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A new species of Agrostis L. (A. barceloi ) is described from the northern mountains of Mallorca (Balearic Islands). The new taxon belongs to sect. Agtush and is mainly related to A. alpina Scop. and A. schleicheri Jord. & Verl. on morphological grounds. However, A. barceloi differs from A. alpina by its narrowly-lanceolate inflorescence, with panicle branches erect during and after anthesis, non-scabrid leaves, and by smaller lemmas and others. The new species is distinguished from A. schleicheri by the smaller spikelets, lemma, palea, and anthers. In addition, A. barceloi is tetraploid (2n = 28), and differs cytologically from the diploid A. alpina (2n= 14) and the hexaploid A. schleicheri (2n = 56).  相似文献   

Flow cytometry, morphometry and molecular markers [plastid DNA and internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA] were used to determine taxonomic and phylogeographic patterns in Dactylorhiza maculata s.l. from Scandinavia. A total of 238 individuals from 27 populations from throughout all of Scandinavia, including the adjacent Kola Peninsula of Russia, were analyzed. Diploid D. maculata ssp. fuchsii and autotetraploid D. maculata ssp. maculata are morphologically differentiated. Fragment size variants from 10 plastid DNA loci (seven microsatellite loci and three loci with indel variation) were combined to give 43 haplotypes. Three major groups of haplotypes were found. Group I haplotypes were prevalent in the north and the northeast, whereas Group II haplotypes were prevalent in the south and the southwest. Group III was represented by only a single haplotype and appeared to be the result of introgression from D. incarnata s.l. Group I and Group II haplotypes did not correspond with cytologically and morphologically defined D. maculata ssp. fuchsii or D. maculata ssp. maculata. Past introgressive gene flow rather than recent hybridization is envisaged. Intermediate Group I haplotypes between Group II and the rest of Group I were detected in a zone of contact in central Sweden, which may suggest plastid DNA recombination. The six ITS alleles scored showed strong positive correlation with taxonomy. All data sets obtained for ssp. maculata were significantly correlated with geography. Three different autotetraploid lineages are hypothesized. One lineage may represent postglacial immigration from the south and the other two lineages may represent eastern immigration routes. Morphology and ITS data suggested that subarctic populations of ssp. maculata should be recognized as var. kolaënsis.  相似文献   

Panicum amarum andP. amarulum exhibit north-south clinal variation and are virtually indistinguishable in the southern part of their range. Cytological evidence indicates thatP. amarum (2n = 54) is probably an autohexaploid derivative ofP. amarulum (2n = 36). The minor morphological differences, the apparent close genetic relationship, and the close ecological and chemical affinities between these two taxa indicate thatP. amarum andP. amarulum should have varietal rather than specific rank.  相似文献   

Thrasya parvula, T. seminuda andT. granitica are described as new species,T. petrosa var.ciliata as a new variety, andT. scandens as a new combination.Thrasyopsis jurgensii is proposed as a new combination.  相似文献   

Recent collections of the genus Colpodium from Ethiopia and South Africa made a renewed revision of the African material of this genus desirable. Apart from the two earlier recognized African species ( C. chionogeiton and C. hedbergii ) a third one is described (C. drakensbergense ), restricted to the Drakensberg area of eastern Lesotho and amply distinct both in morphology and chromosome number. The phytogeographical position of Colpodium is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Cyathocline, a small genus, has been treated as a member of subtribe Grangeinae of tribe Astereae (Asteraceae), but has been neglected in molecular phylogenetic analyses of Astereae. Plastid trnL-F and nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS sequences were used to carry out phylogenetic analyses of Cyathocline (represented by C. purpurea) through maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses. In addition, its karyotype, morphology and micromorphology were also investigated. The results show that in our three phylogenetic trees, C. purpurea is deeply nested within the Blumea clade and/or the Inulinae clade, and is closest to Blumea balsamifera (Inuleae, Inulinae). C. purpurea is similar to Blumea in chromosome size bimodality and to Inulinae in one single large oxalate crystal within each cell of the cypsela epidermis, which, together with molecular evidences, suggests strongly that Cyathocline should be transferred from Astereae to Inuleae subtribe Inulinae. Although C. purpurea has many anomalous features, its most characters still are within a wide range of morphological variations of Blumea. DNA data and the karyotypic character support to merge C. purpurea into Blumea. As a result, the new combination Blumea purpurea (O. Kuntze) W.P. Li was made.  相似文献   

Holcus lanatus and H. mollis were initially considered to be diploids, but their hybrids proved male sterile. Subsequent cytological studies showed H. mollis to be made up of a polyploid series with 2 n = 28, 35, 42 and 49. The planned hybridizations which then became possible showed the races to be fertile in varying degrees with each other and with H. lanatus. Self-fertile plants were found among all groups. Spikelets with two hermaphrodite functional florets were present within the panicles of many plants in the mollis groups and also in H. lanatus. Rhizomes were normal in H. mollis but never developed in H. lanatus. The chromosome races of H. mollis represent 'Cryptic' species since they cannot be separated on morphological criteria. A diploid H. mollis has been reported from Portugal.  相似文献   

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - Satureja khuzitanica, due to having phenolic compounds such as carvacrol in its essential oil and rosmarinic acid in its extract has strong...  相似文献   

A summary of previous chromosome counts of Brachypodium is given in addition to a large number of new reports. The present work does not support claims made for extensive infraspecific variation in certain species. The implication of cytological knowledge for a taxonomic and evolutionary understanding of the genus is discussed.  相似文献   

B. G. Murray 《Chromosoma》1976,59(1):73-81
Meiosis has been studied in five European and four South American species of Briza. The various species have different chiasma frequencies and different patterns of chiasma localisation. Population studies show that there are significant differences in mean plant chiasma frequency between populations of B. maxima whereas B. media and B. spicata do not show interpopulation differences. B. media is shown to have diploid and autotetraploid races and the distribution of these chromosome races in Europe has been plotted. The South American species studied are all bivalent forming tetraploids and would therefore appear to have an allopolyploid origin. Interchange heterozygosity has been found in B. media and B. elatior, different populations of B. media have been shown to be heterozygous for different interchanges. These topics are discussed in relation to the regulation of recombination.  相似文献   

Variation in lateral awn length and pulvini development is described for A. pansa and A. gypsophila. The two species are distinguished by lateral awn development. Within each species, forms are based on pulvini development. Three new forms are described (A. pansa f. contracta; A. gypsophila f. gypsophiloides and f. diffusa), A. dissita is reduced to a form of A. pansa, and A. tehuacanensis is considered synonymous with A. pansa f. dissita. Keys, illustrations, and maps are provided.  相似文献   

B. G. Murray 《Chromosoma》1975,49(3):299-308
Chromosome numbers have been determined and karyotypes studied in several species of the genus Briza L. Nuclear DNA amounts have also been determined for some of the species and show a considerable variation between the species. The evolution of the karyotypes, particularly that of B. minor, is discussed and an attempt made to relate nuclear DNA content to karyotypes, breeding systems and habit in the different species.  相似文献   

Zhang L  Happe T  Melis A 《Planta》2002,214(4):552-561
Sulfur deprivation in green algae causes reversible inhibition of photosynthetic activity. In the absence of S, rates of photosynthetic O2 evolution drop below those of O2 consumption by respiration. As a consequence, sealed cultures of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii become anaerobic in the light, induce the "Fe-hydrogenase" pathway of electron transport and photosynthetically produce H2 gas. In the course of such H2-gas production cells consume substantial amounts of internal starch and protein. Such catabolic reactions may sustain, directly or in directly, the H2-production process. Profile analysis of selected photosynthetic proteins showed a precipitous decline in the amount of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) as a function of time in S deprivation, a more gradual decline in the level of photosystem (PS) II and PSI proteins, and a change in the composition of the PSII light-harvesting complex (LHC-II). An increase in the level of the enzyme Fe-hydrogenase was noted during the initial stages of S deprivation (0-72 h) followed by a decline in the level of this enzyme during longer (t >72 h) S-deprivation times. Microscopic observations showed distinct morphological changes in C. reinhardtii during S deprivation and H2 production. Ellipsoid-shaped cells (normal photosynthesis) gave way to larger and spherical cell shapes in the initial stages of S deprivation and H2 production, followed by cell mass reductions after longer S-deprivation and H2-production times. It is suggested that, under S-deprivation conditions, electrons derived from a residual PSII H2O-oxidation activity feed into the hydrogenase pathway, thereby contributing to the H2-production process in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Interplay between oxygenic photosynthesis, mitochondrial respiration, catabolism of endogenous substrate, and electron transport via the hydrogenase pathway is essential for this light-mediated H2-production process.  相似文献   

Data derived from a morphological, cytological, flavonoid, and greenhouse study indicate thatParonychia pulvinata (2n = 32) andP. sessiliflora (2n = 64) should be distinguished in specific rank rather than in subspecific rank as recently proposed. Additionally, new evidence is brought to bear onP. depressa var.brevicuspis, which is shown to be synonymous withP. sessiliflora.  相似文献   

Kelly W. Allred 《Brittonia》1984,36(4):382-395
The morphology of the Purpureae Group of North AmericanAristida is assessed by principal components and statistical analyses. Long considered a complex of about eight species, a mosaic of intergrading phenetic forms is revealed and the complex is reduced to one species with seven varieties. The taxa that are recognized areAristida purpurea var.purpurea, var.nealleyi (comb. nov.), var.curvifolia (comb. nov.), var.parishii (comb. nov.), var.wrightii (comb. nov.), var.fendleriana, and var.longiseta. A key and synopses for the varieties are provided.  相似文献   

An extensive survey of isozyme phenotypes in British populations of the amphidiploid salt marsh grass Spartina anglica and its putative parents has confirmed that the species arose by chromosome doubling in S. × townsendii , a sterile hybrid between S. maritima and S. alterniflora. Isozyme phenotypes and seed protein profiles indicate that S. anglica is almost totally lacking in genetic variation. Isozyme evidence also indicates that the parental species are characterized by low levels of genetic variation. The lack of variation in S. anglica is proposed as being due to a narrow genetic base resulting from a single origin, or a multiple origin from uniform parents; the fact that many populations are derived from very small founder populations; and because preferential pairing between identical homologous chromosomes prevents recombination between the divergent component genomes of the species. The low levels of isozyme variation that occur appear to be due to chromosome loss.
The consequences for the future evolution of S. anglica , given its lack of genetic variation, are discussed.  相似文献   

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