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The distribution of the epiphytic macrolichen Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. was surveyed in the Regional Forest of Cansiglio, extending over 3,500 ha in the eastern part of the Veneto Pre-Alps (north-east Italy). Data on the main characteristics of the forest sites and on Lobaria trees were collected with the aim to evaluate the main ecological factors, related to forest composition and management, affecting the distribution of Lobaria pulmonaria. Lichen diversity was surveyed on 15 randomly selected Lobaria trees. A good correlation between macrolichens and the total number of species was found. The largest Lobaria populations are concentred in the north-eastern part of the forest, where mixed and multi-plane silver fir – beech formations prevail, and selective cutting is carried out. Our data has enabled us to develop some criteria for the identification of priority conservation sites for Lobaria pulmonaria and lichen diversity in the study area, improving the focus on biodiversity in the management of the forest.  相似文献   

Browsing by ungulates may induce plant responses and affect subsequent plant food quality for other animals. Populations of many deer species have increased to unprecedented levels in Europe and North America. In Norway, population densities of red deer (Cervus elaphus) have increased over the past decades, but little is known about how increased deer browsing pressure may change the palatability of key food plants for other taxa in the boreal ecosystem. We conducted a cafeteria experiment to assess if long-term deer-browsing intensity affected the palatability of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) leaves for leaf-eating larvae (mainly Lepidoptera). We found that leaf-eating insect larvae preferred bilberry leaves from the lightly browsed bilberry plants; the larvae consumed twice as much leaf biomass from the lightly browsed plants than from the unbrowsed and moderately browsed ones, and four times more than from highly browsed plants. Larvae never selected leaves from highly browsed plants as their first choice. Our study suggests that browsing-induced changes in the quality of shared food plants may be important in mediating indirect interactions between browsers of widely separated taxa. Whereas low levels of long-term red deer browsing increases the palatability of bilberry leaves for leaf-eating larvae, high browsing pressure reduces food consumption. Whether changes in palatability lead to changes in population densities of leaf-eating larvae remains to be studied, but any such adverse effects could have cascading ecological consequences for insectivorous birds and mammals.  相似文献   

In situ larch stumps have been found above the present forest line in the karst region of Moncodeno, Grigna Settentrionale, northern Italy, an area where very few trees currently grow. Samples from living trees at the treeline and in the forest nearby were collected to develop a reference chronology for cross-dating the stumps. The latter span the period between 1218 and 1900, and together with the living trees, which cover the last 150 years, they have led to the development of a 784-year larch tree-ring chronology (1218–2001). Age and location of the stumps reflect past human activity. Deforestation and grazing have intensified the erosion processes in the area. The soil has thinned out and fragmented allowing karst landforms, previously buried by the soil, to emerge. Presently, the rocky outcrops limit the establishment of young larches so that only few scattered trees are currently found.  相似文献   

The composition and temporal variations in species recruitment were examined by means of annual dendrochronological data, to determine the historical development and successional history of ash and sycamore mixed stands in five secondary forests on the Eastern Prealps. The first step of the investigation was to describe species composition and age structure. In accordance with data derived from land register and time series of orthophoto images, differences in time of colonization among the five stands were detected. The second step was to describe spatial colonization patterns: only in one case a frontal pattern was found while in others the colonization started from some old alder or ash trees preserved by farmers in the meadows.  相似文献   

In the Eastern Southern Alps of northern Italy (Carnic Prealps, Friuli region), the shallow-water carbonate platform deposits of the Dolomia Principale Fm. (Norian–Rhaetian, Upper Triassic) show best-preserved platform to basin facies transition. The palaeontological study of an algal-rich level recovered from the platform margin facies (Mt. Pramaggiore) has displayed a very interesting association of Dasycladales. Two new genera (Bystrickyella and Elliottporella) and four new species (Bystrickyella ottii, Elliottporella morelloae, Palaeodasycladus lorigae and Holosporella conradii) have been described. These new data suggest that the Norian represents a period of turnover in the evolutionary history of the green algae community. This stage, placed between two extinctions, end-Ladinian and end-Norian, is here interpreted as a re-organization period of the evolutionary schemes of Dasycladales. The new lineages originated in the Norian developed further and characterized the Early Jurassic scenery. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


Eight endangered species of the Veneto region were examined from the karyological and micromorphological points of view. Their geographical distribution, the exsiccata of Herbarium Venetum (HV-PAD) and conservation problems were also considered. These species are: Cortusa matthioli L., a taxon sporadically distributed in Veneto with 2n=24 chromosomes; Calianthemum kernerianum Freyn ex Kerner, only known on Mt. Baldo (Verona) and with 2n=4x=32; Scrophularia vernalis L. with 2n=28; Kosteletzkya pentacarpos (L.) Ledeb., an entity with no regional conservation regulations and with 2n=34; Athamanta vestina A.Kerner, endemic to Italy and with 2n=22; Hottonia palustris L. with 2n=20 and in danger because of the destruction of its habitat; Sagittaria sagttifolia L. with 2n=22; Trapa natans L., a protected species in Veneto with 2n=36 and 2n=48.  相似文献   

The aerobiological behaviour of Fagaceae in Trieste and the correlations with the meteorological parameters were examined. Airborne pollen grains of Castanea, Fagus and Quercus were collected from 1990 to 2003 using a Hirst type spore trap. The main pollen season (MPS) takes place in April and May for Quercus and Fagus, in June and July for Castanea. The highest values occur in year 1993 for Quercus, in 1998 for Castanea and in 1992 for Fagus. The Fagaceae content of the air is mainly due to Quercus and Castanea pollen, Fagus usually having a scarce pollen shedding in Trieste. The highest counts of Fagaceae pollen grains are found from late April to mid May and are mainly due to the pollen shedding of oaks. The cumulative counts vary over the years, with a mean value of 2.719 pollen grains, a lowest total of 1.341 in 2002 and a highest total of 4.704 in 1993. No positive nor negative long-term trends in pollen shedding are found. No cyclic variations were observed. Spearman’s correlation was used to establish the relationship between the daily pollen counts and the daily meteorological data. Daily pollen concentrations present sometimes positive correlation with temperature, negative with rainfall and wind speed, and no correlation with humidity. Fagus and Quercus start dates result positively correlated between themselves. Significant correlations are found between the start of MPS and the mean and maximum temperature in March for Fagus and Quercus, and May for Castanea.  相似文献   

The aerobiological behaviour of Urticaceae in Trieste and the correlations with the meteorological parameters were examined. Airborne pollen was collected from 1990 to 1999 using a Hirst type spore trap (Burkard) and the data interpretation was performed according to the standard method adopted by the Italian Aeroallergen Network. The main pollen season of Urticaceae in Trieste goes from mid-April to mid-September. The highest values occur in May and June. Although different seasonal patterns are found every year, the main peak occurs on average at the beginning of May, followed by other decreasing peaks until September. Thecumulative counts vary greatly over the years, with a mean value of 18.315 p/m3. The maximum annual total pollen grains was registered in 1996 and the minimum in 1991. Spearman's correlation was used to establish the relationship between the daily pollen counts and the daily meteorological data both considering their original quantitative values and transformed values according to their day by day changes. Daily pollen concentrations present usually positive correlation with temperature, negative with rainfall and wind speed and no correlation with humidity. Better results were obtained with transformed values.  相似文献   

The relative abundance of an ungulate community in hunted and non-hunted areas was studied in Calakmul, a tropical forest in southern Mexico that includes a 723,815 ha Biosphere Reserve where no hunting is allowed and communal lands where hunting activity does take place. Tapir, white-lipped peccary (WLP), collared peccary, two species of brocket deer and white-tailed deer were the focal species. Relative abundance of ungulates was obtained by counting tracks along transects in three hunted sites and in the southern core area of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, a enforced part of the protected area of 350,000 ha where no hunting has been-permitted since 1989. A total of 1708 ungulates tracks were obtained along 206.1 km (n = 90 transects) divided among the four sites. Relative abundance of the species was estimated from the track encounter rate (TER) calculated as the number of tracks per species encountered per km of transect. No significant differences in brocket deer and collared peccary TER was found among hunted and non-hunted areas. TER for WLP was significant higher in the non-hunted area, while TER for white-tailed deer and tapir was significant higher in hunted sites. Hunting activity affected the ungulate species in Calakmul differently. Brocket deer, white-tailed deer and collared peccary are more resistant species toward the hunting pressure than the WLP, who needs an immediate protection plan throughout Calakmul. Hunting areas are important habitat refuges for tapir populations and they should be protected in these areas.
Resumen La abundancia relativa de seis especies de ungulados fue obtenida a través de conteos de huellas a lo largo de transectos en tres sitios con cacería y en la parte sur de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Calakmul, una área de alrededor de 350,000 ha donde la cacería ha sido prohibida desde 1989. Tapir, pecarí de labios blancos, pecarí de collar, dos especies de venados temazates y el venado cola blanca fueron las especies estudiadas. Un total de 1708 huellas de ungulados fueron obtenidos a lo largo de 206.1 km (90 transectos) divididos en los cuatro sitios. La abundancia relativa de las especies fue estimada por medio de la tasa de encuentro de huellas (TEH) calculado como el número de huellas encontradas por km de transecto recorrido. La TEH de los venados temazates y el pecarí de collar fue similar entre las áreas con cacería y sin cacería. La TEH para el pecarí de labios blancos fue significativamente mayor en el área sin cacería, mientras que la TEH del venado cola blanca y el tapir fueron significativamente mayor en los sitios con cacería. La actividad de cacería afecta a las especies de ungulados diferente en la región de Calakmul. Los venados temazates, el venado cola blanca y el pecarí de collar están resistiendo mejor la presión de cacería que el pecarí de labios blancos quien necesita un plan inmediato de protección en toda el área. La evidencia sugiere que las áreas con cacería en este estudio son importantes para las poblaciones de tapir, y que se debe prestar atención a su protección en dichas áreas.

Andrea Cozzi 《Facies》2002,47(1):151-178
Summary Upper Triassic (Middle-Upper Norian) shallow-water carbonates of the Dolomia Principale and its deep-water counterparts (Forni Dolomite) have been studied in the Carnian Prealps (northeastern Italy). The Dolomia Principale was a storm-dominated carbonate platform; in the Mt. Pramaggiore area, along a well-preserved 3.5 km-long platform-to-basin transition, the inner platform facies of the Dolomia Principale, characterized by m-scale shallowing upward cycles, give way seaward to open marine storm-dominated shallow subtidal lagoon deposits with frequent hardgrounds and evidence of microbial stabilization of the bottom sediment. The margin of the Dolomia Principale platform was colonized by meter-scale stromatolites and serpulid-microbial mounds that thrived due to the local highly stressed environment, characterized by drastic salinity fluctuations and turbid waters, that excluded the Upper Triassic coral-sponge communities. The Forni Dolomite slope-basin complex was characterized by an upper slope facies with debris flows, megabreccias, turbidites and serpulid-microbial mounds. The lower slope and basinal facies show thinning and fining trends. After restoring the original geometry of the slope, the depositional angles of the clinoforms range between 11 and 36 degrees, reflecting closely the coarse-grained character of the Forni Dolomite slope complex, which can be interpreted as a slope apron that, as a model, can be extended to steeply inclined carbonate slopes. The onset of synsedimentary extensional tectonics at the Middle-Late Norian boundary affected the platform-slope depositional system via: 1) localized inner platform collapses and the formation of an intraplatform anoxic depression at Mt. Valmenone, 2) a switch from platform lateral progradation during the Middle Norian to vertical aggradation in the Late Norian, reflected in an increase in platform relief, steeper foreslope angles and coarser-grained slope facies, and 3) controlling the spatial orientation of the margin of the Dolomia Principale.  相似文献   


The purpose of this work is to investigate the flora of the calcareous outcrops of Cassano Ionio (NE Calabria). 421 taxa, belonging to 284 genera and 68 families, are listed. As a result of excessive grazing, fire and very arid climate, the presence of therophites is remarkable. The Stenomediterranean elements are more representative. Rocks and cliffs typically preserve an interesting chasmophytic flora. Finally, several species of phytogeographic interest and 5 new records for the Calabrian flora, are reported.  相似文献   

Oleaceae pollen concentrations in the Trieste area are low (<10%) compared to the total number of airborne pollen grains, with only one pollination peak at the beginning of June when the Oleaceae concentration reached 62% of the total pollen count in 1992. This peak was due to an exceptionally high pollination of olive trees in 1992, when airborne pollen concentration rose to 1357 pollen grains/m3 on June 3. Sensitization toOlea increased from 1989 to 1993, when it was present in 23.4% of symptomatic patients, but the role ofOlea in inducing allergic respiratory symptoms is difficult to evaluate because almost all patients were sensitized to other pollens, and in particular to Gramineae: only four subjects were sensitized toOlea alone (1.4%). Despite the low Oleaceae pollen counts, this pollinosis is increasing, probably because of increased cultivation ofOlea in recent years. However, although skin prick test positivity is common in polysensitized patients, its role in inducing sensitization and symptoms is presently less important than that of other pollens.  相似文献   

Nimis  P. L.  Fonda  G. 《Plant Ecology》1997,132(1):15-28
The vascular flora of pedologically conditioned, extensive dry grasslands occurring in a very rainy area of northeastern Italy, was submitted to phytogeographic analysis. The distributional ranges of 144 species were digitized into two presence-absence matrices of species and Operational Geographic Units (quadrants), one covering Europe, the other, limited to 56 species with extra-European distributions, extended to the Northern Hemisphere north of the Tropic of Cancer. These matrices were submitted to numerical classification, obtaining clusters of species with similar distributional patterns (chorotypes). For each cluster of species, the percent occurrencies in each quadrant were processed by a program of automatic mapping, producing a series of isoporic maps showing the joint distribution of the species of each cluster. The species can be subdivided into six main phytogeographical groups: (1) Narrow-ranging (34% of the total), including the endemic, subendemic, Illyrian-Balcanic and NW submediterranean elements, (2) Southern European-Submediterranean (18.8%), (3) Wide-ranging European (16.6%), (4) Eastern-Pontic (7.6%), (5) Southern Eurasiatic (10.5%), (6) Northern Eurasiatic (12.5%). The phytogeographic originality of the investigated grasslands is high, with more than one third of the species having narrow distributional ranges. Particularly relevant are the connections with the Balkanic-Illyrian and the eastern Alpine regions.Nomenclature: Pignatti (1982).  相似文献   

Dr. Luca Martire 《Facies》1996,35(1):209-236
Summary The red, pelagic limestones of the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese (Upper Bajocian-Tithonian) of the Altopiano di Asiago area can be subdivided into eight facies. They differ from each other in structure (bedding style, presence and type of nodularity) and texture (nature of components, grain-vs mud-support, compactional features). Several discontinuities could be recognized, based on sedimentological or biostratigraphic evidence. In the context of a drowned platform, where sediments essentially consist of skeletal remains of both planktonic and benthic organism, the different facies are interpreted as reflecting a varying influence of currents on the winnowing of micrite and on triggering early cementation. Early cementation in turn, controlled the patterns of bioturbation and the response of sediments to later compaction and pressure-dissolution. At times, microbial mats, of unidentified nature, were important in trapping and binding sediment, giving rise to early lithified nodules and layers of stromatolitic aspect. The Rosso Ammonitico Veronese can be subdivided into three units: lower Rosso Ammonitico (RAI: Upper Bajocian-Lower Callovian), middle Rosso Ammonitico (RAM: Upper Callovian-Middle Oxfordian), and upper Rosso Ammonitico (RAS: Lower Kimmeridgian-Tithonian). Frequent ammonite moulds allow the precise dating of the base and top of each unit, and the documentation of facies heteropies and hiatusses in the more fossiliferous RAS. The lower unit (RAM) is massive and essentially nodular; the middle unit (RAM) is well bedded, non-nodular, and cherty; the upper unit (RAS) is richer in clay and typically nodular. The RAI and the RAS are present everywhere, though significant facies and thickness changes affect particularly the RAS; the RAM is much more variable, ranging from 0 to 10 metres. These variations, that may be gradual or abrupt, are inter-preted as the result of Middle-Late Callovian block-faulting which generated an irregular sea floor topography where the swells were more exposed to currents that continuously removed sediments, inducing long-lasting periods of nondeposition. Sediments preferentially accumulated in the adjacent lows. A confirmation of this hypothesis is provided by evidence of synsedimentary tectonics, described for the first time in the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese. Neptunian dykes, both vertical and horizontal, are developed at the top of the RAI and are filled with laminated sediments or collapse breccias. Glides of metre-size blocks and slumps are present at the top of the RAI and at the base of the RAM, respectively. Cm-thick layers of mud supported breccias are intercalated in the upper part of the RAI and within the RAM: they are interpreted as seismites. All these features document a tensional regime that generated fractures in more or less lithified sediments and failure along steep fault scarps or gently dipping slopes of tilted fault blocks. Recognition of this Callovian-Oxfordian tectonic activity shows that, after the Bajocian drowning, the Trento Plateau did not simply experience a uniform and general foundering: a small-scale block-faulting was still active and affected the pattern of facies distribution.  相似文献   

Although both dry- and humid-forests have been intensively studied, their physiognomic and structural differences have not yet been well characterized. The present work seeks to identify the physiognomic and structural differences between fragments of humid- and dry-forests in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The humid-forest fragment was located in the municipality of São Vicente Férrer (7°37′ S × 35°28′ W) and the dry-forest fragment in the municipality of Aliança (7°38′ S × 35°14′ W). Fifty 10 × 20 m plots were delimited in each area and all individual living plants with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥5 cm were included. It was observed that the total density (1,390 ind ha?1) and total basal area (29.9 m2 ha?1) were greater in the humid-forest than the dry-forest (649 ind ha?1 and 18.7 m2 ha?1, respectively). Individual plants in the humid-forest tended to be taller, while those in the dry-forest had generally larger diameters. There were also differences in the most structurally important families as, for example, Clusiaceae, Moraceae, Myristicaceae, and Sapotaceae in the humid-forest and Sterculiaceae, Fabaceae, Bignoniaceae, and Moraceae in the dry-forest. Physiognomic differences were also observed in the different forest layers, as the group of species composing the canopy of the dry-forest are dominated by deciduous species, while many of the species in the understory are evergreen. In the humid-forest, both the understory and canopy are predominantly composed of evergreen species. The examination of the phytosociological parameters of average height and species richness allowed us to identify physiognomic differences between humid and dry forests in Pernambuco State. The present study demonstrated that dry forests are not simply floristic/structural subsets of humid forests, and that there is a great need to establish conservation areas to protect these important but spatially restricted forests within the Atlantic coastal domain.  相似文献   


The anatomy of five endolithic lichens (Acrocordia conoidea, Petractis clausa, Rinodina immersa, Verrucaria baldensis, and V. marmorea) from the Trieste Karst (north-eastern Italy) was thoroughly investigated. Samples already used in previous ecophysiological studies were examined by histological and mineralogical techniques, and by SEM. Biomineralisation products were searched for by X-ray diffractometry, X-ray microdiffractometry, and Fourier Transformed Infrared spectrophotometry. The results confirm that the photobiont layer is located approximately at the same depth in the substratum, although the species occur in habitats with strongly different light regimes; the thallus development is relatively constant within populations of a single species, but differs considerably among species. Several peculiarities of each species were revealed, such as the presence of large clews of hyphae in the inner layer of P. clausa, forming large voids in the substratum, or the development of morphologically different oil-hyphae. Calcium oxalate crystals were not detected. Some terms currently used to describe the anatomy of endolithic lichens are critically discussed, and the new term “lithocortex” and “pseudo-medulla” are introduced.  相似文献   

1. In their natural state, river floodplains are composed of a complex mosaic of contrasting aquatic and terrestrial habitats. These habitats are expected to differ widely in their properties and corresponding ecological processes, although empirical data on their capacity to produce, store and transform organic matter and nutrients are limited. 2. The objectives of this study were (i) to quantify the spatiotemporal variation of respiration, a dominant carbon flux in ecosystems, in a complex river floodplain, (ii) to identify the environmental drivers of respiration within and among floodplain habitat types and (iii) to calculate whole‐floodplain respiration and to put these values into a global ecosystem context. 3. We measured soil and sediment respiration (sum of root and heterotrophic respiration; SR) throughout an annual cycle in two aquatic (pond and channel) and four terrestrial (gravel, large wood, vegetated island and riparian forest) floodplain habitat types in the island‐braided section of the near‐natural Tagliamento River (NE Italy). 4. Floodplain habitat types differed greatly in substratum composition (soil to coarse gravel), organic matter content (0.63 to 4.1% ash‐free dry mass) and temperature (seasonal range per habitat type: 8.6 to 33.1 °C). Average annual SR ranged from 0.54 ± 1.56 (exposed gravel) to 3.94 ± 3.72 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1 (vegetated islands) indicating distinct variation in respiration within and among habitat types. Temperature was the most important predictor of SR. However, the Q10 value ranged from 1.62 (channel habitat) to 4.57 (riparian forest), demonstrating major differences in habitat‐specific temperature sensitivity in SR. 5. Total annual SR in individual floodplain habitats ranged from 160 (ponds) to 1205 g C m?2 (vegetated islands) and spanned almost the entire range of global ecosystem respiration, from deserts to tropical forests.  相似文献   

Deadwood is an important component for conserving carbon stock and maintaining species diversity. Scarce information is, at present, available concerning the amount and composition of deadwood in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. In this study, 21 sites were chosen to characterize different forest types among representative managed and unmanaged stands in the Central Apennines (Molise, Italy). Data were collected to assess living tree and deadwood volumes, and the relative abundance of different deadwood components in decay classes. The information gathered was related to human-induced disturbances on a regional scale. There were substantial differences in the deadwood volumes between managed and unmanaged stands, although this was not the case in the living tree volumes. Deadwood volumes were larger in unmanaged than in managed stands. In particular, large amounts of deadwood were found in managed Mediterranean and Anatolian fir forests, probably due to minimal management practices. Dead downed trees were less represented in managed forests as they are normally removed to facilitate logging activities. Logs occurred more frequently in managed stands as logging residues left on site. Most deadwood material belonged to early decay classes. Proportionally larger amounts of deadwood ascribed to class 1 in managed stands correlated with recent cutting activities. The relatively large amounts of deadwood attributed in unmanaged stands to class 3 demonstrate its longer persistence in unmanaged forests. This study represents a first systematic analysis of deadwood occurrence in a typical Mediterranean forest area, and should be useful in defining important objectives for sustainable forest management.  相似文献   

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