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The origin recognition complex (ORC), a possible initiator of chromosomal DNA replication in eukaryotes, binds to ATP through its subunits Orc1p and Orc5p. Orc1p possesses ATPase activity. As for DnaA, the Escherichia coli initiator, the ATP-DnaA complex is active but the ADP-DnaA complex is inactive for DNA replication and, therefore, the ATPase activity of DnaA inactivates the ATP-DnaA complex to suppress the re-initiation of chromosomal DNA replication. We investigated ADP-binding to ORC by a filter-binding assay. The K(d) values for ADP-binding to wild-type ORC and to ORC-1A (ORC containing Orc1p with a defective Walker A motif) were less than 10nM, showing that Orc5p can bind to ADP with a high affinity, similar to ATP. ORC-5A (ORC containing Orc5p with a defective Walker A motif) did not bind to ADP, suggesting that the ADP-Orc1p complex is too unstable to be detected by the filter-binding assay. ADP dissociated more rapidly than ATP from wild-type ORC and ORC-1A. Origin DNA fragments did not stimulate ADP-binding to any type of ORC. In the presence of ADP, ORC could not bind to origin DNA in a sequence-specific manner. Thus, in eukaryotes, the ADP-ORC complex may be unable to initiate chromosomal DNA replication, and in this it resembles the ADP-DnaA complex in prokaryotes. However, overall control may be different. In eukaryotes, the ADP-ORC complex is unstable, suggesting that the ADP-ORC complex might rapidly become an ATP-ORC complex; whereas in prokaryotes, ADP remains bound to DnaA, keeping DnaA inactive, and preventing re-initiation for some periods.  相似文献   

Origin recognition complex (ORC), a candidate initiator of chromosomal DNA replication in eukaryotes, binds specifically to ATP through two of its subunits (Orc1p and Orc5p). In this study, we investigated the kinetics of ATP binding to ORC by a filter binding assay. The Kd values for the ATP of wild-type ORC and ORC-1A (mutant ORC containing Orc1p with a defective Walker A motif) were less than 10 nm, suggesting that the affinity of Orc5p for ATP is very high. On the other hand, the Kd values for the ATP of ORC-5A (mutant ORC containing Orc5p with a defective Walker A motif) was much higher (about 1.5 microm), suggesting that the affinity of Orc1p for ATP is relatively low in the absence of origin DNA. ATP dissociated more rapidly from its complex with ORC-5A than from its complex with ORC-1A, suggesting that the ATP-Orc5p complex is more stable than ATP-Orc1p complex. Origin DNA fragments decreased the Kd value of ORC-5A for ATP and stabilized the complex of ATP with ORC-5A. Wild-type ORC, ORC-1A, and ORC-5A required different concentrations of ATP for specific binding to origin DNA. All of these results imply that ATP binding to Orc5p, ATP binding to Orc1p, and origin DNA binding to ORC are co-operatively regulated, which may be important for the initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the modulation of DNA synthesis on a supercoiled plasmid DNA template by DNA polymerases (pol), minichromosome maintenance protein complex (Mcm), topoisomerases, and the origin recognition complex (ORC) using an in vitro assay system. Antisera specific against the four-subunit pol alpha, the catalytic subunit of pol delta, and the Mcm467 complex each inhibited DNA synthesis. However, DNA synthesis in this system appeared to be independent of polepsilon. Consequently, DNA synthesis in the in vitro system appeared to depend only on two polymerases, alpha and delta, as well as the Mcm467 DNA helicase. This system requires supercoiled plasmid DNA template and DNA synthesis absolutely required DNA topoisomerase I. In addition, we also report here a novel finding that purified recombinant six subunit ORC significantly stimulated the DNA synthesis on a supercoiled plasmid DNA template containing an autonomously replicating sequence, ARS1.  相似文献   

In many organisms, the replication of DNA requires the binding of a protein called the initiator to DNA sites referred to as origins of replication. Analyses of multiple initiator proteins bound to their cognate origins have provided important insights into the mechanism by which DNA replication is initiated. To extend this level of analysis to the study of eukaryotic chromosomal replication, we have investigated the architecture of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae origin recognition complex (ORC) bound to yeast origins of replication. Determination of DNA residues important for ORC-origin association indicated that ORC interacts preferentially with one strand of the ARS1 origin of replication. DNA binding assays using ORC complexes lacking one of the six subunits demonstrated that the DNA binding domain of ORC requires the coordinate action of five of the six ORC subunits. Protein-DNA cross-linking studies suggested that recognition of origin sequences is mediated primarily by two different groups of ORC subunits that make sequence-specific contacts with two distinct regions of the DNA. Implications of these findings for ORC function and the mechanism of initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication are discussed.  相似文献   

While many of the proteins involved in the initiation of DNA replication are conserved between yeasts and metazoans, the structure of the replication origins themselves has appeared to be different. As typified by ARS1, replication origins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are <150 bp long and have a simple modular structure, consisting of a single binding site for the origin recognition complex, the replication initiator protein, and one or more accessory sequences. DNA replication initiates from a discrete site. While the important sequences are currently less well defined, metazoan origins appear to be different. These origins are large and appear to be composed of multiple, redundant elements, and replication initiates throughout zones as large as 55 kb. In this report, we characterize two S. cerevisiae replication origins, ARS101 and ARS310, which differ from the paradigm. These origins contain multiple, redundant binding sites for the origin recognition complex. Each binding site must be altered to abolish origin function, while the alteration of a single binding site is sufficient to inactivate ARS1. This redundant structure may be similar to that seen in metazoan origins.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Sum1p is a promoter-specific repressor. A single amino acid change generates the mutant Sum1-1p, which causes regional silencing at new loci where wild-type Sum1p does not act. Thus, Sum1-1p is a model for understanding how the spreading of repressive chromatin is regulated. When wild-type Sum1p was targeted to a locus where mutant Sum1-1p spreads, wild-type Sum1p did not spread as efficiently as mutant Sum1-1p did, despite being in the same genomic context. Thus, the SUM1-1 mutation altered the ability of the protein to spread. The spreading of Sum1-1p required both an enzymatically active deacetylase, Hst1p, and the N-terminal tail of histone H4, consistent with the spreading of Sum1-1p involving sequential modification of and binding to histone tails, as observed for other silencing proteins. Furthermore, deletion of the N-terminal tail of H4 caused Sum1-1p to return to loci where wild-type Sum1p acts, consistent with the SUM1-1 mutation increasing the affinity of the protein for H4 tails. These results imply that the spreading of repressive chromatin proteins is regulated by their affinities for histone tails. Finally, this study uncovered a functional connection between wild-type Sum1p and the origin recognition complex, and this relationship also contributes to mutant Sum1-1p localization.  相似文献   

DNA damaging agents induce a conserved intra-S-phase checkpoint that inhibits DNA replication in eukaryotic cells. To better understand this checkpoint and its role in determining the efficacy of antitumor drugs that damage DNA, we examined the effects of adozelesin, a DNA-alkylating antitumor agent that has a profound inhibitory effect on initiation of DNA replication in mammals, on the replication of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomes. Adozelesin inhibited initiation of S. cerevisiae DNA replication by inducing an intra-S-phase DNA damage checkpoint. This inhibitory effect was abrogated in orc2-1 cells containing a temperature-sensitive mutation in a component of the origin recognition complex (ORC) that also causes a defect in initiation. The orc2-1 mutation also caused a defect in a checkpoint that regulates the activation of origins in late S phase in cells treated with hydroxyurea. Defects in both initiation and checkpoint regulation in the orc2-1 strain were suppressed by deletion of a gene encoding a putative acetyltransferase, SAS2. Adozelesin also induced a cellular response that requires a function of ORC in G(1). A similar G(1)-specific response in mammals may contribute to the cytotoxic and antitumor properties of this and other DNA-damaging drugs.  相似文献   

In yeast, MSH2 interacts with MSH6 to repair base pair mismatches and single nucleotide insertion/deletion mismatches and with MSH3 to recognize small loop insertion/deletion mismatches. We identified a msh6 mutation (msh6-F337A) that when overexpressed in wild type strains conferred a defect in both MSH2-MSH6- and MSH2-MSH3-dependent mismatch repair pathways. Genetic analysis suggested that this phenotype was due to msh6-F337A sequestering MSH2 and preventing it from interacting with MSH3 and MSH6. In UV cross-linking, filter binding, and gel retardation assays, the MSH2-msh6-F337A complex displayed a mismatch recognition defect. These observations, in conjunction with ATPase and dissociation rate analysis, suggested that MSH2-msh6-F337A formed an unproductive complex that was unable to stably bind to mismatch DNA.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q (Q) is a redox active lipid that is an essential component of the electron transport chain. Here, we show that steady state levels of Coq3, Coq4, Coq6, Coq7 and Coq9 polypeptides in yeast mitochondria are dependent on the expression of each of the other COQ genes. Submitochondrial localization studies indicate Coq9p is a peripheral membrane protein on the matrix side of the mitochondrial inner membrane. To investigate whether Coq9p is a component of a complex of Q-biosynthetic proteins, the native molecular mass of Coq9p was determined by Blue Native-PAGE. Coq9p was found to co-migrate with Coq3p and Coq4p at a molecular mass of approximately 1 MDa. A direct physical interaction was shown by the immunoprecipitation of HA-tagged Coq9 polypeptide with Coq4p, Coq5p, Coq6p and Coq7p. These findings, together with other work identifying Coq3p and Coq4p interactions, identify at least six Coq polypeptides in a multi-subunit Q biosynthetic complex.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), which are formed by the Spo11 protein, initiate meiotic recombination. Previous DSB-mapping studies have used rad50S or sae2Δ mutants, which are defective in break processing, to accumulate Spo11-linked DSBs, and report large (≥ 50 kb) “DSB-hot” regions that are separated by “DSB-cold” domains of similar size. Substantial recombination occurs in some DSB-cold regions, suggesting that DSB patterns are not normal in rad50S or sae2Δ mutants. We therefore developed a novel method to map genome-wide, single-strand DNA (ssDNA)–associated DSBs that accumulate in processing-capable, repair-defective dmc1Δ and dmc1Δ rad51Δ mutants. DSBs were observed at known hot spots, but also in most previously identified “DSB-cold” regions, including near centromeres and telomeres. Although approximately 40% of the genome is DSB-cold in rad50S mutants, analysis of meiotic ssDNA from dmc1Δ shows that most of these regions have substantial DSB activity. Southern blot assays of DSBs in selected regions in dmc1Δ, rad50S, and wild-type cells confirm these findings. Thus, DSBs are distributed much more uniformly than was previously believed. Comparisons of DSB signals in dmc1, dmc1 rad51, and dmc1 spo11 mutant strains identify Dmc1 as a critical strand-exchange activity genome-wide, and confirm previous conclusions that Spo11-induced lesions initiate all meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

Origin recognition complex (ORC), a six-protein complex (Orc1p-6p), is the most likely initiator of chromosomal DNA replication in eukaryotes. Although ORC of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been studied extensively from biochemical and genetic perspectives, its quaternary structure remains unknown. Previous studies suggested that ORC has functions other than DNA replication, such as gene silencing, but the molecular mechanisms of these functions have not been determined. In this study, we used yeast two-hybrid analysis to examine the interaction between ORC subunits and to search for ORC-binding proteins. As well as the known Orc4p-Orc5p interaction, we revealed strong interactions between Orc2p and Ord3p (2p-3p), Orc2p and Ord5p (2p-5p), Orc2p and Ord6p (2p-6p) and Orc3p and Ord6p (3p-6p) and weaker interactions between Orc1p and Ord4p (1p-4p), Orc3p and Ord4p (3p-4p), Orc2p and Ord3p (3p-5p) and Orc5p and Ord3p (5p-6p). These results suggest that 2p-3p-6p may form a core complex. Orc2p and Orc6p are phosphorylated in vivo, regulating initiation of DNA replication. However, replacing the phosphorylated amino acid residues with others that cannot be phosphorylated, or that mimic phosphorylation, did not affect subunit interactions. We also identified several proteins that interact with ORC subunits; Sir4p and Mad1p interact with Orc2p; Cac1p and Ykr077wp with Orc3p; Rrm3p and Swi6p with Orc5p; and Mih1p with Orc6p. We discuss roles of these interactions in functions of ORC.  相似文献   

The 26 S proteasome, which catalyzes degradation of polyubiquitinated proteins, is composed of the 20 S proteasome and the 19 S regulatory particle (RP). The RP is composed of the lid and base subcomplexes and regulates the catalytic activity of the 20 S proteasome. In this study, we carried out affinity purification of the lid and base subcomplexes from the tagged strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and we found that the lid contains a small molecular mass protein, Sem1. The Sem1 protein binds with the 26 S proteasome isolated from a mutant with deletion of SEM1 but not with the 26 S proteasome from the wild type. The lid lacking Sem1 is unstable at a high salt concentration. The 19 S RP was immunoprecipitated together with Sem1 by immunoprecipitation using hemagglutinin epitope-tagged Sem1 as bait. Degradation of polyubiquitinated proteins in vivo or in vitro is impaired in the Sem1-deficient 26 S proteasome. In addition, genetic interaction between SEM1 and RPN10 was detected. The human Sem1 homologue hDSS1 was found to be a functional homologue of Sem1 and capable of interacting with the human 26 S proteasome. The results suggest that Sem1, possibly hDSS1, is a novel subunit of the 26 S proteasome and plays a role in ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis.  相似文献   

Nguyen TA  Tak YS  Lee CH  Kang YH  Cho IT  Seo YS 《The FEBS journal》2011,278(24):4927-4942
RNase H2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae consists of three essential subunits (Rnh201, Rnh202 and Rnh203) and plays a critical role in the removal of RNA incorporated in duplex DNA. In the present study, we purified individual subunits and heterodimeric subcomplexes to examine the assembly and biochemical function of subunits of RNase H2 in vitro. Reconstitution experiments revealed that Rnh202 and Rnh203 first form a subcomplex, followed by the recruitment of Rnh201 to complete complex formation. Rnh201 alone or in combination with Rnh203 showed neither substrate-binding, nor catalytic activity, indicating that both activities of Rnh201 are latent until it becomes an integral part of the complex. However, Rnh202 by itself showed substrate-binding activity. RNase H2 containing mutant Rnh202 defective in substrate binding had decreased substrate-binding activity, indicating that Rnh202 contributes directly to substrate binding. Reconstitution of RNase H2 complexes with various mutant subunits allowed us to assess the influence of conserved amino acid residues in either Rnh201 or Rnh202 on substrate-binding and catalytic activities. We found that the substrate-binding activities of both Rnh201 and Rnh202 were critical for cleavage of the phosphodiester bond present between DNA and RNA in RNase H2 substrates.  相似文献   

Subunit h is a component of the peripheral stalk region of ATP synthase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is weakly homologous to subunit F6 in the bovine enzyme, and F6 can replace the function of subunit h in a yeast strain from which the gene for subunit h has been deleted. The removal of subunit h (or F6) uncouples ATP synthesis from the proton motive force. A biotinylation signal has been introduced following the C terminus of subunit h. It becomes biotinylated in vivo, and allows avidin to be bound quantitatively to the purified enzyme complex in vitro. By electron microscopy of the ATP synthase-avidin complex in negative stain and by subsequent image analysis, the C terminus of subunit h has been located in a region of the peripheral stalk that is close to the Fo membrane domain of ATP synthase. Models of the peripheral stalk are proposed that are consistent with this location and with reconstitution experiments conducted with isolated peripheral stalk subunits.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional gel electrophoretic replicon mapping techniques were used to identify all functional DNA replication origins and termini in a 26.5-kbp stretch in the left arm of yeast chromosome III. Only one origin was detected; it coincided with an ARS element (ARS306), as have all previously mapped yeast origins. A replication termination region was identified in a 4.3-kbp stretch at the telomere-proximal end of the investigated region, between the origin identified in this paper and the neighboring, previously mapped, ARS305-associated origin (previously called the A6C origin). Termination does not occur at a specific site; instead, it appears to be the consequence of replication forks converging in a stretch of DNA of at least 4.3 kbp.  相似文献   

The mechanism of DNA replication initiation and progression is poorly understood in the parasites, including human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum . Using bioinformatics tools and yeast complementation assay, we identified a putative homologue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae o rigin r ecognition c omplex subunit 5 in P. falciparum (PfORC5). PfORC5 forms distinct nuclear foci colocalized with the replication foci marker proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PfPCNA) and co-immunoprecipitates with PCNA during early-to-mid trophozoite stage replicating parasites. Interestingly, these proteins separate from each other at the non-replicating late schizont stage, citing the evidence of the presence of both PCNA and ORC components in replication foci during eukaryotic DNA replication. PfORC1, another ORC subunit, colocalizes with PfPCNA and PfORC5 at the beginning of DNA replication, but gets degraded at the late schizont stage, ensuring the regulation of DNA replication in the parasites. Further, we have identified putative PCNA-interacting protein box in PfORC1 that may explain in part the colocalization of PfORC and PfPCNA. Additionally, use of specific DNA replication inhibitor hydroxyurea affects ORC5/PCNA foci formation and parasitic growth. These results strongly favour replication factory model in the parasites and confer great potential to understand the co-ordination between ORC and PCNA during eukaryotic DNA replication in general.  相似文献   

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