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Juncus articulatus, a species introduced to Australia, is codominant over large areas of Mother of Ducks Lagoon but is rare in other lagoons. It occurs widely within the lagoon but is concentrated in lower, wetter areas that are more disturbed by birds and cattle. This suggests that J. articulatus may be separated over elevation (and therefore water regime) and disturbance gradients from the native grass Glyceria australis, the dominant species in the lagoon. This paper compares the growth and interaction of G. australis and J. articulatus under different water regimes. The species responded differently to water regime both in monoculture and in mixture. Above ground production of J. articulatus was greatest under fluctuating water levels, least under a damp water regime and intermediate under flooded conditions. G. australis production was greatest under the damp, least under the flooded and intermediate under the fluctuating water regime. The outcome of interaction is dependent on water regime and time. After one year J. articulatus was the superior competitor under all water regimes. At the end of two years J. articulatus was still the superior competitor under fluctuating and flooded water regimes but not under the damp regime. The change in outcome after two years was due to the competitive superiority of G. australis during the second year under all water regimes. The relative importance and the management implications for the invasive potential of J. articulatus are assessed in shallow Australian wetlands with fluctuating water regimes.  相似文献   

The potential contribution of microfungi to reed decomposition in a coastal habitat (Le Cesine Lagoon, Italy) was investigated under laboratory and field conditions. Leaf pack mass and surface loss, ergosterol content and O2 uptake were used to construct carbon budgets and an empirical ergosterol‐to‐O2 uptake relationship based on literature data was used to estimate the contribution of microfungi. Under laboratory conditions, reed carbon loss was entirely due to leaching and microbial respiration. In contrast, C losses observed in the field were accounted for by microbial respiration and macroinvertebrate shredding almost equally. Microfungi were estimated to account for 98% and 69% of microbially‐respired carbon under laboratory and field conditions, respectively. Our results provide a preliminary, quantitative assessment of microfungal contribution to reed decomposition in brackish habitats. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Exotic grasses and grass-fueled fires have altered plant species composition in the seasonal submontane woodlands of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. These changes have altered both structural and functional aspects of the plant community, which could, in turn, have consequences for litter decomposition and nitrogen (N) dynamics. In grass-invaded unburned woodland, grass removal plots within the woodland, and woodland converted to grassland by fire, we compared whole-system fluxes and the contributions of individual species to annual aboveground fine litterfall and litterfall N, and litter mass and net N loss. We assessed the direct contribution of grass biomass to decomposition and N dynamics, and we determined how grasses affected decomposition processes indirectly via effects on native species and alteration of the litter layer microenvironment. Grasses contributed 35% of the total annual aboveground fine litterfall in the invaded woodland. However, total litterfall mass and N were not different between the invaded woodland and the grass removal treatment because of compensation by the native tree Metrosideros polymorpha, which increased litter production by 37% ± 5% when grasses were removed. The 0.3 g N m–2/y–1 contained in this production increase was equal to the N contained in grass litter. Litter production and litterfall N was lowest in the grassland due to the loss of native litter inputs. Decomposition of litterfall on an area basis was highest in the grass-invaded woodland. We attributed this effect to increased inherent decomposability of native litter in the presence of grasses because (a) the microenvironment of the three vegetation treatments had little effect on decomposition of common litter types and (b) M. polymorpha litter produced in the invaded woodland decomposed faster than that produced in the grass removal plots due to higher lignin concentrations in the latter than in the former. Area-weighted decomposition was lowest in the grassland due to the absence of native litter inputs. Across all treatments, most litter types immobilized N throughout the incubation, and litter net N loss on an area basis was not different among treatments. Our results support the idea that the effects of a plant species or growth form on decomposition cannot be determined in isolation from the rest of the community or from the direct effects of litter quality and quantity alone. In this dry woodland, exotic grasses significantly altered decomposition processes through indirect effects on the quantity and quality of litter produced by native species.  相似文献   

氮沉降增加对森林凋落物分解酶活性的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
氮沉降增加对森林凋落物分解酶产生的影响在世界范围受到关注。综述了凋落物分解酶的种类、影响酶的因素、酶的生态学意义和土壤酶研究技术的研究发展趋势。根据森林凋落物底物性质的不同,将凋落物分解酶分为纤维素分解酶类、木质素分解酶类、蛋白水解酶类和磷酸酶类。目前普遍认为,氮沉降增加,磷酸酶类活性随之增加,其它三类酶活性未呈现规律性变化。此外,还对氮沉降增加与土壤酶之间关系的研究前景进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The processing of leaves in temperate streams has been the subject of numerous studies but equivalent tropical ecosystems have received little attention. We investigated leaf breakdown of a tropical tree species (Hura crepitans, Euphorbiaceae), in a tropical stream using leaf bags (0.5 mm mesh) over a period of 24 days. We followed the loss of mass and the changes in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentrations and respiration rates associated with the decomposing leaves. The breakdown rate was fast (k=?0.0672/d, kd=?0.0031/degree‐day), with 81 percent loss of the initial mass within 24 days. This high rate was probably related to the stable and high water temperature (22°C) favoring strong biological activity. Respiration rates increased until day 16 (1.1 mg O2/h/g AFDM), but maximum ATP concentrations were attained at day 9 (725 nmol ATP/g AFDM) when leaf mass remaining was 52 percent. To determine the relative importance of fungi and bacteria during leaf decomposition, ATP concentrations, and respiration rates were determined in samples treated with antibiotics, after incubation in the stream. The results of the samples treated with the antifungal or the bacterial antibiotic suggest a higher contribution of the fungal community for total microbial biomass and a higher contribution of the bacterial community for microbial respiration rates, especially during the later stages of leaf decomposition. However, these results should be analyzed with caution since both antibacterial and antifungal agents did not totally eliminate microbial activity and biomass.  相似文献   

In this study, we used a macrophyte model to describe the growth production and the interaction between above‐ and below‐ground organs of Potamogeton pectinatus in Lake Burullus, Egypt. Above‐ and below‐ground biomass of P. pectinatus was sampled on a monthly basis from April to December 2011 at three sites of Lake Burullus. Shoots started to grow in April, reached the maximum biomass in September and then rapidly decreased in October when they moved into the senescence stage. Tubers biomass reduced in August due to the upward translocation to shoots, but sharply increased to the maximum in October by downward translocation from shoots and roots. Potamogeton pectinatus allocated approximately 82.3% of its total biomass to shoots, 15.5% to tubers and 2.2% to roots.  相似文献   

The stomatal index of the trifoliate leaves of the Cowpea isa function not only of the total radiation received but alsoof variations in radiation during the 6 d preceding the majorphase of the unfolding of the leaf lamina. Hence, for sun plantsa whole day in the shade can cause a decrease in the stomatalindex provided this day occurs during the period defined above.For shade plants it is shown that a single day of high lightintensity during this critical period will cause an increasein the stomatal index. The latter is thus a characteristic foreach individual leaf. It is postulated that the site of photoperceptioncontrolling the stomatal index is located in the expanded adultleaves. Excision and transfer of still unfolding leaves to aculture medium partially prevents the influence of the olderexpanded leaves on the stomatal index of the excised leaf.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to give results about position of Lamyropsis microcephala within an already existing phylogeny of Lamyropsis genus on the Mediterranean area, by analyzing external transcribed spacer/internal transcribed spacer sequence data. The four Lamyropsis species considered in the model can be recognized as distinct taxa originated from successive migration/speciation events.  相似文献   

Using appropriate coloured lights, we show that phytochromeis involved in stomatal differentiation. This photoperceptionis located within the whole shoot. This action is also shownfor in vitro leaves. The nature of the morphogenetic informationis discussed. Key words: Stomatal differentiation, Phytochromy, Vigna sinensis L.  相似文献   

Glushakova  A. M.  Chernov  I. Yu. 《Microbiology》2004,73(2):184-188
Analysis of an epiphytic yeast population on the leaves of the evergreen common wood sorrel Oxalis acetosella L. throughout a year showed that the density and the species composition of this population underwent regular seasonal changes. There were almost no yeasts on the young spring leaves. However, the yeast population on the mature leaves tended to increase in the autumn, reaching a maximum after the formation of continuous snow cover. Then the yeast population on the leaves tended to decrease, reaching a minimum in the spring. The species diversity of the yeasts was maximum in the autumn. The population of the epiphytic yeast species Cystofilobasidium capitatum, Rhodotorula fujisanensis, Leucosporium scottii, and Cryptococcus flavus peaked in the autumn. On the other hand, the population of the widespread epiphytic species Cryptococcus laurentii on the wood sorrel leaves peaked in January. The relative abundance of the red-pigmented phytobionts Rhodotorula glutinis and Sporobolomyces roseus virtually did not change throughout the year. The relative abundance of the euribiotic species Cryptococcus albidus showed irregular monthly variations. The data obtained show that the epiphytic microbial population of various plants can be comprehensively studied only by analyzing this population throughout the vegetative period of the plants.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in aboveground and belowground tissues ofPhalaris arundinacea L. were studied in a population colonizing an ancient meander of the Garonne river (France) submitted to important fluctuations of the permanent water table. Waterlogged conditions in spring stopped the growth of rhizomes and promoted the translocation of nutrient to the shoots. The early senescence of plants after flowering could be related to the withdrawal of the water table. It was characterized by a distribution of nutrients in belowground tissues and a release in litter and soil. Aerated conditions in late summer permitted the growth of belowground tissues. At this time a partition of resources between aboveground and belowground biomass of a new generation of plants was observed. Rising water and decreasing temperatures in winter induced the death of aboveground parts. Reconstitution of nutrient stocks in rhizomes and losses by leaching then occured. Beside a very high primary production this strategy confers toPhalaris arundinacea a great interest in different uses, especially in the removal of nutrients from water in riparian zones as in artificial sites.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal of Biserrula pelecinus via cattle dung in a semiarid pasture is analysed by quantification of the viable seed content of cattle dung, assessment of the percentage of readily germinable seeds in growth chamber of seeds collected from the plant and from dung, monitoring of the on-field frequency of the species in dung pats and in surrounding (control) pasture plots the four springs after dung deposition, and quantification of the pasture area occupied by dung pats. Large amounts of seeds of the species are dispersed by cattle (up to 4 seeds g-1 of dry manure in June 1991), and the germinability of the seeds increases significantly following their passage through the cattle gut (from 2.5% to 9.5%). In the first three springs after deposition, the frequency of adult plant of the species on dung almost tripled that found in the surrounding pasture. The effect on the pasture is scale-dependent and varies considerably between zones depending on the area covered by dung. Thus, presence on dung may explain an average of 8% of the frequency of the species in the pasture at a 10 times 10 cm scale, and up to 20% in some areas. The results are the first evidence of a herbaceous species being greatly favoured in a plant community by its dispersal through herbivore dung, a process that may have profound implications for the interpretation of plant-herbivore relations and on the evolution of plant traits.  相似文献   

The presence of female germ cells was observed in the central portion of the testis of a Mediterranean northern bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus , 2250 mm fork length and 217 kg. This is the first report of intersex in this species.  相似文献   


Cardopatum corymbosum is a perennial hemicryptophyta species living on erosion-prone steep slopes where it forms very small, scattered communities that resist soil erosion. The aim of this study was to understand better the life cycle of this species before suggesting its use for eco-engineering purposes to stop soil erosion. We examined anatomical preparations with a light microscope, and plant anatomy was reconstructed by examining sequential cross sections of the stem cut from the shoot apex to the root collar. A single sprout above the root collar produces a rosette of leaves at the beginning of spring and a floral axis at the end of summer. The leaves and the floral axis die at the end of summer, whereas the basal portion of the new stem remains alive and forms, together with the root system, the perennial portion of this plant. This stem zone is named “transition zone” and presents leaf traces converging in the centre where they give rise to a vascular cylinder with a cambium ring dividing a secondary xylem from a secondary phloem. New buds form in the cortex of the transition zone that are quiescent and are not visible externally until the following spring when they resume growth and generate a new sprout. These buds should be considered adventitious because: (1) they form independently of leaves; and (2) their annual production could represent the plant's response to ensure its survival after the loss of the above-ground portion of the stem. Given the efficient resprouting strategy coupled with a perennial root system, C. corymbosum is a good candidate for bio-engineering applications against the soil erosion typical of steep slopes in Mediterranean climates. This species could be considered for intensive re-vegetation in order to produce a protective soil covering.  相似文献   

The European wildcat (Felis silvestris) is a threatened species in Europe. Suitable management of forests has been considered crucial for its conservation in Europe. However, this recommendation may not be general due to the lack of studies that test these hypotheses in the Mediterranean area, where landscapes are very different from those of central-north Europe. In this study, wild-living cat habitat associations were analyzed by means of scat surveys in 78 areas distributed in the four main vegetation types of the Mediterranean area of central Spain, where feral cat populations are probably scarce and restricted. Results show higher occurrences of wild-living cats in landscapes covered by scrub–pastureland mosaics rather than forests. Several applied recommendations are given: (1) to include the scrub–pastureland mosaics as protected habitats for wildcats; (2) to encourage further studies about the importance of this habitat in other areas; (3) to avoid the extensive scrubland removal associated with management practices against fires or infrastructure development; and (4) to promote land management practices that enhance these mosaics, and to use shrub species in the reforestation programmes founded by the European Agricultural Policy.  相似文献   


An infusion of Ruta graveolens L. was tested for its inhibitory effects upon radish germination at the cyto-physiological level. Radish seeds were placed under optimum conditions for germination either in water (control) or in the presence of rue infusion (treated seeds). Morpho-physiological observations indicate that in treated radish seeds the inhibition of germination is accompanied by reduced water uptake and delayed reactivation of the outermost living layer, i.e. the aleurone cells. Compared to the control, aleurone cells of treated seeds present many large lipid droplets and protein bodies, without differentiated organelles. Moreover, chemical and biochemical analyses show that the treatment impairs the metabolic pathways of germination, such as the mobilization and utilization of seed reserves, and the loosening of cell walls. In fact, in treated seeds we found i) increased contents of glucose and galactose, ii) higher concentration of malic acid and iii) lower activities of some glycosidases compared to the control. Results suggest that aleurone cells may play an active part in controlling the embryo's metabolism.  相似文献   

Recent mortality outbreaks in marine ecosystems have been linked to elevated seawater temperatures associated with global climate change. Acquisition of thermotolerance data is essential, not only to determine the role of temperature in mortality outbreaks, but also to predict consequences of global warming. In the NW Mediterranean region, elevated seawater temperatures during the summer periods of 1999 and 2003 caused mass mortality of the Mediterranean red coral, Corallium rubum (L. 1758). Experiments testing the upper thermal limits of this species were carried out in aquaria using samples collected from populations from 11 to 40 m depth in the Marseilles region (NW Mediterranean, France). Samples were subjected to temperature treatments between 18 and 30 °C with an exposure time of 5 and 25 days. Three biological response variables were used to evaluate effects of the treatments: coenenchyme necrosis, polyp activity and calcification rates (45Ca incorporation in calcareous skeleton). The results showed that exposure to 24 °C for 24 days caused a beginning of mortality only for the deep population, and to 25 °C for between 9 and 14 days caused mass mortality of both sample groups. The response variable results indicate that samples from the shallow population had greater thermotolerance of elevated seawater temperatures than the deep samples. The shallow samples showed greater polyp activity and higher calcification rate with a delayed necrosis response than the deep samples. These initial thermotolerance results combined with both hydrographic models and seawater temperature monitoring are the first step towards developing predictive tools for anticipating future effects of climate change in the red coral populations.  相似文献   

The possible mechanism(s) by which supplemental UV-B radiation alleviates the adverse effects of summer drought in Mediterranean pines (Petropoulou et al. 1995) were investigated with seedlings of Pinus pinea. Plants received ambient or ambient plus supplemental UV-B radiation (biologically equivalent to a 15% ozone depletion over Patras, 38.3° N, 29.1° E) and natural precipitation or additional irrigation. Treatments started on 1 February, 1994 and lasted up to the end of the dry period (29 September). In well-watered plants, UV-B radiation had no influence on photosystem II photochemical efficiency and biomass accumulation. Water stressed plants suffered from needle loss and reduced photosystem II photochemical efficiency during the summer. These symptoms, however, were less pronounced in plants receiving supplemental UV-B radiation, resulting in higher total biomass at plant harvest. Laboratory tests showed that enhanced UV-B radiation did not improve the tolerance of photosystem II against drought, high light, high temperature and oxidative stress. Enhanced UV-B radiation, however, improved the water economy of water stressed plants, as judged by measurements of needle relative water content. In addition, it caused an almost two-fold increase of cuticle thickness. No such UV-B radiation effects were observed in well-watered pines. The results indicate that the combination of water stress and UV-B radiation may trigger specific responses, enabling the plants to avoid excessive water loss and, thereby, maintain a more efficient photosynthetic apparatus during the summer. The extent of this apparently positive UV-B radiation effect would depend on the amount of summer precipitation. Abbreviations: DW – dry weight, Fv/Fm – ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence, A 300 – absorbance at 300 nm, PAR – photosynthetically active radiation, PS II – photosystem II, RWC – relative water content, TCA – trichloroacetic acid, UV-BBE – biologically effective ultraviolet-B radiation  相似文献   

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