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We have examined in some detail the chromatin structure of a 6.2 kilobase pair (kbp) chromosomal region containing the chicken beta-globin gene. The chromatin structure was probed with three nucleases, DNase I, micrococcal nuclease, and DNase II, and the rate of digestion of specific subfragments of the region was compared with the rate of bulk DNA digestion. We have characterized the rate of digestion of each fragment in terms of a sensitivity factor which measures the sensitivity of a fragment to a particular nuclease relative to bulk DNA. The sensitivity factors were determined by a least squares curve fitting method based on target analysis. In nuclei isolated from 14-day-old chicken embryo red blood cells, the entire 6.2-kbp region shows approximately a 10- to 20-fold increase in sensitivity to DNase I, a 3-fold increased sensitivity to micrococcal nuclease, and a 6-fold increased sensitivity to DNase II. In addition to the adult beta-globin gene, this region contains 5' and 3' flanking sequences, the 5' half of the inactive, embryonic globin gene, epsilon, and some repeated sequences. There is no obvious correlation between these genetic elements and the overall chromatin structure as measured by the nuclease sensitivity. This same region shows little or no special sensitivity in nuclei isolated from 14-day-old chicken embryo brain. Furthermore, fragments of the inactive ovalbumin gene show little or no sensitivity in either red blood cells or brain. These results support the conclusion that the entire 6.2-kbp region is largely packaged as active chromatin in 14-day-old chicken embryo red blood cells.  相似文献   

An EcoRI chromatin fragment containing the adult beta-globin gene and flanking sequences, isolated from chicken erythrocyte nuclei, sediments at a reduced rate relative to bulk chromatin fragments of the same size. We show that the specific retardation cannot be reversed by adding extra linker histones to native chromatin. When the chromatin fragments are unfolded either by removing linker histones or lowering the ionic strength, the difference between globin and bulk chromatin fragments is no longer seen. The refolded chromatin obtained by restoring the linker histones to the depleted chromatin, however, exhibits the original sedimentation difference. This difference is therefore due to a special property of the histone octamers on the active gene that determines the extent of its folding into higher-order structure. That it is not due to the differential binding of linker histones in vitro is shown by measurements of the protein to DNA ratios using CsCl density-gradients. Both before and after selective removal of the linker histones, the globin gene fragment and bulk chromatin fragments exhibit only a marginal difference in buoyant density. In addition, we show that cleavage of the EcoRI fragment by digestion at the 5' and 3' nuclease hypersensitive sites flanking the globin gene liberates a fragment from between these sites that sediments normally. We conclude that the hypersensitive sites per se are responsible for the reduction in sedimentation rate. The non-nucleosomal DNA segments appear to be too long to be incorporated into the chromatin solenoid and thus create spacers between separate solenoidal elements in the chromatin, which can account for its hydrodynamic behaviour.  相似文献   

We have confirmed the result that chicken beta-globin gene chromatin, which possesses the characteristics of active chromatin in erythroid cells, has shortened internucleosome spacings compared with bulk chromatin or that of the ovalbumin gene, which is inactive. To understand how the short (approximately 180-bp) nucleosome repeat arises specifically on beta-globin DNA, we have studied chromatin assembly of cloned chicken beta-globin DNA in a defined in vitro system. With chicken erythrocyte core histones and linker histone H5 as the only cellular components, a cloned 6.2-kb chicken beta-globin DNA fragment assembled into chromatin possessing a regular 180 +/- 5-bp repeat, very similar to what is observed in erythroid cells. A 2-kb DNA subfragment containing the beta A gene and promoter region, but lacking the downstream intergenic region between the beta A and epsilon genes, failed to generate a regular nucleosome array in vitro, suggesting that the intergenic region facilitates linker histone-induced nucleosome alignment. When the beta A gene was placed on a plasmid that contained a known chromatin-organizing signal, nucleosome alignment with a 180-bp periodicity was restored, whereas nucleosomes on flanking plasmid sequences possessed a 210-bp spacing periodicity. Our results suggest that the shortened 180-bp nucleosome spacing periodicity observed in erythroid cells is encoded in the beta-globin DNA sequence and that nucleosome alignment by linker histones is facilitated by sequences in the beta A-epsilon intergenic region.  相似文献   

The active beta-globin genes in chicken erythrocytes, like all active genes, reside in large chromatin domains which are preferentially sensitive to digestion by DNase I. We have recently proposed that the special structure of chromatin in active domains is maintained by torsional stress in the DNA (Villeponteau et al., Cell 39:469-478, 1984). This hypothesis predicts that nicking of the DNA within any such chromosomal domain in vivo will relax the DNA and lead to loss of the special DNase I-sensitive state. Here we have tested this prediction by using gamma irradiation and bleomycin treatment to cleave DNA within intact chicken embryo erythrocytes. Both treatments cause reversal of DNase I sensitivity. Moreover, reversal occurs at approximately one nick per 150 kilobase pairs for both agents despite their entirely unrelated modes of cell penetration and DNA attack. These results suggest that the domain of DNase I sensitivity surrounding the beta-globin genes comprises 150 kilobase pairs of chromatin under torsional stress and that a single DNA nick in this region is sufficient to reverse the DNase I sensitivity throughout the entire domain.  相似文献   

A DNase I-resistant DNA species has been isolated and purified from HeLa cells by gel electrophoresis. Our studies indicate that the DNase I-resistant DNA species was about 40-60 bp fragment sizes responding to double-strand DNA marker and has higher guanine content. The image of AFM showed that this species has been assumed to be tetraplex structure according to its apparent width and height. Its CD, UV spectrum also exhibited characteristics similar to some tetraplex structure, which was different from the standard duplex DNA. 32P-labeled probes (TTAGGG)4 and 5'-TGGGGAGGGTGGGGAGGGTGGGGAAGG-3' could be hybridized to purified DNase I-resistant species. All results suggest that the DNase I-resistant DNA species have at least two components, which adopt an intrastrand fold-back DNA tetraplex. Their sequences were similar to human telomere and human c-myc locus (NHE), respectively.  相似文献   

We have mapped DNase I-hypersensitive sites and topoisomerase II (topo II) sites in the chicken beta-globin locus, which contains four globin genes (5'-rho-beta H-beta A-epsilon-3'). In the 65 kilobases (kb) mapped, 12 strong hypersensitive sites were found clustered within the 25-kb region from 10 kb upstream of rho to just downstream of epsilon. The strong sites were grouped into several classes based on their tissue distribution, developmental pattern, and location. (i) One site was present in all cells examined, both erythroid and nonerythroid. (ii) Three sites, located upstream of the rho-globin gene, were present at every stage of erythroid development, but were absent from nonerythroid cells. (iii) Four sites at the 5' ends of each of the four globin genes were hypersensitive only in the subset of erythroid cells that were transcribing or had recently transcribed the associated gene. (iv) Another three sites, whose pattern of hypersensitivity also correlated with expression of the associated gene, were found 3' of rho, beta H, and epsilon. (v) A site 3' of beta A and 5' of epsilon was erythroid cell specific and present at all developmental stages, presumably reflecting the activity of this enhancer throughout erythroid development. We also mapped the topo II sites in this locus, as determined by teniposide-induced DNA cleavage. All strong teniposide-induced cleavages occurred at DNase I-hypersensitive sites, while lesser amounts of cleavage were observed in transcribed regions of DNA. Most but not all of the DNase I-hypersensitive sites were topo II sites. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that, in vivo, topo II preferentially acts on nucleosome-free regions of DNA but suggest that additional topo II regulatory mechanisms must exist.  相似文献   

The distribution of core histone acetylation across the chicken beta-globin locus has been mapped in 15 day chicken embryo erythrocytes by immunoprecipitation of mononucleosomes with an antibody recognizing acetylated histones, followed by hybridization probing at several points in the locus. A continuum of acetylation was observed, covering both genes and intergenic regions. Using the same probes, the generalized sensitivity to DNase I was mapped by monitoring the disappearance of intact genomic restriction fragments from Southern transfers. Close correspondence between the 33 kb of sensitive chromatin and the extent of acetylation indicates that one role of the modification could be the generation and/or maintenance of the open conformation. The precision of acetylation mapping makes it a possible approach to the definition of chromosomal domain boundaries.  相似文献   

Mild digestion of chicken erythrocyte nuclei with deoxyribonuclease II results in the release of a chromatin fraction which is 4- to 13-fold enriched for the globin coding sequences when compared to total chicken DNA. The remaining nuclear pellet is depleted in these sequences. A maximum of 25% of the globin genes have been recovered in the released fraction. The addition of 5 mM sodium butyrate to the digestion buffer is required to obtain reproducible globin gene enrichment. The released fraction contains equimolar amounts of the four core histones and a subset of the nonhistone chromosomal proteins. The globin genes are released as large chromatin fragments which exceed the 1.6 kilobase size of the transcribed portion of the gene.  相似文献   

To analyse the relationship between DNA undermethylation at some sites in the ovalbumin and conalbumin gene regions (1) and the expression of these genes in chick oviduct, digestions with HhaI, which differentiates between methylated and unmethylated HhaI restriction sites, was performed on DNA isolated from chicken erythrocyte or oviduct chromatin treated with DNase I which degrades preferentially "active" chromatin. This was followed by analysis with ovalbumin- and conalbumin-specific hybridization probes. We conclude that the residual DNA methylation found at some sites of the ovalbumin and conalbumin gene regions is derived from the fraction of cells in which the chromatin of these genes is not in an "active" form. On the other hand, the ovalbumin and conalbumin sites which are partially unmethylated in erythrocyte DNA correspond to chromatin regions which are not DNase I-senitive. We have also detected a site about 1 kb downstream from the 3' end of the conalbumin gene that is hypersensitive to DNase I in all tissues tested.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) isolated from (and amounting to 1.5-2% of) native nuclear DNA of cultured embryonic chicken cells labelled 1-2 days with 3H-thymidine was analyzed by self-hybridization, hydroxyapatite chromatography (HAC) partial digestion with S1 nuclease, isopycnic centrifugation. Two main fractions were rehybridized to excess amounts of bulk nuclear DNA or total cytoplasmic RNAs. The major fraction, equivalent to 75% of total ssDNA, consists of unique DNA sequences, apparently derived from multiple coding regions of the cell genome, since they are not self-reassociating but are hybridizable to the non repetitious portion of bulk nuclear DNA and 40-45% of them are complementary to cell RNAs. About half of these ssDNA sequences hybridizable to cell RNAs seem to be closely connected with molecules belonging to the minor ssDNA fraction. The latter fraction consists of self-reassociating, moderately repeated DNA sequences, mainly derived from non coding regions of the cell genome. These findings are discussed in the light of others, showing interspersion of coding and non coding DNA sequences and susceptibility of active genes to certain nucleasic attacks.  相似文献   

The three CD3 genes on human chromosome 11q23 encode proteins (gamma, delta and epsilon) which form part of the antigen receptor on T lymphocytes. All three genes are clustered within 50 kb and are activated approximately contemporaneously during the early stages of T cell ontogeny. In order to pinpoint potential regulatory sequences important for locus activation and tissue-specific gene expression, the chromatin structure of almost 90 kb of this region has been probed in five cell lines using the endonuclease pancreatic DNase I. A set of DNase I hypersensitive (HS) sites has been defined in T cell chromatin, five of which were strong and not found in non-T cells, with the exception of the erythroleukaemia cell line K562, in which three sites were weakly expressed, correlating with a low level of delta mRNA. The subset of five HS sites map close to the CD3 genes and lie in regions which contain elements of defined function: the gamma promoter; the delta promoter and its 3' enhancer; and the epsilon promoter and its 3' enhancer. Since no further major T cell-restricted HS sites lie within the 90kb of the CD3 locus analysed, these five regions may contain all the sequences important for CD3 gene expression.  相似文献   

We have identified a folate receptor gene upstream of the chicken beta-globin locus and separated from it by a 16 kbp region of silent chromatin. We find that this receptor is expressed only at a stage of erythroid differentiation (CFU-E) preceding the activation of beta-globin genes, consistent with the role of folate receptors in proliferation. This discovery raises the question of how these two loci are regulated during erythropoiesis. Our data suggest that the folate receptor gene and the beta-globin locus are regulated independently. We show that a 3.3 kbp DNA region upstream of the folate receptor gene is sufficient to induce strong expression of a transgene in CFU-E stage cells. We also find that the region between the beta-globin locus and the folate receptor gene is fully methylated and condensed at this stage of differentiation. Its 3' boundary coincides with the 5' beta-globin insulator. We speculate that the 5' beta-globin boundary element might be important for the proper regulation of two adjacent domains activated at two different stages during differentiation.  相似文献   

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