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For several years, aid programs in the Mekong region have taken an increasing interest in cross‐border mobility and human trafficking and its relationship with development. More recently, there has been an increasing interest in the identification of trafficked victims and the investigation, arrest and prosecution of traffickers. Whereas anti‐trafficking programs ubiquitously define themselves as being in a battle with traffickers, this article argues that although they are not homologous social actors, both engage in acts of bad faith. The article elaborates this argument by drawing attention to the recruitment process within the Lao sex industry as well as to the way in which aid programs attempt to identify trafficked victims. It concludes that imaginary aspects of development underpin a simultaneous disjuncture yet enable the social reproduction of the life worlds of ‘traffickers’ and ‘anti‐traffickers’ alike.  相似文献   

Leaf temperatures were lower when light entry at the leaf tip window was prevented through covering the window with reflective tape, relative to leaf temperatures of plants with leaf tip windows covered with transparent tape. This was true when leaf temperatures were measured with an infrared thermometer, but not with a fine‐wire thermocouple. Leaf tip windows of Lithops growing in high‐rainfall regions of southern Africa were larger than the windows of plants (numerous individuals of 17 species) growing in areas with less rainfall and, thus, more annual insolation. The results of this study indicate that leaf tip windows of desert plants with an underground growth habit can allow entry of supra‐optimal levels of radiant energy, thus most likely inhibiting photosynthetic activity. Consequently, the size of the leaf tip windows correlates inversely with habitat solar irradiance, minimising the probability of photoinhibition, while maximising the absorption of irradiance in cloudy, high‐rainfall regions.  相似文献   

Celiac disease (CD) is characterized by abnormally high concentrations of certain peptides in the small bowel. These peptides can be grouped in ‘toxic’ and ‘immunogenic’ classes, which elicit an innate immune response and an HLA‐mediated adaptive response, respectively. It is not clear on which molecular mechanisms responses to these different classes are based, but the 31–43 (P31–43) and the 56–68 (P56–68) A‐gliadin fragments are usually adopted as sequence representatives of toxic and immunogenic peptides, respectively. Here we report fluorescence experiments aiming to mimic the interaction of these peptides with the cell membrane surface by using sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) as a membrane‐mimetic medium. We show that P31–43 is able to bind SDS micelles in a way that resembles mixed micelle formation. On the other hand, no binding at all could be detected for P56–68. This different behaviour could be related to the paracellular or transcellular route through which gluten peptides may cross the intestinal epithelium, and open new insights into the pathogenetic mechanisms of CD. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Takashi Irimoto and Takako Yamada (eds). Circumpolar Ethnicity and Identity.  相似文献   

Winniwarter and colleagues present alternative estimates for several of the nitrogen (N) fluxes provided by Schulze and colleagues. They reason that numeric discrepancies between largely dependent estimates and lack of detail in Schulze's estimates urges caution in interpreting these numbers. In this reply we provide methodological details enhancing the transparency of Schulze's estimates and argue that convergence between land‐ and atmosphere‐based estimates should be reached before individual estimates can be rejected. Only for the nitrous oxide and NOx fluxes a balance between atmosphere and land‐based estimates has been reached. Convergence between independent estimates has not been reached yet for NO‐, NH3‐ and N‐deposition estimates. As stated by Schulze and colleagues these N‐fluxes remain potentially biased and therefore come with a large uncertainty, irrespective of the reported precision.  相似文献   

A ‘genes‐to‐ecosystems’ approach has been proposed as a novel avenue for integrating the consequences of intraspecific genetic variation with the underlying genetic architecture of a species to shed light on the relationships among hierarchies of ecological organization (genes → individuals → communities → ecosystems). However, attempts to identify genes with major effect on the structure of communities and/or ecosystem processes have been limited and a comprehensive test of this approach has yet to emerge. Here, we present an interdisciplinary field study that integrated a common garden containing different genotypes of a dominant, riparian tree, Populus trichocarpa, and aquatic mesocosms to determine how intraspecific variation in leaf litter alters both terrestrial and aquatic communities and ecosystem functioning. Moreover, we incorporate data from extensive trait screening and genome‐wide association studies estimating the heritability and genes associated with litter characteristics. We found that tree genotypes varied considerably in the quality and production of leaf litter, which contributed to variation in phytoplankton abundances, as well as nutrient dynamics and light availability in aquatic mesocosms. These ‘after‐life’ effects of litter from different genotypes were comparable to the responses of terrestrial communities associated with the living foliage. We found that multiple litter traits corresponding with aquatic community and ecosystem responses differed in their heritability. Moreover, the underlying genetic architecture of these traits was complex, and many genes contributed only a small proportion to phenotypic variation. Our results provide further evidence that genetic variation is a key component of aquatic–terrestrial linkages, but challenge the ability to predict community or ecosystem responses based on the actions of one or a few genes.  相似文献   

This article addresses a classic ethnographic problem in the study of Italy: how is it that people can subscribe simultaneously to seemingly contradictory ideologies, such as Catholicism and Communism? It does so by describing examples from Italy's ‘showcase city’ of the left, ‘Red Bologna’, in which to be ‘red’ is ubiquitous but each person's ‘red’ is a different thing: being ‘red’ (differently) is the idiom in which real political distinctions are expressed over issues like religion or immigration. In parallel, I discuss the relationship between the ‘field’ as a location and the ‘field’ as a conceptual topic. My account replicates internal ethnographic differences at the analytical level by highlighting the differences between being left‐wing in Bologna and its meaning as a concept in anthropology. Hence the ‘equivocal location’: a field‐site that is productively different, from what an inexperienced ethnographer expected from it, from conceptual discussions in anthropology, and from itself.  相似文献   

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