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The probability of losses of different chromosome aberrations during the dicentric chromosome assay of metaphase cells with incomplete sets of chromosome centromeres was estimated using a mathematical model for low doses of ionizing radiation. A dicentric assay of human blood lymphocytes without determination of the total amount of chromosome centromeres in cells without chromosome aberrations (rapid dicentric assay) has been proposed. The rapid dicentric analysis allows to register chromosome aberrations in full compliance with the conventional classification. The experimental data have shown no statistically significant difference between the frequencies of dicentric chromosomes detected by rapid and classical dicentric chromosome assays of human lymphocytes exposed to 0.5 Gy of 60Co gamma-rays. The rate of the rapid dicentric assay was almost twice as high as that of the classical dicentric assay.  相似文献   

At the initial stages of an adaptive response the transposition of the homologous chromosome loci from the peripheral parts of the nucleus and their approach happens. It is necessary for the repair of DNA double strand breaks in the process of the homologous recombination. Was shown that the chromosome loci transposition and accompanied by the nucleolus activities took place first in the irradiated (X-rays, 10 cGy) G0-lymphocytes, and then in the intact (bystander) cells incubated in the growth medium of irradiated lymphocytes. If there is a bystander effect the quantity of irradiated cells may be three order less than the bystander cells that affirms the great capacity of stress-signalization system. Moreover, the DNA fragments (the factors of stress signaling) were obtained from the growth medium supernatant of the irradiated and of the intact lymphocytes. In other independent experiments they were inoculated into the growth medium of recipient cells. Was demonstrated that there is loci transposition of homologous chromosomes loci and of nucleus activity after introducing the DNA fragments of irradiated cells. After introducing the DNA fragments of non-irradiated cells the both effects were not observed. In the work the characteristics of the obtained factors and the possible ways of stress signaling between the irradiated and the bystander lymphocytes were discussed.  相似文献   

In previous studies we have shown that low doses of radiation from incorporated tritiated thymidine can make human lymphocytes less susceptible to the genetic damage manifested as chromatid breakage induced by a subsequent high dose of X rays. We have also shown that this adaptive response to ionizing radiation can be induced by very low doses of X rays (0.01 Gy; i.e., 1 rad) delivered during S phase of the cell cycle. To see if a low dose of X rays could induce this response in cells at other phases of the cell cycle, human lymphocytes were irradiated with 0.01 or 0.05 Gy before stimulation by phytohemagglutinin (G0) or with 0.01 Gy at various times after stimulation (G1), followed by 1.5 Gy (150 rad) at G2 phase. Although G0 lymphocytes failed to exhibit an adaptive response, G1 cells irradiated as early as 4 h after stimulation did show the response. Experiments were also carried out to determine how long the adaptive response induced by 0.01 Gy could persist. A 0.01-Gy dose was delivered to lymphocytes in the first S phase, followed by 1.5 Gy in the same or subsequent cell cycles. Lymphocytes receiving a 1.5-Gy dose at 40, 48, or 66 h after stimulation exhibited an adaptive response, whereas those receiving a 1.5-Gy dose at 90 or 114 h did not. Duplicate cultures containing bromodeoxyuridine showed that at 40 h all the lymphocytes were in their first cell cycle after stimulation, at 48 h half of the lymphocytes were in their first cell cycle and half in their second, and at 66 h 80% of the lymphocytes were in their third cell cycle. Thus the adaptive response persists for at least three cell cycles after it is induced by 0.01 Gy of X rays. In other experiments, the time necessary for maximal expression of the adaptive response was determined by delivering 0.01 Gy at hourly intervals 1-6 h before the 1.5-Gy dose. While a 4-h interval was enough for expression of the adaptive response, shorter intervals were not.  相似文献   

During the process of the realization of the bystander effect the trans of the Signal from irradiated cells to the intact cell (bystander cells) happens. So both type of cells (irradiated and intact cells) have the same damages and reactions. There are new data about bystander effect as the transduction mechanism of the adaptive response and we have investigated this phenomenon. There are an incubation of the intact (bystander cells) and the exposed (X-radiation of 10 cGy) human lymphocytes and we analyze the location of the centromeric loci of the first chromosome. We observed hat for the first time that after X-ray exposition of the adaptive doses the transposition of the chromosome loci from the peripheral to the central parts of the nucleus in intact (bystander cell) G0-lymphocytes which were incubated in the growth environment cells with irradiated cells removal. We support that the starting states of the adaptive response is the loci extrication of the matrix, the transposition and the approach homologous chromosomes. This process is necessary for the DNA double strand breaks reparation (in the case of injured dose X-radiation) with the participation of the homologous recombination.  相似文献   

The shape of the dose-response curve for cancer induction by low doses of ionizing radiation is of critical importance to the assessment of cancer risk at such doses. Epidemiologic analyses are limited by sensitivity to doses typically greater than 50-100 mGy for low LET radiation. Laboratory studies allow for the examination of lower doses using cancer-relevant endpoints. One such endpoint is neoplastic transformation in vitro. It is known that this endpoint is responsive to both adaptive response and bystander effects. The relative balance of these processes is likely to play an important role in determining the shape of the dose-response curve at low doses. A factor that may influence this balance is cell density at time of irradiation. The findings reported in this paper indicate that the transformation suppressive effect of low doses previously seen following irradiation of sub-confluent cultures, and attributed to an adaptive response, is reduced for irradiated confluent cultures. However, even under these conditions designed to optimize the role of bystander effects the data do not fit a linear no-threshold model and are still consistent with the notion of a threshold dose for neoplastic transformation in vitro by low LET radiation.  相似文献   

Mouse spleen cells in diffusion chambers were studied in an effort to assess the radiation survival curves of lymphoid cells during the different serological phases of immune response and to characterize morphologically and metabolically these radiation-resistant cells. The results showed that the capacity of immunocompetent progenitor cells to proliferate and differentiate into antibody-synthesizing cells was highly sensitive to x-irradiation. Their fully differentiated progenies, which were made up mainly of mature plasma cells, were resistant in that they were able to synthesize antibody effectively for as long as several days after their exposure to radiation doses up to 10,000 R. As a result of these studies, a method with a high recovery yield was devised for obtaining a highly purified preparation of dispersed monospecific antibody-synthesizing cells. This was done by simply exposing primed spleen cells to 10,000 R at the end of the log phase of response and harvesting the culture several days later.  相似文献   

The effect of prior incubation with [3H]thymidine on survival and mutagenesis after X-irradiation of human lymphocytes was studied by incubating lymphocytes with 0.001-1.0 mu Ci/ml [3H]thymidine for 6 h at 37 degrees C and then irradiating with 150 or 300 rad. Survival was measured using lymphocyte cloning and mutagenesis was measured using 6-thioguanine selection to detect clones mutated at the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase locus. [3H]Thymidine alone had no effect on survival or mutagenesis and X-radiation alone produced the expected decrease in survival and increase in mutations. [3H]Thymidine prior to X-radiation had no effect on lethality of X-radiation but at concentrations of 0.1 and 1.0 mu Ci/ml produced a significant decrease in the number of mutations induced after both 150 and 300 rad. The results suggest that ionizing radiation, produced by disintegration of 3H, reduces the mutagenic effect of a subsequent exposure to ionizing radiation by induction of a system which prevents or repairs a restricted class of radiation damage.  相似文献   

When human lymphocytes are preirradiated with 1 cGy of X-rays, the cells become less sensitive to subsequent exposures to high doses of about 150 cGy in that approximately one-half as many chromatid aberrations are induced as expected. This adaptation has been attributed to the induction of repair enzymes (proteins) some 4-6 h after the initial low-dose exposure. Experiments have now been carried out showing that application of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide at this time, but not earlier, prevents the adaptive response.  相似文献   

The induction of micronuclei in human lymphocytes by low doses of radiation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The appearance of micronuclei (MN) is delayed with respect to cell division in populations of irradiated human lymphocytes, so that the length of time in culture, as well as the number of divisions, is a factor in MN assays. Using two assays that control for cell kinetics, we measured the yield of cells with MN exposed to graded doses of 60Co gamma rays and 90KVP X-rays. The yields showed a non-linear increase with dose. They can be represented by two straight lines: the one in the range below 0.15 Gy has a slight slope, the other in the range above 0.15 Gy has a significantly greater slope. The radical scavengers cysteamine and glycerol, which reduced the MN yields sharply at 3 Gy, were less effective at 0.3 Gy, indicating that terminal deletions arising from the direct ionization of DNA are a major source of the MN induced by low radiation doses. It is likely that the non-linear dose response is due to the saturation of a DNA repair process.  相似文献   

Biomarkers to indicate past exposure to radiation have not been entirely satisfactory. Using cDNA microarray hybridization to find new potential biomarkers, we identified highly expressed genes in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) after irradiation 1 Gy ex vivo. The present set of radiation markers in PBLs was identified 12 h after radiation. A total of 44 genes were identified. However, when RT-PCR was performed with mRNA from the PBLs of five individuals, only four genes, including TRAIL receptor 2, DRAL (now known as FHL2), cyclin G, and cyclin protein gene, showed greater than 50% agreement between gene induction as detected by microarray analysis and by RT-PCR. When more than 32 donors were tested for the above four genes, greater than 85% agreement was obtained between gene induction measured by microarray analysis and by RT-PCR. There was a linear dose-response relationship between 0.5 and 4 Gy 12 h after irradiation; however, there was less linearity at later times. These results suggested that the relative expression levels of genes such as TRAIL receptor 2, FHL2, cyclin G, and cyclin protein gene in PBLs may provide estimates of radiation exposures.  相似文献   

The radioactive ligands, [3H]dihydroalprenolol and [3H]muscimol, were used to estimate the condition of beta-adrenoreceptors of the brain cortex and GABA-receptors of the cerebellum during transient neurologic disorders caused by irradiation of rats with high-energy (20 MeV) electrons of 200 Gy. No significant changes were observed in the GABA-ergic brain system while the changes in beta-adrenoreceptors of the brain were pronounced and manifested by the loss by the receptors of their ability to bind the specific ligand, dihydroalprenolol. The changes observed were reversible and correlated with the development of neurologic disorders.  相似文献   

Changes in the level of chromatin DNA synthesis after the total X-ray irradiation of rats in the dozes 0.5 Gr, 1 Gr and 7.76 Gr were shown. Interrelations between postradiation correlation of protein and DNA in lymphocytes of peripheral of blood rats were analyzed.  相似文献   

The widespread application of microwaves is of great concern in view of possible consequences for human health. Many in vitro studies have been carried out to detect possible effects on DNA and chromatin structure following exposure to microwave radiation. The aim of this study is to assess the capability of microwaves, at different power densities and exposure times, to induce genotoxic effects as evaluated by the in vitro micronucleus (MN) assay on peripheral blood lymphocytes from nine different healthy donors, and to investigate also the possible inter-individual response variability. Whole blood samples were exposed for 60, 120 and 180 min to continuous microwave radiation with a frequency of 1800 MHz and power densities of 5, 10 and 20 mW/cm(2). Reproducibility was tested by repeating the experiment 3 months later. Multivariate analysis showed that lymphocyte proliferation indices were significantly different among donors (p<0.004) and between experiments (p<0.01), whereas the applied power density and the exposure time did not have any effect on them. Both spontaneous and induced MN frequencies varied in a highly significant way among donors (p<0.009) and between experiments (p<0.002), and a statistically significant increase of MN, although rather low, was observed dependent on exposure time (p=0.0004) and applied power density (p=0.0166). A considerable decrease in spontaneous and induced MN frequencies was measured in the second experiment. The results show that microwaves are able to induce MN in short-time exposures to medium power density fields. Our data analysis highlights a wide inter-individual variability in the response, which was confirmed to be a characteristic reproducible trait by means of the second experiment.  相似文献   

Since early in the Atomic Age, biological indicators of radiation exposure have been sought, but currently available methods are not entirely satisfactory. Using cDNA microarray hybridization to discover new potential biomarkers, we have identified genes expressed at increased levels in human peripheral blood lymphocytes after ex vivo irradiation. We recently used this technique to identify a large set of ionizing radiation-responsive genes in a human cell line (Oncogene 18, 3666-3672, 1999). The present set of radiation markers in peripheral blood lymphocytes was identified 24 h after treatment, and while the magnitude of mRNA induction generally decreased over time, many markers were still significantly elevated up to 72 h after irradiation. In all donors, the most highly responsive gene identified was DDB2, which codes for the p48 subunit of XPE, a protein known to play a crucial role in repair of ultraviolet (UV) radiation damage in DNA. Induction of DDB2, CDKN1A (also known at C1P1/WAF1) and XPC showed a linear dose-response relationship between 0.2 and 2 Gy at 24 and 48 h after irradiation, with less linearity at earlier or later times. These results suggest that relative levels of gene expressions in peripheral blood cells may provide estimated of environmental radiation exposures.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) are generally considered the most critical lesion induced by ionizing radiation (IR) and may initiate carcinogenesis and other disease. Using an immunofluorescence assay to simultaneously detect nuclear foci of the phosphorylated forms of histone H2AX and ATM kinase at sites of DSBs, we examined the response of 25 apparently normal and 10 DNA repair-deficient (ATM, ATR, NBN, LIG1, LIG4, and FANCG) primary fibroblast strains irradiated with low doses of 137Cs γ-rays. Quiescent G0/G1-phase cultures were exposed to 5, 10, and 25 cGy and allowed to repair for 24 h. The maximum level of IR-induced foci (0.15 foci per cGy, at 10 or 30 min) in the normal strains showed much less inter-individual variation (CV  0.2) than the level of spontaneous foci, which ranged from 0.2–2.6 foci/cell (CV  0.6; mean ± SD of 1.00 ± 0.57). Significantly slower focus formation post-irradiation was observed in seven normal strains, similar to most mutant strains examined. There was variation in repair efficiency measured by the fraction of IR-induced foci remaining 24 h post-irradiation, curiously with the strains having slower focus formation showing more efficient repair after 25 cGy. Interestingly, the ranges of spontaneous and residual induced foci levels at 24 h in the normal strains were as least as large as those observed for the repair-defective mutant strains. The inter-individual variation in DSB foci parameters observed in cells exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation in this small survey of apparently normal people suggests that hypomorphic genetic variants in genomic maintenance and/or DNA damage signaling and repair genes may contribute to differential susceptibility to cancer induced by environmental mutagens.  相似文献   

In contrast to the well-documented negative effects of high-dose oxidant exposure, accumulating evidence supports a positive, perhaps essential physiologic role for very low-level oxidant stress. For example, low-level oxidant exposure, within or below the physiologic range, has been reported to stimulate membrane signal transduction, proliferation, antioxidant defense and DNA repair. In the present study, we have examined whether whole-body exposure to low-dose radiation (LDR) results in an alteration in constitutive (steady state) levels of DNA-strand breaks and whether an adaptive increase in DNA-repair response is induced. C57B1/6J mice were exposed to 0.04 Gy (4 cGy) of gamma-radiation as a model of low level oxidant stress. End points measured after chronic in vivo LDR included: (1) constitutive expression of DNA-strand breaks in quiescent spleen cells; (2) sensitivity to DNA damage after high-dose radiation exposure in vitro; (3) repair of constitutive and radiation-induced DNA strand breaks after mitogen stimulation: (4) activity of the DNA-repair associated enzyme, poly(ADP-ribose)transferase (ADPRT) and its substrate, NAD. The results indicated that the constitutive expression of DNA-strand breaks is significantly decreased after chronic LDR; however, DNA-repair capacity after high-dose radiation exposure is not increased above that observed in sham-irradiated mice. Associated with the reduction in constitutive DNA-strand break accumulation was a decrease in resting levels of the DNA-repair-associated enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) transferase (ADPRT). These results are consistent with the interpretation that cumulative DNA damage and associated DNA-repair activity in unstimulated cells are both reduced after chronic LDR exposure.  相似文献   

We examined the induction of HPRT mutations in CHO cells exposed to low fluences of (238)Pu alpha particles from a specially constructed irradiator. The dose-response relationship was linear over the dose range of 5 cGy-1.2 Gy. However, unexpected sensitivity, leading to a significantly higher frequency of mutations than would be predicted by a back extrapolation from the data for higher doses, was observed in the dose range below 5 cGy, where the mean number of alpha-particle traversals per nucleus was significantly less than one (0.05-0.3). The frequency of mutations induced by a single alpha particle traversing the nucleus of a cell was increased nearly fivefold at the lowest fluence studied. The data are consistent with the conclusion that the enhanced efficiency of each nuclear traversal at low particle fluences is the result of mutations arising in nonirradiated, bystander cells.  相似文献   

Since the beneficial effects of low-dose radiation (0.01 Gy) are usually observed in normal cells, we investigated whether the adaptive response was induced by low-dose radiation in neoplastic cells of different origin as well as in normal cells. Cell lines used in this experiment were as follows: mouse lymphocytes (NL); L929 cells established from mouse connective tissue; primary mouse keratinocytes (PK); line 308 from mouse papilloma; X-ray sensitive lymphoma cells, L5178Y-S and EL-4 cells from mouse lymphoma. The adaptive response was determined by cell survival and apoptosis. The involvement of apoptosis in the adaptive response was examined by ELISA and TUNEL assay. Adaptive response was induced by pretreatment with low-dose radiation of 0.01 Gy in normal cells such as NL, L929, and PK, but not in L5178Y-S, EL-4, and line 308 cells. In addition, the reduction of apoptosis by pretreatment with low-dose radiation was observed in NL, L929, and PK, but not in L5178Y-S, EL-4, and line 308 cells. These results suggested that the adaptive response could be induced by pretreatment with low-dose radiation and the phenomena were observed in normal cells, not in neoplastic cells. In addition, pretreatment with low-dose radiation reduced apoptosis, suggesting that an anti-apoptotic pathway may be involved in the adaptive response. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of rat spleen lymphocytes with 0.5 mM A23187 had no influence on the prostaglandins E2 and F2 alpha content, but was followed by the increasing of both 15-HETE and leukotriene B4 levels. Lypoxygenase activity of lymphocytes towards exogenous substrate linoleic acid was increased within 3-12 h after 1 Gy irradiation and decreased below the control level at 24 h. The changes of lypoxygenase activity correlate with that of 15-HETE content. Additional incubation of the cells, obtained at 3 h after irradiation, was followed by the intensification of the chromatin internucleosomal fragmentation and low-molecular DNA fragments accumulation. When 20 mM nordihydroguaiaretic acid, a selective inhibitor of arachidonate lipooxidation, was added to the incubation medium, DNA fragmentation was observed to be significantly less, especially at the early steps of incubation. These results suggest, that metabolites like H(P)ETE are early endogenous mediators of radiation-induced spleen lymphocytes apoptosis.  相似文献   

Several types of cellular responses to ionizing radiation, such as the adaptive response or the bystander effect, suggest that low-dose radiation may possess characteristics that distinguish it from its high-dose counterpart. Accumulated evidence also implies that the biological effects of low-dose and high-dose ionizing radiation are not linearly distributed. We have investigated, for the first time, global gene expression changes induced by ionizing radiation at doses as low as 2 cGy and have compared this to expression changes at 4 Gy. We applied cDNA microarray analyses to G1-arrested normal human skin fibroblasts subjected to X irradiation. Our data suggest that both qualitative and quantitative differences exist between gene expression profiles induced by 2 cGy and 4 Gy. The predominant functional groups responding to low-dose radiation are those involved in cell-cell signaling, signal transduction, development and DNA damage responses. At high dose, the responding genes are involved in apoptosis and cell proliferation. Interestingly, several genes, such as cytoskeleton components ANLN and KRT15 and cell-cell signaling genes GRAP2 and GPR51, were found to respond to low-dose radiation but not to high-dose radiation. Pathways that are specifically activated by low-dose radiation were also evident. These quantitative and qualitative differences in gene expression changes may help explain the non-linear correlation of biological effects of ionizing radiation from low dose to high dose.  相似文献   

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