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The biological characteristics and in vitro radiosensitivity of melanoma cells to thermal neutrons were investigated as a guide to the effectiveness of boron neutron capture therapy. Plateau phase cultures of three human malignant melanoma-established cell lines were examined for cell density at confluence, doubling time, cell cycle parameters, chromosome constitution, and melanin content. Cell survival dose-response curves, for cells preincubated in the presence or absence of p-boronophenylalanine. HCl (10B1-BPA), were measured over the dose range 0.6-8.0 Gy (N + gamma). The neutron fluence rate was 2.6 x 10(9) n/cm2/s and the total dose rate 3.7 Gy/h (31% gamma). Considerable differences were observed in the morphology and cellular properties of the cell lines. Two cell lines (96E and 96L) were amelanotic, and one was melanotic (418). An enhanced killing for neutron irradiation was found only for the melanotic cells after 20 h preincubation with 10 micrograms/ml 10B1-BPA. In view of the doubling times of the cell lines of about 23 h (96E and 96L) or of 36 h (418), it seems likely that an increased boron uptake, and hence increased radiosensitivity, might result if the preincubation period with 10B1-BPA is extended to several hours longer than the respective cell cycle times.  相似文献   

V79 Chinese hamster cells have been irradiated with X-rays and neutrons given simultaneously. The oxygen enhancement ratio and r.b.e. were measured as a function of the proportion of the dose due to the neutrons, which varied from 0 to 100 per cent. These were compared with the values calculated assuming the two types of radiation act independently, following an approach suggested by Curtis. The o.e.r. was less than the predicted value when the neutrons contributed less than about 40 per cent of the total dose. The r.b.e. also did not vary as predicted on the basis of independent action. The 'oxygen gain factor' reached half its maximum value when the proportion of the dose due to neutrons was only about 27 per cent. The results imply that there may be interaction between the damage caused by X-rays and neutrons and that beams having only 20 to 30 per cent of their dose due to high l.e.t. radiation, could be of therapeutic benefit.  相似文献   

The radioresistance of malignant melanoma cells has been explained by the wide shoulder of the dose-cell-survival curve of the cells exposed to photon beams. Fast neutrons, 30 MeV d-Be, were used to treat patients who had malignant melanoma in order to confirm the biological effects of high linear energy transfer (LET) radiation for tumor control. Seventy-two patients suffering from malignant melanoma participated in the clinical trials with fast neutrons between November 1975 and December 1986. Of 72 patients, 45 had melanoma of the skin, 20 had melanoma of the head and neck, and seven had choroidal melanoma. Five-year survival rate of the patients who had previously untreated melanoma of the skin was 61% and for patients who received postoperative irradiation, it was 35.7% whereas no patients who had recurrent tumor survived over 4 years. Of 22 patients who had melanoma of the skin, stage I, local control in four cases was achieved by irradiation alone, whereas local control was achieved in 17 of 18 patients who required salvage surgery after fast-neutron therapy. The results of pathological studies performed with specimens obtained from salvage surgery have shown that melanoma cells growing in intradermal tissue are radio-resistant, compared with cells growing in intraepidermal tissue. This might suggest that melanoma cells acquire radioresistance when the connective tissue is involved. Five-year survival rate of the patients who had locally advanced melanoma of the head and neck, previously untreated, was 15.4%. Radiation therapy with accelerated protons was suitable for patients suffering from choroidal melanoma.  相似文献   

Changes in morphometric parameters have been established in axodendritic synapses of sensorimotor cortex of adult mature rats exposed to neutron irradiation. Neutron irradiation dose and summarized dose rate were 10 Gy and 0.35 Gy, respectively. The changes were observed 0.25, 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours after irradiation. The observations suggest an increase in synaptic activity, with the range of irradiation action and functional characteristics decreasing in subsequent time periods.  相似文献   

Human melanoma cells that are resistant to gamma rays were irradiated with 14 MeV neutrons given at low doses ranging from 5 cGy to 1.12 Gy at a very low dose rate of 0.8 mGy min(-1) or a moderate dose rate of 40 mGy min(-1). The biological effects of neutrons were studied by two different methods: a cell survival assay after a 14-day incubation and an analysis of chromosomal aberrations in metaphases collected 20 h after irradiation. Unusual features of the survival curve at very low dose rate were a marked increase in cell killing at 5 cGy followed by a plateau for survival from 10 to 32.5 cGy. The levels of induced chromosomal aberrations showed a similar increase for both dose rates at 7.5 cGy and the existence of a plateau at the very low dose rate from 15 to 30 cGy. The existence of a plateau suggests that a repair process after low-dose neutrons might be induced after a threshold dose of 5-7.5 cGy which compensates for induced damage from doses as high as 32.5 cGy. These findings may be of interest for understanding the relative biological effectiveness of neutrons and the effects of environmental low-dose irradiation.  相似文献   

The treatment of GOTO cells, originated from human neuroblastoma, with recombinant human interferon-gamma (rHuIFN-gamma) induced the morphological changes: the extension and bifurcation of neurites and the multinucleated giant cell formation. The treatment of KP-N-RT cells, originated from human neuroblastoma, with rHuIFN-gamma also induced the similar morphological changes. The treatment of these cells with natural HuIFN-gamma also induced the same morphological changes, but those with recombinant human leukocyte interferon (rHuIFN-alpha A), recombinant human fibroblast interferon (rHuIFN-beta) and recombinant murine interferon-gamma (rMuIFN-gamma) did not induce it. The rHuIFN-gamma and the rHuIFN-beta inhibited more strongly the growth of GOTO and KP-N-RT cells than the rHuIFN-alpha A. This suggests that the morphological changes of these neuroblastoma cells are not simply due to the cell growth inhibition, but due to the property which only the rHuIFN-gamma possesses.  相似文献   

The frequency of chromosome aberrations in nonstimulated lymphocytes of the peripheral human blood was shown to change after fractionated neutron irradiation of mean energy of 6.0 MeV. At a 2-hour interval between exposures, the number of aberrations exceeded, and at 5-6-hour interval was less than that induced by a single exposure at the same dose.  相似文献   

The induction of myeloid leukemia following fission neutron irradiation was examined over the 0-80 rad dose range. Over this dose range the dose response could be described by the linear regression equation: y = 0.94 + 0.18X. A comparison of these data with data obtained following gamma irradiation from this study and a previous study indicated that the relative biological effectiveness for myeloid leukemia induction was 2.8. These results appear to be compatible with those reported by other investigators.  相似文献   

The DNA 5-methylcytosine content has been analyzed in the human melanoma cell line M21 at several time points after induction of differentiation by a variety of inducers. 5-Aza-2'-deoxycytidine reduces DNA methylation to about 50% of the control level and this demethylation occurs prior to the establishment of the differentiated phenotype. The DNA synthesis inhibitors cytosine arabinoside, aphidicolin, and hydroxyurea exert different effects on DNA methylation in these cells. Cytosine arabinoside induces an early DNA hypermethylation, which is however reversible and drops to the original level after 24 h. Hydroxyurea induces DNA hypermethylation after a lag period of more than 48 h and the DNA polymerase alpha inhibitor aphidicolin has no effect on the DNA methylation level. Treatment of cells with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, another potent inducer of melanoma cell differentiation, does not result in a change of total DNA methylation over a period of 96 h. These results indicate that differentiation of human melanoma cells can be accompanied by variable changes of the DNA methylation pattern. These changes can be neither generally related to the differentiation process itself nor related to the effects of DNA synthesis inhibition on DNA methylation, but may more likely reflect a direct or indirect particular effect of the inducer on the DNA methylation process.  相似文献   

The effect of thermal neutrons on the induction of murine endogenous viruses from a mouse fibroblast cell line was investigated. Thermal neutrons were more effective than X-rays in induction of endogenous virus as well as in killing of the cells. However, when measured as a function of cell killing, both radiations had similar efficiency of induction. The RBEs of thermal neutrons alone were calculated on the assumption that the contribution of contaminating gamma-rays was additive. It was 4.2 for the killing effect and 4-5 for virus induction.  相似文献   

Morphological changes appearing in the course of muscle regeneration after reinnervation of denervated M. soleus (slow) and M. tibialis anterior (fast) rat skeletal muscle were investigated. It was found that pathological changes typical for denervation atrophy (seen on the 10th day after crushing the sciatic nerve) and symptoms of regeneration (beginning about the 15th day) were much more pronounced in the soleus than in the tibialis muscle. Some stages of regeneration in the soleus muscle could be distinguished. The contractile material destructions were the first pathological changes that disappeared after the beginning of regeneration. In the second stage other denervation changes disappeared and intensive regeneration of muscle fibres was observed. In the next stage regeneration slowed down, and the reduction of the excess of muscle nuclei was visible. Four months after crushing the nerve, regeneration proceeded to completion with only some traces of the passed processes: in the soleus muscle, chains of sarcolemmal nuclei, satellite cells and newly formed muscle fibres were more often seen than in contralateral muscle; in the tibialis, collagen depots were present around the vessels and between muscle fascicles.  相似文献   

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