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Malcolm  C.V.  Lindley  V.A.  O'Leary  J.W.  Runciman  H.V.  Barrett-Lennard  E.G. 《Plant and Soil》2003,253(1):171-185
Saline sites suffer variations in surface salinity, available soil water, temperature, soil crust strength and other factors which can influence germination and establishment. For establishment to occur the germinating seed must capitalise on a window of opportunity. This window can be widened by placing seeds in a low-salt niche, covering the seeds with a mulch (such as vermiculite), spraying the seed and mulch placement with a coating which may stabilise the favourable situation and raise soil temperature. In this paper it is shown that using seeds collected from plants of Atriplex amnicola which produce many volunteer seedlings in their vicinity can assist establishment from direct seeding. These seeds had the ability to germinate under saltier and cooler conditions than seeds from A. amnicola bushes which did not produce volunteers. Seeds of a halophyte (Atriplex lentiformis) and a non-halophyte (Medicago sativa) are able to imbibe water from a saline substrate in a similar manner. The water enables the seeds of both species to mobilise stored growth materials and produce and elongate radicles. When the seedlings try to erect a hypocotyl and spread their cotyledons, the non-halophyte, in a saline medium, becomes flaccid, distorted and dies. The halophyte seedling shows evidence of high salt tolerance in the form of succulence of cotyledons and trichomes on true leaves even before they are visible and goes on to successfully develop a functioning plant. Nevertheless, germination of halophyte seeds is inhibited or severely reduced at salinity levels above 250 mM NaCl and slowed and reduced progressively up to those levels.  相似文献   

珍稀药用植物白及光合与蒸腾生理生态及抗旱特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴明开  刘海  沈志君  罗鸣  吴沿友 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5531-5537
以珍稀濒危药用植物白及(Bletilla striata)叶片为研究对象,应用Li-6400XT便携式光合仪分别在晴天和阴天进行光合生理生态特性研究。结果显示晴天GsPnTr日变化呈现双峰型,阴天为单峰型;光合-蒸腾具有极显著线性正相关关系与良好的线性耦合关系(晴天和阴天的相关系数分别为0.883**、0.954**,回归直线斜率分别为2.38、3.78);PAR-PnPAR-TrTl-PnTl-TrGs-PnGs-Tr 的回归直线形态非常相似,除晴天TlPn外,其余两两相关关系均达到了显著水平;PARTlGs三个因子与PnTr均表现为正相关关系,其中Gs是调控PnTr的最主要因子。进行聚乙二醇6000(PEG6000) 渗透胁迫实验以评价白及抗旱能力,分析不同质量分数PEG6000(0、5、20、40、60g/L)下的白及幼苗叶绿素含量、叶片含水量、相对电导率3个生理指标,结果表明叶绿素含量与与胁迫浓度呈负相关(R2=0.7854),随着PEG质量分数的增加,叶片的叶绿素含量持续显著下降;叶片含水量与胁迫浓度呈负相关(R2=0.9936);相对电导率与与胁迫浓度呈正相关(R2=0.8755),相对电导率会随着PEG质量分数的增加而显著增加。试验结果综合分析显示白及为耐荫植物,抗旱能力不强。白及进行人工栽培应适当遮阴保持土壤与空气湿度。  相似文献   

The seasonal development of planktonic diatoms in Lake Tovel has been studied from 2002 to 2004 within the SALTO research project. The objective was to investigate the role of weather conditions and lake hydrology in regulating the development of Cyclotella and Fragilaria functional species groups. The different responses of the two species to the environmental variability and their reciprocal relationships were considered. Cyclotella showed a weak relationship with the selected environmental variables and its seasonal development was difficult to interpret, also in relation to its opportunistic behaviour. On the contrary, Fragilaria complex showed a prompt response to environmental variability and its seasonal development appeared to be mainly regulated by hydrological conditions, through nitrate nitrogen and, secondarily, by silica concentrations. Water temperature and thermal stability affected only Fragilaria species, while different nutrient requirements allowed Cyclotella species to grow under conditions of limited resources for Fragilaria. Since Lake Tovel has scarce internal nutrient reserves and its hydrology is strongly affected by precipitation both in winter and summer, diatom phenology seems to be indirectly regulated by weather conditions.  相似文献   

不同生态型芦苇种群对盐胁迫的生长和光合特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤盐渍化是影响我国土壤利用效率的主要因素之一,芦苇是改良土壤盐渍化的良好实验材料,但芦苇有着多种的生态型,比较各生态型芦苇的耐盐差异成为亟待解决的问题。通过设置淡水(0.00%)与加盐(质量浓度2.00%)处理控制实验,测量芦苇的生长指标和光合指标,比较河口型芦苇与内陆型芦苇耐盐性,寻找合适生态型的芦苇作为改良土壤盐渍化的生物材料。在实验中,与淡水条件相比,加盐(2.00%)处理条件下,河口型芦苇和内陆型芦苇的株高(height)、蒸腾速率(E)均显著性下降,但是两种生态型的芦苇的水分利用效率(WUE)明显提高;河口型的芦苇相对生长速率(RGR)和气孔导度(Gs)都明显高于内陆型芦苇。在淡水环境中,河口型芦苇的相对生长速率(RGR)和净光合速率(A)都显著性地高于内陆型芦苇。结果表明两种生态型的芦苇在进化过程中存在一定程度上的分化,盐胁迫会抑制两种芦苇的生长,两种生态型芦苇的相对生长速率和气孔导度在盐胁迫下出现明显地差异,表明两种生态型的芦苇对盐度的响应机制有所差异。相比于内陆型芦苇,河口型芦苇有着更强的耐盐性,内陆型及河口型芦苇的表型性状差异主要是由于其原生境的差异所决定的。  相似文献   

Peter Olesen 《Planta》1979,144(4):349-358
Simple plasmodesmata between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells in actively expanding leaves of Salsola kali L. and roots of Epilobium hirsutum L. are shown to possess specialized structures, called sphincters, around their neck regions. The sphineters are made visible by the combined effects of tannic acid and heavy metal staining; they are localized just outside that area of the plasmalemma, which forms the collar around the entrance to each plasmodesmos. This localization corresponds to a very active area of the plasmodesmos/olasmalemma complex (i.e. enzyme activity and/or presence of strongly reducing substances).Evidence is presented that these ring structures are structural equivalents to hypothetical sphincters performing some valve function; i.e. participating in the control of rates and directions of symplastic transport of solutes through plasmodesmata. The middle layer of the plasmalemma in the neck region is composed of closely-packed, globular subunits appearing in negative contrast. Apparently, these subunits correspond to particle clusters observed at the plasmodesmatal entrance in freeze-fracture preparations. They appear similar to particle clusters in animal tight junctions, and their possible function in providing electrical coupling via low resistance junctions between plant cells is discussed.  相似文献   

A longitudinal survey was carried out during a 2 year period in Western France to assess the infestation level of grazing pastures byIxodes ricinus ticks. Four farms were visited once a month and each of the grazing pastures was sampled in the centre and at the border using the blanket dragging method. A total of 3562I. ricinus (34 adults, 900 nymphs and 2628 larvae) were collected and the infestation was significantly higher during the first year (p<0.0001). The infestation level byI. ricinus varied between grazing pastures and farms. Grazing pastures in the vicinity of forest were more infested than the others, all through the study. The seasonal distribution of ticks showed peaks, with low fluctuations between farms, years and stages. Tick abundance could not be related to vegetation, but only to the vicinity of woods.  相似文献   

We report differences in the thermal biology, elevational, temporal and geographic distributions of sympatric clones of the widespread asexual house gecko, Lepidodactylus lugubris. The two most common L. lugubris clones in Fiji, clones 2NA and 2NB, differ significantly in preferred temperature as measured in a laboratory heat gradient, but were similar in critical thermal maximum and minimum. Significant differences were found in the relative frequency of clones 2NA, 2NB, and a third Fijian clone, clone 3NB, at seven sites along an elevational gradient in Fiji. Clone 2NB was not collected at sites above 235 m, consistent with its higher preferred temperature, whereas clone 2NA was captured as high as 835 m. Clone 3NB was extremely rare at sealevel (1% of all individuals at three sites below 100 m), but predominated at the two highest-elevation sites (42% and 100%). Clones 2NA and 2NB did not differ significantly in their activity time or ambient activity temperature at low-elevation sites. Clone 3NB however, was active on significantly cooler nights at two of those sites. These significant inter-clonal differences in spatial and temporal distribution should allow a more complete utilization of resources by the assemblage of clones than by any single clonal genotype, and may promote coexistence of clones at a within-island and within-site scale. Clone 2NA, which is the most common clone in Fiji and has the broadest elevational distribution, also has the widest geographic distribution. It was the predominant clone at 27 of 34 sites surveyed in nine Pacific archipelagoes. This suggests that the ecological attributes that favor this clone in Fiji also favor it elsewhere in the Pacific despite differing environmental conditions and clonal composition in those areas.  相似文献   

The Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti), an endangered species in China, has received more protection in theory than in practice. Therefore it is on the very verge of extinction. The population of the species was estimated less than 2,000 individuals spread in 19 distinct groups. It was confirmed that the monkey was confined to the Yunling Mountain System, the area between the Yangtze River (Changjiang, aka Jinshajiang) to the east and the Mekong River (Lancangjiang) to the west. We further concluded that a lowland belt to the east, about 100 km long and 20 – 30 km wide was not suitable habitat for the monkeys, and appeared to serve as the natural ecogeologic barrier for the species. Our results indicated that the southern limit of the distribution was at Longma (26°14′N), and that the northern limit of the distribution was at Xiaochangdu (29°20′N). The distribution area of the species was substantially smaller than previously estimated. There were substantial ecological differences between the southern and northern parts of the species range. The monkey was found only in fir-larch forest.  相似文献   

Weeds are probably the most important vascular plants with relation to hayfever. This is because several plant families such as the Chenopodiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Graminae (Poaceae) and Compositae have wide-spread, abundant, anemophylous taxa which occur as major weeds of both agriculture and waste places. Several characteristics will be presented about the ability of these species to be successful in promoting allergies on a international basis. Interestingly, many of these plant species have been included on weed lists of countries whose geography, ecological amplitudes, climates, and agricultural practices are similar. The subsequent reproductive strategy for these species will be reviewed and biological traits discussed with reference to pollen grain production, and dispersal methods or importance as both weeds and hayfever plants.  相似文献   

Ge-Xian-Mi (an edible species of Nostoc) grows insome mountain paddy fields in China during winter and forms macroscopicallyvisible subspherical colonies. The geology and climate at one of its locations,Hefeng County, were investigated, and the present-day situation of Ge-Xian-Miwas assessed in order to raise awareness that it may be endangered. There wereformerly 796 ha of rice fields suited to its growth in HefengCounty and the maximum annual yield ever reached was 25 t. Theannual mean temperature is about 12.2 °C, and the annualrainfall is 1934 mm with mean relative humidity of 78–87%.The distribution of Ge-Xian-Mi was found to be associated with the source ofwater and the pH values of water suited to its growth were 6.2–6.3. Soilsin its habitats were enriched with phosphorus and contained more microbes thanthose without its distribution. With changing agricultural techniques most ofthe habitats are endangered or already extinct. The widespread use ofherbicides, pesticides and fertilizers containing chlorine had been suggestedtobe an important factor limiting its distribution. The taxonomic identity ofGe-Xian-Mi is discussed.  相似文献   

This research was designed to test the following hypothesis: Among traditional (nonliterate and minimally literate) people residing in their home environment, traditionally derived knowledge of specific cases of ecological processes can approximate scientifically derived knowledge of those same cases. After locating three minimally literate peasant family lineages in Lijiayang and Linfengkeng villages, Shouning County, Fujian Province, China, not applying science-based systems of agroforest management, a decision-tree model of an indigenous agroforest management system was constructed from extensive interviews. The system was centered around shamu (Cunninghamia lanceolata),an important timber species with a long history of management in China. A major part of the management system is agricultural intercropping with a wide variety of cereal, cash, medicinal, and oil-producing crops. Intercropping is practiced in the initial phases of afforestation; is an integral aspect of site preparation and the tending of the young stand; and contributes to tree establishment, growth, and survival. The cases presented demonstrate that local peasant knowledge of the effects of burning, site preparation, crop selection, crop tending, and intercropping duration on soil quality and the survival and development of shamu is strongly analogous to the knowledge derived through systematic scientific research. This process of deriving scientifically valid ecological knowledge through traditional means is called protoscience.  相似文献   

The molecular biology of self-incompatibility systems in flowering plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Self-incompatibility is a common mechanism by which flowering plants can exert some control over the process of fertilization. Typically, the self-incompatibility response involves the recognition and rejection of self-incompatible pollen which leads to a block in self-fertilization and, as a consequence, promotes outcrossing. In recent years, considerable progress has been made in the molecular understanding of several self-incompatibility systems. Interestingly, a common mechanism for self-incompatibility is not employed by all flowering plants, but in fact quite diverse mechanisms have been recruited for the rejection of self-incompatible pollen. In this review, the recent advances in the self-incompatibility systems of the Solanaceae, Papaveraceae, and Brassicaceae will be described as well as some of the molecular work that is emerging for the Poaceae and the heteromorphic self-incompatibility systems.  相似文献   

Physiology, behavior, habitat, and morphology are used to determine the degree of adaptation to life on land for amphipod species and systemization within the four functional groups of the family talitridae. Talorchestia longicornis is a semi-terrestrial amphipod found in the supratidal zone of estuaries. The present study investigates the physiological adaptations of this species to life on land through measurements of osmoregulation and respiration. Over the salinity range of 1-40‰, T. longicornis regulated its hemolymph hyperosmotically at low salinities and hypoosmotically at high salinities. The isosmotic point was about 27‰. Analogously, hemolymph chloride levels were well regulated being hyperionic at low salinities and hypoionic at high salinities. This species is capable of respiration in both air and water. Slopes (b values) of the relationship between weight and oxygen uptake rates ranged from 0.316 to 0.590. Oxygen uptake rates were higher in air than water and at night versus day. Q10 values were slightly below 2.0 for respiration in air for amphipods, irrespective of weight. These physiological adaptations, along with its behaviors, habitat, and morphology, place T. longicornis within the Group III sandhoppers of the Talitridae.  相似文献   

In order to test the feasibility of using native halophytes to reclaim brinecontaminated soil, seedlings of five inland halophytes, Atriplexprostrata, Hordeum jubatum, Salicornia europaea, Spergularia marina, and Suaeda calceoliformis, were planted at threedensities on a site near Athens, Ohio which had been contaminated by oilwell brine water. Ten replicates of each density treatment weretransplanted on two distinct areas of high and low salinity in May of 1993. Seedling survivorship, soil moisture, and soil salinity were monitored weeklythroughout the growing season. Biomass production and ion uptake weredetermined for each plant surviving until harvest. Soil analyses wereperformed prior to planting and after harvest to determine overall changesin soil chemistry and to determine the amount of Na+ reductionfrom the soil due to leaching by precipitation during the course of theexperiment. Survival was determined to be density independent for all ofthe species with the exception of S. marina where survival wasfacilitated at high density. Increased salinity negatively affected the survivaland yield of A. prostrata. The remaining species had greater survivalunder high salinity conditions, and density appeared to be the key factorinfluencing yield. Sodium and chloride ions were accumulated in planttissues in much greater amounts than K+, Ca+2or Mg+2. Salicornia europaea plants grown in high densityon the high salinity site accumulated the highest amount of Na+ andH. jubatum grown in low density on the high salinity site accumulatedthe lowest amount of Na+. Soil salinities measured directly from theroot zone were significantly reduced (p<0.05) at the end of thegrowing season when compared to their controls. Atriplex prostrata(high density/low salinity) plots produced the greatest reduction in soilsalinity (15.8%) and S. marina (high density/high salinity) plots hadthe least reduction (1.2%).  相似文献   

刘尊驰  刘华峰  赵丹  罗宁  孙园园  郝晓冉  刘彤 《生态学报》2015,35(18):5957-5965
以新疆准噶尔盆地藜科猪毛菜属植物紫翅猪毛菜(Salsola affinis C.A.Mey)、钠猪毛菜(Salsola nitraria Pall)为研究对象,用繁殖分配比例的方法对比分析了两种猪毛菜不同海拔同一种群内不同个体大小繁殖分配的特点,并用异速生长模型分析了不同海拔繁殖生物量与营养生物量之间分配与个体大小的依赖关系。结果发现:1)不同海拔繁殖生物量(R)与营养生物量(V)呈不同程度的异速生长。紫翅猪毛菜随海拔的升高R-V的异速生长斜率显著升高,截距随海拔的升高没有显著增加;而钠猪毛菜的斜率随海拔升高显著降低,截距则显著升高。2)紫翅猪毛菜在较低海拔个体大小与繁殖分配呈负相关,在较高海拔呈正相关;钠猪毛菜在较低海拔个体大小与繁殖分配呈正相关,在较高海拔呈负相关;两种猪毛菜繁殖分配的适应对策相反。3)将同一种群个体大小分成大、中、小3种类型,多重比较发现紫翅猪毛菜在较低海拔,中小个体的繁殖分配显著高于大个体的繁殖分配;在较高海拔,大个体的繁殖分配显著高于中小个体的繁殖分配。钠猪毛菜在较低海拔,大个体的繁殖分配显著高于中、小个体的繁殖分配;在较高海拔,小个体的繁殖分配显著高于大、中个体的繁殖分配。综合分析认为:两个物种随海拔变化产生不同的繁殖分配策略,除遗传效应外,环境和个体大小对钠猪毛菜繁殖分配的变化均产生重要影响,而紫翅猪毛菜繁殖分配的变化主要由海拔差异导致。由于微生境对同一种群的个体大小产生影响,进而产生不同的繁殖分配模式,所以在干旱区更应重视个体大小对繁殖分配的影响。  相似文献   

In this review we focus on the ecological and evolutionary forces that determine the frequency and diversity of colicins inEscherichia coli. To begin, we describe that this killing phenotype is ubiquitous inE. coli, with as many as 50% of the isolates from a population producing colicin toxins, and that each population sampled has its own unique distribution of the more than 20 known colicin types. Next, we explore the dynamics of colicinogeny, which exhibits a typical form of frequency dependence, where the likelihood of successful colicin invasion into a population increases as the initial density of colicinogenic cells increases. We then incorporate thoughts on the evolution of chromosomal resistance to colicins and describe how resistance might influence the dynamics of colicinogen invasion and maintenance and the resulting colicin diversity. The final section deals with a genetic and phylogenetic characterization of colicins and a discussion of the evolutionary mechanisms responsible for generating colicin diversity. In this final section we provide details of the different molecular mechanisms known to play a role in generating colicin diversity, including the two most dominant forces in colincin evolution: recombination and positive, deversifying, selection.  相似文献   

Ants are prominent components of most terrestrial arthropod food webs, yet due to their highly variable diet, the role ants play in arthropod communities can be difficult to resolve. Stable isotope analysis is a promising method for determining the dietary history of an organism, and has the potential to advance our understanding of the food web ecology of social insects. However, some unique characteristics of eusocial organisms can complicate the application of this technique to the study of their trophic ecology. Using stable isotopes of N and C, we investigated levels of intraspecific variation both within and among colonies. We also examined the effect of a common preservation technique on δ15N and δ13C values. We discuss the implications of our results on experimental design and sampling methods for studies using stable isotopes to investigate the trophic ecology of social insects. Received 4 February 2005; revised 23 June 2005; accepted 4 July 2005.  相似文献   

Van Assche  Jozef  Van Nerum  Diane  Darius  Paul 《Plant Ecology》2002,159(2):131-142
The germination requirements, dormancy cycle and longevity of nine Rumexspecies were studied in field conditions and laboratory experiments to show theadaptations of the related species to their specific habitat. Within one genus,rather striking differences were observed in germination ecology. However, theclosely related species, R. acetosa and R.scutatus, are very similar: they fruit in early summer; theirseeds can germinate immediately after dispersal, and they are nondormant andshort-lived. R. acetosella also has fruits insummer, but the seeds do not germinate the first season after dispersal. Theyare long-lived, but buried seeds do not show a dormancy cycle; they mightgerminate in different seasons after exposure to light. Seeds of four species (R. conglomeratus,R. maritimus, R. sanguineus andR. crispus) are long-lived and undergo aseasonal dormancy cycle, with a low level of dormancy in winter and early springand a deep dormancy in summer as was already known for R.obtusifolius. These seeds are shed in the autumn, and they germinatemainly in the spring in consecutive years. R. maritimusalso germinates in summer and autumn on drying muddy soils. The seeds of R. hydrolapathum only germinate onwaterlogged soils, which explains its growth at the edge of streams and ponds.Its seeds are rather short-lived. The seeds of the species on very wetplaces require a higher temperature for germination.  相似文献   

The mechanism of zinc uptake in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Chacma baboons (Papio ursinus)were studied in a mountain habitat where the effects of high altitude and latitude combine to produce conditions as harsh as those experienced by the desert or hamadryas baboon (P. hamadryas).The population density was as low as that of hamadryas baboons. A survey of populations at altitudes between 1400 and 3000 m showed a strong negative correlation between altitude and group size, with the highest-living groups averaging just 13 individuals and, like hamadryas baboons, seasonally retreating from marginal habitat on the fringes of the range. Foraging activities in these groups relied heavily on the underground storage organs of plants and other items that were time-consuming to find, harvest, and process, placing severe constraints on the time budget. High-altitude and low-altitude groups were nevertheless able to maintain similar activity budgets. This is explicable through an interaction between the patterns of foraging and range usage and observed altitude differences in group size, population density, and home-range size. The behavior of mountain baboons provides insights into ecological effects on behavior both through local altitudinal variation and through similarities to other populations inhabiting marginal environments, notably P. hamadryas.Mountain baboons may represent a significant southern highland population which does not fit into the neat socioecological dichotomy of desert versus savannah baboons.  相似文献   

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