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1. Freshwater communities are subject to various abrupt environmental disturbances and increasing pollution levels in their habitat. According to the nature and the periodicity of disturbances (i.e. punctuated, recurrent or continuous), one may expect different kinds of response of the target gastropod communities. 2. The gastropod community of a French lake has been investigated for 10 years to study its responses to three main environmental disturbances: supra‐seasonal droughts, recurrent proliferations of cyanobacteria and parasitism by trematodes. The relationship between this latter factor, considered as a continuous stressor, and the gastropod community was a particular focus. 3. A total of 13 280 gastropods belonging to 17 species (mostly Pulmonata with Planorbidae as the dominant family) have been sampled in the lake over the 10‐year time series. Species composition of the gastropod community varied strongly during the study period as did species richness (0–14, mean of 6.5 ± 0.4 species) and abundance of gastropods (0–4456, mean of 192 ± 72 individuals). Trematode larvae belonging to 11 morphotypes of cercariae were detected in 15 of the 17 species of gastropods and had a total prevalence of 2.9%. 4. Droughts (punctuated stressor) were responsible for the disappearance of nearly all gastropod species, and thus represent a severe environmental stressor for them. Nevertheless, the extent of this stressor was limited since the gastropod community was highly resilient. 5. Recurrent proliferations of toxic cyanobacteria (recurrent stressor) coincided with the large decline of the gastropod community, corresponding to a strong decrease in abundance and species richness. Intoxication of gastropods by toxic cyanobacteria was demonstrated by the bioaccumulation of microcystins in all gastropod tissues. 6. Trematode parasitism (continuous stressor) did not affect the gastropod community despite the possibly strong impact of parasites on some host species (those with monthly prevalence as high as 100% at some times). Indeed, abundance and species richness of gastropods were scarcely influenced by trematode prevalence or species richness.  相似文献   

We tested if variations (i.e., breadth) in morphology and habitat use vary predictably among six aquatic gastropod species that were collected across Indiana and Illinois, USA. We predicted that interspecific morphological variation would positively covary with variation in habitat use among species. We used geometric morphometrics (Procrustes technique and relative warp analysis) to quantify morphology and multivariate analyses (PCA) to quantify habitat. Increased morphological breadth did not vary predictably with increased habitat breadth. However, we found that life history traits correspond with patterns in morphological and habitat breadth for these six aquatic gastropods. Pulmonate gastropods (use lungs for respiration) that lack an operculum cover exhibited decreased morphological breadth compared to coenogastropods (use gills for respiration). This pattern may ultimately be a function of behavioral adaptations in freshwater gastropods. Gastropods that are capable of breathing air or using other behavioral modifications such as burrowing to escape predators may not require high morphological breadth. Conversely, selection may favor higher morphological breadth in gastropods with gills that also do not move out of the water column to escape predators.  相似文献   

Kelaher BP 《Oecologia》2003,135(3):431-441
The physical structure of a habitat generally has a strong influence on the diversity and abundance of associated organisms. I investigated the role of coralline algal turf structure in determining spatial variation of gastropod assemblages at different tidal heights of a rocky shore near Sydney, Australia. The structural characteristics of algal turf tested were frond density (or structural complexity) and frond length (the vertical scale over which structural complexity was measured). This definition of structural complexity assumes that complexity of the habitat increases with increasing frond density. While frond length was unrelated to gastropod community structure, I found significant correlations between density of fronds and multivariate and univariate measures of gastropod assemblages, indicating the importance of structural complexity. In contrast to previous studies, here there were negative relationships between the density of fronds and the richness and abundance of gastropods. Artificial habitat mimics were used to manipulate the density of fronds to test the hypothesis that increasing algal structural complexity decreases the richness and abundance of gastropods. As predicted, there were significantly more species of gastropods in loosely packed than in tightly packed turf at both low- and mid-shore levels. Despite large differences between gastropod assemblages at different tidal heights, the direction and magnitude of these negative effects were similar at low- and mid-shore levels and, therefore, relatively independent of local environmental conditions. These novel results extend our previous understanding of the ecological effects of habitat structure because they demonstrate possible limitations of commonly used definitions of structural complexity, as well as distinct upper thresholds in the relationship between structural complexity and faunal species richness.  相似文献   

The shells of most lacustrine gastropods are typically small, weakly calcified, and modestly ornamented to unornamented. Similarly, most lacustrine crabs are usually small detritivores with weak chelae. A number of invertebrate taxa in Lake Tanganyika, however, deviate from these generalities. This study explores a predator-prey coevolution model as an explanation for the large, heavily calcified, and ornate gastropods and the robust, durophagous crabs of Lake Tanganyika. The endemic thiarid and viviparid gastropods from Lake Tanganyika have significantly thicker shells and higher frequencies of terminal apertural lip thickening than closely related cosmopolitan taxa from outside the lake. Tanganyikan gastropods also display considerably higher incidence of shell repair, following nonlethal shell damage, than cosmopolitan taxa of the same families. There is a strong positive correlation between gastropod apertural lip thickness and shell repair frequency among all the gastropod species analyzed. The endemic Tanganyikan potamonautid crab Platytelphusa armata (a molluscivore) possesses larger, more robust crushing chelae than other African potamonautid or potamonid crabs. In contrast with the cosmopolitan African crabs, the Tanganyikan crabs display molariform, rather than serrate dentition on their crushing chelipeds. In shell-crushing experiments, the Tanganyikan gastropod shells were an order of magnitude stronger than typical lacustrine gastropod shells, many well within the range of tropical marine gastropod shell strengths. Predation experiments with the endemic gastropods Spekia, Neothauma, Lavigeria spp., Paramelania spp. and the crab Platytelphusa armata showed that increased size, apertural lip thickness or shell sculpture reduced the successful predation rate of P. armata. Crabs with large chelae have a greater ratio of successful: unsuccessful attacks than crabs with small chelae. Among cases of successful predation, crabs with large chelae employed predation methods that required less time and energy (such as crushing the shell in the cheliped) than the methods employed by crabs with small chelae (such as peeling the shell from the aperture or the spire). The morphological, shell-crushing, and aquarium experiment data, considered in concert, provide strong support for the idea that the endemic gastropods and crabs of Lake Tanganyika have coevolved over the past 7 million years.  相似文献   

Hermit crabs are critically dependent upon gastropod shells for their survival and reproductive fitness. While anecdotal reports have suggested that hermit crabs may be capable of removing live gastropods from their shells to access the essential shell resource, no systematic experiments have been conducted to investigate this possibility. This paper reports experiments on both marine (Pagurus bernhardus) and terrestrial (Coenobita compressus) hermit crabs in which crabs were paired in the laboratory with the gastropods whose shells they inhabit in the field. Pairings included both shelled and naked crabs and spanned the full range of the gastropod life cycle. Neither marine nor terrestrial hermit crabs were successful at removing live gastropods from their shells. Furthermore, only a small fraction of the crabs (5.7%) were capable of accessing shells in which the gastropod had been killed in advance, with its body left intact inside the shell. Finally, although hermit crabs readily entered empty shells positioned on the surface, few crabs (14.3%) were able to access empty shells that were buried just centimeters beneath them. These results suggest that hermit crabs are constrained consumers, with the shells they seek only being accessible during a narrow time window, which begins following natural gastropod death and bodily decomposition and which typically ends when the gastropod's remnant shell has been buried by tidal forces. Further experiments are needed on more species of hermit crabs as well as fine-grained measurements of (i) the mechanical force required to pull a gastropod body from its shell and (ii) the maximum corresponding force that can be generated by different hermit crab species' chelipeds.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by ants (myrmecochory) is widespread, and seed adaptations to myrmecochory are common, especially in the form of fatty appendices (elaiosomes). In a recent study, slugs were identified as seed dispersers of myrmecochores in a central European beech forest. Here we used 105 beech forest sites to test whether myrmecochore presence and abundance is related to ant or gastropod abundance and whether experimentally exposed seeds are removed by gastropods. Myrmecochorous plant cover was positively related to gastropod abundance but was negatively related to ant abundance. Gastropods were responsible for most seed removal and elaiosome damage, whereas insects (and rodents) played minor roles. These gastropod effects on seeds were independent of region or forest management. We suggest that terrestrial gastropods can generally act as seed dispersers of myrmecochorous plants and even substitute myrmecochory, especially where ants are absent or uncommon.  相似文献   

(I). Gastropods use chemoreception for a wide variety of behaviours including feeding, homing, escape from predators and a variety of social and reproductive behaviours. Chemoreception is used to locate distant food sources, and to discriminate between potential foods. Responses to chemical food stimuli result from a combination of innate and experiential factors. Gastropods use chemical cues in mucus trails to home. They also home by direct olfactory orientation. Reproductive behaviour in a variety of gastropods appears to involve chemical cues. Evidence exists for pheromones controlling aggregation and mating. Numerous gastropods use chemical cues to avoid or escape from predators. (2). Amino acids appear as likely candidates for attractants and phagostimulants for gastropod feeding. Macromolecules are probably also involved. Amino acids have also been shown to stimulate reproductive behaviours in certain gastropods, thus suggesting a pheromonal function. However, the significance of this finding to the behaviour of the organisms in the field has yet to be evaluated. Saponins have been implicated as the active substances found in sea stars that elicit escape responses of marine gastropods. Choline esters may play a homologous role in gastropod—prey and gastropod-predator interactions. (3). Gastropods can apparently use a number of different methods to orient to olfactory cues. These include anemotaxis or rheotaxis, klinotaxis and tropotaxis. (4). The major chemosensory organs of gastropods have been identified. They include the anterior and posterior tentacles and lips of terrestrial pulmonates; the cephalic tentacles, the lips and buccal cavity lining, and possibly the osphradium of aquatic pulmonates; the cephalic and mantle tentacles, the anterior margin of the foot, the siphon tip, and the osphradium of prosobranchs; and the rhinophores, tentacles, oral veil and osphradium of opisthobranchs. (5). Many of the organs named above have been examined by both light and electron microscopy. The most common anatomical organization includes bipolar primary sensory cells with cell bodies located subepithelially, and a distal dendrite extending to the free surface. Often a peripheral ganglion is located deep to the sensory epithelium. It is unclear whether axons of the sensory cells project directly to the central ganglion or by way of interneurones located in the peripheral ganglia. (6). The dendritic specializations of the sensory cells vary considerably. Most bear cilia or a combination of cilia and microvilli. The functional significance of the variation in the types of sensory endings is unknown, although the chemosensory epithelia also respond to other sensory modalities, and it is often difficult to ascribe any one cell type to any one modality. Species-specific variations may also complicate the picture. (7). Prospects for and importance of future studies on gastropod chemoreception are discussed.  相似文献   

永署礁南永3井记录了近1680年来礁泻湖腹足类遗壳的沉积变化,其中腹足类丰度变化尤为显著,存在三个高丰度区和相间的三个低丰度区,全样单一的粉砂沉积,表明丰度的变化与底质类型无关,而高分异度显示了一部分腹足类遗壳为水动力搬动的结果,腹足类丰度与沉积速率的对比表明,高沉积速率和低沉积速率以及波动的沉积环境不利于腹足类的发展,而适中的沉积速率和稳定的沉积环境将是腹足类发展的有利因素,发现环境的变化大约以400-600年为周期,1459-1680年间为环境动荡期,腹足类为低丰度,1081-1459年间为环境稳定期,腹足类丰度高;559-1081年间为沉积速率急剧变化期,腹足类为低丰度,1-559年间沉积速率非常稳定,腹足类十分发育。  相似文献   

Chemical substances that induce larval settlement have been the focus of many gastropod studies due to the importance of wild stock recruitment and production within aquaculture facilities. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), GABA analogs, and GABA-mimetics associated with certain crustose coralline algae (CCA), are known to induce larval settlement in commercial abalone (Haliotis) species, and other gastropods. Furthermore, mucus secreted from these gastropods has been shown to induce larval settlement, but the stimulatory components of mucus have not been thoroughly investigated. We now present data confirming that GABA is the settlement-inducing effector molecule contained within abalone mucus. To do this, we initially generated anti-GABA for use in immunoenzyme and immunofluorescent microscopy. Using these techniques GABA was identified in the nerves and epithelial cells of the foot, including mucus. Dried mucus samples subject to HPLC analysis revealed a mean concentration of 0.68 mM GABA after sample rehydration. The presence of GABA in these samples was confirmed by time-of-flight mass spectroscopy (TOF-MS). In addition, GABA was detected in the mucus of several abalone species and other gastropods by immunocytochemistry. Subsequent bioassays using both dry and fresh mucus strongly promoted induction of larval settlement.  相似文献   

1. Reports are reviewed of gastropod feeding (malacophagy) by spiders and harvestmen. Although the standard textbooks on arachnids recognise the importance of gastropods as prey of harvestmen, none apparently refers to malacophagy by spiders. A review of several hundred papers on spider feeding habits revealed that species from several families kill and devour slugs and snails in the laboratory and/or field. 2. Malacophagy has been reported most frequently among mygalomorph spiders, and can make up a substantial proportion of the diets of some species, however gastropods make up an insignificant percentage of the prey of most araneomorph spiders. The spiders that eat gastropods are species with broad diets composed predominantly of arthropod prey. No species of spider appears to feed exclusively on gastropod prey. 3. Harvestmen from several families have broad diets that often include gastropods. Several species of the family Trogulidae and at least one species of the family Ischyropsalididae [Ischyropsalis hellwigi (Panzer)] are specialised gastropod predators. The trogulids are slender animals that attack the snail through the shell aperture (shell intruders). Ischyropsalis hellwigi, on the other hand, can crush snail shells with its powerful chelicerae (shell breakers). 4. The review highlights apparent convergent evolution by harvestmen and Carabidae of two mutually exclusive morphologies found among gastropod predators. It also suggests that there is an urgent need for systematic studies to be conducted to establish the extent and ecological importance of malacophagy in natural and anthropogenically altered habitats.  相似文献   

The patterns of spatial variation in gastropod diversity in the waterbodies of western Siberia have been revealed. The highest species and generic diversity of freshwater gastropods is found in the waterbodies of the forest-steppe zone; from there, these parameters significantly decrease northwards, reaching their minimum beyond the polar circle. The proportion of gastropods of non-European origin increases in the same direction. The possible reasons for these changes in the spatial diversity of aquatic gastropods and the likely connections between the latitudinal variation of their diversity and the geological history and features of the relief of western Siberia are discussed. It is assumed that the forest-steppe zone of western Siberia is a local center of aquatic gastropod diversity.  相似文献   

Abstract. The outer surfaces of the shells of living marine gastropods are often colonized by other organisms. However, only one species, the sabellid worm Terebrasabella heterouncinata , is able to settle in the aperture of living gastropods. Native to South Africa, and introduced to California, this worm is a pest of abalone aquaculture and has been a threat to native gastropods in California. We investigated the intrinsic susceptibility of 15 marine gastropods from California to this apertural fouling organism. Intrinsic susceptibility was significantly different among gastropod species. Overall, caenogastropods tended to be more resistant than were the vetigastropods and patellogastropods. This suggests that variability in susceptibility could be due to characteristics associated with closely related gastropod hosts. However, this only partially explained the variation in susceptibility to individuals of T. heterouncinata . Intrinsic susceptibility was not associated with potential host species from similar habitats. We discuss host susceptibility to T. heterouncinata , including implications for potential control of this pest species, and for understanding factors enabling this polychaete to inhabit the apertural region, an area typically free of all other epibionts.  相似文献   

A study of epiphytic gastropods associated with two submerged macrophytes (Myriophyllum spicatum and Vallisneria americana) was conducted at a soft and at a hard water site in the St. Lawrence River during two non-consecutive years in order to compare effects of macrophyte species and biomass, site and year in gastropod community structure. There was no effect of macrophyte species on total gastropod abundance nor on gastropod diversity, and few gastropod species showed a marked preference for either macrophyte species. Inter-site and inter-annual variations in diversity, total gastropod abundance and gastropod community structure were greater than variations among macrophytes. However, analysis of variations of epiphytic gastropod communities in one of the two sites shows that abiotic factors are important in explaining epiphytic gastropod distribution. Our results and results of other studies on gastropod population dynamics in the St. Lawrence River indicate that intra- and interspecific competition between gastropods is important on macrophytes and that they must be carefully considered in order to understand epiphytic community structure and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Alpine grasslands in the Southern Carpathian Mts, Romania, harbour an extraordinarily high diversity of plants and invertebrates, including Carpathic endemics. In the past decades, intensive sheep grazing has caused a dramatic decrease in biodiversity and even led to eroded soils at many places in the Carpathians. Because of limited food resources, sheep are increasingly forced to graze on steep slopes, which were formerly not grazed by livestock and are considered as local biodiversity hotspots. We examined species richness, abundance and number of endemic vascular plants and terrestrial gastropods on steep slopes that were either grazed by sheep or ungrazed by livestock in two areas of the Southern Carpathians. On calcareous soils in the Bucegi Mts, a total of 177 vascular plant and 19 gastropod species were recorded. Twelve plant species (6.8%) and three gastropod species (15.8%) were endemic to the Carpathians. Grazed sites had lower plant and gastropod species richness than ungrazed sites. Furthermore, grazed sites harboured fewer gastropod species endemic to the Carpathians than ungrazed sites. On acid soils in the Fagaras Mts, a total of 96 vascular plant and nine gastropod species were found. In this mountain area, however, grazed and ungrazed sites did not differ in species richness, abundance and number of endemic plant and gastropod species. Our findings confirm the high biodiversity of grasslands on steep slopes in the Southern Carpathian Mts and caution against increasing grazing pressure in these refuges for relic plants and gastropods as well as for other invertebrates.  相似文献   

Crab shell-crushing predation and gastropod architectural defense   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The shell-breaking behavior of the crabs Ozius verreauxii Saussure 1853 and Eriphia squamata, Stimpson 1859 from the Bay of Panama is described. The master claws of both these crabs are well designed for breaking shells. Small shells, relative to the size of a crab predator, are crushed by progressively breaking off larger segments of a shell's apex, while larger shells are peeled by inserting a large dactyl molar into the aperture of a shell and progressively chipping away the lip of the shell.

Heavy gastropod shells are shown to be less vulnerable to crab predators than lighter shells, and narrow shell apertures and axial shell sculpture are demonstrated to be architectural features that deter crab predation. The incidence of architectural features which deter crab predation appears to be higher for smaller gastropod species than for larger gastropods which are too large for most crab predators. Large fish predators prey upon both gastropods and shell-crushing crabs. To avoid fish predators, both these prey groups seek refuge under rocks when covered by the tide. Fish predation thus appears to enforce a close sympatry between smaller gastropods and their crab predators.  相似文献   

The Neritimorpha is an ancient clade of gastropods that may have acquired larval planktotrophy independently of the evolution of this developmental mode in other gastropods (caenogastropods and heterobranchs). Neritimorphs are therefore centrally important to questions about larval evolution within the Gastropoda, but there is very little information about developmental morphology through metamorphosis for this group. We used immunolabeling (antibodies binding to acetylated α-tubulin and serotonin) and serial ultrathin sections for transmission electron microscopy to characterize the apical sensory organ in planktotrophic larvae of a marine neritimorph. The apical sensory organ of gastropod larvae is a highly conserved multicellular sensory structure that includes an apical ganglion and often an associated ciliary structure. Surprisingly, the apical ganglion of Nerita melanotragus (Smith, 1884) does not have typical ampullary neurons, a type of sensory neuron consisting of a cilia filled inpocketing that has been described in all other major gastropod groups. N. melanotragus has cilia-filled pockets embedded within the apical ganglion, but these so-called “sensory cups” are cassettes of multiple cells: one supporting cell and up to three multiciliated sensory cells. We suggest that an internalized pocket that is filled with cilia and open to the exterior via a narrow pore may be essential architectural features for whatever sensory cues are detected by ampullary neurons and sensory cups; however, morphogenesis of these features at the cellular level has undergone evolutionary change. We also note a correlation between the number of sensory elements consisting of cilia-filled pockets within the larval apical sensory organ of gastropods and morphological complexity of the velum or length of the trochal ciliary bands.  相似文献   

Rhogocytes, terminal cells of protonephridia, and podocytes of metanephridial systems share an architectural feature that creates an apparent sieving device. The sieve serves to ultrafilter body fluid during the excretion and osmoregulation process carried out by nephridial systems, but its function in rhogocytes is unclear. Rhogocytes are molluscan hemocoelic cells that appear to have various functions related to metabolism of metal ions, including synthesis of hemocyanin in some gastropods and metal detoxification in pteriomorph bivalves. A hypothesis that proposed developmental and possibly evolutionary conversion between protonephridial terminal cells and rhogocytes has never been further explored; indeed, information on the occurrence of rhogocytes in molluscan developmental stages is meager. We used transmission electron microscopy to show that rhogocytes are present within larvae of eight species of gastropods sampled from the three major gastropod clades with a feeding larval stage in the life history. In larvae of a heterobranch gastropod, a rhogocyte was located next to each terminal cell of a pair of protonephridia that flanked the foregut, whereas all six species of caenogastropod larvae and a neritimorph larva that we examined had rhogocytes, but no protonephridia, in this location. We did not find ring‐shaped profiles of hemocyanin decamers within rhogocytes of larvae or pre‐hatch embryos. Rhogocytes in newly released larvae of Nerita melanotragus contained orderly bundles of cylinders, but the diameter of the cylinders was only 70% of the diameter typical of hemocyanin multidecamers. By examining embryos of the caenogastropod Nassarius mendicus at four successive developmental time points that bracketed the occurrence of larval hatching, we found that terminal cells from non‐functional protonephridia in pre‐hatch embryos transformed into rhogocytes around the time of hatching. This empirical evidence of ontogenetic transformation of protonephridial terminal cells into rhogocytes might be interpreted as developmental recapitulation of an evolutionary transition that occurred early in molluscan history.  相似文献   

Recent warnings concerning paleobiological inferences based upon gastropod shell morphology (Houbrick 1991) merit serious consideration, although the dangers have been overstated. Ratchet sculpture, an asymmetrical sculpture that assists marine invertebrates in burrowing, is not qualitatively different from sculptures that apparently do not aid in burrowing. Therefore, the interpretation of such sculpture might be problematical. Nevertheless, the large body of empirical evidence demonstrating the function of ratchet sculpture in burrowing by bivalves, gastropods, carpoid echinoderms, brachiopods, and arthropods and the lack of evidence supporting alternative functions in the Gastropoda warrant the continued, although cautious, association of ratchet sculpture with burrowing in marine gastropods. □ Functional morphology, Gastropoda, ratchet sculpture, burrowing.  相似文献   

To date only few comparative approaches tried to reconstruct the ontogeny of the musculature in invertebrates. This may be due to the difficulties involved in reconstructing three dimensionally arranged muscle systems by means of classical histological techniques combined with light or transmission electron microscopy. Within the scope of the present study we investigated the myogenesis of premetamorphic, metamorphic, and juvenile developmental stages of the anaspidean opisthobranch Aplysia californica using fluorescence F‐actin‐labeling in conjunction with modern confocal laser scanning microscopy. We categorized muscles with respect to their differentiation and degeneration and found three true larval muscles that differentiate during the embryonic and veliger phase and degenerate during or slightly after metamorphosis. These are the larval retractor, the accessory larval retractor, and the metapodial retractor muscle. While the pedal retractor muscle, some transversal mantle fibers and major portions of the cephalopedal musculature are continued and elaborated during juvenile and adult life, the buccal musculature and the anterior retractor muscle constitute juvenile/adult muscles which differentiate during or after metamorphosis. The metapodial retractor muscle has never been reported for any other gastropod taxon. Our findings indicate that the late veliger larva of A. californica shares some common traits with veligers of other gastropods, such as a larval retractor muscle. However, the postmetamorphic stages exhibit only few congruencies with other gastropod taxa investigated to date, which is probably due to common larval but different adult life styles within gastropods. Accordingly, this study provides further evidence for morphological plasticity in gastropod myogenesis and stresses the importance of ontogenetic approaches to understand adult conditions and life history patterns. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The gastropod Terebralia palustris (Linnaeus) isone of the largest prosobranchs found in tropical intertidal habitats. Theadults form feeding aggregations and frequently dominate the surface of muddysubstrates, where they clearly destabilize the sediment surface. We tested thefollowing hypotheses: 1. The gastropod has negative effects on the density ofinfaunal animals because of potential food competition and/or surface sedimentdisturbance. 2. The disturbance exerted by T. palustrisresults in more variable infaunal assemblages, especially where intensity ofdisturbance is high. To address these hypotheses gastropods were eitherenclosedor excluded from experimental cages, which were randomly assigned to blocks asfar as 300 m apart on an intertidal mudflat in East Africa. Afternine weeks of enclosure the gastropod at high densities clearly affected themeiofauna assemblages. Several meiofauna groups were found in significantlyreduced densities in the presence of the gastropod compared with control cageswithout the gastropods, supporting our primary hypothesis. In cages withoutT. palustris a cyanobacterial carpet developed while thiswas not evident in enclosure cages. T. palustris had nosignificant impact on the macrofauna assemblage. In support of our secondhypothesis, multidimensional scaling ordination (MDS) suggested that there wasan increased variability of meiofauna within cages with high density ofT. palustris.  相似文献   

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