletal proteins (actin, villin, fimbrin, and brush border myosin-1) to organization of the cytoskeletal network underlying apical plications of oxynticopeptic cells was examined by immunohistochemical techniques in frozen sections of gastric mucosa from the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. Apical localization of F-actin with phalloidin in oxynticopeptic cells inhibited with cimetidine revealed small, punctate domains within the apical cytoplasm that were consistent with the presence of short microvilli revealed by electron microscopy. Localization of F-actin in cells stimulated with forskolin was limited to a wide continuous band of cytoplasm corresponding to the location of numerous long surface folds. Inhibition of protein synthesis with cycloheximide did not prevent acid secretion or formation of actin filaments within surface folds in stimulated oxynticopeptic cells, suggesting that the formation of filaments does not require actin synthesis. Staining of gastric mucosae with fluorescent DNase-1 demonstrated that oxynticopeptic cells possess an unusually large pool of non-filamentous actin. Taken together, these results suggest that actin-filament formation in stimulated cells occurs by polymerization of an existing pool of non-filamentous actin. Localization of antibodies specific for villin and fimbrin revealed that these proteins were present within intestinal absorptive cells and gastric surface and neck cells but were not present within inhibited or stimulated oxynticopeptic cells. Brush border myosin-1, present in intestinal absorptive cells, was not present in gastric epithelium. Thus, we propose that actin-containing projections in oxynticopeptic cells are not organized like intestinal microvilli and that filament formation occurs after stimulation by modulating intracellular pools of filamentous and non-filamentous actin.  相似文献   

Summary In anuran tadpole tails, the myelinated motor nerve fibers branch in the myoseptum to innervate both red and white muscle fibers at, or near, their ends. There are no significant ultrastructural differences between the nerve endings of the two types of muscle fibers.Intense acetylcholinesterase reaction product was observed in synaptic clefts and junctional folds, as well as in transverse tubules. As metamorphosis proceeded, the junctional folds of the nerve endings disappeared, however, acetylcholinesterase reaction product was still observed in the synaptic clefts. As muscle fibers began to degenerate, nerve endings began to separate from them. However, after nerve endings were completely separated from the surfaces, degenerated muscle fibers, synaptic and cored vesicles were still well preserved although no acetylcholinesterase reaction product was found. It seems clear that the mechanism of the muscle degeneration in the tadpole tail during metamorphosis is not the result of the degeneration of its nerve endings.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the immunocytochemical distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine synthesis, in the di-and mesencephalon of developing bullfrog tadpoles. Special attention was given to catecholaminergic innervation of the median eminence and pituitary. In premetamorphic tadpoles, tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons were visualized in the suprachiasmatic and infundibular hypothalamus, the ventral thalamus, and midbrain tegmentum by Taylor-Kollros stage V. The number of labeled neurons in all these areas increased as metamorphosis progressed. By mid-prometamorphosis, labeled neurons appeared in the preoptic recess organ as well as in the posterior thalamic nucleus. The majority of cells in the preoptic recess organ, as well as occasional neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, exhibited labeled processes which projected through the ependymal lining of the preoptic recess to contact cerebrospinal fluid. The modified CSF-contacting neurons of the nucleus of the periventricular organ were devoid of specific staining. By late prometamorphosis, labeled fibers from the suprachiasmatic nucleus were observed projecting caudally to enter the hypothalamo-hypophysial-tract en route to innervating the median eminence and pituitary. Labeled fibers arising from the dorsal infundibular nucleus projected ventrolaterally to contribute to catecholaminergic innervation of the median eminence and pituitary. Immunoperoxidase staining of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers and terminal arborizations in the median eminence were restricted to non-ependymal layers, while labeled fibers in the pituitary were observed in the pars intermedia and pars nervosa. Staining of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers in the median eminence and pituitary was sparse or absent in premetamorphic tadpoles, but became increasingly more intense as metamorphosis progressed.  相似文献   

Indirect double immunofluorescence labelling in the pharynx and lung of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, demonstrated the occurrence, distribution, and coexistence of two neuropeptides. In the pharynx, immunoreactive calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP) were localized in nerve fibers distributed within and just beneath the ciliated epithelium. In the lung, CGRP and SP were localized in nerve fibers in five principal locations: 1) within the smooth muscle layer in the interfaveolar septa; 2) in the luminal thickened edges of the septa; 3) around the pulmonary vasculature; 4) within, and 5) under the ciliated epithelium. Within the smooth muscle layer in the septa, luminal thickened septa, and around blood vessels, almost all fibers showed coexistence of CGRP and SP. Within and just beneath the ciliated epithelium in the thickened septa, all fibers showed coexistence of CGRP and SP. No immunoreactivity for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, neuropeptide Y, galanin, somatostatin, FMRFamide, and leucine-and methionine-enkephalins was detected in the nerve fibers within the larynx and the lung. Together with our previous data, the present findings suggest that peptidergic mechanisms are involved in the regulation of amphibian respiratory systems throughout their life.  相似文献   

Summary In the cichlid teleost Tilapia leucosticta, the origin and linear development of synaptic ribbons in retinal receptor cells have been studied. First ribbons are invariably found close to their future synaptic sites between two dendritic invaginations. They are then clearly shorter than at later stages and appear bifurcate, or of bulb or drop shape. From these precursors typical ribbons rapidly develop, and these vary considerably in length. From a shift in length distribution, a main growth phase can be detected which takes place at the time when the retina first becomes functional. Similar observations were made in Xenopus. Placing Tilapia larvae in conditions of 24 h continuous light had no effect on ribbon growth, while 24 h of continuous darkness resulted in a prevalence of shorter ribbons. Thus the growth of synaptic ribbons in the course of retinal development appears to be subject to modification by environmental light conditions.  相似文献   

Regional differences in potential difference and short-circuit current between the body (dorsal) and the tail skin during metamorphosis of Rana catesbeiana tadpoles were investigated. In body skin, the potential difference and the short-circuit current across the skin develop in two successive steps. At stage XX, the potential difference and the short-circuit current across the body skins were amiloride-insensitive (1st step). At stage XXII, however, amiloride-sensitive potential difference and the short circuit current appeared (2nd step). By contrast, in tail skin the potential difference and the short-circuit current remained amiloride-insensitive (1st step) even at stage XXIII. Since the tail regresses after stage XXIII, the appearance of the second step could not be followed in vivo. To determine whether or not the second step can be induced in the tail, tail skin was cultured under conditions where the skin survives for a much longer period than it does in normally developing tadpoles. Such cultured tail skin generated the amiloride-sensitive potential difference and the short-circuit current and cultured body skin also generated them. Therefore, development of the 2nd step in the tail skin may be delayed in vivo. To characterize the differences between body and tail skin, skins were mutally grafted between body and tail at stage XIII–XV. The body skin grafted on the tail underwent both the 1st and 2nd steps by stage XXII, whereas the tail skin grafted on the body only showed the 1st step by the same stage. These results suggest that the regional specificity of the skin is already established before the prometamorphic stage.Abbreviations CMFS Ca2+- and Mg2+-free saline - CTS charcoal-treated serum - EDTA ethylene diamine tetra-acetate - I current - PD potential difference - R skin resistance - SCC short-circuit current  相似文献   

Summary The effects of melatonin on synaptic ribbons (SR) in pinealocytes of the Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) were examined. SR were classified into types 1, 2 and 3, which appear as rods, round or irregular bodies and ring-shaped structures, respectively; a synaptic ribbon index (SR index) was determined for the three types. Administration of two doses of 1.5 mg/kg melatonin at noon and 3 p.m. causes an increase in the type-1 and type-2 SR indices 3 h after the second injection in hamsters kept under alternating light and dark conditions (lights on from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.). Likewise, in animals that are exposed to extended light for 6 h and receive two doses of melatonin at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m., an increase in the type-1 and type-2 SR indices occurs 3 h after the second injection. The increase in the type-2 SR index induced by melatonin administration to hamsters exposed to extended light is greater than the increase in the type-1 SR index under the same experimental conditions. Type-2 SR index, but not type-1 SR index, increases following bilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy. An increase in type-1 and type-2 SR indices occurs at 6 p.m. in ganglionectomized animals administered two doses of melatonin 6 h (noon) and 3 h (3 p.m.) before the time of sacrifice. No significant change is observed in type-3 SR index in animals subjected to any of the above treatments. The results indicate that exogenous melatonin may act directly on pinealocytes of the Chinese hamster to cause an increase in size and/or number of the type-1 and type-2 SR. Type 3-SR may have a role different from that of type-1 and type-2 SR; type-1 and type-2 SR may be functionally related.  相似文献   

Summary Nerve elements in the small intestine of the bullfrog. Rana catesbeiana, were studied by immunohistochemistry with anti-methionine enkephalin antisera and by nerve lesion experiments, using laser irradiation. Methionine-enkephalin immunopositive nerve fibers occur in the myenteric plexus, circular muscle layer, submucosa, and mucosa. Immunopositive nerve cell bodies in the myenteric plexus have dendrite-like and a long axon-like processes. In the froglet (3 months after metamorphosis), these axon-like processes lead posteriorly in the nerve strand of the myenteric plexus. Some bifurcate, one branch continuing posteriorly, the other doubling back to lead anteriorly; both form terminal varicose fibers in the circular muscle layer. Nerve lesion experiments, in the adult bullfrog, resulted in accumulations of methionine-enkephalin immunoreactivity at the oral and hinder edges of the laser-irradiated necrotic area; there were sprouting and nonsprouting immunopositive stumps. It is suggested that bidirectional flow of methionine-enkephalin in the myenteric plexus is mediated via the anterior and posterior branches of the axon-like process. The difference in sprouting behavior of immunopositive nerve fiber stumps, after nerve lesion, is discussed with reference to regional differences of the axon-like process.  相似文献   

Summary The ontogeny of substance P, CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide), and VIP (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide) containing nerve fibers in the carotid labyrinth of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, was examined by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. The time of appearance of these three peptides was different for each. First, CGRP fibers appeared in the wall of the carotid arch and external carotid arteries, and in a thin septum between these two arteries at an early stage of larval development (stage III). At stage V, substance P immunoreactive fibers appeared, and VIP fibers were detected at the early metamorphic stage (stage XXII). Up to the completion of metamorphosis, the number of these fibers remained low. From 1 to 5 weeks after metamorphosis, substance P, CGRP, and VIP fibers increased in number to varying degrees. By 8 weeks after metamorphosis, the distribution and abundance of these fibers closely resembled those of the adults. Some CGRP and VIP immunoreactive glomus cells were found at the stages immediately before and after the completion of metamorphosis. These findings suggest that substance P, CGRP, and VIP fibers during larval development and metamorphosis may be nonfunctional, and start to participate in vascular regulation only after metamorphosis. The transient CGRP and VIP in some glomus cells may be important for the development of the labyrinth, or may take part in vascular regulation through the close apposition of the glomus and smooth muscle cells (g-s connection).  相似文献   

Immunoreactivity of galanin (GAL) was detected in the nerve fibers distributed within the intervascular stroma of the bullfrog carotid labyrinth. GAL-immunoreactive fibers are numerous, and some are close to the sinusoidal plexus. Most GAL fibers appear as thin processes with some varicosities. A combination of indirect double immunofluorescence labelling and image processing clearly demonstrated that the distribution patern of GAL fibers is different from that of SP fibers. This indicates that GAL and SP do not coexist in the same nerve fibers. The role of GAL fibers may be different from that of previously reported neuropeptides (substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, neuropeptide Y, and others) as a neuromodulator in controlling vascular tone of the labyrinth.  相似文献   

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