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1. The in situ abundance, biomass and mean cell volume of Actinophrys sol (Sarcodina: Heliozoa), the top predator in an extremely acidic German mining lake (Lake 111; pH 2.65), were determined over three consecutive years (spring to autumn, 2001–03). 2. Actinophrys sol exhibited pronounced temporal and vertical patterns in abundance, biomass and mean cell volume. Increasing from very low spring densities, maxima in abundance and biomass were observed in late June/early July and September. The highest mean abundance recorded during the study was 7 × 103 Heliozoa L?1. Heliozoan abundance and biomass were higher in the epilimnion than in the hypolimnion. Actinophrys sol cells from this acidic lake were smaller than individuals of the same species found in other aquatic systems. 3. We determined the growth rate of A. sol using all potential prey items available in, and isolated and cultured from, Lake 111. Prey items included: single‐celled and filamentous bacteria of unknown taxonomic affinity, the mixotrophic flagellates Chlamydomonas acidophila and Ochromonas sp., the ciliate Oxytricha sp. and the rotifers Elosa worallii and Cephalodella hoodi. Actinophrys sol fed over a wide‐size spectrum from bacteria to metazoans. Positive growth was not supported by all naturally available prey. Actinophrys sol neither increased in cell number (k) nor biomass (kb) when starved, with low concentrations of single‐celled bacteria or with the alga Ochromonas sp. Positive growth was achieved with single‐celled bacteria (k = 0.22 ± 0.02 d?1; kb = ?0.06 ± 0.02 d?1) and filamentous bacteria (k = 0.52 ± <0.01 d?1; kb = 0.66 d?1) at concentrations greater than observed in situ, and the alga C. acidophila (up to k = 0.43 ± 0.03 d?1; kb = 0.44 ± 0.04 d?1), the ciliate Oxytricha sp. (k = 0.34 ± 0.01 d?1) and in mixed cultures containing rotifers and C. acidophila (k = 0.23 ± 0.02–0.32 ± 0.02 d?1; maximum kb = 0.42 ± 0.05 d?1). The individual‐ and biomass‐based growth of A. sol was highest when filamentous bacteria were provided. 4. Existing quantitative carbon flux models for the Lake 111 food web can be updated in light of our results. Actinophrys sol are omnivorous predators supported by a mixed diet of filamentous bacteria and C. acidophila in the epilimnion. Heliozoa are important components in the planktonic food webs of ‘extreme’ environments.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton productivity of an acidic lake   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The phytoplankton productivity over two years in a lake heavily loaded by acid mine drainage was very low. Algal assays indicated that below pH 5.5 the water, if buffered and fertilized with phosphorus, resulted in log growth. Above pH 5.5 algal log growth could be induced with phosphorus addition only. However, an in situ bag experiment was done in the lake and immediate bloom conditions of the indigenous algae resulted from phosphorus addition only, despite pH values below 5.  相似文献   

Plankton communities in acidic mining lakes (pH 2.5-3.3) are species-poor because they face extreme environmental conditions, e.g. 150mg l(-1) Fe2+ +Fe3+. We investigated the growth characteristics of the dominant pigmented species, the flagellate Chlamydomonas acidophila, in semi-continuous culture experiments under in situ conditions. The following hypotheses were tested: (1) Low inorganic carbon (IC) concentrations in the epilimnion (e.g. 0.3 mg l(-1)) arising from the low pH limit phototrophic growth (H-1); (2) the additional use of dissolved organic carbon (mixotrophy) leads to higher growth rates under IC-limitation (H-2), and (3) phagotrophy is not relevant (H-3). H-1 was supported as the culture experiments, in situ PAR and IC concentrations indicated that IC potentially limited phototrophic growth in the mixed surface layers. H-2 was also supported: mixotrophic growth always exceeded pure phototrophic growth even when photosynthesis was saturated. Dark growth in filtered lake water illuminated prior to inoculation provided evidence that Chlamydomonas was able to use the natural DOC. The alga did not grow on bacteria, thus confirming H-3. Chlamydomonas exhibited a remarkable resistance to starvation in the dark. The compensation light intensity (ca. 20 micromol photons m(-2) s(-1)) and the maximum phototrophic growth (1.50 d(-1)) fell within the range of algae from non-acidic waters. Overall, Chlamydomonas, a typical r-strategist in circum-neutral systems, showed characteristics of a K-strategist in the stable, acidic lake environment in achieving moderate growth rates and minimizing metabolic losses.  相似文献   

A material consisting of 66 species of Cephalodella (Rotifera), from diverse waters in south and central Sweden, was analyzed to reveal their possible relationships to substrate and habitat. Most species preferred periphytic environments. Most species have a broad ecological range, only a few being bog specialists. An artificial substrate, white cotton, was colonized by several species, even some without eyes.  相似文献   

Analysis of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from acidic mining lake water and sediment, and from an enclosure to which organic carbon was added to stimulate microbial alkalinization processes of sulfate and iron reduction revealed the presence of diverse sequences affiliated with the Acidobacteria subdivision 1. A novel oligonucleotide probe, ACIDO228, was designed that covered most sequences of Acidobacteria subdivision 1. The hybridization conditions were optimized using the type strain Acidobacterium capsulatum. The depth distribution and seasonal dynamics of Acidobacteria in the lake and the enclosure were assessed by whole cell hybridization. Sequence analyses and in situ quantification indicated that Acidobacteria accounted for a substantial part of bacterioplankton communities in both compartments. During the summer stratification distinct maxima of acidobacterial abundance were detected in the hypolimnion (up to 13% of total cell numbers), whereas during spring and autumn circulations no clear depth-dependent differences were visible. These data suggest that Acidobacteria thrive best in the hypolimnion, which is characterized by lower temperatures and higher availability of organic substrates. The application of probe ACIDO228 provided quantitative information on the seasonal and depth distribution of Acidobacteria in a lake environment and in particular in a rather extreme habitat, an acidic mining lake.  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of Al have been observed in acidic surface waters. An assessment of the chemistry of aqueous Al is of interest because of its role as a toxicant to aquatic organisms, a pH buffer, and an adsorbent of orthophosphate and organic carbon. In this investigation we evaluated the spatial and temporal fluctuations of Al forms in an acidic drainage lake.High concentrations of NO 3 (51.0 ± 11 mol l–1), H+ (14.9 ± 3.5 mol l–1), and Al (19.6 ± 3.5 mol l–1) were introduced to Dart's Lake through drainage water during the snowmelt period. During low flow periods microbially mediated depletions of nitrate served to neutralize H+ and aluminum base neutralizing capacity. Thus in Dart's Lake, NO 3 transformations were extremely important in regulating short-term changes in pH and subsequent changes in the inorganic forms of Al. During stratification periods Al appeared to be non-conservative within the lake system. Although we know very little about the character and transformations of alumino-organic solutes, these substances were correlated with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. Alumino-organic substances appear to be introduced to the lake from both drainage water and sediments.  相似文献   

Hansjörg Thies 《Hydrobiologia》1994,274(1-3):143-154
During the hydrological years 1989 and 1990, water analyses of the dystrophic mountain cirque Lake Huzenbach and the precipitation within its watershed were performed. Periods of droughts which are supposed to be induced by climate change as well as acidic pulses modify the chemical composition of lake water. Snow melt and heavy rains cause flash floods in lake inflows which are controlled by subsurface-flow. One of the inflows exhibits extremely low pH values [pHmin = 3.66], high concentrations for aluminium [Almax = 1.10 mg l-1], dissolved organic carbon [DOCmax = 30.7 mg l-1], and sulfate [SO4max = 9.08 mg l-1]. Organic and inorganic acids are both likely to contribute to the acidity of these surface waters. During baseflow conditions, groundwater springs still show slightly positive alkalinity values as well as increased pH values up to about 6.0. Since 1985 lake surface samples demonstrate an increasing tendency towards pH values higher than 5.0 during dry summer periods. Positive alkalinity values occur in the hypolimnion during anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

The acidic caldera lake Caviahue (Patagonia, Argentina) and its main tributaries were studied on two dates during September 1998. The main results are: The acidity of the Lake Caviahue (pH: 2.56, acidity: >5 mmol H+ l–1) is controlled by the extremely acidic Upper Rio Agrio (pH: 1.78, acidity: >20 mmol H+ l–1). The high sulphate contents of both the river and the lake can be attributed to sulphuric acid generated by the uptake of sulphurous gases in the crater lake of Copahue Volcano at approximately 2800 m a.s.l. The high concentrations of both Fe and trace metals (e.g. Cr, Ni, Zn) in Lake Caviahue originate from sulphur–acid interactions with the predominantly volcanic geology of the catchment area. The P-rich andesitic geology influences both the Upper and Lower Rio Agrio and Lake Caviahue. Both were found to have high phosphorus concentrations (300–500 g P l–1) indicative of a high potential for eutrophication. The plankton community consisted of bacterioplankton, phytoplankton and rotifers. The phytoplankton was dominated by one green alga, Keratococcus raphidioides (>90% of total abundance) followed by a green sphaerical and Chlamydomonas sp. The total phytoplankton density was about 15000 cells ml–1 in the upper 10 m of the water column. Rotifers were represented by one bdelloid species and their abundance was highly variable (360–4040 ind l–1) in the water columm. In the Upper and Lower Rio Agrio, the epilithic community was dominated by one chloroccocal species and two species of Ulothricales. According to trophic categories based on phytoplankton density and TP concentration, Lake Caviahue can be classified as mesotrophic/eutrophic. However, chlorophyll a concentrations observed were not in agreement with this state.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas is one of the most well-studied photosynthetic organisms that had important biotechnological potential for future bioproductions of biofuels. However, an energy balance from incident photons to the energy stored in the new biomass is still lacking. In this study, we applied a recently developed system to measure the energy balance for steady state growth of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii grown at pH 6.5, and C. acidophila that was grown at pH 6.5 and 2.6. Energy use efficiency was quantified on the basis of light absorption, photosynthetic quantum yield, photosynthetic and respiratory quotient, and electron partitioning into proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. The results showed that lower growth rates of C. acidophila under both pH conditions were not caused by the differences in the photosynthetic quantum yield or in alternative electron cycling, but rather by differences in the efficiency of light absorption and increased dark respiration. Analysis of the macromolecular composition of the cells during the light phase showed that C. acidophila uses biosynthetic electrons preferentially for carbohydrate synthesis but not for synthesis of lipids. This led to a strong diurnal cycle of the C/N ratio and could explain the higher dark respiration of C. acidophila compared with C. reinhardtii .  相似文献   

Negative correlations between aluminum and planktonic algal abundance have been reported in acidic lakes. Natural assemblages of phytoplankton from a low-pH, low-Al lake (Franklin Lake, WI) were grown in semi-continuous cultures consisting of four treatments at pH 5.7 with 0.0, 50, 100, and 200 μg Al L−1 and one treatment at pH 4.7 with no Al added. Asterionella ralfsii var. americana (a common diatom plankter in acidic lakes) grew well at both pH 4.7 and 5.7 when no Al was added but declined in all other treatments and so may be useful as an indicator of acidic, low monomeric-Al conditions. Other common plankters that showed this pattern included: Arthrodesmus indentatus, Ar. octocornus, Ar. quiriferus, Staurastrum arachne var. curvatum, S. longipes var. contractum, and S. pentacerum. Common taxa showing no toxic effects of Al were Dinobryon bavaricum, Peridinium limbatum, Stenokalyx monilifera, Elaktothrix sp. and Oedogonium sp. We hypothesize that metal toxicity as a pulse at spring snowmelt could dramatically change algal succession in moderately acidic lakes. The experimental results agreed well with field observations. These types of experiments are useful for predicting the responses of natural phytoplankton communities to increases in Al concentration.  相似文献   

Porewater acid/base chemistry in near-shore regions of an acidic lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sediment porewaters in the near-shore region (within 1 m of the shoreline) of an acidic lake (Dart's Lake) were monitored during the summer of 1983 to investigate whether spatial variations in porewater acid/base chemistry were significant in this region of the lake. Previous investigations of Dart's Lake porewaters have indicated that within deeper waters (>2m depth), sediment porewaters are elevated in alkalinity relative to overlying lake water. Within the near-shore region, porewaters both considerably more and less acidic than the lake water were observed. Both reduction of strong acid anions (SO4 2–, NO3 ) and the mobilization of base cations were significant mechanisms of alkalinity production in porewaters exhibiting reducing conditions. In sediments reflecting oxic conditions, porewaters were generally more acidic than the lakewater. Measurement of groundwater seepage into the lake at the near-shore sites indicated that oxic sites exhibited elevated inputs of groundwater when compared to sites where reducing conditions existed. The acidic porewaters associated with high groundwater flows suggests that groundwater inputs to the lake may be a source of acidity (not alkalinity) on a whole-lake basis.  相似文献   

Diet, growth and reproduction of the Arctic charr in a high alpine lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Arctic charr of Muzelle lake, at 2105 m in the Oisans massif (French Alps) feed most actively, essentially on Chironomidae, during the 6 or 7 weeks following the melting of the ice. The period of maximum growth corresponds to the time when food availability is at its highest, and it does not overlap with the period of maximum temperatures. Males and females mature at age 3 years but only half of the females of age 3 years spawn each year. This ratio of spawning females is constant from 3 to 6 years, the latter being maximum age observed in this lake. Each female spawns only twice at the most during its lifetime.  相似文献   

Control of lake trout reproduction: role of lipids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Somatic lipid density of lake trout decreased during summer and increased after spawning in October, peaking April, prior to ovarian recrudescence. Non-lipid density increased from June or July until August and remained relatively constant until March. All lake trout ( n =30) reared on high ( n =10, 0·4%), medium ( n =10, 0·15%) and low ( n =10, 0·05%) rations from March to September spawned. In a second experiment for which the treatments commenced in November, the proportion of females maturing in the following October (high=88%, medium=69%, low=28%) was positively related to ration levels.  相似文献   

Jukka Särkkä 《Ecography》1982,5(4):396-404
In material sampled from 0.5–6 m on two sampling dates and three subareas the dominant Oligochaeta were Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Claparède and Peloscolex ferox (Eisen), both composing more than 30% of the abundances of oligochaetes present. The numbers of Oligochaeta were mostly higher in August than in May. Regional differences could be found although the lake seems to be very homogenous. Temporal and vertical variations were detectable in separate subareas. The oligochaete biomass was maximal at 2 m depth. In soft bottom sediments the oligochaetes composed 15.9% of macrobenthos biomass and 12.2% of numbers, but on the stony bottom only 1.9% of numbers. The ratio of Oligochaeta/Chironomidae was similar to those in profundals of oligotrophic lakes. Correlation coefficients between species and two measures of niche overlap were in partial agreement. A temporal niche seems to occur: when the chironomid larvae decrease during the summer, the oligochaetes increase.  相似文献   

Limestone applications to the catchment of one tributary to Woods Lake were highly effective in reducing stream acidity and stabilizing seasonal fluctuations in pH. The resulting improvement in stream water quality also led to a dramatic shift in reproductive strategy of the Woods Lake brook trout population. Prior to catchment liming, brook trout in Woods Lake were restricted to spawning on poor quality near shore substrate with limited ground water seepage. Reproductive success was limited by high mortality of eggs and larvae and recruitment from in lake spawning was not successful. Spawning brook trout did not utilize the tributary for spawning prior to watershed liming. Mitigation of acidity in the tributary, by catchment liming, effectively extended the spawning habitat available to the Woods Lake brook trout population and one year following treatment brook trout spawned successfully in the tributary for the first time in 6 years of observation. Significant recruitment of young trout into the lake population occurred from 1991 through 1993, although the absolute number of fish captured was relatively small. In the fall of 1993, four year classes of naturally spawned brook trout were present in the lake. Although reproductive success was enhanced by improving tributary spawning habitat in the Woods Lake basin, self maintenance of the population may be limited by low recruitment rates of young trout, due to high levels of summer mortality resulting from predation. Mitigation of this constraint would require substantially higher levels of fry production than were observed in Woods Lake and/or enhanced refugia for young trout. The results of this experiment suggest that re-establishment of tributary spawning populations of brook trout may be possible, with future reductions in acidic deposition, in acidic Adirondack lakes with limited in-lake spawning habitat.  相似文献   

The ecology of the fishes in Nyumba ya Mungu reservoir, Tanzania   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty species of fish were found in Nyumba ya Mungu reservoir on the River Pangani which, with two exceptions, were indigenous to the river basin. Their distribution is described and some information on their growth, reproduction and feeding habits is presented. The highest densities of fish were found in the littoral and the broad, shallow, upstream region of the lake. The lacustrine environment has favoured the endemic tilapias, Sarotherodon jipe and S. pangani , which graze periphyton, and the introduced species, S. esculentus which feeds on phytoplankton. Males of the endemic forms may grow to a large size, but the introduced species, including Tilapia rendalli , were heavier for a given length. A reduction in tilapia stocks since 1970 is reflected in experimental catches during 1972-74 and was attributed to the combined effects of heavy commercial exploitation and a loss of spawning grounds. In the same period a striking increase in the populations of small carnivores, Rhabdalestes leleupi and Haplochromis gr. bloyeti , was recorded. Kully plantivorous and piscivorous fish are absent but omnivores are represented by Barbus species and Synodontis punctulatus. Tilapias exhibited a high incidence of nematode infection and the available evidence indicates that fish-eating birds are important predators of cichlids in Nyumba ya Mungu.  相似文献   

Shrimp–sponge associations occur frequently in marine ecosystems, serving as model systems for the evolution of eusociality. Here, we describe the first known instance of such association in freshwater from an ancient lake in Indonesia. The shrimp Caridina spongicola forms an exclusive and probably commensal association with a yet undescribed spongillinid sponge. Phylogenetic and ecological data suggest a comparatively recent origin of both taxa. Climatic fluctuations may have facilitated speciation and occasional hybridization of the shrimp species, which is derived from a rock-dwelling ancestor. Their extremely localized occurrence in an increasingly disturbed area makes both taxa a conservation priority.  相似文献   

1. Herbivorous zooplankton face considerable temporal and spatial variation in food quality, to which they respond by adapting their life histories. Zooplankton may even take up mineral nutrients directly, and use these to counter the effects of algal nutrient limitation (mineral compensation). This study examined the life history of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus fed phosphorus‐, and nitrogen‐limited Scenedesmus obliquus (Chlorophyta), and investigated whether B. calyciflorus was capable of mineral compensation. 2. Both phosphorus‐ and nitrogen‐limited algae gave similar life history responses: somatic growth and reproduction were reduced, whereas lifespan remained unaffected. 3. No evidence was found for mineral compensation in B. calyciflorus in relation to detrimental life history effects, so mineral compensation does not seem to be relevant for this species under field conditions. 4. The similarity in life history responses of B. calyciflorus and the low levels of ω‐3 PUFAs in both phosphorus‐ and nitrogen‐depleted algae suggest that ω‐3 PUFAs were limiting to B. calyciflorus, although other (bio)chemicals or mineral nutrients may also have been important. 5. No trade‐off was observed between life span and reproduction during algal nutrient limitation. Reduced population growth rates of B. calyciflorus were caused by shorter reproductive periods.  相似文献   

In the eutrophic Lake Mikølajskie macrophytes disappearing from the deeper parts of the littoral are replaced by Vaucheria dichotoma Ag. This forms a belt at 3.0–4.5 m to which depth only 1% of surface light penetrates. The zone of V. dichotoma has a layered structure. Some filaments are covered in mud and receive no light, but are alive and photosynthesize when transferred to light. V. dichotoma prefers fertile environments with a high content of phosphate-phosphorus and ammonium-nitrogen. It is evergreen and its biomass changes relatively little during a year.  相似文献   

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