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The effect of small pores (similar in size to the stomata of plants) on the diffusion constants and relative concentrations of non-motile, randomly motile and chemotactic bacteria is considered. It is shown that although the Brownian diffusion constant of non-motile bacteria is a couple of orders of magnitude lower than the diffusion constant of motile bacteria, non-motile bacteria will still be present in both short (100 microns) and long (0.5 cm) pores in similar numbers to motile bacteria. It is postulated that this is due, at least in part, to the smaller amount of excluded volume for non-flagellated bacteria.  相似文献   

The distribution of a hyaluronate-binding (HABP) and rhodamine B-isothiocyanate (RITC)-labeled hyaluronate (HA) were studied on both actively motile and stationary chick heart fibroblasts to assess the relationship of these molecules to each other, to other extracellular matrix molecules, to membrane protrusions and to adhesion sites. RITC-HA and HABP, detected by indirect immunofluorescence, were concentrated in the perinuclear region, the leading lamella and retraction processes of actively motile cells, although RITC-HA also occurred diffusely over the rest of the cell body. Double immunofluorescence confirmed that HA and HABP co-localized in the former three regions, suggesting that, at these locations, the HABP may act as a cell surface-binding site for HA. With increasing culture confluency and consequent slowing of fibroblast motility, the localization of both polymers changed to a uniform and diffuse distribution over the cell body and processes. On actively motile cells, RITC-HA and HABP did not co-distribute with fibronectin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan or laminin. Areas coated with RITC-HA and HABP often contained specialized adhesion sites as determined by interference reflection microscopy (IRM) but neither polymer appeared to particularly localize to adhesion sites. However, the occurrence of RITC-HA and HABP in the leading lamellae of motile cells consistently coincided with ruffling activity. These results are discussed with respect to a possible instructive role of HA in cell motility.  相似文献   

The dispersal of an initial concentration of identical Brownian particles is accurately described by the solution of the conventional diffusion equation, and a diffusion coefficient can be assigned to the assembly of particles. However, the dispersal of an initial concentration of motile bacteria is not well described by the same solution, in spite of the similarity between the random motion of a bacterium and a Brownian particle. Reasons for the failure of the Gaussian solution of the diffusion equation to describe the dispersal of Escherichia coli are discussed. An equation is formulated which gives the concentration of dispersing organisms as a function of space and time if the speed distribution function of the assembly of organism is known and reproduction is suppressed. For three assumed speed distributions the results are compared with concentrations measured by previous authors.  相似文献   

Abstract A Bacillus subtilis strain showed a variety of colony growth patterns on agar plates. The bacterium grew to a fractal colony through the diffusion-limited aggregation process, a round colony reminiscent of the Eden model, a colony with a straight and densely branched structure similar to the dence branching, morphology, a colony spreading without any openings, and a colony with concentric rings, on plates with various agar and nutrient concentrations. The microstructures of these colonies were also characteristic and dynamic. The patterns of these bacterial colonies were thought to grow in relation to the diffusion of nutrient in the agar plate.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of Acholeplasma colonies on agar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The colony formation and morphology of Acholeplasma laidlawii and of an Acholeplasma species was studied by scanning electron microscopy. In the colonies of both Acholeplasma spp. large irregularly shaped cells, spherical cells, chains of beads, and long filaments with small bulbous distensions were seen. The membrane of some of the large cells seemed to be perforated, giving the cell a pitted appearance.  相似文献   

The growth of Salmonella typhimurium colonies on a model food system (agar solidified culture medium) was followed. Colony radius, determined using computer image analysis (IA) techniques, and viable cell number per colony were measured as indices of colony growth, and the effect of [NaCl] (0.5–3.5% (w/v)) and pH (7.0–5.0) on colony growth at 30°C was observed; colonies were point inoculated from serial dilutions. Colony growth (between 13 and 26 h after inoculation) was linear when expressed in terms of radius, and exponential when expressed in terms of viable cell number per colony. Overall, both increasing the [NaCl] and decreasing the pH had little effect on colony growth, other than to delay the onset of linear radial growth. Initial specific growth rate (μ) ranged from 0.73 to 0.87 h−1. Thin films of agar medium on microscope slides allowed the growth of microcolonies to be observed after just 4 h incubation. A greater understanding of the growth kinetics of bacterial colonies, and the effects of environment on such data, may enable better control of foodborne bacterial pathogens, and consequently an improvement in food product safety.  相似文献   

Colonies of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells growing on agar exhibit changes in colony morphology and size in response to extremely low doses of hormones and growth factors. Computer-aided densitometric scanning of photographs of these colonies allows the quantitative measurement of these morphological changes. Correlation of these changes with dosage for a variety of growth effectors is a sensitive assay for the effects of these factors, both alone and in combination, and should be useful in comparing effects of agents with similar biological activities and in the search for variant cell types with altered responsiveness. Cells growing attached to solid substrates are often responsive to these low dosages and do not seem to mimic in vivo growth effector phenomena as well as colonies growing in three dimensions on agar.  相似文献   

Single Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells plated on agar form macroscopic colonies with high efficiency. Colonies produced by cells from the uncloned cell line increase in diameter continuously for 10–12 days after plating to form mounds of cells about 1 mm in diameter. With further incubation, some of these colonies do not increase in diameter (arrested dome), some form an expanding annular monolayer of cells around the central mound (fried egg), and some grow by enlarging the central mound into a low multilayered disc (saucer).These colony types on agar appear to be clonal characteristics of the CHO cell line. Cloning the line gives two kinds of isolates: one forms a mixture of arrested dome and fried egg colonies in an inheritable ratio, and the other forms saucer colonies. Cells from saucer colonies form saucer colonies when replated on agar. Cells from all colony types replate with similar efficiency on plastic or agar, and exhibit the same growth rate and cell size in liquid suspension culture. On plastic substrate, all these CHO cells form colonies which increase continuously in diameter for as long as 21 days, and little clonal difference in the morphology of colonies or of single cells is observed.These observations reveal a previously unsuspected heterogenieity in an established line of cultured mammalian cells and provide a method for studying new classes of In vitro growth control phenomena. These control phenomena may help in the building an in vitro model for tumor growth.  相似文献   

Generalizing results from fungal fermentations is difficult due to their high sensitivity toward slight variation in starting conditions, poor reproducibility, and difference in strains. In this study a mathematical model is presented in which oxygen transfer, agitation intensity, dissolved oxygen tension, pellet size, formation of mycelia, the fraction of mycelia in the total biomass, carbohydrate source consumption, and biomass growth are taken into account. Two parameters were estimated from simulation, whereas all others are based on measurements or were taken from literature. Experimental data are obtained from the fermentations in both 2 L and 100 L fermentors at various conditions. Comparison of the simulation with experiments shows that the model can fairly well describe the time course of fungal growth (such as biomass and carbohydrate source concentrations) and fungal morphology (such as pellet size and the fraction of pellets in the total biomass). The model predicts that a stronger agitation intensity leads to a smaller pellet size and a lower fraction of pellets in the total biomass. At the same agitation intensity, pellet size is hardly affected by the dissolved oxygen tension, whereas the fraction of mycelia decreases slightly with an increase of the dissolved oxygen tension in the bulk. All of these are in line with observations at the corresponding conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of the work was to study how the number of phage negative colonies on a solid growth medium depended on the concentration of a sensitive bacterial strain. For the system of phage lambda and a sensitive E. coli cell, the number of negative colonies was maximal at a concentration of ca. 4 X 10(8) cells/ml.  相似文献   

Product formation of mycelial organisms, like Aspergillus niger, is intimately connected with their morphology. Pellet morphology is often requested for product formation. Therefore, it is important to reveal the influence of the hydrodynamic conditions on the morphological development. In the present study, pellet morphology and glucoamylase formation were studied under different agitation intensities of A. niger AB1.13. For pellet formation inside the bioreactor, without the use of precultures, it is necessary to work at low energy dissipation rates. Biomass growth and glucoamylase activity were correlated with energy dissipation. Furthermore, product yield was analysed in dependence of pellet size and concentration. The present work shows that simple equations based on Monod-kinetics can describe growth and product formation, in general, also in mycelian organisms. All measured morphological data, like pellet concentration, as well as glucoamylase formation, strongly depend on the hydrodynamic conditions.  相似文献   

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